$RIDE Lordstown Stock - My Worst Trade: From 90k Loss To Profit? - Coffee With Markus- Episode 172

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all right welcome to coffee with marcus you know on youtube all these traders they're always showing you how much money they make with trading very few of them are actually talking about the bad trades and you know what i thought today we're gonna address it head on because many people many of you had questions about a bad trade that i mean and the bad trade is about ride lordstown motors so today i want to show you why i entered the trade in the first place what went wrong with this trade how it is hurting my account right now and what i'm personally doing right now to get out of this because many asked me many of you asked me what is your plan did you get out of right are you still in there and i appreciate all your questions and concerns so i thought let's talk about it while we are having a coffee together does that sound good let's get started this show is about real money and real trades i'll show you the trading strategies that i personally trade the tools that i use to trade my own accounts and we will talk about the right mindset of a trader now talking about mindset i'm going to show you how to create src profits and src stands for systematic repeatable and consistent because that is the key to long-term success in the market so if you are sick of all the hive and empty promises and you want to learn trading strategies actually work then click on like right now and let's get started alright so let's talk about this but first of all let's jump over into my account the good the bad the ugly that's what i promised in the intro right so as you can see realized profits year to date realized profits i'm sitting at 94 476 almost 95 000 so that's pretty good right i mean for six months and this is on a 250 000 cash account which i'm using as a margin account so i have a stock buying power of two to one so 500 000 in buying power and you see all of this would be handy-dandy and good if there were this one pesky huge unrealized loss and this huge unrealized loss comes from one trade right now uh i want to tell you first quickly why i got into this and then i want to show you what happened what i've been doing so far and what i've i'm planning to do so let's just go to the chart and i want to take you back to february this is february 2021 it's actually mid-february um i am with my kids at a sailing regatta in florida and we're doing good i have a few positions on all is planned and then this massive snow storm hits austin texas snowmageddon so what does it mean it means that we are trapped in florida yeah boo hoo could be worse places to be anyhow i'm there in my rv uh so it's a it's a 44 foot motorhome and we are stuck there and you know what i'm bored out of my mind and this is when i start tinkering around with my trading plan and uh shouldn't have done it so i'm entering a trade and i'm taking it actually with my mastermind group and i say you know what i am going to take an aggressive trade i'm bored i which is never a good idea right i uh don't like to take uh to trade the usual trades there's nothing to do right now so i want to take a more aggressive trade and at that point i liked lordstown motors and the story again this is mid-february way before hindenburg report and all the kind of stuff so i'm selling puts at a strike price of 21.50 and the premium is good i'm getting some really good premium current prices are probably somewhere around 26 and all is looking good pretty much the day before my options expire hindenburg report comes out and says oh i think it's somewhere around here yeah so hindenburg report comes out and say you know what they have a bunch of orders that are fake that are not real orders they're just pre-commitments uh their their trucks catch on fire so it's a it's a scathing report and the markets react as you can see within a few days which uh we're jumping from uh 24 to around 17. i'm getting a sign and at this point i own 7 000 shares of lordstown at a strike price of 21.50 now first of all this is not a problem at all i'm trading the wheel strategy and this all is part of my strategy this is where i've been stuck in trades before that went against me i mean in fact right now i am in lvs we can talk about this in a moment so anyhow my plan is as soon as the stocks dips more than 30 so it has to go down more than 30 percent i am flying a so-called rescue mission and what does a rescue mission mean a rescue mission means that now i am selling more puts hoping to get assigned and therefore lowering my cost basis now i've talked about these rescue missions uh quite extensively so if you're not familiar with it i'll link to a video in the description or also in the chat here so that you can see what my plan is there so this all is still according to plan so according to plan i am flying a rescue mission at some point when the stock is down more than 30 percent so this means that as soon as the stock is here hovering around um what for so from 21 so we we need to go down to around 14 so right here so at this point as the stock oops just notice that i'm not sharing my ipad there we go okay so this is where at this point i'm flying a rescue mission and i am selling more puts i can't remember i do believe it was for a 10 strike price and i don't want to use all of my buying power for rescue mission i like to fly rescue missions in thirds so instead of going in with a hundred contracts which i would usually do i'm selling only 30 contracts at a level i believe it was 10. not quite sure i i can look it up later anyhow so now after i'm doing this and i'm getting assigned i'm lowering my cost basis to 15.79 so what does this mean well it basically means that i bought 7 000 shares at 2150 and i bought another 3 000 shares probably i could have been a 10 or 11 not quite sure might have been actually a little bit higher long story short i now own 10 000 shares at an average price so this is the cost basis here an average price of 15.79 and usually what you see it is very very rare that a stock goes down in a straight line usually what you see that it is stock is going down bouncing a little bit back up down bouncing a little bit this is where often you can apply fibonacci lines right and this is why the fibonacci tools are so powerful where you see these retracements however ride is one of the rare stocks that does not like to bounce back ride is one of these rare stocks that actually does go down almost in a straight line as you can see here without ever bouncing back and that of course causes a problem because if i'm owning 10 000 shares at a cost basis of 1579 and now prices are around what nine dollars 10 i cannot sell calls anymore now this is part of my strategy the wheel strategy that again i've been very successfully trading for a long long time and where i made in real life profits like 95 000 but again this one here is a bugger it just does not want to bounce back no it gets even worse because here is why it gets worse since i have been flying a rescue mission uh let's actually yeah with one third where i actually bought another 3 000 shares i am flying more rescue missions because i still have another two-thirds available for my rescue missions so i'm selling puts 30 puts at a time at a level of eight dollars at a level of seven dollars hoping to get assigned what does right do never goes low enough to actually get me in so that i can lower my cost basis anymore now with my mastermind members we have been following this trade together and many of my mastermind members have actually been able to get assigned and lower their cost basis i don't know what happened here this is just one of these trades where nothing goes according to plan well a few things go according to plan but here i'm not getting a sign so this means that my cost basis is still setting at 15.79 right at some point goes all the way down to a low of six dollars and 69 cents now when you have a cost basis of 15.97 you get the idea uh what is the difference here is it like nine dollars and ninety cents is that the difference does that sound about right let me just do the math really quick so to be absolute accurate here and say 1579 minus 6.69 uh it is 9.10 oopsie i'm so glad that i'm having a calculator when you have a loss per share of 9.10 and you own 10 000 fears that is an unrealized loss of 91 000 this is how bad it got however i was following my plan because that's what i like to do i have a plan and i'm following my plan and i'm selling more and more premium and by doing so let me just switch back over to my account i'm able to collect 14 and forty eight dollars in premium so yes i am sitting on a big unrealized loss but then i have realized fourteen thousand uh 284 dollars that i collected in premium that money has been deposited in my account so i can subtract this uh i can actually divide it by ten thousand so this is around fourteen dollars and 28 cents so um does that sound about right yeah so i'm deducting this from my cost basis to get at a break even and this is not absolutely correct here let me just correct this using my handy-dandy calculator here so 1579 minus um one dollar wait fourteen thousand dollars so this is a dollar forty-two uh so it's 1437 close enough close enough right i mean 1437 i wrote down 1439 you get the idea here okay so this is where my cost basis is and now the magic happens now the magic happens and ride actually pops up right pops up to 15 and 80 cents and this was just earlier this week so a few days ago i think two days ago three days ago something like this now the key question here is that you might ask okay did you get out did you get out no i did not and there are actually two reasons for it and i want to show you exactly why reason number one when that happened i wasn't in front of my computer i'm not watching the stocks all day long usually my trading routine is such that i'm only looking at the markets for 30 minutes in the morning and after this i'm walking away i'm doing other stuff i'm living my life i'm not glued to the computer so i did not see when ride went all the way up to 15 and 80 cents and i did not see when shortly after this it crashed all the way down to 11 so i didn't see it reason number two and this is super important so let me explain this to you according to my plan and let me just go out of here according to my plan i am selling calls against my existing position and i sold 100 options 100 calls at 15 50. these are covered calls because i own 10 000 shares and i sold 100 calls that expire this friday and this friday would be uh tomorrow it's june 11. so 6 11. now here is what happens when the stock jumps up what happens to call options i mean if if you know options then you know that as stock goes up these call options become worth more money and so this is why i'm making money on the stock so on the stock yay i'm making money and on these options before expiration i would lose money part of the game part of the game so let's actually go to the trading platform to see how much these options were down when this happened um let me just see if i can quickly and easily get there if so i'll be happy to show it to you so let me just quickly see if i can do this here so we're talking about the 1550 call and i want to show you on the chart they went as high as um when was it a few days ago uh does that sound about right uh yeah oops sorry i just realized this is when i'm doing it with my head coach mark hart so our stock market update in the morning but here so they went as high as uh a dollar seven so a dollar seven and let's go back here to the ipad means that on the option i would lose ten thousand seven hundred dollars even though right now with the stocks i would be a break even so even if i was if i were in front of my computer at this time i might not have liquidated it because if i had i would have still suffered a ten thousand dollar loss now obviously duh yeah everybody can say no more workers you should have done this yeah of course what i could i shoulda see in hindsight we're all the greatest traders so what happened here we had positive momentum this was all before the report where the sec was filed and it looked good right i mean lordstown motors just announced that they will take their lordstown week virtual that they let the whole world see what is going on and just look at this chart i mean i don't know how good you are at chart reading but even if you just know some simple chart reading you see that we have a solid one two three formation here right and we broke above number two so this from a chart formation standpoint this is a solid uptrend also you know that i like to use my indicators and the three indicators that i like to use according to the power x strategy are rsi uh they are stochastics they are macd so all of this looked really really good and this is where we saw that right has been in an uptrend but then the news hit and of course you can never factor in the news and went all the way down so this is where right now what do i do because that's the next question right and again i i appreciate all of your comments uh from those of you that you should have gotten out earlier thanks yeah i mean again in hindsight got it i'm pretty sure that you might have been stuck in a trade where somebody told you well you should have gotten out much earlier has this ever happened to you i mean i'm just curious if it ever happened to you uh just click on like or even put it in the chat and say if it ever happened to you that in hindsight looking at it yeah you should have gotten out honestly when i looked at the chart at this point when i was actually when everything was going on it looked good so yesterday we had the highest volume ever so what am i doing right now i am aggressively selling calls at or slightly below my break even and this is how right now i mean currently i can just show you i have an order in the market here let me just show you um hold on let me just uh find the order and then i'll show you exactly what i'm doing here okay so there we go so i have an order in there to basically roll this week's so for this week that expired tomorrow i still have a 15 call so this will expire worthless by doing so it will add another thousand dollars to the existing 14 000 something dollars right so this is good it brings me up to more than 15 000 and now the next thing that i want to do here is for next week sell the 14 call and my idea here is that for this i would like to achieve a credit of 50 cents a little bit earlier today there was a credit of 35 cents available now just to let you know a credit of 50 cents means for the size that i'm trading 5 000 thousand dollars now tomorrow depending on what lordstown does tomorrow i'm willing to lower it to three thousand dollars you see if i can make three thousand dollars per week on lordstown motors that will be good obviously i know that there is a good possibility that lordstown can go further down i also know that there's a really good possibility just looking trade what you see not what you think right i mean i even have a mug made like this so let's just talk about what we see here so i'm i'm switching to a five minute chart and on a five minute chart we saw yesterday that there was a massive move we went from ten dollars to almost thirteen dollars this is ten dollars this thirteen dollars on some rumors that they might have secured funding now hope is not a strategy i'm not hoping that they will secure funding but here's what i see i see that if there is a small pop and at this point the pop might only be right now we are trading at 10 59 so if it is from 10 59 to 11.50 the 14 call option will double in value and this is when i can possibly instead of 3 000 bring in six thousand dollars or eight thousand dollars per week now what does this do it lowers my break even to a point where i can got out with maybe a small pr a small loss and you see for the size that i'm trading for me a small loss i discussed it with my head coach mark hodge earlier would be around twenty thousand dollars that's uh that's a fairly uh small loss for me that would be absolutely okay see based on 250 000 in cash uh 20 000 is less than 10 so it's like an 8 hit does that sound about right probably right so it would be an 8 hit on my account if i'm basing it on the margin of 500 000 it would be a four percent hit it really depends on how you see it you see some of you might do it based on the cash others might do it of the margin so that's what i'm looking for so let's go back and see where we stand right now so as of now right is down the stock is down 51 000 you see it here and i collected 14 200 and uh 84 dollars in premium so right now i'm down 36 000 so it's not too bad i mean yes let's face it that's not nice 36 000 based on my account size is uh what around 15 so it's not nice but it's manageable i mean think about have you ever done a trade that took down your account by half or by even more i mean in the beginning of my trading career i did super stupid trades i mean i was stupid i was acting stupid let's say like this so i was i was placing trades that really brought my account down by 50 to 60 percent so even if right now i would get out of this right now out of right anyhow you get the idea 36 37 000 not nice it is not wiping out my account and again my plan here is uh if you go back to a five-minute chart just so that you see it so what i'm looking for right now are these pops are these pops where we go from 10.50 to 11.50 because the implied volatility that is governing options premium for right it's kind of off the chart uh let me just go over there there we go so right now if you look at the implied volatility on the right hand side it is 242 two days ago it was 300 and 400 percent let me just give you an example uh so a few other traits one trait that i entered today was a a alcoa this is where the implied volatility is between 50 and 60 that is normal now the higher the implied volatility the higher the option premium and as an option seller this is what it means right and this is good for me because i am an option seller so what i noticed earlier today and yesterday is as soon as we see a one dollar pop which again happens all the time and this red kind of uh it's not that nice i have to watch it a little bit more throughout the day which is really not my style i really don't like to obsess about stocks i don't know about you i like to go on with my life but here since right now we are really in trouble and i have to get out of this trade this is my goal here again with the hopefully small loss we shall see this is why i'm looking right now for these pops because honestly this little pop for the size that i'm trading this year is probably worth to me around a thousand dollars and currently every thousand dollar helps so right now the loss is around thirty five thousand dollars once i'm getting to a loss of twenty thousand dollars i'll be fine tomorrow another thousand dollars is being added to the realized profit so i'm going from fourteen thousand two hundred eighty four to fifteen thousand eight hundred four and then the idea is right now to sell the the 14 call and by selling the 14 call i would probably make 5 000 now why would i sell the 14 call if my break even right now is you see it here let me just zoom out a little bit so my breakeven is 1439. so why would i sell a 14 call doesn't that mean that i'm losing money no because for this i'm bringing in 50 cents so this lowers my break even to 13 and 89. so anyhow this is what is currently happening and i really appreciate you being here and i know that many of you left comments underneath my video being really concerned for me i appreciate your concern trust me i'm doing fine this is not ruining me or i don't know change my living style yeah it would suck if i if i lost twenty thousand dollars but it'll probably honestly take me four to six weeks to make back that money so this is why i've shown you earlier thus far i'm sitting in ninety five thousand dollars in realized profits but let's see how it goes now since your life here i would like to address all your questions concern comments and uh again i will not address any comments you should have gotten out earlier we know that right so we are good we are good all right there are a few john from uh tampa joe from saint augustine keith so good to see you here uh jess from uh united arab emirates uh fantastic okay let's see if we do have some questions so good to see everybody here by the way if you at all find this helpful that i do and if you like to to see what to do when you are when you have a trade that is in trouble uh click on like i really appreciate it because this way the youtube algorithm is showing this video to more traders and i feel that uh other traders should see that it is not all about the lamborghinis and the fast cars and the private jets they're all just rented you know that right and all the winning trades no there are some losing trades and this is what i'm showing here okay good good good so um let's see there is keith so good to see you i've been watching negative sentiments pertaining to the right learning is this the best trade ever no was this a mistake to get into it was an aggressive trait let's say it like this it was an aggressive trade um would i have done it if i hadn't been doesn't matter i did the trade i did the trade and therefore right now i have to live with the consequences and manage the trade anyhow uh keith i'm so glad that this is helpful and uh and uh helping you a little bit and hey naysayers haters will be haters whatever they say it is okay okay cold call so um quanting says you said no broker gives margins on options that is correct uh so how can you have 500 000 an option buying power i don't i have a 500 000 in stock buying power stock buying power on 250 dollars in cash and uh jake yeah thanks you're you're awesome jake i mean you are just answering questions before i can i mean even mighty networks our private group uh it's just it's just amazing uh john wright uh 15 plus on tuesday i know and i wasn't there i didn't even see it i didn't see it after the fact i saw it when wright was back at eleven dollars because again i'm not obsessing about it i'm not sitting in front of the computer okay fritz azbayan so good to see you uh sandra yeah accountability i mean this is why i'm doing it here live with you i'm not hiding anything right uh so we we shall see we shall see okay uh so john is asking are you going to move over to the trader platform yes i am and here is why i haven't done it yet and i want to be absolutely honest john i haven't done it because it seems that then some people would say oh you're trying to hide your right position so my plan was to get out of the right position which honestly i thought would happen this week or the next week i mean now i'm not so sure anymore and then my goal was to do it by the end of the month by the end of june i wanted to move over and you see right now because yeah sucks that i'm stuck in right i might transfer the position over it's always a longer process to do this so maybe i just keep uh like a hundred thousand dollars or something like this in the tastyworks account and bring the other money over there so i'm thinking about doing that right now but it's a it's a good question here okay um so let's see everyone says right broke one of the rules of the wheels don't sell puts on a stock you don't want to own right was a company that uh docent didn't produce anything so this was a terrible decision eduardo i honestly said yes i i said it is an aggressive one at that point based on my research on right and i'm not the smartest researcher obviously but when i entered this trade i said i would be okay owning right at 21.50 i mean everybody in my mastermind who was there with me live heard has heard me saying this and i absolutely stand by that at that point knowing what i knew then this was again before the hindenburg report before all of the other report i was okay i was okay yeah owning a company that was about to produce these cars right i mean they were at that point seven months away they're still on track for production in september we shall see what happens here so again i don't think that i broke one of the rules of the wheel i at that point was okay owning right okay so volvo liver says we good it's good i do usually trade options on the product strategy only stocks i prefer trading stocks but if you have a smaller account trade options so uh trade options if you have a smaller account by smaller account i mean less than ten thousand dollars okay good uh michael is asking didn't write just warned that they might get out of business um no yes you see there they had to file a report and they had to file this report in order to secure some financing because nobody would give them any financing without this report and in this report they talked about going concerns that if they don't get additional money which yesterday they sat there and talked with investors anyhow but they said yeah if we don't get additional money we will run out of money within a year so this is where we stand right now so at this point we need to see can they secure a loan and there are several options available they can try to secure a traditional loan use their factory as collateral and a bank might say no you know what i don't care about your factory because gm didn't want to have the factory and so the bank probably doesn't want to have the factory uh there might be an investor who says yeah you know what i believe in your technology there might be a competitor uh they might dilute the shares issue more shares there's a lot of things that they could do so we shall see right sales are zero dollars that is correct yeah i mean they don't have any sales just yet um i'm a little bit surprised that they are not pre-selling some of the trucks but now it makes sense because they say well we don't know yet if we can produce them so we will see i got your point i got your boy you don't like it did you buy right if not good for you i mean you should just be sitting there right now i'm glad that i don't have right good for you okay good and uh roll said i i thought marcus already sold one just read his cost price um no so this and i now you know why if i had sold at my cost basis i would have still lost eleven thousand dollars and at that point i thought all he needs to do all right needs to do for the love of god is stay above fifteen dollars by the end of the week and that was on tuesday who knew that they would drop a bombshell four days before i would have been out of this okay anyhow all right roll says i made money there though when it sorted all down to below six from 11. okay i mean there's several ways to trade it you might be way smarter than me good for you i mean that is good for you okay ricardo said it was at 13 okay could be thanks ricardo i know that you're part of the mastermind so i'm glad that you remember okay good good good so uh cody how far down do you recommend a stock falls before selling more puts 30 i said it earlier so rule of thumb thirty percent so lvs right now it's not a concern at all i mean lvs is uh i'm actually up on lvs uh it's just on the stock i'm down but i collected so much premium i'm good there so uh let's see right can go uh to zero and can get de-listed the worst can that ever happen that can happen with a lot of companies i agree it is possible i kind of do believe that uh at some point maybe a competitor will buy them for pennies on the dollar i don't know we'll see i mean my my goal is very clearly let me say this clearly uh i want to get out of this position i am willing to get out of the position with the loss and right now i'm sitting at a 35 000 loss and if this just pops just needed to pop a little bit and i keep watching it see i might actually increase my loss tolerance and say you know what i'm okay to get out with 30 000. might even get out with 35 000 but as of right now as we are recording this video june 10th 2021 this is where my plan is to get out at a loss of 20 000 dish plans can change but that's right now what it is okay don says what are your thoughts on using a trailing stop for the power x strategy we have tested it over and over and over again trust me the way how we are teaching you how i'm trading the prx strategy is by far superior and run circles around trailing stops anyhow but it's a good idea it's a good idea i saw but i'm not just doing it and he says why not just relax for a few days and let it come back you see right now lisa this stocks stock reacts to the smallest rumors so a small rumor and this stocks move a dollar or two dollar now this for me can easily be five or six thousand dollars that's a lot of money right uh so it helps me to bring it down so this is why i keep an eye on this to see what is happening here okay yeah i thought you were out of right me too three more days it just had to hang in there for three more days um closer says are you worried that rice will ride will seize operations if they don't get funding so here's the interesting thing joseph it's a great question so let's just look at the timeline let me let me just bring up something here on my handy dandy ipad and uh let me just show you what i see and uh give me just give me a second here okay so i'm going to uh lordstown's twitter account here really quick i thought i would let's see there we go now we all know that their um their pr is pretty pretty bad so lordstown for the longest time they haven't been posting anything on their twitter account uh that didn't work at all i i just wanted to show you uh okay so i cannot mark with it on it so on april 30th they retweeted something on april 30th again they retweeted something they retweeted something on may 5th and then they were super super super super quiet then on june 7th on june 7th they release a promotional video about their hub technology on june 8th their social media manager um who might not be the best social media manager because three times their social media manager says on june 8th hey we're pleased to announce that live from lordstown a virtual lordstown week experience so this is happening here on friday 6 they will broadcast their tour factory to the whole world this is what they are saying on the eights so joseph this goes back to your question will they seize operation if they don't get funding i would have thought if they had a serious problem that they would cancel the lordstown week that is appearing in two weeks from now they don't they don't in fact before they drop the bombshell this is what they said and this is what drove price up to 15 and 80 cents okay shortly after they say this shortly after they said this um they actually oh there's no new video no it's all it's all the same oh it's 11 minutes ago oh look at this okay so they posted another video 11 minutes ago and this is where they said 11 minutes ago the first lordstown week is around the corner again social dear social media manager 11 minutes ago markets closed nine minutes ago markets closed nine minutes ago if you want to post good news about a company small tip use the scheduling software it's super it costs you ten dollars a month and then you can actually schedule this tweet to go out maybe an hour before the markets close wouldn't that be a good idea again i could go on and on about their investor relations so but right now they they show that they are getting ready made in ohio so for this for this big event so this is where it goes back to um will they seize operations if they don't get funding maybe that is a possibility will it happen before june 25th i doubt it and so between now and june 25th this is a solid 15 days i just need a small pop and honestly dear social media manager of lordstown motors if you're listening to this i highly highly recommend that you post good news during market hours because it helps us investors who own part of your company who at some point believed in you and said you know what you are a great company i am willing to own shares part of your company so please do us a favor here anyhow uh joseph does it happen okay uh so tosh coaching says it's not possible to have a cost basis um yeah so it was uh 1597 and then it was another 3 000 clears at 13 ricardo posted it in here so tosh coaching just to be absolutely clear it was 21.50 7 000 shares at 21.50 another 3 000 shares um that's what it was i believe yes at 13. okay does this help good okay so um how many positions do i have um you mean right now in my account i can show you so right now i have one two three four five six seven however out of these seven one two three are expiring tomorrow so three of them are expiring tomorrow so i'm i entered the position today a a alcoa it looked really good and you see i'm already up and making money there and these three they're all pretty good i mean mu i have a strike price here of 77 so unless uh mu drops two dollars and 28 cents tomorrow we're good here uh x uh the strike price is 22.50 can actually take this limit order out so we can cancel this one and z uh and unless it drops to 104 we are fine here so right now i have seven positions i recommend that you have five but uh anyhow hope that helps okay so roger says you're acted calmly to an outcome nobody could have predicted um i don't think i was that calm i was really like what the freak no i mean trust me on this one uh this was not nice to see that they bounced from 1580 to 11.30 i think even 1080 so within a matter of hours anyhow good good good uh what else do we got here so edwin thanks for being real looking into a bad trade okay and we'll see where it ends i'll see where it ends it's not yet over the saga continues the saga continues so we shall see okay uh so len says uh i do have a similar trade with csiq i mean just look into this uh look into the company i mean honestly about right i have learned more about the company lordstown motors than i ever cared to know usually i just want to know what is the general business model right so this i mean if you look at the positions here that i have so aaa alcoa i mean aa is a dell company has been around forever i mean they are probably not going anywhere so super cold and solid company camping world camping world i mean last year with the pandemic this is where more people got interested in camping than ever because we couldn't fly on airplanes we couldn't go into hotels right thor a motor company recently has announced uh their earnings and i mean they're through the roof and they say we're not seeing the demand slowing down so this is why i think camping world very similar good las vegas sands i mean vegas reopening i think we're all ready to travel again and go safely to vegas and have a good time right and enjoy shows enjoy good restaurants whatever it might be mu i believe there's a very solid company x x is u.s steel i mean what do you think where u.s steel is going that's been around forever z is zollo uh they're down today but as long as they stay above 104 by tomorrow we're good so as you can see super solid companies and this is where how did we get there yeah learn as much as you can about csiq do they have a chance to recover because if they don't then you might as well and here um i want to see if lordstown has a chance over the next two weeks so that's what i want to see okay cool um what else david is asking does the powerx optimizer give real-time options during pre-market hours no this is what i use tradingview for so you can use trading view for that easy enough and yeah two more weeks lisa piece of cake i've been stuck in this trade now almost for four months i have to look up when exactly i entered it i believe it was around uh second half of february i know that so it was uh february 15th through 20th probably somewhere around there today is june 10th so we're coming up on what four months so yeah two weeks it's nothing okay ihor good glad that it helps okay so jojo says i've been back holding holding blackberry for four months i've been selling premiums with it was down uh now just today closed my position wheeling for a total of seventeen thousand dollars plus see jodo the i think the important thing uh this the lesson here have a plan have a plan and follow your plan know what you're doing i'm not for yoloing it that's why i told you yeah i i know that this could be a 15 drawdown based on my account and this wouldn't be nice so or 15 loss but it's not wiping out my account it's not all in right it's 15 okay what do you think about the right bankruptcy uh might be possible not in the next few weeks i mean they they just reported that they have like 500 million dollars of cash on hand they say that if they continue the operations by the end of the year they have 75 to 25 million dollars cash on hand so until the end of the year i believe the operation is secured now they have to provide the outlook for a whole year so they have to say will we survive another full year and this is where they said no there is a chance that if we don't secure funding by the end of the year we might write we might go out of uh out of we might be out of cash and uh so there we go so it is possible but not in the next few weeks probably more towards the end of the year okay helena yep it's really great this is just awesome okay good let's see uh what else oh guillermo was here grandma i thought that uh your bill i i i think that you go by bill i just joined the diamond program so excited for you i know that we spent the last weekend together and it was amazing i've seen your why i know why you're doing this i'm so happy that i can help you to achieve financial freedom here so super excited about this okay good well uh if this helped you at all today and if you liked it uh do me a favor and click on like i will also link to a couple of videos right now somehow magically and the videos that will pop up here is one of the latest videos that i did and another one that i think probably on this side or that side i don't know will be super interesting for you to watch so just uh take a look at the other videos if you enjoyed this video you're gonna love that videos anyhow have a great rest of your day and i'll see you too soon and if you want to stay posted on this ride saga click on subscribe and click on the videos right now okay see you take care
Channel: Markus Heitkoetter
Views: 10,690
Rating: 4.9405036 out of 5
Keywords: ride lordstown stock, ride lordstown stock analysis, ride lordstown, ride lordstown motors, lordstown motors, lordstown motors ride stock, lordstown motors stock, ride stock, ride stock lordstown, how to turn a bad trade around, markus heitkoetter, Rockwell Trading, The PowerX Optimizer, The PowerX Strategy, The Wheel Strategy, trading psychology, trading with the right mindset, What do you do when a trade goes against you
Id: kPG9uX75psk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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