Reviewing The Best Ratchet & Clank Game

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so about a year ago i reviewed a little game called ratchet and clank i'm sure you've all heard of the franchise by now it's been around for 20 years and while i did grow up with the game and i still enjoy it to this day it was somewhat flawed it makes sense to a degree why they remade the game even though that's one of the worst remakes ever made but that's a subject for another video it seems to me like insomniac was aware of the flaws of the first game namely the gameplay mechanics because ratchet and clank going commando is one of the greatest sequels of all time and no that's not a clickbait title this really is to this day probably the best ratchet and client game although i'll admit i'm still partial to up your arsenal i really like this story and the sort of superhero slant to things because it was released far before cape [ __ ] movies dominated the public consciousness and the marvel cinematic universe hadn't even started yet but again i am getting ahead of myself we'll talk about up your arsenal in a future video i'm sure today we're going to talk about a sequel that truly understands what it means to be one and when people ask me especially when i review subpar ubisoft games what exactly are my standards for a sequel this game is the perfect example of what somebody should expect out of one it improves all the aspects of the previous game and innovates with new mechanics and pretty much every ratchet clank sequel in the following 15 plus years followed this game's formula to a t barely improving on it because they did it so right with the second entry but before i go into this further do the things the algorithm likes because well this is a retrospective so it's going to get much less views than say a modern video game or tv show review i really appreciate it and without further ado let's talk about why ratchet and clank going commando is the greatest in the series honestly i don't even know where to begin with this game because there's so many things i like about it but i'll do what i always do and start with the gameplay mechanics first now i'm not going to cover all of them again as i did in the first video and they're not too much different here once you rescue clank you have all of the same abilities you had at the end of the last one there's no metroidvania style revoking of all of your powers at the beginning though of course you do lose all of your weapons so that means you have access to the helipack the o2 mask the hydro pack pretty much all the basic movement abilities they had but immediately what you'll notice is different is now you can strafe at any time while the first game technically did have a strafe feature it was awful completely useless honestly but now in going commando you can strafe at any time by holding l2 and if you jump while moving you do a side flip or a backflip to avoid attacks this is an incredibly simple change but it drastically increases the skill ceiling and just generally the smoothness of gameplay and you can say that for the rest of the controls as well the game just moves a lot smoother the next thing you'll notice is that most of the weapons have an auto aim feature of some kind if you're facing the general direction of the enemy there will be a green reticle on that enemy and obviously whatever gun you're using will shoot at that spot now if you've played any of the newer titles you'll notice they did eventually evolve into full third person shooters we actually do have to aim manually with the right analog stick just like any other shooter but honestly i didn't have a single problem with the auto aim because these are not necessarily supposed to be skill based games they're just supposed to be fun i think it completely works i understand why they changed it eventually because you can only make the same game so many times unfortunately this series did eventually stagnate horribly even though all of them are pretty fun games and if you're curious i'll give you my thoughts on rift apart at the end as i did play it a few months ago but to get back to going commando this standard of movement and shooting started with this game and obviously was good enough that they used it for the next decade with very little changes between entries probably the most significant and substantial change in the series that once again started with this game is the ability of your weapons to get more powerful as you use them which is pretty self-explanatory you kill enemies with that gun it gets experience and eventually it turns into a much more powerful version of the same gun and i'm not gonna spend the next five minutes describing every gun even though i do have a habit in these videos sometimes to just drone on and list things off for the sake of the viewer i'm just gonna name a few of my favorites the most obvious is the bouncer this is probably the most popular gun in the entire series as it's showing up in four separate entries at this point so you probably already know what this weapon does if you played wretch and clank but in case you don't it basically shoots a big ball that big ball explodes and then a bunch of smaller balls come out that chase people and then those balls explode it's a very simple concept but incredibly satisfying it shot for shot probably does the most damage out of every other standard gun in the game and you get access to it just halfway into the game so you can use this thing all the way to the end and of course the upgraded version shoots a bigger ball that explodes into bigger small explody balls [Music] to quickly name off a few other ones i like you have the mini turret glove which throws auto turrets that eventually upgrade into shooting rockets out of each of the turrets and you can throw down multiple at the same time and then shoot guys with another gun so feel strategic [Applause] you have the lava gun which shoots out a short range stream of lava and you can jump around or spin and it'll follow you so it just kind of feels satisfying to use unfortunately its upgrade works completely differently and more like a normal gun it shoots out little lava balls so that's probably the only case where the upgrade actually feels worse than the original version they actually rectify this and up your arsenal by turning the lava gun into a liquid nitrogen gun when it upgrades makes no sense logically but at least it has that fun spinny stream physically aspect to it then you have the plasma coil that shoots out a little electric ball that chains lightning to nearby enemies but then the upgraded version the plasma storm shoots out a floaty ball that electrifies anything that it floats near [Music] and of course you can't mention weapons and wretch and clank without talking about the rhino the rip you a new one the most powerful missile launcher in the galaxy you usually can't afford to buy this in the first playthrough unless you specifically [ __ ] yourself for the majority of the game and then if you do buy it you just breeze through that last 10 percent for the sequel this is actually quite a bit more doable because despite the fact that the prices raised from 150 000 to 1 million inflation has hit the bogon galaxy pretty hard because you get probably 2 million volts over the course of the game as long as you're doing most of the optional content so you can certainly avoid buying any guns you don't absolutely need save up by the rhino and absolutely destroy the rest of the game so in the first game the rhino was a massive rocket launcher that fired nine round bursts and could fire 50 times which was more than enough to destroy anything in the game even the final boss without running out of ammo in the second game the fittingly named rhino 2 is a fully automatic missile launcher that can lock onto pretty much every target on screen at the same time but fires individual rockets with very little homing ability that said the rate of fire is so fast and it does so much damage per shot that it completely trivializes the game possibly even more than the first rhino even though it only has a hundred total rounds you can find ammo for it in ammo crates meaning that you probably never have to switch weapons after you've obtained this thing and it scratches that god mode itch that these weapons always should it's just all pretty fun stuff all the guns have very simple functions not all of them are all that useful or powerful or practical and some of them are overpriced admittedly but there's not a single useless weapon in this game they're all useful for something and if you don't like the overly goofy weapons for some reason which i don't know why you wouldn't that's the whole appeal of this series but in case you didn't there are standard guns like an assault rifle shotgun rocket launcher sniper on top of the more wacky [ __ ] now honestly just having the weapons upgrade as a progression system would have been enough of an improvement for most modern developers but insomniac didn't stop there on top of your weapons upgrading your health also upgrades as you kill enemies and there are hidden extra health upgrades in various parts of the levels similar to the gold bolts in the first game and speaking of which there are now platinum bolts spread across the levels and instead of buying gold versions of the weapons you use these bolts to purchase weapon mods these mods being usually a lock-on mod and either an acid or shock mod now unfortunately those are the only types of mods but having another way to upgrade your weapons is certainly a good idea feels satisfying and makes those platinum bolts still feel useful which unfortunately they become less and less useful over the course of the series and then you have the final type of progression which is armor every few planets you get access to another armor set which decreases the damage you take by a set percentage these become incredibly important if you don't have the latest armor you're gonna take a [ __ ] ton of damage per hit and it becomes very noticeable this is not a hard game but this was the most difficult game in the series before they started adding difficulty settings because it has certain expectations of what weapons you'll have and what armor you'll have for certain planets so if you're not doing enough of the optional content you might be a bit behind and get your ass handed to you which honestly i welcome any sort of challenge for these games they can certainly feel a bit too easy at times so all in all the gameplay mechanics are pretty much an improvement across the board i really have no complaints here but obviously they tweak them in some of the later games to be a bit more refined and add some skill in the case of actual manual aiming this is still a perfectly fun game to play even today now as for the level design this is a bit more of a side grade but that's mostly just because the first game already did this pretty well you're still traveling across the galaxy visiting different planets though a different galaxy this time but the general vibe of the levels has changed where the first game feels more like a space adventure where you're sort of exploring all these different biomes and you meet these wacky characters going commando keeps some of that but because of the change to more action level design the levels are a little bit more linear corridor like to better set up enemy encounters and a lot of the locations have a sort of similar sci-fi or cyber punkish overly industrialized vibe to them over the course of the game you visit a lot of futuristic cities abandoned factories military complexes that sort of thing you're not really fighting the wildlife much anymore which is fine because it more fits the theme of the game as in the bogon galaxy a mega corporation literally called megacorp has taken over all forms of manufacturing and has polluted planets experimented in tortured animals and is exploiting the common man ratchet clank was never very subtle about its commentary but if it's the 90s cartoon sense of humor that these games used to have now let's get the goods on that experiment what the i think i see the problem what now even the computers are charging us that's it this galaxy blows but because the visual aesthetic is a little bit more standardized the game definitely loses a little bit of the atmosphere that the first game excelled at but this has been replaced with much more compelling combat as i covered earlier and also a very large variety of side activities that constantly keeps the pacing at this perfect level where you never get bored while playing the game roughly every 15 minutes you're gonna engage in some sort of alternative activity that isn't just shooting people it would take way too long to cover these all in detail so i'll just list off all of the different mini games and various other gameplay that you engage in over the course of the game we've got space battles gladiator arenas puzzle sections with the tractor beam and therminator we've got platforming sections with the swing shot and rail grinding like the first game but also the dynamo a new gadget which put quite simply creates holographic platforms we got hoverboard races two different hacking minigames which are both pretty good a glider which is pretty self-explanatory giant clank boss battles the levitator which is basically a jet pack and the hypnomatic which lets you control robots that is a lot of gameplay variety for a roughly 10 to 12 hour game and the space battles specifically actually have a decent amount of depth to them they easily could have expanded on this in a sequel made it even more engaging unfortunately they never did the arenas are pretty great it's yet another feature that has been in every game since going commando for obvious reasons if the gun play is fun then obviously you want to shoot more guys and given that most of the linear levels are only 10 to 15 minutes long which is another reason why the pacing is so good these arenas give you an extended roughly hour of content each that allow you to fight various different challenges either requiring you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a certain time or defeating a unique boss or surviving a certain amount of waves of enemies and sometimes they combine all these things together the sad part is about the arenas is that only up your arsenal attempted to expand these i feel like starting with tools of destruction they got pretty lazy and most of these are just a circular tiny little arena where they spawn waves of enemies and occasionally they'll change it up by maybe having some hazards or having lava but they all make the same mistake that after deadlocked all the arenas are too small part of what made them fun is that they had a [ __ ] ton of enemies on screen and the camera was zoomed out so that you could actually see most of them but modern gaming specifically sony games for some reason has this cancerous close-up third-person camera where you can't see behind yourself which completely defeats the point of a third person camera if you ask me it's something that everybody complained about with god of war and now ratchet clank has been getting more and more zoomed in with each entry it feels like why can't you just do what you did before and try and improve on that another thing that you'll probably remember if you played this game is the impossible challenge obviously being the hardest arena challenge it is a 60 round endurance challenge where you get no health packs the entire time and so the only health refills you get are from nanotech upgrades and of course at the end of the 60 rounds you do have to fight the megapede a boss that drops homing mines all over the arena and every time you hit him he splits off a piece of his body that has a turret on it so it turns into a little bit of a bullet hell type of thing and despite being 60 rounds each round is less than 30 seconds it only took me 20 minutes to fight my way all the way through it and all in all it's very satisfying rewards you with 200 000 bolts which unfortunately doesn't go very far by this point in the game but you'll at least be able to afford a cool gun as for most of these other side activities they're not really worth discussing in detail i will say i don't like the hoverboard races they're way too bland and all the optional challenges for money are pretty much the same race except for the last one where the ai starts cheating and speaking of cheating if you blow up at any point in the race even if you're 10 seconds ahead of the ai they will spawn in front of you as soon as you respawn so even though they're pretty easy if you ever blow up at any point you could [ __ ] up the entire thing but for the most part i'd say gameplay variety is definitely good whether it's the gliding or the jet packing or these giant clank boss fights all that's pretty fun if i had to have one general complaint but it is a very minor nitpick is that the game at its worst does remind me a bit of spyro 3 or banjo-tooie where you're spending too much of the time not actually playing the game at least the core gameplay of strafing side jumping shooting enemies upgrading all that and there's also two levels in the game that are kind of inexcusable you might know exactly what i'm talking about already but there's a desert planet and an ice planet where you have to collect 100 crystals each now you don't have to do this it's purely for money in terms of the story you only have to collect 10 on the first and 25 on the second but the first one is just plain boring it's a huge empty desert landscape and the second one is a frozen tundra that's much more compact but has the worst [ __ ] enemies in the entire game this is way harder than the rest of the game for no reason these yetis have more health than any other basic enemy type in the game and there can be over 20 of them on screen at once and then you have to kill all of these huge sea serpents with ice beams that are giant bullet sponges as well and you're just gonna die over and over again sometimes from the stupidest [ __ ] because if you fall in any of these ice puddles you die instantly and it's [ __ ] awful it's just awful man i've probably beaten this game like 10 times and because i'm a bit of a completionist i've probably collected all the crystals from these two levels every time and i hate it every time even though realistically it only takes about 45 minutes for each level it feels like an eternity this is rock bottom for this game i would not recommend doing it unless you have to 100 it but basically the takeaways from the level design are this game is extremely well paced this is something sorely missing from every modern game and part of the reason i look like i'm dead inside every time i play one of those games on stream because every god damn modern game feels like it has to have a tutorial at least an hour long with several cutscenes that are each as long as your average metal gear cutscene for no reason it adds nothing it's not like a dramatic moment no it's just to make everything feel like a goddamn movie in a shitty movie of that this game's cut scenes are all like less than a minute long and either get the point across quickly or tell a relatively funny joke i'm usually not a fan of humor and video games i [ __ ] hate the borderlands style of humor with a passion but at least the classic ratchet clank games can get me to crack a smile attention all thugs for less employees first of all whatever slug brain's been eating all the chuchi bars in the break room adequate stuff in his face around hey turn those lights off it's bad thing shoei next our space rendezvous point has been moved to and listen up knuckleheads the felsen system in sector one two three four five if you're no good with numbers find a buddy to help you but to get back to the pacing thing over the course of an hour in horizon forbidden west i wasn't even finished with the [ __ ] tutorial yet in this game by the end of an hour i'd be in the tutorial and the first two levels including the entire arena section that is a huge [ __ ] difference guys the amount of stuff i felt like i did i feel like i'd accomplished so much more and i understand this is completely subjective but not every game has to be super slow paced why do they do this this is why i don't like story and video games anymore people wonder why i say that it's because it distracts from the gameplay usually in more ways than one so again another point to this game the cutscenes are short get the point across the levels are very fast paced and they constantly throw new activities at you so they never get annoying or boring because everything is fast and you're constantly doing a new thing and to mention yet another improvement this game made over the first if you'll remember in that first game there was new game plus but the only thing that it added was the rest of the gold weapons everything else was the same it was a standard new game plus mode now starting with this game and is also in every other game in the series is challenge mode it works the same as new game plus from the previous games but it is also simultaneously a new higher difficulty level and adds in the mega weapons which are basically stronger versions of the guns you already have that you have to purchase that cost substantially more bolts than they did in the base game and to make up for this there's a bolt multiplier for every enemy that you kill without getting hit it slowly builds up a multiplier to times 20 and if you can maintain that times 20 for a long time you're gonna make a [ __ ] ton of bolts pretty fast and you're pretty much required to get these mega weapons even your strongest guns from the previous playthrough are borderline useless even on early game enemies but because all of the mega weapons are unlocked from the start at least for all the guns that you have upgraded from the base playthrough you have much more player freedom and can choose whatever gun you'd like and you likely never bought the rhino 2 in your first playthrough and a million volts really doesn't take long to get with a times 20 bolt multiplier so you can quickly save up for it buy it and lo and behold it's still overpowered even in challenge mode but challenge mode is always pretty fun it gives you a real reason to play the game again and i'm glad it's still stuck around even to this day so i guess the last element of the game to talk about is the story this is probably the only part of the game i would say is a significant downgrade from the first but the first is also the only game in the entire series i'd say actually has a compelling story maybe with up your arsenal as a distant second part of the problem is this game sort of soft retcons ratchet and clanks characters and they never actually grow as characters from this point forward to give you a bit of a refresher in the first game ratchet was kind of an [ __ ] i know that's an oversimplification and to some degree he is justified in exploding on clank when quark betrays them but let's just say ratchet was certainly self-centered he just wanted to go on his grand adventure in the galaxy because he was sick of being stuck on his home planet but when the galaxy is in danger and ratchet clank are clearly the only heroes qualified to save everyone ratchet follows a traditional hero's journey path and rejects the call to action but eventually turns around you know yada yada basic storytelling whereas clank represents the trope of the robot who slowly learns human emotion and behavior over the course of the story there's so many examples of this in media that it's probably a waste of time to mention them and so they both kind of grow as characters over the course of the story but now in going commando the roles have almost reversed where clank is a bit of a smart ass in this game though he's still pretty diplomatic with new npcs at least when talking to ratchet he's definitely a bit sassy himself though not in a mean way and ratchet is a bit more of a nebulous kind of hard to define character i guess you could say he's carefree laid back maybe a little overconfident but i'd certainly say he's more of a generic hero character from this point forward and honestly even before you notice the character change you'll notice the change in voice actor as from this point forward in the series he's voiced by james arnold taylor which most people will know for his role as the voice of obi-wan in all of the animated star wars shows and while it's certainly jarring at first to hear the new voice because it's so different from the first game look that lieutenant doesn't seem so tough let's take them out ourselves we just saw a video of your experiment eating its handlers i repeat it eats its handlers this is also the voice everyone's heard for like 18 years so you adjust to it pretty quickly and it fits ratchet's new personality so to summarize ratchet and clank's new dynamic is more like two best friends who will stick with each other to the end but poke fun at each other from time to time you know usual male friendship stuff and honestly i think this works just fine as a dynamic but it's certainly not as well defined as say jack and daxter where jack is the serious stoic one and daxter is the jokey one as for the story itself this is certainly the weakest part of the game it is just not that interesting it's very simple the twist is heavily foreshadowed and honestly just not that many things actually happen because most of the plot events are just a vehicle for the comedy to summarize it very briefly after the first game wretch and clank retire and slowly fade into obscurity over time when suddenly one day they're hired by mr fizwidget the president of megacorp from the bogon galaxy to recover his stolen experiment from some unknown thief character so over the course of the game you're chasing down this thief ratchet has to rescue clank at one point and then about a third of the way through the game you defeat this mysterious thief recover the experiment deliver it to fizz widget he betrays you which in a complete role reversal clank immediately suspects they're betrayed and ratchet is the one who gives fizz widget the benefit of the doubt but it's pretty obvious to the audience at this point that he was using you the whole time then directly after this the thief reveals themselves to be angela cross another lombax get ready for that to be soft retconned in a couple games and then on retconned the game after that and she reveals that she used to work for mega corp and that this experiment was deeply flawed and basically was a homicidal maniac creature that can reproduce at will asexually and so for the rest of the game you're trying to catch up to fizz widget find out if he betrayed you which he obviously did and it's heavily foreshadowed across three different cutscenes that mr fizz widget is actually captain quark i feel like pretty much everyone will have guessed this by the end of the game because they make it very obvious trust me i realize these games are rated teens so i suppose they did it for kids but it kind of defeats the point of a twist if you give away the twist multiple times but before this reveal ratchet and clank travel to the planet bolden and i'm actually going to derail this synopsis for a second to talk about how great this level is it's got to be the best one in the game after an intro sequence where you use the levitator to fly against rows of traffic the rest of the level is a surprising difficulty jump from the previous ones with thugs for less goons using these plasma snipers and they hide behind metal rows of cover that you can actually destroy and the level design itself uses the now improved gravity boots which actually allow you to move and jump freely on any surface to stick to the sides of buildings and shoot thugs that pop out of windows and there's magnetic spirals for some reason which is just really cool visually and gameplay wise as you blast the thug straight off into the abyss it's pretty much got everything i want out of a ratchet and clank level good level design some gameplay variety some actual challenge which like i mentioned earlier is fairly rare and it doesn't go on for too long like most of the other levels it's about 15 minutes still possibly much longer if you die over and over again and it gives you secret access to the insomniac museum basically a little developer room where they talk about things that were cut from the games and and stuff like that and of course at the end of this level it was all a trap there's a fizz widget robot waiting for you and you're kidnapped by the thugs for less boss and sent to a surprisingly cushy prison which you break out of with the help of a little robot girl who's obviously set up to be clank's girlfriend and find out angela was kidnapped by the thugs for less boss so you track him down to his headquarters have a giant robot boss battle and discover that fizz widget is planning to unleash the proto pet say again proto pet oh yeah it's what they're calling the experiment now on an unsuspecting planet of course our heroes are always a step behind the villain and he's already unleashed on the planet demozel and so of course you make your way there fight off hundreds of these things that can multiply within seconds definitely another highlight of the game for sure and eventually angela tracks down her old employee card which still works at the mega corp hq for some reason and you get the big reveal [Laughter] this is bad all right just what the heck is going on captain quark kills clank's girlfriend robot and he reveals his plan was to travel to a new galaxy where he could find a completely new fan base that has never heard of him and he can save them from a galactic threat and become a hero again well of course he [ __ ] it up and the main proto pet turns into a giant monster eats him you fight the thing in a final boss battle that is insultingly easy compared to a lot of the rest of the game and the monster throws up captain quark and he survives obviously and we get our happy ending with ratchet hanging out with angela who i guess is his girlfriend and he also fixes clank's girlfriend which would have been a perfect ending for the series i guess except they literally foreshadow in this game that a sequel was in development there you go pal see you in another year or so what did he mean by that but yeah i hate to repeat myself too many times but the story just isn't really that good but it doesn't really matter because it's not so much about the story it's about all the crazy characters you meet over the course of the game like the thugs for les boss who's obviously a [ __ ] the biker gang that's full of sissies and i'm gonna avoid listing off a bunch of things again but you get the point everything's just a setup for some late 90s to early 2000s era cartoon style of humor and it just works even the worst elements of this game are still pretty decent at the end of the day and so in conclusion yes this is probably the best ratcheting clank game i still love up your arsenal there's a lot of elements of it that i think it does better than this game but i can't deny this is the most innovative entry in the series easily and it still does certain things better than even the modern entries in the series almost 20 years later and i think anybody with even a slight interest in the action platformer genre should play this game if you enjoyed jack and daxter or sly cooper growing up but never played ratchet and clank this is the one i would recommend to anybody even though i think you should probably start most series with the first entry you could skip to this one and you're really not missing that much and so since i didn't really get an opportunity to review it when it came out i will give my thoughts on rift apart really briefly i think ultimately this is just another generic entry in the series very similar to tools of destruction crack in time into the nexus with some of the worst elements of the 2016 remake i'll admit including reusing a bunch of enemy types what is it with modern games and not understanding that enemy variety is so important even back to the very first entry in the series and certainly going commando as well every single level in the game has at least one new enemy type and even though ratchet clan games are not the longest games usually they're around 10 hours on average rift apart feels even shorter because so much of that length is cut scenes and i'm sorry this story's just not that engaging i have no reason to be invested in rivet or kit because they're just alternate universe versions of ratchet and clank and the problem with alternate universes in general is that they're usually one-offs and i realize rivet is pretty popular but for the wrong reason this series avoided appealing to the furries for almost 20 years and they finally gave in so we might actually see her again but it's gonna feel incredibly forced i guarantee it and honestly i don't even like ratchet and clank's characters anymore post tools of destruction so why should i care about the story when it's incredibly predictable and the characters are not compelling the only thing i really found interesting about the universe was emperor nefarious even though he's basically just the giga chad version of dr nefarious and just makes him look like a beta male the entire game which is kind of funny at first but then gets a little annoying by the end and i feel like dr nefario's period is just an overused character even though he's certainly my favorite villain in the series he's not the only good one and this whole game sort of has a b team vibe to it obviously the a team is working on spider-man 2 because that's where the money's at that's what all the normies want to buy but i'm a ratchet clank fan far more than i am of any other series insomniac made afterward though i really did like sunset overdrive and it's a shame that it bombed horribly that being said i do like the improvements to the skill ceiling in this game like i said it has manual aiming like a couple of the other entries have had it added a dark souls dodge which i'll admit i'm kind of sick of seeing in other games but i think it works for this and the weapon selection was pretty good though it's a shame that the pixelizer and bouncer were only in challenge mode so long story short i think it was a pretty decent game certainly not a system seller by any stretch of the imagination and it still doesn't even touch the ps2 era of wretch and clank i'd say it's about slightly below crack in time certainly worth playing if you can get it like half price but man i feel like almost every sony studio has forgotten what makes video games fun because i'm so [ __ ] sick of there being so much focus put on cut scenes or story especially when it's not even that good and then the gameplay is basically the same thing or arguably a downgrade from previous entries so on that note play wretch and clank going commando if you can as of right now the only ways of playing it as far as i know are either the original ps2 version the ps3 remaster which is kinda buggy i don't feel like going over it in this video but there are a lot of annoying minor bugs in that remaster or you could emulate it which i've heard the emulation for etching clank is not as good because of some rendering issue or something i'll admit i've never tried now it could be coming to this ps plus ultimate thing that sony is supposedly releasing this month but as of right now there is no official announcement but it is absolutely worth your time if you can play it so you should definitely check it out this is probably the closest thing you're going to get to a synthetic man seal of quality on a game it says in case of emergency brake glass with wrench hold on this one says use rock to break glass to get wrench to break glass to get rock oh i love logic puzzles let's see if you break the it [Music]
Channel: Synthetic Man
Views: 82,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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