Review: Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Pro (UDM-Pro)

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Tom here from warring systems and we're gonna to talk about the unified dream machine Pro if you want to learn more about Munir my company head over to lawrence systems comm if you like to hire short project there's a high risk button up at the top if you want to support the channel out in other ways your affiliate links down below for deals and services that we talked about on this channel and right now the dream machine pearl a lot of people I asked me about this as soon as that came out and the folks at ubiquity were nice enough to send me one and I've spent a few days testing it here maybe maybe even close to a week got it almost a week ago anyways I really like it we're going to talk about some of the details with it it is definitely a step up from the previous like the USG it is a pro version much like its namesake is that it's compared to the unified dream machine or one eye cylinder one that i just did a follow-up review on earlier today and the dream machine Pro here so I'm happy they sent it to me but I still am gonna be critical of it because there is people that say well you know well Tom they sent to you so you're just gonna say nice things about them well yes no we're gonna talk about some of the shortcomings and it still has some but we'll talk about the hardware first because I already have it taken apart and this shortcomings are all software so I always hold hope that though any problems that I refer to in this will be resolved as the beauty of Software Defined Networking all right so looking at the hardware here and this is a little tricky to show just any overhead so I want to show it like this we have a lot of thought going into the design and how air flow works so we have this over here and we have the fan pulls in air and then we have this heatsink for the main processor and everything that's I'm assuming underneath this I'm not taking it apart and I'll get a closer look at in a second but that has a thermal pad on it so we got a nice metal heatsink and fan combo here blowing the air over pulling in cooling going up this plenum across here and it distributes the air and this is all really nicely smooth plenum over here we have another fan here to pull heat away from the hard drive and the back of this is a little bit lower than the front so when we put the lid on you have this gift all the way across for the ear to kind of blow up it kind of nice even so it's not flowing out of one spot it kind of spreads across what makes it spread across is you can kind of see in here there's just a slit all the way across the back so it actually closes this off a little bit but then it's just shifted along that slit in the back to kind of give you a nice even air plot now the device is really quiet that much will give them that they did a nice job on that and the hard drive right here this is actually optional all the storage everything is all saved on the board for the operating system the updates and where all that is is on the board the storage here is because they've also thrown in for those of you that have probably already read ahead on this yes that has unified protect on there as well as a few other new up-and-coming things from unifying I'll mention those when we get to the software but I'm not specifically reviewing protect again that'll be coming at a future date because I that's it's still a separate video because there's multiple ways to run protect and I'll be probably testing it on this particular device now always there's someone may point out why all the empty space and that is one thing about the device that is kind of a shortcoming and I'll talk a little bit short comings right now one of them is that we only have a spot for onedrive so having only a single drive in here means limits to the amount of storage you can have on some of the cameras and no redundancy for the cameras so if something were to happen to onedrive all that footage would go away with it so those are still concerns when you have just a single point of failure inside of here for that or only having onedrive or not being able to raid them together into some performance gain some have some performance gains in them obviously there's limitations to how many cameras you can hook up before that many cameras can't write at the speed the drive can't handle the data you can see there's going to be some collisions there now my overall on this like I said I like I do like the device but it's still when it comes to those little shortcomings like that means it's a little bit harder sell to say this is a higher end business orient device but what I say some home users would dramatically benefit from this and I've seen people say well rackmount stuff's not for home users and I would say yes it very much is I've talked to many new home builders now and this is probably a pretty ideal device I think that may be probably where they were going as far as targets some of these newer home builders that we've consulted with they are putting smaller but racks in certain areas maybe the basement or somewhere where they have all the a/v equipment and this is an important feature to them is they have a several rack bot of things maybe some AV equipment combined with they need some you know fast internet routing combined with Wi-Fi spread out through the house this unify makes that really easy and the controller is all located here they don't have to deal with any hosting of it and that's something really nice that unify offers is the fact that well the whole cloud key everything here they can hand the new homeowner here's the login and password and you know transferred to them and away you go they set it up they can figure it they have the Wi-Fi configure in your house and when you think about it from that aspect it actually makes a lot of sense the device you know home owners going to have just a few cameras probably and maybe the door access control things like that pretty good where it falls short on business is of course this has a little bit better than the standard USG and definitely faster routing speeds but still no ability to do multiple IPS on a single LAN port that's obviously a common use case we have in business but we're not seeing that still in this particular version of the software here in February of 2020 that's on here all right let's look at it overhead get a little closer look at some of the parts on here so here's like it direct overhead of that plenum I guess that's really machined everything's done real smooth it doesn't it's all nice and tight in here and the board's nice clean install nothing nothing particular spectacular about it but it looks nice and they did a good job here I don't see anybody unusual other than that little bit of empty space like I said good filter with our hard drive but I'm nitpicking and it but I know people are gonna ask so this is the controller for the little front display it has a front display like the Gen 2 series switches to and then we have the power supply here so pretty simple plugs into the 120 volt also look at the ports on it so we have the eight ports here so your standard eight LAN ports you have a one gig LAN port a 1/2 as its labeled for your 10 gig sfp+ port and a LAN that's at 10 gig sfp+ and a reset button here I'll get a closer look up of the display once it's booting up and then we have the hard drive here which pretty straightforward how that just snaps in and slides out now the one thing I'll say is right here is how far you push it in and it's hard to show but you have to be careful of is this I can actually push it in too far it's actually seated perfectly fine at the back here but now the door won't close because the doors past a little spot we're supposed to grab now you can slide this out if you make that mistake it's not too big of a deal but you push it in until it starts to stop and then do that I just noticed that when I was putting it in because I when I first had it I was like oh and I was holding it and I slid it in if you just drop the hard drive in while it's in the odd position such as this the hard drive will go right past I'm like I didn't want to push it I'm like oh that could be a problem because I don't know what would happen if it levered too hard but um I may crack something it doesn't feel flimsy or anything it's just a matter of you got to be careful because it's right here yeah it'll snap past here so push it in gently just a little comment on there it goes in perfectly fine it feels well-made it's metal so it slides in and it lines up the rails alright and let's dive into the softer because that's where the real questions begin is you know is fancy as it looks how does it perform how does the software work and what does it look like when you do a 10 gig test well I'm gonna answer all those questions right now after I gets the lid back on I'll fast forward this once watch me fiddle with the lid now in case anyone's wondering it did come with rack ears and a screw kit including screws to mount the hard drive in here so they did include everything in terms of that so no problems no issues couple rack nuts as well its I actually had mixed these up prior with the ones for the Gentoo switch that's behind me and I was noticing there's extra screws is because I opened both boxes and harder kits are almost identical except for the fact that there's a few more screws that come with the dream machine so I had actually thought there were extra screws with the Gentoo for those of you that watched that video that was my mistake they just shipped the extra screws with this as soon as I put the hard drive in this I had realized that my mistake but nonetheless the I like the way they are putting together with ubiquity the hardware kits for these the screws and everything they're nice is kind of like the softball matter of fact they don't just fall out so even if you drop them here things don't just flop around so they did a nice job on all right let's boot this thing up so the system's all up and running and we have settings we can change the brightness the color and a few other settings that we have in here there's the fan speed and it works like it does on the gen 2 switches where you can swipe up or down it's you know touch enable about we can see the system load memory usage when no-ip yep so waiting for it to start it up and get an IP temperature up time just turned it on board revision UTM pro version it says it's up to date now other network settings are in here as well so we have what speed were doing Wi-Fi experience clients that are connected to it Wireless guest and once again that and and finally we have the protect now I loaded it but didn't set it up so it would let me know how many cameras motion events and things like that I really do like having this little display on there because you just get such a quick clear picture of settings and things like that on here so I definitely like this as a feature definitely pretty cool so unified dream machine pro is plugged in up and running at 10 gig on both the LAN and Wan - so this is plugged into the LAN port is a QT SFP - 10 GT which this is is a sfp+ 10 gig connector plugged into that top sfp+ port for 10k connectivity with an rj45 and this is accurate it says know when I pee because the way an IP is the rj45 port the SFP port sfp+ port is the 10 gig or labeled as man 2 so the IP address this doesn't show on there so I thought that was of note but the bottom cable is a DAC cable plugged in if you better picture here that goes to a Gen 2 pro switch 24 port that also has a 10k connector on deck so we have a deck cable there rj45 that comes from the back of our office where we have 10 gig rj45 over cat6a I just wanted to like show the connections around there and like I said the display I'm sure there's something easy enough for them to update and software but if you're using this connection it will not display the way an IP in the little front panel menu now over here we have unified at UI comm slash dashboard where D LTS demo UTM Pro shows up I did not do but Chris covered it in watch his videos well I'm pretty sure you have already the unified dream machine Pro video he did he shows the fact that yes you have to register with unify you have to have a account to register with them or it gives you the option on-the-fly to create one now this may be a deal breaker for some people that's fine but this is not any official way that you can get around this when you set this up it wants to register and tie itself to the unified portal where you can launch and get into it from here now interesting enough if you go here to network that unify comm that's where all the other things the other cloud keys and other software-defined network controllers are registered here including the dream machine dream machine Pro seems to have its own dashboard it just unify UI comm so my guess is that you've just kind of moved things over to here so closing that out I will start on the software here I did the hardware yesterday that software today is 21 hours later ever since I plugged in I just wanted to leave it running for a while and all I ran out of time yesterday to finish the video so it's idling in the office with an ambient temperature I was probably about 70 in our office roughly we're sitting here well 70 degrees Fahrenheit and this is idling at 35 degrees centigrate so not too hot not too loud no real problems there 10% cpu load storage and move my head out of the way it shows the storage for hard drive 2 which is the hard drive it plugged in for unified protect and this is where you set up the next application z' by default the only thing installed was the Unified Software Defined Networking controller here and then we have protect access and talk I'm gonna do separate videos on those later I've done want to protect before but right now I don't have anything really to setup or know much about the access and talk features but you know these are obviously extra cool add-ons that this box has so he's got some future potential as products come out related to this and development continues the protect is pretty neat be having this all integrated and kind of reinforces like I said a small home office or small office this would be a pretty nice thing for people there's a few cameras with only this single hard drive in here but it's nice that that's integrated and for geofencing purposes this is a feature protect you set that inside of here so you'd say where the location is and there's some features that protect has that change the alert information based on location I do have SSH turned on so I'm going to be doing part of this demo by SSA Qing into the box itself to show some of the backend of the software then we have restart device and factory reset and please note I'm doing all this and there's not any SSL error because of the way the portal launches it it takes care of all that for you if you are inside the network and right now from my position I'm outside the network on a different network with this computer than the network is in the studio that allows this - you can access it locally if you're on there but you're going to get the you know errors but if you just launch it from the portal whether your remote or local to it it's nice because you don't have to click through those airs which some browsers have a little bit of problems with with the latest round of updates but thought I'd mention it also the factory reset button here one concern I had but they have a page on this I like this unified dream machine emergency recovery for both the UTM and UTM Pro they have a process by which you can master reset these and it says specifically not the usual plug-in computer - static of 1.20 which is a common for a lot of the older unified devices this sets to 1.30 for the recovery mode screen when you hold the reset in and it kind of brings it back to this without it having a USB I was curious about how this could happen like if for some reason it got corrupted or was some problem they do have a help article here of how to reset these into like an emergency somehow you goof up the settings to the point of no return they get a way to return so back on to the software speak a little thing at the top here and we're gonna go over to obviously see we can select the other services but we're just gonna cover this one here the unified software find networking troller and this is pretty much the same as the unified soccer so I'm not gonna dive real deep into it but it works well like it's the same software we're used to I didn't see any major changes or differences we will show that I do have a couple things and move myself over to here real quick a couple things behind here a couple devices connected the XC PNG server I have a WM behind the UDM I don't know what that device something else we have plugged in and the unify AP nano HD along with the unified switch 24 pro so P oe so this does not have p OE so we wanted to plug a POA switch and of course the question comes up can you adopt out of the things after yes adopt away I mean like I says the full unify software so let's run down here through the settings pretty much like I said nothing groundbreaking there's not much here that is different than the standard fie standard unify Sdn controller so that's nice because it's a comfortable environment for me because I know where all these buttons are and I know what they all do and will run down here now the first thing provider capabilities it does ask for a speed test when you are first setting it up I let it do the speed test and then I went here and set it to 15 gig and 15 gig you can always update again and pre-populated from re running the test again but the reason I did this is because we're going to create some synthetic benchmarks I didn't want any of the queuing or slowing down of things to happen because of settings inside of here now the reason it does that is because packet queuing and proper traffic management traffic shaping quality of service occurs first by knowing what the speed of the connection is and then adjusting the queues accordingly and like so we don't want to do that because I wanted to do a speed test to see what it can route at because my internet may not be the same speed is your internet if your Internet's faster than mine and I only showed you how fast it can route with my internet it wouldn't be a real satisfactory answer for a lot of people I get that now we also have the LED and screen settings right here this shows up when you have devices that have the ability to adjust things like screen brightness such as in the pro to Gen 2 pro server it has a display on there and of course this is the display that is right on the device itself where you can even turn this off so that is a little bit different that you may not see a normal unified software behind every controller sohow ability cradles our wireless networks so you can have multiple lands on there I did go ahead and create one test VLAN and a LAN here ran way into routing in firewall is the same one thing I'll note if you go over here to port forwarding I have these couple servers that we're gonna SSH into that are behind it when you're in here the LAN to interface shows up here but well let's click Edit real quick you an idea so I can choose way and to or both so when when two or both we need to make a port forward it wants to know what way an interface the forward should go to if we go to the new settings that which is in beta I will comment cuz this is just something that some people have got a little bit hung up on occasionally but when you're doing I do like to search don't get me wrong whoops I do like that I can jump over here and say port forward and jump right to the menu but when I try to edit this it doesn't have an option for way into yet as of this software version that they're running on here so it's still missing that I have to do it from the other side because I'm using way into if not it's defaulting the port forwards only on till when so we'll just keep and stick with the other menu although these menus like with the search to the top and you add a lot of menus I do like it it's a little fast here but until they have all the features in there pull out to do it this way now threat management right here on threat management I have everything turned full on obviously if you've looked at this menu I will actually jump back to the way it looks on here for you security and we say threat management much nicer looking menu here we can just choose levels and adjust these things and then you can dive down they just grouped everything together it'll be a little bit you know a little bit easier to find and navigate the things you want to make sure you're monitoring for threat management on but this is kind of nice geo IP filtering is in here DNS filtering alpha filter I added one for adult filtering but when you add the filters it's pretty basic and doesn't seem to really have a lot like I don't have customization and I don't even know what adult sites its listing it just kind of adds them but it doesn't give us a whole lot of detail on that so I don't have like a lot of insight into it when we turn this on or off yeah I wish this it's cool they have it to me this is the very beginnings of it of course it does say alpha deep packet inspection so this is enabled along with device fingerprinting it tries to identify the devices on the network and the deep packet instruction tries to make some determinations as to where the traffic is going YouTube Facebook social media sites etc and create some definitions around that network scanners is kind of interesting so endpoint scanner and internal honeypot I mentioned NIST this was also built into the unified dream machine and of course again the dream machine probably seemed to run the same software essentially the threat management dashboard can do an endpoint scan and determine if endpoints that it has on the network have open ports it scans apparently periodically for that not a lot of information from unify about this nothing I've seen at least maybe someone can link me to if they have posted an article about it but it just goes around scanning you make a list and says hey I found these ports open on these endpoints on the land side of your network internal honeypot it lets you build a honeypot on the land side either one either either the let test land that I created which is a VLAN but on there you give the honeypot own IP and then it listens for things to try to attach to it and if you're not very exactly how many pots work they are kind of dummy systems you'll set up and you sometimes will do them for research and put them on the greater internet but internally they can be used as when someone goes on your network and starts scanning it and they are getting into the honeypot you will be notified and you like to know when something's on your network scanning that you weren't the one initiating so you're probably not gonna scan your own honeypot but if someone does get it you know that endpoint for some reason is scanning the network and it gives you a reason to investigate so kind of neat that are building that in there I think that's kind of a I hope to see more around that get built as IP Tepe reputation restrict access to malicious IPs is polling list for that you can create new threat management white lists and signatures of suppression based on that so it's got a few options Direction both tracked by IP address subnet and then do some blocking and listing in there firewall features well we got all the rules in here and everything else so groups what else do we have modules state timeout so you get some tuning in here and action logging open that up scroll down load more when rules land rules guest rules so you can do some of the logging out there VPN server and VPN connections I still wish they had a more robust VPN setup for the USG line they do have the create unified a unified VPN that's a feature I really like so connecting two sites together unifies done a good job and makes that easy between two different unified devices when it comes to creating VPN servers not so much the only thing we're showing here when you use the Advanced Mode as an l2tp server we go over here to classic mode actually got to close out of this leave go in the classic mode here takes a second sometimes I noticed and we go to networks create new network VPN their remote user VPN pre shared key when to gate IT subnets create radius rules but this is still the l2p server when you're doing this I would like to have seen a more robust like Open VPN or a more advanced server offering inside of here now it does have the Open VPN if you go site to site and choose opium VPN right here but it's still beta and yeah I don't know it doesn't feel all that great it doesn't have a ton of features it doesn't unlock a lot of options now I know if someone's pointing out that yeah you can just edit the JSON file but to my knowledge I wasn't able to find any typos JSON file where you can do a bunch of custom edits and things like that and obviously that's not officially supported by their system anyways controller wise it is running version 5.1.1 2.59 so it's a slightly different version than the 5.1 2.35 that we're using for most of the other that's the official non beta version of the unified Software Defined Networking shoulder but all this is the same in here now one thing I'll comment on that there are there are not any official ways that I'm aware of just workarounds or whatever but I'm not gonna go into that because who knows that they'll continue to work based on software updates but there's no official way to have this device manage with a separate outside controller it's meant to be managed by itself so I will at least comment on that for those wondering so if you're thinking about putting it in one of your other controllers it's not gonna happen you can always get to it through the portal but it's going to stay right here inside of itself so to speak and run inside of there then we have user interface tweaking notifications elite device support is in here I do recommend anytime you are making changes and stuff that you turn on auto backup but it's backing up to itself so occasionally download the file when you make changes so you you know have backups of things that's really important now let's jump over here to the devices and we'll look at the dream machine itself so we're gonna head and pop this out and here's the dream machine Pro itself now here's way into and we can see that we're connected at a gig we can see one 92168 three 1:04 is the IP address there's an overview of the land ports on here land and test land for the VLAN we set up what clients are connected behind it which nothing's actually plugged in to it it's plugged into the Gen 2 pro switch and that's why all these ports are empty there's our way in to port empty and all of these now I'm a little bit less clear on this but when you look at these ports this is all you get profile overrides for negotiation we can switch between VLANs so I don't really see a lot of details and let me show you what I mean for example we're gonna pull up this and when you take a port any port like this one here let's edit the port you have a lot more features unknown unicast multicast broadcasts LOD P med topology changed a vacation spanning tree protocol egress rate limit so you have more features that show up inside of the unified pro 24 p OE i don't know for sure if those features just not supported on here or just not visible I'm not haven't done a real in-depth testing on that information so take that for what it's worth but it is connecting like I said right here this works the same in the labeling is the same so you know what's plugged into what so pretty simple there and like I said there's nothing plugged into this here we dive into the dream machine Pro configure advanced what we got you can set the MSS clamping the art cache echo server so to know if it's online that's doing pinged at UV and T comm but it gives you an option to put something custom in there services enable jumbo frame support flow control manage device and comment settings which this is where you used to have to manage some things and they've moved it so now they have links to things like the routing services firewalls etc so you can click here and jump over to the services side right away actually didn't even bring me there brought me back over here but by going down here to the gear services that's this page right here if you're familiar with the older version of software those features on the USG used to all be hidden right under there but now we've looked at kind of the software got a good overview let's do the speed test now if you noticed like I had said when we look at the dream machine its IP address is LAN 192 168 3.1 apart technically went to so that is that network and we're gonna show you is that's my address 192 168 3.9 so I'm gonna run iperf 3 - SS server so my computer is at the same network that the feeds the lan of the dream machine pro that means i have full 10 gig access from my computer to that so no problem there this like namesake says debian behind you diem I pee - eh and we've left threat management and everything on so I / 3 - e 1 9 2 6 8 3 . 9 so it's going from this address here 1 9 - 1 6 8 3.13 - through the unified dream machine over to the land side over to my network and we're going to show you the speed but before we do that we're going to SSH into the dream machine well 1.1 all right this is the unified dream machine that we're logged into welcome to UB OS ub i OS u vo I say it how you want ub iOS the initials here and this is the unified software that's running on the back end here and we're gonna head run top running a sort by process and loop it up a little bit and photos you wondering this is team ox that I'm doing that with but right here so we're gonna do this and show what happens oops 3.9 did I not run it right here whoops got press center on this side there we go so I perf - s we're seeing about four gigs three point eight gigs of traffic run through now note that sericata here which is your threat management is pulling some processor power and so is case soft irq now with the key softer IQ is that's the AI or q handling in the kernel for the system so that's the Linux method of handling i RQ interrupts and what that is is the system has some limitations to just how much each interrupt can handle in terms of bandwidth and speed when it's going across the network and to give you an idea what the network looks like on this it's just a standard Linux setup network on the back end so here's all the different a thief 10 which is your bridge for your I'm sorry your VLAN setup so II 1010 lose we have a dot 10 VLAN you can see we have a DNS filter at 0 BR 10 PR 10 and B are 0 that's the bridging and undoubtedly this one here yeah this is for the dot 10 VLAN I created so you have each of these networks all bonded together like this and those run across there as a network driver with the interrupts let's go back over here and open this back up and the reason I'm talking about all that is the question of routing so right there with one we can see the speed pretty consistent and three-point-something gigs and those interrupts are maxing out the processor but if we do here we're going to put 4 for streams for there we go so instead of just using one i pref stream across if we do for capital P now what happens is we're getting much more speed now this is where the synthetic benchmark is actually kind of wrong synthetically are you likely to have a single stream on a single device trying to max out the connection no generally speaking when you're on the internet and pulling a lot of data we are pulling a whole lot of data you're gonna have a lot of streams as many devices with lots of connections so the bandwidth is not one person using all the bandwidth or one device it is usually a multitude of devices cumulative lis using all the bandwidth down there so this actually handles that better than it does a single stream so when we start looking at splitting into four streams you see one two three four case off tire queues kicking off to distribute the workload across the different quarters in there to handle the interrupts and handle the traversal of all the data so when we split the stream up we get more speed I want to clear that up because there's always lies damned lies and benchmarks and this time the synthetic benchmark actually cuz single-stream which we know is less likely for real-world use case is actually slower than multiple streams which is a more likely scenario for a real-world use case so we'll do that and let's bump it up I think we can do we do sixteen streams now what happens when you use a lot of streams is the irq interrupts are not what's using a processor it's suddenly sericata cuz now Sirica it slows down with multiple streams so this is where you could slow down again by having so many streams trying to being parsed by sericata the intrusion detection system where it may slow down and you get less speed it really depends on how much terra-cotta has to dig into the type of traffic that's on there and try to do assessments of it apply matching to it so this is why speed tests are fun to do in the basics but in the real world the Internet and the amount of things you're running and all the devices make this a whole lot more complicated now the last little thing we're gonna comment on here is this so we'll actually add a dish T 90 that means let's just hammer on this system and let's let it warm up all right so this has been running and pushing some data through it you know pretty steady here this 9.3 9.2 9 gigs and let's go to the temperature on this let's see how much was warmed up since we started so we go over here alright and we see it's at 37 point 3 so it ramped up a little bit from doing that now what I did while it was ramped up I went in the studio and stamped a picture of this you could hear the fans running and this is what how many DBA this was at so still relatively quiet sitting here I did it from the back actually turned it to the side put it backwards just so the fans are blowing at it it's quieter from the front it was a little bit quieter but the fans being closer to the back and this is where the air comes out and where the plenums are in it this is as much as it got up to so it stayed relatively quiet it stayed relatively cool and the test is over so it's starting to cool down so ramping it up letting it do that for a couple minutes and it really didn't have much effect on in terms of slowing it down or making it overheat or anything like that I didn't have any issues it's been running in the office for a couple days now and we but we let this test run for quite a few times prior to doing this video just see if we had any problems with it and we didn't final thoughts on the unified dream machine Pro there's no off button I bring it up because also I pulled it off the shelf here and just unplugged it set here to finish the video and I've done it a couple times well one because sometimes I start of a video but also because the reset on it I wanted to make sure just yanking the power randomly because well that's a scenario you may run into in a real world didn't cause it just to get corrupted and so far every time I have randomly shut it off it has completely turned on normally without any issues that's been good but as I pointed out earlier in a video there is the ability to go through and hold the reset button and it has a mode by which you can go into recovery and you can restore that backup file that hopefully you backed up now I'm gonna keep this mounted over in my rack here well you've only had for about a week but so far no issues with it it worked really well it worked as described from unify and I will do some future videos on the other features that it has such as to protect access and maybe the talk I'll dive into those at some later date when I have some more things to set up around it but for now like I said I live over here and wait for the phone or soft updates and if there's some major changes in the next version of software I'll probably make a new video about that our Eden thanks and thank you for making it to the end of the video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you like to see more content for the channel hit the subscribe button and hit the bell icon if you like YouTube to notify you when new videos come out if you'd like to hire us head over to Lauren systems comm fill out our contact page and let us know what we can help you with and what projects you like us to work together on if you want to carry on the 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Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 218,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawrencesystems, Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Pro, dream machine, unifi dream machine (udm), unifi setup, unifi dream machine setup, unifi udm, ubiquiti usg, ubiquiti networks, unifi dream machine review, unifi dream machine pro
Id: IXLKkjo1EIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.