Ricky Dillard - Things Will Work Out For Me (@ Greater Traveler's Rest MBC 5.5.13)

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now somebody squeeze your hand twice I want you to find that nearest I'll bring them down here take this front seat if you want Christ want to make some changes you need a church home I want you to come right now man one blogger if you want Christ need a church home I see you're coming I see you coming I see you coming hallelujah come on whatever what you do for me for me however we just turn to me just that small Oh trouble to try your trouble the dry troubles and trials morning mommy car on me they come to make you strong to make you strong I got them back sorry become just all this work me yeah we chit me I've never Oh Oh you yes yes ah things work out fine you can laugh right now you're gonna smile right now even praise right there give him praise right now give him praise I'll help I say that - hey yes call anybody to leave anybody maybe buddy receipt in the mothership oh you hit a pie hey I know that's my song y'all got to forgive me I'm letting y'all go get in Sunday school that's my song we got to go to sigh let's go come on big uns come on diggers come on diggers get it outta believe it many giris even softened Oh they say things will work out for me things will he's working it out we got to go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go I'm on time so when you go home this week you go to work tomorrow with the pay your bills when they go to the doctor what acceptable the judge Oh yeah No yes they were right there get a break some are we have a rack there yes yes yes put a smile on your face they put a smile on your face leave our you choose us thank you Jesus Omar God already worked out stop my come on come on we gotta go I don't like this additions this is out this is officers want to get in and hit anyway to get home whoa you gotta get this under scuba gear the shaker neighbors has a neighbor while you try it is all you that's why you got shipping somebody's frown to a smile right now I feel I forgot shipping somehow to shower to Joe right now we got to go a better second yeah my father we thank you we honor we bless you yes now get the glory for my time of worship let us see it as you see it in the name of Jesus and we give you glory because as long as you're in control you're gonna work it out for us in Jesus name come on give God your best praise come on we go we got the gold get us out I hold my time and then move I want you to stand with us now we get ready to leave and the praying for a few people today we're praying for sister Eleanor Hobbs her mother passed away and won't you keep her in your prayers sister Eleanor Hobbs her mother passed away and won't be the lord those Queenie Edwards as a big prayer for her sister Hobbes they Manchester Hobbes I want you to get your best gift we're going to give and we're going to be have a benediction it's your best gift in handed as the first Sunday of this month willing to give toward mission 2020 we had a report to give you a mission 2020 day but the increment what we've had a power outage and messed it up but it's going to be on the website today later on today we'll play it for you next week our first Sunday Commission 20/20 report we don't have it for this service due to the power outage but we're gonna have it for your next Sunday but if you on the website later on today but we're playing for your next Sunday at this service a man so continued givers God has prospered you meet us here Wednesday for Bible study and we're going to have our we're going to have our but our church conference not this Wednesday but next Wednesday amen today is the fifth right amen so that's the 12th a man made 12th we have our church come first church conference at the e on Wednesday amen no no no no the days of yesterday did it v v man so it's going to be that'll be that was the best wins there will be the 13th 13 May 13 May 13 with my first church conference in the Amen nah gave you 13 they did feel 15 and I should listen to war and I didn't first play them the 15th day man May 15th we have our first church conference May 15 minutes wonderful date a man May 15 that's my first sermon public sermon May 15 1988 so that's gonna be my 25th preaching anniversary a man so well that's good might have a conference a man forgot about that a man so May 15 we have our first church conference of the year bring your best gifts and meet us it wins if a Bible study please mail please sir five we lovingly bless you now we ask that you receive I kill sanctify every gifted giver let no one lack let no one ever need ever given these kills but multiply the venue's I mean your services amen lastly for those who want to go with us - Megan fence please sign up let us know we have a flight option - those want to fly on a bus option for those who want to ride the bus I'll be preaching Friday morning which is April 30th in Dallas of August 30th August 30th August er what did I say okay August 30 and Amen I'm sleeping amen rain August 30th and Dallas so those who want to go we haven't we have information in our text you want to fly we get plane or bus let us sign up in North X for those who want to go with us to megafest August 29 to 30 first let's take inflation in the lobby for those who want to go to pay on it play something on each month I want to leave take this 100 brothers at least hundred plus told me to August at least 100 brothers I want you to go with us okay this caramel prank your best gifts now bring your best gifts now bring your best guess troll oh yeah Oh Oh No droll yeah it will work out to the side of the Ring how they can pay I know meet us here Wednesday for bible study at 12 noon and 7 singles ministry you having Bible study wins as well keeps the elder harms and your prayers father we love and we bless you we thank you for your anthropomorphic qualities thank you for not just being a transcendent guy but also an imminent God help us to see things through your lenses help us to stop crying over things that you're laughing about there buster stop laughing over things you're crying about help us to have your perspective and we leave your thanking you for doing that for Sarah for the divine advice and for the deliverance for those who will abide we're leaving here getting some God insurance because we know that we're in good hands with God state now keep taking us and keep leading us every step of the way we love you we bless you give us a blessed week this week it helped us to laugh at every attack of the enemy knowing that we have victory and power and now may the Lord bless didn't keep the end be gracious unto thee may the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee may make his face to shine upon thee and may give thee peace in Jesus name Amen amen and amen have a great week here mmm as long as he's in control amen it's gonna work out for you have a great week have a great week have a great week you hm
Channel: Kuaqs30
Views: 108,607
Rating: 4.8388953 out of 5
Keywords: Ricky, Dillard, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr., Greater Traveler's Rest, Baptist
Id: -G4iFTtfrIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2013
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