Richard Scott Covering Tuscaloosa Tornado

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and this is where this tornado is going to be going uh it should stay north of Shelton which sits about right there and Taylorville but if just to be on the safe side be in your safe place at Shelton State Community College and Taylorville until the storm passes to your Northwest in fact if you're watching us down towards tville and Shelton State towards Englewood you can likely look towards the West and Northwest and see if there is a tornado with this storm uh so if you do see this please let us know if there is a tornado with that storm because we'll get that report as soon as we can out to the public because obviously that is a very dangerous situation for the city of Tuscaloosa um Danny if you want Daniel if you want to quickly pass on a couple more reports yeah just looking at some things going on a new tornado warning for blunt Jefferson and Walker County until 6 o' they've actually confirmed a large and extremely dangerous tornado near Cordova uh lots of people looking with their eyes on this storm right now so the National Weather Service being uh very serious about the storm moving to the Northeast at 60 MPH that's uh up in Walker County that's that storm that went across oh big strike of lightning there on Tower camer yeah let's let's check out our Tower camera right now incredible lightning display looks Some Cloud to ground lightning there yeah lots of cloud to ground lightning and that is a bad sign when we're detecting severe storms uh we're looking off towards the west and incredible lightning display uh with these storms if you're outside hey take shelter now uh the lightning is a big threat with these storms and uh if it wasn't for these raindrops on the lens we might be able to see if there's anything back here because there's a a suspicious area we're watching back to the south west of Tuscaloosa if somebody out back wants to climb up her Tower and WIP the our director over there saying she'll do it uh no obviously we don't want you to do that but we're seeing some ominous look towards our Tower camera looking South and West towards where the possible tornado would be and let me show you in reference to where we're talking about and that's right here this will be your possible tornado lots of lightning right here in front of the tornado itself and again if you're outside take shelter now don't take a chance with the storm we're looking live from the University of Alabama campus at what could be a tornado moving into the city of Tuscaloosa I know there's some raindrops on the lens but that would be right there where our tornado would be located I think we're looking at at least a wall cloud and potentially a tornado uh again from our Tusc satar camera location we're looking West Daniel if you have any more reports pass those along to you I'm going to kind of look at this feature back to the Southwest I will National Weather Service continuing the uh tornado warning for FY Lamar and Mary and County until 5:45 still just indicating a thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado but they're calling it a dangerous storm located 5 miles to the west of soligent and moving Northeast at 55 milph yeah this could be a tornado right here moving into the city of TUS scoa hard to see but once this gets closer to it we'll have a better vantage point of what we're looking at there's definitely a lowering right here on your screen if you follow that along with us and this could be what we're looking at a potential tornado moving into Tuscaloosa if you're just now joining us I'm chief meteorologist Richard Scott along with wba's Daniel Spartan and the tire wbaa news team watching a dangerous situation across the city of Tuscaloosa what could be a tornado off to the Southwest from our tuscala Tower camera no doubt about it a very low base to the clouds and potentially a tornado to the south and west of us right now okay green and Pickins County have been dropped through warning National Weather Service and spotters are tracking a large and extremely dangerous torn tornado this is located near Jenna U all right so we're looking possibly at a large tornado coming into the city of Tuscaloosa this is an emergency situation for the city of Tuscaloosa the University of Alabama campus they're saying this is a large tornado possibly a wedge tornado we're again looking at incredible lightning display out ahead of this thing this is a tornado emergency for Ralph Foster Interstate 2059 Taylorville and the City of Tuscaloosa all right we're looking at wedge Tado right now live from our Tuscaloosa Tower camera here's BR Den Stadium we're located on University of Alabama campus if you are in downtown Tuscaloosa get underground get in a safe place right now if you have a storm shelter get in that if you're in a mobile home get out of that immediately again we're looking at a large wedge tornado on the west side of Tuscaloosa moving into the city of Tuscaloosa right now if you're just now joining us you're watching W TV we're in live severe weather coverage watching a large wedge tornado moving into Tuscaloosa as we speak and again this is going to be moving into University of Alabama campus very shortly get in your safe place I cannot stress the urgency of the storm this is an emergency situation for downtown tuso so we're going to stay on air as long as we can uh before this tornado itself moves over us uh looks like it's going to be moving over us pretty shortly uh again we're looking live from our tus School Sati camera on the University of Alabama campus at a tornado right now storm okay uh Daniel if you want to get that we're talking to several storm spotters and EMA officials out there uh again we're looking at a tornado right there just to the west and southwest of Tuscaloosa uh coming up on the University of Alabama campus here pretty shortly um I'm looking at several different sources here kind of dissecting what exactly we're looking at here in terms of rotation within a storm I've also got home team interactive radar pulled up to the side here and uh again if you're watching us on the west side of town that includes the University of Alabama campus and downtown Tuscaloosa where it looks like we have a large tornado possibly on the ground moving into downtown Tuscaloosa and we're getting reports uh obviously from the National Weather Service Office in Birmingham we're located on the University of Alabama campus so this thing is actually coming right towards our television station and towards University of Alabama campus and again we're looking at potentially a large tornado moving our way I don't mean to frighten you but you need to know this is an urgent situation for tus school Daniel you have another report yeah a storm spotter we just had a little power hit here at the station hopefully all our microphones are still working um if you could go call him Chris Montgomery storm spotter is going to try to do a phoner with us he said he's sitting at McFarland Mall and can see the what he said he can only confirm a wall cloud right now but it's at least half mile to a 3/4 of a mile wide and this is uh trained he said he knows you uh Chris yeah I know him personally he's a storm spotter he's a reliable source looking at this feature right here and we're going to stay on air as long as we can obviously a lot of lightning in place and we just took a quick power hit but we're looking at what could be a wedge tornado uh possibly a mile wide if a little bit less moving towards downtown tuscalo and that does include the University of Alabama abama campus again I'm meteorologist Richard Scott we're watching live from our tuso satow camera on the University of Alabama campus what appears to be a very large tornado just to the west of town and this thing is coming our way so look if you're watching us again on campus downtown Tuscaloosa get in that safe place get underground if you can I get in the basement if you're a mobile home get out of that right now don't take a chance with this thing this is obviously a very dangerous situation where we're looking at the potential for a wedge uh tornado we could be looking at right now from our Tusc satow camera we're just kind of getting different perspectives of this storm and this does include the city of Tuscaloosa incredible lightning display lot of Thunder that we're hearing here in the studio yeah I don't know if you can hear this over our microphones but we're listening to an incredible amount of lightning are listening to incredible amount of Thunder uh from this storm and we're just trying to get a good perspective of this tornado itself what appears to be a tornado on the ground and again we don't want to frighten you at all we just want to let you know the urgency of this storm and of what is coming towards Tuscaloosa we're just going to kind of pan the skies there and it's no doubt that feature right there in the middle of your screen is what we're looking at and it's hard to tell if this is a wedge tornado or not it's a lot of rain involved and it looks like uh it could have possibly be lifting hopefully that's the case we're trying to get a good perspective of this thing and and it's simply hard to tell right now uh because this thing's still several miles outside of the city of Tuscaloosa and Northport and again we've got several reports coming in of a tornado on the ground back in Southwest part of Tuscaloosa County this is what's coming up on the city of Tuscaloosa really looks like the and yeah looks like it's lifting and again we're looking right into this thing and yeah looks like this thing uh could be trying to lift okay we got Chris we got Chris on the phone we got to go to Chris right now he's got an update from McFarland Boulevard I believe of what is happening just to our West yeah I said he was at McFarland Mall Chris okay McFarland Mall Chris can you hear us yes I can hear you oh just a second can you hear me uh Chris we can't okay yeah go ahead Chris what do you see now we're sitting right here at the mland mall right beside the interstate up on the hill where we got a good Vantage Point uh right now it looks like it's lifted uh there's definitely still a wall cloud uh you can still still see the rear flank downdraft right now um it did produce a second funnel at one point second funnel lifted about two minutes ago but it appears that it is coming uh basically R up Skyland Boulevard um parallel with the Interstate okay Chris yeah what we're looking at from our Tower camera it appeared that there was a at least a fairly sizable tornado on the ground here a moment ago and it appears that it is Lifting for the moment but uh it's a very close call again we're talking a tornado emergency for the city of Tuscaloosa uh looks like we have another cone possibly coming down uh towards the ground Chris can you confirm this yes I I can confirm that it does look like it's starting to come back down again it looks like it's about halfway down at this point yeah looks like may be about to have a large tornado back down um again we're looking live from our Tus To camera at this perspective as well and Chris you're located at McFarland Mall is that right correct right next to Interstate okay this is where again we're looking at it live from our tus school camera so we're getting a great perspective of this thing right now and it appears that it's not on the ground at this second but I mean that could change at any time uh Chris if you see any more uh any damage if you'll please call us back and let us know yes we will hey thank you so much Chris thank you all right again that was uh Chris uh he is monitoring a dangerous situation in tusca County we're watching uh what appears to be at least a funnel cloud a large lowering off towards the distance and at one point looks like there's a rope going yeah uh it looks like this thing's trying to touch back down in fact uh from our perspective it does look like this tornado was touching down now it looks like there is a condensation funnel trying to reach the surface and again what you're looking at is live from a Tusc satow camera this is a large funnel and it could be reaching the ground right now just to the west of the University of Alabama campus this is coming directly our way towards UA campus and downtown Tuscaloosa so again get in the lowest floor of your home put as many walls between you and the outside as possible uh this is definitely a dangerous situation a tornado is definitely uh looks like it's now touching down just to the west of tus close so yeah we see Power flashes so we have an emergency situation this tornado is now on the ground it looks like it's a now sizable tornado we're watching live from our Tusc satar camera get in your safe place right now we have a tornado on the ground again we're watching live from our tuscol satow camera looking to the southwest side of Tor Tuscaloosa uh there's BR Den Stadium at the bottom of your screen and this looks to be a fairly sizable tornado uh it keeps flirting with the ground it lifts back up and then it touches back down and there's no the saying is made contact with the ground and may still and definitely still is in contact with the ground we're going to kind of pan around with our tus school satar camera again this is coming right towards our television station anybody outside if you see anybody outside tell them to get inside right now uh this is a very large and sizable tornado coming right towards the city of Tuscaloosa and the University of Alabama campus again I'm chief meteorologist Richard Scott if you're just now joining us we're watching an emergency situation for a very large tornado coming into downtown Tuscaloosa that includes the University of Alabama campus this could be a very life-threatening and again a large tornado right here to the southwest side of town and again this is coming directly our way folks towards our television station we're going to stay on air as long as we possibly can until our power is obviously cut if this thing comes our way and that appears to be what's happening right now Daniel if you have anything you want to pass along quickly uh trying to the National Weather Service isn't getting anything from this storm just a couple of more reports down near York there confirming a tornado on the ground by local law enforcement so we'll have to worry about that storm here shortly green Hil in Sumter County being affected until 5:45 but we're watching a tornado on the ground here in the city of tuscala right now all right this is a life-threatening situation get underground if you can get into the lowest floor of your home we have a very large tornado coming right into the center part of Tuscaloosa this includes our television station this includes the University of Alabama campus uh this is a a very large tornado coming directly our way and uh if you want to get everybody out of the hallway and into uh our studio if that is possibility because uh this is definitely a life-threatening situation we're watching a large wedge tornado uh coming our way again I'm chief meteorologist Richard Scott just now joining us we're watching a very deadly large tornado coming right towards the University of Alabama C we got Chris on the phone let's go to him real quick as Chris we got him on the phone Chris we're here W tornado coming in tus we have the tornado on the ground it's Insight um probably about a mile and a half from us right now it looks like it's going to go just north of the interstate uh looks like it's actually going to come around the uh University Mall so everybody in that area needs to take cover DCH needs to take cover too all right this thing's coming right towards University of Alabama campus we're going to stay on air as long as we possibly can uh we're getting power glitches again I'm chief meteorologist Richard Scott we're watching a deadly situation for the city of Tuscaloosa a very large tornado on the ground right now
Channel: WVUA 23
Views: 82,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hit by tornado, tornado is coming right at us, tornado hits tuscaloosa
Id: 0_XHh8-0fls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2011
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