Revlon One Step Hair Dryer and Volumiser tutorial

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to skin obsessed mary today we're here actually not to talk about skincare at all we're here to talk about hair you know having a good hair day can be just as important as having a good skin day you know what that feeling you get when you walk out of the salon you open the door it's like the sun is shining the birds are singing ah well you know i can't do that at all and in fairness most of us can't i mean there are some people who are quite good at doing hair but it's it's just not one of my strong suits i've never had great success with it until i got this this has actually changed my life and i know that sounds so shallow it's just a hair thing but it has completely changed by day it completely has changed how i feel when i walk out the door this is called the revlon salon one step hair dryer and volumizer yes that's a mouthful i bought this off of amazon uk i think about 45 pounds i paid for it about two years ago i use this every day well mostly every day you know i probably blow dry my hair five six days a week um if i don't this is what i look like so on a saturday like today when i got up and i didn't have anywhere in particular i had to go except for errands and kind of running around town i get in the shower i get out i just put on my skincare put on some spf and i run out the door um my hair's still wet half the time so this is what happens when it dries on his own and you know it's fine but it's not good enough for most days you know i work in the creative industry i have client meetings most days and i have to look a bit more polished than this so that requires makeup and my hair being done so this is the guy that's changed everything so i thought today i'd show you how i use it it's pretty quick i don't put a lot of thought into it to be frank it's probably about five or six minutes don't really know how to time it so we're gonna find out so um stay tuned and we'll see how it works okay the things that you need for this are your hair dryer um a heat protectant spray because this is really kind of hard on the hair to be honest and the one thing i forgot to show you was a clip because i do it in stages so you take the first sort of bottom quarter of your hair put the rest up and just start to dry it under with a little bit of lift at the roots because that gives a bit of fullness and you just kind of move all the way around your head it's great because the the cord spins around so you don't worry about getting tangled up this is not an exact science by the way i just kind of move around come back to spots if it's not quite dry yet now i started off with my hair more dry than not so it's almost more of a finishing tool because i usually go and get a cup of coffee and do my makeup before i do my hair so it makes the process go a lot faster so move over to the other side just kind of lift it up underneath and then same with the round in the back now i have really short hair particularly in the back and this thing works a dream i know people say it's not great for short hair i totally lie and i think that's a total mistake i think it's fantastic okay so i just kind of move all the way around the head the back is a little bit trickier because it's kind of heavy to hold up but sure you'll get there strong arm muscles okay then i put it down and i take down about another i guess it's probably more of a third really and i take the same amount of hair off both the sides as well as the back so it's kind of even with the amount of hair that i'm going around the head to do and like i said this isn't exact you know sometimes i grab hairs it shouldn't be there and whatever i don't worry too much about it the one thing to note when you're doing this don't wear any necklaces i learned that the hard way it really heats up on your neck i actually had to throw them off quite quickly so save all of that towards the end once your hair is done then put your necklaces on now okay so then we get to the part where i take it all the way up to just the kind of the top part of the head i'm keeping that down on both sides and then i take a little bit more in the back so it's really just that top center part with a little bit on both sides and i tie that up and i dry the rest again trying to go up a little bit to give you some lift you should go along and kind of smooth it all out once i get towards the top and then the very last bit i take that top section i divided in two so the back half i actually drive backwards and that's really just to give it some more lift at the roots even though it's going to fall to the side so i give that a few run-throughs there and then the top bit or the front bit i go down with because i want that to head into my face but give it a bit of lift so i'm lifting it up at the roots and bringing that down and then i grab a comb i kind of pull it through to find a natural part and then i go over those top bits now they're mostly dry at this stage but it's just to kind of smooth it out to try to minimize the flyaways so i do the side and bring it straight down and in the front i bring more and you know literally down in front of my face and then the other side straight to the side and down in front i'm done so that's it i think it was about five minutes and 30 seconds and you know i can't say enough good things about it so if you're in the market for something that's going to make your life a little easier it gives you the best chance at a good hair day um i'd suggest you go out and you buy this little baby i'll put all the details of where i've gotten that down below um i hope you'll subscribe if you have any questions or have any recommendations please do leave them below give me a thumbs up as well and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Skin Obsessed Mary
Views: 5,506
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Keywords: hairdryer, hair styling, Revlon hair dryer, Revlon Pro Collection Salon One Step Hair Dryer and Volumiser, hair dryer tutorial, hair tutorial, skin care, over40, over50, hair dryer, Revlon, hair care tips, hair care products, easy hairstyle, work hair, blow dry, self care, blow out, salon hair, hair volumiser, volumizer, heat protectant spray, tresemme, best hair, best hair dryer, easy hair care, easy blow dry, easy hair dry, Revlon one step, easiest way to use Revlon One step
Id: SpbcKD50Z90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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