Rich Boyfriend CHEATED On Her For A RICH Girl.. (ROBLOX BLOX FRUIT)

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all right so in this video we are playing some more Roblox box routs so just chilling here on Marine Island and I just see a girl just like looking around here bro I wonder what she wants man where is he I hate waiting for him I just wish he would love me more I'm starting to hate men bro what I think I should go all the way up here and have like a conversation with her hey so I was just wondering what you were talking about you seriously were spying on me that was a little bit rude no no no no I wasn't spying I just got here and I overheard your conversation oh well my boyfriend has been extremely sus lately but uh since you're here do you want to help me find him how does your boyfriend look like well we're matching a bit he's an emo guy so you notice him pretty quick and try looking around the jungle area he loves hanging around there all right fine I might as well just teleport myself over there and I think that's him all the way up here bro he's all alone and his name is Danny yo oh hi do I know you no you don't but I know your girlfriend she's looking for you girlfriend I'm single are you sure though because it looks like you guys are matching a bit yeah this is my normal everyday outfit okay it seems like this guy's like the type of person to play with scissors but I'm going to go ahead and just roll myself a fruit here and I got something really really garbage bro you're acting a bit strange how am I acting strange you just assumed that I had a girl and no one even walks up to someone and just starts asking them those sort of questions it's creepy all right dude I'm sorry I didn't mean it I guess we can have like my spin fruit to make it up for oh spin fruits thanks I guess bro this guy hates my gift now get out of my face I don't want to talk to you no more dude why is this guy being so mean wait is that his girlfriend at a distance right there it looks like she's walking up here and she literally just walked up to Danny hey hey babe I missed you anyways I sent someone your way looking for you did he find you that's low Kei stalking and yeah I guess I told that guy to scram for being weird how was he being weird I only told him to look for you well he just came up to me and started asking loads of questions and yeah why would you ask him that because you always leave me alone and I hate it when you do that I have really important stuff to do and if it turns out something good I'll stay with you a little bit longer fine bro your boyfriend is just going to scam you dude why are you falling for this and she rolled out the bomb for it and she just straight up gave it to him sorry I couldn't get anything better well that was disappointing I generally hate talking to you cuz you're so broke why would you say that I thought you love me yeah I don't care just shut up because cuz I got more important things to do and he just straight up left I feel pretty bad for her she's just crying here all alone what am I going to do well if I'm being real I think you should just break up with this guy he's too toxic for you stop don't say that we've been with each other for over 4 months and I don't want to end it like this you're crazy girl you can find someone better than that I don't know if I can can you please just spy on him for me fine but you owe me later let me just go look around in Pirate Village to see if anyone is there luckily for me I did manage to find find this guy over here God I hope this girl hurries up this is taking up a lot of my time and I just hope that Piper doesn't find out either wait is this guy actually cheating on her wait I just see the girl she just pulled up here her name is Princess with like a valkyrie hey Danny sorry it took so long I was just doing my makeup cuz I wanted to look cute for you damn girl you put a lot of effort you look beautiful thanks babe how about you get me a gift because I spent 2 hours trying to dress up for you and I don't want to go to waste yeah I got you fruits and this guy really rolled out the bomb seriously you think I'm worth a stupid bomb fruits go roll me a new fruit right now or we're over oh no okay okay viiper is not going to look too happy about this bro this guy's 100% cheating on the girl named princess wait you're not going to carry me to a boat like a princess you're seriously making me walk over here yeah I can tell this relationship ain't going to last anytime soon boys anyways we made it to the jungle and I can see them just pulling up here are you seriously making me wait I hate waiting don't be mad and this guy really just gave her the kilo fruits kilo seriously what is this get me a permanent fruit right now or we're over what permanent fruit do you want I want you to get me leopard I can't afford that one I see his Cur and girlfriend just like walking all the way up here Danny who is this hey Piper we're only friends right princess Danny come talk to me in private really quickly wait what are they going to talk about listen I can ruin your relationship right now and be honest with there or if you want to get me something better then I won't ruin it fine just don't tell her you have 2 hours to get me something oh no dude Danny is screwed what took you guys so long hey Piper and yeah I'm just his girl best friend I don't even like him oh thank God I was going to break up with him right now if he was cheating I only like Rich guys and no Danny would never cheat so don't be silly isn't that right Danny yeah I would never do that anyways I got to go now have fun and he just Di anyways Piper you need to get yourself a fit upgrade maybe that's why your boyfriend is sted to become uninterested in you you're so ugly but I thought you were nice well I don't care so get out of my face you dumb bits now she's crying and she just straight up left cry harder this girl is beyond toxic boys let's see if we have like a conversation with her really quickly hey what are you looking at can you at least roll me a fruits all right fine let's see how she's going to react once I pull out like another kilo fruit right in front of her ew what is that give me a permanent fruit right now that's so bad well this is not the fruit that I actually rolled I'm about to pretend to roll out my D fruit here oh really what fruit did you actually roll oh my God drop that right now you're so hot you're so rich well too bad I ain't dropping this crap you got to earn it I can leave my boyfriend for you winky face oh no dude I'm just going to pass up that offer and where even is her boyfriend bro that guy's like a dirty cheat I know a lot of people like to hang out like the Snow Village so let's check if he's here and I just found like the guy like around the corner over here and there's a revive fruits hopefully she'll like this fruits I think she'll be here any minute now I wouldn't be surprised if that rich girl just pulled up and started flooring with me again dude oh wait she's here Danny show yourself right now hey honey I found you a new fruit for you you did what's the fruits and he just dropped the revive fruits seriously Danny since I'm feeling nice I'm going to give you one more chance I got a favorite to ask you instead what's the favor I want you to help me awaken my spider fruit really oh I guess I can help you with that you don't even have any other options and I'm breaking up with you if you don't fine I'll just teleport us to the second Seas okay let me go ahead and just teleport myself all the way over there and I did manage to find Piper all the way here at Midtown what are you doing here well I just saw my boyfriend with that girl he's spending too much time with her if I'm being honest with you he's cheating on you you're lying this can't be true you want me me to prove it to you then yeah show me the evidence that you got I'm waiting all right fine we're going to go to like the second seas and I'll show you and I did manage to find both of them over there they are just talking this doesn't show that he's cheating wrecked bro just keep watching okay are you ready to awaken your fruits yeah of course I'm ready and you know what happened if we fail right I'm telling your girlfriend everything so don't lose what does she mean by that I told you already I was just spying on their conversation so let's just go to the raid room already so are you going to be buying the raid ship or what uh no I never said I was buying it obviously I'm not going to buy it you're the man so you should be providing for your girl oh fine now stop complaining and get it I'm so breaking up with him after this let's just go into like the raid tube now let me go ahead and just teleport myself into the Pod and just start it now me and Piper are in like the spider raid I'm not going to lie this is going to be one of the most easiest raid I can just Spam like one ability just deal like a massive amount of damage over here you can just see like princess is just getting hit by like a bunch of spider webs bro anyways we killed over like five NPCs and we managed to clear like the first island that was super easy Danny I better see you keep doing the same amount of work or else it's over yeah obviously I'm not going to let you down my princess we're staying together forever I'm just going to kill him let's just go already yeah she's not wrong you know if I caught my girl cheating I would just dump her on site boys I guess it's time for me to just like repeat the cycle just use my blizzard of main powers and just Spam like a bunch of abilties is here and they're just like on the boat just doing nothing bro are they just seriously just letting me do all the work even though they don't know that I'm here who cares I guess I just completed like the second island Danny I literally only saw you kill three NPCs I had to kill the rest of them step up your game fine I will now stop complaining about everything kind of ruining the mood don't tell me what to do damn bro this girl is acting a little bit spicy and I don't even know where Piper even went I think she died or disappeared anyways we just made it to like the four or five Island and they're still in that stupid little boat of theirs bro I don't know what they're going to do without me dude especially like that stupid girl anyways we just like clear like the for fing here we don't have enough time hurry up Danny or else you're losing both of your girls yeah she's not wrong bro we only got like 3 minutes left to complete this raid I guess that's a calling like the bad boys here which is my giant seab Beast which I got out of my pants here he's about to deal like massive amount of damage but it's kind of like annoying getting spammed by these things and they're not letting me attack bro this is why I have like blizzards so I can just destroy every single one of them now we got like less than 2 minutes and this boss is still at full HP over here I guess I have to bring in like the bad boy Buddha to help me out here switch to spider fruit and that's how you clutch a spider raid with 21 seconds left and it's just like me with the other girl I guess like both of them didn't have the spider fruits wait what are you doing here I thought Danny was here with me I guess he died he's so dumb N I just snuck into your raid now it's my chance to ruin Danny's relationship and by the way princess I can treat you better than Danny I'm the richest box fruit player oh really so you're telling me you got something better than that D fruit of yours winky face of course I do let me go ahead and just pull out my leopard fruit here leopard drop that right now not so fast I want you to go break it off with Danny fine anything for that leopard fruit I'll do it right now damn I can't believe she's about a waked her spider fruit and do it too bro wait I just see like the both of them here I'm done Dany I'm tired of your lies I hope your new girl treats you better Don I haven't lied I don't have a new girl what do you mean n dude the princess girl just walking up to Dany we're over Danny and also Piper he was cheating on you the whole time with me you're a horrible gaslighter Danny you can't even make any excuses now you really had to ruin everything don't you yeah I'm sorry dude I just wanted the princess girl to myself girl I challenge you to a 3v one against me 3v one you're going to lose even the princess girl is laughing this is going to be easy yeah she's not wrong let me just equip port and teleport everyone straight to like the Coliseum here I just can't wait to embarrass you Danny you talk too much just get to the other side already all right fine 3 2 1 go now the guy just goinge with like his life Roots he's literally just comboing Piper and she just died bro that's one girl down now he's going for like the princess girl don't die and she literally just did well you think you can win now this 3v one seems like it's in my fever yeah no buddy let me just go ahead and just like use the control area I'm about to be using like my echo knife on this kid he's getting himself like completely clapped here let's finish him off by grabbing like a giant rock from like the ground and just slamming it here and he got completely clapped I'm probably just going to head back to the cafe and it seems like they're both all the way over here how about we both date right way to make Danny jealous yeah let's do it well I only just came here to give one of you guys like the diamond fruits oh you're giving us some fruits we can give you more than fruits for winning I don't know what these guys are talking about what are you trying to give me well there's a room downstairs which all three of us could share okay this is getting a little bit too Susy though but I do feel bad for Piper so I'm about to give her permanent gravity fruit for 23,000 Robux wa gravity and Danny just randomly just showed up he needs like wrecked what are you doing giving my girl's fruits I ain't your girl anymore L find yourself someone else and who's going to date a broy like you yeah you're the weak ones re can you show him your big friend from earlier yeah go show him your big friend okay I don't know how this princess girl knows about my big friend but let me just go ahead and just sum him from like the giant waters what the heck is that that's my sees bro you're about to be drowning into like the middle of the ocean and he's gone now that he's gone now you got to choose one of us who dates I'm better in the bedroom okay Piper you're all reminding me of my ex-girlfriend I'm out of here
Channel: Rektway
Views: 183,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, blox fruit live, roblox blox fruits update, fruit, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, soul guitar, god human
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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