Rico Recklezz: FBG Duck Probably Tried to Kill the Guys Who Killed Him & Failed (Part 5)

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all right so let's talk about fug duck his murder trial is underway right now damn for real they K him what's that he died F duck yes F duck died it's FBG Duck I'm just I Ain play with rest in peace FBG rest in peace I ain't gonna lie though what whatever problems y'all had he's gone now you won okay you're still here no it's not about that though it was it's not me it's not about that it's about like it's more like a I just don't care like cuz it's like I'm not like I got respect for the dead so like I'm I just I just I'm just G to leave it alone like I a cuz I'm cuz I'm funny sometime people take what I say too literal V so it's like you know these somebody dead loved ones like so I ain't even gonna play cuz they watch the B but it's a what about his mama then cuz she still alive I got respect for old people right Well's let's just talk about about the situation real quick you're in no way involved in it whatsoever at all at all I wasn't even there right ex I was not even in town you're not involved at all I didn't even know it was a and you know the sad part about this is like I said earlier in this interview the both times I interviewed him I remember saying you know first interview listen uh you've gotten shot you've gotten stabbed you've had all types of altercations why don't you move out of uh Chicago now no I know how to move I'm not just blah blah blah blah okay fine it is what it is next interview your brother just got killed okay why don't you move out of Chicago n I'm not going to move you know blah blah blah blah and then the worst possible situation happens he he gets killed you know what I'm saying um and you know what was about a year later all the arrests came in see murder uh Kenny Mack Los see thing and muop freedom do you know any of them yeah all of them couple of them couple of them but I'm just saying freedom for us cuz I don't like nobody being locked up it's not because what they locked up for I'm saying freedom I'm just I don't like nobody get locked up unless you rape the [ __ ] or your ass [ __ ] let's see what what one I want you like now if you rape the [ __ ] you kind of got to do that jail time cuz you a little fool like [ __ ] free it's all $40 you don't got to do all that so if you raped it ain't for you but everybody else Freedom yeah okay well unless you killed the little kid you killed the little kid you got to stand there too if you raping somebody kill look stay in there not free you but everybody else Freedom okay well uh mama duck you know who's following the trial very carefully why she never call herself Mama brick you have you picking favoritism with your son [ __ ] what's wrong with her like she took it like why why what why you went to the most popular son that I'm mama duck why when the first die you run Mama brick or you w even Mama brick until you got to be mama duck or you could have been mama mama both of them but you [ __ ] you ain't right okay well she said that respectfully she said the murder suspects are now telling on each other look can I speak how I feel without getting treated or like people bashing me they going to bash me anyway whatever I personally feel like she doing too much on her computer for and I'm just saying like this you want these people Mas to lose their kids because you lost your kids but your kids was out here doing the same [ __ ] that they were trying to do like your kids Wen [ __ ] innocent I just saw some [ __ ] where she tried to say that they tried to do something to me like numerous times like d they try to do something to me they fail then [ __ ] you talking about cuz I'm still here but I think you should sometime like leave well enough alone in the sense of Doug probably tried to kill him and probably fell and just because they accomplished their mission like you kind of that's kind of like you got to kind of be fair now what you should have did was not Tred to do all this exra [ __ ] link with their parents and then y'all come on some [ __ ] by y'all you know K by we lost our children let's do better for the Youth now let's show them that we lost our children or like or any bro I don't like that she's done that to a certain degree cuz I think um didn't she run into like uh King Von's one of King Bon's kids you know with the mom and they took a picture together she chasing it bro look I love God and I swear to God God I love you I'm not trying to disrespect you I'm trying to disrespect no older people cuz I got a mama even though M and you could quote this my mom said she beat her ass too mama said tell that [ __ ] keep playing I beat her ass shout out Mama Reckless [ __ ] [ __ ] you talking about but anyway she doing too much on the computer she not what a what a what a 40y old lady supposed to be doing bro cuz it's like you like you want people to go to jail for some [ __ ] that your kids was trying to do to other people like just leave it alone like you know just leave it alone just leave it alone like you you want Justice for your son why you you should have told them to leave the [ __ ] alone instead of encouraging this [ __ ] and this how I know she was encouraging some of [ __ ] cuz she set out her own mouth they was trying to do something to you numerous times where is this documented at like this be let's be real here how do you know that they were trying to do something to me numerous of times I'm not agreeing that they was but who would you to say that they was that mean they mean they was coming back to you like yeah Mama we trying to do this to Reckless and they couldn't get their kill off so that mean you should have told them then that just slow the [ __ ] down but instead you was encouraging this [ __ ] so now that they dare you yeah my son was trying to kill you they was trying to kill your [ __ ] ass yeah but they couldn't do it [ __ ] I like I [ __ ] play like that [ __ ] I'm in the rack 24/7 I just left the rack I'll go back to bit whenever I want to no security downtown going to the same store on the same block they got killed at I'm not we live two different lives that's people got to understand with [ __ ] like me boy so like I just don't respect her because I feel like it's aund other ways that she can go about this [ __ ] but instead this [ __ ] trying to make her only fans to get some attention this [ __ ] trying to be on the computer arguing with [ __ ] trying to get some attention she just want some attention like don't let the right young [ __ ] or the right old ladies catch her cuz they going to smack the [ __ ] out her and it's going to be funny like I saw her get clapped at on Instagram I saw get ran over by like she not that righteous cuz if she wasn't that righteous God would be doing certain things so like she got some skeletons up on her pass some [ __ ] in her closet because like you speaking on me I don't have nothing like I'm going to crack jokes I crack the same jokes before they died after they died I never changed up I was saying the same [ __ ] when duck was alive I was saying the same [ __ ] I like okay I'm getting better now I'm still got to learn too I'm a man I'm as human play as [ __ ] up so sometimes turn out I'm not supposed to say all right bet but you like this on the computer yes yes Justice for Caron they finally got him but what about if Caron would have got one of them would you would have been saying like would you would all right now you wrong car you got to go to jail hell no you would have been applauding this [ __ ] so now when some [ __ ] happened to you like that's the thing about me some [ __ ] happened to me i' be like all right bet cuz I know that like all for instance that's like if I shoot a [ __ ] and then they shoot me how can I get mad at that cuz I just did the same [ __ ] or if I steal something and somebody steal something mind how can I get mad at that it's like you you get what you dish out it's like it's karma this [ __ ] don't stop so like I just feel like she need to be more respective of the eny of the air and and respect the land like okay we giving your son his credit by by giving him his credit like since he died people been trying to stop saying [ __ ] c3d okay take that people some some of his fans refer to him as great take that some of his F put him in a category like yeah King V and dck they died it was like a modern day all right so take that but you want the demise of these other young black brothers because all they was doing was defending themselves at the end of the day if you really want to be technical even I don't know if they did I if they didn't do it but [ __ ] like [ __ ] if [ __ ] was trying to kill him every day all right they get a chance to kill somebody else they G to do what the [ __ ] they got to do it's part of the Chicago Hunger Games that get that been getting played since Al Capone was here
Channel: djvlad
Views: 245,254
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Id: bWf2aJuD13I
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Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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