Richard Hammond takes his dog for a walk in the new Defender

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right now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted oh yeah i gave you a sneak preview of the brand new land rover defender and i said the next time you see me with one i'll be driving it well i've got the car and i've got the key and i've got my dog so i thought i'd use it to take my dog for a walk because that's like a outdoorsy land rovery kind of thing to do so let's get prepared that's just an excuse to show you the boot look it's got a boot plus i need this pleat you've put on weight come on swanky well this does feel posh for a defender there's no getting around it there's leather there's what i assume is aluminium could be plastic i think it is aluminium very nice i seem to remember seeing and talking to a designer fairly early in this car's development and they said that this metal twin spa that crosses the car here and forms a dash it is structural actually to the car was going to be exposed metal then it is if you peel away the leather and plastic covering it it does feel kind of rugged in here it doesn't feel like it'll be ruined within the first week at least from a dog's perspective a review go like this if you like it okay oh you do there is a long and a short wheelbase version as there was with the old defender this is the long wheelbase it's the d240 which means it has a four cylinder turbo diesel putting out 237 brake horsepower not 60 is not much under 10 seconds so it's not quick i didn't expect it to be there will be quicker versions this is the se trim which is mid level it's got everything you'd expect to find on a car today as standard 57 000 this one's actually 63 as is with a few extras if you want to mess about on the configurator as i have i managed to get one to just south of a hundred grand for a defender door mirrors this size means i can hear them because it's like pushing two kitchen doors forwards through the air there is wind noise just on the way to the dog walking spot a slight detour i want to show you something a bit wonderful rather beautiful it is the very genesis of this car the small but still burning flame at his heart this is a series one land rover my series one land rover i've owned it for 20 years and you can see how it's flourished under my stewardship to be fair i am part way through restoring this myself just 10 years into the project but this was where it all started when this car arrived it rewrote the rule book on what a car could be it became a multi-purpose tool yes it could drive off the roads but it could work it could pull a plow thanks to the power takeoff it could run farm implements and it could get you places nothing else would get you in fact in some remote parts of the world for people living there a land rover like this was the first car they ever saw because it was the first car that could get to them the land rovers are loaded aboard country boats to make the crossing and drift a little downstream until they come to a road on the far side the road that will carry them on towards darjeeling and burma not all the bridges have stood the test of time on this unused road no wonder it takes a couple of hours to travel 15 miles and when i grew up in seoul hull near load lane where land rovers were made seeing them new rolling off to the streets for the first time it was to me it was the most exciting thing possible they were cars but not just that they could take you beyond they were the most glamorous exciting things in the world and there it is but that was then this is now when the original land rover was born 1948 the average family car was as luxuriously appointed as a garden spade so to stand out and be considered utilitarian that land rover had to be like well driving to work on a steel girder with an engine strapped to one end and it was but back then a self-winding wristwatch would draw a crowd a smartphone would draw a crowd armed with pitchforks and fire we're different now we have watches that gently remind us when it's time to stand from our desk and move our fridges can automatically order a new renewable bag of kale gluten is a hate crime criticizing anyone is a war crime our doctors can't tell us if we're getting a bit fat even if we are fatally chunky we must eat cleanly exercise holistically and tread lightly on mother earth so i am roughing it really this for us now is as basic and utilitarian as a draymond's cart right dog walking hang on pup let's get you ready oh there's a key come on come on okay the hills await now i'm off-roading today not the car partly because i borrowed it and i forgot to ask if i could you know drive up a hill or something but also well it's a given yes the new defender can cut it on the rough stuff it's got an automatic locking center diff it's terrain response system works with the throttle gearbox and electronic stability control to turn it into whatever it needs to be to tackle whatever you're driving on over or through its approach break over and departure angles are class leading so its very shape is working in its favor and it could find grip in a tub of vaseline i have heard criticism from people saying no when you ever gonna see a sheep in the back of one of those well to them i'd say i'd like to meet the last farmer who spent well 50 grand on the last defender station wagon to put a sheep in it they don't drive them they all drive pickups mostly made in japan and mostly cheaper more reliable better made and longer lived than anything turned out by land rover ever it's not for farmers it's for this a brief escape into the great outdoors and then scurry back to a life that thankfully for most of us can be more comfortable and more luxurious than anything that could have been imagined at the time of the landro's original launch when a tea tree with handles was considered a luxury that could make you soft every time we head back do you agree you didn't think you're getting in there you've got muddy paws this is a 60 000 pound vehicle you're a dog with muddy feet i don't think so not these days [Applause] oh and land rover one final thing why didn't you finish the job properly and put a discovery badge on it because that's what this is this is the best discovery you've ever built you just put the wrong name on it do you agree
Views: 1,734,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, top gear, the grand tour
Id: DUlHV6FbXm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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