Ride Smart, Drive Smart: Navigating the Laurel Protected Bike Lanes

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I'm Jamie Gaskell Fox we're here at the intersection of Laurel Street and Mason Street the Laurel and Mason Street intersection is one of the busiest for bicycle traffic in Fort Collins we've made a number of improvements to make it easier to navigate and to make it easy to understand where cyclists should ride one key improvement to this intersection is the addition of a bicycle signal the first of its kind in Fort Collins the purpose is to give cyclists the advance to cross Mason and get on to the Mason Trail when using the bicycle signal you want to move into the center lane that is shared with the buses you wait for the signal to turn green and proceed across following the green painted lines you always want to cross railroad tracks perpendicular and the green paint will help direct you how to do that the city recently installed protected bike facilities on Laurel Street the purpose of a protected bike lane is to create a physical barrier between cyclists and motorized traffic we have two different types that are just east and west of the Laurel and College intersection one type uses delineators to separate cyclists and the other uses parked cars we'd like community members to try these improvements and give us your feedback at FCC gov comm / Laurel here are some quick tips for everyone to remember when using the improvements if you are cycling eastbound on Laurel and you want to make a left turn onto Mason Street there are two options first you can check that it's clear merge with traffic signal and then complete the turn as if you are a motorized vehicle if there's too much traffic to make this type of turn safely you can do a two-stage turn that's where you would ride through the intersection and reposition yourself to cross when the light changes you cross Laurel to complete the turn onto Mason Street both cyclists and motorists need to exercise caution where the bike lane heads to the bike box at the intersection of Laurel and College motorists must cross the bike lane at this point to make a right-hand turn on to college and should yield to cyclists care should also be taken where the parking protected bike lane merges with traffic near the roundabout cyclists and motorists should make eye contact with each other and cooperate to make merging safe happy and safe travels and remember to give us that feedback at FC gov comm / Laurel
Channel: City of Fort Collins
Views: 7,463
Rating: 4.7108436 out of 5
Id: x1RBnvTlMm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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