Reviewing The Interactive Adult prayer Mat / Revert Learning Tool!

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assalamu alaikum guys welcome back to the channel so today i am going to do a review um so the thing i'm going to review is a myself mats it's pretty much an interactive prayer mat so they have a children's version which they are very very popular for um that's actually found out about the company itself um but recently they have released a an adult version specifically more for aimed towards like reverts and those who are sort of like want to learn how to pray uh properly and stuff like that so um i just received my package today and i will be just opening up with you guys it's literally like i you know as you guys can see i literally just haven't opened anything um you will see my reaction and just kind of like step by step like things you need and how to make it work and uh yeah so just gonna be a quick review inshallah and uh yeah so this is what the packaging looks like i just literally just got out of the bag whoops and uh yeah so i'm really excited to use this um it came with a piece of paper um so yeah so what it says over here has got 25 sensitive touch keys um autoplay and then a practice seller so here's the size and it does say that you need uh three double a sized batteries i'll use three yeah so yeah i'm gonna have to go and have a look where that battery is at home if not i'm literally just gonna have to go to the shops and get so yeah so yeah i thought let's just open it up first and obviously i haven't showed you guys what the back looks like at the back it's just gonna show you it shows you what the mat actually looks like um and stuff like that so let's just open it up now okay okay um i have some scissors here so yeah like i'm literally just opening up in front of you guys like just raw reaction um okay so [Music] within the actual mat uh there is a book so [Music] it is a basically just an instruction manual it comes with those pictures very clear instructions um so in terms of batteries um i did i did so they told me they recommend having duracell batteries i have like just other cheapish ones at the moment um but we'll see how it works worst case scenario i will go down to the shops and just kind of get uh duracell batteries because i don't have any at home this is like literally the last um chocolate batteries um so yeah um does make a lot of noise when you open it up um yeah it's quite big actually um let me just show what it looks like on the floor so yeah here is on the floor so it is quite big actually um which is quite good because and has basically everything up here and then sewers down here um i'm quite excited to actually try this out um actually you know i might do your comparison on what it looks like the size of it to my actual mat so i just got my priya mat over here um i've got one of those larger mats so just kind of like compare the size and give me one second okay i know it's the other way around um but yeah it is just slightly larger than my like average map which is not a problem because i do have quite a small room so if space is quite an issue for you um you might have to find um a place where you can pray which has a little more space um usually like i just pray like down here so facing that direction okay so let's get the batteries in and then just see how it's gonna turn out there so i have just put the batteries in um i'm gonna try it out now [Music] yeah i literally just turned it on a few minutes ago before so the company does recommend duracell batteries um and i at the moment i don't have them i i try to use a different brand it's just because i had nothing else at home we'll see how it works um i'm pretty sure it should be fine um so of course i'm not wearing the hijab properly um and so basically i am just gonna do a demonstration i'm not actually praying a lot because i just prayed uh just before i started this video um and yeah let's just see how it goes so if you guys like look at me and i'm just like i don't know what i'm doing is because i've literally just opened it up and uh we're just gonna try and test that out okay guys so i've literally just played around with it a few minutes before i actually started just kind of kind of understand how it works so you do just turn it on [Music] and then so if you so depending on the prayer that you would like to pray so you come around so you step off the actual prayer mat and then you select your prayer and then you press it until you find the prayer that you want to pray and also uh so you can also if you're not praying you can also choose to play the adam and different sewers and stuff like that so i'm just going to stand on the map so at the moment i'm not standing on it and the minute i stand vegan begins [Music] my [Music] [Music] so yeah i've just finished trying out the math so yeah i pretty much so you can select what a prey you want to do um so it just includes the thread prayers um you can adjust the volume you can uh one if you want to play the addon before you actually start praying this is a choice and yeah as i said on the sides is pretty much as just a different source out available and what i really like the fact that the prayer kind of waits for you to do the actions so what i mean by that so when you go into sujud it actually waits for you uh to actually about like go down in a minute like your hands and your head go on on the mat it starts playing just carries on playing so which is really nice well yeah like i'm really excited for this like my husband walked in he was like oh my god it's like this is so cool um but yeah like it i think apart from a few things it does make a lot of noise so when i i don't know if you guys heard it when i opened it up but it has a lot of scrunchie noise um but it's like but i like it that it's kind of like it's almost like waterproof so also if you're wearing makeup like i did when i was trying out the my makeup did come off so um i mean you shouldn't be wearing makeup regardless uh while spraying because um yeah and uh and yeah so far so good so i'm really excited to just try like you know just keep using it um i am confident in praying it's just like the few um few words here and there i'm not pronouncing properly so i just i you know as soon as i perfect my pronunciation whilst i'm you know praying and stuff so i probably will just give this um probably someone in the family or we have like loads of reverb groups um so i'll just give it to someone who really needs it um but yeah like um by the way this is not sponsored or anything like that so it's just literally my salama just sent me this and um yeah i'm really excited to use it probably like i've never seen anything like this and it's you know what like in terms of learning how to pray uh this is really really really good like i like i understand how difficult it is to pray because i used to have like one headphone in in my ear and i tried to play the sound over and over again until i sort of like i remembered that the recitation and just practicing the movements but the fact that you literally have all in one so at the be at the top of the prayer master it kind of shows you what moments are you're supposed to be doing and the the recitation is very very clear which is really good because i think in order to have good recitation just from the gecko is really good because then you don't have to go over and perfect things afterwards like i am now i feel like right at the beginning when i was learning how to pray i just completely rushed um having to learn how to pray because i was just like i want to be able to do it independently by myself but now i realize i've actually had like so many mistakes where like i just not said things properly and so yeah like so far so good like um yeah if i could give the product it would be like a out of ten it would be like literally 10 out of 10. this is really nice um and i as i said at the beginning of the videos they actually have a children's one uh i believe like for children it's just amazing um especially when they're trying to learn how to pray independently because i feel like when you pray learn how to pray independently it kind of one you feel really rewarded with yourself and plus it gives a your child or whoever more independence so yeah um thanks guys thank you guys for watching so yeah like it's just literally been um just kind of a hot art review and um yeah so stay tuned and like like and subscribe and i'll see you guys soon inshallah
Channel: Hey it’s Jannah
Views: 28,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey its jannah, Muslim, islam revery, muslim revert, Lithuanian revert, European muslim, mysalahmat, islamic prayer mat, new muslim, new muslim guide
Id: KWSeYTm64j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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