Richard Flies On Top Of A BiPlane | Top Gear | Series 22 | BBC

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there's a pop up here what's the matter with this one stick is in the window flags and it calls itself a tablet go fight smoke noise Hubb ahead pop ahead bit camera what's a little camera you love the campaign for Real Ale they're like any campaigns in the end none of the pub's passed muster so we went to our overnight hotel don't have a drink there hi we would like two pints of bitter one rose a wine large a bag of salt and vinegar crisps and built on there's nothing better than your local radio problem I knew somebody who used to do that that evening we embarrassed ourselves in a traditional pub quiz Neal or Niall Zayn Liam Harry's and Louie are the five members of which British group which song won the Top Gear greatest driving song contest we then totted up the points from the producers competition to see who was on course to win the special prize so just work it out so it's minus 20 for a breakdown yes and then ten five and not for them so Ewing the fastest around the track you get ten yes for being the faster you're on ten I'm on five and then you get nought he's still on minus 60 so why is it nought thing because you were last okay so I should get one after much arguing we worked out that James had lost everything and was out of the running but that Hammond and I were level pegging so the following morning we knew that all we had to do to win was not break down eventually might be splattered into life however oh yes that's brilliant come on the producers told us the special prize was waiting at another classic car show twenty nerve-racking miles away it's not healthy I'll be honest that's three cylinders running on three I think it's mmm yesterday was a big day for these cars they will song soon we arrived at the pretty small town of stone the world many many classic car enthusiasts come here at a weekend to look at classic furniture and remember how life used to be in the olden days while my fear pulled down a bit I bought the other two some presents riches got a stand for his hat and as for James James may hear me sadly yes what time is it I don't know my clock stopped ladies and gentlemen welcome to the last of the son of gear we carried on towards the show and shared some truths about our cars mg is still working has the Faire going well we've got the 11 miles to go and all is well back here is it really how's your down-home power babe um it's fine really fine good for it's not Oh please just keep going four words the small guy wins a few minutes later James and I arrived at the event the red come wings & Wheels show both twists lose lots of valuable things not to crash into the field was crammed with high-end exotics which made our colleagues arrival all the more embarrassing ha with all three of us present it was time for the prize-giving congratulations Richard Hammond thank you you have won and as a special prize you will be appearing in the air show the jammy sod had got himself a ride in one of the planes in the display so while he went off to get ready James and I consult ourselves by checking out the exhibits lovely is now be terrible by modern standards but look at it it's just fabulous very similar to my fit yes yeah I like this what the Daytona one of the prettiest cars absolutely lovely this is an AC ace this was what Carroll Shelby dropped her a v8 in flad the archers in created the Cobra but this was the genesis of it Fraser Nash this is Tiffany del arriving in the first visit of the phrase in it yes there's a hundred and one brake horsepower per time that's quite significant it's pretty good today how much of these now thirty million dollars in pounds I would have thought that's the 250 GTO is still just about the most expensive car in the world isn't it most valuable car even standing near that gives me the fizz meanwhile I was now ready they're gone nice happier than to be happy Oh I got a letter a letter from your commanding officer the name of course that's wrong you you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 2,072,544
Rating: 4.9217572 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Top Gear, Top, Gear, Topgear, Cars, Car, Autos, Auto, Motoring, Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard Hammond, Richard, Hammond, James May, James, May, The Stig, Old Car, Pub, Quiz, Classic Car, Driver, Flying, BiPlane, On Top, Attached, Roof, Plane
Id: Y6B5GDZ98us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2016
Reddit Comments

Hammond screaming in the background is pure comedy gold.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/El_Bard0 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

I would absolutely love to do this. Seems like it would be the best ride in the world.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/decent_in_bed 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies
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