Richard Raffan on shear scrapers for woodturning

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hello I'm Richard raffon a number of people have asked me about my share scrapers so that's what this video is about basically I have three sheer scrapers uh this is the one I use most of the time this is one inch diameter quarter inch thick 25 millimeters by about six millimeters and this is a spare point which I don't think you'll have seen used in any of any of the videos I've made so far and likewise with this one they've each got slightly different applications but most of the time I just need this one so looking at these I found over these experimenting with different tools for Shear scraping that the the one inch wide 25 mil wide by six mil a quarter of an inch thick just seemed to be the right tone the combination of size and weight and I can feel when I'm using this tool I can feel a bit of vibration coming through from the cut so I just feel I have a more sensitive um approach with this tool over a heavier one now these Shear scrapers this was manufactured by Henry Taylor um I don't know if it's still available but the the side was it was manufactured with a round side so that it slides easily up and down a rest now the problem with as I see it with a rounded side is that it means that you don't have a quite a sharper Corner up here as you as you might might always want so I've just taken a little bite out of that and you'll see that in the video there is on grinding this tool not essential but it just makes uh some of the little jobs I do a little bit easier another tool which was manufactured by Henry Taylor and again I don't know if it's still available this one actually still has my name on it as a part of the signature range but this used to come with a much longer Point I've grown this one back over the years it's got a 45 degree bevel on the nose so it's not something you want to drop on your foot Point down one you stuff up the end but it would probably penetrate leather and certainly canvas um and so this is designed for Shear scraping out of corners and we'll do that in just a second and this is a slightly wider tool made out of a 30 mil diameter inch and a quarter scraper this used to be a square end scraper I suppose all around those I don't know um and it also it looks like one of my old signature tools so I can't remember what it was it's it's old um and I've ground it with a slight radius here slight radius there so that I can get in onto uh concave surfaces and Shear scoop if I want to um I don't use this one very much because I find it just a bit heavy but I've got it out for this video just to really to show what you can do with it now a lot of people have been wondering if they can make one of these and of course you can all you need is a bit of suitable Steel now the chances are this skew chisel which is an inch by quarter when this has had its Life as a skew and it's it's got another well probably an inch or so to go now um but that is the kind of Ideal tool for uh transforming into a sheer scraper and uh if I'm going to do that I probably wouldn't even bother to take away the top bevel I just grind the under bevel and use this Edge and the top build will just get shorter and shorter and shorter so it'll be a a negative rake scrape as a start with and then come back to the more sensible in my mind um Square section time you'll have seen this in almost every uh Facebook video I've made so what I have here is just a little really uh a bowl which isn't going to make it a little Hollow form because it's got splits in it and I doubt if they'll come out so I can use this tool flat [Music] stroking the surface a flat scraping but if I want a better surface generally I can then turn it up on edge and slide it up and down the rest now because the edge is curved um that'll make it slide more easily on what is a hardened breast anyway so if you have a rest without a hardened top it pays to file it smooth so the tool moves over it more smoothly I'm going to just drop the rest very slightly the cut needs to be in the lower half of the tool here not actually on the corner initially but just in this area if I have the tool up on edge and the wood contacts up here there's a huge space underneath there's a lot of Leverage off the fulcrum which is back here so that's really asking for a catch so I'll get in this situation up as close as I can to the foot and that's exactly I was not meaning to demonstrate that but that is exactly what happens and why I have the spare point so I started far too close to the foot there is where I wanted to be was just taking off this amount of dust now what happened with the catch was I was trying to get that portion in there and it just somewhere there'll be a big oh it's just there but the so the bottom of the foot just caught the top of the edge and I was too busy looking in the viewfinder to actually notice what was happening so keep this end clear of that foot for this time so I'm just going to use that edge and stroke it around the corner now in this situation if I wanted to do that side um I used to have the opposite to this the mirroring so I could scrape that way but I now have this as an option so if I have the rest or less parallel with the lathe axis and I've got the one tool here I can use this edge here same thing and you can see where the dust is coming off just here and if I go around to the other side just going to be using the lower portion of that edge [Music] of course once you get up there it starts to get a bit grabby and I can also use this tool flat [Music] and because you're never working very far away from the rest you can have quite a short tool now if I want to get into this corner here I can use the spear point this is what it was initially designed for and that means that I can get into the corner there and just drop the handle and shift it away drifted away so the tool is on its side and still one of the problems here is if you are pushing the tool forward at all if if you even hint at going forwards into that shoulder you'll probably have a An Almighty catch so the idea is to just bring it in flat and then drop the handle and pivot it away I can also go in onto the other side and it's quite useful for doing little edges if I want to come around this side yeah this is actually quite a useful tool I don't know why I've had it tucked away along the other thing about it it's pretty lethal on the end so you can't just make little grooves with it and then just use the point to round them over and that's a pretty nice clean cut all the way around so a sheer scrape is very useful to have the main thing if you're going to make yourself a spare Point make sure that this is an acute angle less than 90 degrees otherwise you're going to have a problem getting into a corner this is slightly more than 90 degrees so it really if I tilt it up on edge I can get in there but I can't get in comfortably if in in many situations with this tool this is very much like the one Ray key used to use and that was also maybe still commercially available
Channel: Richard Raffan
Views: 30,003
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Id: VewSsUjABzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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