TikToker Finds Out Her Boyfriend Is SECRETLY Cheating.. (ROBLOX BLOX FRUIT)

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all right so in this video we are playing some our Roblox BLX routs and I was just chilling here and I see like someone Dancing On The Edge all the way over here bro I'm sure everyone's going to like my new dance moves my last video got me 1 million views on Tik Tok okay I can already tell that this girl is going to become like a gold digger or something bro anyways where's my stupid boyfriend I can't find that idiot anywhere because we were supposed to record a video together I'm just surprised anyone likes her anyways I'm probably going to walk up all the way up here spend like 300K cash or all my like a fruit I got like the best ruit in the game boys well you got kilo yeah what's wrong with that I'm recording this conversation and I'm about to show everyone you're the brokest person that I ever met you met me for like 5 Seconds you're calling me broke already well duh I bet they you won't be able to compete against me now watch me roll something better and she's talking to like the block through gotcha and she just pulled out like a spring fruit out of her own inventory you see this is much better than kilo I'll let you have it under one condition bro I have 89 spring fruits I'm curious so I'm going to ask her anyways I want you to go find my boyfriend he has white hair a black shirt like a classic emo do and some black pants now get to work before I kill you she started like using her magma Powers against me and she got me down by like 25% of my HP bro and let me go ahead and just use my observation and just teleport myself straight to started Marine Island and I see like someone all the way up here yo I got a quick question for you uh okay do you have a girlfriend that has has black headphones and a black hat oh God yeah I don't want to mention her why well she's looking for you right now she's wondering where you're at I'm going to be honest with you pal I'm doing everything that I can to avoid her why because she's literally the most toxic person around and she only wants me for her videos I actually feel kind of bad for this guy but it was nice talking to you bro but I got to go to Pirate Village to meet up with my best friend peace out I should probably go ahead and follow this guy your boy is about to be buying like a belt really quick quickly not so fast what are you doing here are you stalking me why didn't you tell my boyfriend to come back to me are you brain dead listen girl it's not even my job to tell him to come back if he doesn't like you just let him go you do not tell a person with 2 million followers to let go and I'm more famous than you and I can ruin your life if you don't listen to me how are you going to be doing that obviously a fake exposed video to ruin your life and I can't wait to make it you got 1 hour to get my boyfriend back and if you don't we're going to have serious issues by and then she just like stormed off in like the distance bro okay I'm probably going to be teleporting myself straight to like the pirate Village because that's what like the other guy said that he's going to where is she she was supposed to be here right now wait is Bes is a girl hey Oscar Emily it's about time that you showed up yeah sorry I got caught up with a bunch of stuff you doing okay not really me and Karina are having serious issues again oh I'm sorry hear that Oscar and I'm thinking about breaking up with her so I can ask you out on a a date bro there is no way that he got like another girl that fast wait what you like me well duh I like you for like a very long time now oh no Karina just showed up and she turned around and now she's going up to them Oscar what did I tell you about hanging out with Emily listen we need to talk well we can't talk about important stuff right now we need to do this video for the fans or else we're not going to be making any money but it's really important it's not we It's You Are you seriously trying to talk back to me don't make me use my magma powers to kill you oh fine where do you want to go follow me and she just ran to like the other side I'm sorry yeah you better be dude you just left Emily all alone now stand still so we can make our money now okay fine now get dancing or else you're going to die as well there are you happy good anyways what is this important thing that you want to talk about if it's about me and you I'm not interested well then I guess it's not the right time and he looks so sad about it boohoo cry me a river and just bring me back a fruit so we can awaken it but I'm going to be letting you be a good boyfriend and give you one hour and the guy just like ran off and he literally said fine you don't even deserve anything yeah I actually feel kind of bad for this guy he's being used by his like Tik Tok girlfriend for views and money and Emily just appeared and just said wait Oscar take me with you well you better get on fast because if Karina sees you we're both dead okay I'm pretty sure they're going to go back straight to like the jungle and I did manage to find like both of them up here okay let me see if I got any good luck left and this man actually got himself like a barrier fruit that is actually not too bad in terms of value but it's pretty garbage oh my God that's such a good fruit here let me go roll one for you too there is no way she got herself like a quake fruit here you can have mins this man got him some like a free 1 million fruit bro wait are you for real yeah just keep the fruit hidden and his girlfriend just like pulled up to like that jungle Oscar did you get me what I want and why the hell is Emily in here this stupid rat belongs in a washing machine listen I just came to roll of fruits then where is it I don't see any fruits that's because I threw it away nah I think you're lying to me right now Oscar drop me the barrier fruit and he did now show me the other fruit that you got in your inventory I don't have another one do you want me to tell Emily what you did to her ex-boyfriend because I can post it on my Tik Tok and he literally just gave her like the Quake fruits oh my God I knew you were hiding this fruit all along and a stupid rat like you rolled it l so you're telling me you're too poor to roll anything good all you do is just run your mouth wow I guess at this rate you'll never figure out what Oscar did to your ex-boyfriend oh yeah then what is it if you want to find out I want the two of you to help me awaken my magma fruits fine all right I'll do it but after this we're going to have a serious talk if it's anything stupid I don't care now let's go okay so Karina's out of the picture for the meantime but these two stayed here why haven't you broken up with her yet I haven't even got the right time time to say it yet and she knows about my deepest Secrets if this ex-boyfriend's secret is bad I don't want to be friends with you anymore now let's go yeah I'm not going to lie Oscar 100% screwed up here but let me go ahead and just teleport myself straight to Midtown really quickly and I managed to find all three of them at like the second Seas here let's see if you guys are useful in a magma raid any more Awakenings for it and you guys are perfect test subjects of course I am and we are people not test subjects shut up Emily I know what you two are doing behind my back you think I wouldn't know Oscar we aren't doing anything explain the video that I sent you on your phone you're trying to dump me for Emily I'm just trying to dump you because you're toxic oh boohoo you're crying your little feelings because I'm toxic hey girl you got no room to talk because you're irrelevant damn I'm not going to lie boys Carly's going off and I did not expect her to go ahead and just spy on their conversation but anyways I should probably meet them at like the raid room here oh look who it is the Brokey from earlier why you still calling me broke I bet bet that I got more fruits than you even my own headphones are worth more than her Roblox account dude I bet that you don't even got this yeah I totally don't have a quake fruit in my inventory definitely not 18 but I bet that she doesn't even have like a leopard fruit so let me go ahead and pull that out oh my God I'm sorry I'll even make a video with you if you draw me that fruit girl I'm not even going to give you anything bro how about I just carry you in the raid instead oh you're going to carry me you hear that Oscar a real man that does it for free unlike you whatever yeah I'm not going to lie Oscar is not sounding too happy about this bro let me go ahead and just like buy the raate chip for like 100k cash I'm planning to switch to like the blizzard fruit and let's see how much damage we're going to do here boys cuz I know for sure if I just Spam my blizzard domain here I'm already dealing like over 11k damage why are like these two girls just sitting there and doing nothing bro calm down of course they're going to be letting like the guys do all the work here well that's how you managed to clear like the first raid guys wo that was hot you got yourself the blizzard fruits yeah it helps me out a lot and Emily just said she didn't even do anything I saw her hiding girl you were sitting there as well now shut your mouth before I expose you alive nah you just lie too much keep saying that I'm lying watch me tell the truth after this raid I don't know what truth that she's talking about it's probably about her ex-boyfriend but anyways we made it to the second island now it's time for me to just Spam my blizzard domain once again boys like how the hell is Emily going to compete with my damage bro even my buddy sword deals more damage than her and we managed to clear like the second island where is Oscar did that idiot die I don't know bro maybe he did and she said she thinks he died because he was protecting you what a waste of a life you're going to regret defending him watch girly I'm going to ruin you too and she just went back and hop back on the boats I'm not going to lie this is way too much drama in my book but anyways we made it to like the fort viin all the way over here the two girls are all the way over there with their boats just doing around and just doing nothing bro but hey I don't even need them I can just use my BL wizardo main power just do this already like 40K damage in a span of like 2 seconds I bet that these girls are unable to do this but hey we managed to clear like the four fire line here Emily why did I bother to invite you you're so useless to this raid and she put dot dot dot keep living in your own Fantasy Land what do you mean that I'm living in a fantasy land you literally can't even pull any guys but go watch my new Tik Tok video you're getting a bunch of hate comments right now I'm not going to lie that's kind of weird that she was secretly recording their own convers ation but I don't even care anymore we're at like the boss raid we got like 3 minutes and 40 seconds to complete this stupid raid and I can also summon my giant guy that's straight out of my pants here he's about to be destroying everything around me and this is a perfect chance for me to just switch through and go back to like the magma fruit now this is a perfect chance for me to just like finish off the boss right here and that's how you win a magma raid boys wa you did it you did so much better than my stupid boyfriend and his stupid lover I mean I'm not going to lie that was like one of the most easy as raids that I don't him why is she dancing on me now but Emily let's have a serious talk since we're here now you know what he did right why he told your ex-boyfriend that he had a new guy so he can have you to himself I found this out by looking through his phone today he did yes girl I know I'm a pain in the butt but me and you should get revenge on him do you want to join in on the action okay listen girl I do not want to why do you need Revenge isn't it obvious I know he's trying to dump me for you he's trying to break my feelings it's it's not going to work out you know what fine let's team up let's take down this cheater yo I can't believe this girl's plan just worked out and she's about to get herself like a second magma Awakening look I think he's coming over now let's just see what he says hey so how was the raid oh you know we did great on it we didn't even need you anyways well that's good I had to do something like what you'll see later happy face I don't think those plans are going to work out Emily knows about your secrets she's not going to date you anymore XD yeah like how could you Karina I'm tired of you just stalking me I don't care if you make that video or not and this guy just kidnapped her on like a flamingo bro no do something wrecked all right fine let's go ahead and just like rescue this girl but I low key want to get this fruit first ooh it's a light fruit what are you doing picking up fruits find her idiots listen if you keep on talking to me like that way I'm not going to help you for crap anyways we made it into like this giant thing since I used my observation I did manage to find like the both of them here Emily you know I love you right why are you being so crazy because I got to push you off and I'm going down with you too someone please help me don't do this well no one's going to hear you how about I just like eat this life Fruit because I have way too many of them I'm probably going to go all the way up here literally just like blast this guy from like the sky and he literally just died oh my God thank you dang that was so hot wrecked and I just looked up your channel no wonder why Everyone likes you you're famous all right listen I don't even care about the fame let me just teleport you guys back to safety bro do you think Oscar is gone no I don't think so you're right look behind you and he's literally just walking straight at me you you ruined everything I thought that I could trust you but I guess I have to slaughter all three of you man you're weak you can't even carry me on the bed just teleport us to the Coliseum you hottie okay listen don't even call me hot girl I don't even know who you are dude and I got myself a girl already now hurry up and count down Oscar or El you're scared and he's actually doing it and I don't even have like a chance to just switch my other fruits out and oh God he's going after them and just shooting his L Powers at him with the girl just shooting her magma fruit at him and Emily just died how could you I'm glad that I'm getting rid of you I posted the video and I hope that your reputation gets ruined well I've been trying to get rid of you for ages and it's a good thing that I made a plan for that and he literally just killed her bro weaklings and it's going to be your turn too buddy boy yeah okay man I would like to see you try against like my Rumble fruit right here bro how about this guy just like takes my giant balls dude I'm about to like summon it all the way at the bottom here and he literally got himself completely clapped by my giant balls wo we saw that giant ball from the sky I knew yours were big but dang okay stop being a little bit weird you know let me go ahead and just give you guys a fruit because I feel bad I guess it'll be a little bit nice and give them permanent Buddha for 1.6k Roo a you got us Buddha let me go ahead and just like dance on you okay n girl I do not want you dancing all over me dude what you got the permanent Buddha them Oscar just go away already me wrecked and Emily have PL together later you missed out big time I got videos coming out to expose you all your darkest secrets too and he just straight up left okay thank God they're gone and I do not want to talk to these eag girls ever again too
Channel: Rektway
Views: 274,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, blox fruit live, roblox blox fruits update, fruit, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, soul guitar, god human
Id: xyGW8kKB21w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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