RFID Access Card Cloner - Which one is best

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welcome to another video from drlock so i did a little bit of online purchasing uh the other day and i ended up buying another one of these uh rfid copying um units and i also bought the equivalent here which is this one here so without knowing which one is superior i bought both and then i'm hopefully going to find out which one does what function i also then started seeing that this one here is the prox mark uh this is the one that's meant to be top of the line and can do all sorts of cracks and all sorts of formats but i'm yet to work out what it can actually do i did buy one a year or two ago did a video on it but unfortunately i gave that one away to somebody else who was more knowledgeable than me so i wasn't able to sort of go through and find out i was hoping they would be able to tell me what's what and then i could kind of you know work it out from there but i got nothing back and i never saw the device again so i ended up buying another one anyway am i purchasing um hayes late night purchasing haze i then bought this which is the chameleon mini now by rides it should be able to um emulate eight different cards and one of the reasons i got it is because it can do some of the myfair cards and it can help crack and download keys and stuff like that so this is all very important information also it's very small and tiny and i thought well i go to multiple sites and some of them now are starting to use cards like this where you can't copy them with a simple machine so i bought this one and by using the smartphone app which is quite easy just to download from the app store i'm hoping to get that working and see how that goes anybody knows where the instructions are it really would kind of help but unfortunately i don't have the instructions so you simply just do that open the app push connect it's found it there and then away you go from there you can set up all the different cards that you want to set up you come here and then you can select the type unique id the memory unique id clone upload download so and you can also sniff keys from the reader as well with this so has quite a lot of functions but unfortunately i don't know enough about it to know how to use it exactly right so it's going to be back to the drawing board and training board with that one there but it is a good little device because of the size of it you can put it on your key ring or just keeping a little pouch and when you need it you can use it use it to sniff use it to crack some of the other more complex codes or whatever so that came with a little tag like that and that's probably going to sit in that box until i get more time to look at it the next one here is the proxmog that's once again i'll have to hook that up to the computer and it'll take me a little bit of time gotta get the instructions to learn on how to use that let's get to the meat in the sandwich and that's this device right here which makes it easy to copy and clone tags now i have one here as an example so i'm just going to push the scan button it's going to go through and it's going to find it and then we can try writing it to one okay so these little tags right here is what came with the machine these are an emulated id tag what that means is it can emulate the different formats so i'm going to just try and write it didn't like it all right fine let's try that again let's try one at a time right success okay so there we have it so there's our code let's read it again here's a digital lock wake up digital lock the door has opened okay so that that's working that's basically what it was kind of about so that's this unit right here okay has a scan function all that sort of stuff uh you can put inputs into it and um you can write to the a lot of the systems put in the unique id and all this sort of stuff and you can also connect onto the computer as well all of which i've never done it's currently running off usb it has a slot on the back has an annoying voice and can also take uh aaa batteries there as well for them all right cool so that's that device let's have a look behind door number two so this one here is more expensive and this is basically you know what i want to find out i want to find out kind of what's going on with this one because why is it more expensive what can it do uh start off with we've got english and chinese button made by n snv oh by the way um there's two models of this one one's really crappy and one's really good oh here's something i haven't seen before instructions something you don't normally get and i'm also getting like three or four slots for tags and we're using the c um c connector the new one so let's do that let's put that over there we've got one here actually on the bench everyone seems to be going to that new that new star all right time to power this up and see what happens so the nitty gritty of these two type of machines when comparing apples against apples it really would come down to the amount of formats they can do automatically scan and automatically clone and the emulator tags that you have to go with it which can emulate that particular format the online cracking as well is something which would i'd have to go in to quite some depth to find out but i believe they're like ford and holden i believe they're neck to neck so what one should do the other one should do but as far as which one's better oh it talks different language to me oh it has different language too okay we've got a touch screen happening here negatory all right let's go to settings first of all and let's see oh oh we're in chinese we are completely up the creek now ah the instructions are in chinese too now this one here seems to have the i copy or program which is something on this one here i had a lot of trouble getting and it kind of just put a virus on my computer so okay so it can decode the blocks that's all i can tell from there display speaker network batteries does this one take batteries too look so you put the card there there's no bit of elastic to kind of hold it in this one does take batteries too but it is being a bit stubborn i just want show me your batteries show me your batteries all right i cannot get this thing open anyway let's go back to here batteries should be allowed in this device if you can get the battery compartment open that's the question okay battery compartment no mention of what type of batteries it takes but most likely four triple a's or input voltage of that all right so we've just uh crashed this machine now no idea what that means no idea okay so let's go to okay uh i guess we could just put a card up against it and see what happens let's try that read i'm going to select read first it looks like it can do some remotes too [Music] okay so 13.56 megahertz okay can we try writing it let's just try writing to the same card oh what's that orange thing is that part or is this uh it's just part of the plastic on the front that's okay that orange worm is nothing okay so we've established that it can read and write and uh we should probably do some sort of test on that let's grab another one of these little tags okay put that up the back of it ready it's really good if you want to learn another language okay so there's our code there 77966 okay let's try one of these happy tags see if we can write that now [Music] okay so it did it wrote to this happy tag and they are pretty cool looking uh sexy tags if you want to give your customer let's try that now on this uh bad boy wake up have a card have a card negatory all right let's try that again uh right [Music] i think it's it did you hear that it said he had mate that's what it said and of course that didn't work okay so if it says that again we know it's not working right oh was that back okay let's try that now wrong entry wrong entry okay let's try one of their little tags that it came with right not good all right so let's see what's going on here apart from it being in a different language which is not very good uh let's have a look here and see if we can change the menu so let's uh clear back button over to the works button okay let's try first cap off the rank okay nothing to see there go down okay nothing really i can change there go back oh oh this is wi-fi okay so ah that's what it is this can connect to the wi-fi for decoding it can connect to the internet so you don't need to use it with the um computer so when i had this one i always had to plug it into the computer to do the decoding or whatever and then it put a it put a virus on my laptop so that's why i went with this one which is more expensive because it has a wi-fi which means that we can do the online decoding without needing to plug in so that's that that's what it was that made this good ah there we are english so you really can just get through by pushing a lot of buttons you don't need instructions instructions are for ah there we go there look at that format card uh oh we can format okay let's try that i don't have that button before format card okay for my place a card in the c sensor area and click ok to start formatting okay formatting it's taking longer than an sd card format failure can't win them all okay uh network language voice okay this is interesting this model here didn't have um a way to take the voice off so i just simply pulled mine apart and um desoldered the little speaker and a lot of people have said oh how did you get it to shut up well i i did it that way okay volume let's see if we can go down here yep okay actually i wouldn't mind hearing what it sounds like in english uh knowing key decoding okay let's try that one uh enter the password back decode style id note okay so i'm seeing a fair bit more than i did on the other one that is that is for sure clear okay back back back okay okay okay no one keep going clear library okay i didn't know we had a library update version connect to server failure okay let's put in the network setting and see see if it comes alive generating networks okay so now i select my one i'm just going to take this off camera here just so i can put in my password um now i've got a scroll we've got to scroll with these little toggle things across the other way [Music] okay so now we actually should be on the network let's see if we can go to system info okay so that's the serial number and all that sort of stuff version update okay connecting to server we did connect to wi-fi so hopefully it should be good to connect it's taking a long time i guess the server's a long way away failure okay so where are we okay okay we've got languages we've got full mac up so we're pretty much done the menu now okay so let's go over now and go copy okay and let's just put our please put the card there okay so we will go detect okay read okay so i found it fairly easy let's read this one same card let's go this one different card okay okay so let's go back and read this one okay let's try and write this one probably won't but we'll try it anyway failure that's why you need the right tags value ah successful okay so this is our tag here let's bring up the samsung digital and it's working but it's actually getting stuck the door has locked oh thanks samsung thanks for sharing that okay okay all right so we've successfully cloned um on this on this one here as for the formats it does that would be a mystery and as for if we can do some of the um some of the other ones so it's uh unusual because it's coming up with the right code but we're getting read failed a code that we just tried to put in there hmm and that tag didn't work either try one more time no didn't work okay so let's go back now um decoder let's go okay let's try and decode this tag start the password library offline decoding by the read key read successful please continue into the copy card or press the right key so okay let's get that little computer sound going all right so if we go uh please continue into the copy card okay card we can't write detect edit we can't okay so we can only basically um we can only basically uh do a clone on that let's try detect now read okay detected it reads castle please approach device detection okay let's try writing it oh it says uh detection we've got a detect button here nothing right [Music] okay anything under there no so that's it okay so what separates these two apart from each other well this one has a better menu this one has wi-fi this has um offline decoding by using wi-fi so you don't need your computer this one seems to have a few more settings than this one here which seems to be just a simple copy read write so yeah more functions on this one so better device yes and possibly with some of the more encrypted cards which are coming out this one will probably have a bit more of a chance than this one so it might be worth a little bit more money micro sd card looks like there's something there but it doesn't it doesn't show you i can see a slot in there maybe you have to peel the rubber up or maybe they didn't even put it in there because i can see it says micro sd but it's not cut out oh look at this there we go there's the slot i don't know why you would want a micro sd on it but um we'll find out okay thanks for watching
Channel: Dr Lock
Views: 32,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Locksmith, Lock Shop, Dr Lock
Id: 6IpOkdS1lPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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