Revolution | Ancient Rome: The Rise And Fall Of An Empire | BBC Documentary

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jupiter god of our ancestors behold in death your most trustworthy soldier Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus statesman general despiser of Kings champion of our great Republic young Tiberius your father will be praised as long as Rome is remembered [Applause] [Music] in an age before Rome was ruled by Emperor's young Tiberius Gracchus had been brought up to respect his father's principles of Honor and justice but in just 20 years he will die defending his father's ideals [Music] murdered by the aristocrats standing behind him [Music] his crime starting a revolution so powerful it changed Rome forever setting it on the path to its greatest triumphs and worst excesses it was a great man Tiberius you can even greater one day [Music] [Music] [Music] Tiberius Gracchus was to make his first mark on history just ten years after his father's death Rome was preparing for the final assault on its archrival Carthage [Music] we're with you sir the two superpowers Rome and Carthage had been locked in conflict for a hundred and twenty years now the victor would take control of the ancient world come on man get them out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] inside the city walls the Romans became locked in a bitter fight for every street [Applause] but to break the deadlock emiliana s-- ordered the city to be burned [Applause] ancient sources describe how the streets ran with blood but eventually after six days of brutal fighting the Carthaginians surrendered [Applause] this is your day Tiberius hold your head high you did it if only your father could see you now Rome is proud of her son [Applause] we have triumphed from now on nothing can challenge the power of Rome but we're not finished I won this damn city taken apart reduce it to dust and we'll plow the dust with salt so not even weeds will grow in memory of Carthage [Applause] [Music] Tiberius is personal triumphs coincided with one of the darkest chapters in Roman history [Music] in a few months no trace would be left of this great civilization Carthage was stripped of anything of value from a population of nearly a million the 50,000 survivors were sold into slavery [Music] history records few instances for such a complete eradication of another race and its culture [Music] [Laughter] from this day on Rome would rule supreme for the next 600 years but its rulers greed are sowing the seeds of Tiberius is revolution [Applause] Tiberius returned to a city that hardly seemed worthy of its new position as capital of the ancient world while the rich were growing fat on the spoils from Carthage Rome's streets were overflowing with the poor [Applause] that is disgusting why do they keep coming into the city [Applause] ah connealy Oh welcome how are you massacre you must see what a mealy honest had bought me from Carthage it's exquisite kitschy they won't be making any more the journey here so frightening soon we won't be able to go out at night a vacant flooding a man most of them have nothing for a living those have become a cesspit oh I mean the other Nausicaa I was saying to Cornelia Rome's overflowing with the unwashed these days and I blame you blame me why what have I done destroyed the one thing that kept the plebs in their place oh and what's that defeat of Carthage [Laughter] nothing like the fear of an enemy to keep the practice under control perhaps NASA car we should create a new enemy and you fear to put them back in their place that's not a bad idea by your standards poker Carthage didn't just keep the plebs under control kept us all in our place now it's over there's nothing to stop some in their relentless pursuit of wealth and power sanctimony so what do you mean we have a responsibility the duty to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves fail and the Republic for supply you need to be wiser Tiberius I saw you talking to pull kur last night what's wrong with polka huh it's got principles what he says makes a lot of sense he is not to be trusted so who would you have me trust mother massacre doesn't care about anyone but himself you be careful Tiberius this idealism will get you enemies so what do you say but I should sacrifice my principles is that what my father did of course you must have principles but if you don't get the power first nobody will ever listen to you our type furious you have the ability to become a great leader I don't want to be known as a mother-in-law of Amelie honest I want to be known as the mother of Tiberius Gracchus [Music] Tiberius hoped to satisfy his mother's expectations with further military glory he set off with reinforcements to help crush a rebellion in Spain [Music] [Music] [Applause] how are we gonna get to Rome now they've taken our farm everything we worked for who's taking your farm my husband fighting me yo lot we've no money no food nothing what am I supposed to do you tell me in the car give them food Tiberius Tavia Jim Boley used to serve you is that piss water and I loved it although I was worse than piss water this mercifully is a little better I should bloody hope so it's not yours groan right here bring more lots more you should try a farming you can make a fortune out here just grab some land just grab some land just grab some land to admit a family coming here someone had grabbed their land the woman was screaming the place down she's a pain in the arse you know her yes everybody rounded noser so who took her farm Octavius well the army took a husband hmm anyway where am I gonna ply migrate well how many other farms have you taken oh come on I'm not the only one you can't just take someone's land what's gonna happen to that family I don't know go to Rome find their fortunes why should I care you don't give a [ __ ] dear Tiberius come have another drink I don't think so we're leaving for Spain early it wasn't just a few but thousands of farmers who had lost their land the rich landowners had brought in slaves to replace them many from Carthage [Music] when he reached Spain and Tiberius fought the same tribe his father had confronted 40 years earlier the new man times but this time there was no chance for glory battle after battle was lost to the fierce warriors the campaign was a disaster councilman Cena's the luckless commander tried to lead his 20,000 troops to safety but his entire army was surrounded by the barbarians facing annihilation man sinuses only option was to send out a peace envoy are you taking some bloody long they refuse to negotiate and we're all dead no they were negotiated with me only Tiberius what I can't alive I can't put the lives of 20,000 Romans into the hands of a junior officer what alternative is there sir going to do must be a check sir go then why should I let you go we could kill you all why don't you then because of your father we fought him a long time but he finally made peace with us can you do the same yes but my terms are terms my terms I let you free our men and allow them to return in safety and what do we get quality with Rome and a lasting peace Rome will agree to that I speak for Rome as my father did give me your oath a Jupiter lapis I swear I will keep my word but if I fail may I be cast out as this stone is now your father never betrayed us I know you won't I [Music] [Applause] tiberias returned to Rome and to a hero's welcome from the families of the soldiers he'd saved but then he and Mancini's were summoned to appear before the Senate prepare yourself [Music] how is it members of the Senate I ask myself not our great Republic supreme power in all the world now finds itself asked to ratify a treaty with these barbarians please consider the speak up please consider the situation we were in it was the only chance we had to get out alive hell I I don't understand better killed in the glorious action of skulking away with your tail between your legs Oh baby you're dead this is your growth of this preposterous treaty is all a nightmare [Laughter] we can't let this treaty stand it was an oath made before the gods the Senate must honor it is sort of thought about that before young man what you are doing will dishonor Rome the only way we can show the gods and the new man teens that we reject this treaty is to punish those who made it I say send mancina's and his officer Tiberius back to the numantines stripped naked and bound in chains remember who the real culprit is here this young officer was only obeying the orders of an incompetent general and it is man seen us and man seen us along who should face the numantines [Applause] [Applause] huh you see how easy it is to get to you I'm sorry sir but I have to show you you need protection I know about these things sir and I can help you become important you make a lot of enemies and the people need you you're a hero to them I'm not a hero you are to my people my name is Mathur I'll watch your back I'll be loyal sir not like the Senate it's not seeing anyone tonight but go back to your homes he won't see you you'll see me [Applause] I told him you weren't seeing anybody why are you here what you said in the Senate cuz true did help did it but you were right Rome is dishonored if it doesn't keep its word if you really believe that you could still make a difference why not run for political office stand for Tribune of the people of the people whose lives you've saved those soldiers and their families will support you they've been waiting for someone like you someone to stand up for them someone to fight for them if we don't curb the excesses of senators like massacre we could face a civil war [Applause] Tiberius ran for Tribune each year 10 were elected to defend the people's rights but many witches political pawns of the Senate [Music] so what difference will you make I can help you [Applause] [Music] I can get back your land your farms [Music] why should we believe you we're on the same side I know what they're like I've been treated badly by them too as Tribune I can pass new laws that will give land back team I promise you I've keep my word well you lose police proposal is outrageous Oh hard work making the Lund profitable now it will go for the ladies he bloody poor my ancestors are buried here my father's grave is on this land I can't just give it up to some peasant well there's nothing the Senate can do if he wins and can pass his laws we can't touch a Tribune no I don't never Tribune can I'm Terry yes can't be over the plebs I don't want to get involved Tiberius is a good friend [Laughter] [Music] you'll make a lot of powerful enemies you're going to have a hard fight maybe we should seal our alliance what would you say to bringing our families together you know my daughter Claudia I'd be honored [Music] [Music] Tiberius is political marriage is swiftly followed by election victory [Applause] [Applause] farmers in Rome today that in the country more farmers more boats Tribune Tiberius Krakus now ask the People's Assembly to vote on his radical land reform all domestic laws had to be passed by this open-air gathering but Tiberius had broken with convention he had snubbed the Senate by not consulting it first [Music] [Applause] Tiberius Gracchus citizens of the Republic even a wild animal has a cave to live in but many of you have nowhere to call your own they expect you to die protecting Rome but whose homeland are you defending when you have none this must stop [Applause] so I'm proposing new laws laws that will take back the land from those who have too much and give it back to the people who need it the most citizens let us vote [Applause] [Music] Tribune's are you agreed that people can vote agreed agreed agreed veto any veto any chicken from stock TAFE is what he doing that's my answer [Applause] magistrate Octavius and I have to discuss things I need more time we come back tomorrow [Applause] right outside I might need you take care you dummy it yet it comes our hero have you reconsidered Octavius oh yes he's thought about it of many yards will you use your veto tomorrow your core skills they'll be riots ah the rubble with you for a moment I never against you get onward they're not to be trusted I've heat is using you you're no different hmm this is about politics time I've got a future in the Senate even if you haven't pity you [Music] everyone you know make sure they come to the assembly tomorrow [Music] [Music] tribute are you agreed the people can vote veto [Applause] wait calm yourselves see with the daily business Tribune's are you agreed we can open the law-courts veto continue [Applause] gorgeous shot or a tribute chart various backers [Applause] are you to open the public treasury reto continue public treasury of clothes are you agree to pockets dinner Vito Vito Vito can you do this antique on the little [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] no one had ever used the mob in this way before Tiberius had brought the hub of this huge empire to a standstill [Applause] why didn't you tell me you were planning this there wasn't time can I propose a vote to remove octavius's Tribune remove Octavius and what grounds but he's an enemy of the people he's deliberately going against their wishes theory yes but Tiberius wait just stop for a moment [Applause] think where all this is leading the balance between the Senate and the people is a delicate one too much power and Rome would dip into anarchy don't you save your lecture frog pages he's the ones stopping them vote these people need me they speak through me and no one is going to stand in my way no one [Applause] Tiberius won the vote to depose Octavius without his veto the land reform quickly became law [Music] he's one okay [Music] [Applause] this is not about helping the poor this is about power absolute power and he's using the mob to seize it how far does he intend to go you mean does he want to rule Rome huh that's going to be king I certainly believe that I think others will too Tiberius king of Rome the people I stand for it no they won't talk to a views they won't and it's our duty our duty to help the people understand that's exactly what type-- arias intends to do [Applause] [Music] have you had your lands back maybe the tyrants Tiberius he's keeping them for himself he has night night he has been seen wearing royal robes and a crown royal crown he intends to wear as king of Rome we must stop Tiberius before he makes himself King and makes us all it the attack against Tiberius could not have been more damaging Romans believed passionately that no individual should hold so much power in the Republic there was no greater sin and wanting to be king his time as Tribune runs out and when he is no longer protected by his office then I will prosecute him for treason and demand his execution [Applause] [Music] this is your fault it's because they think you want to be king isn't that right math oh well that's what they're saying madam and what do you think Arthur not though come back Rome was on the brink of Civil War on one side Tiberius and supporters and the other those who believed he was a tyrant in waiting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Claudia because they've done the Senate wants your blood when your term is Tribune is over they want to put you on trial for crimes against the Republic they want the death sentence then I run for a second term Tribune's are only allowed one year you know that I can win them round the people will see I'm still on their side please Iberia sits against the law there's so much more to do I'm planning new reforms they're tearing Rome apart the people will protect me listen to them [Music] can you win tomorrow well whether you win or lose the Senate will never let you get away with it why have you done this not even my worst enemy has given me so much trouble so much pain as you have you really done this for the good of the people or for yourself I've done it for you both on the reelection [Applause] this election is illegal Tiberius Gracchus is starting a revolution we must break up this election we don't have the right we can't interfere no right what right is he - a with Ross [Applause] I have the gravest news for you at this very moment Tiberius is for planning him so king he has indicated through his aides to bring the royal crowd time to act he wants to begin [Music] this is our duty to the gods to the people we must protect the Republic [Applause] [Music] [Music] there was no funeral for Tiberius Gracchus no gran durations his body dumped in the river Tiber but Tiberius had changed Rome forever his murder unleashed the power of the mob it would take a hundred years to pull Roman society back together and a new type of leader the Emperor next on ancient Rome freedom fighters battles and betrayal [Applause] [Music] as Nero fell Roman face the biggest rebellion in its history this is the story of how a father-and-son team rose from disgrace to put it down [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BBC Documentary
Views: 830,794
Rating: 4.8232436 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, documentary bbc, bbc, ancient rome documentary, ancient rome the rise and fall of an empire, ancient rome: the rise and fall of an empire, full documentary, historical documentary, history documentary, rome documentary, rome documentary bbc, how did rome fall, how did rome begin, how did rome became an empire, roman army, roman times, the romans, the roman empire, Tiberius Gracchus, episode 3, revolution
Id: M04pFl01iF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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