Rhino Architecture - Modeling a House from CAD drawings

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[Music] in today's tutorial we're going to model this simple house and basically we're going to model this from 2d drawings from AutoCAD so I'll show you how we can simply in Rhino import and use AutoCAD drawings and how we can actually create the doors and everything around the house so let's start here basically you will see that I already have some drawings and basically these drawings are just imported from from Ithaca they just drag and drop them and this is this is what we got so you can see here if I go in the top view that these elements are like some of them are blocks some of them are curves and you can see that even have hatches here from from AutoCAD so this is quite useful when you want to have those walls up and ready very fast that's why that's why you'd want to basically have all this hatch in the same in the same group as if possible so now I'm just holding shift and I'm selecting the places where there is a hatch oh and I'll show you later on why we're going to do this so I can either select it like this and I can group it now and then we'll have this as hatch or what we can do we can type select hatch and it will select all the hatch is there that we have so in this case for the second floor I'll use this hatches and I'll isolate them just for a second to see what we have all here so we don't need these ones so I'm going to delete them but the rest we can also group and now let's just let's just use these hatches for now so what I'm going to do here I will basically convert those hatches into surfaces so the way to do this is just simply click explode and you will see that all of this became a surface and now of course the last thing you want to do is give it some Haight so we're gonna say extract surface and I'm gonna type 350 for example and this would be for example a height so that's that's one way the second way is how we can actually create these hatches is let's say we don't have any hatches so in this case I'll delete them but you will always have some some of these some of these walls if you created the file in a proper manner so what I'm going to do here I'm gonna select this it says select by color and I will isolate it and this this will give me the curves only so I'll just hide the ones that I don't need and I will use these guys for my for my extrusion so one thing you can do here is you can either select all of them and you can extrude them like this but then all of these extrusions will be separated so what you want to do is you want to join them all of them so that you have a closed point surface later on so when I click here you can see that it's all it's all one so what I'm gonna do now here I can either just extrude the curves right away like 350 or i can also say extrude curves but I want to keep I want to keep the solid on top so I'm gonna say 350 and you will see that I got that result and here we have one extrusion that we need two boolean difference so another thing you can do is you can actually use this as planner surface and once you have those surfaces I'm gonna say select surface and I'll basically X through this with extrude surface command and I will have the Heights they are ready if you're wondering about this guy we can of course do the boolean difference here with no problem so let's cap it and okay this doesn't work because this is probably not the correct it's not closed so that's why doesn't work so that's the boolean difference and there you go okay so at this point we have both of these both of these both these levels this is the ground level and this is the first floor so let's continue on with creating the rest of the on the house so first you can see force here there is these guys here and there is walls and there's windows so if you want to actually keep keep the windows there what you would do I would probably use and create this the surface there and I will maybe bring it down like so I let's extrude 110 and that would be my my place for the window and I can just copy it around I don't need to do the whole thing again here as well I'll just do it like this let's scale one D and let's go to this area there and let's copy this over think is the same yep and now of course we want to put the height here for the for the window so let's say let's say 180 180 is enough so this would be the height for the window so we're gonna go and scale one day this guy and now I have the opening for my window which I can also copy over and do on this side as well here I will keep it on top because we also need to put the doors so this is how it will look like in this year here of course we can copy it and the cool thing now that we can do here is we can actually use all of this and we can say we can save I'll just show you here on this on this area here you can say boolean Union and you can say merge all surfaces and this will clean up here the areas if everything is modeled correctly you will you will not have any seams there so that's quite useful if you want to model correctly and moving on here we have coarse this area in the garage and let's extend it like so we also have the areas here for the for the other side so I'll just continue to do this until we have all of these nice and ready all around so let's do a scale one D let's bring it there and let's bring this guy up as you scale one D and let's use the reference point like this another cool thing you can do it can use orient command and you can see copy here and you can just copy from here to here and you will have the same same properties but of course this one is a little bit different so I will we used scale on differ for here and this one is the same the doors let's let's leave them for later on here and I think that would be it okay so now what we can do we can actually use the same the same principle for the interior walls so let's assume that the doors are two meters intensity so 212 to 210 and this would be this would be basically my my doors so I'm gonna lower this down like so I just realized here that maybe the height the height of the floor would be too big so what we can do here we can select all of this and then it can use solid points on and let's go to the front view let's say this one I'm gonna select only these curves at the others these points and I'm gonna say here minus 40 and this will give me some height it is smaller that's what I wanted I can do the same here same thing here minus 40 and let's say that I'm happy with this so now let's continue on with the rest of the of the interior so here we also have doors let's create here the place for the doors we're gonna use this point and I'm gonna do this all around now where where I see that there are doors interior doors so as you can see here it's just a matter of of having one initial element done and then you can basically use the reference points from that element to get everything to that to get everything correct and here is this guy and let's see that let's see if yeah maybe this thing needs to go lower not sure if the height here is correct let's check that's correct all right I think we should lower that also on the windows here a little bit so what I'm gonna do I'm going to select all of these and I will basically isolate these guys and I'll use so it points on again I'll go to the side view and I will select the bottom area here and I'm gonna say - -20 - have a little bit different kind of spaces there and that's that's alright for now so here of course you can always do you can always do here the Merle faces and if the command works it means that you model this correctly so I'm gonna use boolean Union first and then virtual faces and I will have everything nice and clean here as you can see so we did this fine and the next thing we can we can work on are the doors and the windows so basically let's let's use these elements that we already have here in the drawing so as you can see here I have here a small small detail that I can use so before using it I'm gonna do curve boolean so that I have here the top let me check it will not work like this so that's how that's create a poly line around it so I'm gonna just trace here like so and let's join this guy once it's joined I know that I can now use I use it as a guide so cool thing cool thing you can do here you can basically now let's first boolean Union disguise and module faces what you can do here you can select for example this this edge you can say duplicate duplicate edge and join it and now you can do sweep one you can select this rail you can select this guy as well and then yeah it will go all around and you will have very cool trim here for this interior place there for the door on the opposite side you can you don't need to do it so here we will have the doors let's say that the torch will be at this height and of course you can also increase here until the top something like this and now we have here those doors we can group this and we can of course mirror it around if you want to have the same exact details on both sides and what I like to do is I usually like to put all of this and separate on separate ok so there's already doors doors there we can put it here on the layer and we can change the color to something more subtle like this so let's see let's bring it like this ok so we have those doors and now we can also play around with the interior doors and we can use the same process we used to get basically the same effect so as I said before let's just there's a cool trick you can do if you have the the line like this if you want to close it you can just type closed curve and you will get the closed loop like this which is quite useful so I'm again I'm gonna now duplicate these edges and join them and I'm gonna do a sweep of one and I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that this is my first this this is my real and this is my Crocs cross-section and this would be the doors and of course I will be using at this guy and this guy's an extrusion and we can just extrude those doors all the way up like so and I can of course put them in the corresponding layer for the doors you can even do this guy here another cool thing you can do now here you can actually create a block from this guy from this guy so that's type block I'm gonna click there and let's say door 1 and I'll just copy this because I know that it will be the same distance here and here so there you go okay what we can do here we can use for example Orient in this in this example I can go from here to here and then use this other element and of course you can see here that it's not it's not the same the same block the same distance for the door so let's explode the block let's use all points on and let's select only these areas here I own let's move them like so and I'm going to now just select all of these colors to have them and I'll create a new block it's gonna call it's gonna be door to and let's unhide everything so now I have door 1 in door - so let's see if these two doors are matching I'm going to create a small helper line here so yeah they are there well there okay here also I'm gonna create a small line so that I can mirror it whose middle here and it fits perfectly so there it is the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna create this interior in the interior double doors and maybe we can actually use these guys here so let's see if we can use them as as a reference so first let's change all of them like this I'm gonna group them and I'm gonna now try to copy them all over here Oh actually let's use Orient again for a better convenience and let's see what happens yeah they're matching they just need to be pushed a little bit further like so and those would be the same doors and now the rest the rest of the things that we need to do is create for example this this door this would be the garage door and let's lower this guy as well okay so these two these two lines were not they didn't have the thickness so I'm gonna create here the thickness for them that's just the curved wall let's join it let's close this curve and bring it up like a cool thing you can do here with the door is if you want to add a little bit of detail you can just for example do something like this and you can create make like a copy and click here and you'll remember the distance for the copying and this way you'll have a little bit of detail on those garage doors and if you think this is too thick let's make it smaller something and this and those will be tours for the garage and now we need to create my last dollas doors here that we have so let's do that quickly we can use for example these doors let's bring them here let's rotate them 90 and let's do the mirror so that we have them on the other side and let's move them from here to there and now let's see if obviously don't fit so let's explore this block so let's select everything use the solid points and let's bring this all the way here and this way we know that these doors will well match now we can select we can group them for now and now let's say that we want to place them in the position here in this case in this case this other segment will be a little bit different so we're gonna ungroup it and I will use basically this element and delete it I'm gonna explode this guy and join it again because sometimes this happens I have some weird geometry going on so I'm gonna delete to the action or this is gonna stay but this guy I'm gonna redraw let's select here and let's create this curve and let's join it and of course I will be using think other needs to be some kind of some kind of thickness here so I'll add a little bit of thickness to this window so let's create something like 15 like so in this case we don't have we don't have the the side views for this for this project so we're just going to use we're just going to use the base plans to create follow this and once we have these things we can basically knowledge let's do boolean Union here with these elements I'll just do my job faces and I'll have this edge here again that I can use duplicate edge join and now I can use sweep sweep one can select this edge and select this curve and I'll have my trim there for the doors so let's I'll join all of this or actually just group it and you know we can continue with boolean Union here module faces and there you go so that's that's how we're gonna do it boolean Union merge all phases and we have the doors already the next thing we want to do is we want to create the windows and I'll just for example use on this bottom element as a guide I will basically copy this element in place then I will hide one and then I will just use Kelvin D to get it to the proper dimensions like so so I know that my window will be this kind of shape so I'm gonna use scale one D here and we're gonna bring em to here and let's let's set a little bit of a more detail here of course you can do them the complex detailing but I'm not gonna do the complex detailing now I'm just gonna do the simple one but if you want to have more details around the windows you can certainly feel free to do so and use those use those blocks of the for the windows to create the kratom so now at this point I'm gonna just use also this as a guide I'm gonna go in into the middle point here and let's to scale one D to get it all right there and let me just check ok so what we can do here before doing this there's a cool thing you can do you can actually take take this guy you can take this this surface like this detailing here you can take the lines you can say duplicate edge you can join everything but you don't even in this case you don't want to join them in this case let's just trim them here and I'm gonna join it now so in this case what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use rectangle all around I'm gonna use a vertical rectangle and I'm gonna create something like this and I'm going to move this rectangle in the middle let's say in the middle in the middle here and of course I'm going to scale it so that it's properly placed on cell so I'm gonna go until there and I'm also going to put this guy here in the middle like this so this is all I have so let's take this and let's put it here so in the middle let's do the sweep one rail section and there you go you'll have you'll have actually the place placeholder here for the window and I'm gonna unhide everything and of course if you want to have the same kind of this the same kind of geometry in the middle you would take this curve and you would maybe modify it just slightly it will maybe change this to look something like this and you know that's where this is the curve boolean and let's say that this will be our middle piece I'm gonna set it here at somewhere in the middle and let's move it let's move it here exactly in the middle like so and I'm just simply going to exclude it upward until we get something like this so of course if you don't like how this middle point turned out you can also create you can create you can create this line as a separate entity then you can select both of them so I can also also show you now how to do this for example we can take this guy and you can bring it here in the middle and you can actually unhide this and hide decide the cross-section or actually we don't need to unhide it we can use this guy here duplicate edge delete it now again but let's resize it just a slightly bit because it will be I think too big so we're going to move it from here to there and something like this and now let's let's use sweep sweep one chain edges cross section and we have our window and now we can of course I do it like this so both both both versions will work depending on exactly what you want and now of course we can create here some kind of glass and this glass can be can be double glass or a single glass depending on on how you want to create your model for now let's just use it as a single glass let's bring it here and let's smear it all around like this and I'm gonna create a layer called glass I'm going to create it in blue color so we have that set up and here also I will use the new layer to create the windows and let's use it something like something like this so I'm gonna group this and now we're ready for to distribute this window all around so as you saw it's quite simple to create this we just needed it a little bit of work around to get that a sweep and I'm just going to use orient and I'm gonna place the windows all around and of course we will modify this as we go on some of those will match some will not match but that's that's the procedure and of course these two we can just use salt points on here and we can bring this guy to the end and we can use this middle points there and we can slide it over here in the midpoint of the wall you know that it is the same so we can mirror it from here and there it is so the next thing we need to do here is of course create the second floor so basically I will use the same the same principle I used for the first floor or for the ground floor and I will copy that over here and we'll basically I'm gonna use the same the same kind of techniques that we used here I'll try to copy as much things as possible so that we don't need to do the same thing twice so here for example now let me check okay so I'll try to orient this guy I'll try to copy it here and you see to work well so let's do this on the other side as well here let me check okay we can do it here as well so let's take these guys Scop it like so and let's mirror it here and there you go so as you can see here we have some we have some additional doors on top so we'll use the same doors we used here and we will copy them onto the second floor so I'll let me try to see if and this would fit nicely here yep so let's do the same process here there you go and let's do the same for the front you may notice that all these windows here are a little bit different so let's see what we can do about that so I'm gonna basically use this and I'll try to isolate it like like so so that I can see better what I'm doing here so I will use solid points on I'll bring this guy to the middle here and I'll bring this whole area to the middle there and I'm gonna mirror it and we get out those windows those windows are done I think all windows here and are done and of course we need to do the here the the additional areas for the doors for the interior doors sometimes this can be a little bit time-consuming but that's just the way that is the fastest and once you have all of them are drawn out you can basically select all these guys and can I do them all at the same time so I'm just gonna do expert curve and I'm gonna snap it to some of these now I cannot see actually the height but let me check here okay okay snapped this one and once once you have all of this I will copy the doors let's copy the doors here and let's see maybe this will fit yep this fits perfectly here let's to bullying in here and module faces and there's one here that we forgot so I'm gonna quickly do bullying union for all of them here so that we don't have any seams for the interior walls and the exterior walls as well so I'm selecting all of them by holding shift and clicking on the walls once I have them all selected simply the boolean Union and once that is done I will use the command module faces and that that's gonna be calculating now and once that is done we will not have any more seams as you can see here and yeah let's add some air these doors on the opposite side here like so and let's do that also for this a room or just this room is a little bit different so let's move the details a little bit all right so it seems that this door is a little bit different than the one next to it so I'm going to just move it slightly here like so and that way we have it for the in the correct position all right and we have three more doors here so let's let's use for example these ones let's copy them over and let's put them here in place here you can see that we do have a little bit of different elements here that's because that's because this wall is a little bit thicker so I'll take this guy and this one and we will do a simple soil point sound command and I'm gonna move all of these points to the correct place as it is indicated here below but you need to be careful to select all the points that are in the group so that you get the correct result like this so that would be it for the doors and here of course I will basically just group these guys and let's use this door and let's move it here on the opposite side like this and I'm gonna just simply drag it here in the position like so again we will modify this one since it's a little bit bigger so let's move it like so alright maybe yeah maybe we should also decrease here the length of the door itself like so and what we can do here we can do one Orient comment and let's see what we get there there is it fits and let's do mirror without copying around here like this and now we have we have all the doors there's one more missing here let's do that and then I think we're done with the doors and that's it all right so have the doors and we have all the windows and the door set up there's just two two more windows here that we can we can use basically these guys to create them so let me show you quickly how you can do that so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna basically ungroup all of this then I delete this first one and I'm gonna just simply use solid points on and I'm gonna move all of those points in the correct height like this and this way we have we know that the window is on the correct size so once I go to the shaded mode that's what you will see and let's mirror it here and that's that's that's the final result copy and there this okay so that's this is the creation of the doors windows and our walls let's just clean it up a little bit more here well that's let's build in Union all of these guys here so that we don't have any seams this way we have the clean geometry which we can work with and I'm gonna merge all phases here and you can see that everything fits well I forgot this guy let's to him as well and there it is okay so so now all we need to do is basically just use this use this floor and group it as and then we can just of course put it on top we're not going to create stairs but I just want to show you that how you can actually create the how I can create the the floors so for example let's say that we you isolate all this and you go to the top view the best way to create the floor is just use curve boolean like this and you select outside and then you have this inner edge that you can use for the flooring and you know that this will be the exact floor that your house has like this and of course this is just this is just the simple seduce a simple method that you can use I suggest that you you don't do this floor are randomly of course you need to know the thickness and you can also create separate floors for each room like this the same way so for example if you want to create a floor for this room only you would occur boolean and you would select that that plane and now you can basically just extrude this the for the amount you want and you can add a different material if you want and I will have those two floors so maybe for the kitchen you have different floor for them for the entrance and so on so that would be that would be basically the creation of this and yeah of course you want to create the middle the slabs will probably use this as an example and you can of course put the correct the correct slab hide there and then we will use this edge here with this edge there or maybe this one and then you will have basically this as a result you can see here that we have some kind of terrorists there on top so that's one thing that we forgot to include so it's it's not a big deal you can just select basically cancel all of these guys and let's just join them let's bring them up and let's do the closed curve and let's extrude them still there and there is usually this would probably have some kind of roofing on top as well so and maybe maybe these poles won't won't be won't be located here maybe there would be like a fence so whatever you want to do with this you can and of course I'm not exactly sure what these two are for but assume from this that maybe this was supposed to be a terrace terrace here so this would probably be the same way treated like the tires that we just did close curve and maybe this would so this was supposed to be the door but for now it's just was just remote because we didn't do the fence and I'm gonna remove these two as well so at the end at the end this is this is the result you would get if you're wondering how we can for example make a simple roof there flat roof we can of course do the same kind of principle that I just showed you so we can use use this for and we can increase it and let's say until there and for example now that I know that this needs to be cut so just use a small line here to cut it and I will just cut it like this with the bowling split I'll just increase it a little bit like so let's do module faces and now I have some something to work with and of course I want to scale this a little bit like so probably book probably should be around 1700 or so and what we can do here now I can select basically this educates a duplicate border and then I can save offset and I will do for example 10 or let's say 30 and I know that this would be my this would be my my fence so I'll use the surface and just bring it up like so and this will be my roof on that I will be using for this house so basically that's that's the way that you would create the simple house from from CAD drawings in Rhino as you saw it's quite straightforward you just use the existing lines in Rhino from AutoCAD and you can basically extract them very fast and create geometry in right so I hope that you liked hope that you liked this tutorial please let me know if you guys have any questions regarding some other details or some other aspects of the 3d modelling of the house that you would like to see and I'll see what I can do and create tutorials for you of course if you if you know somebody who will benefit from this please share it with them and this will of course greatly benefit the channel and hit that like and subscribe button if your first time here and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: How to Rhino
Views: 79,815
Rating: 4.9168401 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino architecture, modeling a house from cad, 3D modeling a simple house in Rhino, Rhino modeling a house, house modeling in Rhino, simple Rhino tutorial, Rhino lessons, Rhino courses for architects, architectural 3D modeling in Rhino, Rhino 3D tutorial, detailed Rhino tutorial for archtiects, architecture, architectural school, Rhinoceros beginner tutorial, Autocad in Rhino, 2D drawing to 3D, Rhino 2D drawing to 3D model, how to rhino, rhino for architects, rhino basics
Id: aqotuhPejiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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