Reviewing very old Ocarina of Time speedruns

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close the title screen music all right so here we go I'll try the timer once the actual run starts so this is the first no major skips run by kazui in 4 hours 46 minutes let me turn the volume down all right so a little bit of context of this run so this was done at the end of 2006 um 2006 was a really big year for oot speedrunning this is when Shadow early Shadow Temple early cako jump to get to Spirit Temple as child early super sliding and bomb hovering were all found so you know these are four of the most important tricks in oot and these were all found in 2006 slightly before this run so when Shadow Temple ear in particular was found that is when it was found to be possible to skip the forest fire and water temple th this was basically the transition from oot from from a glitchless run to a run with glitches and so Shadow Temple early meant that you could um skip forest fire and water temple and that's basically what created the no major skips category um I guess people just wanted a category that didn't really skip them but of course doing stuff out of order was still fine so Shadow Temple early could still be used uh you just got to beat forest fire and water temple anyway now actually another side note um trial skip was actually found even earlier it was found in 2005 and that was also considered a major skip so this will also be doing trials and so yeah this does sound exactly like the rules for MST a few years after this the category would later be renamed to MST yeah and also this run is done on the pal version kazui is from Finland so he's running on the pal version and the pal version runs at 56 the speed of ntsc at least the N64 pal version so Anison so yeah it's going to look a bit slow no it won't be casual this this run is absolutely not casual um it's still this is basically just the first run that actually makes use of significant glitches found in oot hey okiyama thanks okiyama another Legend from 10 years ago by the way is the volume really low or should I turn it up a little bit very low all right how about [Music] this [Music] hello a little more all right I think this should be good yeah this is quite a slow intro this is pal English I know that pal German the intro ends at exactly 420 I wonder if English might be close can I give the rest of the commentary from the point of kazui uh I mean I I'll try to like give reasoning for why certain things are done the way they [Music] are I can count the [Music] frames pretty cool heavy metal Mage it's cool how much the game has changed since then all right so here we go ooh that was that was a slow back flip off the house so yeah uh again this is basically the first o run to really use major glitches so of course it's not going to look the most optimal but this is really the you know the beginning of the beginning of big glitches obviously optimization was not a huge or movement optimization was not a huge thing back [Music] yet at least we knew about uh back walking back walking was actually I think only found to be faster like within that [Music] year oh by the way listen to [Music] this you hear that delay between the end of the chest music and getting the item that's all pal shout outs to Pal [Music] now I just want to reemphasize like this is by 2006 standards this is not a bad run at all in fact this run was praised pretty highly back [Music] then times have just changed quite a lot but of course the rupee route has not changed all that [Music] much although this is the route that uses uh luck to get green rupes from some of the grass one rupee from there and then some green rupees from here this trap was actually used for a very long time I think it wasn't until like post wrong warp that we stopped using that [Music] Strat and yeah I think op optimally I'm pretty sure cutting the bushes is actually faster than the bridge rupee if you actually get [Music] [Music] lucky what lovely Tech speed so while a lot of glitches were found yet um Forest Escape was not found dot skip was not found so this is still going to be doing Decat tree [Music] first dude light Arrow cut scene is light AR cut scene is going to be a bathroom break for sure kazui isn't so great are you kidding me no dude back in the day kazui even today everyone loves Kazo like Kazi was a legend like I mentioned that shadow early and Coco jump were found this year like in the year of this run coming out those were found by kazui and kazui was considered very good at the time like this is all of course looking back on it 10 years later this looks like you know not not the greatest gameplay but you know considering the the time at the time this was uh this was a very significant [Music] run I was not running OT at this time I basically came in right after this it was actually uh the the day that this came out when there was an article posted on which was a Zelda fan site there was an article about this run and that article is what got me into speedr running so essentially this run got me into speedr running although I didn't actually watch the run for a while after [Music] that oh man the side hop to the ladder Strat oh my God ladder climbing this used to be the Strat going up Deca tree for a very long time I I don't know why it took so long for people to realize that the vines were fast but it took a long time oh the side hop into the the door that was found by then so that side hop is to skip a navi text if you don't know you have to press a the frame that you land in front of the door yeah I watched wuffy kittens run from 2006 I remember I L stalking the comments for that run cuz the comments were so [Music] good yeah that that trick probably is easier than pal easier in pal because of the frame [Music] rate the first category that I ran uh depends on if you mean like seriously or just for fun I'm pretty sure I did an any percent run back when any% was you know child dungeons plus Shadow and spirit back in I don't know 2007 2008 maybe I think it was like a 4 and a half hour run not good first run I actually tried to take seriously was MST though which was very shortly after the run was renamed from no major skips to [Music] MST oh yeah that's actually good to point out star cratus yeah so the the what would be called the record before this nothing was really called world record back then but uh the run before this was tsa's 457 run which was on ntsc that was when it was basically glitchless so even though this was run on pal the new glitches saved so much time that it beat tsa's run by 10 minutes and here is the first use of infinite sword glitch and hovering this was actually super sick back in the day this was like one of the coolest tricks in the game this was so cool look at that so sick is flame storage done it is oh okay not flame storage but close enough oh they do the jump slash that's fast that that de that scrub Strat is actually not bad for 2006 [Music] see look at that look at that deu tree that was so [Music] sick oh actually so there's there's an interesting story about the Deku B1 skip so around the same time there was another method of Deku B1 skip that used the skull to La Vine clip and at the time SDA actually banned out of bounds glitches so the skul to the vine clip was it's pretty obviously out of bounds but actually there was an any% segmented run that was being done at the time by fluffy kitten and he actually asked the SDA admins hey is this glitch out of bounds and they said no or at least this is my recollection of the story it might be slightly off I think they said no it wasn't out of bounds and then he did the run and it had out of bounds and it got rejected for being out of bounds and so that that side hop hovered Strat is actually oh one Cycle One cycle so that side hop hover Strat on the gold scula is actually the slower method than the vine clip but it was the only legal method for speed demos archive because they banned out of- bounds glitches which they later eventually uh allowed them in like 2010 or something no 2008 [Music] so yeah one cycle was done one cycle was still known for like even I'm pretty sure even TSA did power Crow stabs in one cycle and everything no pause buffering was not known yet pause buffering was not pause buffering wasn't technically a thing with like the name pause buffering until I want to say like 2009 I know that some people including me used pauses to help time certain tricks like I use pauses to help time dot skip occasionally but uh it wasn't found that you could like people didn't understand pause buffering where you could like buffer an input as you're unpausing until like a year later probably so I want to say it was like 2009 uh Freddy Neo it wasn't rejected from SDA a because of out of bounds but yeah that was one thing that could be argued was out of bounds but of course SDA uh probably didn't notice it yada Elder another name coming up in the chat uh y Elder was the first one to do a segmented 100% run which was also right around the same time it his run got finished I think in like mid2 2007 so not too long after these kazi's run was finished very late 2006 really okiyama oh my God that's so funny any room at gdqs for old Strat section uh honestly probably not um old strats are just slower I I mean if there's like a if you can make up a category that wouldn't be completely arbitrary to do with a gdq that just happen to use older strats that'd be kind of cool but I don't think you could really just like say hey we're going to do a run that uses older [Music] strats uh Kazi hasn't been around in a while he used to like come pop in and and out occasionally and do like some bingos or something but I think it's been a while since he's been [Music] around yeah if you want to just show off cool stuff that's what glitch exhibitions are for man these cutcenes yeah so far it's just been sword shield deut tree nothing too crazy yet yeah he did a B1 skip with side hop hovers on the gold skulla there was no 100% record in 2006 the first 100% segmented run didn't come out until 2007 and then no one actually did a single segment 100% run until 2010 which was me by the way no this run will not have mega flips it will have super slides and though Mega flipping wasn't found until a bit [Music] after yeah the combination of English and pal is quite slow aasher quiet no spoilers when we get to the point where feno had 100% record I want to say that was like 20 or 2012 oh when is that stream uh I don't think I'm going to be watching fenos run on stream I don't know maybe [Music] someday do skip was found in 2008 March [Music] 2008 nice nice yeah but that's why it's good feno the bad the worst runs are the are the ones that are best watched on stream 10 years later uh I don't really want to spoil what I think are the cooler tricks of this run I I'll let you guys I I'll Point them out when they come up though the the dec Tree Side hop hover one was one of them though the major skips in 2006 were skipping forest fire in water temple because of Shadow Temple early and trial skip hessing was found hessing was found in mm in well actually there's like a a progression of ESS in general ESS was found in mm in 2008 uh which was then pretty much immediately tested to be possible on oot then I think mm got hessing in 2009 and oot could only Hess from that point on until 2012 with either water or ne's love and then in 2012 it was possible to just Hest with a normal bomb and that's it my summon best for 100% is right under 408 [Music] yeah the good old Spirit trial out of bounds for a trial skip thanks for the two-month resub super [Music] jhc and thanks for the thre Monon resub Luigi dude well jeler Wes is Gen generally I mean technically yes but Wes is just generally used for jump slash jump slashes It's a [Music] Wes yes wrong warps are considered a major skip but wrong warps were not [Music] known this isn't RTA speedrun not Tas then the next run after this is going to be a [Music] Tas people started using Japanese around 2011 2012-ish was the transition ESS was discovered by swordless link he was doing a task for mm in the Deku Palace and he did like some weird movement where he accidentally did some weird slow didn't really know what it was then discovered it was [Music] ESS uh Mr Rich all that is is just exiting ganon's Castle as child there's not like any finding that uh wrong warps weren't found then either Ronnie Rong warps weren't found until long after uh MST was [Music] established and so he's talking to this talking to malan here is actually not a mistake uh I think the reasoning for this is that I think she appears immediately here so you don't have to enter and exit or am I wrong I forgot or is it just because you don't have to talk to her okay you do still have to exit and re-enter but like you already talked to her once it is slower to do it the way he does it but I think it was thought to be faster thanks for the sub the [Music] [Music] digster [Music] back in the day they thought doing something slower meant they were going faster yeah yeah pretty much the real thing is back in the day the truth is no one timed anything everyone did what they thought was faster and not what they timed to be [Music] faster yeah maskless oh we it does still happen today but we're way way better at it today like I mean I think literally nothing was ever timed in [Music] 2006 pretty standard way of going through guards I can count the frames on the menu oh yeah by the way another thing to mention about pal and it being slower so if you notice the rules are actually the same amount of real time in pal so to compensate for the slower speed for some reason I don't know why they specifically chose rules and nothing else but rules have the same amount of real time to them which means rules are actually slowed down or shorter to be more specific so rolling is just flat out not as good in pal and it also means stuff like super sliding Mega flipping hessing Etc is harder in pal yeah I guess it must have been to for the voice clip uh well pause buffering wasn't really a thing back then pal is just the European version it's slower because uh the European Standard was 50 HZ and ntsc standard is 60 HZ and so the easiest solution uh was to slow down the game look at that block pushing wonder how guards are done this is going to be interesting SL hops oh oh he's going fast oh my [Music] God wait is he going around the back okay no he he's just waiting for [Music] him [Music] oh no oh [Music] no uh I don't think the side hops were that bad I think just look worse cuz of [Music] pal thanks for the sub Jamaican [Music] bacon what glitches have been used so far yeah isg and hovering for the B1 skip power Crouch daab if you count that I think those are the only real glitches I know that uh I think once we get to DC more glitches should start to pop up the major skips were skipping forest fire and water temple and skipping trials I just realized that I basically have this cut scene memorized for like where the music is is in certain parts cuz I I was just looking at the screen I was like this looks and sounds so weird it doesn't fit right just because the music is so [Music] off no the lens of Truth is not gotten in this run lens of Truth skip was super early on we weren't that bad we were bad but not that bad no there wasn't a glitchless [Music] category well like AP pacher I don't intentionally do it I didn't even know I did it until just watching that cut scene but I probably I I feel like I'm probably going to notice it a lot more throughout the [Music] Run did they discover zfg yet in 2006 almost I was discovered basically right after this [Music] run how did it feel to be discovered it was [Music] incredible man I forgot if this run skipped Goron junic or not hope it does I think that'd be really cool if you know don't spoil [Music] [Music] [Music] it unfortunately there's no footage left of my first 100% run except for one clip on YouTube that's just like it's just showing off the hydro field glitch that I got in that run the I think the earliest recorded run I still have is like a is my [Music] 549 which might actually be worthwhile watching cuz it was the last run before early eyeball frog which is pretty significant I think so poodle all right everyone stop asking about like glitches cuz we don't want spoilers you guys will see what tricks happen if they happen what do you mean we already watched my 549 what did you guys in Discord do it or something was it bad [Music] wait did I play it back on [Music] stream I remember watching yada's run I don't remember watching my [Music] run [Music] yeah ZL cut scene skip with bomb was not [Music] known uh I know that after this run kazui started playing on the GameCube version because that actually does run at 60 uh I guess he just didn't know about it or didn't know like it wouldn't be as terrible as N64 [Music] [Music] pallot 60 frames per hour the pal standard all right now I'm pretty sure the Run gets more interesting past this point I don't think there's as many cutcenes actually maybe I don't know [Music] dude every time he rolls it looks like it's ntsc I want him to roll more it'll make this run more bearable brings me back to good old ntsc even if the rules are slow oh my God these ruls are so fast [Music] yeah rolling is very weird in pal for anyone that didn't hear me explain it earlier the rules are the same real time as ntsc but they cut out frames from the roll so yeah it's the ru is shorter so that it looks like it's the same speed but that makes the rolling that makes Rolling slower though so yeah sucks [Music] the major skips in 2006 we're skipping forest fire water temple and trial skip I feel like this run has actually used a good uh like it uses for the most part it uses back walking when necessary and uses rolling when necessary aside from like that one little thing right there like he's not spamming well actually he's not spamming backw walking like as much as other runs from this era were but maybe spamming back walking more is better on pal now that I think about [Music] it yeah I think I'm going to write the no major skips thing on the [Music] side uh kind of Danny I guess it was yeah child dungeons plus Shadow [Music] [Music] Spirit that might actually be a good theory of passion maybe people thought it was more good because of watching Kazooie run although I think the more likely answer is people sucked H H hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] I have too much [Music] texts [Music] [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] writing my 100w essay on [Music] stream yeah Luke that was the known method of trial skip at the time but because trial skip was considered a major skip it wasn't done in this run but that was the method of the time [Music] [Music] h [Music] Cube [Music] movement Cube movement is some Le Next Level stuff [Music] the first 45 minutes was pretty standard aside from B1 Skip and decry using side hop hovers off the gold [Music] skulla it should get a lot more interesting at Dongo Cavern I'm pretty [Music] sure the Box movement uh not necessarily casual strats just uh nothing super notable even the back walk there [Music] now people didn't know Japanese was faster for a while and even when it was found to be faster um it wasn't it was before like everyone tried to just you know go all out and do everything uh like go to Every length necessary to make the Run shorter like other versions for a faster time wasn't really like the standard back then until about 2011 2012 that's when everyone started switching to Japanese [Music] VC all right so uh a little side note about this section so at the time because of cako jump and getting to spear Temple early as child what a segmented run would do or any run that could use Save warps would go to spe Temple earlier get bomb chews and use that to skip the Goron bracelet and sorry song but because uh SDA did not allow save warping at the time uh you still had to get Goran bracelet because you couldn't get out of uh guto desert without couldn't get out of desert Colossus without a save Warp well the issue with Wii UVC is that it has significant input lag so that even though it might be faster in theory in practice it's most likely not worth it because of that input lag and even if it is faster it'd be faster by a very minimal amount it's not that save warping was a glitch until recently just cuz glitchless banded didn't mean save warping was considered a glitch it was just the way the glitchless like I guess the Japanese glitchless Runners wanted to do it it's not that it was considered a glitch but yeah it wasn't until recently that glitch list finally got rid of the no save warping rule yes Nintendo made the game Run at 56 to speed because they thought Europeans were slower that is the exact reason nice box movement out of Goron City the back walks in this run are actually pretty decent uh in tsa's run which was the first run that really used back walking he used C up to a line back walks which people love to make fun of but the backw walks in this run are actually they look a lot like how someone would line up a backwalk today which is actually pretty good dude pal pal bomb flowers take forever I was just waiting for so long for that to blow up oh getting on this platform to go up there oh did he do the trick he's going to do the trick dude yes all right so this was a pretty significant trick back in the day ground jump I think ground jump was also found by kazui another one of his own tricks how laggy is it going to be oh my God I can see the [Music] frames uh rlac uh it's it's what you would expect a task from 10 years ago to be I'll say that I I don't want to spoil anything but you know the movement I mean as much as we want to make fun of this movement back in the day that movement seemed super sick cuz we looks like a legend too scared to back walk over the bridge though oh is he going to do the back flip oh no he missed it you can back flip over that Navy text another one of the important tricks in 2006 it takes so [Music] long [Music] St [Music] the stick is because it's stronger power Crouch tab wasn't known so he was using um jump SL deu stick jump slash power Crouch tab on the uh lizos yeah pretty fast fight for the time oh man 5,000 F Cube thanks that's a lot of bits GL to see I'm finally running a real category uh yeah yeah sure the lag oh my God the [Music] walking yeah the delay with no music during the item chest opening is so funny I'm sorry evil I I I feel so bad for people who grew up on pal you guys didn't deserve this yeah this was N64 the only other version of OT released at the time was GameCube which cuz we actually did have and start started running after this run he he started doing runs on GameCube after this after realizing that it ran at actual 60 and not pal speed yeah I know you guys didn't know it was slow but like you probably I I still feel like you people that played pal would probably it more cuz like even if you don't realize it how slow it is there's probably certain points where you probably thought oh you're waiting too long or something is taking too long and it probably wouldn't have if you were playing ntsc the Snipes all right so I guess DC is mostly standard aside from the ground jump at the beginning uh the front page is going to be later on jelly man where Deon nuts discovered in 2006 uh I think so I feel like he uses he probably uses de nuts at some point oh yeah the two side Ops after the block push that was actually the I remember like trying the two side hops after the block push when I was like first getting into it it was so hard and whenever I saw someone do the two side hops after the block push I was like oh my God this guy's a [Music] legend yes was discovered in [Music] 2008 hey nerds how's the Nostalgia trip been so far pretty neat I mean it's not like super nostalgic for me but um it's pretty neat to watch I guess like explaining the history is the more nostalgic part [Music] 1 hour [Music] DC yeah isg existed back then so the the import tricks that were known at this time were Shadow early CUO jump to um to Spirit Temple early as child uh isg bomb hovering super sliding uh trial skip bottle Adventure but not reverse bottle Adventure even though reverse bottle Adventure is required for bottle Adventure no this ront is not get the or sword how was wrong warp found this guy named Christian f23 was looking for a way to skip the water Medallion cut scene he thought if you die on one specific frame uh after getting gaining control with Ocarina items then you should probably be able to skip the cut scene he turned out to be right he found water Medallion cut scene skip people tested in other dungeons most notably Deku Tree dango's Cavern and Fire temple people were able to get the same trick in those dungeons but then ended up in some weird place afterwards for some mysterious reason and that turned out to be wrong warp yeah this was indeed the only no major skips run before the only no major skips run that was like submitted to SDA um before it was renamed to MST like I think technically I did some runs that would be no major skips I don't know if I actually beat what would be t u kazi's time I don't know I think some people some other people might have too but nothing like super serious what does the lag look like in Tower collapse on pal we will find out out later [Music] on yeah Jordan I remember when I was trying ba I always wondered why I ended up with a fish on my on my bomb Sho slot it was so weird although I think other people probably put like their bottle on that slot and maybe they just noticed hey why do I have a weird deut count oh well who cares it's not really [Music] [Music] relevant hey moha high in Shield skip oh man the pr strats [Music] what [Music] how common was using a GameCube controller in 2006 well adapters as far as I'm aware adapters for N64 didn't exist so if you ran on N64 you were playing on an N64 controller however the GameCube version for some reason the GameCube version was very popular in the speedrunning community like everyone in the speedr running Community had the GameCube version for some reason even cuz kazui but he didn't run it yet he started running it after this run and so obviously if you're using the GameCube version you're using the GameCube [Music] controller oh my God he got the quick text with English text uh getting that text as a quick text is a onef frame [Music] input it is easier on pal [Music] true yeah kazui was the original well one of the original glitch Hunters I guess yeah he he's the one who found Shadow early Coco jump ground jump jump dot skip all that stuff he's a legend aren't we all legends yes all of you are legends in your own way this cuz we still around uh recently not really but he kind of was uh up until like a few years AG go uh setups for wrong warp or any setup that involves a rooll is going to be different on pal but wrong warp still work the same it's just you might not be able to use the same setups for [Music] everything yeah Kazi also found a few small things in Skyward Sword pretty much every Zelda game from 2006 like up until I think Sky no up until only Between Worlds actually uh he he pretty much glitch hunted in every every new Zelda game that came out I mean I don't think he found like super major things and everything but I know he found a few minor things in Phantom Hourglass I think he found something in Spirit Tracks um he found clipping in portals in Link Between Worlds found like some high jump in Skyward Sword so yeah he he was still glitch hunting for a very long time but I think Link Between Worlds was the last time he did any kind of Zelda glitch hunting oh yeah he did find ancient sister in clip I think yeah I'm pretty sure he did no cut scene skips weren't known in 2006 do I think he came from the future to tell the community about the glitches ooh nice song playing nice song playing yes cuz was definitely from the future of [Music] course hey song playing is hard guys yeah I'm pretty much done with breath of the wild I did everything I wanted to do casually yeah gns is still around and pretty active [Music] actually yes people are still bad at songs wait that his first time getting deu nuts oh my [Music] God uh Danny is it that uh like bomb fling thing that's amazing got to get that silver scale I'm pretty sure King Zora skip was known but you could only do it with hovers and he didn't have bomb chewes yet and it was like thought oh you had to use bomb [Music] [Music] shoes [Music] oh yeah he did need a bottle that's true so yeah I might have just done this for the bottle uh calling things world record wasn't really a thing 10 years ago but basically yes this this is what would have been considered world record 10 years ago yeah but there also wasn't really competition back then people just kind of like the way speedruns work back then is people would discuss a speedrun and discuss like how to optimize the speedrun and how to route it and everything and then one guy would actually do the run and there wasn't really competition or anything it was just like your goal was to get your speedrun on SDA and that was [Music] it [Music] how did people figure out tricks back then um there wasn't a lot to work with so really it was just uh trying to use what basic mechanics you knew and trying to see like uh you know what what can we what basic things can we do with these basic mechanics oh man this is going to be a great cut scene yeah Metroid Prime was weird Metroid Prime like around the same time as this Metroid Prime was like actually pretty optimized for its time like 2006 Metroid Prime run still look good thanks for the sub Ace zepher [Music] [Music] let [Music] nice uh the Metroid speeding Community I would say is probably slightly older than the Zelda one uh at least like comparing Metroid Prime to Ocarina of Time I want to say the Metroid Prime speed running Community actually it it pretty much came around shortly after Metroid Prime's release whereas the OG Speed Run Community didn't really get started until didn't really like get significant until 2005 or 2006 but even then I I still think the amount they optimized for their time is still like I don't think it's just a simple matter of they were like they were already in the game for a few extra years I I feel like it was just they just straight up were ahead of their time tsa's splice run I think was like [Music] [Music] 2005 yeah Metroid Prime got started super early Metroid Prime speedr running got started super early on that's why Metroid 2002 is named Metroid 2002 although I think technically that site might have been started in like 2003 but you know the little details don't [Music] matter but it was named after uh Prime and fusion which were both released in 2002 yeah I remember watching zoids 106 Metroid Prime before I I had even played Metroid Prime and I I was just thinking like wow this is really cool even though I like hardly know the [Music] game yes [Music] nerds I'm pretty sure timers do run slower on pal yeah I I remember I actually like specifically wanted to check that um before this run or like a few weeks ago when I first downloaded this run I actually wanted to check that yeah I'm pretty sure timers run slower uh just rewatching these runs cuz it's fun to see how different the game was 10 years ago I just really like Goot history and seems like you guys do too yeah J that's actually the plan uh I I do want to watch it with commentary but if it turns out to be too hard to commentate with the commentary on also then I'll switch to the no commentary version but the plan is to give the commentary a shot cuz I've actually never listened to the commentary myself I didn't even know it existed until recently so I really want to listen to [Music] it no I'm not going to watch the 100% segmented run I actually watched that on stream like a year or two ago I I actually have a highlight of it um but yeah watching that run on stream was pretty fun can I teach OT history at your school [Music] sure opening jabu like normal oh oh I I love this Strat [Music] all right so to explain what he's doing right now so as I mentioned earlier Coco jump was found already at this point Kazi was one of the guys he was the guy who found Coco jump and so kcko Jump's Main main purpose was to go to Spirit Temple early as child now the problem with that is you can't uh because safe warping was banned at the time in single segment runs you can't save warp out of the desert which means you have no way to get out of the desert but hey he just got for his wind he now has a way to get out of the desert and so now there's only one thing to do [Music] saving was banned because saving was considered uh making a segmented run so it's not that saving was banned in general it's just that if you saved your run would then be considered segmented [Music] actor glitch found for welchs I want to say that was 2010 yeah looking back the rules the rules SDA had back in the day were pretty stupid but I mean speedr running was small you know the rules aren't going to be that great with like a pretty small community like [Music] that yeah I feel like the majority of the speedrunning community nowadays probably doesn't know what SDA is or like has a very uh vague has very like small knowledge about what it is but SDA was SDA was like the most important thing in the speedr running Community back in the day there was no speedr running Community without SDA oh yeah so uh he may have found Coco jump but there's because he has bombs already there's a better way to do it isn't SDA a speedrunner that's SVA not SDA SDA is speed Demo's archive speed Demo's archive was basically the place that everyone discussed speedruns on the forums for and where they had videos of speedruns cuz this was when YouTube uh uh well actually SD started before YouTube but even when YouTube started this was when YouTube had the 10-minute limit and so if you wanted to watch speedruns you went to speed Demo's archive because they actually had full videos so yeah doing a a bomb hover to skip the Coco jump there cuz Coco jump was still considered like the hardest trick in the game at the time and so uh the Hover was considered way way easier and of course I mean you had bombs already because the way the route worked out so technically this run should have gotten or that trick should have gotten this run rejected from SDA cuz that is technically out of bounds um but I'm I'm guessing the people who verify the run like weren't the smartest or or like thought the rule was dumb or whatever like technically SDA banned Out of Bounds at the time and that was definitely out of bounds so you had to back walk in a very specific position to get across that River as sh literally cheating you had to report me a man I just got reported dude dude this guy is so Pro he's skipping Linds of Truth oh let's see if he does the optimal way or the slow way oh I think he does it the good way oh my [Applause] God he's doing it the good way what a legend so the straat back in the day was to take this really big detour all the way to the box which is like you have to go way out to the side to go to the box oh [Music] yes [Music] yes he is getting neighbors's love it's leaving Spirit Temple that gets you the song not leaving desert Colossus although he does want to get the song in this run uh getting the song is to skip gudo Fortress you guys will see why he's getting neighbors's love there's actually a very good reason for it I don't want to spoil it for those who don't know though all right I I guess a lot of you guys do [Music] know now he's getting reum so getting re the purpose of getting ream is so you can skip uh all of grudo Fortress later on as as [Music] adult nowadays there's basically no reason to ever use neighbors's love there's basically nothing you can do without there's basically nothing you can do with neighbor's love that you can't do without except for like very minor basically unimportant things I'm pretty pretty sure this run does not get a [Music] pona yeah little link gets distorted in this cut scene you'll see it like right after this manoch Cheese's run was I think about 6 months after this run this run was right near the end of 2006 Mana Cheese's run was like mid2 2007 yeah see that that little bouncing link up thing that's the cut scene trying to make Child Link fit in an adult link cut scene awkward pause oh neat [Music] nerds [Music] yeah man this text is lovely [Music] no [Music] [Music] V [Music] [Music] [Music] the deck nuts [Music] you just ignore the bomb drop that hurts wait is he going to get it get it get it yes it was actually optimal [Music] so I actually thought slingshotting that switched from that position was the intended Strat for years I didn't know you were supposed to use the boom rang for that for [Music] forever yeah Power Crouch tab was known at this point that was one of the first real OT techniques [Music] [Music] [Music] found uh I don't think so jfm I think uh SDA had this weird rule where if you were above and out of bounds area they called it a Sky Box and so if you were in a Sky Box it was okay so like same thing with the blocks in Forest [Music] Temple [Music] h turn up the game audio a bit okay how's [Music] that um some people thought the rule was stupid but for the most part people just went with it uh people didn't really see it as that big of a deal until later on in 2006 it really didn't mean that much uh as more out of bounds stuff was found like when I went to 2008 2009 when people were doing their own thing outside of SDA that's when people really started to be like hey this is kind of dumb oh man the flame storage Strat I remember when I first saw this Strat I thought it was so genius so you do flame storage right there and then take out the stick right in front of the door so you can light all these torches where you would normally have to do a puzzle to light a single torch which you would then use to light these torches the thing is you can't like just light your torch and then back walk to the door that alone isn't fast enough so you had to do that [Music] trick oh it is fast enough I guess people at the time were not fast enough [Music] then [Music] [Music] they don't have a brain meme about s Al from galaxies oh my God that's perfect [Music] so the cheese strap for iron Knuckles was known you don't have to do anything special as child it's so easy [Music] I think it might have actually not been known as adult but as child it was just so free I don't it might have been known as adult we will see later on the silver gauntlets oh my [Music] God look wait a Metroid Prime run got lost because a delivery truck crashed oh my God I have never heard of that story that's amazing mailing your speedruns on VHS back in the day wow and finally frowin back to jabu got silver gauntlets chews and requium [Music] will he do VI Bruto I don't know fun fact about VI Bruto I've mentioned this a few times on stream already but VI Bruto was actually known 10 years ago aite found it on accident uh but I guess people didn't know how to do it consistently until recently but it was known 10 years ago no Tampa I came around basically immediately after this run yeah 2006 speedr running was certainly weird like the way I had to submit runs and just the whole speedrunning Community being [Music] like I don't know no one like hardly anyone does runs everyone just talks about speedruns except that one guy that does a run submitting runs on VHS and DVD and their weird quality standards yeah most of the discussion was initially on the forums uh I think about 2008 we started at least the Zelda Community specifically started using IRC in about 2008 although the forums were still used pretty heavily until 2009 2010 I think I think like 2009 we were moving over to zsr instead of SDA St smart strats using fos wind on the platform so you don't lose as much time but then he's setting for at the bottom of the room what the heck that's a stupid Strat I mean actually I guess he probably needs the platform oh actually yeah he he probably needs the platform to be rising and you're not going to get that out of the platform from the top of the room okay so that actually makes sense no I didn't try to contact kazie about this I wasn't really sure if he was like still around or didn't really even really cross my mind yeah you missed child Spirit [Music] [Music] AER no I mean like at the time they probably thought that platform needed to be rising like I know now you don't need it to be like that but [Music] yeah no I don't think it I don't think it wasn't that he thought you couldn't bring R into the room I think he just thought that there was no purpose to bring R into the room probably didn't know you can use rudo to kill one of them all right time for this trick oh first try that was considered a very hard trick by the way he's doing acarine [Music] items or he's not actually doing oan items he's just emptying the bugs on the platform or on the [Music] switch yeah that was intentional I I'm not sure if they actually knew that you could do Ocarina items to avoid dumping out the Fisher bugs uh but they definitely knew about um well obviously they knew about the trick he just did to keep it held down for longer uh he had to recatch them first cuz it it does still act like um aan items where you have to have the the item already in Link's hand not just like MP it as soon as you hit the [Music] switch how's the barade fight this is going to be interesting he's getting really far away [Music] it actually took a ridiculously long time for people to start using Decon nuts oh never mind I guess on the first phase all the [Music] invisibility so if you do the first two phases of J of barinade like that in a certain way this phase gets invincibility right at the [Music] start all right yeah isg was known it's already been used a few times [Music] oh no that's slow turn uh I got into the community around 2007 2008 but I really started actually doing runs in 2008 2009 is [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] pal English text sure is [Music] [Music] great [Music] no I don't want to fast forward cuz I'm actually using a timer [Music] yeah pal has language [Music] options [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh there's like versions of pal that don't have language options I didn't know [Music] that [Music] oh he's doing something very important [Music] no hessing was not found back then Super sliding was but uh conventional means of super sliding was generally considered too hard this run will have super slides though just you wait nav dive was found in like 2010 yeah so that magic bean is what's used for shadow early the super duper old School method of Shadow early the very first method uh the guy who did this run just happened to be from Finland which means he had pal I mean the concept of like going out of your way to get a better version for speedr running wasn't really a thing back then although he did have the GameCube version but didn't really start using it until afterwards cuz the GameCube version actually ran at 60 Herz oh dude okay so um I know this looks weird right now you're going to see a splice all right there it was okay so by SDA rules back then you had to record your runs like if you if you couldn't record your run all in one go you were supposed to like pause and just uh start a new recording from the same place and so like going around the menu screen was just to prove that you know nothing was different or anything so I think like most uh they they generally require like a certain quality standard that was that averaged like 2 hours recording time and so that splice there was he had to stop the recording prove that nothing was changed start a new recording and so yes that is a legal splice that was the Run literally would be rejected if that splice was not included and of course the the time that it took to like prove that you know to start the new recording and just like make sure everything was uh nothing was changed that time did not get factored into the final [Music] time um I guess probably not fitter space uh I mean if it was this run specifically I don't think anyone would really want to reject it because you know it's like like come on you kind of have to grandfather this kind of run in but if someone were to do that today probably [Music] not [Music] uh what I mean by the Run would have been rejected if it wasn't spliced is they they had like certain quality standards and if your run was too low quality they wouldn't accept it like Low video quality and so uh if he tried to record longer the video quality would have been much worse like remember this is 2006 this is when you know recording video games was not the greatest so the slice was to preserve video quality do skip was found in 2008 so he just had to split up the recording of it I think this is actually across three DVDs VHS I guess yeah 159 Ocarina good time yeah it was definitely very cool to be around when DOD skip was found the day DOD skip was found was probably like one of the most exciting days in OT speedrunning it was a crazy [Music] day yeah it took me several hours to get dot skip the first time and then once I finally did it I felt so good and it felt so fun to mess around with [Music] it uh chiad two people specifically uh AKA who claimed to have found it a few days earlier and seless Link who he told it to because they wanted to work on a task together secretly to reveal do skip in the task but then was found 3 days later anyway yeah dot skip was being actively looked for for a while people noticed the crack in the door a long time ago and had a lot of different theories uh mainly involving super sliding but obviously super sliding wasn't really a valid way to do it because of you know not being able to use bombs so people were aware of the crack uh didn't really know what to do with it until this one guy samot happened to side hop through the crack and that made everyone go crazy then everyone spent the next few days trying to figure out how can we side hop through the crack but actually make it to the other side and then we [Music] did yeah we were so close to having wrong Warp 3 or 4 years earlier all anyone had to do was test AC's uh Forest Medallion cut scene skip in fire temple or more properly test um odd mushroom cutscene skip in Deca tree or something there's like two ways we almost could have had wrong Warp 3 years earlier and just barely missed it swordless dot skip was found by Mr grunts I'm pretty sure no I haven't really done any formal tutorials uh yes the video quality is definitely pretty low I I think it's 144p but it's definitely not the greatest looking pretty sure it's 240p maybe 360 oh I guess I did do a wasteland he tutorial yeah [Music] and so that dense fire is gotten for um you have to get one of dense fire or fire arrows for trials I'm actually I think he might still get fire rrow I'm not sure I guess we'll see [Music] nice [Music] yeah this was the record for at the time although world record people didn't really call things world record and there wasn't really any [Music] competition [Music] do skip was found in [Music] 2008 what time do I think would be possible with this exact route today uh um so if you convert this this runs time into ntsc it's right under four hours and then addon Japanese that's probably going to save 15 minutes 20 minutes maybe so let's cut down that down to 340 and then with optimizations I could see 3 hours maybe a little over [Music] three what year was the sickest in terms of glitches being found probably 2006 that's with uh Coco jump Shadow super slide bomb hovering ground jump isg all pretty important stuff maybe also 2008 but 2008 pretty much only had dot skip but dot skip was just that important that it might be 2008 although well the thing about RBA and ba was that technically it was actually 2005 but people really didn't understand it until 20072 2008 and so 2008 was really when people started using RBA to its full potential uh not a huge amount happened in 07 I think that was when the first Forest Escape was found but Forest Escape alone isn't the biggest thing until dot skip comes around 07 was a leap year I started getting into the community around 20072 2008 is started actually running 2008 2009 [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first Escape method was actually super cool it was you know that deu scrub in Lost Woods that sells you the deu stick upgrade you did dekunut hovers off of his decut shots and then you finally did a mega flip onto the bridge [Music] [Music] yes [Music] cacoon there's definitely still tricks to be discovered in OT I mean it's impossible to know for sure but I I think it's likely that we've probably found the majority of stuff but there's definitely still stuff to be left stuff left to be found yeah there there was literally a new trick found last night a new method of hook shot jump how to get twin Roba without opening a door the most important trick in ot to find individual dungeon runs were kind of a thing for a short time uh there's a little period where where everyone on zsr was doing uh dungeon ILS dungeon individual levels I think it was like 2010 or 2011 people were doing it it was pretty fun it was a nice little time [Music] period [Music] they kind of made a comeback like a year and a half ago or something but it was a really small [Music] one thanks for the seven month resub jumping crack Bass [Music] [Music] uh check the video to I just linked for the new trick that was just found [Music] yesterday [Music] uh I'm really not sure how useful a new hook shot jump thing is um I think it's probably just going to have minor uses I don't think it's going to be a huge unless we can find a way to get significantly more height from it but um we'll see it it's very new so it definitely has potential I haven't messed around with it too much I messed around with it for like 5 minutes last night that's it yeah you can use it for shadow early I'm not sure if it'd be faster though now the time of day thing in MST is still necessary because with the new hook shot jump you can only get a pretty moderate amount of height and you need a giant amount of height to make that jump to fire arrows so if we can find a way to get significantly more height from the new trick then it'll be good but with the current amount of height it's not good enough [Music] why am I watching 10-year-old runs cuz it's fun history is interesting don't you like [Music] history [Music] [Music] no you can't bomb hover and do the new hook shot jump uh if you try to hook shot during a bomb hover it just doesn't come out nothing happens you can't hook shot in the air [Music] the the new trick works on any hook shable surface that's at uh ground level like at level with a standing hook shot without aiming what's the damp a time I'm going to say it's like 50 5 and yeah for whoever asked earlier the timer definitely goes slower that timer is definitely 5 six speed you'll see why he planted the bean oh no he's going left fun fact about going left uh if you go left there you can it's faster for the race timer but it's slower overall because dampe gets to his final position later so you can actually get a 45 by going left but then you lose time overall because of it listen to dampe's sound on pal it's like backwards or something it it doesn't sound right 53 53 is not bad [Music] actually hey [Music] yeah snow whirl oh does he get crushed here or does he have to go play song of [Music] time he knows how to get crushed nice all right so here is why he planted the magic bean this was the very first method of getting to Shadow Temple early that's a that was a bomb chew Shield jump slash by the way you need to Shield AB bomb you then very quickly jump slash before it actually hits you you need that extra height to get up here and no he's not using isg here isg was known bomb hovering was known I'm not quite sure why it wasn't why he didn't just use bomb Haring isg I guess like maybe they just didn't put two and two together oh no but yeah this is Shadow early no isg list how is this allowed he's not going out of bounds he's only going out of bounds if he jumps off got to be really careful here without isg and so I I guess it wasn't known that you could skip the door or it was too hard without isg so that's why the den fire is used [Music] here isg makes it easier cuz there's no fear of falling off isg prevents you from falling so if you walk to the edge with isg you just get stopped and so while skipping forest fire and water temple is still banned uh going to Shadow Temple early is still perfectly okay and it's really important because of you know hover boots early it was known that hover boots really break forest fire water temple a lot [Music] how much time does isg save in OT these days uh it's hard to put a number on isg cuz there's like a lot of uses of just isg or isg for hovering there's a lot of alternate methods for it probably probably still a pretty significant amount oh no oh no this [Music] fight oh two cycle okay two cycle is not bad [Music] [Music] no he didn't get the lens of Truth lensa [Music] skipped they were good enough to at least skip lens of Truth [Music] and he used that for his win for a minor time saer just skipping having to go through that room again pretty smart let's see how he does truth spinner I wonder if it was known wait a minute oh my God okay I I wonder if it's known if the first two pillars don't do anything does he still try it he does yeah so the first pillar on both sides will never ever be the correct one so I guess it wasn't known back [Music] then he [Music] [Music] all right so coming up here is a sick trick [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] all right so first of all for the neighbor's love thing uh super sliding was considered very hard to do without ne's love and in addition to that super sliding is even harder on pal without n's love because of the rules being changed so the general way to do super slides has always used neighbors's Love In addition to that that clip in particular uh it actually requires starting the super slide with hover boots which is even harder without neighbors love and I think at the time it might have even been considered impossible so yeah the only way known at the time to skip that uh to get through that cage to get to the boat early was doing a super slide starting with hover boots which basically meant neighbor's love and then uh and then um jump slash the jump slash clip wasn't found until I want to say 2009 or 2010 actually it might have been 2008 I don't know I forget but yeah that was yeah okay it's not impossible to do it without starting it with hover boots but you like have to get a very specific angle where you clip through instantly like you can't do the normal uh just wait for it and it'll eventually clip like you can with hover boots oh yeah that that was the Strat for getting rid of the stalos to just sit on the top camp on just platform camp on the [Music] top of course there's box movement in this run it's 2006 dude 2006 is prime box movement [Music] so obviously bosi skip was not known uh I know that bosy early without dense fire was known but since he has dense fire probably didn't see a reason to do it it what does he do here does he do the bomb chew I think he does the bomb chew oh yes so the normal way you're supposed to knock this pillar down is uh with arrows which he doesn't have so before super sliding across the Gap was the go-to method this was how you got across the gap is he going to get this first try oh my God what a legend that angle is not easy especially when you're in 2006 and no one knows how to do setups actually he's actually like hardly failed any spefic specific tricks in this run like it's actually pretty impressive how few tricks he's failed as much as we want to make fun of the movement and everything like he failed Shadow early once right at the beginning and like what else did he fail like almost nothing I mean sure the number of Tricks isn't nearly that high but the tricks back then were considered a lot harder no pause buffering wasn't a thing pause buffering wasn't a thing setups weren't a thing so the fact that he's like hardly failing anything is actually pretty impressive for its [Music] time now how about this fight how does this fight go the drumming is so [Music] slow quick Spin Master [Music] how long do you have to be in the speedrunning community until you're considered an old boy probably like three or four years by today's standards although for me for me it's like you know five plus but most people would probably consider three or four nowadays isg wasn't really used for fights that much back then I'm not sure if I'm not really quite sure the reasoning maybe they just didn't think of it maybe maybe everyone was just kind of like tunnel visioning on isg being used for tricks rather than fights Maybe they thought the fight was too intense to do isg in the middle of it I don't know thanks for the two Monon resub djm I'm like four old boys then yeah I'm a super old boy [Music] no I did not do runs in 2006 I got into the community about 2007 right after this [Music] run [Music] uh I watched this run a while after it came out not immediately what methods were used for isg uh just the regular you know like reading a sign or using a bomb or something I don't think it was known to use like collecting an item for the first time or anything none of the like super special methods just the really obvious ones grabbing something talking do I consider new kids to be the scum of the earth of the OT scum of the oot Earth yes if you've been playing OT for less than two years you are scum of the OT Earth yeah I found a decent number of tricks and glitches not at the time though this was before my time I can I came in right after this run pretty [Music] much what about people who just watch and don't play even worse oh what's he buying bombs oh yeah got to get those bombs how many oh didn't realize he was at full I found out about speedr running from a News Post on a Zelda fan site called and it was a News Post about this very [Music] run for wind oh he's setting for his wind in [Music] here what could this be for [Music] yeah the halia was tsa's website fun fact the halia is now like an anime download site or something [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] really sorry this song I'm pretty sure jumping over this guy was or back flipping over this guy was known but maybe he just didn't think it was [Music] necessary [Music] nice another important use of ground jump I know this seems really standard today but this was an important trick back then big time [Applause] [Music] saer I doubt the glitchless jump was known [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] all right let's see how Forest Temple goes whoa wait a minute he didn't get the key oh my God this guy's a badass [Music] [Music] he [Music] dude the first 70% Tas is so good oh my God kaz's getting wrecked nice fight yeah trial skip was known trial skip was actually found in [Music] 2005 no no big orang sword in this run po cut scene skip was I think [Music] 2009 uh scdaa just never I think their policy was like any run under 3 hour or over 3 hours they wouldn't put the seconds for I think that's how it worked and so they just didn't bother with the seconds for this run yeah the spirit trial jump slash clip was in 2005 I don't think any other method was found until like 08 so yeah this Mega Jump was known Mega Jump is pretty significant this is the reason why he skipped the first key is cuz he's going to get this key over here I think the reasoning was just that they thought seconds were Irrelevant for runs that long and run over two hours [Music] okay well I mean it's not traditional pause Beering as in using pauses to make tricks easier I mean that's just a pause that is required for that trick to work um yeah Metroid Prime was the first run SDA SDA started as a Metroid Prime site initially or no it it started as a quake site and the first non- Quake game was Metroid Prime on the site thanks for the two Monon reset ties [Music] bit oh my God what a legend you only push the block part way so it can ground jump here oh my God [Music] genius is the speedruning history of Major's mask as rich as OT uh almost it definitely has a lot of good history and it's it's actually tied into ot's history a lot [Music] too I I mean not quite as very oh no oh no uh I mean no probably has the more Rich history but mm's history is still pretty good as well that was pretty neat Good Time Savers I'm actually not sure how much slower getting that key is I don't think it's by a significant [Music] amount I think the current method technically would have been allowed by their Skybox rule so it would have been rule of Skybox rather than out of bounds but I think it was found shortly after [Music] this [Music] I'm not actually sure uh what the language speed tier list is on pal I know that German is slower than English that's all I really [Music] know I did watch this run several years ago it's been a very long time since I last watched it so some of it is like a re surprise cuz I don't remember it all but yeah I have watched the run before uh poker star I really just saw the glitches and I thought oh glitches like I was just interested in glitches at the time in general for for a lot of different games and I just saw OT had some cool glitches so I wanted to mess around with glitches and that's all I really did for my first like year probably is just mess around with glitches and then eventually I just messed around with glitches enough that I got good and then I started speedrunning all right so so I guess using decut on the pose wasn't quite known quick spinning [Music] was [Music] so yeah skipping the pose wasn't possible until the first bosy skip was found and I feel like the I want to say the first for temple bosy skip was found in like 2007 or 2008 and until then you just had to kill the pose he actually times that jump slash in a really neat way where he like hits near the end of the gem slash animation so he has plenty of time to start the quick spin cuz like if you do it really early on in the jump slash it might be hard to like get the quick spin out like hard by 2006 [Music] standards my first major contribution to OT speedr running was finding that you can super slide into the Ganon cut scene to keep the master sword [Music] I think I found that trick in like mid 07 so a few months to find my first [Music] trick Who would know the most about mm history uh as far as people like still active in the scene today probably like Petri 911 the guy who made petre's challenge uh most of the old school mm guys are just not around anymore um I I have a decent amount of early mm knowledge but my mm history is not nearly as clear as my OT history oh this trick is so cool I love this trick this trick was super hard by the [Music] way no SVA is not super old school I'm talking like 06 to 08 area mm history SBA didn't really I think like we first knew about sbaa in like 09 but didn't really do a whole lot until 2010 or later probably later actually how ahead of this time was Kazi has an OT Runner probably a lot the fact that he does so many tricks in this run that were considered to be very hard at the time and just like barely fails anything is pretty impressive like obviously his movement isn't the greatest uh pretty obvious like improvements that could be made that were just missed but he's like not failing important stuff kazui is honestly probably one of the most he he's definitely one of the most important note Runners ever he might be the single most important I don't know or not necessarily Runners but like people in the community I guess cuz obviously there are like some glitch Hunters that are very important important Runners and important glitch Hunters are pretty different but like in terms of just general person who advanced o kaz's probably either like he's got to be in the top of most influential Kazi is the one that found the most important glitches pretty much he found RBA he found Shadow early he found Coco jump he found dot skip like those are literally four of like the five biggest glitches in OT he didn't find wrong War that's like his only uh strike against him for finding like the biggest things wrong warp was found by Christian f23 the reasoning behind the name RBA was that kazui did not speak English very [Music] [Music] [Music] well yeah Christian f23 also ran [Music] Castlevania but did he find ass chest no he did not only the most incredible speedrunners could find ass chest [Music] RBA is reverse bottle Adventure I'm going to be honest to this day I still don't know how to most optimally do this room I've never had to optimally do this room in my life if I had to do it right now I would just like push and hope that a switches back there and just go all right see you Danny no not bottle duping bottle duping is just turning other items in the bottles RBA and ba is RBA is getting a bottle on your B button and modifying items modifying your inventory based on your c c right item and bottle Adventure is getting other items on your B [Music] button [Music] gets a good angle so we can see every possible place where Phantom y can come out of except the top that's that's amazing like gets a position where he can see all the paintings except one and Phantom YY comes out of the one behind him [Music] oh no oh no oh no yeah I'm enjoying this a lot it's fun to watch these old runs [Music] you think you weren't that bad with arrows as a little kid but I think your percept your perception may have been [Music] skewed how many cycles is this [Music] fight all right that's pretty good uh people knew about bottle but I don't think anyone used it I don't think anyone thought it was there was any good reason [Music] to [Music] there is actually a good reason to use the bottle in the Gondor fight not the Phantom Ganon fight but in the gandor fight using the bottle uh at least as long as you're on the middle platform will almost guarantee he won't reflect it back and allows you to keep whatever power Crouch daab you have stored before swinging the bottle CU otherwise obviously your normal slash would then become your power Crouch stab and then you have to do another jump slash to store [Music] it yeah in infinite sword glitch was found at the time of this run but I wouldn't say it was like one of the first glitches found it was it was pretty early on overall in O's like speedr running history but certainly not like one of the first but it was found at this time it has been used a few times in the run but uh I guess they didn't fully explore all of isg's potential yet they don't really use it on bosses um could have been used for shadow early but wasn't so probably just like yeah probably just didn't know the full potential of it yet the first glitch I saw was probably bottle duping the first OT trick found if you count count well it depends on like what you mean by Trick does it have to be like important cuz you know people were probably doing broken deu stick back in 1999 where you like just do a jump slash on a wall with a deu stick before you land on the ground and then you can still slash your broken deu stick um but that's obviously not exactly like the most useful thing uh Power Crouch daab was found pretty early on probably like 2004 2003 power Crouch daab was found maybe later I don't know I I don't know the exact date of power Crouch daab but that was definitely super early on um trial Skip and reverse bottle Adventure or bottle Adventure actually were both found in 2005 which was pretty early [Music] on yeah I'm sure like tons of casuals discovered broken deck is stick on their own it's not a hard trick to [Music] [Music] find [Music] oh yeah sess link is definitely a really early early glitch where you just go to the Ganon fight and save warp out and then you can use items on opponent and everything that was definitely really early on [Music] nice nerds [Music] incredible last time I did a casual play through of vot without any tricks probably around the time this run was [Music] [Music] made I guess this is why he set for rosewind in here so he have so he has a faster access to fire temple I would guess although I feel like just going through Lost Woods probably would have been faster actually wait I don't know if he goes through the top or bottom of death man crater I guess the top right yeah looks like the [Music] top [Music] [Music] yeah I think we're all getting used to Pal once once we switch over to the task it's going to look so fast going to look like guano is the greatest Tasser of all time lowering the Teti down looks like you got the shaking glitch [Music] yeah I remember midu he found some pretty good stuff do I remember happiness not really oh man this trick dude he forgot the heart piece so it looks like this badass is skipping Goron tunic whoa grabs the ladder still takes damage so because he's skipping Gan tunic I'm guessing there're probably wasn't any way into darunia's room without Goran tunic so he had to go through the top of death man crater and then obviously using that hover boots trick off the rock allows him to skip bolo well I mean like technically that's pause buffering but pause buffering wasn't known the way it is today where like oh you can make tricks Easier by pausing a frame at a time and you can buffer your input as you unpause it wasn't like that it was like oh you need to pause on this Frame to equip hover boots to make this trick work that's it the file name mm is his name his name is like Mari mustonen or something just his initials that used to be the thing I guess like Runners always put their name or initial or something in that like I know tsa's uh in tsa's 457 run his name was literally TSA 457 cuz he was like or no it was TSA sub five cuz his goal was sub [Music] five can I play NSR again so we can have counting with zfg again maybe someday yes this run is indeed slower than 100% but technically uh when you consider the fact that it's done on pal if you convert the time to what it would have been on ntsc it would be like just under 4 hours so it's not quite uh the proper comparison but still pretty close [Music] [Music] thanks for the 23 month resub Sean uh probably nerds it depends on if I'm still on the front page uh by the time we finish I mean I I'll probably do it anyway honestly whatever why [Music] not yeah this was late 2006 I'm pretty sure this run was actually finished like just days before Twilight Princess came out I have a bonus run plan to show you guys yeah the timer also runs slower in [Music] pal tsa's E3 TP speedrun I didn't know that as a thing and I want to I want to find that now now yeah running guy did one of the earliest 100% runs I did the the first 100% run ever in general including segmented runs was yada Elders segmented 635 and then I did the first single segment run although there wasn't a video of it oh my God this trick and then uh runner guy actually had the first like video of an actual run that was better than my time oh this trick has a super cool or this run has a super cool trick coming up F's 100% was a little bit after Runner guy it like Runner guy did a few runs then feno took the record did like two runs then running gu took it [Music] [Music] back I have held the record since May 2013 so or 100% record since May 2013 so almost 4 years [Music] [Music] yeah so he has to get two keys for you know the later part of this D dungeon pretty obvious and so to skip the so the way we skip the boulder maze now we do that clip into the the shortcut area where the block is and then climb up that big ladder her big gate thing so this is the way you used to skip the boulder maze is it with the map [Music] chest thanks for the five month resub [Music] GMAC so use that hover boost to grab this ledge and you're not supposed to get up here without using another key so that saves a key and by saving a key you're able to skip uh doing a puzzle with the getting another key from the boulder maze yeah I'll probably upload this to YouTube oh this is another cool trick so he skips the fire maze here but with a unique method got to wait for the boulders look at that so precise [Music] [Music] k [Music] [Music] he yeah I'll go back to 100% at some [Music] [Music] point what would save a huge amount of time in hundo honestly the only thing I can really think of that would be super duper significant right now is being able to switch between adult and child which I mean is a pipe dream or if we can find some better way to wrong warp to ganon's Castle like that doesn't use that's like easy and quick to do and doesn't require a Dungeon blue warp yeah this is going to be on the twitch front page uh at I think like 5:00 P PM PST or 5:30 PST so probably like uh shortly after we start the [Music] task no kazui was [Music] finish jump all the way down oh yeah so there's this super easy trick here there's all you do is just you just use the hammer on that song a Time block there's no there's no setting it up it's just you just use the Hammer super easy uh death hole if something like death hole wrong warp was found in O in normal oot that would be incredible it would save I mean I can't really make a time estimate because that'd be gigantic but it would probably Save A Lot how much do they make you pay for front page $0 I was offered it I just like made that tweet yesterday and uh Sinister won the uh twitch staff for I think he's like manager of speedrunning something on the twitch staff he just dm'd me on Twitter and was like hey we want to put this on the front page cuz it looks really cool I was like yeah dude let's go shout out to the twitch Illuminati yes I negotiated I I made the twitch Illuminati do what I want them to do oh using the hammer to flip over the torch slugs genius slower but genius [Music] all right using the hammer here is actually just straight up faster so that's pretty cool so obviously there was no bossy skip found back then actually is kind of surprising uh Fire temple is like the easiest dungeon to do bossy Skips from I mean I guess it seems like that nowadays like you know hindsights 2020 and everything but there's like a million different methods of fire temple bosi skip but nothing was found yet although it probably would have been banned anyway cuz of out of bounds glitches and then uh obviously the only way of early boss key was weird shot which wasn't found yet which wasn't found for quite a while actually so he's got to get the boss he [Music] legit uh out of bounds was never banned on srl it was only banned on SDA and the rules stemmed originally from Metroid Prime a lot of the original Metroid original SDA rules basically came from Metroid Prime and um they didn't like out bound for some reason I think it was like just this one guy radx who specifically didn't like out of bounds and he was the like head admin at the time I think so he just kind of made the rules a lot most people didn't really care about it back then and just like over time people more and more began to dislike the rule initially it wasn't really a big deal just like over time people realized hey wait this is kind of dumb it's not like it's not like the SDA admins were like bad for speedrunning and they wanted everything their way and uh stuff like that it was just you know you had to set up some rules if you're going to have a speedrunning website so they set up what what rules they thought were okay and like when people asked them to change rules they did it's not like they were terrible dictators or anything but yeah he's got to get that fairy that fair is important because he doesn't have the Goron tunic Goron tunic skip in a run with one fairy back in the day was considered like super impressive Shadow [Music] [Music] government yeah SDA is basically dead now but it's it's not like because SDA was bad it was more just like speed running Community evolving past forums and hosted video sites like the entire purpose of SDA was it had discussion forums and it had you know a place to like actually host the videos of runs and leaderboards and Twitter and Reddit unfortunately Reddit um kind of well irc2 actually and other and other dedicated websites for certain games and and everything all of that stuff just kind of obsoleted SDA so the bomb Strat wasn't known at the time so the Strat for volvagia is to snip volvagia out of the air every arrow does I think two damage so really had to be good at your arrow aiming I mean thankfully Reddit is pretty much considered a joke in the speedrunning community I I mean I guess Reddit probably doesn't think that but I think most non-reddit does not consider speedrunning Reddit very relevant which is a really good thing thank God thank God speedr running Reddit is not relevant but uh yeah [Music] what that was definitely a time-saving death he's using that death allows him to skip the Goron tunic Reddit is just really dumb the yeah that's it the frames he did it dude kill raaj without Gant [Music] tunic oh skipping a hard container and he was on the edge of the blue warp so it wouldn't take damage from the lava smart guy all right that's enough about Reddit [Music] [Music] yeah the hammer and the sword do the same damage with normal slash doing two and jump slash doing four for both of them although there's actually one exception to that where a hammer jump slash will do zero damage if you are attacking a gold skulla all right see you later Tampa uh don because uh Shadow Temple early was found Shadow Temple early basically means that you can skip uh forest fire water temple because the only reason they are required is to get to Shadow Temple so it just means that shadow early is found and allowed but you still need to beat the other [Music] dungeons oh man there's love [Music] again yeah Rob f i remember seeing something like that too I'm not 100% sure how much truth there is to that but if that's true it's [Music] hilarious uh I'm not sure dark sprin I had an idea a while back that maybe 100% task should put off hover boots just like not get it until you actually do Shadow Temple um I'm not sure how realistic that is but it's an [Music] idea oh [Music] man look at this guy [Music] go what's up with all this foul language in the chat guys [Music] maybe vck I'm not really sure uh probably not actually probably just like manipulate more bomb drops just like get bomb drops from every piece of grass [Music] ever so again uh for the for those wondering why neighbors love is being used so super slides were considered very difficult back in the day and on pal they're even harder because of the frame rate being messed up and that affecting rolles so and neighbor's love was like the the standard way to do super slides and so he gets neighbor's love for super sliding specifically [Music] oh he's doing something cool no h was not down at this point so he's not going to Ice Cavern this run and he's not going out of bounds either so you can just barely snipe that thing from the edge of the water with hook shot and there's an interesting way to actually get in there actually I I feel like you can dive in there with the silver scale now that I think about it which he has but anyway he's doing an Ocarina Dive In so yeah that's the super duper old school method of getting into water temple without iron boots oh and another water temple is actually so cool in this run so again one more thing to skip iron boots doing a F's wind dive and it's really useful because that fr's wind actually saves time later on so he's both using it to go through the water down to the bottom and to war back up later Hess was discovered in 2009 for mm 2012 for oot at least like regular bomb method hessing uh you could also H H with water or neighbors love earlier than that in oot but um those weren't very useful no the BK skip wasn't known the master quest one was uh so the story of ESS is it was ESS in general was first found in mm while swordless link was making a task he just accidentally did a weird input and that's how ESS was found and then like a year later Mr grunts found that if you do it uh when rolling into a bomb you get a Hess but in oot because because of the different way bombs worked in OT and mm it was thought to be impossible and then a few years later blue blah realized you can just use the multiple hits from a bomb to make it do a Hess the difference between H and super slide is just that hes can angle change super slide they both have the same speed but super slide always goes in the straight line and you have to keep your Shield up while hes you can angle change and you don't have to keep your Shield up you just have to keep holding ESS position for the entire time here's another cool trick so that was the early method of getting to uh that plat that you're you're supposed to raise the water to the middle level to get there and but the reason he pulled the bomb there is to make sure he doesn't grab the ledge and then he immediately Shield drops the bomb and does a jump slash to get to the ledge [Music] early yeah he could have just used hover boots I guess it wasn't known back then good [Music] fight [Music] he so this is one of the really big time savers of having hover boots early right here specifically the Gainer and so this is basically what allowed skipping hook shot or skipping long shot and then hover boots also allows you to go this way way I mean you could do it with kakiri boots but I don't think it was known and then this trick was also important so you can only get under that tunnel if you do a jump to it or like you have to have a certain amount of downwards velocity to actually get into that tunnel and and otherwise you would need iron boots so it's actually important to climb up that little ledge do a jump down there to get under here to get the boss [Music] key and then this is where his foros wind from earlier comes in [Music] oh man using Hammer boost not even doing a super slide I think he unequipped hover boots there thinking it was faster for movement but you actually want to have hover boots on here uh Garn track technically the fastest method of going through that room is with a h but Hammer is a good backup if you suck at bombs for some reason no this was not before trapping morpa in the corner this will do the morpha Trap that's that's like one of the oldest boss trap that's there [Music] is I'm sure there are casuals that trapped Mora in the [Music] corner oh no never mind I take back what I [Music] [Music] said it's okay it's all good it's all good he got it saved is [Music] is he skipping the heart oh my God he's skiing the heart container what a beast yeah there's going to be another splice soon not I mean not real splice obviously it's uh for recording purposes not for cheating purposes but yeah it should be coming up [Music] [Music] soon [Music] yeah Kazi discovered dot [Music] skip I live in Arizona [Music] I'm sure eventually [Music] leeu I'll take a break before starting the Tas like a 10 or 15 minute break but yeah after that then we'll do the [Music] Tas uh I don't think grunts has been around for a while no I don't follow the Suns I used to be a basketball fan before I moved to Arizona actually I used to live in SoCal I was a Lakers fan and then like when I moved to Arizona I stopped caring about basketball I didn't want to follow the Suns man now the Lakers suck actually I pretty much mve to Arizona like right when the Lakers started sucking I got out of it the right time good old bandwagon [Music] fan I think I did Jellyman no I don't really watch any other [Music] sport now I'm not sure if he gets fire arrows or not I know he doesn't have to because he has Den's fire but it he might still get it anyway yes no nope no need for those silly fire [Music] arrows all right all right so Spirit Temple uh I know that at the time the the super slide to and climbing up spe Temple from the outside to get to miror Shield was known it was probably just considered too hard because it it did also require a magic bean but the way the route worked out he could have gotten a magic bean for it so I assume it was probably just considered too hard so going through spear the normal way [Music] oh yeah that jump actually that's a that was a smart Strat so like for some reason at that little Point specifically in spirit Temple you can do a jump that is like way higher than what it looks like your max jump should be able to do uh I think it just has to do with weird geometry there but that's really cool it's good nice that he used that for a speed strut feels that at least they was some thought put into minor strats it's not like it was all just focus on the big stuff and then who cares about the small stuff just that people weren't that good at noticing the small stuff [Music] yet that was like 21% runs I mean for all runs you really have to start with the big stuff and gradually work down to the small stuff and when a run is as hard as a 21% run you're probably going to be on the big stuff for a while yeah for as much as we're making fun of this run for like doing some interesting movement uh it's definitely pretty solid for its time like especially just considering how little he's failed when it comes to tricks like difficult tricks too and like his movement isn't I mean it's not the greatest obviously but it's far more passible than tsa's movement [Music] yeah 21% is met Prime 21% low percent it's uh incredibly difficult because of it it just has like you have to do very difficult tricks to skip so many items in Metro Prime so it has a reputation for being one of the hardest [Music] runs yeah it's the lowest known percent for Metroid Prime right now yeah 21% skip space jump [Music] wait Prime Wii has 20% oh my God pass only that's sounds interesting theoretical okay [Music] a pretty standard going up Spirit Temple doesn't look like there's anything too notable okay so the the cheese Strat for going right under the iron knuckle I guess was only known for child oh but he knows he can just run up to his face afterwards once the arm once the armor is gone there's like no [Music] fear zero tank VMR o yeah that does sound pretty [Music] difficult hey Soro thanks glad you guys are enjoying [Music] this yeah the delay from the Chess music is [Music] great yeah poker star uh if you've ever heard of TSA his he was like the basically the first OT speedrunner and his early runs were found to be spliced but they weren't found to be spliced until like 2010 or 2011 when they were long irrelevant but yeah other than that I don't think so at least no like prominent oot Runner [Music] a he's going to go slow I just means video editing to put multiple parts of multiple parts of a run together and say it's a single run or multiple different like uh attempts of a run put together to say it's a single run [Music] I think Bingo is pretty cool I just never get around to doing it [Music] uh the way TSA spices runs is the exact splice points weren't known cuz you can probably just do it during loading screens I mean if you do doing a loading screen and you know how to video edit right there's basically no way of knowing but the way he got caught at least for oot he got caught in different ways for different games but the way he was caught in O was that the pause menu whenever you pause the game will always start on the map screen and he did not start on the map screen or no he did start on the map screen several times several more times than he was supposed to speaking of splicing uh this is technically another splice but again this is just for recording purposes cuz um you had to like record in 2our chunks for decent quality and just put them together the the reason he's going around the menu is just to prove that everything is the same and there was no splicing in the middle he also did them in places that were very difficult to SP so it's all good just just to like prove it wasn't uh cheated or anything yeah this run would be qualified as ta instead of [Music] [Music] RTA [Music] so I guess Spirit Temple this run was pretty standard somewhat disappointed that there wasn't a miror mirr shield from outside but I guess it was just considered too hard yeah this run is legit at least there is no evidence of this run not being [Music] legit [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] thanks for the sub rock and roll DJ yeah the splicing was essentially requested by SDA cuz they wanted they wanted people to record their runs in high quality and the most common way of uh recording of the time was like 2 hour chunks of decent quality and so they just requested that you know stop the run prove everything is the same between the beginning the end of one recording and the beginning of a next then just put it together and then like the the time in between wouldn't be counted towards the Run ooh that was actually good he he knew the he actually counted the number of slashes so he knew for the last slash he didn't have to do another backflip jump slash and just instantly went into a Crouch stab I know that sounds silly considering you know what's done today but for a 2006 Strat I think that's good oh man the 10-minute limit on YouTube that was that was something no power Crouch stab was known it's just uh the cheese Strat to get right in front of the iron knuckle wasn't known or at least it wasn't known as adult it was known as child yeah 10 11 minutes whatever I remember like the day that YouTube removed the 10-minute limit was a huge day especially for speedr running I remember the speedr running Community the day that YouTube removed that limit was like oh my God this is so big cuz people could actually upload like speed runs to YouTube now you didn't have to separate your 2hour run into 12 chunks you actually upload a single run to YouTube that was longer than 11 minutes so that was actually a huge thing for Speed [Music] running [Music] [Applause] dark crus as far as I'm aware n notable uh I there were some like in the early racing days but um I don't think it was anyone super [Music] notable [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] the hook shot Strat wasn't known yet they pretty normal fight here [Music] uh gorai didn't really submit a splice run he just submitted the last 20 minutes of a run and called it a [Music] run and and called it a real [Music] run and just fak some splits wait was that four is it is he getting a fifth cycle I wasn't counting oh no oh no oh no oh [Music] no wait oh my god wow that was a [Applause] [Music] fight uh no rock and roll DJ his splits were very obviously faked they were impossible splits [Music] [Music] one cycle the slow spam Crouch daab Strat you don't want to spam Crouch tabs there cuz every extra frame your sword is hitting TN Robo it lags or I don't know if it's every frame but like you get extra lag from your sword continuing to hit twin Robo when it's not doing damage so you don't want to do that but still a one cycle that's the important thing [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] yeah another heart container [Music] skip [Music] thanks for the two Monon resub luckiest biscuit one's the 900 Coro seed speedrun [Music] never your bomb Che is red now oh my God potato [Music] nice thanks for the 3mon resub B EU [Music] Kazooie waiting [Music] room I don't think anyone's going to do all cororo as a as a run alone I could see 100% happening I can't see 900 cororo happening I mean I don't really see a purpose to it oh man so that new hook shot jump thing is a few seconds faster for Shadow Temple early just check in Twitter during the cut scene I'm going to be doing a lot of Twitter checking coming up actually wait a minute he can't save warp and he doesn't have Prelude oh my God how's he going to get to Temple of [Music] Time 100% uh all quests I mean I I mean I I might see I could see 100% map being included too but the the ingame 100% thing is literally just map completion which includes cororo and shrines and stuff but like the fact because it's included because they're on the [Music] [Applause] map [Music] [Music] [Music] no I will never ever do breath of wild Honda [Music] [Music] Che [Music] [Music] no super slide why is doing a super slide dude I wonder if it's for magic maybe he thinks he doesn't have enough magic for trials if he does it since he have to use neighbor's love all right time for a very long cut scene so it starts at 4827 let's see how long this cut scene is in English [Music] pal you really need to go to the bathroom Now's the Time although there also will be a break before the [Music] [Music] tests yeah go make your dinner now now's a good time melee break you could probably play a best of five during this cut scene maybe not best five best of three for [Music] sure for me it's more of a Twitter [Music] break [Music] uh no I I will never do unsure melee match analysis my my scrubby small brain cannot do melee match [Music] analysis [Music] [Music] I play Marth and melee but I don't really play like seriously like I don't go to tournaments or [Music] anything [Music] pretty much Swank that's that's basically just me while I'm watching melees oh that was cool that was [Music] it whoa dude this guy tweeted me a picture of his preparation for movie night and it's a really blurry picture of what I assume is food sick tweet dude oh it's militia what's up nice blurry food [Music] picture mango marrus Armada Peach yeah I could totally Analyze That and tell you all the specifics of why everything is so [Music] [Music] good my brother kind of plays is he goes to locals every now and [Music] then for [Music] cut scene's been going on for 5 minutes already it already would have been over on Japanese [Music] ntsc someone just tweeted me a picture of bottle of rum I drank this at 56 speed because of movie night that is a good tweet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the 100% record just ended oh [Music] man times sure have changed it's crazy how how different speedruns are now is this why the swedes are so patient must be man they had to play their games in slowmo so they had to be patient all right 41630 something so that cut scene was approximately very long 8 minutes che che really [Music] dude the music the the music ends before the cut scene ends by a lot all right trials so for reference in an MST run today it takes almost exactly 20 minutes from entering ganon's Castle to the end of the run now let's see how long it takes this run the cut scene was 1 minute longer than Genesis 4 grand finals [Music] dang good strats skipping the fire arrows when is zfg pal run uh I just a pal run at agdq 2015 and I will never touch pal [Music] again one of the worst OT experiences of my life I almost thought he jumped off there jumped off the pillar [Music] yeah the game did crash at the very end of the run that was fantastic uh at agdq 2015 some Europeans forced me to play on pal and then I did and I was [Music] sad and it cra in the genon fight I was on Pace for barely under 1 hour it was going to be like a 59 minute any percent time and it crashed during the Ganon fight I'm pretty sure it crashed because of the fire coming up which should have burned the shield which would then crash because Zelda was on screen but it crashed like before you actually even saw anything but I'm pretty sure it's just because like the game knew it was like about to happen and [Music] crashed the trials look pretty standard so [Music] far I don't think there were any big tricks for trials found yet aside from trial skip oh this is one I guess another good old ground jump even though you can make that with a normal noral jump but you know whatever I guess the jump slash through the ice wasn't known uh pal was Run 10 years ago cuz the guy was from Europe oh got to get the fairy I assume that's for fire trial I'm pretty sure I actually didn't know about that fairy until I watched this run I mean not like today I mean like the first time I watched [Music] it [Music] I'm actually not sure if pal lags less so far it hasn't look like it but it's hard to tell oh what's going on here he doesn't have fire arrows or long shot [Music] whoa very cool Strat oh no hey [Music] [Music] Che oh now he's got to get gold gaunlets I think he has to do this part oh he doesn't have to do like super fast but he kind of does he do a Gainer here Gainer [Music] no [Music] it doesn't have to go that way but I assume that's just the safe Strat cuz you know couldn't see the invisible [Music] Bridge [Music] [Music] great the gravity glitch are you talking about the the glitch where you start swimming on vines with iron boots and then you have like low gravity is that the glitch you're talking about no beam duping was not known about beam duping I don't think was found until like 2012 or something like that 2013 Maybe all right so I'm pretty sure he needs the fairy for fire trial beam duping all it is is whenever you enter any room from the main room of ganon's Castle and then go into a different room so like say you're in the main room and you enter the fire trial and then you go back into the main room the you know those light beams in the main room those don't get unloaded when you enter a different room but they get reloaded if you re-enter that room so if you literally just go in a door in and out a door over and over again it just loads more and more of those light beams and it eventually starts unloading stuff because there's so [Music] much barely makes it in [Music] time no I don't I don't think it can unload the barrier oh maybe it does I'm not [Music] sure and now he needs one final super slide to skip this cuz you normally need a long shot to get over there so interesting that he goes all the way to the side there oh he knows he has to start at full [Music] speed oh he just barely makes it wow he let's go like right away you did it [Music] dude between fire trial and Shadow trial it seems like oh he has to wait nice seems like uh trials were probably pretty stressful with those tricks between Shadow and fire trial it was known that you can super slide without ne's love it was just considered very hard and in addition to that super slides are harder on pal because of the way rules are changed because of the frame rate so uh it's a difficulty thing for the most part honestly venick not really uh the biggest mistake he's made is really in Shadow trial where he like missed the ledge he actually well I mean it depends on how you consider a mistake when it comes to the tricks themselves he's actually like hardly failed anything uh he failed he kind of failed Shadow early once but it was really early on so it wasn't a big time loss his twin rova was kind of bad and then he failed the shadow trial thing once but really uh he doesn't fail the tricks very much which is really [Music] impressive no Kazi isn't really active [Music] anymore although he was up until like I want to say 2013 or 14 well he was like very low activity but he was like still around it's been a while since he's been around [Music] though uh break will be break before the task will be like 10 or 15 [Music] [Music] minutes [Music] [Music] he we get an AMA during that time no I'm going to take a break during that time too well I mean if I come back early maybe do any of the old oot boys have Resurgence when Beth wild came out not really um although kazui was was still glitch glitch hunting in every new Zelda game up until A Link Between [Music] Worlds really got to make sure this bomb chew shot is [Music] precise cool little trick here to skip fire [Music] arrows [Music] yeah without that torist fireos would be absolutely required for Spirit trial all right I remember that was actually a problem in master quest for a long time or I guess it technically still is a problem in Master Quest but yeah in Master Quest there is no torch there so you need fire arrows and I remember back in the day when people were actually trying to Route Master Quest when people cared about it um that was like one of the things that everyone wanted to look for cuz I forget exactly why it would have been such a big deal for Master Quest but it was and no one could figure out how to hit that web with Den fire yeah Den fire just barely doesn't [Music] reach there's no way to use D fire in the air and stay in the air it is possible to uh like do basically what you would do with a navi dive but with v fire but you'll fall and you'll fall much before the fire comes out uh nerds I would think it's just they thought it was the best way to put the player outside of the trials room like you'd probably you probably don't want them to you know have to leave the trials manually so I I don't think it had to do with the beam duping [Music] glitch [Music] I'm pretty sure there actually is a thing you can stand on above the above the web and if you can stand on that from out of bounds you can Den fire it I think that's what toml is talking about doing these guys one at a time why do people run mm for English any% a while back uh so the thing with English and Japanese is in mm is that the text speed is almost the same so the the actual differences are gameplay wise not text wise and so for a while people thought English was faster because I think one it had a faster Turtle cut scene Skip and to I think Pirates Fortress was faster uh or yeah I think so or there was something with pirates Fortress I'm pretty sure and um so there were a few like actual gameplay differences that people thought made it faster but then people tested out Japanese stuff and realized it was overall faster oh man the stairs movement yeah people using Japanese wasn't really a thing until like [Music] 2011 I I think like originally there was something with Japanese pirate Fortress that was bad but then it turned into something [Music] good yeah just rolling up those stairs would most likely be [Music] better yeah I know it seems like OT like it's definitely not one of the first games to be speedrun ever there were definitely plenty of games that were being speedrun before oot around this time but I think oot definitely has the most history behind it I think most games like either started later and got as big as they are now or uh or like most of their history has kind of been done they've kind of been not like solved but there just hasn't been as much to do with it but OT by far like has the longest and richest history of any speedrun game I think interesting Strat uh I don't run mm anymore cuz I run oot that's just it nice sound effect from oh my God I can see the frames [Music] Imperial Keaton that was agq [Music] 2014 the quick Spin Master I still got that one cycle genon Ganondorf [Music] yeah isg was found although I don't think they really knew about isg's full potential I guess cuz isg hasn't been used at all for fights but it's been used for specific tricks although not even all the tricks that it could be useful for because it wasn't used for shadow early but it was used for like the deu B1 skip hover the Coco jump hover or coco jump skip hover I guess stuff like [Music] that isg for genon is slower than Crouch stabs which is why I don't use it [Music] Kazi just wanted to show off with Shadow early yeah actor duping in Lost Woods uh I don't know okay so I know that the first time I found out about actor dubing in Lost Woods was when kazui made a video of uh duping heart pieces in Lost Woods I'm not sure if act duping in Lost Woods was known before that I feel like it was but I can't say for sure and I think I think that video was in like 2010 yeah man this [Music] lag sh [Music] [Music] sh yeah the purple light from Zelda actually does increase lag oh so I I mentioned this a few days ago or maybe like a week ago on stream and I mentioned that I wasn't sure if anyone actually tested it so I actually did test uh if shooting a light Arrow right before Zelda opens a door reduces lag because it gets rid of the purple stuff and the answer is sometimes so it really depends on how laggy the area is and you know every area in this the Escape has different amounts of lag but basically if the area is laggy then yes shooting a light Arrow does reduce lag although this is all N64 [Music] testing yeah I I was actually the one that mentioned shooting light arrows to get rid of the purple stuff way back in like I want to say like 2010 or 2011 or something and I said hey maybe it reduces lag but I never tested it I didn't know how I could test it cuz you know it'd be something very difficult to test I I remember like there was it kind of got started that people started saying it reduced lag but no one actually ever tested it and then finally last week I tested it and it actually does reduce lag in some cases no this game was not out on VC yet it came out on on VC shortly after I think I think it came out in 2007 on VC although even then people didn't use VC for speedruns until like 2011 2011 2012 is really the point where people actually started uh intentionally going after the fastest version he did get the kiss what a God so yeah um before like 2010 2011 generally people didn't go out of their way to get the best version unless it was something really important like in Metroid Prime so um so yeah people just ran on what they had and then 2010 2011 is when people were like hey VC saves time Japanese saves time you know why don't we do this it was kind of a slow transition but eventually yeah everyone switched to the good version switched to Japanese all that good stuff same venick I was a GameCube runner for several years oh yeah so I guess the time thing so the way SDA times runs is from first control so timing doesn't technically start until he moves around in Link's house so that alone is 4 minutes off the time I I started the timer from like regular timing for today's standards and then also the time where he had to pause the run to start a new recording and like prove that he isn't splicing I'm pretty sure that wasn't counted for the time either so the run's going to end up like 452 or something by real time standards take [Music] take yeah the Tas is on [Music] [Music] ntsc [Music] so here comes the gon fight deer nuts wait does he not roll under the leg okay just wasn't doing it for the first part but yeah before I revolutionized the Ganon fight meta with the super slide deuts was the way to go for [Music] genon he's still in the nuts early [Music] man yeah I'll upload this to YouTube or at the very least I'll make a highlight of it but I think I'll probably upload to Youtube too yeah Hammer with power Crouch stab was not known embarrassingly enough uh hammer with power Crouch stab was not known until like [Music] 2010 the intended Strat was like uh hook shot or bow or or like you're supposed to like shoot light arrows at ganon's face and that stuns him and then you just use Whatever item you had on his tail arrows or hook shot or deuts or whatever I guess light arrows for both was probably the super intended [Music] way I remember the first time when we were introduced to the fact that you can just power Crouch daab with hammer uh on the Ganon fight thanks for the sub archetype ex it was uh it was a Japanese Runner who he was doing a a ganon's castle RTA I think and we saw him do the Crouch stab with hammer at the end and we were all like wait did we really miss this for 5 years and it was pretty embarrassing and so that's it that is kazooie's no major skip speedrun first no major skip Speed [Music] Run thanks for the sub XL Mr Harrison thanks and thanks for the sub Slayer kid oh man all these Subs uh 446 was SDA timing that doesn't include the intro and that doesn't include uh time where he paused to start a new recording cuz it had to be recorded in like three separate chunks thanks for the sub sunders [Music] swanders when will I be beating this um since like 8 years [Music] ago no this wasn't the first sub five hour or it wasn't 100% I think technically uh this was the first sub five hour 100% like or not 100% sub five hour run if you use um today's timing well actually no technically all right actually technically uh this guy mitjitsu did a run in 4 hours 40 minutes before even the big glitches it was only with trial skip so it was between tsa's run and between uh finding out that we can skip forest fire and water temple but he never submitted it to SDA because of reasons I don't remember I don't know if the video still exists for that run I don't know if it ever did actually there was no 100% record at the time the the first 100% run wasn't until a segmented run by y Elder was made 6 hours 35 minutes and then there wasn't a single segment 100% run until I ran it in 2010 and did it in 7 [Music] hours glad you guys all enjoyed this all right so uh this will be intermission going to take a break for like 10 minutes and should I just leave the credits trolling I might as well [Music] [Music] right [Music] for all right [Music] so uh I'll be back in 10 minutes and then we will watch the task yeah I'm pretty sure the music is going to be broken for the credits so hope you guys enjoyed that uh if you guys like that I think the task will be even better uh task is really [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got back at the perfect time hey guys all right so I'll I'll Wait Another Minute just cuz I said 10 minutes so oh I got to recrop this actually where's a I need a good scene to crop this properly there's nothing I can't oh my God zeld I have to get rid of like half this text sorry for the spoilers uh what else I'm just like putting extra information all right is there any other extra information I should be adding I think that's probably good there's anything else I should add I can add it later okay so before we start um there is a there's a commentary version of this Tas I've never listened to the commentary before and I really want to so we're going to start we're going to start trying to watch it with commentary now obviously me trying to commentate over someone else commentating a run might get messy so if it turns out bad I can switch runs to the non-c commentated version uh but for now we're going to try it so this is the very first oot task this was made shortly after all of the big breakthroughs in oot um you know Shadow early Coco jump super sliding hovering we're all just found I think Super sliding might have actually been found in the middle of it yes Rob dog it is the task with iguana walking all right see D for has so yeah uh the guy commentating oh I should probably put a message about the commentary actually before I start all right so we are going to try this out with commentary hello everybody this is jxq this is my audio commentary on guano B's Legend of Zelda Zelda Ocarina time run I starting the run now it doesn't really matter that I'm starting it now because I could not get this to work I could not get it exported to Avi for the life of me but that's why I'm splitting this into Parts I don't know how many parts it's going to be I'm not going to make any of them really really long it's in one part don't worry half hour of playing space here so I'll just make it logical to whatever the game is all right whatever the game gives me and that way if things get too off a sync you can it won't it won't be too bad by the time you start the next file you can line it up again and I'll try and let people know what's going on I don't really think it's going to skip too bad but when I listen to the audio I get a lot of Click Click so all right all right thanks man let's see and so here we are on the run this is the first time I've watched this run everyone loves the crap out of it yeah so Japanese wasn't really used yet when this was made so English I might as well watch it everyone else has and yeah good quality long run I have trouble watching long ones so this will help me stay occupied here we have our incredibly manly hero Child Link actually that's Gana right there turn it up a bit more oh no oh no remember back when games were eight bit and they never used to try to give them a story oh yeah task videos didn't actually allow Japanese for quite a while because this 2 and a half hour run would turn into the NES run that is like what half hour maybe a little less than that Dost thou sense that the climate of evil descending upon this realm you guys like the commentary so far really slow count the pixels last run you can count the frames this run you can count the pixels don't you love how they highlight the real important parts too boy without aaras and giant bright red letters in case you aren't actually reading you're just pressing the button because no one gives a crap about the story yeah man I know you can push the button this is frame Advance fastest you can push the button speed and I can still read it without any trouble oh this is [Music] cute okay that's nice hello shut up wow rude hi I played through this game myself although it's been quite a while um when it first came out I had the gold cartridge which I guess is this 1.0 version whoa uh and I played through it probably I don't know 3 weeks or some ridiculous amount of time and I really haven't played it at all since as soon as I was done with the game I was I had no intentions of ever playing it a second time which is kind of weird usually I want to play a game second time and find everything or whatever but not with this [Music] game oh what a classic [Music] line never yawn cuz the [Music] game nice I'm Navy I can't believe they I I might not do right now should have been in red I might not do this commentary for the whole time I want to give it a shot though all right so you know I do want to do normal commentary too so uh you know beginning of the task I think the Ruby route's still pretty standard and you know going to Decat Tre is still first Yahoo I bet they paid money to have that advertisement you're just like whatever ho I'll talk to you later oh and here's the famous guano walking so you see this movement method he is doing right now the side hopping is the fastest but I guess back walking is the fastest probably combining with changing your directions and stuff yeah so theout that they that sidewalking that sidewalking is what's known as guano walking because guano bowl for some reason thought it was fast and used it a lot in this run and it is very bad so that is what's known as Guan walking oh hey nav's got something oh apparently we're opening Treasure Chest [Music] now four times the size of him that's a little tiny letter opener this is a hidden treasure of the Kiki kir I don't know who jxu is practice with it before you really fight oh yeah so this was because this is done on emulator the emulator has a dumb glitch where the pause screen takes forever to start up never like the pause screen in the G oh oh we walked forward for a second I hope you get to catch cut up in this run I always hated that view and walking crawling through things it's slow and kind of pointless so there is still like luck manipulation for good rubies and everything it is it it may not be the greatest task ever but it still does like general standard task stuff oh you can that's quick text you can get through that text faster by pressing B so I guess he didn't know about pressing B you stole from the shop thief just like the Game Boy Zelda Thief I wish it would type a little slower in this game did he say he wants this text to be slower now we got a warrior how don't we walk backwards there more side hop in there but we walk backwards earlier I don't understand the movement of this very well I don't either see sword and shield were in different colors so that you know it's two separate things you need good grief all right this text is also a quick text you can make faster by pressing B ass kick didn't know I guess Punk oh my God that voice stand press a you can carry up to 10 sticks but don't waste them you can't get them from any every enemy that you find or you know just right then okay I I just want to clarify something games with commentary overruns was not common a lot of people say Zelda's kind of RPG maybe I will actually start to agree with that after watching this run and seeing how much talking there is versus action thanks thanks for your Insight but earlier zeldas they're not RPGs at all so yeah uh commentary was not common for runs at all back in the day so the fact that this is like a guy that doesn't really know what's going on is not shouldn't be too surprising it's not like today where you know if you don't know about the game you're not going to do commentary over it but the puzzles get dumber and dumber with every game just like on uh link to the past the ice palace was a real hard puzzle a lot of people beat the PE the level afterwards to get the Kan of Sam Mario that made the breaks so you wouldn't have to solve that puzzle well and they remade that for the Game Boy Advance and I have no idea what the reception for the commentary was like cuz I didn't even know it existed until a few weeks ago all right inside the tree I don't think of a this game either maybe I just don't remember it well that's pretty slck hey maybe someone will make a 100 skull Holo run hey I did do that I still have the all gold skull TOS world record by the way that movement was actually kind of decent getting into the scrub room and then the scrub room itself it won't get hurt from the fall all right everything's probably off syn right now so I'm going to I'll let you know when the next door closes open back hop hop hop hop go through the close roll jump wow already the treasure uh tasses were not the greatest back then don't go and refrigerators I mean I think overall tases you also have to remember that this is like N64 tasing was new in general and oot you know as we now know is a very complex game slingshot and so the fact that it was so new it should be kind of understandable that the movement isn't that great awesome part of the run I think I'll try to like turn down the volume if I'm talking over him like I'll turn the volume down like this if I'm talking over him walking backwards walking backwards going through a door walking backwards again thanks flipping got sling chat now we're climbing a wall see now this is all like this is going to slowly remind me of what these levels are like but I know that they're the crap has been broken out of them all right I I think he does uh the gold skull clip here oh I guess [Music] not oh does he do wait what will be used oh this was okay I guess this was before be one remain a blaz I thought B1 skip had been found uh for reference this run was before kazi's run this was like mid 2006 cuz it was late late 2006 so I guess B1 skip wasn't known yet what how do you get through that part normally or is that what you're supposed to do I don't know what the hell just happened use your stick sparingly there's no enemies around that'll give you tons of sticks I she was known yeah actually it might not have been known it was known by the end of the task it might not have been known at the time of this part of the test carried that stick a long way don't they burn out eventually uh my favorite okay yeah I think I'll turn the commentary off after DEC tree I recorded this in uh huh NE I recorded this in pretty low bit rate mono because it's just voice but I can hear all the sounds in Stereo oh good scrubs leave it on you listen to Bush's talk as long as you actually play this level that's both a testament to how quickly it was beaten and how much extra tech there is in the game I think all games should be designed with speedrunning in mind 3D games are not designed with speedr running in mind and neither are games with a lot of text and plot I really want to I want to do both with and without commentary fist punching things why we don't know we don't have a plan Shameless plg for my own run how evil of me this boss is kind of freaky looking what [Music] up what a little beat your ass and we ski the heart cuz we're just that good SL yeah atas has no need to get Hearts whatsoever obviously there's no like fire temple or fire trial in this run so play of the game I think it's the rock level Mountain level and then the fish's belly why does this deu tree talk with the thows and the th and the thine and all that crap this makes me more wise because thou has listened to thy when the hears thine entity which forth th Aon don't we already see this thanks for the thre Monon resub skyon flame retardant some of the sorcerer Powers he uses must be to run through fire uh I I just noticed that uh while doing some history research for 100% that this old task had commentary on it about the Triforce I remember this I never knew about it I'm going to make a sandwich seriously I'll be right back you won't miss anything I I didn't make sandwich I didn't know this drone had commentary until a few weeks ago so I really so I really wanted to listen to it what if I I just what if I just change the no commentary version and just don't tell you [Music] guys what if he went to go get a sandwich and never came back he's coming back he's coming back I like how four people instantly type just like my dad straw pole is 71% in favor of commentary all right for now I'll leave the commentary [Music] on uh no I'm not watching my own runs these are runs by other people oh I forgot to put the name I forgot to put that this test was done by guab bable I should probably do that got to give credit [Music] all right I'm back oh just in time to watch this 30 second Cinema where you get a thing the K's Emerald amazing I don't know if you guys can hear me in the other room I made myself peanut butter and jelly with some cheeses oh you guys told me okay I'm I'm now the text goes slower cuz the deer tree is dying goodbye goodbye told you this was one take I don't care how dumb it sounds I got I got to say that I think it's so awesome that guano B's name is Jay not not as initial that's his name letter J how sweet is that I know dude right what up Jay what' you do great Deco tree died haha you help people and got screwed all right back to the [Music] action checking out where we just left the Secret's out I am guble girl just Fades into the background cuz we don't have enough processing power and suddenly we're going somewhere a bridge oh good more talking would link andn Zelda get married they have a kid I bet it has green hair she go back you talk to that didn't you didn't you I'm going be friends forever what the is this thing seriously look at his look he looks at his damn thing crosy never seen Ocarina his life also everything starts with fairy surprised he doesn't have his fairy sword thanks for the sub Elite sge get a fairy chainsaw you can play different notes with a and the four C buttons holy crap look at it for 5 years link see that text was skippable why don't why aren't all of them like that why can't you just hold the start to skip all the text if you want to people who give a crap can read it both of them and everyone else can just skip it this commentary is interesting oh you're sub earlier you got ignored I'm sorry one all right here we are with the second part you're the greatest starting in Hyrule Fields that's a good [Music] sandwich nice big field to walk all over in boy I love that part of this game hey walk backwards sweet oh the devil owl oh I forgot about him let me just spin my head around and freak the crap out of you links like thanks everyone for having such faith in me so I have seven different people guiding me exactly where to go see there there perfect skip text just like you should nice peace out I have no idea if J is still around I didn't even know he existed interesting dialogue all right so now now for actual like uh important routing notes um they sure are humongous so again C Coco jump was just found right before this and that's really important for going to spe Temple as child early which means you can get requium and uh and bomb shoes and silver gauntlets which are all super important at the time there's a part where we walk backwards oh and it's getting it'll be night time this actually probably was a pain in the ass to record cuz you got to get this angle perfect then you got to back up for like 7 years with when you hold fast forward is like 6.9 years oh then you got to see if you're on or not dude I get it 69 man I got to give prop there oh my God that back walk angle was perfect oh my God that back walk angle was perfect I don't know where the hell we're going at all what is it theve Place dudo Valley man it's been a long time since I played this oh but I think I remember seeing a trick something to do with a chicken there we go I called it oh he called it man look at that fast Coco jump that's pretty neat I only I can remember when you're actually supposed to be here in the game then I know how impressive of a sequence break it was uh never hey R's Fortress I don't remember I don't remember where this is awesome music and so the only way to get past the guto gate is doing this out of bound side hop thing over the L day in this place must only be on the field wow what the hell was that hey hey I'm wondering myself hey the Cheo munching in the back wait oh my God you're right I don't remember a damn thing about this game I can tell that map looks really interesting though good sandwich thanks for eating on commentary dude there's 26 accepted runs that aren't published we have like 50 people trying to publish this one I understand that zeld is popular and but I don't know I just don't understand it completely I've never quite understood the whole philosophy of publishing at the site uh I just happened to find that there was a commentary version while doing uh research for 100% history and I I never knew there was a commentary version of it um I mean like back in the day commentary was very rare but people wanted it and so he was probably like hey you know people probably want commentary for this I'll make a commentary even though I don't I might not be the most knowledgeable guy here but you know it it's a bit he's less knowledgeable than you know you would even expect I don't actually know who gxq is I guess he was a Tasser uh I don't think he was too big in the OT community at the very least should be pretty obvious that showed up on the board in the last few weeks because Zelda is all they ever talk about daytime purle uh might be Patrician if that channel has tases on it I would guess so H I don't think you're supposed to talk to this person till a lot later [Music] where you can be a kid or or you need to be both a child and an adult to get through it my opinion on no OT at gdq uh there honestly wasn't a whole lot of strong oot submissions so I agree with it if there's not a good OT run to do don't do an OT run I see that sounds cool then L you know sounds cool but then this song Sweet yeah I think all masks being at sgq is really good I think that's I I wanted to see that in a marathon for a while now so I think it's uh good that it's finally getting in I would have also liked mm3d um I mean obviously they're going to pick mm over mm3d but I do hope mm3d gets in again soon good old crunching sounds so he's got requium for getting the spirit later on and now has to get uh bomb chews and silver gauntlets and that'll let him skip uh Sara song and Goran bracelet wow must been a long time ago I remember this at all are you with gon yep give me a break naburu of the Gerudo don't get it twisted we both thieves I'm completely different from Ganondorf cuz the only moral abortion is mine man that's a lucky [Music] man it's a sweet name that's what kind of name it [Music] is wait what I wasn't even paying attention what did he say silver Gauntlet hm [Music] now why can't you skip this text we probably be at Ganon by now if you could skip text shoot you can do it in all the other zeldas except maybe the first you can beat Zelda 2 in less than 10 minutes length of the path four the Game Boy won in what less than six or maybe even less than five this one and about 10% of the time they expected you to spend on it [Music] that was some that was some nice [Music] fights there like that was not good we didn't get I think he was he was trying to like take out the slingshot as quickly as possible but he could have just done don't need uh take out slingshot and shield instead of doing it well at back flip while back flipping oh and there's giant enemies in this room apparently sweet uh nice movement don't know what that was all about sweet that was nice little extra off on the jump and apparently we just set things on fire which caused doors to open wait got some rupes victim I guess RNG manip like I don't know like was the RNG I don't know how can I look at this ceiling when I'm looking behind me I mean I guess it must have been for the rupes I bet they get used later maybe I hated the rooms in length to the past they had all the tiles coming at you yeah dude those rooms sucked okay in case you're wondering he hopped to the door and opened it I don't have to see from The View but that's what happened thanks ooh luck manipulation so the spider don't get you yeah man sick the gra it fell on his head no the guy talking is not the guy that did the test that was a b B cheu I don't remember finding bomch in the real game but it's been a long time I might be thinking of the Oracle seasons and ages when bomb are like super special item cuz if we're getting them here they're probably required to beat the game that's enough chees for me uh I found this video on while searching for super old Ocarina of Time runs I'm not sure if there's another place to find this it might be on YouTube I'm not really sure except that you can throw your flaming stick into the floor with no consequences I I'm I'm not sure what he said either I I turned it down s it up real quick so that everyone knows okay my audio desync hopefully it's running okay it seems to be running pretty well pull on the Block back pull pull pull pull pull even with third pull pull pull 40 to 17 dislike ratio wow pull how you got to pull this damn thing okay now we're running toward the door that opened oh we're not anymore yeah the audio desync is from the video not on my end okay [Music] there's your stin point door closed now we hop up stairs well I guess I was wrong about which uh Temple is next um easy fight as child any any reason we're not grabbing them Hearts there good question we like hearing the I'm almost dead noise what up Jay so the actual reason he did not get the hearts is cuz he's actually doing a death warp here so technically a save warp would be good enough here cuz he needs to get out of the desert but at the time uh the EM the task emulator did not support save saving and continuing to record the movie so the actual only way to save warp was to die save and not continue found the silver gauntlets now you going to bring him back to that woman what up Jak you're going to be a little bastard just like you stole him five rupees from The Shield shop y that's running pretty good for my crappy computer if this guy's worried about a 240p video running fine on his computer sweet now you can keep the gauntlet I mean I know it's 2006 but toasters man whoa my shoes are dirty looks like Kiana Reeves oh no oh that's why we didn't get the hearts cuz we have don't have a soft reset in the game yet well that was a fun run guys see you later oh he's watching from screen we are I thought the view of that house was different from way overhead what up girl just got me some bomb shoes yeah man D bomb shoes so cool I've been pretty sick all day so finally getting my appetite back that's why I'm eating so much I'm going get some more food while we're uh excitingly back walking across the entire continent so I'll be RB see you so he's going to Lake Kia to get uh rud's letter so I'm I guess uh king or Escape wasn't found actually wait a minute he doesn't have the silver scale is he going fishing yeah he is okay I wasn't sure if early gold scale was found by this point I guess it must have been somewhere new yeah is this the lake I guess so that is not a good place to start I already played this through a couple times I know it doesn't desync o the sunf flare or the lens flare I mean I was just fishing in this run oh fishing this is like the exactly skip that text this is like the most fun part of the whole game oh man fast nice a fish the size of you so if you catch a big fish as child big enough to get the heart piece and go in the water and hold Z all the way until you get the prize you get the gold SK instead of the heart piece now back in the day it was thought that you needed to press Z and R which is why he was also holding Shield but you don't actually need R apparently you could dive I know you can dive much deeper than you died before he noticed he was getting terrible acne and there was fur where there was no fur before I wish the controller input on mopen was a little is that how you say that mopen mopin whatever I wish it was I said it as muin for a long time got an empty bottle looks like there's something inside it anyway uh I didn't remember what I was saying that happens to be a lot oh controller input only updates every 10 frames or so because there isn't enough processor power updated every frame so that's kind of a bummer hey VG I like watch myself this this is a super old wish I think this got a lot of people into it into OT what are you doing you've already just spelled a legend and yet I don't know it it's also full of empty bottles by this I mean the Run not the commentary probably the my least favorite really popular game out of all the series Mario's Metroid Mega Man Sonic wait did he say it was his least favorite of the popular games about it I can what the heck dude there's a lot of other popular games I really don't like cuz I they're just not my kind of game like Pokemon is probably the example that stands out the most and what the hell just happened now we're going to the castle I don't know back there I think why he didn't go to jabu nice backflip dude this oh my God that is weird dude oh yeah you're supposed to go here before you go to any other dungeon aren't you he's skipping the egg hi Jay I'm a Satan spawn you're not that smart of a kid actually flap flap all right to sink it up in this the I don't know we'll see I don't think it's going to be a problem it seems to be working pretty well maybe very slight problem I'm so late with my comments anyway probably doesn't even affect it if you know don't don't spoil it oh hey that was pretty slick I wonder if that's possible on Console it is dude get ready to jump up without 120 stars are we and we just went through the gate what what you're going to have to go back and watch that on frame Advance if you want to know what the hell happened cuz I don't have a clue he walked through the gate that's [Music] it just like H he's moving a little fast H oh my God what a legend okay that was actually a kind of sick gu walking wow he actually did like some really neat gu walking to avoid the guard that was kind of neat three police my other exclamation point who are you how'd you get past the guards well I I Sid stepped a lot and ran ra in front of them and they just kind of were tired so I hope he goes to get more food you know all women they just want the green give it to me I want everything great oh [Music] man the light turned into a figure hold in a green and Shining Stone followed by a fairy who is blue I know this a prophecy that someone would come from the forest which is green yes I thought you might be the one dot dot dot I love how everyone answer sentences and dot dot dot cuz that really makes some very good sentences I am Zelda and blue princess of Hyrule dot dot dot what dot dot dot is your name j familiar okay then J I'm going to tell you the secret of the Sacred realm that has been passed down my dad would kill me if he knew I was the philanthropy with a boy we can mute this you guys want oh you know the drill remember when the tree told you this well now I'm going to tell you [Music] again all right we won't mute it link should be like oh that's right you told me there's in A Link to the Past that game that everyone had that's right please don't let me skip this I wonder what determine what text you could Skip and what text you couldn't I was spying through this window ooh nice it's my okarina the evil eyes or you know the bright orange hair and Goofy nose yeah this is supposed to be on front page does this deserve to be on front page of course cuz dreams are always symbolized DDC you don't worry I'm an expert spy 17 dots yes I told my father about the dream 17 dots but he didn't believe it was a prophecy dots no wonder everybody talks in dots wow o put dots the Triforce in red the entire world J tripled out now we the only ones who can protect Hyrule please just no I don't think so uh how they give you the answers that you can answer no and then as soon as you do I think this is on YouTube Somewhere uh I think someone else in chat probably has the link not at all and if you don't then it's just rewind play again because you'll understand clearly if I say the exact same words again go buy me jewelry all right there it is this is what should have really happened walk spot blah blah here's a letter peace oh boy oh now we have to waste a lot of frames pardon me in advance oh it's the goofy this is on the front page of plus 100 years you are a courageous boy and that's a nice shiny oakarina can I stare at it for five years I get on the front page and this is what happens okay um oh which song would this be for for people that don't know what's going on um for new people from the font page so we are watching some very very old Ocarina of Time speedruns from over 10 years ago this was uh this was the first AAR of time tool assisted speedrun and this was made pretty much right after a lot of the big first glitches in Ocarina time speed running happened thanks for the two Monon three sub holy I learned so this is a really important speedrun in acan of time history and like tur when he tries there's this run has some commentary that I've never listened to before and I thought it would be fun to listen to it while you know reviewing the super old run oh sorry and it's it's pretty amazing commentary suddenly we're outside the castle thanks for the sub slider we're not a cult we're not a cult really I'm just like turning down the commentary when I need to talk sometimes remember you fought G in there in the future because you already dispelled the legend that you will be an [Music] adult should talk to some of the villagers I bet we talk to one that's my [Music] guess it will help you prove your connection to the royal family because those who are not in the royal family will clearly Know It uh zeld Little by cut scene skip wasn't found for a few years after this like 2010 or 11 thanks for the sub Forever Bronze and thanks smirk for the sub so I think he's going back to lakeia now which is very weird where if you get out the horse and go back start throwing bomb chew cuz you're bored hey look there's Death Mountain how happy thanks fing backward oh my God this guy man I can't get enough of this backwards walking Yeah the more I think about this I think this route was just bad I I can't figure out why he goes to Lake halia and then goes to zi and then goes back to Lake halia I can't think of a legitimate reason to wherever we're going given the quality of task runs back in the day my first guess is that he tasked up to Lake Kia then realized he forgot zeld zi and then just decided to add that in as a detour and instead of redoing it oh back to the lake I missed it the first time bad me not watching all the run so we had to go get the letter we had to get the oh time of day yeah the golden scale first maybe I don't know even that yeah I think the owl would have been enough I don't know I don't think this run gets her his wind go get either one of these these uh stones and this one's closer than the mountain yeah he didn't get magic so he can't get finally got some nut ah man that's funny every time I know right sweet hello oh ho all right everyone's favorite cut scene Lord jabu jabu what is that stupid guy from Star Wars called it's not jabu jabu whatever I'm sure everybody knows his name do you guys know his name at least this is real slow too jard BS brought like a newspaper just start reading out of it wish I understood better which kind of walking was the fastest well I guess this is a good time to explain what movement is the fastest as child side hopping is the fastest if it's perfect and then back walking but back walking is generally preferred overall and whenever he sidewalks it is very slow sidewalking is incredibly slow but he does it a lot because this was very very early and people didn't really know how to go fast yet you apparently cannot leave well cool all right door opened is close oh man nice strats wonder if we even go to the mountain level that I guess was next I think that probably is fast oh this is weird ah yet another female to do things with not a pervert are you saying my father asked you to come here to save me dot dot dot dot dot what the hell what a dumb broad I love this guy dude this 10-year-old commentary is incredible strange holes around that's wonderful je I can't turn him up anymore he's already I already have him at max volume when I'm not like muting it to [Music] talk I don't really remember this level too well at all can't believe she makes you carry her what a spoiled little BR ha [Music] ah all right I don't think there's anything too interesting in jabu until Boomerang oh my God never mind that was interesting that was oh my god dude dude he used rudo to break the nut or the rock I guess it's not a nut all right that was kind of sick that's better swag than the mega flip I'm going to start doing that maybe I don't know J's point of view watch Samus come through here and just start blasting all these jellyfish dude this this Tas and commentary is legendary wow thank you that's very helpful advice Navi oh man that jump slash barely reaches nice need more rooms like that in this run quick climb in we'll take you to Nigeria what what get in this level like a uh what does that even mean that's a sweet looking Boomerang boomerang's probably always been my favorite weapon in Zelda because it doesn't deplete every time you use it like everything else in the game it's because boomerangs come back never actually seen a boomerang in real life or trying to throw one of course it's obvious that they've never seen one unless I was blind which I'm not very much all right so I think he does a really cool uh um skip here my eyes there we go yeah okay that that was pretty sick so I don't think the I don't think the aquan items on the switch was found yet so you had to throw rudo over here as a substitute for the box and then of of course the double damage boost cuz a single damage boost like in the middle of the jump isn't good enough or at least I guess they didn't think it was good enough back then and cuz you need uh you need to damage it later than it would normally damage you so you use the invincibility from the first damage boost to go into the second damage boost so that trick was pretty cool and then once you got a 100 of the skull Tas it was a stupid prize I think it was like a a bunch of rup bees which you clearly don't need by that point what the this how supposed to look in the game yeah oh I guess [Music] so this looks a little weird yeah climbing to hit the switch uh hitting the switch from the bottom wasn't actually found until like 2010 and uh by the way I found it I'm SI elro get oh oh my God what did he do okay you are not supposed to throw the boomerang that early there is no purpose of that that's just flat out slower I don't know why he did [Music] that we interrupt this action to bring you some oval te goodness and now back to the [Music] game so if you do barinade like the first part of barade the way he did it then barade has invincibility for that first part where he's just spinning around the area so that's why he didn't throw the boomerang instantly close that's okay little it's like if you do barade normally he gets invincibility but if you do barade the fast way he doesn't get invisibility blow ladies gentl we have winner by link wow that's kind of disgusting I blew up a big creature pick up one of his remains and stare at it and you have to wait for this to load so you left me behind you oh my God you can at least make that turning faster but he I guess he didn't know about making the turn fast this guy is just I got your this guy's just a regular Tasser who like he knows about tasses but he doesn't know about oot so he commentated an oot test and this is the result go she must have real bad breath what the hell is wrong with his left arm I don't know where this guy is now what is on his left arm ha ha where's that third option we all know he was thinking yep no the guy commentating is not the guy that did the test you were born with it your mother didn't give it to oh the stone my fault no I guess I shouldn't expect him to do small optimizations If he if he Guana walks unless you already gave that up beside jabu jabu's belly a little while ago huh you've been hoing around dude they all ho around every one of them oh my God I always thought that was the coolest looking out of the three stones although I remember being a lot more blue and a lot less purple I'm going to get banned while on the front page yeah that doesn't look like a sapphire especially it doesn't look like the corner that was in this picture next to [Music] it no idea why this guy is commentating at all I I guess he just wanted to do a task for fun or a commentary for a task for fun and this was just the result like commentary wasn't common back then uh people weren't like you know like good people that knew about the game weren't commentating every run but people wanted commentary so I guess he just thought hey you know people want commentary I'm going to try out commentary and even if I don't know anything about the game faster to hop up the stairs but back walk down them you got blue water yeah this is more likeing the water more like a task reaction video keep going back for more nice river river river river river river Bay oh he his test video but I just thought it would be fun okay yeah it does seem like it was just something like for fun I I don't think it was meant to be anything more than [Music] that was just about to get out of these woods and now I got to listen to your ass listen to this out of order sequence sweet spin your head and fly away just follow your ears and spin your head around in giant Evil deadly death devil ways plus seven words I didn't need cuz I couldn't think of the right one whoa getting out our bomb shoes see if I can call this yeah I'm not good but this is a pretty fast way back to foron city which is the dungeon I guess was two levels ago look at it coming now we're not skipping that [Music] where are we going you supposed to lay all righty what do we do I I'm guessing that was just to save a bomb chew he definitely could use a bomb chew there but I assume he probably wants to save it while cuz he did get silver gauntlets from Spirit Temple also oh also oh yeah he definitely wants to save bomb shoes uh because of this upcoming [Music] thing or did we just die DC is actually pretty cool here nope still one quarter of one heart left is it really necessary I mean people know when they're about to die it's you keep tracking your health when you play a game no I don't need someone going you're almost dead you're almost dead you're almost dead you're almost dead you're almost dead you're almost dead so yeah he uses the bomb chees to light the eyes and then this next thing he does they sure are handy this early though look out for the lava pits in white he's just not getting bombs so this run actually skips bombs completely Oh I thought he's getting his oakarina out and so here he's doing the dropping the fish on the switch trick oh I didn't know it was a fish I thought it was blue water so I'm going to take a guess and say that this trick was probably found in between jabu and DC or else it probably would have been used in jabu or maybe he just thought actually no rud would have just been faster straight up guess probably was just talking about probably did use press down and there's a lot of weird glitches in this game yeah man there really are I think Super sliding was found in the middle of the making of this run so I think there's more Su sides later no this is the boss cu the other Fire Boss I'm thinking of in fire temple Adult World well that was pretty impressive my mouth is made of one texture and it is completely flat also take my [Music] stick done for wow this was a fast level that bombs are the most broken item in the game I mean they pretty much are actually it's arguably bottle but bombs are still super broken but don't worry bomb shoes are also great and there's also other other things you can do very class I seriously think more time is spent talking in this game than the action that's how sequence broke it's become yeah this game was so broken in 2006 man I can't believe you can skip three dungeons ah the magical light that leaves you out of every level and a few of the required items man this game was so broken text they don't make you listen to they don't make your backtrack too hi we've never met but how are you okay so back in the day like I know it sounds funny listening to it and saying oh wow this game is so broken and then you know thinking about today how it's not even like comparing OT today to OT in 2006 it was not even close to broken but we really did believe back then like oot was a ridiculously broken game when it really wasn't and it just kept getting so so broken and now it is a ridiculously broken game it's it's actually really crazy I become brothers that means they give me a gift like 2006 o by today's standards is moderately broken and that's about it it's like H yeah yeah it's got some glitches here and there that's pretty cool and and now today it's like this is literally the most broken game of all time maybe aside unless you want to count arbitrary code execution which it doesn't have [Music] you got the golden ashtray yeah maybe in 10 years we'll look back on this and think like wow oot wasn't really broken that bad in 2017 it's hard to say like cuz you don't know you don't know what you don't know bones Zelda wants every diamond she can get link just cater into the gold digger oh my God okay so uh so like maybe in the future we will think uh it isn't very broken but at the same time I I kind of think that we've probably found the majority of stuff in OT I definitely don't think we found everything I definitely think there's plenty more to find but I think it's probably reasonable to say we might have been like you know past the the majority of it but who knows thanks for the 11mth resub legend of Gru wonder if those would be used or not I kind of hope so they'd make it cooler oh this is sick this whole section is actually really sick wor also got hit so you know first of all this is just straight up faster than climbing the wall and I'm nowhere on the map way off around the corner but also he doesn't have bombs so he can't actually get into the Magic Fountain or can he tattoo on his [Music] arm well obviously you guys know what happened there so no need for me to explain it oh yeah that part was pretty sick it's the White House [Music] that's actually really hard you are a member of the royal family like you just barely have enough space to jump slash in there it's actually super close oh I forgot about this Hut I meant to say ho and I said Hut cuz I was thinking God damn dude hi I'm ganon's textur with extra makeup oh my [Music] God you don't know what sword T but you feel like it could be a good idea this guy no I wouldn't say Mario 64 anywhere close to as broken as o like people think oh you can skip all the stars you can skip the key and stuff and that makes it super broken but really when you just take like the amount of glitches in Mario 64 it's nowhere close to OT that said Mario 64 is still very broken it's still like in the you know top percent or so of broken games ever but I like it's still very very broken but I would still say OT is on another level and I also think part of that is just OT is a bigger game and being bigger allows just allows more possibilities for being broken yeah I think Pokemon Red and Blue are probably the only games that I would argue have a shot at being more broken being argued as more broken than oot man I wish I cuz gen one Pokemon is kind of ridiculous but it it also depends on like how you want to classify arbitrary code execution like do you want to say arbitrary code execution is one big glitch or do you want to say it's basically infinite glitches ande thanks for the three Monon resub rub the lube all right time to sit back I Run's about half done and the screen is all black arbitrary code execution is a glitch where you can uh you can write your own code in the game and modify the game from the inside the dream basically means you can literally do anything in the game within like the limits of the it means the hardware limits pay attention that folks yeah dk64 also ranks very high that would be like I would say that's like one step down from OT I got a phone call hello you got a phone call in the middle of commentary oh um no mine seems to be working yeah I'm just you know in the middle of recording my voice over it's a boy there's nothing going on now just some Cinema please know it's Zelda we're looking to G it for the 50th time all right I'll if I notice it's not working later I'll I'll get on AIM or something yeah I get it uh yeah I would consider Mario World in like the same category of um Pokemon Red and Blue probably hooray all right man see you something's going on in the game now if you guys need a proof that this if you guys need a proof that this commentary is 10 years old he just said aim I guess he's left-handed oh you broke my letter opener I am Ganondorf in red you notice me by my evil eyes also my orange hair and giant nose [Music] I am so gay really what is this guy what is this guy on I remember this part like what is the purpose of that oh I wonder how you're actually supposed to get that or learn about it I'm bored I'm just jump in the river and oh look here's the item the game is named after H if you hear me no okay for clarification in case anyone else uh is wondering the guy not talking is commentary from 10 years ago and uh I am from current day that's great how fast it gets played I always hated this song it's blue you learned the song you're from the future nice ROM Scout tell me about the future oh this is a really great screen to look at the only thing better would be link trying to drink his oena surprised you didn't put some of them words and colors to make it a little more obvious what you're supposed to do right now what do I do with this thing link to stepping I can't post this SP or else what I said would be untrue dang you're right oh oh here's a cool part bet you guys didn't expect this in the Run what the hell can you win so if you notice the prize was a bomb bag and he skipped bombs from dango's Cavern so what he's doing is he's getting the bomb back upgrade it's still going to give him the 30 Bomb Bag it's not going to give him the bomb item so he won't be able to equip it but when you become adult you instantly get bombs equipped onto your C buttons which means that he's going to have 30 bombs when he becomes adult instantly as long as he never unequip bombs he'll always have it as adult all right the end of this segment is coming up probably if we're going to turn into an adult now turn into the only cool link that has ever been on any of these games and and that's why he skips the Bomb Bag in Dongo Cavern Temple of Time I remember that being in blue text before also my Ocarina is blue and I believe one of my Stones is blue perhaps I should blue on it I mean blow the a button is also blue at all yeah I think he never gets bomb drops because of that but it's not an issue 30 bombs I'm pretty sure 30 bombs is enough for the Run thanks for the sub zumzi H green purple ashtray green purple ashtray man good thing I didn't have to pick them up with my hands and actually set them there that would be so annoying man I wonder what that is I I don't think this guy still does commentary over runs no oh it's the Triforce that's right I forgot should really explain that more in this game it's that sword they explained in the other game guano did bomp you bowling faster than moronic did in the 100% task uh wow the master letter open amazing the master letter opener I would love for jxq to do commentary over my current M run like exactly the same that's pretty cool I like Throwbacks like that I did I would love to just put this audio track over another run I'm sure it would fit like I I think this commentary could just fit with anything now where's Ganon from if he can see what's going on but he doesn't doesn't have the door of time Keys like he says he says nothing relevant to the game I'm sure a it'll work out from Street Fighter however you say it I pronounce like half of those names wrong the chosen one all I did was pick up this sword not a big deal guys am I at the bank greetings I'm large also I'm a doll where there are seven dolls inside of me also no he didn't say the Esports word he said the guy from Street Fighter just pronounced it poorly is it the light please don't ban me I swear I'm going to get banned from this commentary or not my commentary his commentary all right way to go you just the world oh no I'm still a virgin what the hell oh my God I'm damn fairy is still around [Music] me so great engineering job guys how do you uh you know walk out of here I'll be banned for talking over someone's commentary I'll be quiet I'm sorry ROM Scout please don't ban me kind of like the uh beginning laboratory in Super Metroid designed very well I'm sure the scientists were taking 12T hops to get to their testing areas and now let me tell you about the thing you're standing on [Music] on hey man them seven years are real [Music] short thanks a lot for pulling the sword out and sending us all the Hell in a hand basket but if you can undo everything we'll say you're a hero r rro you had to report me for stealing from jxq ah dang shouldn't have stolen this great commentary except you don't need all of them cuz we don't know how to write binary checks very well yeah he got silver gauntlets near the beginning of the Run uh right after de tree he went to spear Temple got bomb choos and silver gauntlets you received a nuclear symbol okay so this is supposed to be the part of the run that really is broken even worse than what we already saw correct so I am curious I have not watched any of this oh he doesn't know what's coming up oh he took the blue pill I can't go back can I actually yes you can you won't be able to use the boomerang anymore because it was useful now instead you have to use arrows which deplete halt the talking must continue I've been waiting for you ever since we met last [Music] time five temples one of the deep forest green dot dot dot one over high mountain red dot dot dot one in the vast Lake dot dot dot One In The House of the Dead pink dot dot dot one inside a goddess of the sand yellow dot dot dot dot dot dot yeah and that and dots too end every sentence in dots I am sheet red yeah they did put Smash characters in this game but the AI is super dumb like Sheik actually uses down be in this game this actually used to be called the Sheik sword but we decid to name it the master sword because Chic is a pretty stupid word if you don't believe then we'll have people come knock on your door every week to try to convince you to [Music] believe [Music] but if you had a boomerang that you knew how to use then you should be able to get in there just fine unfortunately apparently when you get 7 years older you forget how to use useful equipment but he didn't forget how to walk backwards [Music] woohoo I wonder if I should just mute my mic cuz all I'm doing is laughing must be autumn oh you know apocalypse oh man he looks funny let me just side step to side real quick all right you guys get to hear my laugh I guess oh no am I dropping frames oh no stop dropping frames this cheery music is a nice backdrop for the dark sky oh I guess it is now please stop dropping frames shoulder all right I think it's fine ah there's death in the background oh so this is actually his first time entering kakaro dropping frames at 240p I'm sorry everyone's really expecting the commentary to be awesome all the way through that is not good mov not going to be going to run out of stuff to say I know I am oh no what will we do when he runs out of stuff to say proba grown up now where are we going to the graveyard hey it's even called graveyard I wish every time I went somewhere a little thing would appear in front of my face that would tell me what it is or you know every time I fought a boss it' give me its name and also slight description well it's Sunday time to go dig up them bodies I'm such a man now I can just kick open treasure chest with the greatest of ease magic light oh that was [Music] fun oh I landed on a corse who would have ever thought that uh so from what I heard this task was actually not done frame by frame it was only with slowdown uh and I think I also heard it was done with a controller and not with the regular task input plugin uh which probably explains some of the low optimization he we load the room out of memory maybe that's why I turned all black I don't remember if this was hard or not prettyy sure was kind of like I think if you went on the wrong path didn't it just throw you back at the beginning kind of like when you're escaping from Star Fox 48 all right life is low your life is low that's okay you weren't even watching where I was going that's amazing only you knew how to use a boomerang yeah throw it into one of the graves you just dug up and you can find a [Music] corpse kick that one open yeah so when people ask you know why don't people do back walking and slide hopping when people ask why don't you do backwalking and slide hopping through dampe uh good answer right there wait what did it say on the length of the pass and you got this this careb oh man I wish it would explain these weapons a little back walking is the fastest movement as adult whoa that must be what happens when you take a wrong path but when you're when you're doing so many turns like that uh rolling is a lot better cuz you can cut Corners way better the sun must have just come out oh this is the best part of the whole task right here right here got a big shield now all right so if you listen closely there he got isg third try I just want everyone to remind everyone that this is a tool assisted speedrun and he got isg third try this is so cool oh and this trick is actually kind of cool too also this whole part is actually pretty cool not done to assisted wonder what happens if you fall there probably just fall off the map and go back to where you started I would guess I know if you fall in the certain spot then you go here yeah that's the super duper old school method of Shadow early the very first method of Shadow early Town Shadow Temple yeah back then Shadow early was considered a really tough trick Fire temple and the water temple and I think the Forest Temple I might be not remembering that we'll find out but I'm what weapons do you not get as a result probably like that green and red fire yeah this came out before kazi's run so that means that the torch skip that I mentioned that I thought might have been found afterwards was definitely found before so I guess Kazi probably didn't do it uh maybe because of difficulty or maybe because he just had dense fire and thought he didn't need to face n prin nice three cycle dude sit under a [Music] tree my dog's eating uh maybe Rory it was Ed to be a few seconds faster but it also doesn't get isg so that might hurt it I'm not sure it'll uh I'll definitely mess around with it with these boots you can lose all your [Music] traction is that what hover means oh you can walk without Solid Ground that's what hover means oh I thought they were just stylish yeah and it saves a chew so that's pretty good and they let you run through walls neat oh isn't there like a lens that lets you see which walls are real or something like that yeah yeah dude probably skip that does he do does he try the first one I bet he does okay never mind of course he wouldn't he would just save state if he didn't get it right what am I [Music] thinking some of them puzzles are just long that one wasn't even very long just fact that you have to do the same thing for like 10 seconds uh Temple of Time door of time skip was found in 2008 so about two years after this run I never fall over even when not watching where I'm going and wearing kid aras's [Music] Boots the earliest known speedrun of aaren of time uh I think is like 6:45 by PSA I don't think it had a video but it had like a description apparently he got big or sword in it and yeah it was like a you know speedrun with lots of quotes around it oh so I guess either either the early boat or the the clip to the boat from the cage room either wasn't known or thought to be required or thought that um neighbor's love was required for it trust in the boots link that trick was that was in kazi's Run earlier wow that was unexpected this just like don't mess with my slipperies oh not quite Jack listen oh what do we do go through this room backwards and now she's warning you about what we already have [Music] avoided um I I mean we can't really confirm any of tsa's runs were not spliced but there were a few runs that were never proven to be spliced like I think it's 457 just to see him hop trying to recover his own momentum by side hopping that was awesome um yeah so some of his runs were never confirmed to be spliced spp but we don't know for sure maybe he just got good so that was a cool trick there he uh damage boosted from the spike to get on top of the falling ceiling [Music] thing don't worry L this back walking is actually pretty cool and I think that like I really doubt it's fast cuz he's changing angles so frequently but it was neat I guess that one requires some documentation neither that there were a lot of little platforms I didn't [Music] see oh was probably some invisible platforms cuz I think that's what we're running on now greetings I've just appeared oh you [Music] [Music] left and Link should die his hair blue like that [Music] skull that's pretty cool throwing a bomb to kill that one keiss and the bars go up [Music] I have no clue if this is a traditional area I would really guess it's not but it seems to be a little more normal than for example The Rock Palace we went in earlier cuz we're getting a whole lot of keys the other ones we've gotten one key and use it to open one door you know cuz they always equal I'm so yeah this guy is not uh he he knows about Tas he doesn't know about o rock Palace key I guess Rock Palace is it Ono Cavern those back flips were to avoid the gbos um they actually freeze you based on how long you're on the ground so like if you just back flip or side hop they won't freeze you I wonder if if by using or by fixing the emulation pause bug if switching to the regular boots for durations of time in this level would be faster whereas it normally wouldn't be with the pause book because you sacrificing like 5 Seconds every time you have to pause 5 Seconds more than normal which normally is probably like 2 seconds and since we all took math class 2 + 5 is seven nice I'm learning stuff that skull's like what is this emblem I'm going to drive every joke into the ground by the time this run is done I have the commentary at max volume W that's a great Shield [Music] skin not I'm just tired [Music] sounds like a Power [Music] Ranger I got a bell on my boat and it'sing up and [Music] down nice thanks for the static having some problems with my mic phone causing static I think we're good now what did they just kill there creatures are tiny but I wanted the green bottle uh the bosi skip actually wasn't found until like 2014 it's relatively [Music] recent so normally the reason you like never see that room is because you get the key from earlier in Shadow Temple but uh you know since he had to like go through Shadow Temple normally he had to use that key until you get that key like what up ho why don't I take you back to the beginning yeah so this is also another important trick to skip in fire whoa that was wa so the the redead freezes you and the amount of time it freezes you is enough for the the wall to just pass you it's the first level we've hit to get one of them isn't it one of the hands must have grabbed him not a Shadow Temple anymore [Music] at least The Shield's kind of better looking now now I have something to look [Music] at oh a super slide well I did and we're back so again I think uh so because it's a task tases take a long time to make like uh between the beginning and the end is you know a long period of time it could be months and so I'm pretty sure that super sliding is actually found in the middle of the making of this task I think this task was finished in August and super sliding was found in like June or July so it was it probably started a few months before that and so there's the first use of a super slide but it was probably found a little bit earlier maybe I'm not sure I kind of Wonder trampoline trampoline okay what looks like yeah I got the [Music] picture I really should have came up with some uh custom Boss music for this guy go to that beat little hand clap in [Music] there oh my God so Pro wow pone snake what did he say pone snake before I die you know it's 2006 when he says pone in a blaze of black uh so the reason that tases take a long time to make is cuz you're playing on an emulator with slowdown and save states and re-records and so what you're doing is you're going through the game frame by frame or at least in an optimal task you're going through the game frame by frame and inputting every all inputs you need very carefully and if you mess up you like Save State back a few frames to retry over and over like that and so your your progress through the task is extremely slow because of how precise you're doing everything so that's why tases take a very long time to make now for context with this task uh he actually played it with slowdown rather than frame advance so I think he was playing at like I think I heard 20% speed and he was using a controller rather than a specific plugin made specifically for task inputs and so um those things usually like make it more optimal seven years ago [Music] exactly cuz the first time I played this game I did one day SL 3 weeks uh using Japanese for speedruns wasn't really a thing when this was made uh in fact task videos didn't actually allow runs on Japanese versions until like 2012 2013 maybe they banned it for quite a while um even for normal speedruns Japanese versions were never banned but um they weren't really accepted they weren't like people didn't actively try to get the Japanese version until like 2011 or something me up with that Medallion uh the thing about task videos is the goal of task videos was always entertainment over speed and so they always wanted like English versions because you know Japanese version is it might be like less entertaining to the average viewer cuz they might want to read the text you know in a speedrun but uh you know eventually they did change the rules much like The Medallion I just threw at you oh so that's how you get there that's pretty sophisticated travel you need to take 75 South get off at Exit 14 jump on on the nearest Tri for Triforce transporter can't miss it so hey how was that transer oh okay I guess I talk to you later link I really think he's gay got to get home got to change the Fabrics [Music] offer almost dead almost dead almost dead happy happy death happy Happ flames on top of the happy happy everything's happy except such insightful commentary another phone call he's got another phone call hello what's [Music] up it was called A Song For [Music] Mama yeah Ma Ma all right all right well cool have fun yeah no problem by cool love you too a a that was wife xq aw this place looks pretty similar go get the broken sword oh [Music] lame what I don't remember this especially the part with Mido I had enough of him when we flew under his crotch [Music] wow I don't remember this game enough it is [Music] hilarious this commentary is fantastic I'm so glad we're watching this I thought we were going to skip this level too maybe we got to get something from yeah so the reason he still needs to go to Forest Temple is for the bow um even though you can skip beating forest fire and water temple you still need the bow to shoot light arrows SE this before we can teleport with it hello stump have you seen anything around here recently stomp I don't like your shoes [Music] either I was just going to sit on look you can have it [Music] back I'm playing this with media player classic oo that's cool as an oak Arena can this be a monthly thing I mean I don't think there's enough runs enough good runs to make this a monthly thing but if I think there's another good run to do I can do it unless you mean watch puts to his mouth unless you can watch this run specifically monthly that was cool [Music] maybe I really don't think I need to make any jokes you can just fill them in am I afraid in 10 years runs will be as as this one um yes and no I definitely think the runs today are going to be not great in 10 years but I think we've at least made pretty significant strides since 2006 I'm doing the commentary no I'm doing commentary I'm not drunk who's he talking to this time oh I did say link crank is oakarina but I said minuette of forest yeah I hate it too but hey can I call you back when this is done in about an hour okay later so many interruptions nobody respects the job I have to do what got tough life for this guy man yeah thanks for telling me to watch out nav after I locked onto it that's very [Music] helpful oh this long level well I sure hope we don't have to play this whole thing but this does have really cool music I think this part right cuz I dude nerd that's right I can't believe we've skipped 20 Doors I'm talking two the heart is talking three I get so many phone calls that you think I was hey RG what's up very popular person zing are they from Paper Mario bold out of the ground b a couple of Le loose leaf notebooks uh probably not YYZ DOTA um especially because you don't want to equip hover boots there give me okay watch glint Stevens video man you guys are mean [Music] No More Death sound sweet skull's just like where'd you go well I give up I'll just stand here SL float cuz I don't have any legs ha skull no legs don't remember what this does makes blocks disappear [Music] I bet we get the hook shot SL hover boots uh what he has both um anyway that that skips the key that that trick was the gravity that trick is actually really important and it's good that it was found so early all a sudden you're flying through water like you were yeah the Mega Jump is this old ding Ray if that's the creature I'm thinking of oh is he going to do the same trick that there is a hat on your head be aware of it wow for having absolutely no traction he sure can't pull a gigantic block with no problem uh the reason the pauses are like that is because um the emulator he's playing on on is a terrible emulator as you would expect from 2006 N64 emulators I mean it 2017 N64 emulators are not much [Music] better you think it' slip off the ladder wearing them giant fluffy Kleenex [Music] shoes I think the ground jump clip was actually found shortly after this but I think it was like one of those tricks that kind of got forgotten and rediscovered cuz I remember someone posting a video of it in like I don't know 2008 I want to say 2009 maybe and then someone said oh guano found this so and so years ago but even though it's not used in this so I think he might have found it like shortly after this task and then it just kind of got lost in time and then got rediscovered a few years later why is that one color different sweet it's 6 in lower now you can reach it with no problems where before it was beyond [Music] impossible yeah the emulator being used is mopin it's a terrible emulator to this day it's still terrible and that's why has so many issues desync issues pause issues it it's just not good but for a very long time it was the standard N64 tasing emulator which [Music] sucked nice strange yeah he was talking to himself he was just recording commentary for this not talking to anyone specifically you're almost dead oh my God you're almost dead you're almost dead who do I think will commentate over this commentary in 10 years well it's going to be someone who just joined the scene now but it's going to be a legend in 10 years maybe he's watching right now maybe this is his first time m64 lag maybe it's just let some random guy that just happened to stumble upon my stream today and this is his first time ever watching a speedrun or a 10-year-old Speed Run and he's like dude 10 years from now I'm going to commentate over this video of zfg commentating over another guy commentating over a 10-year-old test that's going to be 20 years old when o is 30 years old let fly with a fairy Arrow it could be you so yeah only the bow is required um so he just goes straight over to Spirit Temple [Music] I knew it' come in handy when I met that lady from the future seven years ago before I was supposed to that I could War here with his song I wonder if that one lady's still dead and if she wants her Gauntlet [Music] tough uh I guess no uh Mir Shield early in this run either well he didn't have uh magic beans of the time I guess is that supposed to have like the symbol of Russia on the side of it I'm sorry the USSR or it became rushing that was neat how it showed you what was opening except it completely [Music] didn't no game rule as far as changing weapons the Mega Man X Series that really knew how to do things we don't need a pause screen I'm not even talking about the fact that there's emulator problem just you have to pause to change everything which is real time on the fly rnl or whatever want to throw um Spirit Hover was first used I think in like uh I think 2010 2011 is is when it was first like proven to be doable and then or it was like first for to be possible without uh magic bean in like 2009 or 10 10 or something like that and then I was actually the first one to prove that it was actually reasonable to do in a run because it was just considered too hard before that and I think that was in 2010 or 11 I'm not sure 2010 and 11 like blend together for me and uh but like actually using um the magic bean to get to Mir Shield early I'm pretty sure that was 2006 I think it was probably just found after this run and probably before kazi's run but was just too hard for kazi's run it was considered a very difficult trick for many many years like hi little boy suddenly purple waves surrounded you Navi noticed them and 10 seconds later said watch out uh jurer can you whisper that to me I'll take a look at it later hey a key why you explain to me what a key does every time I get one cuz I always forget I found this off of while looking for other really old oot runs reading is fundamental [Music] I'm playing these videos so I can humble brag about my OG achievements since back then pretty much I'll just LLY gag while everything kills itself hooray hey oh nav got left behind in the previous room looks like I'll never miss her oh she's still here I mean I didn't say that hi na you're so helpful H you mixed with your a and I'm right here so I'm guessing we didn't get the hearts because there's a similar reason as before we're going to use death to make things faster I do remember this area you got the silver gauntlets again they have moth on them because they've been sitting here for 7even years all right can't wait to pause and activate it I'm starting to look at the Triforce is about as annoying as this plas your name here I'm more worried about how many people are shooting in for the first time and think maybe that wasn't the best J excuse me buy it cuz it's one take you think that this 10 old commentary is the current [Music] commentary hey USSR along with a fallopian tube at the the bottom of it this guy sure likes the USSR interesting diagram but hey it's not like we'll be seeing very much of it right SL for the rest of the Run oh does he go fast he goes fast dude he's going to make it for cycle wow if for starting to St him so quick he sure has a nice grip probably cuz he's wearing them gauntlets [Music] all the other music stops so this is the Strat from before boss key skip color chest in the middle of the fire the chest is so close to the edge of the flame that you just take damage to get invincibility frames and then just open it [Music] he thinks we may be getting close to the boss and giant spinning skull bat we marry go around is fun no he doesn't climb the statue statue climb is uh too new for that statue climb was several years [Music] [Applause] later The Smiling Sun lowers you to your death oh [Music] wow H H It's morphin time hover boots letter opener miror Shield Russia with our powers combined oh that's now I screwed up my shows dude he knew that Power Rangers would be popular in 10 years wow will talk him to [Music] death and Russia oh my God that was hilarious what other game did that kind of thing a lot I'll never remember [Music] it is it one of the Kirby's maybe it's just a few examples I'm thinking of hey you stole my gauntlets no he mixed up Power Rangers and Captain Planet he started saying power rang then then did a Captain Planet thing little girl now link is legal SL functioning let's announce our plans oh great job link wouldn't that suck to be imprisoned in the mind for seven years get out for about 10 seconds they're like nope sorry links like well I have no remorse and I still have these cool [Music] gauntlets I did well okay it's so dirty in here I thought I would get my broom and with my water I will quench his thirst oh wait ice yeah I'll kill him link react as quickly as you did when they killed the Girl Again that'll do God [Music] good hey he [Music] is oh my God is he actually manipulating a good fight slow too he got a double oh my God watch out says Navi after you successfully reflect the using luck manipulation to get a good fight does he get a quad I guess that's not possible it might I'm not sure oh that's close enough let me try that again can I have this kind of fight please I will throw a fire at you again you'll never reflect it oh shoot you reflected if I can have a fight like that for once in my life I could die happy what the hell else could we do BL got a quad once [Music] okay oh my Lord an ugly woman there's not a lot of them in this [Music] game I sure hope that like this repeated locking on is part of luck manipulation [Music] Another One Bite the Dust oh was for you guy brush let's react slowly again isn't it weird when we combine into one ugly promiscuous woman you think that's weird that's been my Prime source of Joy I've always thought you were perverted why do you have a M's voice Who's Talking Now hell we're dead let's drag this out for 10 years ni 400 we don't want to put digitized voices in the game cuz we wanted to use cartridges still but let's noises that will that will substitute as digitized voices and then write the text there they're still doing the Noise by the way after that long sentence I just [Music] typed yes you did that game was kind of boring just jump down the pit now all right triple Luts got to do it H Oh we must have got off with the wrong exit I didn't mean to come here thanks for leaving me behind you wasteless why don't I commentate like this guy I I'm just not good enough confident swordsman oh yeah that's the first thing I think of when I think link I don't think anything about his goofy looking [Music] elfish it's so funny I'm the sage of spirit since I was imprisoned in evil for 7 years and also demanded that you bring me the gauntlets you couldn't wear that you stole I am such a good person also this is a Nintendo game where characters have bare mid drifts I don't think this guy is around very much anymore maybe he is I'm not sure and 69 probably not boy that joke's always funny then I wouldn't have made you what promise I guess I'm going to go have to read the game plot but it's probably sexual and if it's not it probably was supposed to be finally the six stages of been awakened the other three just snapped out of it finally yeah I'll totally try to get this guy to commentate my next gdq run a that reminds me of the pause screen that's night time now so he had to die for another save warp here I died and walk back up here you donate for that dot dot dot minus three dot dot dot you also must reveal my other [Music] eyeball more Triforce info oh please you couldn't peel me away from this you see there were three guys they made a Triforce blah oh my Lord oh this could be important hello another phone call this is hello good how you [Music] doing okay sorry about that I had to actually stop the recording to take that phone call thanks for the 913 Subs skipio back to the exciting Triforce story wow he spliced his commentary oh there's three powers three forces and you learn something new every day playing this game he baking the phone calls corpses see the irony is that each major character has one of them on their hand [Music] blah blah [Music] [Music] blah wait a minute are you saying that the Triforce is made of three different powers was the Earth in 2006 probably this is a little much can you tell me the story again please thank [Music] you those chosen by Destiny in red I'm courageous it's Princess Toad stool dude that's so funny I get it cuz it's not actually princess Toad stool [Music] Zora dressed me up like [Music] that she even has trior earrings how do he skip the other stages uh so when you beat Shadow Temple and spirit Temple that alone is what is needed to activate the light Arrow cut scene and so shortly before this tab like basically the reason this task was made is because it was found to be possible to get to Shadow Temple early and also spear Temple early but Shadow Temple early is the more important thing and so by getting to Shadow Temple early uh the intended way to get to Shadow Temple requires forest fire and water temple to be completed so basically the game thinks if you beat Shadow Temple then you beat forest fire water and so that's why they're not required to start the light Arrow cut scene and so this was a really big deal back in the day this was uh why this task was made that was like a really big game changer for OT speed runs that was basically the transition from essentially glitchless to actually being a glitchy run sometimes I like to say smok smack smack smack smack smack smok and did you bring the three jewels I [Music] love [Music] so who's this fairy can you get this stupid thing out of here oh by the way here's 7,000 paragraphs you can skip couldn't skip the other ones though cuz it's a lot more important thanks epic elocity here you are alpha centari glad you guys are enjoying this I am definitely enjoying this actually it's a lemon popsicle with a special treat a giant blade in the middle will Smite evil I will Smite evil yes oh wow wow it's a good thing you gave him to him now and he skipped all the text that he could because now the entire place is crumbling all that time I wanted diamonds and now I've got it encasing me [Music] also this kid has no vocal [Music] cords cuz cuz that's what I want you to do is foil my plan yeah I I'll try to message Jak Q on AIM later I'll ask him to commentate my gdq run after much talking a slight amount of action apocalypse looks so pretty from this angle I think the kiss probably exists at the point point of this run cuz uh Kazi did it in his run which is a few months after this but I would assume it it was probably known at this point too which commentary is better jxq or k during third pause um that's that's tough I don't know it's a coin flip for sure it's Ruru together with narubu Zelda whatever the other three that were time you never woke up but yet they're woke up all of my fairy friends [Music] no Donkey Kong comes cruising by in his cart uh if you want to hear K's commentary look up a time 100% three pause on YouTube never even Tri walking backwards on stairs for such an awkward looking kid he sure can walk well all right so here's the first method of trial skip this was actually the very first major skip ever found in OT it was found in like 2005 so you just push the statue uh to the wall and jump slash through yeah in the unloaded room unloaded main room Darkness the barrier unloads and you can just walk right in that door is the same color as the boss key oh my God play little leap frog that was a good fight just run on the fire and get it you did last time kick it over [Music] on what's In Here Easter eggs his fights are actually really cool to watch like he does the fights really well guess from the color and then he does Guana walking for general movement they need to have a big box like that at the airport where they take away all the crap that could potentially blow a plane up oh man well maybe he is a competent [Music] swordsman Guana walking is sidewalking like whenever he does uh walking left or right without side hopping or back walking it's called Guan walking named after guano the person that did this test because he used it it's an incredibly slow form of movement but he thought it was fast and so he used it a lot so that's why we call it gu walking for the 64 I think it was yeah thinking wow 60 frames a second now I feel because everything was 60 frames a second except for like this game and a few [Music] others there's a chest board on the ceiling Ganon dorf when did you ever learn to play the [Music] organ yeah RG that the decry movement is lovely I don't want to tattoo mama tree always said they were [Music] evil better have courage you only got three [Music] hearts man it's quiet so then I spent seven years learning to play the organ in preparation for this thanks for the 11mon resub Lord vath see Power is the one on top no purple purple always hurts fine go away fairy I hate you anyway great king of evil I'll put up my giant white Shield oh wasn't that cool wow he still has 15 bombs he started with 30 bombs and couldn't get bomb drops so that's all he's used now how does that trick work with every boss is it just like a little Frame Window where you can hit them no matter what exactly he's learning cough that blood W that's quite a scam I'll just stand on the edge here because shaking will never push me off you just have to not miss the frame Gap dude I still really don't know what's going on and my shoes are still dirty well I'm sure he's dead no need to kill [Music] him well I'm sure he's dead no need to kill him how could we both be so wrong I never saw this coming void warp was found in for 14 13 or 14 we got a normal walking cuz he got away for her a yeah although people were theorizing about ways to skip uh people were theorizing about ways to sequence break the Castle escape for years like already back in 2006 probably maybe 2008 I don't know but people were theorizing ways to skip it all the way back then and it seemed like one of those things that even if OT was super broken we might not we might not ever actually get and then we finally got it how do I feel about this meme commentary getting seen by 3.8k people people with lot of wisdom extremely happy uh adult and child void warp were pretty much at the same time jump down to the bottom you got three hearts Zelda use your hook shot or something is this run being bad for being 10 years old uh yes and no um this was the first OT task I think this might have also been the first N64 task will never defeat our paper Souls so obviously like uh you shouldn't expect something super good when you know everything is uh even the glitches like used to break the game were really new so uh expectations definitely shouldn't be that high for it um and honestly there are probably good things about it I don't think like people in 2006 were saying oh wow this Tas is so trash at but it also isn't like the greatest task even for all those things it probably still could have been a decent bit better nice good thing you didn't open this one earlier wait was that a mega slide hop I I I'll go back and look at it in a minute can't you run a little F try for the click k your legs up oh it was just backwards side up okay I run like a fairy my fairy flies like a fairy thanks Ronnie glad you liked it glad you guys are enjoying this it's been pretty fun 20 frames a second explosion It's like Star five for Super Nintendo uh if I ever have a good idea for something to watch I'll do this again but I don't want to like schedule it and not have something actually worth watching get the big Ganon how bad is the scene on pal pretty bad quick we have Sprites moving through Sprites uh the kiss is what what happens when uh the when Zelda opens the final bars to escape ganon's castle if you're in the exact middle of that uh she'll open the bars while link is directly in front so we call that the kiss cuz you know their faces are very close together J and they're facing each other blue we were wrong again no how many people did that actually surprise after you fight a final battle and then then do an escape sequence now you got to fight another final B I honestly didn't see it coming but I don't see a lot of stuff coming yeah the kiss also pushes link through the loading zone so it also saves a few frames no none needed yeah I guess there was only one super slide this run wow only the one in Shadow Temple [Music] yeah you [Music] big the nuts he's actually following the tail around that's really good instead of like going through the legs over and over Canon with nut ah the irony no Val link super sliding into Ganon was actually found a few months after that by me actually no I think it was like a year after this I think it was like mid2 2007 which would be right around a year after this my okarina sword [Music] fairy he does jump slash es yes I am surely dead there is no need to kill me anymore I will not come back alive kazi's run also did deu nuts uh Power Crouch stab with hammer was actually not found until 2010 as embarrassing as that is but I want to use my power to deliver the final blow [Music] and so here it is oh maybe I should have used the sword all game instead of this SP you so since people are going to ask about the time um the 233 is the task time which includes timing all the way up until the last text box in the credits and I I was just timing by normal Speed Run timing that we use now so yeah that's it that was the the very first Ocarina of Time task just barely sub 230 by today's timing and also in charge no oh yeah great commentary right never found me never found me I'm stupid never found me either we make such pretty colors so yeah just quick summary of that run so this was the first this was the first run first task done like first task ever but this was done immediately after a lot of the first big glitches found in OT um CUO jump to get to Spirit Temple as child Shadow early to skip Force fire in water temple um super sliding although that was only used once bomb hovering so these were all found in like early 2006 this is like the when aan of time first really got glitches when it first became started becoming broken and so this was just made in response to that now that the game was had gone from essentially glitchless except a few things here and there to what actually at the time was considered like a really glitchy thing day when you kill my great great great great great grandson I'm really quaking in my feathery boots so should we just go through the credits cuz he might you know say some interesting things in commentary which I think is in the future from this one so I I I have a bonus run I'm going to show after [Music] this I feel like I'm floating on air do we want to go straight to the bonus run or watch the credits all right you guys want to watch the [Music] credits air go peace will once again rain [Music] from the heavens just like the fairy corpses I was so young plus [Music] sexual uh how is that you helping correct your mistakes all you're doing is telling me to put the sword away and you probably want in stupid Jewels too link is blinking wow his eyes probably real dry by the time this got to the point um it's pretty neat if you look at it for a [Music] while I don't [Music] know uh can someone link the video of this on YouTube for that guy that just asked [Music] a scrawny little boy that uses boomerangs 2006 humor dude it's great but but you going to help me out with this virginity thing before I go I could really have some stories to one up Mido that'd be really helpful or the guy that humps The Rock I love this guy flap flap flap flap throw your wings up in Sky here's a place you never were 20 Fram per second dur [Music] director big flock of chickens come pouring out of the well they're breeding down the whole time also want to stuck on the windmill also lens Flay do I think anyone will beat this time no never no we've still never met [Music] yeah as much as we want to make fun of this run um for its time it was very important like people didn't have like the crazy high standards of tases like today so I don't think anyone was like complaining about this run back then all right it was this was the first this was the first run that really put everything together and actually demonstrated you know how how the game can be played now how the game can be speedrun now like this was the demonstration of the future of O wa wa kind of instrument is that like a sick woman instrument take Shy oh so no Ren stink me you [Music] idiot fairies floating through the [Music] air hi we never met you got two coconuts and you're banging them together well so [Music] [Music] what and here we are in the price is [Music] Right spin the wheel and see what we get the Price Is Right drunk we are [Music] drunk ah diversity everyone gets along just like yeah Dan osen stop writing dots thank you did we meet any of [Music] them horse going to kick that woman right in the head then everyone's not going to think horses are so cool I'm so happy and also un [Music] acid worldes when I think I could jugle juggle moving chickens too it's amazing I'm not causing earthquakes at all [Music] [Music] oh I'm [Music] confused there's only five of them uh the video was recorded on an emulator Mario and the the audio the commentary was probably just recorded from you know a $5 mic Mario and all his posy did you have sexs with them who that was weird although we did watch a run earlier today that was from roughly the same time period that was recorded on a VHS all right I can't wait to tell Mido I didn't get laid and use my boomerang are you just like disintegrating oh uh Goodbye Oh yeah three vsh three VHS tapes not just one ah the master sword is apparently in a church VHS is that a disease kind of all right the little extra movie scene the one everyone stays after the credits so they can see something that isn't that great I sure do hate this River in the middle of where I live I brought you like 20 diamonds will you please just go out with me yeah there's going to be a bonus run after [Music] this you're going to kill me aren't you yes dang I really should have thought of a better joke to end it with yeah you probably should have that's the one take thing all right thank you for listening to my mindless commentary goodbye did you guys enjoy it all right so yeah there's I'm going to have a bonus run uh so stick around uh I'm going to play some ads while I set up the next run and we have a surprise bonus run coming up I'm not sure if we can live up to this run though this was really something hello every all right so here is the bonus run I me I got to wait until the ads are done unfortunately this won't be jxq commentating I got to get rid of all this text again I have so much text up all right so what we are about to watch is the very first run of the very first run ever to use wrong warp to ganon's Castle so this run is not 10 years old this is 5 years old actually this would be exactly 5 years old 6 days from now this was found on April 13th a Friday 2012 all right I'm going to close your stream sock because and this is by me so a little bit of backstory about this so wrong warp in general was found about two months earlier I had been doing a lot of any% speeduns I was because of this because I was watching socker stream yeah so I've been doing a lot of any% runs for about two months and the trick is 15ish minutes into the run and um I was trying to get a really really good time and I I did get one super good time except it had like one dumb mistake in it and so it was really good except for this one mistake and I thought okay I was getting kind of tired of running it so I was thinking okay I'll try to run this for about a week more and if I beat it then that's cool if I don't beat it then I'll just stop and I'll accept that one that run with that was overall really good just had one dumb mistake so here comes April 13th 2012 so I also need to practice dying to what do I need to practice I need to practice dying to G dies cool so yeah which probably means I'm not going to get a one cycle uh Friday the 13th is my last day of doing any percent attempts I was I was going to say you know today is going to be the last day I try any percent runs if I don't beat this run then oh well I'm done with 90% if I do beat this run then cool so so in the middle of a run this guy named Rob dog who is in the chat right now comes into my chat he says hey dude we might have a new route so Rob Dog and sockfolder [Music] were theorizing a way to wrong warp directly into ganon's Castle they theorized that if you exit if you exit gma's room and use that as a wrong warp with the blue warp in in G's room then in theory you should go to ganon's C Castle now I I think at first it had some issues with uh soft locking but they worked it out and eventually they got it to work they got wrong warping gon's Castle from De to work glitch to begin as child never become adult you're actually forced to become adult during the ending I guess though and so so I immediately stopped my run I want a lot of spit I want even for a short run I still want a good amount of splits so I can know how far ahead I am so I immediately stopped my run started trying out this new trick my earlier today for a few hours 20 minutes after I started and then I attempted this run I would like to ban that person whoever it was okay my mic also really sucked back then no I'm actually really excited that another one of these giant glitches was found what's the route so I need to get a certain amount of rubies rupes here I don't know how much nice good routing dude also I need to figure out how many oops I think all those rupes will be good now I need to figure out if save warping here is faster I'll just test it right now I guess all right testing in the middle of a run good idea and then for oh I didn't do my split I think it's only 40 rupees I need oh I still have the bonus run text up or wrong text okay yeah save warping is definitely faster wait really I'm not sure I don't think it is it's not right and I get 20 rupees going down zor's river I don't have to pause there anymore that's so weird yeah it seems like most people I think the majority of people that are into OT spe ring now got in post wrong warp it it feels re really weird to think about but oh man this old setup but yeah uh a lot of people don't know about pre wrong warp to ganon's Castle stuff any% before this was wow already all right fine uh any% before this there's a two-month period where any% was wrong warping from jango's Cavern to the credits oh yeah I should start doing your setup I need to the m to learn that soon and then before that any percent was get bottle do dot skip catch bugs for half an hour and uh you do a lot of RBA to get light arrows and then you just go to gan's castle with light arrows do I remember how many viewers I had on this run um I remember the day after I think I hit what was my highest viewer count ever at the time which I don't have enough rupes what happened which was like 1,200 and that was the day after this so during this I think I probably had like I don't know 800 maybe oh right my rolles sucked yeah I know oh my God nice nice oh my God sick dude well at least owl skip isn't required anymore I can still make it without it I'm not used to using sword this is so weird oh yeah the rupes in the shop forgot about those going to make this text smaller so I can make the video bigger I didn't start the timer I'm out whatever oh timer's on screen I don't need the timer you guys get to see W split instead of live split good old W split my audio is terrible oh my God how old is this run it will be exactly 5 years old next week dude some people are W split die hards if you use landfair you're just bad no one likes landfair you should not you're not allowed to like landfair oh yeah I had audio directly from the TV that's why the audio sucked yeah this was uh the beginning of any% progressing to like the 22 minute Mark the the what would eventually be like a 21 22 minute run would be this route exactly it's just this is the very unoptimized day one speedruns of this route yeah before Liv split landfare did have the best information yeah we have light Arrow Skip and foro wind Skip and Magic Skip and light Medallion Skip and adult skip yeah man lots of Skips pretty much skip everything but landfair was just so ugly I I remember I used to run landfair and W S at the same time I would have W split on stream I would have landfair off stream just so I can have the landfair information yeah this is basically the route for the 2145 yeah this is the best thing that's happened to this game in two months man so crazy best thing that's happened in two months I can't believe the stuff that's still happening to this game I know right this was on WE VC I wonder if I need I don't think I need sticks do I I'll get them anyway but and I need to save right after this cut scene ends so I'm able to try the de tree part how does it feel listening my 2012 that guy but you either or do this incredibly hard trick to get out of bounds and then get back in bounds in the water and it's uh probably nerds uh I think it might have just been my preference but it might have also become my preference because of that uh bottl in any% nowadays is gotten through GM uh so I have to save before that because I can't save between now and the endend or else I can't get the warp uh gim is used in you go in DEC tree and uh fake getting a nut and then go in front of a chest and it gives you a blue potion bottle is the of GM get item manipulation what's wrong with 2012 zfg he sucks dude I think the new time with this kind of run will be about somewhere between 20 and 25 minutes good estimate sock folder and Rob Dog yeah that's the sock folder and Rob Dog no I oh my God nice dude oh wait oh I do a backup please tell me I do the same thing cuz we did earlier yeah I'm going to do it I amff pause buffering isg don't watch please okay it's okay cuz I didn't actually pause buffer it in the end oh yeah the mega flip oh yeah no W people did use to pause but isg it's embarrassing especially in mm dude yeah wec is faster go this time because I need to die when she dies wec is faster it has uh less lag and faster loading this was on wec yeah it's justifiable for ly skit but I think people like got used to buffering isg for lby Skip and then just decided to do it everywhere else I mean pausing in mm is very fast so I can kind of understand it but it's still stupid hurt me there we go so this is intentional cuz the Strat was that you needed to die at the same time as GMA and we didn't have the double nut Strat yet that was found like a day later cuz this was like the when we first realized that we needed to exit exit the area without save warping the the first thing anyone thought of was okay we need to die at the same time but it was this like really obscure thing that people didn't really know got the death uh like people never really like worked out you know how to die at the same time GMA dies consistently like we didn't know like the little details about it or a good method to do it so this was the best best method is just letting GMA to cycle yes I'm so glad that I did a easy jump slash nice split dude this is also new to me yeah I needed to die because um the last cut scene you have to have seen is the deut tree entrance cut scene and if I save warp it'll be the title spin cut scene oh man this old setup [Music] yeah it's going to be 20 something minutes yeah you couldn't save War because uh the last cut scene watched wouldn't be good for Gondor this was not a good setup so one two three oh that might have been four it was next frame sick setup isn't it ah too late darn yeah I probably um wasted an extra frame on the back block wait uh sock are you still here no the back flip was intentional um the point of the back flip was so that when you land you can instantly uh turn right and like it's just an easy way of like counting frames between the back flip and holding right uh yeah we knew that like the the warp was unloaded once you you're still here once you move the camera in the tunnel some of the frames when I'm seeing out of bounds while back walking as frame wasting frames or does it have to be earlier on there's kind of a strat I mean it's not I've only done it once so I can't exactly say it's consistent but it looks like it wait I only did it once before doing this run really oh my God uh hex I already had record I did it cuz I was super excited because of a new giant trick I wanted to do it as fast as possible because it was super cool oh almost a also the record at this point meant nothing for the next few days I think the record changed like literally over 15 times maybe in the next day or two shout outs to choco poptart a guy who held the record for approximately like 10 minutes the record before the trick was found is on the bottom left 4708 that was with wrong warping from jango's Cavern to the credits sa time since I need to take damage the jump to the upper ledge is like literally the hardest trick in the game I don't even think that's an exaggeration it is amazingly hard oh yeah that was before we had a setup for that and we thought it was super difficult I've tried for hours and never gotten it yeah I I may not like any% because of how short it is because of this trip trick but the fact that Gondor exists is still amazing was there controversy about credits warp counting as beating the game a little bit there was like a small group that said hey maybe this shouldn't be counted as beating the game and then the entire oot Community said yes it is stop shut up uh I want to take damage later on for for right now since this is just a first run I want to take the damage later on but in future runs for optimization yeah I will try to do it later on I remember that alak hermit made a video about it he was like he started the video off with like you know there's been some controversy lately over whether whether or not uh you know OT credits warp should be counted is you know being the game so I'm going to go over you know both sides of the argument and the answer is yes it is shut up and that was like that was just it maybe nerds Maybe where do we find about out about the jump from the water platform this wrong is going from G's room to the tower Escape so the jump from the water to the upper platform was actually found in OT 3D first and in OT 3D it's super easy and then people tried to do it in oot and it was super hard yeah I did the warp once and that was with a file that couldn't actually do the warp it had to it was just an infinite falling so technically I haven't gotten the warp the video but I know how at least no I can't save here I can't save after watching the Decat Tre intro cut scene cuz that has to be the last cut scene I see before during the warp I got 7 million views oh like on Twitch oh man cool excited about this new glitch thanks for 7 million views guys I'm not getting the hard what are you talking about Al removed it dang that was a good video that might have been a frame wasted I'm just going to use one more frame there more thanks Sony so I deserve 7 billion aw thanks yeah this setup is this setup is garbage probably didn't waste a frame like I [Music] needed that's [Music] see taking a break from my speedrun to type something up I typing up a storm right now no idea what I'm typing oh my God I wasted that's probably already the frame I wasted I missed the frame Gap [Music] dude I got it dude oh my God I got it wait oh oh right that all right here we go new world record incoming even though that was like 10 SEC 10 minutes of mistakes all you have to do is not die well actually even if I die it doesn't matter I just get worked back here actually I don't know this is the best thing ever I can't believe this is actually possible without cheats dude it was so cool weird okay take bets on how many times I'm going to die I better not see actual numbers actual non-zero numbers in the chat I hate you guys uh well apparently according to Sock folder when you get to the end credits you're automatically turned into adult and then back to child no I don't burn my shield I'm pretty sure I actually burned my shield in a run shortly after this though I think it was the first case of uh getting a crash I only have nine from the from the burning shield and I thought it was just a random a random crash at the time but I'm pretty sure six nuts that's only enough for nine hits I'm pretty sure that happened like immediately immediately after this run burn my shield yeah it wasn't known that burning your Shield would crash yet do I get the kiss I sure hope so I know in that my in my uh 2145 the what is still my PB in 90% actually which was the record at the time I actually got a double kiss in that not not like the normal super slide double kiss like I think this Zelda right here I got a kiss on which is it's super hard to get it when like Zelda's going at it diagonally it might have been the room after this actually I'm not sure but I got two kisses in the Escape not just one St let me go let me go uh all you have to do to pick up the master sword is just run towards it it's going to act the same way as it would as adult no no don't I need my shield more like I need the game to Not Crash I didn't get the kiss the pedal kiss this should be about a 36 forgot the split again no I didn't even split I didn't even split for Castle or wrong Warp oh split I forgot that the split was actually supposed to be when I started the tower Escape not when I exited but oh well Child Link is too small to even be in the scene had to stand on stilts invisible stilts and now link is going to lose the master sword which is the kakiri sword which turns into the master sword without losing the Kiri sword except you can't equip the Kiri sword yeah 2012 DFC should shut up what is wrong with Link's hand oh my God I need yeah start of this fight Link's hand is all weird cuz everything's messed up like if you don't do anything isg isg uh sock said you couldn't equip the sword it didn't work or something oh my God and now I have the actual Master Sword as child although it's probably going to be easier to do isg with the stick since it's taller no okay uh I'm not sure if it was known that no okay I I think so I think it was okay here we go otherwise cuz I just used it there so I assume must spit look at that sword I missed the first slash dude with the adult links oh done that was like 3512 the very the very first beating opine of time as child on Console without cheats ever I'm definitely doing another run yeah I definitely did do another run what the hell oh my God this is amazing oh done forgot the final split what was that 35 I'll just say 3515 even if it's wrong trying to accuse me of being a cheater that was definitely without cheats I'm still recording this that entire first run was oh man I was recording with a DVD record I'm probably going to upload YouTube I'll actually upload the twitch recording to YouTube I never did that well this reviewing it five years later might go on you yeah I definitely need to learn some strats for this this is completely new to me I know I use terrible strats and yeah I'm sure I could save 10 minutes yeah this is definitely the intended way to beat the game sub 30 is definitely possible I would expect 25 minutes run maybe a little bit less yeah t should get around 20 well actually no a t would probably get around the same time as console because um T have has to count these last 3 minutes of cuts scene because there's you have to do inputs and console doesn't but also Tas would obviously be a bit faster so it's probably it'd probably be around the same yeah so I guess I've been streaming for over five years now that's cool yeah suddenly I'm adult Ling for no reason and I have the master sword what is that I don't know what a master sword is why do I have that I do have the master sword how interesting hey yeah at least I beat 46 today thanks cedy Internet Explorer steam nice I didn't actually use Internet Explorer before people accuse me of that it was just there there I still use Chrome actually I might have used Firefox at the time I'm not sure Runner gu still use iie that's that's right oh that's the end of the video okay that's it
Channel: ZFG
Views: 176,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, legend, zelda, ocarina, time, ocarina of time, legend of zelda, speedrun, speed run, tas, tool assisted speedrun, guanobowl, kazooie, zfg, mst, no major skips, sda, speeddemosarchive, glitch, trick, sequence break
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 514min 46sec (30886 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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