Rhino Lab07 Part02: UnrollSrf/Smash, FlowAlongSrf

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all right welcome to part 2 of lab assignment 7 and this is the last flow along surface example we're going to look at so this is a circle obviously and actually let's make it a little bit larger so I'm holding down the shift key while dragging on this scale to make it a uniform scale and something like that ok let's take that copy this and actually I'm going to sort of project snap to one of these sides and do that do it again just snap downwards so I'm using that sort of object tracking and intersection method to do this and maybe here I'm wanted in this case I'll turn off my perpendicular and just use the it so in plan it looks like something like that ok so I'll take all three of these the ones that I just made them move this upwards move vertical and the same thing let's snap to this height reference ok and take these two same thing move vertical click somewhere doesn't have to be perfect but just move back to the second and this guy vertical and to the very top okay so in plan you'll get something like this looks like things kind of a line I made so well off not a big deal but it'll sort of rotate around like that ok let's see what we get as a loft whoo-hoo so that is totally not what I was expecting sort of interesting huh but uh you'll see that basically the seams of the circles are shifting a little bit as it goes across and that's why this part is getting constricted no it's you know sort of getting narrower at the bottom right where the seams are rotating let's just say that for further examination for the use right you'll see sometimes you get these so what we have to do to actually fix that is that right after I run the loft command I'll actually have to fix my scene so in this first section you'll see the seam is on the right and because I just copied these though it should all be on the right side of the circle here and so you'll see that what I'm dragging on clicking on this arrow I'm just clicking it and let it go right it actually will snap to this end if you have your end snap off so your job is to actually just find the end snap on these right so make sure they're all basically on the right side of the circle and when you do that with a normal say okay then you'll get something that's more like this okay now this is looking a little bit too stubby for me so I'm going to select everything and let's just make this I don't know 1.5 times as tall okay yeah 1.5 times move vertical snap to this bottom and it snap to some anything on the ground and that just moves it back up so that looks a little bit more proportionally like let's say if it's a twisting tower okay so that this is what we're going to work with now there's another version of this that I sometimes do I just copy these things out to the side I'll world sometimes take these circle profiles and rebuild them all together ah to a point count of three and a degree of 2 which gives gives me these sort of nice little rounded triangles right so you have to have a point count of three a degree of to say okay and you can try that and see how that works out whoops oft now the same thing we're having the trouble with the seams right so I have to do it again and basically try to align things based off of you know what sort of rotation you're really looking for and basically slide this until it snaps to an end point so that and think that's an end point too so that's an end point all right it's basically in the same locations as before okay oh this one is actually flipping on itself so you would want to reverse that the direction like that okay so I basically clicked on the arrow to switch the arrow direction so okay so see this is basically the same thing except it's a hat it's as a rounded triangle corner with flat faces on some sides right okay we can also basically move this out of the way save it for later use alright so the version I'm going to work with for now is this and we're going to look at something called and that was the circle and rebuild we're going to do something called flow along surface so come and we're going to look at first it's actually this one called unroll surface and it's basically what it means it takes a surface and tries to lay it flat like a piece of paper as if you are trying to smoosh it and the reason I have boxes down here for each and every one of these is that you can actually do it to all of these so unroll surface so you can select this and don't explode it those are just options that help you kind of label things if you need it right click and you'll see that this basically happens now in this case because the sort of rotation makes it like slightly on flat so you'll see that some of the surface start to overlap right if we let's say unroll surface this one then you'll see that basically if you actually because this is grouped together if you explode it and cut these out individually you would be able to actually reassemble this glue it back on the seams right in this sort of exact conversion this is the bottom of that poly surface right if you would cut these shapes out you would be able to glue it back into this shape basically that's what the Renault surface does uh it will have more errors in this sort of coasting shapes but if it's something let's say like for a box like this as you can imagine can be unroll double by planet right and this works for any poly surface especially for poly surfaces that have flat surfaces so even something like this like a torus right I can unroll it into its component parts they might not be aligned in the way that we like but you know this is the outer law this is the inner law and these are the two rings all right so it's really cool that way in the sense that you know you can have fairly complex you know poly surfaces and have Rhino basically try to figure out for you what those individual surfaces are whether or not they're linked in their rights or orientation sort of just depends on what not these I think that can be unrolled correctly or not so that's really cool this is basically way you can kind of reconstruct something like that from paper or on the laser cutter for example now let's try it doing it to some of these this guy and you'll see that on all surface you know always unroll that puts it at the zero zero point so say okay whoops select surface this one and you'll see that this one it actually tells me unrolling doubly curved surfaces will produce inaccurate results and that's probably true of this guy as well so there's a different command in Rhino 5 called smash now smash is the inaccurate version of unrolled surface unroll surface ten tries to stay within a certain tolerance which means that these are actually accurate now obviously when you're taking something like a ball right or sort of spherical surface that has double curvature it's basically impossible unless you kind of open like the Mercator of projection you know unless you warp it to be able to flatten it now smash basically is a way where you it Rhino will basically kind of ignore some of those inaccuracies so we can do to this and it will actually tell you if you come up C calculate a certain area and turn right and you'll see in this it will say you tell you that okay the unrolled surface those sort of finds our vessel that is three percent larger after unrolling so it's a little bit it's basically three percent off okay so let's try it on this one smash enter enter like the settings explode equals know that the snow and this one because there's more curvature it says it's 17% bigger after and roll is obviously this is a lot more inaccurate and you won't be able to actually sort of try to roll it back into its correct shape it'll be a lot more inaccurate compared to these are ones that are you can deal with just unroll surface and not smash okay so that's the sort of difference in actually I should change the text on this uh the same probably goes for this so if you smash this it's six percent alright there's a sort of deviation of six percent let's try it actually on this sort of pipe that I just made let's see if unroll will make it won't work right so basically if you have a doubly curved surface like sponsors and can't be smashed okay if you have a doubly curved surface you have to use smash for the most part so let's see it'll work on this note or this nope right okay so all these are actually smashed and you'll see this one is actually that alright so that's what I want and try that one that's that but now these are fairly similar um because you know you'll see this is basically unrolled and it's sort of split apart at it seen right so this is basically that it's really easy to understand okay so that's the unroll and the smash command unroll will work better for you know poly surfaces at a flat faces smash will work better for surfaces that have double curvature going in both directions okay so we're going to take this and I kind of want to illustrate this point really quick so I'm going to show you how the command works alright so I've just made two simple surfaces um this is using the same method or that we did in the last video right to kind of make the sana EPFL and I just copied it and sort of modified the surface geometry so this is actually now something that's completely different right from what it was before okay so it sort of warped and this command flow along surface it basically a way where you can take for example let me just take some of these copy it over and I'll do it actually that's too much okay something like that right and I'll arrange a John Tree on this and this actually works for both curves and objects although objects will take a lot longer to run so you can run this command called flow on surface right you'll ask you for the objects to flow along or surface so these guys enter base surface select near a corner so I'm going to select in my let's say upper right corner since these are sort of parallels upper right and then target surface select in your matching corner so I'll click on the upper right corner of this and so you'll see what it does is basically it interpolates over things okay now this actually is a command that you can do with record history and so I'm just repeating the same commands and so you'll see that basically you can start to see the correlation between these two in terms of their UV coordinates so if I move it to the center and the three projects to the center if I move it to the upper right it will be project to the upper right if I move it out of the boundary it'll move out of the boundary as well right so that gives you a pretty good sense of how this command works it basically takes a base surface and reproject it to another surface now for the most part you want these surfaces and they're basically they're UV subdivisions or you know like when you rebuild it this UV subdivisions to be more or less identical for the best results so things will actually map correctly and so this is actually a way where the pattern actually updates into Europe this is a control surfaces and this is the target surface okay that's the basic theory behind this command all right so that's why this is exactly why we were actually doing this and taking the unrolled surface version of it right because then we would know that when we take this pattern and try to project it onto it will wrap a certain way so this is probably a little bit large let's move this slowly into the corner and it's okay if the pattern kind of comes out a little bit and I'm actually just going to scale this scale using somewhere around this lower left corner and I'd know that we scale that tower 1.5 so let's just do 1.5 and that's a little larger okay and because of that we might actually want to steal this a little bit in this direction basically kind of move it so it overlaps over it you can decide whether or not you want to maybe a little smaller so the top and bottom kind of will fit within the boundaries and maybe a little bit more and just so I'm sort of just trying to Center the top and bottom okay and don't worry about the left and right okay so in this case I'm just actually going to delete this row I'll delete anything that sort of out in space and doesn't actually intersect some of these actually do a little bit all right um something like that who knows let's see what we get okay let me move this back up the larger screen alright flow along surface without the history enabled because when you have a lot of stuff it will actually bog down your system select objects to flow along a surface so I'm going try to select all this and I'll do it in two ghosts once like that and twice without selecting the surface itself right that's important you're not selecting the surface itself it's just these patterns enter base surface select Nero corner I'll select the lower left corner here and then target surface select your matching corner so I'll click on the lower left of listening and up you'll see that you'll get something like that okay so you'll see that that top as actually probably one of these edges right where there's a tiny little seam on both sides and then this edge is probably this bottom part and this top part we have more of this jutting up is actually the top part over here right so now these curves are all matched to this original surface that you made okay so I'm going to take this and basically copy it upwards I suggest you do this so you can kind of show the process but also have a fallback just in case something fails it's always a good idea to copy something over if you're going to do an operation on it that's potentially destructive okay I'm going to remember actually take out I want to delete you want to delete these curves your profile curves out of it so they don't become part of the thing you want to take out that one there's one in the bottom this one and this one on the top right take those or remove those so it doesn't affect our next opera so what I'm going to do is do the split command select object to split the surface enter select cutting objects all these curves so I'll do it at two passes once and twice like that ensure and you'll think let's split and you'll see that it's split everything into individual panels as well as that overall let's say bone structure okay okay so now we're going to take this central lattice structure and copy it over 300 so we have a duplicate alright so we know this is the relative distance between these is 200 okay all right so we're going to do something here called offset surface right remember offset surface it's going outwards and distance let's give it an offset distance of two okay solid equals yes make sure corner is sharp and it'll think for a while because this is a relatively complex calculation and you may want to save before this all right so I had to wait maybe 30 seconds to a minute for that but you know just let it run it will eventually come out and you'll get a thickened so the lattice structure that'll become the exoskeleton for this tower all right now here what we want is actually um to get all of these panels and we want to actually put it on a different layer so let's get this seen will get this lavender layer call it glass right and what we want to do is actually select all these now there's a lot of stuff here there is this so we're going to use your height our hike show commands so this sort of exoskeleton surface let's just hide that now there are curves and surfaces here right so what you want to do here is actually use your selection sets right and here you can use select curves so I'll select everything all the curves in the scene okay now what you want to do is actually zoom out a little bit and hold down the control key as you do this so you Rd selecting all the other curves from the scene and you're just selecting the curves that are here right that's what you want to do and then just hide them okay now you're left with all these which are just the surfaces okay now if you select all these and change them to the glass layer so change object layer alright and then we can move it right and you can decide whether or not you want to give these thickness or not like it's the same thing you offset surface 300 I think right and so it will match perfectly into place as your glass paints now it's still missing one thing which is the four slabs right so let's see uh was the overall height of this let's take a look 360 okay so you know for a tower floor let's say 20 feet of floor so that's around 18 feet 18 for so let's just do 20 then alright so what we're going to try to do is we're going to copy this out again just the surface alright and then we're going to run a contour command on it right contour so the object enter on a base point so try to click on one of these base points here and then I'm going to actually search to one of these side views zoom out a little bit and make sure that I'm clicking in the orthogonal upwards direction right vertical direction and then distance between contours of let's just say 18 so it will make basically a series of fours right with this still active let's just uh pull it out 100 maybe well 200 total of 200 right so this is what you did right all right take all those circles and make a planar surface all right so this guy so physical planar curves or planar surface okay all right now we actually know where this should go so you can if you want is you need a sort of point of reference you get moved back like negative 100 right oops sorry you can delete these curves just select all these and do negative 200 to move it back into the exact right location and there's a seam here so you can copy all these over and match it to the inside seam that's over there all right so I was copying it to basically the inside point of this right there okay so I'm matching it there so that it'll match perfectly all right now these floors don't have thickness so I'm going to use my selection set again and use this guy called select class created so it's it will actually just select all the things I just made right and then let's extrude surface uh up or down up let's go down a little yeah let's go let's say negative two I don't know kind of yeah all right negative two and delete your original surfaces while it's still active that's kind of what you're going to get and your word crazy power is done all right so that's a that's just the end of Part two and you can try this sort of technique on some of these other surfaces although you'll you will see that you know your results may vary it will usually work better on something like this whoops or something like this basically when where the surfaces are a bit more regular you can do it on these except because the full on surface will only work on one surface one to one so what you would have to do is actually for this sky you would actually have to do one two three four you have to do a five separate times by selecting the pattern and mapping it over five different times all right so it's sort of a pain in the behind I would just try to do one of these single surface versions all right and eventually so this is what you want to take to the next step which is part three of lab assignment seven where you're going to put this into context and then do a rendering of it alright so see you guys in the next section
Channel: Lee-Su Huang
Views: 196,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhinoceros 3D (Software)
Id: sO0-r2Gf1pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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