How To Make Deworming Super Easy

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how to fix a common problem which is deworming your horse horses start to get really head shy they don't want to open their mouth they run backwards they can develop a lot of bad habits because that stuff tastes terrible and so I'm going to show you guys how to prep your horse for it and how to make Dew Waring easy all right so Mandy was telling me she's got a little bit of trouble here with deworming him I do and so can you just describe kind of what happens when you try to give him dewormer it's a fight to the death no what does he do I come up to him with the syringe and it's literally like one of these you know back up back up pulling on the halter like I'm worried he's going to rear up you still able to get it in there or well after a big wrestling match maybe you know if I grab him you know with a twitch or you know I don't want to do that whether he just willingly let me do that so all right well let's see if we can get this better for you thank you all right so in this video I'm going to show you a few different prep steps that I would recommend you have working for you before you tackle the actual scenario so one of the first things you need to have working is you need your horse to be pretty pretty settled and relaxed we have lots of videos on that then you got to make sure you have some control over their head like see he's resisting that a little bit so I want to make sure before I ever start putting my fingers in their mouth or syringes in their mouth that I can just have some basic control laterally and down with their their halter so can you back the horse up you got to itch I'll get it for you okay all right so check out can you back your horse up you see how he's kind of given to that halter can you bring that horse forward with no resistance and then I'm going to throw in kind of the unusual one here I'm going to take take control over this halter from here and I'm just going to put the tips of my fingers in and can you ask that horse to walk a circle around you and control their nose with that halter this is a hard one that a lot of people haven't done I stole this exercise from pear tree Ranch my friend Jake he's really big on getting horses to have nice shape on the circling and you can kind of just shape keep them up with that halter there so if you haven't tried that one that's a tough one but it works really well it's very simple but it requires them to just have a lot of really concentrated control and yielding so you want to check all those things out those are the yields that you need now we need the confidence with our horse um handling their mouth so see he got a little BRAC just with my hands going to his mouth so I'm just going to make sure just my hands going to his mouth are neutral try that again and you see I'm kind of standing by his neck here I want both hands on because I want to be able to control his head then I might just uh put my thumb in here wiggle it around till he opens his mouth up just pet on him here and he's doing exactly what I need him to do just stand there keep your head there relax he's got a little brace to my right hand going on that side I'll put his head back straight and then I'll take the pressure away so that's a big one a lot of people don't release at the right time if you put your hand here and they resist and you don't do anything about it you're just going to teach them to move their head every time you bring your hands around so if he's bracing to just my hands coming here this is where we're at so one of the principles of horsemanship that I follow is work with your horse where they're at and so you where you might be at is in a hurry to go ahead and give him the dewormer but where your horse is at is you can't even handle his mouth with your hands so you need to start where the horse is at and it's going to go a lot better so we're going to play with this just a little bit here very good now I'm going ahead and put my finger in his mouth again that's getting better oh now he's resisting so I'm going to put a feel on the halter here keep my hand there when he comes down he gets relief so you got to kind of do what you can we call it sticky hands you got to keep your hands with them when they're resisting when their head comes down and gets quiet take it away what a lot of people do is the horse resists and then they get quiet and then it's like shove the dewormer in there okay and so you want to you want to get ahead of that a bit so you can see he's got a little bit of brace to things coming around his mouth so he's he's just got to get more comfortable here to be honest just a lot of us don't handle them in kind of their more delicate areas of their mouth their eyes their ears until we need to do something with the vet or I medic ation or fly spray or you know whatever it is but you want to spend some time and try to just get in the regular routine of handling your horse in some of these more delicate areas um that they can be more sensitive with there we go okay so it doesn't take long to figure out that horsemanship is more of a journey than a destination it's challenging it can be difficult it can be emotional it can be dangerous and I think that it's important for everybody to have a mentor through that process I would like to be your mentor and I can do that through my patreon page we have detailed training videos on there we have monthly giveaways you can ask me questions about your horse or even do video coaching I'll leave a link in the description below look forward to seeing you on there now so he needs some more time with that so we need to work on that a bit um but for video sake we're going to move on so the next stages before you go to the Dormer is you want to give them something that they like okay so a lot of times I recommend people use uh syringe filled with molasses water that can be a positive thing you can even just take a syringe and just smear molasses on the outside of it and they can lick it off and play with it and that sort of thing rather than just sticking the tube in their mouth but in my case here we have succeed and if you've never used this product horses absolutely love it they will actually get well they'll come to you in the pasture at Liberty and you can you can give it to them over the fence over the gate without even haltering them because they like it so much so I think he's going to like this this what she's been doing as a workaround because she couldn't give it to him the way I'm going to today what she did do was put it top dress's feed with it okay and it says around the bottle that you can do that but what I would like to do is give it to him out of the syringe as a way to get him in the habit of thinking a syringe going in his mouth is a positive because he likes succeed so much so succeed is basically a digestive conditioner uh for their gut it helps with a lot of things I use this product a lot but this is a great great product so I'm not I'm going to leave the the cap on for now and I'm just going to get him comfortable with the tube being by his nose and see if he has any brace to that that's pretty good all right well that's a green light go ahead and proceed going to pop the cap here see if he smells it see if he can recognize it no reaction okay so now we'll just kind of see if we can and you're meant to you know kind of put it all in there in one shot uh but what I'm going to do is just do it gr of gradually here okay so again when he's shaking his head I'm going to keep I'm going to follow through here follow through follow through don't put your fingers in their mouth but I'm G to stay with it until he relaxes because right now he's gotten away with resisting and kind of throwing a little temper tantrum here so I'm going to stick with it Mandy wasn't kidding when she said this is challenging I'm gonna ask him to lower his head now see he's got to get there and go to there now I'll take it away so again this is not the exact way you're supposed to deliver this you're supposed to just have them already good with this and then squirt it in their mouth but because we're training here I'm going to sacrifice this tube a bit for training sake and I'm just what I'm going to do is I'm I'm the part that's incorrect I'm going to put a little bit in at a time is going to be my goal so I'm going to tip his head towards me a little bit I like to come in here at an angle there we go so I got just a little bit in his mouth there and the idea is that I'm kind of banking on the training but also the fact that this is something he likes versus only trying to do this with the wormer itself where they there's just no reason for them to really want it in their mouth so you can see I'm just squirting a little bit out of the top there oh lost a little bit see I want to wait till he quits shaking his head so I'm going to put it back in there and wait for him to get quiet wait for him to get quiet right there he was still licking it licking the tube there but try to keep it in as best you can there we go pretty good huh and so they're going to be moving their head around a lot and that's again why it's worth sacrificing a syringe with some molasses in it versus more expensive dewormer see now you can see now he's a little more he's like wait a minute that wasn't half bad but he's anticipating this being de warmer and that's why he's kind of a little bit resistable for it because if we just put this in a bucket he would eat it pretty happily but he's got to quit shaking his head oh that was better better so it's hard because he's chomping it because it's like in his mouth and it's a big tube um but he's not flipping his head or jerking his head away and so you have to be a little bit um accepting of some of the things that they're going to do so what I'm trying to make a big deal of is if if he were to jerk his head up in the air that's when I would try to follow it more um but if he just like Chomps on it when he's kind of licking it off the tube and doing that that's that's fine and he's torn right now because he was expecting to hate this and it's not as bad as he was thinking it's kind of like when somebody tells you to try sushi for the first time you're like oh I'm going to hate this but I'm going to do it just to appease them and you try and you're like actually that wasn't that bad but you can't admit it because then you'd be you have to admit that you were wrong oh see that was my bad I should have tried to keep it in there when he's throwing his head around so obviously Rome wasn't built in a day so something you're going to chip away at a few days in a row luckily we got plenty of time to get him used to this stuff more and more there we go all right so we're going to take that as a win for today um I think for the first few days here he gets two of these a day so what we're going to do is we're going to take our time we're going to give it to him as more of a training session than just getting the job done and um we'll come back and show you guys what it looks like after a few more days all right so it's been a few days uh since we've been doing this and he gets these uh twice a day um I think as like a um initial loading dose I guess and I think it goes down to one a day um and so he's been getting it and uh it's gotten a lot better so I want to show you guys kind of where we're at with this you can see he's he's already interested in it and that's again one of the benefits of having succeed um as a as a tool now again you probably could do this with molasses or something applesauce and things like that whatever your horse likes but they really seem to like this succeed and uh of course it's very good for them as well you can see how interested he is in it now um and this is actually the veterinary formula and I actually don't think this tastes as great as the kind of original formula or what I'm not sure what it's called but he definitely seems seems to like it now so doesn't get much easier than that so um hope this helps hope this gives you guys some strategies to make your horses get your horses easier to deworm so that it's not a big wrestling match when it's time to do that and uh we'd rather be prepared than lucky be proactive not reactive hope you guys enjoyed the video we'll see you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 33,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, Ryan rose, Horsemanship, Natural horsemanship, Deworming
Id: b1KlsUWP578
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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