Rich Gamer vs Broke Gamer

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a couple more hours and i'll break the record kyle look at this mess in your room you get crazy with these games take a break no no no hey turn it back on not until after cleaning but i want to play what if i imagine myself playing the game an avid gamer like kaia is willing to literally live games even if the game is like a simulation of a virtual real world what's her next quest there cleaning then she has to get special equipment for that and put it in her inventory also just like the real game she gets experience points for completing quests kaya you missed a dusty spot there the cleanup is done the level is completed but what's that is that the final boss no something worse i hate this level [Music] oh hey join the server we've been playing for a couple hours days and nights went by and mike is still playing his computer i'm gonna rest now my eyes hurt i'm really tired what that can't be true this is craftmine's world then it's time to exterminate some zombies come here you evil creeper take that how about that what's he yelling about huh i'm gonna get you all my newspaper he needs to visit a psychologist oh i'm so excited kaya you've been hired as a packer in the warehouse really that's great here you'll need this for your job i got you oh i'm getting a call no way am i glitching i got selected to test a new game [Music] all right take your backpack back there's a virtual world waiting for me anthony how's it going with the development of my new game mr mike everything is ready for the beta test here's your controller just like you asked wow it's the rarest most expensive in the world isn't it rich gamer mike spares no expense on his hobbies food delivery man simulator am i really playing my own personal game great i can actually control it and the controller works great kaya has an interesting new part-time job this game is just incredibly boring i'm gonna go do something more interesting please help i don't wanna go forever hiya did you fall asleep what am i still in textures you can go work now yeah well phew what a horrible nightmare i don't need that mouse anymore i'm losing because of it i want a new one the coolest one designed specifically for esports oh yes a mouse with artificial intelligence now i have all the winnings what's going on it's out of control oops such a high-tech device turned out to be too independent help i don't want to die just have to defeat the dragon and i'll pass this level what the mouse stopped working that's just what i need i only had a little bit left now i have to do it all over again and what should i play with i have an idea what you wouldn't do to play a game you love poor gamer kaya can't even dream of buying a new computer mouse so she decided to just catch it gotcha from now on you'll serve me my little baby well i stopped at the dragon oh i better remove this let's continue sometimes mike gets too involved with the virtual world and becomes like a real gaming maniac how many times in a row have i failed to pass this level i'll sue the developers for ruining my mood hello send us some new keyboards he's already smashed the 100th one mike smash mike breaks and add a couple of new mice as well i'm sick of everything in fact all my computers at faulty doesn't know enough anything else yes do you have any job offers kaya like any other gamer can also get very angry because of a failed game but she can't afford to get matted or tech new equipment costs way too much no i can't do that but i'm filled with rage but i can't break my mouse kaya it's time to start saving up for a poppet or look for alternative methods to deal with your anger phew i'm feeling better now oh i'm sorry don't forget to subscribe to our channel just a little more and i'll win my lost no i hate this game oh he's getting real nervous again the developer should delete it i'm so annoyed with everything mr mike the keyboard isn't to blame for everything here i gotta pop it instead look how many buttons there are i like it lose again oh well what's it this time you're going to love it mr mike awesome simple dimple in the form of among us gamer kaya has a more budget-friendly version of anti-stress my mind is so peaceful right now what are you doing here quit ruining the bubble wrap and get to work already oh he won't even let me relax look what i got wow those are real vr glasses i wish i had those too cool just make sure you don't hurt anybody huh it's so sad that i only have regular glasses that's not fair everything is so realistic what do you see right now which action should i choose i guess i'll show off my money let that poor girl be jealous of me how about that what are you doing that's real money how can you do that oh hurry up and turn around code red playing around aren't you you better think of your grades it's time for speed mike's gaming accessories are the envy of every gamer they make him feel like he's in a real race battle to the metal i'm faster than lightning mike has no equal in this game as racing is his passion all right make a short pit stop there's even service though it's not auto that's what i call realism oh i wish i had a car simulator right now wait a minute this reminds me of something to a poor gamer even a regular ladle would remind her of a gearbox a homemade steering wheel why not the girl's definitely full of creativity it's done and it's already so much more comfortable but kaya shouldn't forget what's going on in the real world she didn't spill machine oil of course but there's plenty of noodles on the table now i'm number one oh no mom's coming she's gonna yell at me again for being so busy playing games as usual hi mommy oh did you decide to cook something yes but i'm not hungry so i'm going to my room love you bye what a good girl holy kitchen what's that kaya i love my game console i'm ready to play it all day long kayak can only admire such a luxury i can also do this you couldn't do that with your old smartphone wow i want to play like that too just let me try oh no i broke my smartphone again maybe i can fix it this time too but no her smartphone was not going to come back to life holy keyboard how did she outplay me i won't stand for that hello abby i know you're the best hacker in town i'm here i want you to hack this girl's computer she ruined my game and my mood roger that stop it what are you doing not my computer hers oh i got you let's see i win oops i'm out of my favorite tea mike is willing to pay professionals any money to eliminate opponents i'm gonna connect my hardware to it now and download a new super powerful virus her computer is ancient it won't go with my modern technology i'll have to use the old methods haha it should work that's another thing so my work is done time to leave the crime scene what on earth is that i love the classics abby's virus didn't work the way mike expected it to i'm a pro at this game i'll wipe her out the eternal problems of the rich ones they're always short of everything no that won't do anthony come here quick my screen is too small i can't play with it i need another one oh well as you wish it seemed like the new monitor was supposed to help great now i can't even look at it closely let's try it out you know i still feel uncomfortable huh then get a third monitor that's a good idea and i'll wait here now that's just the thing esports wait for me what why is there so much interference they can't play properly so get to work oops i overdid it a little bit just not that my baby please don't break down completely i'll heal you right now when you're poor duct tape usually comes to the rescue in these situations a true gamer will enjoy the game in any circumstance you do know that you have computer science class going on right now ladies and gentlemen this is the confrontation of the century poor gamer kaya versus rich gamer mike who'll be the winner good thing the servant helps mike deal with the sweat and the gamer doesn't have to be distracted from the competition that can't be said for kaya the poor thing has to deal with everything yourself oh yeah i took this round congratulations mike but the war isn't over yet oh no kaya's old laptop is overheating again there's obviously a problem with the cooling system when such a dinosaur anthony it's so hot deal with it it looks like the fanning helped cool down not only mike but kaya's laptop as well great it started working again anthony stop it you've only made it worse you better go away but it's too late victory in the second round went to the poor gamer don't relax mister i'll show that poor girl who's the main boss i'm gonna teach that rich upstart a lesson the divisive third round but who has it both gamers lost what's that supposed to mean there must be some mistake here turns out no one knew about the shadow behind the scenes a truly powerful opponent i defeated them both did you like our video then like it subscribe to our channel and don't forget to click on the bell see you
Channel: Troom Oki Toki
Views: 4,085,759
Rating: 4.6667128 out of 5
Keywords: Rich Gamer vs Broke Gamer, rich gamer vs broke gamer, rich vs poor, rich vs broke, rich, broke, life of a poor gamer, rich gamer, funny, rich gamers, comedy, troom oki toki, funny situations, funny video, funny ideas, funny moments, funny pranks, interesting video, interesting, fun video, pranks, rich and poor, funny stories, Gamer, game, PopIt, SimpleDimple, Pop It, Simple Dimple
Id: lc0G4AjI5rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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