Rich Wilkerson, Jr. — 1 John: How To Love God

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turn with me the book of first John we are in our fifth week as we've been studying this little book of the Bible just has five chapters in it and next Sunday we will be finishing this collection of talks but this evening I believe that God has a word for you and as we've been talking at a first John we've been discovering and uncovering the radical love of God for Humanity and tonight out of chapter five we're gonna read five verses and it's gonna be a ground it's gonna be sort of the foundation of what we're gonna be talking about throughout this evening this was the Bible says as John writes he says everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God in everyone who loves the Father loves his child as well this is how we know that we love the children of God by loving God and carrying out his commands in fact this is love for God to keep his commands and his commands are not burdensome for everyone born of God overcomes the world this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith who is it that overcomes the world only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and tonight as we continue in our fifth week I want to preach to you from the subject how to love God how to love God how are we to love God why believe the Scriptures unlock that truth let's pray together and let's believe that as we pray God's going to anoint these words and that tonight we're not just hearing a speech but rather we're hearing from Heaven's throne and it's gonna change this what your prayers mean lowly thank you so much that you brought us here we thank you Lord that your word declares that you inhabit the praises of your people and so tonight Lord we open up our hearts and we open up our ears Kyle we're a desperate for a word from you Lord in a world that is full of information we are still craving for truth so gods speak to us now may we never be the same we honor you we praise you and if you believe it tonight come on all of God's people set come on all of God's people said now come on it is our custom that before the message even begins we get rowdy why don't you go ahead and give God some praise in this place in 1995 an incredible book was released and the book was written by a man by the name of dr. Gary Chapman and the book is entitled the five love languages in fact if you are married or if you ever want to get married or if you want to have healthy relationships I would encourage you to go and purchase the book I believe we actually have some copies at our resource corner in the courtyard but the whole premise of the book is that every person on earth according to dr. Gary Chapman receives and gives love in five different categories then now you're gonna see some of these categories and right away something like yep that's that's my love language right there that's that's how I communicate that's how I receive but let's look at a few of these areas the first area is gifts that when we give to people people receive love when we spend quality time with one another when we do acts of service for each other I like this one number four words of affirmation that when we express with our words how we feel about one another and in the last one the fifth one is physical touch now I've taken the love language test and my scores have come back and for me physical touch is number one words of affirmation number two and then right back to physical touch number three touch me and tell me I look good and then touch me again baby it's funny because when Don sure nah we first got together that's my wife by the way we first got together we would get into an argument or what we call verbal jousting in our home and afterwards we would be ready to make up and for me the way that I received love is touching and talking and so I would like oh girl you're so good come on let's make out we're good the problem is that Don Cherie that's not her love language instead Don Sharia she's taken the test we've found out that gifts and quality time are her love language this amazing Donna and I have done so much life together we met we're 17 we got the same degrees in college we've been doing ministry for the last 10 years together we drive to work together we go to meetings together we drive home together and yet in all of that time together I can come home many times at night and I can just tell you know guys you know how your wife is she just she just give me that look like she just wants me to ask her what's going on you know she's just like give me a look and so come on you know about it so I'll back I'll go I'll go I'll go what's wrong and it's what she'll say she'll say I just don't feel like we spend any time together I'm like girl we drove to work together i sat in for meetings with you we drove home together now we're here together I got any more time to give you yet what I've had to learn is that quantity of time is different from quality of time me just being present doesn't mean that I'm engaged how many know you can come into a church man and you can be present for everything it's another thing when you start to engage in church it's another thing when you lift your hands it's another thing when you lift your voice come on God's not looking for present people he's looking for engaged people in Ian's days people up in this house come on make some noise so I've had to learn if donkeys don't receive love for me I have to spend quality time with her but not just that she likes gifts not really when you study the love language of gifts it's not about expensive gifts although I think she likes them when they're expensive I don't when I first got her our engagement ring and I put it on her finger I'm telling you what I was like in the grace zone for 4 weeks straight I could do anything I can't be acting like an idiot she's like he's such an idiot but I love this ring ah I remember far 7 year wedding anniversary I got her this beautiful watch I'm telling you this watch five weeks straight every day the week ESPN was on our TV it was like doot-doot-doot highlights all day long my wife is like he is the best husband ever she's like I sure love this watch huh what I learned is I learned that when I start to love her the way that she receives love all of a sudden rhythm and harmony start to happen in the house I wonder night we're gonna use this as a premise for a minute if God has a love language what is it how are we to love God because something tells me if you're anything like me we tend to love God in the way that we want to be loved yet if we're gonna listen to the truth of Doctor Chapman he's gonna say that people don't receive love until you love them in their language we have been taking the last four weeks really studying this book of first John and if there was a big thesis statement to the book of first John here it is it's God's radical love for Humanity and then our reasonable response back to him and I believe that John after he's taken four chapters to uncover this reckless audacious scandalous love of God his love is not based upon you but rather his love is based upon his nature and his character God is love he doesn't do love he is it and now I believe in Chapter five John begins to uncover something he shows you how God wants to be loved let's let's start once again first John chapter five verse one everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ everyone say Jesus is the Christ everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone who loves the Father loves his child as well now I want you to see what John is saying here John is making it very clear that we do not become children of God by what we do but rather we become children of God by who we believe in meaning I can't achieve god I can only receive him it's not by might it's nor by power but rather it's by his Spirit that enables me to receive his free gift of grace and what does he say he says anyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ now let me just help some people because people at vu church are on all different places of faith and we like it that way some tonight don't even follow Jesus others have been following Jesus for thirty years so let me try to bring everyone in the middle for a minute Christ is not Jesus's last name okay it's not like how you doing mr. Christ that's not his last name Table four for Christ's you out there that's not his last name Christ is a title Christ means Messiah or Savior in fact as you read the Old Testament the Old Testament time and time again will prophesy and we'll give types and shadows and we'll speak of the Christ to come in fact back in that time period there wasn't really last names rather you were simply known from where you come from or what your dad's name was so Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus son of Joseph or rich born and raised in the county a day holler at your boy Jesus of Nazareth Jesus son of Joseph Jesus the Christ was his title now his title is important that we stop and we pause because the title gives us his mission see when God looked down upon humanity many of you've walked in your night and you think you know what your problem is you think you know what you need yet when God looked down upon humanity the indication of what he sent tells us what our greatest need was you see your greatest need was not a financial problem that's why God did not send Jesus The Economist your greatest need was not something that happened to you in your mind that's why God not sent Jesus the psychologist your greatest need is not your environment that's why God did not send Jesus the environmentalists no your greatest need was that you had a sin problem and you were in need of forgiveness you were in need of a rescue you were in need of salvation therefore God sent Jesus the Christ Jesus the Savior to rescue you anybody thankful tonight that there's a God who came on a rescue mission to get you back he came to save you you don't have problems you are the problem sin doesn't make you bad it doesn't make you immoral it makes you dead you dead in your sin in your trespasses you didn't need a self-help manual Barnes and Noble is full of them not against self-help manuals but that's not what Jesus did he didn't come for a makeover he came for a takeover wasn't behavior modification it was heart transformation you were dead but the goodness of your God the grace of Jesus he resuscitated you and he brought you back to life I wish I was preaching to some people who knew they were alive in this house somebody give God a shout of praise I was dead but I met Jesus the Christ see here's the deal you can't just skip over it because for you to Clare that Jesus is the Christ is also a declaration that you are aware that you are in need of a savior oh we could preach that for a while because the truth is is that relationship with God in order to receive love from God you first have to start by saying I'm in need of God I can't receive his agape love as we talked about last week until I recognize I'm in need of it here's the really really heartbreaking thing for culture today is that many people are walking around this earth and they have no idea that they are headed for destruction they have no idea that they are headed towards death in fact proverbs will say it this way that there is a way that seems right to man but in the end leads to destruction the Titanic historians will tell us that as it was sinking no one actually believed that it could sink and so there are historical accounts of the orchestra continuing to play and people dancing on the ship deck as they were headed for their death today as we look around this world the music is playing and people are dancing their way to destruction you must come out of Darkness and step into the light and say I am aware that I am in need of Jesus the Christ how many of you know that awareness that you are a sinner that's a starting point but you know that's not gonna lead to much but it rather it's when you recognize all that Jesus has done for you that he loves you in spite of you that he loves you despite what you've done and what you will do in fact I wrote it down this way it's not an awareness that I'm a sinner that leads me to worship God it's an awareness that I have been forgiven come on can somebody give God praise if you've been forgiven tonight so God has radically loved us and our declaration that he is the Christ means that we know that we are a sinner in need of him yet still the question remains how are we to love God what is God's love language first John chapter five verses two through three I believe hold the answer notice what John says he says this is how we know that we love the children of God by loving God and carrying out his commands now look at verse three here we go in fact this is love for God to keep his commands this is love for God to keep his commands so what's God's lovely love language is he quality time I know he loves quality time is he words of affirmation I know he loves words of affirmation is the acts of service I know he loves when we serve Him is he gifts I know he loves our gifts is he physical touch I know he loves when we reach out for him yet he doesn't say any of those things are his love language instead he says my love language is one word and the word is obedience if you love me Jesus says obey me simply obey me here's the deal obedience honestly is the key to God's favor obedience is the key to God's heart obedience is the key I'm telling you to the supernatural when you start walking in obedience you start walking in some supernatural stuff it seems so simple but most of the things with God are just simple like that you just follow him you trust him and you watch he'll do some incredible stuff in your life yet here's the deal with obedience come on how many of you know that you've never actually obeyed until you've actually had to do something you don't want to do obedience is cool throughly if it leaves a promotion obedience is cool if it leads to the man of your dreams obedience is cool if you get a bigger platform afterwards but will you obey God if he leads you to the valley will you obey God if he leads you into a fiery furnace will you obey God if he leads you into a flood leads you into a storm will you obey God if he leads you to a cross there she goes she's getting it there let's go I'm trying it's time here we go home see you don't really know you obey until you do something you don't want to do why do i watch the notebook with Dawn sharee cuz I love her and I'm obedient I remember when I was in high school it was my senior year and I was pretty excited cuz I'd taken enough hours then I was able to get my schedule worked out where my first period class was no longer needed so school for me I was going to school in Fort Lauderdale I was living down here in Miami school for me didn't start till 9:00 a.m. I was like yo jackpot you know god is good and the challenge was that my little brother was in the 5th grade in his school started in Fort Lauderdale at 7 a.m. and so I came to my parents I said mom and dad you've got a problem [Applause] and they said no we think you got a problem boy we made you we could kill you and make another one of you you got your own problem and so for the entire year I I woke up two and a half hours early before school started now I'm in to be in prepared but I'm not that prepared and I never liked it never wanted to do it yet I obeyed why because I love my parents and love will make you do some crazy things sometimes this is a message that oftentimes is not necessarily popular yet it's on so many pages of this book and we've taken four weeks to talk about God's love I would not be doing you in serving you justice if I did not tell you what your reasonable response to loving God looks like God's love language how does God want to be loved he wants you to obey Him so obedience here's the deal with obedience and I want to try to be a sensitive as I can tonight obedience is a journey it's a journey and once again there's some people that this is your very first church this is like you've been in church like three months you know like okay like what do you mean obedience let me let me just give you a starting point I want you to write this down as you take a notes night obedience it starts as an option everyone say obedience starts as an option and the reason why I say it starts as an option is because you have a choice like God did not make robots he did not wind you up and then once you decide to follow him is it just easy you know every single day to do whatever he asks you to do no there will always be a decision and how many of you know that when you come to the crossroads of decision disobedience loves to squirm its way in there loves to lie to you loves to tell you that it's the easy way it's the better way yet here's what I've learned about disobedience disobedience it seems easy at the start but it always wreaks havoc at the end the right thing always feels in a moment harder to do and the wrong thing is always easier to do in the moment I've used this analogy here before but just use it again for a moment every morning my alarm clock goes off and it's telling me that I need to go to the gym I've made a decision and a commitment that I want to go to the gym yet as soon as that alarm goes off there's this button on my alarm that says snooze and snooze is a liar because snooze sounds so good effect when I have my firstborn son I might name him snooze because it's such a good knit snooze there's my boy snooze right there and hitting snooze is easy and hitting snooze in the moment feels so good yet can I be honest with you I have never ever in nor of you ever gone to the gym worked out and then walked out regretting it and you're gone the gym I'm like what was I thinking that was a waste of an hour of my life give it back how many potato chips you've never done that yet every time you hit that snooze button it felt good in the moment blade of that day you're like what was I thinking it's because disobedience it lies to you and so you you have this option and really your perspective on the two options is an indication of your perspective of God because how you view God will ultimately be the way that you view your options and let me be bald for a minute here we go some of you in this room and I'm talking to Christians here for a second what's a Christian a follower of Jesus someone that says I've died to myself that Christ might live through me so let me be bold and let me talk to some Christians you have died to yourself you call yourself a follower of Jesus yet tonight you're in this room and you are walking and living in blatant disobedience you're full of greed you're full of lust you're full of anger you're full of unforgiveness you're full of bitters full of offense go through the list I don't know what your thing is but some of you you know that you're disobeying God and really it comes down to your perspective because here every night if you know it breaks God's heart why do you think it will fulfill yours and maybe it's because you got the wrong perspective of God some of you are in this room and like you got this idea of God and his commands and they seem like such a burden you think he's angry and you think he's up in heaven he's like looking at you like he's Santa Claus and you're on the naughty list of a nice list that's not who God is some of you you look at God's Word and it's archaic to you and so you pick and you choose what parts you want to believe and what parts you'll apply and you'll say that part I don't like that part that part don't feel good I'm not going to touch that part I'm gonna stay away from that part that isn't lined up with how I feel so I'm not going with that part but I like that thing I like that thing and the truth the matter is what it's an indication is is that you're cool with Jesus saving you but you do not want Jesus to be the Lord of your life because you have to come to terms yes Jesus is your friend and yes Jesus is your Savior and yes Jesus died for you but Jesus is also God and his ways are higher and his thoughts are wild her and you have to trust him and choose to obey Him here's just what I've learned is that the way that you view your options is typically the way that you view God and if Jesus is not Lord of all well then come on friend he's not Lord at all and that's okay you can be in church and we love having you here but everyone so I gotta be real straight with you and say that the way God wants to be loved by you is that you would wholeheartedly obey Him here's what happens when you start to view God properly and you start to go wait a minute God has a plan for me plans to prosper me to give me a hope and a future God has for me I am more than a conquerer greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world my God declares that no weapon formed against me shall prosper doesn't say weapons won't be formed just says they won't prosper my God loves me my God has a plan for me my God wants to protect now all of a sudden the commands there not a bird in fact this is what John says in our textbook what he says first John chapter 5 he says and his commands are not burdensome they're only burdensome when you're not in relationship with Jesus but when you're in relationship with Jesus when you've discovered his radical love they're not a burden they're a blessing God's trying to protect me God's got a better plan for me God sees farther into the future I'm a trust my God is for me let me try to make this grace gospel centered for those of you that are getting afraid that I might be approaching the law too much for your life let me help you out if you're having a hard time obeying God something probably tells me that you are having a hard time of catching a real revelation of how much God loves you why because you will never ever ever allow God to lead you until you understand how much he loves you and when you have a constant problem that you're disobeying and that option is so much sexier and so much easier maybe it's time for you to get under the waterfall of his love and get showered in His grace if grace is an ocean we are all sinking and when I perceive his love for me my reasonable response is that I want to obey Him at his word let me just pass to you for one more minute here and then we're gonna get encouraging here we go if you want to destroy your destiny disobey God if you want to delay your God dreams keep disobeying God let me go even louder if you want to destroy your god-given time of having your character developed disobey God obedience it starts it starts as an option there will always be two choices either to obey or to disobey you get to choose but obedience it doesn't stay there on the journey what you'll find if you stay on the journey with Jesus what you'll find is you'll find this is that obedience it discovers the opportunity everyone say obedience discovers the opportunity see when you realize that God's love language is obedience now what happens is is that you realize that when I obey I am a blessing to God when I obey I'm getting an opportunity to love God in the way that he receives love my wife Don Cherie she's the best at this she maximizes opportunities to show me how much she loves me since we were 17 years of age I can go back many different times where I will be leaving on a trip I'll get on an airplane I'll open up my Bible and inside my Bible she has written me a hand love note I have my handwriting looks like a nine year old okay but Don Cherry's got this beautiful cursive flowing graceful and she will begin to write things mean many things that she says about me and these love notes aren't even true but she's prophesying to the man that I could be rich you're the best man I ever met that's not true but shoed if you believe it maybe I could be rich you're gonna change the world one day really you think I can I know you can't well then maybe I will because I've got a girl in my corner who's loving me in my language which is words of affirmation and she's creating an opportunity to maximize and show me her love many times I'll go on a trip or when she leaves and goes out of town many times I'll wake up after she's gotten to the airport I'll go to my bathroom and she's taking lipstick and she's written me a love note on the mirror I can't tell you what those ones safe with a private but they're good daddy loves it rich stop okay so married sex is the best sex so I don't really care what you think and you just me has helped some people tonight what am I say I'm saying that she's discovering an opportunity to show and reveal her love to me and obedience I was going to write the point and I was gonna say that obedience it leads to opportunities which it does and we'll preach that here in a second but really you got to stop because obedience is the opportunity it is the opportunity look what John says this is Bible Sunday night first John chapter 5 he says for everyone he's talking about obedience for everyone who obeys essentially born of God overcomes everyone say overcomes overcomes the world this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith listen obedience creates an opportunity to overcome so what is holding you back tonight is it the mistakes of your past is it the fear of the future what are you walking through right now is there anxiety worry depression riddle in your life what is the thing that's holding you back it's very very clear that when I obey it gives me an opportunity to overcome that which is trying to hold me back in this world and we overcome how by the blood of the Lamb that's the finished work of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony that when I testify of the goodness and the grace of my God when I get in line with his ways when I start to think his thoughts I too can overcome so obedience it creates a way for me to overcome in life yet even in this room right now there's people that are followers of Jesus yet if we were to put the microphone and go down all the rows so many people in this room right now are living without content so many people in this room right now are dissatisfied and they want more they want a new opportunity they want promotion they want more money they want more influence I don't know you go through the list of what's going on in your life here's what I've learned about obedience obedience it leads to God opportunities a couple weeks ago a group of guys we were gonna go and we're gonna watch this new movie that came last week and the movie started at 7 p.m. at Aventura AMC Theatres and we all lived down here in this Winwood area and so we're not very smart we got onto the highway at 6 p.m. at night on a midweek night on i-95 oh my god the thing was Grammys bumper-to-bumper gridlock traffic now you should know that I obey the laws of this land ok I'm a man of God and seatbelt never go above the speed limit and but I was traveling with a friend who's it was a baby Christian new to the faith and and pray for him and very immature in the Lord and and when we noticed that um we noticed that the traffic wasn't moving but we saw over in the distance that the fast lane it was it was empty and so he in a Christian Way cut off nine lanes and some people gave us some spirit fingers but hey bless those that curse you ok so now I'm not proud of this part ok so but um you know the barriers or the you know the things I'm not proud of this at all I haven't want to confess this for a week and a half so let me do it um I gotta get this out I'm just I'm a sinner he we he he he [Laughter] he um he crossed over the barrier good you know and the shortcut hey we made the movie on time that's not okay to do by the way let me just try to use that as analogy for a minute there's there's some of you there's some of you here right now tonight that you are so tempted right now to take a shortcut you're so tempted right now to cut somebody off you're so tempted because you want that opportunity so bad that you'll do whatever it takes if I got across five lanes to get my way I'm gonna get into that fast lane but let me tell you something in the kingdom of God there is no such thing as shortcuts in the kingdom of God there's no such thing as a fast lane no friend you have to wait in the traffic of your trials and you have to wait in the traffic of your tribulations and you have to wait for your opportunity to respond in obedience and like Eugene Peterson says so famously it's a long obedience in the same direction and if you'll stay in the same direction and if you'll choose to sound me a person of obedience I'm telling you what it's just a matter of time before there's an exit of a god opportunity in front of you those that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength they shall rise up on the wings of eagles they shall walk and not grow faint they shall run and not grow weary come on I wonder nine is there anybody in this house who's ready to say I'm gonna choose Jesus I'm obeying God I'm gonna trust that as I obey Him opportunities await me no shortcuts in God's kingdom you wait on God I wrote it down this way why don't you obey your way into your destiny obey your way into God's promises obey your way into the dreams for your life there's no shortcut God is developing you and God says if you love me you will obey me what's God's love language it's not acts of service it's not words of affirmation it's not quality time it's simply obedience that rolls into all those things obedience it's a journey it starts as an option yet it discovers the opportunity but lastly obedience eventually if you follow Jesus long enough it becomes an overflow it becomes an overflow look at what look at what John says this is our study this week who is it that overcomes the world once again he's speaking in light of obedience who is it that overcomes the world only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God so he's sort of wrapping where he began now this this word believes we know another word and the other word is this word trust and this is the truth I want to I want to encourage someone obedience is less about trying and more about trusting see if you'll actually trust Jesus in the traffic jam of your dream and if you'll trust him long enough and you'll see that he's gonna bring you to an exit of opportunity and if you actually get there to that blessing what you're gonna learn is Wow his plan is better than my plan and the more times you do this and the more times you start to trust him what begins to happen is you realize wait a minute obedience it's not out of my effort obedience is out of my identity I'm a child of God and he is a good good father I had the best dad in the world I have the best dad in the world and that's not everybody's story in this room and so I never want to set up this stage and just throw my blessing in your face but we all have a story and it's all used for God's glory and my story is I have the best dad in the world and when I was younger and immature I used to disobey Him and we used to debate and I used to have to always ask him why but what I learned is that even in my disobedience his arms were still open and he always looked at me and said I'm proud of you rich his pride in me was not dictated on what I did or what I didn't do I wasn't a son because of worth I was a son because of birth and when you put your trust in your belief in Jesus it's called being born again you're a new creation and really what happens is is the longer you follow him the more obedience just becomes the overflow of your life now at 33 years of age when my dad asked me to do something there's not a debate but rather I trust and I know that he has been right so many times and I know that he only has good intentions for my life so rather than ask why I simply obey because I am his son friend you're a child of God and this thing called obedience because some of you right now like you're already thinking about like okay and I want you to get discipline with it but I want you to understand it comes from a deeper place it comes from trusting God God has a good plan that even when it looks bad and even when it goes bad God is still good and he's still leading me even when I'm in the traffic jam and I might go out the fast lane looks empty but instead you do the right thing I'm telling you if you will continue in a long obedience in the wrong direction you're gonna find that God is so much more in store for you you're a child of God look at how Solomon says it the wisest man to ever live proverbs chapter 4 he says this above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it another translation says it's the wellspring of life some of you you're you're concerned with your actions you're concerned with your behavior I would challenge a knight to go a little bit deeper and I would go to your heart because if your heart is right your actions will follow out of the heart the mouth it speaks where my treasure is there my heart will be also guard your heart because out of your heart is how you live your life if you follow Jesus long enough and you mature in him obedience it becomes an overflow of who you are here's what I've been thinking this week and we're gonna get ready to close and people tonight are gonna make a big huge public confession of faith it's going to be special even over there in our additional seating God's speaking to you right now but here's what I think about all week what's so amazing about our God is that our God he came to this earth and he loved us in all five categories he made sure that not one of us were left out but he loved us according to our love language for many of us our love languages words of affirmation well guess what God declares that you are fearfully and wonderfully made God says that lo he is with you always come on he's overcome the world take heart don't give up you're a child of God some of you your love languages acts of service Oh has anyone ever served you better than Jesus he went to a cruel cross and he was stripped naked so you could be clothed in righteousness nails went through his hands and nails went through his feet and before you ever even knew his name he was serving you something like no but mom I love languages gifts oh yeah he gave you the greatest gift of all time the Word of God says that he box you back that he paid the ransom for your life that his blood it actually paid for your salvation some of you tonight you're saying but physical touch I want to touch Jesus aren't you thankful for a church in a community that we can come in tonight and some of you you walked in here you never even heard the name Jesus but you're going there's something in the atmosphere let me tell you what it is it's the touch of Jesus he's the God who inhabits our praises he's the God who shows up in the tangible and he wraps his arms around us and I'm thankful man I love Sunday's nothing better than Sunday night church oh it's a long day but man it's a beautiful day five services people full of faith I love Sunday I wouldn't trade Sunday I make Sunday a habit of my life wherever I'm at in the world Sunday comes I'm going to God's house because I want to spend some quality time with God you'd hear me I'm thankful for a God who's not confined to a box who's not confined to a place but I'm thankful for a God that on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday he's waiting on you and I to step into his presence and he says I've always got time for you our God he didn't just come and love us the way that he wants to be loved rather he came and he loved us according to our love language I think our reasonable response those of you in Christ Jesus that we would love him back according to his love language how to love God obey his commands
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 30,152
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: rich wilkerson jr, vous church, 1 john, how to love god, love languages, love
Id: 0miElB7k0-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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