Rico Recklezz Goes Off on Lil Jay: Why Are You Lying about Being Gay??? (Part 8)

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all right let's talk about little [ __ ] having Juke Pary let's talk about little Jake okay you've been mentioning the whole interview we'll talk about it that's because because Young Buck because I did my research and they Young Buck was the first li J with the whole trans thing he was the first li J okay well there's a video that came out with L what appeared to be little I called that [ __ ] out like years ago though like you so like go type me on your computer I call this [ __ ] out years ago I told the people that I was locked up with Little J he was that [ __ ] having jeuk parties in PC what is what does that mean Juke parties Juke parties what's that that's a Chicago ter for let somebody rub their ass k your dick okay so that's like so a Juke party is where you go to a party and the girls are like grind on you and [ __ ] right so I'm like man folks in that [ __ ] having Juke party but there's no no women in jail so no women in jail so you this a freaky man juk party okay so the video came out of someone that looked like Lil Jay with a dude sitting on his lap they [ __ ] Chicago coach up with that [ __ ] I interviewed 1090 Jake the 1090 he he cool yeah I see his ass cool I I don't know him I see he be people ass though right but I I asked him about that situation he said it's real because in order for them to even pull up the video you'd have to put in actual name and everything else like that that's what he said so this is how the dude requested it right you have to have his name Jeff mcra then you request his disciplinary reports every incident that came out on video was an incident that could be punished a disciplinary how someone sit on your lap is a disciplinary you can't do no gay [ __ ] yeah you're not even supposed to touch each other okay play if we played like with slap boxing that's an issue they got like gay disciplinary reports I don't know what they're called you know like lwd and lascivious well you they have that type of [ __ ] okay but it's not illegal to be gay in jail really you can't even masturbate you're not allowed to do none of that [ __ ] wait so you can't legally have a boyfriend in like what if you go in gay and you meet someone that you like you can be gay you can't do nothing with another person in there you're not allowed to touch them kiss them none of that [ __ ] huh now the female cosos they'll let you you know they like that type of [ __ ] they like watch it's like a [ __ ] like a little drama TV show for them you know what I mean but n you're not allowed to do none of that I mean I'm not gay so it doesn't really matter to me but I just assumed hey if you're gay and it's consensual with both people what's the what's the harm in that they against anything what's the H and having porno mags in prison that [ __ ] you're not allowed to have that anymore you can't have you know what I mean the se but but that's uh you know that's material that's not allowed you know I mean it used to be you beating your dick then you take that away now they [ __ ] each other yeah shit's [ __ ] I think it's better to have the magazines in here yeah you know what I mean but you're not allowed to do that [ __ ] but that's how I know it's real because he requested the videos from the disciplinary reports okay so you saying that footage with little Jay is actually real sitting on his lap and then the punk came out and did an interview oh really yeah and he said yeah I sat on his lap yeah free him he's coming home soon all that [ __ ] shit's real I'm not saying it's real I'm not sure he denied it said it's not real oh you can't see the tattoos or something something something okay liay got a big fan base Li was like okay in Chicago people see you know I'm always tell you the [ __ ] people don't want to say honestly so let me tell you about what I know from L J Li J used to be outside a lot he used to be with that he used to be with that [ __ ] like I'm not taking nothing from him I see people I us think ducking them used to be scary and [ __ ] and Li used to be kind of like on [ __ ] like he be outside guns one time he got shot for Jojo one time [ __ ] tried to blow JoJo down he jumped in the way got shot like 16 times blew him down all type of [ __ ] like he start then he started being a Target let people H shoot him and [ __ ] but they but like some [ __ ] just freaky man so he used be [ __ ] with with like trans and [ __ ] back then he was just a little freaky uh you know that case that they caught that was on my cousin Jada like that's his name j j moo like Jayo that's his rap name and [ __ ] but like uh he just shouldn't have lied about it that was that was all it was because if he a lie about it he could have won he could have [ __ ] in that up because we got openly gay rappers right now we got [ __ ] we got X Frank Ocean Frank Ocean uh what's the other [ __ ] they have that he started that gay [ __ ] uh he said he start he made a whole post this Santana uh no not him not not him but but them it's another [ __ ] that did this on young boy he like I started this gay [ __ ] oh I love mcen I'm talking about though so like we live in the real now with he got open G lgbtq like it's accepted people don't give a [ __ ] like if y'all don't care if y don't care what God say who the [ __ ] am I you know about so it's like all you got to do is come out like I'm Little J and I'm gay like he gotta just if he if he came out like that his fans would have shot to the roof CU they' be like yeah gay drill ra he would have the gay that's what I'm saying like n we got it's one named kid Ken oh he's from Chicago yeah he a gay Tri raffle okay he on G like he like it name like k k or k k you a never done I heard of him K Ken yeah yeah oh so like so like we but he would have been the first one that was like trying to like beef with like you know like he would have he he fronted this [ __ ] so blad let me tell you I'm put you up on some vocabulary today the term today is called fronting his [ __ ] so fronting your [ __ ] mean that you didn't have to do that but you did that you fronted your [ __ ] like sometime [ __ ] just front they [ __ ] for no reason he fronted his [ __ ] by saying that ain't me when he knew that was him and they came out cuz whoever dropping that video them like cosos that work at the county jail or I mean I know some of the [ __ ] that be like dropping the vide like shout out Shack rare shout out Shack humor them like I [ __ ] with them they cool but they get real access to them videos and they Ang your ass before they come out with like anything you need to tell us cuz [ __ ] we got some [ __ ] we got some [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about so like shout out for them but he should have just been like man look man I know I want coming home man I I I I wanted some Gert some what yo you always make up the ill [ __ ] some Gert man [ __ ] be trying to get that GT so G that's that boy butt man [ __ ] trying to get that ger man so [ __ ] get that GT so like he should have just said like man I was getting that Gert man like I don't know where I did that and then we would have we would have got his ass but he would have some people that would accept cuz you know man truth would get you far listen if you g you gay there's nothing wrong with being gay there nothing there's nothing wrong with it's no it's no movie TV show commercial that don't got gay [ __ ] in there now because we live in a different Society it's probably like like you saw that get bashed for bashing a gay person more than being gay remember that Beyonce who run the world girls it was gazing that [ __ ] so it was like people don't man look I don't give a [ __ ] look if you gay [ __ ] [ __ ] and dance ACR that [ __ ] I don't give a just TR to suck my dick cuz I'mma say no I'm just saying right I'mma say no I'm just I'mma say no too I'mma say no I'm not going I'm just going to say you might someone else might say yes but I say look I know some [ __ ] that might say yeah might see me like goe everybody looking but I'm not person I'm say no yeah my mom t-shirt I'm say like what you doing man say I got time for that
Channel: djvlad
Views: 197,239
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Id: cpBPrGOp9jQ
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Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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