Rich Jail vs Broke Jail / Stupid Life Hacks in Prison

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meet amber and ivy they are furious right now and all because of this shirt neither one is backing down and their fight over a shirt got them both in serious trouble neither ivy nor amber wants to go to jail but unlike amber ivy has plenty of money she calls her husband hoping he'll be able to keep her out but ivy's husband thinks they need some space from each other so he paid for her trip behind bars the shirt wasn't worth it but it is what it is [Music] welcome to troon county correctional center smile wait why bother smiling ivy won't smile for this old camera why doesn't the cop take a picture on her iphone [Music] now that's more like it time to pose [Music] now ivy can choose her own picture wait why didn't anyone tell her that she's not wearing makeup ivy doesn't want to be bare-faced in her mug shop ivy's husband cares about her comfort she'll be serving her time in the most expensive cell with a private tv and a smart home system [Music] the guard is pretty messy though it would be a crime not to take advantage of this they shouldn't underestimate ivy cover gum with epoxy resin and bake it make a ring out of polymer clay and take a print of the gum bake it for five minutes at 210 degrees then paint it now get to work ivy has come a long way to get here [Music] she's broken out of jail a lot of times so this will be easy as long as oh of course a mirror mirrors are ivy's weakness the guard knew all about that escaping won't be so easy this time amber has never been in trouble with the law before but she knows how it is especially when you're broke the cop is out of film so the best thing he can come up with is getting amber's face on cardboard [Music] unlike ivy amber's not that well off she ends up in an economy-class cell how is she going to get out of this one cover a box with light clay make a loaf of bread paint it and sprinkle flour on it [Music] all done a bread-shaped box what's inside it [Music] it's a bread-shaped box with bread in it that's creative [Music] but it was just a distraction because the real treasure is this file amber takes care of her nails oh these scissors can totally cut through the cell bars why isn't the guard paying attention if ivy tries to escape again officer joey will have to keep her in jail for longer than a week luckily ivy's not planning on escaping she just wants to clip her plant don't waste time worrying about her do something useful instead like bringing her some water [Music] but ivy is still trying to break out she wants to try leaving her cell using hypnosis she even made a special pendant but it didn't work on the guard how can she hypnotize [Music] hey take it easy officer houdini print out a picture [Music] cover it with epoxy resin and bake it [Music] apply glue and gold leaf [Music] remove the excess attach a chain uh-oh the hypnosis backfired ivy is going to take this chance for sure the pendant isn't useless after all ivy ivy great she hypnotized herself too they deserve each other the conditions amber is in right now are horrible she can't fall asleep on this bed she's uncomfortable and the mattress is bad [Music] she can't fall asleep oh she found what was making her uncomfortable and threw it away along with the only thing that could have helped her escape at least she can sleep now [Music] it's time to come up with a new escape plan amber wants to copy the key to herself but it's not working she'll just have to make it better cut a key out of plastic and bake it paint it and add a clip done that's better time to try it that click means it worked but she'll have to wait it's lunch time amber get your dishes [Music] turns out making a key out of her plate was a pretty bad idea ivy is uncomfortable in herself because her mu is bad she deserves better after all her husband paid for the best the guard will have to change her view if he doesn't want to get fired that's better now when ivy looks outside she sees parents [Music] but this view could be ruined at any minute by a window washer although he's got the right idea subscribe to us so he doesn't block ivy's view [Music] amber's view isn't great either a wall and an electric fence but sometimes she gets to see a crazy show like when birds get roasted right on the wire but every cloud has a silver lining food delivery is so advanced these days wait a minute that's a familiar shirt amber won't miss her chance again neither will i be this stupid shirt got them both in jail so it's time to get it back soon the shirt will have a new owner stop thief [Music] without even meaning to amber and ivy caught a dangerous criminal so officer joey decides to let them out as for you go right back into your cell what did you think of amber and ivy's story who's your favorite character tell us in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe so you never miss a new video from troomtroom trick
Channel: Troom Troom Trick
Views: 7,664,267
Rating: 4.6766915 out of 5
Keywords: Rich jail vs broke jail, rich, broke, rich vs broke, jail, rich jail, broke jail, stupid life hacks in prison, stupid, life hacks, hacks, prison, in prison, stupid life hacks, stupid hacks, ideas, stupid ideas, life hacks in prison, hacks in prison, funny, situations, moments, funny situations, funny moments, funny ideas, situations in jail, situations in prison, interesting, funny video, interesting video, troom troom trick
Id: hEfmKHdtwDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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