Rhythm Heaven: A Series Retrospective and Top 161 Minigames (Ranking EVERY Minigame)

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[Music] um rhythm heaven is one of my favorite creative experiences of all time you heard that right despite this being a video about a video game i really enjoy it as a creative experience and if you haven't played rhythm heaven before it's a compilation of short super wacky games that are all set to well you might have guessed it a rhythm it differs from games like guitar hero osu or taiko drum master simply because of the fact that usually some context is given and you play through a task or a short story unlike rhythm games like elite beat agents that are driven by story rhythm heaven distinguishes itself by not having an arcade style point system the controls are also extremely simple usually only requiring tapping flicking or one or two buttons this is all to say that this is a super low stress game and you could jump in and out without much thought as someone who doesn't have time to sit down and play fire dragon fantasy for deluxe always i usually come back to rhythm heaven if i'm looking for a good way to de-stress without needing to commit more than 15 minutes or so being both a rhythm heaven fan and a human in a world where we seek to compare everything it's only natural that i'd find myself wondering what my favorite mini game is in rhythm heaven especially when i'm staring off into silent nothingness [Music] maybe just starting with some of the quirks of the games i like is a good place to start right to be the iconic yeah from ringside that i find myself slyly forcing into everyday conversation or perhaps the more obnoxious handful of peas that provided endless laughs in the munchie monk extra mode there are plenty more nuances that make each of these games special to me and that right there is the problem i love rhythm heaven so much that i couldn't pinpoint a favorite game so i made it my mission to review every game individually as a part of a retrospective that allows me to answer the question of how i would rank every single rhythm heaven minigame well there is a minor caveat maybe not every i'm not gonna be including games from the endless games and the rhythm toys that are in all the games because i don't think it's fair to compare very repetitive games that go on forever or one note toys that you go through really quickly to well-paced levels that are meant to be enjoyed like short songs additionally i won't be covering the contents of rhythm 10 goku gba as i just haven't played it before i know there are ways i could play it but with timing being important and emulators tending to have lag i'd rather my first experience with that game being an official translation that i could play on first party hardware aside from fan favorites like rap men and others in this game it means i'm not going to be covering sick beats because that's an endless game in mega mix and i really don't want to include claptrax this also means none of the extra battle the bans levels are going to be included they are in levels in the traditional rhythm heaven sense so i don't feel a need to include rockers like 10 times additionally again this will not be taking the challenge strange levels into account so the double tempo lockstep lockdown will not affect my opinion on vanilla lockstep and of course no goat pachinko this might be obvious to those who have played megamix as it is literally just a pachinko machine but i need everyone to see the scope good everyone saw it maybe i'll talk about all this stuff one day but for the sake of this video it is not important as for how the rest of the video is gonna work the first section is gonna cover my opinions that i list upon revisiting all the games in order chronologically and the second part is going to be the list that lists my top 161 rhythm having many games i'm gonna look for three specific qualities in the mini games gameplay visuals and music gameplay is pretty obvious the actual inputs need to be well paced and they need to work fluidly inputs should also chain together well if it's faster paced and they need some complex inputs visuals kind of tie to the idea that the game is being diverse visually and this is where i'm going to be discussing the overall concept of a game if it's important and unique enough the way the visuals are used will also be considered for instance how do they create a distraction to emphasize the necessity for a rhythm based experience relying on sound and not visuals music is mostly self-explanatory but just put it out there being too repetitive is not good it's bad the song is too similar throughout this usually ends up making the gameplay really repetitive makes the game weaker as a whole i'm also going to be including sound effects in here as i think sound effects are really prominent in these rhythm having games and for some players who might be blind these sound effects are going to make a lot of the creative experience for them the best games balance these masterfully and use them as the foundational pillars for a great experience if just one of these crumble the game tends to fall apart with it as well and then it suffers with all that being said let's finally start our journey with rhythm heaven ds rhythm heaven ds is my first experience with the series in general it was a painful grind for me to understand that you actually needed to use the sound to play the game well at least well enough to pass the stage it definitely didn't help that i bought the game to play on a plane trip so i couldn't really hear anything when my ears popped on the plane but the point is i didn't understand the game well enough so i failed a lot i couldn't even figure out the tutorial on boxstep for the longest time and i had to skip in my first playthrough i only mention all this because this list is gonna start with the game that almost made me drop the series immediately built a scale all right get a snack ready we got 51 rapid fire reviews starting right now built to scale is just a bit too long and boring for the first game the last third with the obscured view is nice but it's a bit challenging for new players i do like that the tutorial goes straight into the game but like i said this game is very repetitive and i feel that that repetitive nature mixed with the pretty much bland visuals doesn't really give you a good idea of what the game is like and what's coming up it just shows you blocks it's not that glee club has an interesting concept of letting go of the screen to act i think it works well the ds gimmicks and the jazzy music is actually very nice i think the quick part in the middle where it goes [Music] is something that gives you a challenge and it makes you come back a lot later and it adds a lot of replayability to the game and coming off of build to scale it seems very lively but i think the lack of color makes it a lot less interesting especially compared to the other games in the series this could be maybe to not overwhelm players with all these colors and make the visuals more distracting and emphasize that sense of rhythm you need but i do find it in retrospective to be very boring alright so aesthetically philbots is very appealing when you're filling the robots with the red on the white background i think watching that red rise is very intriguing and it captivates you but i'm not crazy about the games where you have to count the beats and you're really just waiting and this game really feels like a prototype to screwbots it has less personality with the robots although when they have their heads explode it is very funny so i think i guess only in a perfect run it has less personality but it doesn't shake things up too much and i think the music gets better in the second half but the first part is pretty average all right fan club is a lot less bad than i remember the tutorial is really good and it starts with some of the rhythm having goofiness with the monkeys explaining how to interact during the show it's one of the few mini games that let you watch and relax while you're waiting for your q especially with the lyrics and while the lyrics are a bit annoying they do keep you on your toes and i get the feeling that it does uh have the effect of like annoying child pop music that's kind of the point it's supposed to be grating and because it's kind of short it doesn't bother me too much remixes in rhythm heaven seem a little confusing if you just see the visuals so i'm going to explain really quickly what it is it almost acts as a boss stage where it blocks your progress from getting to new games by making sure you understand the fundamentals of all the ones you just played for instance this one is going to include built to scale glee club fan club and phil bots what that means is that it's going to take those games and the things you do in those games and combine them into one song to keep you on your toes we're gonna take a look at remix one right now it'll make more sense when you see it remix 1ds i don't like that much it feels like built to scale kind of forced the other games to conform to it and that adds to this very repetitive feeling but i do like one teaching moment in this game which shows that philbots with its counting of the beats follows the yeah yeah yeah pattern of fan club which i think is cool but i think built to scale killed this one just having to here every time glee club has a nice background but i think the pattern on this remix is very uninspired it's bland and i think that really just describes remix one in this game as a whole remix 1ds is just very bland and doesn't have a lot going for it i'm pretty mixed on rhythm rally i think the song is good and the concept of playing ping pong to a rhythm is pretty decent but it's a little boring especially with the white background and nothing really changing up in the visuals the whistle when you miss a shot gives me ptsd to when i played this game for the first time and also rhythm rally 2 which we'll get to later but i remember the song primarily with all the whistles on every single beat and missing a lot it's really hard to recover from a miss but this one is kind of fair if i had the cake background in megamix because it does change it to a cake background with some strawberries i do think it's slightly better but in terms of the ds version it's like all right it's pretty good i shoot em up is so lame i think the presentation matters a lot for a rhythm heaven game especially for the games that are kind of like tambourine simon style where you just copy the beat and the alien designs are terrible they could be made in ms paint the music is all right but it just does not have the visual appeal to grip you and it's very generic and repetitive it doesn't feel like i'm playing rhythm heaven it feels like i'm playing some knockoff flash game and i hate that so much because rhythm heaven is so much more than that i think bluebirds is the first game in the ds library that just loses quality it has really memorable characters between the soldier birds the bluebirds and the kernel kind of bird and the sound design is excellent i especially love the sound of the beaks hitting the floor and the stretching of the necks the first game that gives you a reward for not needing to look at your character is this one because it gives you a training montage to watch if you're good but if you're not that great you could still watch the birds and kind of give yourself that extra edge on the gameplay the music is excellent it gives a french military training feeling and the flicking works really well on the original but it does feel less a little bit less fluid in mega mix i'm not going to hold it against it though because the ds version is excellent moai duo is absolutely one of the best looking mini games on the ds it feels like the tiki room in disney world and the tropical feeling gives it a very uh friendly comforting vibe but it's also pretty relaxing i think the seagull droppings make the parts where you mess up a little bit less painful and you're going to mess up a lot just because of the controls i'm not too fond of simon says games but this one is one of the better ones and i think the tropical moai song is great especially when you get to the part that sounds like a song that would play you know during the beach scene in a movie it's good in remix 2 that they started the theming although shoot him up just being at night like the only one that's not during the day is a little bit jarring uh the song's all right and the marimba was a good choice for a tropical song uh it nails a vacation feeling better than remix one on the wii but i think remix one on the wii is much more memorable this is a bit more generic just kind of oh you know it's tropical but you're not gonna remember it bluebirds gave me the most trouble for some reason but i'm glad they got a break from work you know they deserve a vacation and it didn't feel like i deserved a superb when i beat it uh but you know we take those i like the concept on love lizards and the visuals i think are very cute and the music is a little bit salsa-esque but the touch controls hold this one back so much from being great another thing i didn't include in the script that i want to throw on is that the sound effects are so good especially with the lizard that has the xylophone tail it adds a lot of personality to these lizards that are otherwise just very happy crop stop suffers from the same touchscreen problems as love lizards but i don't think the game works without flicking like if they brought it to mega mix i feel like something would be missing the song is memorable and i appreciate that the turnips change color every time you play the game i think the turnips and mole also add a lot of personality the mole feels very mischievous like monty mole and mario and it really feels like a classic rhythm heaven mini game when you look at this game you think you know it's just a farmer stomping but the movement behind the farmer's stomp the song is very memorable it feels like classic rhythm heaven i would show this to someone who's interested in the series i didn't think i'd feel this way going in i didn't remember liking freeze frame this much but i think freeze frame is just objectively good the music complements the cues very well and the song is really catchy like it was stuck in my head for a while after i replayed this one the distractions are really interesting and this game uses cameos well i don't love just throwing cameos in but i think having the tengoku characters from the gba on the racetrack at the end blocking your view is really interesting something feels off on this but i understand this just kind of a personal thing it might just be the vegetable cars which i think it's really clever that they use the carrots uh like stem to look like gas keep an eye out for that but i don't know the vegetable look of the cars with the potatoes and carrots is a little weird but this is the first game i feel confident enough that i don't need too much of a refresher on and i only ended up missing one car like this the first one i skipped the tutorial on so i like freeze frame a lot you know at one point in time the dazzles was really my favorite for some reason i don't know why because this is just cheer readers but worse the song is less bad than fan club but it also has less of an excuse to be bad because fan club felt like a parody whereas this does not i don't know if there's a cultural component i'm missing out on maybe with like japan idol groups but it just looks like the brady bunch it's okay it's not great i wouldn't go back to it if i didn't need to 3ds the spaghetti western it sounds fun it absolutely overstays its welcome lengthwise and it feels like it should have ended halfway through i don't know why it's so long because you're doing the same thing kind of just twice in a row it's like you're playing the mini game twice in a row it's really annoying crop stomp is the star of the show for sure especially with how the malls are tied to the music and i love the way the farmer looks i can't really figure out what he's wearing but i understand it's one of those cultural things to japan and i think especially the way the sleeves drape is super interesting i don't know what's going on with love lizards it felt like it had the same pattern but they wasted your time in the beginning by doing like 15 second recap of nothing and the dazzles are reskinned pretty well also but the length makes the decent remix just bad it's way too long munchie monk is an absolute classic it it's short length is such a great strength that you could just run through it over and over again it feels quick and satisfying the sound design is great from the way the queues are delivered specifically one gal one gal the swallowing noise is incredible it adds a lot of personality to the munchie monk especially pairing it with the eye motions even the sound of missing and hitting his nose with a dumpling is really satisfying the mustache growth is a nice bonus for doing well and it adds a little bit more the game so you're not just looking at this balding monk and the song of course is very memorable who could forget it especially those like strong woodwind instruments maybe horns i everyone knows it it's great dj school was absolutely the one i was most looking forward to replaying on this replay and i think it's one of the best in ds the character designs are great that's the only word i could use to describe them dj yellow's energy contrasting the laid-back nature of the player character it really is just wonderful character design and adds a lot of chemistry to these otherwise one-dimensional characters i think the posing of the characters also helps to stand out with dj blue kind of slouching over himself whereas dj yella always has his hands in the air and always has this big smile plastered on his face and the sound distortion with the dj touch is really nice it's just so positive and it's one of the best up to this point it has so much personality it makes you feel so good i love dj school for sure alright so drummer duel is another simon says game but i think it's less interesting than mo i do off and the music isn't very memorable it's not that good the huge tyco drums are neat but it's kind of basic i think this whole game is very much again like a flash game where you have these generic drummers these generic cheerleaders on a white background and they're dueling i think when their faces turn red it gets a little bit more interesting but you don't get to the fast part for a while and the simon says parts do start to drag on to the point where i couldn't remember the melody and my hands couldn't keep up with it i think this one is a little too hard and the visuals just don't have enough going on and then the music is also just not that great so you know drummer duel if you like it that's wonderful i don't love it love lab is another highlight of the ds game for me it has a phenomenal soundtrack using an acapella vocal arrangement and it has pretty good flick controls especially compared to a lot of the other games we've already talked about like crop stomp and love lizards this one's very dependent on the flick and it's not too intrusive uh the girl is very emotive and the backdrop of the sunset is gorgeous it works really well this game especially the beakers and i think the sunset and having this orange palette it doesn't show up enough in the series it's probably not safe you know throwing all these chemicals around not not super safe but it's a highlight of the ds game for sure remix 4 is obviously a lot better than remix 3. remix 3 i think sets the bar really low but i think aside from the munchie monk clown which is great uh that's as far as the theme goes it's kind of forgettable which isn't good considering three of the four games i think are really great by themselves but remix 4 tries its best interesting carnival and like love theme but i don't think it goes far enough all right for splashdown i think that the song wasn't good it'd just be worse clappy trio the song is high energy which i don't think fits the visuals synchronized swimming just feels plain and there aren't any interesting distractions on screen like the farthest it goes is dolphins which doesn't subvert your expectations i guess dolphins wouldn't be in a pool but i think the song excellent i always think about the song but the visuals are just so bland funnily enough big rock finish has the exact opposite problem of splashdown i think the visuals are really interesting where with these cool ghost looking characters and an alien crowd there's a weird chair in the background but the game is brain dead it feels like a rhythm toy that was turned into a full game which is not good it's just you do the same thing over and over again and the music changes sporadically it's just all over the place not a huge fan all right it's really a shame because the song on dog ninja is excellent the premise predates fruit ninja probably so i'll give it a pass on the theming but it really feels like it should be tapping and not swiping swiping i guess makes more sense but it doesn't feel very good uh the biggest problem is with the tires and pans which just thematically you have this nice crisp drawing of dog ninja and then you have what looks like renders i just don't like realistic objects with thick outlines it feels lazy the brevity of this one saves a lot of the problems from being too noticeable but even in megamix when you're switching to buttons it doesn't feel much better so theming's great song's great but the controls kind of hold it back a little and then of course those realistic objects i don't i don't think i've met anyone who likes realistic objects in a cartoon world i'm just gonna start frog hop off by saying i don't think i like this one something about it really makes me uncomfortable the second half of the song is less bad but i don't know something just feels really off it's like a bad rider attraction at disney world the spin it boys animation is what splits me for sure it's super well animated and i think aside from like burning your hand you're gonna get arthritis from playing this one uh the cues are fun like yeah yeah and spinning boys are great but you you are gonna get arthritis and again it's like a weird chuck e cheese animatronic it gives me a very uncomfortable feeling which i don't want when i'm playing this game [Music] remix five is just really bad dog ninja was used really poorly especially with every time he has to take a swing it goes here we go which is kind of catchy but it's jarring this is the fifth remix you shouldn't just be telling us and it's just very forgettable like most of the games in this remix i can't even remember the song while i'm recording this but yeah remix 5 is garbage space space soccer is pretty good it's a little bit better than average the song i actually like a lot i said it was fine when i first played it but upon listening to it more it really has this whimsical quality to it and the line of soccer players towards the end is a lot of fun it i think they were going for the idea of the ball kind of being juggled and you're not sure which one is yours i think it's a lot of fun i wish missing didn't take you out the action so much for the song but i think it's it's just a fun game and someone in the youtube comment pointed this out but the reason you're on the platforms is because you're in zero gravity and to continue juggling the ball you have to go up so i think that's really creative but i think that's so hard to figure out and is not telegraphed well enough i think it's a great idea though i know i talked about needing to skip lockstep initially in my first playthrough five or six years ago but i think lockstep is so great it handles its simplicity really well it's really weird with what i assume is mozart's head there are two composers but there's something so captivating and trance-like about lockstep just watching these people turn to their side and you see the color the offbeat so satisfying to hit when you figure it out i i love lockstep i can't really explain it aside from it's just captivating [Music] i think i feel really comfortable saying this now but what i wrote for the first sentence in my notes was wow i was really surprised by this one i think rockers might have been the biggest surprise good surprise of the entire replay it combines the simon says playstyle with swipe controls and it might be the best of the simon says games on the ds it's the perfect length the characters are great i think the older guy who has a little more of a gruff attitude and then this young guy who looks a little bit like wally from pokemon he has a little bit of a timid nature to him uh they're a great contrast to each other especially on the rock stage and the things the older guy says in the tutorial are really funny the combo attacks or i say that in quotes are probably my favorite part you feel really cool doing that jump and being back to back or rocking out the song again just has a very whimsical quality it's very light-hearted and i think it's one of the better songs in the series so rockers good on you you surprised me karate man yes i love so much the contrast of the visuals in the song had me laughing out loud the first time i ever played this there's this struggle of the singer's love contrasted with the rigorous training in the snow which kind of makes sense it's like a contrast of two very different hard things and i think that's something that considered the kicks are really satisfying to swipe a lot better than mega mix where you hold the button down and i wish the snow went to the touchscreen and continued the effect but it's nice enough anyways i just love so much that you have this very soft spoken song with this karate man who's doing this hardcore training i think the contrast brings this to the next level i'm not super impressed with the song of remix 6 but the best part is absolutely space soccer into lockstep it feels so organic continuing the tapping from one game into the next i feel like karate man has the same problem as dog ninja in remix 5 where it feels like it was forgotten about when you're making the song but otherwise i feel like space soccer and lockstep make this at least fun enough to play alright so i am going to put air border on this because it is a mini game in the traditional sense and it also reappears in megamix as a minigame so i feel pretty confident it's also just very good it's splashdown if it was good it's maybe the best vocal song in the ds game and the shifting perspectives to throw you off is really unique it feels like if they took the 3d concept of rhythm rally and they really implemented it to create distractions i like it when rhythm heaven sticks to 2d but the use of 3d in this one is absolutely warranted and of course again i just gotta mention it it's paradise is so good such a great song all right so this is the point where the game starts doing remixes of the old games they're slightly changed up if you're not aware of the series so right here we have built a scale too it's pretty much the same but there are a few extra cues where things go faster that that's just a bit of context if you've never played uh that's what after the last remix that goes into the credits that's what usually happens in these games so i'm gonna say it i'm embarrassed to admit it but i fell for the fake ending on this one uh it's more of the same as built a scale one i guess i'd choose this one over the first one because it's faster it has more to do but it's not what i look forward to when i'm playing a rhythm heaven game it's it's the same as the first one just a little different [Music] the dazzles 2 is brave and i will always commend it for that because it throws in a completely new pattern in the middle of the game unlike remix 3 where they take too much time to teach you this new pattern not even in a skippable tutorial they just put it in the middle of the game and i respect that otherwise it's you know just as good as the regular dazzles not too much is different the ranch theme not crazy about it i don't think the orange on this one looks good but you know i like that it takes a risk that's what i come out of this one remembering there's something daring about it frog hop 2. you know i like this one better than the original for sure it feels 20 seconds too long but i also i think i figured it out i just really hated the vocals in the original because the jazz changes the whole tone uh the big blue puffy cheeks on the blue frog when he plays the sax are really funny and they give me so much joy to look at but um yeah this was a surprise i like it a lot more than frog hop one all right fan club 2 is just the real version of fan club it's the same as before but with a new action which keeps the game fresh enough that would be the uh don't know if you could hear the cloth i have the sound effects i could just put that sound effect in you you'll never know uh it's barely above the first one because of the the applause at the end but i almost like it the same and i would i need to mention that in mega mix it gets a huge upgrade with these bare mascots coming on stage that are really funny to look at they're like very much not good costumes and i think conveying that in a cartoon is not easy especially when you make them look as cute as they do and the glow sticks give the game the vibe of an idol concert in japan like it has this edm feel to it and these changes definitely improve the overall fan club 2 experience i think in mega mix it takes it to the next level all right remix 7 you're ready it's big rock finish but if it's an entire remix it's bad it's not fun whoever thought of this i'm sorry but you should have workshopped this a little better i think the ending twist with big rock finish is fine but the whole song sounds like it's leading up to it it's like some of those you know the eye of the tiger thing where the song never stops it never starts um that's what this feels like it feels like you're playing a game where it never starts and then you're at the end and you're like wow i wish i didn't spend so much time doing this the background the sky look it's whatever there's no real coherent theme to this one oh boy rhythm rally too in a sick and horrible way i think i do like rhythm rally too my touchscreen doesn't it is getting engraved with these scratches these battle wounds but this game keeps me engaged unlike games like splashdown and other ones that are a little less interesting kind of like rhythm rally was i think that's one attributed to the space theme especially in mega mix where you get the cosmic dance dancers but you know i feel like it's a little too long while you're playing it in this case it's all right because the more inputs you get means the ups deduct the less point but yeah this one is hard but there's something really sick it's like all those hard super hard platformers where you're meant to die over and over you you don't like failing but the satisfaction you get from succeeding is so wonderful philbots 2 has a really cool part in the dark but i think this one drags on for too long the the look of the red filling up on the black screen is so interesting and i think makes a really good case for why this otherwise seemingly meaningless game has something to go back to i think it has a bit of a challenge and it's also just very fun to look at uh you know it's better than filbot's one but it's way too long for the average song i like it i i'd reconsider replaying it but i think that length is a little bit of a problem but the changes they made i think are significant it deserves to exist for sure all right bluebirds to blue birds and gulag with a very i don't know why i read that like that i i have blue period birds and gulag with a very russian twist i'll just keep this in that's kind of funny uh this game is as good as the first i'm glad they get a break at the end i think the scoring is a little unfair but um i i'm not going to consider that because honestly i don't go in wanting to get superbs all the time sometimes i just want to play the game and you do as well as you do so even if you have to hit all the stretch out your necks at the end and if you miss one you get an okay or if you miss two you fail i think the actual game uses the same story structure that makes the first one so interesting it has that gulag look which you know it's fun it feels even more evil that these birds need to dig their beaks into snow but um it's like it's great i think the music also reflects that gulag feeling very well moscow lockstep 2 is just as great as the first one uh i can only think of the sweet escape mashup when i hear the song not a bad thing i think the more mellow pace i i'd rather go in the more mellow direction than in the super hard direction especially with what's coming up it feels like the calm before the storm it's very relaxing remix 8 on the ds this one it's hard it's really hard it's probably the hardest in the game one of the hardest in the series for sure that being said this is the best remix on the ts and one of the best games in the ds game and one of the best games in the series like for real the speed you need for some of the rhythm rally is asking a lot from you but it feels super rewarding even the drummer dual parts that get super fast that i can't ever do right feel like there there's something to come back to you learn it as you go on and it gives you a reason to keep revisiting i think the space theme combined with the way the game works invokes a sense of dread which provides a much different take on space than you'll see in a remix 7 of remix heaven or rhythm heaven fever's remix 7. the dread especially like that of being sucked into a black hole is kind of how i feel going through the munchie monk bluebirds karate man segment it's quick but it feels inescapable and it kind of leaves you void at the end but in a good way i think this one's themed wonderfully and the music reflects it but maybe that's just my wacky appraisal and you feel differently that's just why i like it though i know moai dwap 2 gets a lot of hate in the community it's challenging i found myself using the music to make sure i was in time which i think is the hallmark of a good game when you have to use the music and you have to figure out the timing based on that not only just the cues that are given um so it's like the challenge is there but for a different reason it's also because of the tap control so it's a little iffy but they're fine enough the grades are very harsh but i think mo i do off especially with the transition to the very different night segment is it's a good time it's not so much different than the first one but um i i think it's a nice challenge maybe not for the perfect but it's nice to just play on your own time i don't have a lot to say about karate man 2 on the ds there's not a ton to say like i just said there's more hit threes there's a red background which i think i like better and it's about the same as the first one the song is a little different but i think both work it's good glee club 2 is a lot better than the first one which makes me really happy to say because i love the characters of the first one but it feels very generic this one with the tropical vibe and the use of these very echoey instruments and the black and red color scheme in a relaxing way it's all very unique and interesting especially because you never see a black screen in rhythm heaven usually the new pattern they added in is very enjoyable but overall when i come to this game i'm more so drawn in by that relaxed nature of the music and the way it almost contrasts this black and red color scheme that's a bit edgy but it still invokes that relaxing feeling somehow it's more like the sunset than something intense which i definitely enjoy space soccer 2 has the same highs and lows as space opera won but i think the cowboy skin is a lot of fun and it is one of the better reskin games remix 9 is a game where i think it's better to watch than play the song is really good and i think it's one of the only memorable remixes in the ds game and the transitions from moai to off to glee club are smart but some of the transitions into an out of space soccer feel really cheap and unfair this is due to the fact that they tell you about a cue in the text box before you start the game but you never actually get to hear the cue so at least for me i spent a lot of time struggling to figure out what that was throughout the game and had to replay to get the supernova i'll give it props for its great use of shoot em up in accordance with the music and i think its use of built to scale is phenomenal especially the way that it uses a lot of built to scales slow pace and has a lot of suspension hinging on that moment it's great it just doesn't feel as fair as the other remixes the first time through which is why i recommend you watch it and not play it shoot him up too this one sucks it looks like it came off of cool math games with the weird geometric look the marcher cameo is the only part i liked and even then do i really like cameos that much if that can make something good the eight shot values are miserable and make me feel like i'm gonna destroy my ds i hate shooting them up to i hate shoot em up too i hate shoot em up too i hate shoot em up too i hate shoot em up splashdown two has a faster pace and the dolphins being reskinned as seals make this a lot more bearable it feels a little more challenging which is definitely a welcome i think splashdown 2 or splashdown one rather was a bit too easy and i definitely prefer this to splashdown one but you know not too much different munchie monk two and i think this is the king of the ds reskins i have a problem with longer games usually but the original is pretty short so this one didn't feel like it overstayed its welcome it's at least equal to the original i love that he's dressed as a magician and he's in the circus and you have these trumpets or trombones tubas being played in the song and that's reflected in the elephants in the back that have these long trunks that kind of have a similar shape to the tuba this was very well thought out and the different darker color scheme looks a bit more atmospheric this one's so great munchie monks 2 so great i love it i love it so much all right so i talked about the dazzles 2 being brave before but i'm also going to commend rockers too for doing the very brave thing of changing the controls of the game entirely at the very end adding in a button to change the note is a little too complicated and i think it overall makes the game a little worse than rockers one but it's kind of the same as rockers one and i think like i said it's brave i'll hand them a congrats for that i like brave decisions all right remix 10 it's pretty good for the last remix i think shoot em up into lockstep is clever the way that's telegraphed visually and the telegraphing of air borders held down position the glee club where you're holding the mouth shut is equally clever and interesting i don't know why frog hop is stripped down to be so bare the only game that's super dumbed down from its original but otherwise it's fine i don't really love the final remixes if i wanted to play the game i'd just play it but for a last level it's fine that i know a lot of people tend to love these final remixes but especially the music it's like i this doesn't feel like a song it's just a short compilation of games so i think your enjoyment of the remixes is very dependent on how you feel about compilations and i'm not super into them but i respect this one it does some interesting things like i already talked about after finishing the ds game i had an insatiable craving for more rhythm games in a higher resolution it was at this point that i knew i had to buy rhythm heaven fever for the extremely steep price of seventeen dollars new it's at this point that i am a certifiable rhythm menace that can't be stopped nothing except for maybe monkey watch and tap trip could faze me without any further delay let me share my thoughts about the game that i wanted to play instead of being at my homecoming dance rhythm heaven fever i love hole in one so much it acts as a much better tutorial than built a scale on the ds and gets you ready for some of the wackiness that you're going to see in rhythm heaven fever the wells in the background make a really interesting water found display show and there are other little nuances like the mandrel starting to pump his hands when the song hits its climax and watching that ball you know roll into the hole and sometimes spin out if you barely miss the perfect shot that take this golf game to the next level compared to some of the other sport games we've seen already kind of like rhythm rally where it's just ping pong the song is the best part of the game i think it has a very grand feeling and it makes you feel like you're starting this great adventure just as a tutorial probably should be doing and i need to mention the two monkey designs they're really great they add a lot of character to again this sports game that is otherwise not so good and i love just seeing the mantra hit the golfer when you miss it's very funny screwbat factory is a lot like philbot and i think the composition of the game's layout is a little more satisfying than philbots because it's the horizontal layout and while you don't get the powerful red filling up the bots the screwbots are very spunky they have a lot of character the actual song is very memorable and there's a mix of the regular insured screw bots to keep the variety mixed enough it's underrated for sure i think even though it looks plain those robots have enough spunk to make it personable see-saw is a really simple concept but it's executed phenomenally in a very interesting way the ending is great and brings a lot of intensity and i don't know why the two guys explode at the very end but i think there is something we could all learn from it good song good game double date has a bunch of little details to it that you're not going to notice on your first play through but if you're looking for them they're there like the shadow of the tree shaking when a ball hits it and leaves fall i'm not crazy about the characters the weasel things are a little off-putting they seem more like toys than weasels but i think the song fulfills a nice mellow niche that isn't present in a lot of the series i appreciate it for that but it's not one of my favorites i'm glad this isn't on the ds because the swiping would be very annoying remix one has the surprisingly memorable song and it really does help that all the games are utilized well with the song double date times up with the song perfectly especially those basketballs and this remix really sets a good standard for fever the tropical theme is well used and the seesaw guys as limes are really fun and the aristocratic golfers i also love forklifter is more than meets the eye at first it just seems like they made it because they wanted to use an awesome title pun but for a game about catching food with a fork it is super engaging it's drawn together all kind of bundled together by the fact the music is so funky it's wonderful it feels like it's presented very well especially in megamix with the touch controls that give you an optimal immersive experience and the sound effects are also great the swallowing cough especially drawing you into this experience and which would otherwise be boring i think if this was on the ds it wouldn't be as great but fever really brought the shine out of it interestingly enough for tambourine i note the text font on the loading screen being cool uh whatever i love the music i hate the game it's a simon says game of course but i think it's very hard to kind of keep up with the monkey especially with a little bit of the button lag and fever something is probably lost in translation with the frog jumping on the monkey's head if you miss but it's funny i like it you know fun monkey game alright so one thing you might not know about rhythm heaven is that it's made by the same people who make the warioware series and i think if you look at board meeting it's very apparent to tell that these two games are connected uh the oinking if you miss is golden i love it the song is fine it's a little forgettable which is a shame because the concept's really wacky but that's kind of what happens when the game is so short [Music] alright so monkey watch is very satisfying the song is great and the game is structured well with one minute on the clock not one real-time minute one minute going around the watch uh getting used to the watch getting used to the controls one minute zooming in and out so you don't rely on the hand and at the end you have a high air balloon blocking the monkeys and you can't tell what color they are you need to understand this one to succeed and it's the standard all games should be set to i think especially with the music when a lot of these games are broken up into thirds it's very noticeable on monkey watch because the thirds are broken up by those gameplay changes uh you could even if the gameplay doesn't change it does feel like something has changed and something different is going on it's very varied remix 2 is probably one of the worst remixes in the wii game but it's on par with most of the ds games it stays nice and short but i don't feel like the games they pick could match the rock tone at all it's not bad it's just very forgettable i really struggle to find good things to say about working though i hate the way it presents itself it feels like a gimmicky game in the ds title that they scrapped and brought back and i'm just gonna say the presentation with the weird factory i guess they're making a commentary on food being uh factory prepared but i'm not i it doesn't make sense uh in a bad way the instruments in the song are very bloopy which bothers me a lot i guess the dough is cute although the sound they make is kind of annoying and the background has continuity with the game like i kind of explained already a little bit um mr gamingwatch is here too but that doesn't affect my opinion at all he's just there all right coming into built to scale on the wii i thought i liked it more than the ds one but i don't it's big rock finish on the wii it's the same thing where you know built a scale made a song out of its pattern towards the end but this one literally just changes the tempo like big rock finish it also might be the only game you can't play if you're blind because the axles come from random size of the screen so you can't tell when you're gonna need to shoot the thing or how many beats you have left i'm sure there are others but it stood out while playing when i was playing my replay for air rally i knew it was a contender for the best game in the series the concept is a cat and dog playing badminton while flying planes it's the perfect amount of nonsense the sounds that forthington make are iconic and 2 3 4 are delivered with so much energy and conviction the way this the clouds and the snow are used to test your sense of rhythm weeds out beginners and makes them really work to understand the game while also providing an interesting setting especially the beautiful sunset towards the end the candy on the cake is the racket twirl especially before the skill star in megamix the city from warioware is in here too i guess it's there it doesn't affect my opinion figure fighter is a very unique concept that actually makes sense kind of like toy shadow boxing i especially like the way that the button is used to press air into the fighter and this is a semi-feasible toy it probably wouldn't work in real life but it has a certain amount of reality to it that immerses you the song is pretty good and the intensity is great when the screen narrows with the black lines i wish there was a little bit more going on like bluebirds montage since he is a boxer training montages would make sense but the game is good enough already [Music] remix 3 and fever has a fantastic vocal song i feel fine is great and the vocals make the ds game feel like an amateur project the remix actually uses working dough and built to scale really well i'm impressed with how well all of these games mesh together the kitchen theme makes working though a lot more easy to deal with and the song also has moments that blend into working dough really well if you clicked on this video without knowing anything about rhythm heaven i guarantee the one game you knew about before and have seen is ringside it's a fan favorite for a reason it again oozes charm the interviewers have never been this entertaining before and a big part of the success here is from the sound effects and presentation all the voice lines and sounds are really impactful i especially love that the music sounds like it gets a little bit quieter when the cameras go all off the wrestler getting progressively sweatier throughout the interview makes him really relatable and trumps our expectations that some fearsome fighter is ironically facing the most stress out of the ring the music is great the sound effects are great this one is classic packing pest has a really weird cubicle setup but i like watching the people in the background especially when everyone syncs up at the same time the song is pretty good and the controls complement the wii remote very well i think it actually probably complements the wii remote the best of all the games in fever i also love the bits of personality you get to see from the packer when the screen flashes over behind the cubicle he seems a little angry that you peek in but it has that extra bit of personality that the game needs especially in an office that's pretty bland micro row is a game that i've always felt kind of iffy on before this replay but i think especially seeing it again while i was playing it there's something really beautiful going on with the camera pans out and the background changes to blue with bursting bubbles and you get to see the whole trail of shapes that you've been creating during the whole game but otherwise the music and overall design are a little bit above average but that one moment is very fascinating to me [Music] so the first thing i need to commend samurai slice on is the ink brush painting style the demo room it's really awesome and while the game uses that same style it's very prominent in the demo this is a great game pretty much for the same reason as bluebirds the story keeps you occupied and makes you rely on rhythm rather than visuals i think it goes a step further though with the lightning at the end and that really makes you feel powerful when timing a slice right the song works well for the game too it's an excellent game remix 4 is another great remix it handles the traditional japanese style better than remix 3ds especially for packing pests by changing the basket and room it's small but appreciated details the song has the energy and the games reciprocate that nicely also not in the script but on the wrestler's back the taped on sword is hilarious i love it so much catch of the day is not very exciting the song is not memorable just as the fish are not they at least try to block the fish with schools of fish and stingrays but i'm not coming back to this one anytime soon feels as boring as waiting for a real fish to bite on the line looking at what i wrote down for flipper flop i said this one's fun to play and the characters are cute and memorable but the song wasn't doing much for me i don't think i agree i think the song has grown on me in the months it's taken me to finally record the audio for this script i definitely come back mostly because of the cued seals and the great noises and the stern but loving captain but it usually isn't for the music all the seals blink at separate times and you gotta appreciate that i think i like this one more than i wrote down excavation match is can you count to five the game i really love the music i wanna like this one so much but you're just counting to five over and over again it's very boring flock step is fine but i got tired of it quickly it doesn't help that the song isn't fantastic but there are some cool effects like the zoom into and out of the world is really cool i feel like the dev team took advantage of the full screen space whereas on the ds it might have not been fully realized and stayed at three or four birds at most but i think the wii uses it completely i'm still traumatized from the monster version on the 3ds remix 5 is pretty ah it's not often you see a prehistoric theme about cavemen and not dinosaurs which i think is a missed opportunity but at least they try something different uh the song is pretty good but the games don't help too much it's two games that require you to be on it being flip-flop and flock step where you're continuously hitting the button and then two that are just you waiting for something to happen they don't mesh well launch party has a very similar appeal to micro row it has one very beautiful moment when all the stars are surrounding all the rockets you shot off before in the song this is towards the end the music is emotional and takes a boring game about rockets up a notch and gives it a little bit more prestige the sounds of the people launching the rockets from a space station are very nice touches and immerse you in this very otherwise basic concept a lot more donk donk is the weird one the weird one in rhythm heaven you need an acquired taste to enjoy donk dong and while i like the rose clouds and the green stars and all the noises i would usually not choose to play this if i have the chance the rhythm changes are a bit anxiety inducing the song is also just weird it doesn't stand out too much donk donk is weird bossa nova sets up a really interesting world which is not something a lot of games in rhythm heaven do who are these plant people and what is this tree this game is unfortunately known as the song with the weird moaning for many even though it has a unique character set a unique storytelling method and it does something a lot of rhythm having games don't do in addition to it's very calming and smooth music i don't like the random text on screen it feels out of place but there are a lot of details in the background while you're going up the tree that keep you occupied like i saw bagworm uh it's a good level and if you know dragon quest 11 i like this a lot because it's a lot like dragon quest 11. i'm not crazy into love wrath [Music] put a put a rim shot there the player character is a non-specific country knockoff of usopp and the plane taking off is cool and the twist that the weasels are watching this on the tv is neat but i don't need to play this one again i just think it's very boring and grating [Music] remix 6 fever is easily the worst of the remixes in this game and it ends up feeling as generic as a lot of the remixes on the ds i'll give it credit because with the theming it does some interesting things like using a teacup ride for bossa nova and using sugar cubes in that adding an additional layer of references and i do like how donkdonk is a roller coaster that you could see in the launch party section there's continuity but this was the only remix that going into the replays on fever i didn't remember at all and i don't think it's worth remembering troop is pretty good it feels like a less ambitious frog hop which isn't a bad thing especially for your thumbs the song is enjoyable and it's a bit of an ear worm because of its repetitive nature but it never feels annoying and it never feels like it overstays its welcome the tap troop is weird they might be the natural evolution of the blue square head guys that we already saw in rhythm rally but i was oddly enough drawing parallels between the designs of the yiga clan from breath the wild with these guys they have a ton of personality though which turns what would be a mediocre game into a great one when you miss a beat they have a disappointment mixed with mild anger kind of reaction and the okay makes the combos feel satisfying [Music] for sure i'm shuffled the song actually adapts the very repetitive nature of the game well and there are some nice details like the slight transparency on the shrimp but something about this one sets it far back i think the actual game is a bit too repetitive which normally i don't have a problem with but the girl screaming the cues is really out of place and removes all immersion the actual screen pretty much stays the same the whole time too which feels like a missed opportunity with fish on the beach maybe you know the sea could jump away from a bird swooping in uh and then at the end i say it's very bloofy i personally like that but i know i already knocked something else for being a little bloopy but listen it sounds bloopy all right in cheer readers there's a bunch of stuff going on on screen most of the time and it creates a sense of tension that's really enjoyable and welcome especially when this could have been much easier as this is towards the end of the game another pun that became a game so that's a plus i think they recognized most of the cheer readers designs weren't interesting enough which is why all the references to other games are in the books you can look at that as like a history reference history books the song is less good than i remember but it's still fine it goes without saying that you know this form of encouragement would probably not be helpful to most people studying in a library for a test but as a game it's more intense than the most a fever and it's pretty memorable karate man combos what could i say let's start with the obvious lonely storm is a great song i don't know if i like it more than struck by the rain but it is also trying to do something different by creating an appropriately aggressive tone for the combos both in the actual music and the lyrics the combos are awesome and they feel really powerful my favorite thing in karate man combos though or just karate man fever is the offbeat two hits which are incredibly satisfying to time right i'm glad it went the root of the ds karateman games and not the gba version which at the time of writing this i you know haven't played yet i already talked about remix 7 a bit in the remix 8ds review but the song is really great and has a tone that complements space very well more so on the fascination side than the terror and dread the tap troop part at the end is equally satisfying as remix 8 rhythm rally ending on the ds the remix is just really good i don't have much to nitpick karate joe has a cool pair of yellow glasses and putting saturn in the background doesn't make its space really but i don't mind this one is great night walk in fever has probably the best vocal song in the series being dreams of our generation there's something super bittersweet about playing it in the credits and it makes for a very emotional experience particularly the line you and i been through a lot together seems like an intentional reference to the gba night walk and for the fans that have played since the gba it might hit a little closer to home i don't like marshall that much but his rolling is cute and the record scratch dj noises are cool there's not a lot going on in the credits but that isn't the point it's definitely something to look back on and it's meant to be a tribute to the rest of the series samurai slice 2 is pretty much just a tempo up version the setting is interesting in the city and i do like the feathers that fall from the sky for some reason but the overall impact of the slashes is lost by making the speed faster working doe two is absolutely better than working dough one the tea house theme makes the background music much more bearable and the woman sipping on the tea on the one lone beat is funny i'm missing a cultural component for sure but i know it's the same japanese folklore that won the ultra beast and pokemon sun and moon are based on and the brutals in mario odyssey are also based on it with the space bunny and moon princess legend i'm not super knowledgeable so some of the charm may have been lost on me but i still find it much more enjoyable than working doe one built to scale 2 still isn't good i guess the axle has a nice rotation when i was playing double date 2 i was doing pretty well so i let the ball slip to see a reaction don't do it the game is fine it's literally a reskin of the first with a country theme but you know it feels that way at least maybe there are a few extra basketballs i don't like the theme as much as the first one but it's fine i don't think the games fit remix 8 very well maybe a rally and double date with their correspondence to the lyrics of the song but even games i like don't really sync up with the music like samurai slice which is too bad because the song is good the sepia tone and overall aesthetic are super cool and they do fit the song very well this bittersweet love song but i do think the gameplay holds this one back a lot and just watching you wouldn't feel that love rap too i i guess it looks cool i'm mixed on if i like the song better or worse i don't think my opinion on the two differs too much i don't like these games cheer readers 2 is more or less the same i love the rhythm rally nightmare ptsd that they pull out it's worth mentioning the song changed tone to be in my opinion a little bit more sporty it feels like we went from a high school basketball game to an nba game it takes it a step up hole in one two has a pink lemonade color scheme which is amazing and the consecutive shots put this above one for me for sure seeing rhythm heaven in the background the actual place gives the journey a bit of progression you're at the end of the game and you finally get to see what the title is talking about it's one of the best i especially love the way the music is remixed it's subtle but it really does give it this a little more upbeat vibe hole in one was already pretty upbeat screwbat factory 2 is still a better song than phil bots but i gotta give phil bots credit the red on black is cooler even though the flashing spotlights do make this one extra challenging this is the best of the building robot games for sure the challenge is awesome but visually it doesn't stack up to fill bots too at the time of playing remix 9 i was fairly confident that this was the best remix in the series stay tuned to see if that changes but up to this point this felt like the best one beautiful one day the song is right behind dreams of our generation and just barely the color palette is probably the best choice any graphic designer can make they want something to feel important and that's what remix 9 is it feels important the love rap part before the one part of ringside is probably the only time i will love playing love rat the combo in karate man is another awesome part where i found the game synced up super well with the song i always found the last screwba to be really funny too the zoom in is priceless but remix 9 is just fantastic it's great figure fighter 2 has a new yellow background which draws me into the game and it has a nice primary color scheme that i think represents the toy a little bit better than the first one the surprise at the start in the dark is a nice change of pace but aside from that most of my thoughts are kind of the same i'm pretty sure the song in micro row 2 is exactly the same as the first one only the double hit was added and i definitely like the first one better but like i just said aside from the circles becoming stars and the double beats it's the same the concept of packing peps 2 being a sequel where the packer is working overtime is a good idea i think it takes it farther than any of the sequels but it feels like packing pests with a different beat which doesn't fit as well i'll give the jazz remix credit because it sounds really good and the concept is really good but i think the actual gameplay with the different beats suffers a little bit fever's version of karate man 2 feels like the real version of karate man the orange background is striking and the remix gives the song a softer complexity that the original lacks it does something different there's one combo that has a longer weight because it syncs up with the end of without you i'm dying and i could only think about how cool that was the whole time of his playing it's another instance of taking a risk to change the gameplay a little bit and whoever's playing the game can figure it out it's telegraphed in a subtle way they use lyrics to change how one of the cues traditionally works it's such a good idea the most notable thing about this remix is the amount of disrespect present when there are two fake out endings not one fake out two i need to see more reaction videos to that otherwise it's your standard compilation of all the games although it was a nice touch including the tutorial all the way from the beginning making the game come full circle as a whole in case i didn't mention it in remix 10ds these are fine i did mention it but it's a compilation so it's hard to mess up but it's hard to add a creative spin like all the other remixes because it's a compilation so i'm glad they added a little bit of a mischievous personality with the two fake outs i was left paralyzed by my hunker for six months with the only thing providing nourishment being my daily prayers for a localization of the best plus every day was agony as i tried not to look at the footage of the games that had existed for a year even more exciting was the story mode dangling in front of me the idea of all these games being connected beyond references excited me this story mode ended up being really bad and killed the pace of the game as it was paired with a slow start and the story didn't connect any of the games but luckily for me i didn't need to do that on this replay run double lucky for me i didn't need to play charging chicken or clap track again and those games require coins to try i want to make it very clear that the story has no bearing on what i think of these mini games it's also at this point that i'm gonna explain how the naming of some of these games are gonna be changed for the video because there are new versions of older games for instance figure fighter had two versions in fever and got a new level added for mega mix the new version in mega mix is just figure fighter in the game and the older two versions are now figure fighter 2 and 3 in mega mix because most of the new versions of old games act as tutorials i'm going to call them returning game 0 and keep the other existing ones the same now that we're all on the same page let's start by taking a look at karateman zero i already just alluded to the fact that most of these early games in megamix are just tutorials but that doesn't excuse the fact that even though they're meant to ease new players into the game these tutorials are garbage i debated not playing these because of how lame they tend to be but i'll play them we gotta have some bad songs on the list right uh for karate man zero particularly the song is bad and repetitive it feels more like background noise with the karate man gameplay over it so for fillbot zero the music is really surprising considering the music they chose for philbot's ds and i wasn't expecting an electric guitar but the electric guitar makes it sound like just very generic music it's not memorable at all uh i guess this one has some worth existing but it's not very good [Music] air rally zero does not deserve to exist there's a garfield sphinx uh it's watered down too much it's at least very short and easy so i guess if you need to grind coins for the game it's good for that but it's way too slow the gameplay is agonizingly slow considering air rally is not meant to be this way i'm electing to call catchy tune just catch you tune and not catch tune zero because this is a game where they made the conscious decision to put this first and not the one that feels like the real one it's not very ambitious in terms of design but i do think the two button layout is a nice change of pace because we haven't seen a left and right side button at this point if you're playing these legitimately most of the new games suffer from the tutorial issues unless they don't have a sequel and uh catchy tune also has a sequel so i already said this but i'm gonna reserve my most of my thoughts on catchy tune and uh later we'll see fruit basket i'm gonna save most of my real thoughts for the second versions because i think that's where they really pick up so one thing i didn't mention in that little intro segment is that megamix actually brought back some of the old game boy advanced games and for that reason i'm gonna call rhythm tweezers rhythm tweezers zero we haven't seen it yet but the old version exists and i can't ignore that same goes for the other two or three game boy games that got new versions but uh rhythm tweezers zero is not bad it's kind of funky it's another simon says type game but it has a really good warioware look that makes it interesting enough glee club zero misses the point of glee club entirely by opting for an energetic song that sounds like it's in a cereal commercial and i'm not really talking about raisin bran i mean something with a cartoon mascot like fruit loops or cookie crisp it's not good it's bad looking back on this one while i was trying to place it in the list i'm a little more partial on the song because it has a softer middle section and the very end is fun ish it's still not good but i wouldn't put this with some of the bare minimum garbage that we're gonna see the first thing i have to say about figure fighter zero is that the background needs some credit it's nice considering it looks like a weird hybrid between a school and a gym uh the song has the rocky theme trumpets but it loses its vision at the end it's not great it probably doesn't deserve to exist but it's alright for what it's worth fruit basket is held back by its slow pace i love the concept but this version isn't good seeing nothing but net on the superb screen killed me inside a little bit i i like fruit basket 2 more and i will continue to play that one clappy trio zero is bad it's agonizingly slow this should not be in the game or anywhere shoot em up zero combines two of my least favorite things in the series which is shoot em up and the garbage tutorial levels the wii u gamepad in the beginning says most of what needs to be said it's slow shoot em up which is not good i will admit though the triumphant start to the song is not so bad micro row zero is not completely awful the song has a very piratey feeling but i don't think that fits microorganisms the game is largely the same the music doesn't feel appropriate that's perhaps because i'm used to the fever soundtrack by this point but i think micro row zero if the fever version didn't exist would be alright amidst the garbage first contact is delightful it takes ideas presented in ringside probably the most popular game in fever and adapts it into a good simon says game the dialogue is funny even funnier when you mess up which is not likely to happen on this one but give it a shot it's fun i laughed out loud when the game deadpanned to the people watching the broadcast it knew what it was going for for sure the designs are generic but they are cute enough and are integral to the game to the point where the humor is intertwined with the designs this was the first game in megamix that was actually fun and didn't feel like a chore oddly enough in this row there aren't any tutorial type stages bunny hop is the same as it is in the game boy advance version i won't question it bunnyhop's heads really similar to meg's song and warioware it's very catchy the game's alright i wish they stopped counting on screen for you earlier in the game before the 8-beat rests because it feels like it's a little too easy but otherwise bunny hop is fine tongue lashing pushes itself very well despite the simple designs of all the characters they all feel very smug the song is really good and i can't explain why it works but it's kind of like the magikarp festival song in pokken tournament where you don't expect a edm electric type song in the game but it works the changing angles and zoom ins and zoom outs keep it very engaging and i think this is super good new content back to the tutorial sneaky spirits zero i've been playing all the tutorials up to this point not the tutorials as in what i've been calling these games but the demos before you start playing and this one is by far the worst it makes you watch the ghost go by five or six times before you can actually do anything counting to eight is not that hard it's a more generic guitar song that doesn't fit the spirits going by this one is not fit to exist rhythm rally zero you know the perfect popped up right in time and not to brag or anything but i did get the perfect on my first try it's really easy for rhythm rally and it might just be because there's buttons and a lack of fast shots but it felt very easy it's not bad the song at least seems similar to the first one in turn in terms of the tone the setting is a little bizarre but i'm for it and i would never choose to play this game over the other two but it's better than most of the zero games flipper flop zero isn't bad and the song is quite good in jazzy but the game is stripped down to the point where it's so basic that it all feels the same there isn't a cool moment where the skill star which in rhythm heaven megamix is usually reserved for very cool and challenging moments flip-flop zero doesn't feel like it has any changes in the gameplay you're just hitting the a button lumbar jack feels like they wrote the song with this game in mind it has a very outdoorsy feeling to it that matches the visuals perhaps i'm left a little cynical because of all the other things i've played that don't have matching music but long bear jack was surprising in that regard the lumber cats are great i don't really know what they're doing in the background but it's entertaining and the lumbar jack lumberjack looks more like a wolf to me but i guess they're using a very liberal idea of what a bear is the pace isn't bad there are a few awkward pauses but they don't kill the pace of the entire game the confusion after chopping the soda can is a very neat touch and it adds a bit of personality both to the cats who are a little mischievous and then you got the wolf who's just chopping trying to make his living so power calligraphy is a game that has a lot of cultural nuance tied to it that i don't completely understand but the game still has a lot of personality despite that whoever is making the calligraphy has a comedically intense focus which i think speaks to the nature of calligraphy itself the ending is wild i don't know what's going on but it's a huge tone change that i do enjoy especially contrasted to the mostly serious nature this is in fever also because it's originally a gba game so i don't know if it's a fan favorite but it has a lot of charm and it's a good song it's pretty good overall when i originally played super samurai slice i kind of hated the retro style because it felt a little lazy especially compared to the ink brush style we already looked at in the original samurai slice and fever but looking back on this game it feels like a very over the top 90s arcade game and i now kind of like it for it the counter attack that you do with the b button is very cool and it makes the samurai feel like he's fighting instead of slicing targets in place and when you do the kick for the third a hit it's also great the skateboard and music really deterred me my first time but now that i look at it as an arcade game rather than samurai slice it feels more like a jab at an arcade game in the 90s and doesn't feel like something lazy that doesn't understand the audience it's a very clear parody of what the arcade games used to be spaceball has weird gba quirks that usually i wouldn't like but i think make this game particularly on the 3ds a lot of fun for instance normally i wouldn't like the plain green room but the color scheme is actually really appealing especially when the head of the batter switch is to be red there isn't a lot of substance but the zoom in and out is funny and the song has a marimba like quality that makes it stand out the first thing i need to note in the sumo brothers is that the writing in the tutorial is brilliant i'm i specifically quoted you stomp like a pair of three-year-old earthquakes having a tantrum the game and song are excellent the game feels like they added the posing from ringside into the mechanics of air rally the song is etched into my mind because of the humming and singing of the gibberish that again kind of reminds me of air rally the actual sumo bros have really fun poses and the dog in the back is pretty cute it's an excellent new game the lush remix has a bit of strange situation as the japanese version has vocals and the english has trumpets it would usually be a top tier remix especially if it was dubbed over as well as fever with the vocals in that game being fantastic but one of my main gripes with mega mix is that it isn't localized with as much care as fever that's at least how it seems now for the song dog ninja into the skill star is so good honestly all of the games are used super well and the weird shaking in space ball is a lot of fun the reskins are a step up from the past especially sumo bros seeming greek inspired but the fact that we don't have english vocals hurts so much i'd say if you're gonna play this one do the japanese version karateman returns is from the gba that's where it's returning from i'm not a fan the song makes me really uncomfortable and this one's also really slow and they didn't need to have an easier version this could have started the whole game but yeah the song is weird and it's not really good it just freaks me out i need to give catchy tune 2 credit because the song makes catching fruit extremely hype there are some good moments when the oranges and pineapples are thrown down in a way that makes them seem like they need to be caught in succession but it subverts your expectations either by having them caught at the same time or one of the fruits outpaced the other while coming down the stairs it's not my favorite but it's pretty good i'm really conflicted on the honeybee remix i adore the visuals especially on philbots where you're filling them with honey it's a really great idea the song is good and i never forgot it but the lyrics are so off-putting give me freedom now really sounds like a cry for health and it makes me super uncomfortable in what should be a great remix as this is a song sunku wrote the composer for rhythm heaven and had his daughter sing so it's nice but the song is a little disturbing also the skill star really needed to be on the big robot and when i came back to this one after trying to get the perfect a lot of times i need to comment on the fantastic use of air rally cues for other games two three four is used to get the perfect timing on one of the filbots and it times with some of catchy tunes fruit falling down the stairs well it also sets up for the next air rally it's a really good idea that is implemented super subtly and you probably won't realize rhythm tweezers the original one from the gameboy advance uh this one is themed really well no one likes hair on their vegetables and making a game where you pluck it like human hairs is a really creative idea the music is written to sound like an arabian bazaar where vegetables you know might be sold which is cool but the song is truly unique amongst all the other rhythm heaven songs the sound effects also add an extra layer to the game especially the long plot the option to use the d-pad and the a button makes the fast parts much easier the touch pad is also good but i feel like you might destroy your 3ds this is easily a standout from the gba library roof basket 2 is so great it's really great the melons are so satisfying to hit mainly because of the speed and the reaction the hoops make the ground is an interesting character strange thing to say but the pavement is a character i never thought i'd be saying that but the way it's personified through its dream that changes every time you play the game makes it so lovable the song is a lot better than the first one and the fast pace makes the lemons feel like less of a weight there's a reason why this song is one of the three in super smash bros it's very good the machine remix is the other remix that wasn't dubbed and it hurts but the original song in japanese is already great all of the reskins are great the light bulbs replacing the onions were awesome especially when they light up when you pull on their wires and the assembly line of glee club is a really clever idea speaking of glee club the whole segment where you see the members coming in one by one leading up to the skill star is perfect this might actually be the perfect remix it has a good amount of difficulty thanks to rhythm tweezers has a great song and it uses all of its games really well the clappy trio i feel like this might be an unpopular opinion but i really do love the clappy trio these weird lions with afros and white suits that clap in order it's a really bizarre idea and it's so weird to look at when you think about it the song is good it progresses like a song and could probably stand on its own without the clapping but the clapping improves it for sure this one was on the gba originally and i think it's another one the gba stand out second contact feels like a sequel more in line with the older games so i'm gonna try to keep this short the roll reversal is a really interesting twist that gives the game a new spin in the sequel i think using a farmer goes well with the idea of aliens abducting cows and making crop circles in fields although i would have preferred something a bit more interesting you could probably tell by this point i don't love all the farm remixes uh nonetheless the farmer's failed love life is pretty funny and the spaceball alien makes a cameo i'm pretty sure in the contact center the citrus remix has the odd problem of starting too strong because that's usually not a bad thing there's usually a build up to one really powerful part in the song but it feels like this one is building up to the pause during first contact when uh they just look at each other and i'm not used to that i don't know if that's good or bad but it's different pairing up the clappy trio and micro row did show an interesting similarity between the three claps and the combo row and shoot them up is not used well who would have guessed uh the orange theme is used pretty well though and i don't know why i like micro row and the glass of orange juice as much as i do but it's another detail that adds continuity to one of these remixes rat race's first half is a bit too repetitive for my liking and it makes me feel like i'm starting five mario kart races in a row when the sign is gone the song gets a little better but i don't know if any of it's actually fun animal acrobat is a mixed bag i'm disappointed by the song because the first 10 to 15 seconds are really good and promising but the rest of it falls off and i can't help but notice that it's too bad because the actual game is a lot of fun and the concept is unique and interesting although it seems a bit abusive but the elephants look happy so it's okay man donuts are so good don't you agree it makes the fact that this remix isn't good even sadder i don't really love any of the games in this one and i think fan club isn't used well once rat race has one good part but honestly the song isn't memorable and i think the only good use of the donut theme was in working dough i wish this one was better but i guess they had to fall off at some point sneaky spirits is probably the best of the big rock finish type games it has at least a consistent music tone and while i don't love how slow it gets it at least makes sense with the rainy atmosphere the ghosts are cute and it's interesting to see all the ways they get shot not a sentence i thought i'd ever say lumberjack 2 especially in mega mix is a rare case where i think the first one is better this one's very good and the rate at which you chop things is much higher so it's better paced than the first one but the first half of the song is too much it feels like figure fighter which is a really different tone than the first one song it doesn't match what's happening on screen and it feels very generic at first it gets better when the guitar comes in but it's a weak start the fridge at the end with a penguin in it is a fun detail though i can't ignore that the barbershop remix is another l1 i'm not sure why they changed sneaky spirits to counting to seven instead of eight but when it isn't telegraphed at all beforehand it feels very cheap i wish all the characters had wacky hairstyles but the barbershop look is fine for the most part the skill star placement really says it all though it is put at a random rhythm rally part and it doesn't feel good the song's just not interesting hopefully the electric bgm uninspired songs are coming to a close seriously missed opportunity to not have a barbershop quartet inspired song this one is fantastic seriously though the song is great and the characters have a ton of personality the big smiles on the monkey and the creepy draft really sell it i don't have a ton to say other than it's good tangotronic 3000 is lots of fun i'm glad i messed up to see the head eject by the spring it's really funny this is the kind of twist splashdown needed something super ridiculous to make a dance competition interesting in a rhythm game i'm not sure how the woman spins her head the setting is nice to look at but i'm disappointed when i go in 3d and the 2d sprites don't work as well on the 3d plane as i had hoped but let's be real no one uses the 3d so this is a nitpick the tango song is a nice change of pace and by the end it becomes a really grand sweeping ballroom melody i think the song being broken again into three parts works very well the songbird remix has excellent reskins they're a slam dunk ringside and tangotronic with humanoid bird things are something that works surprisingly well tap trial in the cage is interesting and while i don't care much for frog hop it at least looks different the song suffers from the same electric music syndrome as the last two remixes but the song at least tries to be interesting with the opening it kind of pays homage to the endless remix from rhythm heaven fever i forgot the song to barbershop within 10 minutes of playing it and months later when i'm recording the audio i still remember songbird remix all the games are used to their fullest extent but the song really makes this one supper ninja bodyguard is so slow i already don't like simon games but the wait is so long the opening cutscene is cool though it's not something you see every day i wouldn't play this one on the usual day but considering i'm not going to play it a lot that opening cutscene isn't as intrusive i'm going to start in a weird place with pajama party the 3d is used very well and reminds me of a paper mario diorama and with the amount of monkeys in perspective i think the 3d is warranting the song is similar to love lab and while the song is great i do like love lab more the game has some of the best visuals though the characters are extremely expressive and the monkeys have different jump poses based on row and i couldn't help but notice that the girl was slightly embarrassed when i continuously messed up the throw in this tutorial the switch to the castle with the sunfish silhouettes in the background and the monkeys dressed as princes is also really charming okay that's it i like this one marching orders is nothing too special i think there are a few too many buttons maybe instead of hitting b to stop just stop hitting the buttons right the song has a whimsical quality that i have been missing a bit especially with all the electric music it's very upbeat and energetic but i think the buttons hold this one back there are too many there's at least four inputs bluebear is what i would consider the most artful game in the series it feels like you get a complete story which is surprising considering the random nature of the series in the short length the biting feels like it needs the music which is a big strength as the game forces you to listen to the music making the swelling towards the climax all the more impactful the visual style complements the game well and i wouldn't like it if every game looked like it but the pastel crayon look is a nice shake up this one's super high quality and if you haven't seen it you should give it a watch i haven't talked about it too specifically because if you haven't seen it i really don't want to spoil it space dance is lots of fun i think the english dub doesn't do the original japanese justice the original lines are just legendary but the english is alright this version reminds me a bit of from adventure time on the simpler side it's cute seeing space uncle get into the dance you know i've complained about multiple inputs up to this point but i think space dance is slow enough where it doesn't hold it back kitties feels like a progression of the clappy trio especially with the dynamic views of the lineup the spin adds a good amount of variety and it didn't feel stale even after the part with four consecutive spins before the skill star the song is a lot of fun and the actions feel like they're a part of the song rather than gameplay that goes with the song and of course i gotta mention the visuals the colored pencil style works very well with this one the snappy trio has a good change of instrument and the tempo up and instrument change do create a peppier tone the theme is interesting although i do prefer the vagueness of the white room with trio timing but the saloon look is fun the pace of this one's quick and the skill star is super satisfying to get even though it's a bit surprising the first time around considering i didn't like animal acrobat too much jungle gymnast is surprisingly good being a sequel game the combination of the flute with the dubsteppy music was something the series hasn't tried before and it makes the middle of the song a lot of fun they put the skill star way too early especially because it could have been when the beat dropped but i it's whatever it's a skill start the very end loses some of the momentum but otherwise this one is enjoyable the left hand remix is going to lead me into a criticism with all the final remixes in this game as a whole because they are split up and not together in one final remix the idea of a final challenge was cooler before because you have to be familiar with everything so i gave the songs a pass for being compilations but i wonder if the left and right hand remixes could have been at least a little more challenging this one in particular didn't feel hard at all the transitions are a bit underwhelming too i love it when the final remixes have games that transition into one another at least i had a cute story and the ending is satisfying half trial 2 is on the super smash bros miiverse stage we love purple monkeys pretty much the same uses the pace change well i like super samurai slice 2 a little more than the first one because of the 4 hit with the lightning strike on the bird it feels super awesome and adds a bit of that cheesy 90s nostalgia that adds the personality of parody to the game the right hand remix is better than the left hand remix for sure there are parts that stand out like the lockstep flipper flop sumo bros transitions and the three hit tangotronic to bluebirds drawing parallels between all these games that you would otherwise not see the clappy trio going into fan club again feels appropriate with the clapping going into clapping something about sneaky spirits into launch party feels appropriate too i don't know what it is probably the beat counting this one feels like it was put together much more thoughtfully than the left hand remix i won't lie i had a huge grin when the pause came up and the skill star was afterwards in cosmic dance it feels a lot like a jazz club these guys are actually performing now there are people murmuring in the crowd they aren't randomly in space which is a great way for the gba to build atmosphere without having complex visuals as this was originally on the gba the leader having the same voice as space uncle cracks me up too this is a feel-good game for sure a lot of people like karate man senior but i can't lie and say i like it karate man senior is representative of pure disappointment for me and embodies most of the disappointment i have with megamix in one song the music is so generic before when i said struck by the rain was a subversion of expectations this is exactly the generic dribble i first imagined this could have been styled like a 1920s song where they could have went in with the rock theme a bit further but this is just loud guitar like those early games in mega mix the kicks and combos together aren't good it clutters the game with too many commands that have almost the same visual cue and the song doesn't emphasize either of them well the song didn't need vocals to succeed it needed to take the idea of playing as karate man's dad further like how super samurai slice goes all in with the arcade fan service you think this one would give long time fans a bit more than combining the old games into a big mess [Music] frog hop twice really you might not believe it but i like the final remix a lot because it takes big risks maybe you will believe it because i've said multiple times i like taking big risks but it isn't just a montage it takes the menu music and uses that song that you hear every time you open up the game to challenge you every time you open up every game it's a medley of them it's a great game selection the monkey getting ready in the beginning for animal acrobat is a nice touch and adds continuity lumbar jack really brings the intensity for the final remix especially at the end it's really impressive shout out to the drum tutorial coin toss sick beats and claptrap for all appearing too i won't rank them but considering they are a part of the main story it feels fitting for them to show up the working dough part feels like the last remix material it's really fast and really hard there's probably more i'm forgetting but this is deserving of being called the final remix despite just doing the final remix uh we have three oddities that are from the gba but you need to buy them from the store the first of which is bouncy road and i never played them up to this point so the first time i played these refer to this video i love bouncy road i didn't expect it but the music is really dynamic the slow part in the middle meshes well with the rest of the quick and upbeat song and the three in the row that are fast i'm i missed the first time but it's a really cool challenge that i had to come back to to get when i got the perfect the sound design is good too if you miss there's a splash noise implying there's water underneath this level the weird perspective also makes the game interesting to look at this one might have the best song out of all the gba songs not to brag but i barely got an idiot on my first run night walk gba i need to come back to for the skill star i think i did but so far it feels very repetitive and i would agree with that even now the middle section caught me off guard but not knowing the context of the original might affect my opinion it's not very impressive and is pretty repetitive i like night walk and fever much more i got a 24 on the first time i tried quiz show which considering i've gotten superbs on the first try of pretty much every game in mega mix was very surprising i didn't want to not like this game because i know a lot of people hate on it a lot and i didn't want that to color my opinion and trust me it didn't this game is just terrible i know i've ragged on games for having repetitive music but this literally has none it isn't worth it i'm abandoning ship this is the worst in the series i'll let the 27 high score scar me simon says with no noise you might as well just play this game with a friend in real life and have background noise i came back later and got the superb and you don't even need to hit anything for the perfect it's glitched which is very fitting but it starts on round four it's so weird it's bad it's not good now that we have all these games fresh in our minds it's time to rank them it would obviously take a really long time to look at every game individually and compare each one to every other game so when i made this list i created different categories of enjoyment that i'm gonna put on screen right now the names speak for themselves the data spread did come out pretty close to a bell curve which i thought was pretty interesting because i didn't try to limit how much would go into each tier i honestly just put the games where i thought they belong and the graph looks like this i put the games into tears pretty much immediately after i finished the replay so the tiers are more so based on gameplay after breaking the games into tears i treated each tier like an individual list and i waited more than a month to rank them within these tiers numerically to let my natural preferences decide the very close decisions and there were a lot of close decisions and yes that means this is not all objective there are 161 factorial outcomes for how you could arrange this list and that is 7.6 times 10 to the 286 power that is more than 250 zeros than one billion and i mean zeros after the commas please don't dox me if you think what i put in 87th place should be in 86th place i know this doesn't need to be said but i really just wanted to include uh some math it's fun without further ado here are all the games ranked numerically so the plan right now is to just read these all off in one take i think it'd be kind of funny and it'll you know make me want to go a little quicker because this video is already pretty long and i don't want to be out of breath by the end of this so i'll put where the tears split up in the video and right now let's uh let's just get started number 161 quiz show number 160 sneaky spirit zero number 159 flappy trio zero number 158 shoot em up zero number 157 shoot em up to number 156 shoot em up number 155 remix 7ds number 154 working dough number 153 air rally zero number 152 built to scale 2 from fever number 151 built to scale from fever number 150 karate man zero mega mix number 149 big rock finish number 148 remix 5 ds number 147 flipper flop zero number 146 frog hop number 145 ninja bodyguards number 144 working doe 2 number 143 karate man senior number 142 fruit basket number 141 bilbot zero number 140 glee club zero number 139 love rap 2 number 138 sneaky spirits number 137 catch of the day number 136 exhibition match number 135 love rap number 134 rat race number 133 drummer duel number 132 night walk game boy advance number 131 figure fighter zero number 130 karate man returns from the gba number 129 donk dong number 128 the donut remix number 127 rhythm rally zero number 126 remix 6 rhythm heaven fever number 125 the barbershop remix number 124 micro row zero number 123 remix 2 fever number 122 remix 3 fever ds not fever number 121 remix 5 fever number 120 left hand remix number 119 tambourine number 118 catchy tune number 117 splashdown number 116 the dazzles 2 number 115 built to scale ds number 114 built to scale 2ds number 113 the dazzles number 112 shrimp shuffle number 111 marching orders number 110 rhythm tweezers i believe this is zero yes rhythm tweezer zero number 109 remix 2ds number 108 froghop2 number 107 double date 2 number 106 animal acrobat number 105 fan club number 104 splash down 2. number 103 remix 1ds number 102 packing pest 2. number 101 philbots number 100 philbots 2 number 99 fan club 2. number 98 remix 4gs number 97 funny hop number 96 double date number 95 board meeting number 94 flipper flop number 93 right hand remix number 92 songbird remix number 91 glee club number 90 dog ninja number 89 flock step number 88 remix 10 ds number 87 remix 6ds number 86 lumbar jack 2. number 85 bossa nova number 84 power calligraphy number 83 love lizards number 82 jungle gymnast number 81 catchy tune number 80 crop stomp we're halfway there number 79 moai dwap 2 number 78 remix 8 from fever number 77 glee club 2 number 76 spaceball number 75 second contact number 74 micro row 2 number 73 cheer readers number 72 curators 2. number 71 space soccer 2 number 70 screwbot factory number 69 space soccer number 68 screwbot factory 2. number 67 seesaw number 66 rhythm tweezers game boy bands number 65 remix 10 fever number 64 tangotronic 3000 number 63 packing pests number 62 moai dua number 61 the final remix number 60 the honey bee remix number 59 launch party number 58 micro row number 57 lumbar jack number 56 space dance number 55 rhythm rally number 54 air borders number 53 pajama party number 52 rhythm rally 2. number 51 first contact number 50 remix one fever number 49 cosmic dance number 48 the citrus meat remix number 47 samurai slice 2 number 46 super samurai flight number 45 figure fighter 2. number 44 super samurai slice 2. [Music] number 43 figure fighter number 42 remix 9ds number 41 freeze frame number 40 tongue lashing number 39 bouncy road number 38 night walk fever number 37 the snappy trio number 36 rockers 2 number 35 fruit basket 2. number 34 tap trial number 33 tap trial 2. number 32 lock step 2 number 31 the clappy trio number 30 lockstep number 29 forklifter number 28 remix 7 fever number 27 remix 4 fever number 26 rocker number 25 munchie monk number 24 munchie monk 2 number 23 tap tree number 22 samurai slice number 21 karate man combos number 20 karate man kicks number 19 kitties number 18 blue bear number 17 karate man kicks 2 number 16 the lush remix number 15 love lab number 14 dj school number 13 karateman combos 2 number 12 bluebirds 2 number 11 ringside number 10 bluebird number nine remix 8ds number eight pull in one number seven remix three fever number six remix nine fever number five top five the machine remix number four the sumo brothers number three poland one two number two monkey watch and your number one best rhythm heaven game the best is air rally that didn't really take the breath out of me my mouth is just very dry from doing 10 minutes of talking so uh what do you think a lot of time went into that list and i'm really happy with how all the illustrations came out so even if you skip to the end thank you so much for watching it i've been working on this video in general for about six months hopefully if i put this out around february of 2021 because i started in july of 2020 but those illustrations i've been cranking away at for since about august so i'm really happy with how most of them came out and i'm glad i'm finally getting to share them with everyone now if you only watch those 10 minutes and are confused about you know why i put things in certain places no problem i get two hours is a long time but that is what the whole first part of the video is about so check it out if you're curious but like i said i put a lot of time into that list so don't shame anyone if they didn't watch all the way through i i'm really happy with the list part now you might think that's it for the video but we actually have some other matters to talk about before i'm completely done so first of all you might have heard the kazoo in the beginning of the video uh if it was really annoying please thank the people who are going to come up in the credits who uh let's just say watch the whole video with kazoo songs now i didn't recognize that it would be an issue but i am pretty sure i violated some of the geneva conventions through the torture i put my pre-screeners through if for some reason you would like to see two hours of rhythm having kazoo covers i am going to upload a video with all the covers that have been edited slightly by another guy you're going to see in the credits lucas great guy worked for hours trying to make them a little more bearable but two hours of kazoos is hard to get through and it didn't work well with the review format of the video so we're moving them all to a new video i'll put a link in the description whenever we get that out the second matter i want to talk about is what i'm gonna do with some of these illustrations i think a lot of them came out very well to the point where i don't just want them in the video and secretly the reason why i started making some of those illustrations was because one day you know i was looking on redbubble through some rhythm heaven stickers for like a notebook or something and there were not a lot so i think i'm gonna set up a shop on some website where i sell the designs i'm very confident in and you know if you like it a lot you're more than welcome to get it there's not a lot of rhythm heaven merchandise out there so if you want to you know proclaim your love to the series but don't want to make a two-hour long video maybe give that a look especially if you really like the art i put a lot of time into all of those things that i just talked about will be either gonna pin comment in the description and they will also get updates as they go up on my twitter which is in joltal same as the channel name now that all that official business is at the way i think it's time to give a second thank you to everyone who has watched the video i've been working again very hard on it and you know i didn't think i'd be making youtube videos again i quit let's playing a while ago and i decided i had to do something for rhythm heaven because it was really getting me through um the year of 2020. it's very just takes you to another place so i don't know if i'm going to make another video again i have a few ideas but i don't know if i'm ready to put six months of hard work into another video but when i do because i have a few ideas that i've not seen anyone talk about hopefully you're interested in that it won't be rhythm heaven and hopefully i get the chance to entertain you again but until then this has been in joltal and i will see you soon
Channel: Injoltl
Views: 63,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhythm Heaven, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Nintendo, Megamix, Ringside, Lockstep, Remix, Tier List, Countdown, Ranking, Smash Bros, Ultimate, Karate Joe, Monkey, Wii, 3DS, DS, Wario, Warioware, Injoltl, Analysis, Retrospective, Switch, Nintendo Direct, Direct, Love Rap, Monkey Watch, Karate Man, Samurai Slice, Beat the Beat, Rhythm Paradise, Glee Club, Chorus Kids, Tap Girl, Rhythm Rally, Smash, Fighter, Tengoku, Rhythm Tengoku, Bossa Nova, Perfect, Custom Remix, Challenge Train
Id: gfVl0XxiWoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 23sec (7403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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