Revival @ 7 04072021 - The 32 Names of the Holy Spirit Part 3 - The Spirit of Christ

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oh and his mercy is endured forever see my god is good and his mercy is endurance forever amen so like we say all the time in this service we believe god for his presence we believe god for his anointing we believe god for his grace and um as we are gathered we believe that god is going to grant us his grace amen the scripture says that we should come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain grace and find mercy in time of need so in this service open your heart open your mind open your eyes open your ears and um get ready to receive something that you have not received all this time in your life amen let's lift our hands together to jesus and say thank you to him for the goodness he's shown us the mercies he's shown us the love he's shown us the kindness he's shown us the blessings that he's given us and definitely is going to give us more of such lift your hands with me to jesus and praise him for a while bless the name of the living god tell him the lord you are all that i have you are all that i need you are all that i crave for you are all that i long for my soul yes for you my heart fest for you in a dry land where no water is lord thank you for this evening because in this service you are going to give me your anointing in this service you are going to transform me in this service you are going to reveal things to me so i can bless your holy name lord lift your voice lift your hands and talk to god speak to him and talk to him know that god is always around know that wherever two or three are gathered together in his name there he is in the midst of them lift your voice and talk to god and praise god and bless him everyone bless god bless god bless god bless god bless god bless god bless him blessing blessing blessing bless him bless him bless him bless him and give him thanks jesus we praise you jesus we bless you come on if you want to have a song to sing to him sing your own song for when we come together like this everyone has islam everyone has a hymn everyone has a song everyone has a fest everyone has a cry and i don't know what you came for but whatever it is yes make sure god can see that you are appreciating his goodness god can appreciate that you are seen you are seeing his message in your life go ahead and thank him go ahead and bless him go ahead and thank him go ahead and bless him go ahead and thank him a little longer a little longer a little longer a little longer a little longer a little longer a little longer how amiable oh god we love to be in your house we love to be in your presence to be far from you is to perish to be near you is our good to be far from you is to perish but to near near you and to be near you it's our good lord lift your hands and tell god that your nearness to him is your good and you thank him that you are close to him you are not far from him he's not cast you out of his presence david said cast me out away from thy presence and take note that holy spirit also for me lord tonight thank you the lord you are drawing us you are drawing us you are drawing us you are joining us you are drawing us you are drawing us you are joining us you are drawing us you are drawing us lift your hands and thank god he's drawing you you can't see him but he's drawing you he's drawing you he's giving you a desire he's giving you a longing to to love his house to love his way to love his presence to be in the midst of other brethren who are also holy spirits failed not to be in the midst of cannot people not to be in the midst of the anointed people not to be in the midst of people who drain you from the anointing but to be in the midst of people who are filled with the anointing go ahead and thank god go ahead and thank god go ahead and thank god david said how amy about your tabernacle how friendly is your tabernacle to me to for for me to be near you it's my goal for me to be near you it's my good for me to be far from you it's my bad it's my bad it's my bad it's my bad the scripture says that they that are far from thee shall perish but they that are neither oh god it is for them they are good so lift your hands and lift your voice and thank god that you are nowhere else but you are in his presence nowhere else but you are in his presence and remember in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy there is fullness of joy there is fullness of joy we are thanking god because we are in his presence we are thanking god because we are in his presence go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him go ahead and thank him speak in tongues and lift your hands and wave at god and say lord i keep coming i keep coming but thank you that they that keep following they shall know you as they keep following then i come closer to you they will know your heart they will know your mind they will know your heart they will know your mind they will know your heart they will know your mind oh god help us to minister in the presence all the time thank you for raising us up as faithful priests raising us up as faithful servants who love you oh god who love you oh god we'll love you oh god thank you for directing our hearts into your love directing our hearts into your love everyone find something to tell the living god just go ahead and bless him just go ahead and praise him just go ahead and thank him just go ahead and praise him lifting your hands and praising god lifting your hands and praising god for men ought to pray everywhere lifting their holy hands without wrath without doubting lifting your hands and praising him praising him i will praise the lord in the morning i will praise him in the afternoon i will praise him in the evening i will praise him at all times yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes speak to him talk to him speak to him talk to him speak to him talk to him speak to him talk to him speak to him talk to him the bible says that these be they who separate themselves not having their spirits but you beloved when you are gathered together when you are on your own when you are driving when you are taking your bath when you are cooking praying in the holy ghost praying in the holy ghost praying in the holy ghost so you can build up yourself on your most holy faith just take some time and build up yourself on your most holy faith for what god has for you tonight except your faith is built you may not be able to receive so lift your voice and lift your hands to god come on go ahead everyone go ahead and talk to him go ahead and talk to him go ahead and talk to him go ahead and talk to him go ahead and talk to him hombre festival manager [Music] a few more seconds now everyone lift your hands to god and believe god to fill you with his mighty holy spirit lift your hands to him and lift your voice to him and call on to him cry out unto him david said i cried out for my heart and the lord heard me i cried from within and the lord heard me i believe that god is hearing you god is hearing us on death we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise oh dear friend echo sunderland we give you lord thanks and we give you praise in the name of jesus lift your hands with me to jesus oh go ahead lift your hands and talk to him let's think there is a longing [Music] only you can feel only you can feel a raging tempest a range only you can steal only you can still my soul is the lord drink from the river drain from the river [Music] only you lord only [Music] my soul is [Music] before [Music] when you sing with your own voice can you sing a raging tempest who can feel and who can steal it [Music] what is your soul saying [Music] [Applause] jesus hold me [Music] oh yes lord [Music] to sunrise i will see your things come on church drawn by the spirit i love it [Music] [Applause] hearing your presence [Music] is i love it when you lift your hands and you sing it to him come on check everyone everybody let it be your best now cry hey come on [Music] i just wanna [Music] [Applause] i love that place come on [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] i just wanna love you [Music] lift your hands with me to jesus thank god that you are in check but now pray that he should draw you tell god to draw you and he should forever draw you close to himself lord draw me close to you draw me close to you i want you to be i want to be close to you lord i want to be i don't want to be far from you lord i don't want to be far from you lord is there anything in my life that is making me go further from you oh god reveal to me show me and take it out of my life lord i want to be close to you i want to be near you lord come on lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray remember whatever you tell him he will do it whatever you tell him he will do it whatever you tell him he will do it go ahead and tell him lord i want to be close to you i want to be near you lord i want to be near your spirit i want to be near your spirit lord i want to be near your spirit lord i want to be near you i want to be close to you let this be your heart cry tonight let this be your heart cry tonight lord be with me in my car be with me in my room be with me my balcony be with me when i'm in the garden be with me when i'm in the kitchen be with me wherever lord i want to be near you i want to be near you i want to feel your presence go ahead and talk to god go ahead and talk to god go ahead and talk to god all day remember sema oh they remain offended yeah money [Music] oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus are you talking to him are you telling him is that your heart crying tell him lord i want to be close to you i want to be near you lord i want to be near you lord i want to be near you lord if i draw close to you you will draw close to me if i draw nigh unto you you will draw a night unto me oh god oh jesus leave me not at the mercy of the enemy leave me not at the mercy of satan lord but let me be close to you let me be close to you let me be close to you let me be close to you lord [Music] let's do it one more time lift your hands with me to jesus [Music] i wanna be where you are dwelling in your presence feasting at your table chest come on [Music] in your presence that's where i always that's where i always i just want to be lord [Music] i wanna be where you are come on [Music] can you lift your voice a little bit please come on i just want to be lord i just wanna i just want to be lord i just want to be with you i wanna be where you are come on sing it i wanna be [Music] i want to be found in your presence alone surrounded by your glory [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] surround me with your glory lord [Music] in your presence [Music] that's where i always want to be i just wanna be [Music] i just want to be i just want to be i just want to be lord [Music] i am contents [Music] expressions of your love revelations of your power and minds in your presence [Music] let's start from the top in your presence [Music] let's watch him go for some time come on lift your hands everyone freely limp to us and pretty leaves your voice [Music] expressions of love oh [Music] he [Music] if you can have one person who really believes what you're saying he will do it for you come on [Music] what can he do for you come on tell him he can come on to do much more to do much more [Applause] [Music] one more time he is able [Music] to accomplish what concerns my life today the day is almost ending that day it's almost ended i believe in that song you're singing come on the lord is able to tell him he's more than evil he's more than evil hey can a lord handle anything that concerns you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] make me what he wants me to be tonight to make me what he wants come on tell yourself he's able to make me what he wants me to be he only he can do it [Music] he alone can make [Music] why don't you put your hands together for the lord oh do it in a better way show god some form of appreciation i can say it's great for people in the house of god come on hallelujah hallelujah well you know the bible says in acts 1 8 which we can't update the bible so we always have to read what we have so that by you shall receive oh you shall receive god afterward the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses both unto me jerusalem in judea in samaria the outermost parts of the earth i want us to take time and pray to god for power that god should give us power romans 13 once said that there is no power but of god no one can give you power but god let every soul be subject unto the higher powers why for there is no power but of god so only god can give us power to do whatever seems right and whatever seems good and whatever seems good to him in ministry in marriage in relationships in businesses in whatever except god gives you his power you can't and the bible says that by strength shall no man prevail but by the power of god we shall prevail lift your hands and for some short time pray to god and ask him the lord empower me let your holy spirit come upon me and let your holy spirit give me the power that i need to be a good christian to be a good pastor to be a good shepherd to to live away from sin not to live in sin give me that power o god lift your hands and ask god for the power that the holy spirit is capable of giving you and capable of giving me and when he comes upon us out one eight and you shall receive power when you have prayed for the holy spirit to come upon you so pray for the holy spirit to come upon you so that you will receive the power and remember there is no power but of god there is no single power anywhere but of god lift your hands and lift your voice and pray to god the power of the holy spirit the power of the holy might of the holy spirit lord we give you praise lord we give you glory we thank you lord we give you honor thank you come upon us in a mighty way lord come upon us tonight come upon us we give you thanks come upon us we bless your holy name we adore you we magnify you we give you thanks go ahead and thank god go ahead and praise god go ahead and bless god lift your voice and thank god for what he has for you tonight lift your voice and thank him father we praise you lord we thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen father we thank you for your blessing that you give to us in jesus name amen you may be seated all right we want to share a little about the 32 names of the holy spirit and are you excited to know about the 32 names of the holy spirit amen so last week i think i'll share with you about the spirit of the living god and that is number five number six today is the spirit of christ the spirit of christ amen romans chapter 8 and verse 9. romans chapter eight and verse nine the spirit of christ let's turn to our feet for a moment let's turn to our feet pray for the spirit of revelation thank you jesus oh god we ask you lord we pray for the spirit of revelation lord for tonight that only you will anoint our eyes to see anoint our eyes grant us the spirit of revelation reveal secrets unto us oh god we ask you tonight pray and ask god to give you the spirit of revelation to bless you with the spirit of revelation that the lord god of our father jesus will grant you the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of revelation pray that you'll be granted the spirit of revelation pray as a pastor pray as a shepherd pray as a placenta leader pray as a center leader pray as any leader as a christian lord i ask you for the spirit of revelation i pray for the spirit of revelation i desire let me have this spirit of revelation with me oh god that things will be revealed to me that i will not walk in darkness i'll not leave my life in darkness and ignorance but thank you that you will open my eyes anoint my eyes and give me revelation for tonight i give you thanks i give you praise in jesus mighty name father we are so excited tonight for your holy word in jesus name amen you may be seated for tonight's important bible lesson on the names of the holy spirit now romans 8 and verse 9 says you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his amen now the spirit of christ has to do with the spirit of our savior jesus christ christ meaning the anointed so the spirit of the anointed all right now if you look at the way the world is today you realize that the world is guided by a type of spirit the antichrist anti-anointing anti-anointing against anointing against the spirit of christ that is the power in the world today against anointing anti-anointing so the spirit of christ is i believe explained as indeed a humble spirit and in proverbs 16 and verse 18 the bible says that pride goeth before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall but the next verse says better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lonely than to divide the spoil with the proud so i believe that the spirit of christ is a humble spirit the spirit of humility or the spirit of christ amen now without the spirit of christ you cannot accomplish the things christ accomplished more was accomplished by christ through his humble demeanor than anything else so christ the spirit of christ has to do with the impactation of a gentle and a meek and humble spirit all right and so it is important that we receive that spirit because that spirit will help you to accomplish what christ accomplished which is very great and he accomplished what he accomplished by humility by by being how he was humility is not just sitting down to listen to nonsense and not saying what is right humility is not stupidity and jesus christ confronted the pharisees and the religious leaders of his time very strongly he called them vipers he called them dead men's tombs he called them i mean serpents he called them children of hell he said you are worse than a child of hell you make people more of a child of hell than you are mommy these are strong words and so it's all part of the spirit of christ so the spirit of christ is very important in becoming like christ and i'm just saying this part so that you see what he was like now the spirit of christ when the spirit of christ is on you a humble spirit is on you now i want to say that perhaps perhaps your safest safest arena is to stay within the spirit of christ whenever you are on like not sure what you are doing am i making a mistake am i going the wrong way one of the main things is staying on the spirit of christ humble way is more likely to be safer than any other thing all right whenever i used to have all this feedback whoever is doing the sound try to let it go away so what i'm saying to you is that safely walk in safety by staying on the humble spirit of christ road try try your best to stay within those parameters you are likely not to make a mistake yes in your life's journey and why why does it why it's more important for us now because sometimes we see people who have even been better than us stronger than us and then they become some way and they become you can clearly see they have gone off and you ask yourself that then what is the hope for us because these guys who are better than we are but it's like you can see that they've gone off completely and so you ask yourself that what is the safety road do you see and definitely if there's electricity on the right electricity on the left you would like to know that okay walk on this brown tile all the way you are likely not to die are you with me even a plane you know if a plane goes at a certain speed do you see it's likely if it stays within a certain speed not to have a problem but because every plane can go faster than it goes far faster but the plane will break up it will break up it will start disintegrating yes you know you you fly in a plane they show the speedometer now you can have an idea of the speed one time i was on a malaysian airplane i mean honestly the guy was going thousand something kilometers normally normally say 800 900 700 you know but this one was a thousand something thousands of me was going i mean it's like yeah he was pushing it yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know what but he said malaysia is a nice player i i'll see you after i tell you some nice things about that plane you like it i've been on it a number of times by the guys that speed they are really fast thousand something kilometers per hour we were on it yeah so too fast too slow you see if you go too slow the plane will fall look i'll show you you see when you throw a stone when the power going forward is finished it comes down so when you put the plane up like that and you go a little too slow it comes down flight six four four air france paris to rio de janeiro it fell out because they kept slowing i think they slowed that what happened was that the speedometer formed some ice on it outside of the plane because it was so cool or spot and it malfunctioned so as the pilot is there it's not so am i going too fast or too slow because too fast i'll disintegrate too slow i'll fall out so we they suspect that he was a bit too slow and then you just come down straight like a stone so the spirit of christ is like too fast and too slow both are dangerous but there is a middle road that is safer and safest and so that is why you see sometimes when you sit on the plane they'll tell you the flight is six and a half hours and they never change it even though they are in the place we can go faster we can go slower we can make it three four five hours but it's like it will still be the same yes because it's safer and so i'm saying that staying and operating with the spirit of christ do you see is going to make you safest in your service for god safest safest philippians chapter 2 verse 5. let this mind be in you which was also in christ you see there is a mind that christ had that's the safe mind that's the safety that made him raise the dead he didn't change him heal the sick he didn't change him the whole world followed him he didn't change him people were following after him to give follow him millions thousands of people he didn't change him power to feed five thousand it didn't change him because there was a certain mind in him and this mind the bible says let this mind be in you it is the mind that was in christ when the spirit of christ is in you it causes you to have a certain mind because spirits impart thoughts so when the spirit of christ is in you it imparts the thoughts of christ that's why when you are fighting the devil you fight imaginations casting down imaginations when you are fighting devils you are fighting thoughts and imaginations when we are fighting the enemy we are fighting with thoughts and words we are fighting lies we are fighting bad thoughts we are fighting evil thoughts so let this mind be in you which was in christ what was the mind the six who being in the form of god thought it's not robbery to be equal to god now once you start to feel you've been robbed you've been cheated this is the third time this is happening to me last time this what they did this next time this is also what they did this is the third time straight away you are out of the spirit of christ oh yes because christ crowd doesn't think he's robbed and you you think you are robbed christ has never thought of being cheated that somebody is taking something somebody is not giving him something that he deserves something is due him by you that's your mind straight away you are out of the spirit of christ yes i thought that this would be done for me i thought that this i thought that they would say thank you when i finished this i was expecting to yeah thank you i was excited to be here to hear congratulations i was expecting it received at least a letter of appreciation one song that you sang we have to worship you we have to worship you and praise you one good deed that you've done in the church we have to thank you always forever and ever no no no no nothing if if you never if you never you never get to say thank you do you know if if do you know the gifts that i've given to people that i never i never i never had i never even don't even know whether they got it yes yes yes you you see you don't even know your your mind is a and i've been pain tight now i can't get pregnant now how does the church have to to do with your pregnancy you can't get pregnant although you've been pain tight i saw the seed and now i can't get pregnant he thought it not robbery are you listening to me yes try when the spirit of christ is on you the idea that you've been cheated you see will not be in your mind for any area or any aspect or anything it will not come there because the spirit of christ will be imparting to you and that spirit of christ never thinks it robbery he thought it not robbery he thought it not robbery he thought it not wrong most of the time pastors our lives we are juggling to be sure people are not offended actually let's see way maybe they would think that maybe this or why don't we talk to them because in case you have to be careful maybe they may say who is waiting outside maybe they said they waited for a long time who are those whatever let us say pray for them maybe this and that we i mean we are always worried about who is offended yes because you know that this is the door open door who is going to think he's been cheated i mean i've come to sit here at the reception i mean whatever one place here president is he a prime minister you want to see the person you have to wait the whole day wow what are all these what are all these what are all these a demon almost entered me one time when i went for a conference yes a demon because as i was at the conference instead of seeing my privilege i was now beginning but i've been going a number of times you know when you stay around for some time he pry this i mean is he yeah what are all these a demon almost entered me instead of being appreciative that i have come to this country a place that normally a ghanaian would not come to i have come all the way there i've been treated as a vip i was almost getting offended yes and an evil spirit was almost entering me because there was somebody who was behaving funny towards me at the at the other place and somebody one of the officials and i wasn't happy about his behavior and i realized that i was getting upset and i was getting offended yeah and the holy spirit warned me said be careful you don't take a demon from here yes he said you become like judas instead of taking the holy spirit you take a demon from a place where you should have got the holy spirit you get a demon rather than the holy spirit 12 disciples you are supposed to get what anointing and what have you before you take don't take care you've become do that i mean no one calls anyone judas today no so you have to be careful because while you should have gotten a gift of the holy spirit if you don't take care you take away a demon from there because judas got a demon by being close judas got a demon by being close that was that was his finishing yeah so no one here should take away from here an evil spirit yes you're coming around shouldn't lead to something evil happening to you and you rather take away offense hate robbery and such things by just the fact that you've been brought close and made to come nearer he never thought he was being robbed he never thought he was being robbed i've worked all these years i don't have a car you've never worked at other places they found out they had neither car nor house nor nothing you rarely get as a good place as our church to work in if you even get yes you rarely get try it and see yeah rarely at first i used to not respect our own employment much but as the years have gone by us you have to see you will not even get yes you will not even get true yes almost everybody at sac has come back yes in our organization we suck it's a church but we suck rightly so yes so stay because if there is anything that is common to human beings it is offenses and people are always offended when they are robbed sometimes it's not how much has been taken but the fact that somebody has taken something from you that you shouldn't have ever been able to come near enough to take it and has taken it not that you need it that is what is something so be careful because as soon as you feel cheated you feel offended being offended is a very dangerous and it's a sign of your pride [Music] supposing i ask you to sit on the second row i said why is he asking me to sit on the second row and who are those sitting at the front and what the difference between us on the first row and the second row so it shows you are so big that the second rule is not good for you you've been robbed watch out for offended people you are not operating in the spirit of christ christ walked through this earth all the way he just asked one day he asked a question many good deeds have i done for which of these do you stone me i just wanted to know which particular deed they are stoning me for i have no idea but he was not offended even when he was on the cross he prayed for the father forgive them forgive them they don't know what they are doing they don't know what they are doing forgive them [Applause] hey but not everybody is not offended though there was a lady hey you know you have to be careful some i think women your hearts are deeper when something goes into it it can go very deep you know herod herod's wife you know she went and married herod and then john the baptist made just a comment during his preaching you know just said that it's not right for you to have somebody's wife and she was not hey she went bezek she went what bezek for john had said to herod it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife that's all it was enough to tip her off ah she went wild and now she turned into a monster now people who are offended turn into monsters you can't even believe are you the same person are you the same gentle lady you should have seen her when she was kissing her herald at their wedding or whatever i love you i love you i love you i love you sexy herod's wife very delicious lady but when a comment was made about the marriage herodias she timed him and there was hatred in her heart so when her daughter danced ballet dancing hey and the husband father was so impressed he said i'll give you anything i give you chariot i give you money i give you whatever and says what shall i give you the little girl was confused and i'm gonna ask mommy and she ran to money mommy daddy says he'll give me anything what should i ask for she said rice and john the baptist's head yes at the meat rice and meat and the meat is john the baptist's head head stew head [Music] like how you have oxtail soup or even goat head soup yes i want john heads soup with rice for dinner today telling him what are all these these are the fruits of offense watch people and watch yourself watch yourself you are no more in the spirit of christ once you are and nothing big has to offend you what i have learned is that it doesn't have to be anything big but the outcome will be big but the thing itself doesn't have to be big because this is just a comment somebody made it's not going to affect your marriage your marriage is carrying on is he not your boyfriend you have taken him you are moving with him who is complaining who can change anything anyway he's just the guy was preaching and he said it and you have become a monster you eat head soup head stew now now this is what you eat head stoop and rice so john was in in his room when he was there he helped some people magic crackers so he was wondering what is it then they came they put it's whatever and you see they cut they put a thing on his neck what are you doing i i once watched one of these they were they beheaded the guy they cut the head you see the blood coming up everywhere they cut and they removed the head and then got a woman i mean a a woman a woman's desire what have you become what have you become what type of monster what type of horror have you become just for a comment that was made a correction a rebuke one word that this is wrong you have become you should have seen that when the head then the body they hold the thing with blood everywhere put it on a plate they're having a party upstairs the lady has won her best dress with her makeup and lips and whatever she's sitting there like that you ask yourself what monster what type of creature what type of horror has she become because of one thing that is made the bible says let this mind be in you which was in christ you beat him you sought him try to murder him try to do everything still he'll never became got to a place where he felt that somebody is rubbing him up robbing me of what you can't take my you can't do anything to me what god has given to me you cannot take from me yeah so i'm just saying this to you because it's not about today today we are preaching everybody is here for the preaching but one day something may come as time i'm being cheated i've been cheated i'm being robbed i've been cheated this is the third time they are doing this to me last time it was this today this now this when they get out now they they say this they do that different things wow the system yeah so god is telling you the spirit of christ is the spirit of humility let this mind be in you he never thought himself robbed of anything verse 7. but made himself of no reputation yes no reputation somebody said your reputation is at stake reputation in the ministry you know when jesus peter started his ministry the bible says i think it's in the last book of my last pages of i think matthew one of the gospels they said that they spread the story that peter and their disciples have come to steal the body of jesus so peter started the ministry his reputation was already not working that he was a grave digger and a grave robber that was how he started his ministry yes nobody nobody all right can stay in the ministry for long without people saying all sorts of things which you can never explain only that you will regret the day you find out the truth and you find out that hundred percent you were wrong now one day i went to a man of god's house and the man of god he took me to his room you know and he showed me certain things and told me certain things you know i was as i was as he was speaking to me and other things were being revealed to me he i was thinking lord did i say anything did i say anything because i didn't know the things he was telling me i didn't know i didn't know them he was now i was now finding out i was thinking to myself my god did i say something about this one did i say i was thinking to see i hope i didn't say anything about this one if i hope i didn't add my mouth to this when i when you see the truth you can't even believe because sometimes i don't know how the truth is such that it's like you can't even believe the other side when you hear that because that is why in love you have to hear both sides because it's so amazing when you hear one side he said what when you hear the other you say what it's true so don't worry about reputation anyone who wants to feel good and look good to people you don't have the spirit of christ yes you don't have the spirit of christ the spirit of christ you'll be flowing this one thinks this this one you leave it to god to time with time you get to know your mind will change but i hope that in the process you don't say something before you find the real truth and then regret and say yes why did i open my mouth why did i open my mouth and speak about this thing hey i remember that day i was thinking my goodness you never know you just cannot tell you can never tell from the stories you hear so let's learn to shut up all right and not try to don't try to fight for your reputation amen but he made himself of no reputation so staying in the spirit of christ is staying with no reputation no problem and then you take on the form of a servant do you see take on the form of a servant that is the spirit of christ let this mind be in you like this mind being you but i'm a servant and which servant is he when he finishes serving that he comes he wants you to say thank you we have to worship you we have to thank you always we have to praise you do you see you always let us feel it that you've really come you've really served you've been here since morning [Music] you've not eaten the whole day you couldn't go to toilet [Music] the whole day usually you go twice your afternoon one you couldn't go what are all these now now you are not the only one who is inconvenienced you see you're not the only one who's inconvenienced when i step here till i leave you don't know yes you don't know nobody knows so let the spirit of christ you are likely to to not go astray you are likely to not go astray for the spirit of christ always a servant always a servant reputation no problem amen when gehazi went after neyman and he stopped and said stop stop my master sent me you are lying my master said that uh when you left there were some needs and you know you didn't pay any offering so he says you should um organize sow a seed he said did you sow a seed that was it was a protocol mistake so if you can put your seeds and when neymar the syrian look i'm saying ah you you he saw through and this guy is after money so he said have two you you take two two offerings be content take two you see second kings 5 23 naaman said be content he could see through the pastor that this guy is after money people who after money is not difficult to see these guys after myself be content take two talent and he edged him and gave him silver two bags two changes of garments laid them on his servant when gerhazy got back home he packed the donkeys outside and came in [Music] where did you go oh i was just around i was just in the area now he has packed the two donkeys outside and and elijah said look uh my heart went with thee my heart went with thee yes when not my heart would be is it a time to take gifts you know and then he cast him and said the leprosy therefore of neymar you know he wasn't a fatherly type yes it wasn't a fatherly type a person who is fatherly he has a lot of children if you are not family you will kiss most of the people around you and they will there will not be anybody left it's true so he cast he cast him and said the left leprosy cleaved to thy seed forever and he went out of his presence a leper but he didn't go back to neymar to tell him that i want you to know that that money that gerhard came for it's not from me and number one i want you to know that i didn't ask for it number two even if i had as i wouldn't have taken two silvers from you at all it would have been even one have you seen me taking silver before since you knew me as a prophet have i come for any silver he didn't bother to do that he just let neymar the syrian go with the wrong impression it's okay go you go with whatever mind you have about me my gehazi my my children my whatever you can have the bad reputation idea that you want but after me i'm not going to bother to correct it so he dealt with gehazi but he left neymar to go with the bad impression with in the house of god your reputation and how people this one thinks this this one thinks you've done this this one says you've done this this guy sent a story about this you've done this one sent a text this has happened this one is doing this okay think whatever you want to think think whatever you want to think he let me man go with all his ideas no problem you can go with whatever you think time will tell time will tell yes he that has clean hands will work stronger and stronger to the end yes think what you like it's entirely up to you yesterday i met some pastors i realized as i spoke with them that they have a mind based on certain accusations that they have ahead and i as i listen as i look at them i said to myself i will not waste my time to explain it think whatever you want to think that's all think whatever you want to think once elisha didn't go back to neymar to try to correct the impression you to think whatever you want to think job 17 verse 9 he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger and the righteous also shall hold on his way the righteous are hold on his way yeah just persist on the way you are likely to be operating in the spirit of christ yes people ask why don't you say this why don't you say it's okay your impression about somebody is not what makes the person do well [Applause] yes one day i invited an important person to my house but um actually i never thought he would come and somebody went to tell this person that i've insulted him yes so eventually to cut a long story short this important person was now sitting in my house i was sitting here i was also sitting here we were eating and i was thinking to myself that all that people have said could not prevent today that i'm sitting here this man is also sitting here and we are eating at a very crucial time it didn't depend on what somebody said don't worry don't worry don't try to explain too many things god will explain it all amen he took upon himself the form of a servant once you are not offended with jobs you are safe do this do this do this for me it's not a problem can you believe that people who are musicians and who are gifted in certain things often drop those jobs when they feel that they are pastors i thank god every job you are giving the form of a servant do it yes just keep doing your menial jobs since i became a believer a real born-again christian i've never stopped serving god with music no no it's part of my but you see as soon as you stop being says oh i'm above it i'm not a pastor i'm about it i'm not a pastor i don't play i don't play i don't sing i'm i'm not a pastor i feel you are a little bit in danger you've graduated there if the graduation had been like that you would never have heard any of idah's songs my songs you never have had even one if that's how we were graduating i said if that's how we graduate out of our service and our seventh grade you never have heard even one of those songs yes you are likely to be safer when there was something you could do as a servant and you keep doing it even as you become mr big shot you people now have no idea how much rehearsal i do you don't you don't since i became a christian i've been going for rehearsals music rehearsals no since i became a born again because i've been going for rehearsal i always do rehearsals after today i have rehearsals for hours it has never been i'm now a bishop whatever not what not hot bishop of what and so what how does it help you what are all these things what are all these how come you can't do that anymore how come things are now like you sort of graduated you sort of i mean graduated forward out of little jobs when jesus was happy to be a servant a seventh a seventh a seventh a seventh a messenger of god but you now we just added reverence and uh yo your workings have even changed [Applause] your workings have changed fantastic whatever service you once offered no matter your age and your title if it is possible for you to continue to serve as a servant in the same capacity i want to suggest that you will be within the safe range not too fast and not too slow yes i think you're likely to be safe in there so this i've always done this at the spirit of christ yes because too fast and the plane will break up that the wings will fall off and the body of the plane will start to disintegrate because it's too fast too slow like i showed you when you threw a stone and the power becomes just finished it just comes down it fall out of the sky if you are able to maintain this spirit of christ make yourself of no reputation what was the sex before never think it is robbery you are likely to be safe nothing is a problem yes you know one time i met a pastor hey this guy was a big man he was what a big man now he was standing outside our church and he had been transferred to another church not in our church he had been transferred and he stood there he said the fact that that word that word transfer can be used on somebody like me the word transfer it even shows you what is wrong that's what he said the word transfer you see he's gone out of safety yes because he immediately thinks he cannot be transferred and that's dangerous you cannot be transferred are you the founder of the church why don't you start your own church and start your own ministry why you will never be transferred if you want to be a part of our church transfer right on your forehead t t for transfer t for transfer yes right on your forehead t for transfer yes if you want you can have a cross also and then put the t also there make a design yes and things change if you are transferred and you don't go early you see that a change will come on that transfer i am talking about safety tonight how many relay that i'm talking about safety safety safety safety safety safety safety there must never be a time where something can offend you or you think you are getting a not good enough deal never when the spirit of christ is on you you being a servant when they gave jesus the cross to carry he said well i'm a carpenter so this is what i've been carrying wood all these years i've been carrying wood i've been a carpenter i mean as i'm going to whatever as i'm carrying across that's what's appropriate let me hold my cross and go it was only when he was tired that simon of sarin came to help him i said cross i mean this i'm used to it i've always been carrying wood for years i carry wood all the time i've been making door posts i've been making furniture i mean this is this is this is normal yes he made himself of no reputation when they said are you not jesus have you ever seen any explanation in the bible about him being joseph's son or about his sisters where he explained i want you to know her those of you think about let me tell you in the book of innocent angels came down and they gave birth with men and it became it was half angel half man as you see me standing here you see the holy ghost came on my mother mary and i was born a half man a half half of whatever yes those of you who think i'm a normal man i want you to know i heard some people were saying that i'm not the son of god and so i want you to know something i'm a god man did you see any explanation no explanation no explanation think whatever you want to think one day i told somebody i'm either moral or immoral choose it you choose you choose and decide am i there a thief or i'm not a thief you choose to decide what i want to be here follow a t for somebody who's not if choose for yourself there's nothing i can do about it choose for yourself what do you think you think i have time to explain or i can explain i will not i cannot you choose what you think and don't be a fool to follow something that is stupid and that is not good you choose it you never see jesus explaining so many things i mean i angel check the book of enoch you see that when i was born asked my father whether he said check my mother asking whether she was a vegetarian my mother said she can testify my mother is here ask her she will testify when when she get back whether she was a vegan or not i tell you you will see that that virginity was real check her she's here mary that's her name she's in town you can go and see her personal testimony did you ever see jesus asking to what god sees mother if you like you can see my mother's cast in elizabeth she will confirm the time that she was pregnant and the time that her john the baptist was coming you can check with them and see whether she was a virgin or not i'll prove it to you really forget it he's either a liar a lunatic or he's the lord of lords and the king of kings choose for yourself it's your choice as many as received him and as many as believed to them he gave power to become the sons of god that's all are you still there philippians are you still there verse 8 and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient wow you know you are a man you will always be a man god didn't want you to be angel an angel so he made you a man you are a boy how many are boys are your boys are the boys here yes how many are girls are there girls here you always be a girl you'll always be a girl one day i saw a lady today she was feeling dizzy tomorrow headache following day running stomach following day skin rashes the next day a leg is paining so i just asked a question is she married said no i said look admit that you want to marry all these sicknesses will go away just now yes all the sickness will go away yes but you see many times we don't want to admit to ourselves this is my real issue the real issue is that we have which i want to marry but i'm not seeing talk about marriage today's skin rashes tomorrow piles the next day pains the next day fever tomorrow your hair is falling out the next time when you retouch your hair it has changed different things but you see you don't want to humble yourself and yourself that i am just a normal girl and no normal aware of rich in life i want a man today fever tomorrow to take toothache next day what piles the next day what skin rashes just accept it and when you don't accept the realities of who you are and that you are just normal whatever thank god for the ones who come honestly say daddy i want to marry please i am 58 years old but i need a man i need a man help me can you help me you'll be shocked how you can easily be helped instead of coming to say you haven't passed how does it help you when you say you have powers you have joint faith what are all these you know one of our difficulties is admitting that we are men it's one of our problems that you need something that a normal man needs you see us saying everything apart from the real thing that we actually need are you listening or you are living yes so the scripture verse aid is it yeah you're being found in fashion always be a man just you are normal yeah what did they say burman a man doesn't cry it's like a man doesn't is true he doesn't admit that he doesn't admit that he's feeling sad he doesn't i don't i don't i don't i don't eat i don't cry don't shake tears i'm hard i'm strong you are nothing you are crying in your room you are crying in your bed why don't you cry openly behind you perhaps you will get healing from that crying oh uh bring some water let's spawn who say it's not a crying type who said it's not a crying type you say you are not a crying type hell would come out come here you say you're not a crying type is he the one who said he's not a christian he's a hard guy the lord is righteous the lord is righteous just live the matter the lord is righteous the spirit of christ the spirit of christ he makes you to always be humble and be the fashion of a man which is the same as a boy or girl yeah always a boy or a girl then he humbled himself and became obedient to death that's the spirit of christ obedience obedience and for the two known obedience better than sacrifice yes since you know what to do always we are never able to send you because you always implement your own ideas our obedience and to death even the death of the cross so sacrifice suffering losing is part of our christian race one day i experienced some betrayals you know sad betrayals and i was thinking to myself you know how can i get to the cross if i don't experience what jesus experienced because if we are on the same road and we are all going to elubo what you see on the way to a liberal i must also see otherwise i'm not on the road to elude yes otherwise i'm not on the road to anyone and whatever jesus saw i must see so i believe that the higher you go and the further you go on your road to the cross you will see many of the things jesus saw so let this spirit of christ rest upon you all the days of your life and i believe that you'll neither be too fast or too slow you'll neither be in danger of dropping out or disintegrating mid-air yes but you'll be within the safe limits because nothing will be low for you the woman who came to see jesus jesus said this woman since i came to the house she has never stopped loving me she has never stopped bowing down to me she has never stopped being nothing in relation to me she has never stopped that's what she's always mentioned the spirit of christ makes you safe even though you have made terrible mistakes because the door has since many she's glided safely into the area zone of safety she said since i came la matosa you you have not minded me but since i came she has not stopped attending to me she has not stopped bowing down to me just not stop using oil water ointment just not stop couturing cow towing my head down it's not annoying but this woman has anointed me with ointment thicker than oil that's how come even though she made a mistake she entered into the safety zone hey the woman was clever he said though your sins are many you see even when you make a lot of mistakes a lot of sins a lot of error jesus said even though he has sins which are many many hey and i'm sure by 10 years time 20 years time you are likely to have made many since many mistakes but she was able to say hey let me re-align the aeroplane and enter the safety zone and she entered the safety zone and jesus pointed are you you are sitting there since i came here this woman she said you gave me no kiss this woman has not stopped kissing me endlessly endlessly anointing my head bowing down showing me as if she's an animal in front of all these down looking people looked down on it she just kept it i don't care what anybody thinks about what safety was safety that's why her name is mentioned the bible everywhere she's mentioning we don't know some of that person's name but this woman then we know everything what she has done that's impossible when i mentioned that if you don't know even when they say the gospel of bangladesh it's a lie and anybody's name in my mind you don't even know and i hear bannerbase was one of the 70 disciples that jesus sent out yes and you don't even know that this woman whether she was one of the 70 or whatever she was safe because she came down you'll be saved by the spirit of christ [Applause] never think you will not make a mistake that's what mistakes you you make yeah and when the mistakes come this is the way to go and jesus says she who is forgiving much loves much you feel that's how to love somebody very much if you want to learn how to be a lover learn from this she will show you how to take somebody and love the person and demonstrate a feeling to the person that i love you yeah there was no smelling part of jesus there was no smell there was standards nothing was smelling for her there was nothing her money her money she she broke it had the good smell the good smell the rubbing massaging she was massaging rubbing kissing you say kiss less marriages you see what kiss less marriages let me not go into that because we are the spirit of christ stand to your feet and let's go home [Applause] yes i'm showing you how to land in the septic tank and come out and be able to clean uh and then move back into a zone that is a wonderful zone yes a safe zone by the spirit of christ yes by the spirit of christ see who is forgiving much she loves much she loves much much loves much love is the answer humility you can never love somebody when you are proud proud people can't laugh so that's why you see certain people you see the way the person is even you see that things can't work well it's too steeply it's too steeply tarama yeah no humility there's nothing like humility there's nothing like humility for safety yeah for safety when your life goes through and now you are where you never thought you would ever be you see the way forward this woman how can you reverse all the things he has done how can you undo it how can you change it how can you change it you can't change it but you can't laugh much jesus said this woman he felt her love administration her humility people were looking at him criticizing him if this man is a prophet if this myself last week this woman was sleeping with a member of whatever he doesn't know anything because the sexually sexually known ones they are known they are known i once watched a film there was a lady who came to town posing as a very beautiful wife and a man who knew her came and when he saw himself hey the people are missing you in new orleans yes they miss you he said they really miss you kata satora basha ladies and gentlemen i wish you safety i pray your speed will be between the two speeds the speed of crashing at the lower level and the speed of crashing at the upper level you'll be safely inside there walking with the lord by the power of the holy spirit and by the grace of god whatever happens and whatever seems to happen god gives you grace to represent yourself before jesus give you grace to forget about reputation to forget about what people think to come back to him and to walk and love him much he see that is forgiving much love it much god show you how to be humble and love much because much has been done for you by the grace of god father thank you thank you for your blessing for your people to serve you with the spirit of christ a humble spirit the spirit that says it's not a robbery to be equal with god it's not robbery to be a servant and to continue to be a servant it's not robbery to take up a cross and say i remember the wood i have carried all my life it is okay for me to carry wood to my grave it's okay if i started as a carpenter and i end as a carpenter it's okay may the spirit of christ rest upon you may you never be too big too big to walk in the lowliness of the safety of god in the spirit of christ thanks jesus thanks for your power for everyone that is part of this amazing service receive the spirit of christ receive the spirit of christ receive the power of the holy spirit in your life the spirit of jesus himself let our spirit be in you the humble spirit of the son of god ah may there never be any activity or service that is below you in your own eyes and your own estimation till you die whatever you did when you were 17 you do it when you are 50 years old whatever song you sign and whatever activity you played in the house of god when you were 19 and 20 you'll still be ready to do it for jesus when you are 40 years old to god be the glory for he brought you to his service and he shall keep you in his service if you are humble and you keep your eyes on him he shall match with you through the years and through the days he shall keep you without a good reputation without the good impressions of man he shall keep you on his road and guide you in his way and he shall bring you further and further the years will go by and you'll find yourself safely in his house and he's in his hands years will match by time will pass but you'll be found safely in his service in his arms events will pass mistakes will be made sins will be committed but there again you'll be found loving much humbly walking before him serving him serving him serving in his house loving him in his house he that is forgiving much love it much for you shall be called a much lover a much lover a much humble lover safety comes to you now receive the administration of safety receive the grace of safety safety from god is important to you to walk within the boundaries the safe limits of your calling oh yes oh yes oh yes for accidents happen and ah things happen but the lord's grace is available to keep you by the spirit of christ walking along the narrow path all the way to the top of the mountain i see you arriving at the top of the mountain on a broad plain at the very top arriving safely for satan thought he would take you out but jesus keeps you in jesus shows you the master keys by the spirit of christ you survive every trial every affliction every difficulty every challenge and you make it to the top of the mountain receive power receive grace receive supernatural assistance receive help from god receive supernatural wisdom to survive where despair i see you walking by and seeing the skeletons of them that perish upon the way they perish before you came but you survive you prevail you see the skeleton on your left skeletons on your right that one is on your left and on your right but you prevail and survive and go through and match through by the spirit of the living god what they thought will silence you never silence you what they thought would end you never ended you for he that had clean hands shall walk stronger and stronger and the righteous man shall hold on to his way [Music] put your hand on your spirit on your belly receive a babbling receive a bubbling receive a bubbling of the spirit of the living god rivers of living water out of your belly let it flow power flowing for you are changed tonight i say you are changed tonight by the spirit of the living god flowing out of your belly becoming something something god has obtained for you to become blessed be the name of the lord for he has chosen many to be mighty men in this last battle for they shall run as the prophet of the lord they shall walk as mighty men they shall march as soldiers in the armies of the lord they shall stand and they shall never retreat they shall stand up for jesus they shall stand and be strong and prevail where others couldn't stand they'll be standing still blessed be the spirit of christ lift your hands and thank god for the spirit of christ that is released in your life the spirit of christ the spirit of christ the spirit the humble spirit let this mind be in you which was also in christ receive the mind of christ have a mind of christ led the mind of leviathan and the mind of behemoth and the mind of marine powers and spirits and demons never have a hold on your mind in the name of jesus let the power of darkness of leviathan of marine powers ocean powers break over your life right now the spirit of offense the spirit of herod's herodias the herodia spirit comes out of you today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus for your goodness and your message at home wherever you're watching on television on facebook whatever every every hand lifted up saying thank you saying thank you for christ has placed on you safety safety for the future safety for the journey and safety for the journeys ahead receive it now by grace you came thus far and grace will keep you on to the end of the journey give him thanks and give him praise [Music] thanks thanks hallelujah you may be seated [Music] now take your special offering take your special offering but before we take the offering if you are here tonight and you you don't know jesus as your savior he wanted me to pray with you because you want to give your life to jesus christ if you are here like that lift your hand up like this pastor pray with me i want i want to give my life to god i want to give my life to jesus christ god bless you if you are here like that just your hand must be up like thank you thank you thank you lift it up high i want my i want to give my life to god lift it up like this god bless you god bless you now if you've lifted your hand come to me come from where you are sitting just get up and come go to pray for you right here god bless you god bless you god bless you come come come come from wherever you are you lifted your hand come on god bless you god bless [Music] let us pray say this prayer let's all join i pray with our brother say jesus please forgive me for all my sins i'm sorry for my mistakes have mercy on me write my name in the book of life today i give my life to jesus christ thank you lord for saving me please write my name in the book of life in jesus name i pray amen god bless you brother what is your name robert god bless you robert this sister is going to be your friend after church yeah just go with her this way god bless you robert you know there was a there was a program that was held for three nights i think it's three nights not three weeks i think three nights evangelistic campaign nobody gave their life to christ only one person yeah so no wendy where when we were doing the i just feel like telling you this story when you were doing the analysis about the program is that the program was not a successful program because only one person gave his life to christ now later on they found out who was there one person do you know who it was billy graham yeah so it's not not successful it's very it was very successful very very very successful yes [Applause] so your assessment again is wrong you need humility and the eye of god to see through things amen today i see 100 dollars and i feel many people want to sow a seed of a hundred dollars i call it safety offering father let my prayer ascend before you that um you keep me in your safe bounds amen let i just feel like i don't know who you are who is watching who is part of our prayer meeting out of our service part of our service uh wherever you are take your special seat so we're right where where you are god is blessing you father thank you for 100 complete us dollars as a special offering tonight tonight in jesus name in any currency you have come and put it in the basket if you have it here you want to give it or it's equivalent i don't know what it's equivalent just come all the way through a special seed beautiful i just feel it in my heart so i'm saying it but you don't have to give it back it's a special seed beautiful seed and 100 safety safety beautiful safety how many feel happy about the safety part i feel a bit of safety i mean i feel the importance of the safety very important something humility safety from the holy spirit father thanks a million now wherever you are want to give 100 of your currency 100 cds 100 anything of 100 i just feel that god is going to make you complete your journey plant your special seed tonight we're going to go very fast suddenly but for now we are going slowly to give you a chance to participate hundreds of anything beautiful come all the way and sow your seed [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so safety will meet you spirit of christ [Music] 100 of anything sow your seed wherever you are your church you are part of this service [Music] now you don't have a hundred but you want to give 50 50 us dollars 50 cds 50 pounds 50 anything come and sow your seed right now by coming to the end while the presence of god is here i prefer to give offering doing rather than just oh okay let's give him to everybody take out that offering come and give it no the presence of god is here about to lift but the presence of god is here sow your seed in the anointing the oil the river so you'll see the river is going to carry your seed downstream mountain bakito [Music] oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes [Music] oh yes oh yes now we are moving down to 20s you want to give a special seed of 20 20 something [Music] 20. everybody come to the front and just plant your seed can we have two more baskets two more baskets beautiful beautiful odali mashbarino [Music] wherever you are sow [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] so [Music] you don't have 20 but you have 10 10 cds come now wait for your 10 and come [Music] oh yes oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] now five cities and one city come and now everybody take out a booster i know you've already given but say lord i thank you gracias that you made a way for me to stay in between somewhere and to be delivered from hastiness foolishness madness and pomposity plant your seed and say jesus [Music] yes come with your boosters your thanksgivings mangres para musha and verimo come with your gratias your gratis your thank yous your thank yous god i want to say thank you i want to say thank you you showed me how to fly not too fast not too slow mantel medical telemetry [Music] i see somebody in south america i see you walking through some countries it has become your home it has become your playing ground your playing field i see someone in latin america speaking spanish but you were not brought up speaking spanish lokatama roma and portuguese receive grace for future callings and safeties in the future callings future safeties from the law marandon dembosindo ramethi to ramadas [Music] oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes i see your calling becoming greater and i i feel more authority your words will not fall to the ground come and say thank you come and say thank you come and say thank you every standing every standing give him thanks give him thanks jesus thanks [Music] lift your hands and praise him thank him for you flew all the way to the end ah you kept your course you fought the good fight and you finished your course what blessedness what kindness from god what mercies were shown to you he kept you all the way to the very end but grace after many mistakes and many sins he showed you the way he showed you how to walk with him lift your hands and give him thanks thanks thanks [Music] thanks hallelujah god bless you you may be [Music] seated [Music] what a blessed time in the presence of god what a wonderful amen what a blessed day we've had our church today all the way from the morning till now i believe god is touching us and changing us and we're going home with the spirit of christ i sense an impartation from our father to all of us just a time of blessing and i believe we are changed in these times of refreshing and it's worth coming isn't it it's worth being here i believe god has more for us and so we'll keep coming to church keep coming to hear the prophets and our lives and our ministries are changed and blessed every time and i know your life will never be the same amen let's share the grace the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the communion fellowship contribution participation the 25 000 children it includes all the important people for my life of the spirit power love and of a sound mind be with us now and forevermore amen many are called but the youth are chosen [Music] [Music] do
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills LIVE
Views: 16,865
Rating: 4.9659286 out of 5
Id: 5D6oSzD-zfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 24sec (8124 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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