REVIEW: Analog BARON | The best STUDY LEVEL Level Single Engine Piston just GREW A SECOND ENGINE

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hello everyone and welcome to the channel I'm Emmanuel I'm an airline pilot and in today's video let's review the analog Baron from black Square simulations the best literally just got better if you see my review on the analog bonanta which is basically the single engine version of the baron then you can be sure that there will be quite some interesting stuff in here the great news comes first straight away as well since both aircraft the Bonanza and the baron are still similar to one another there is a 25 discount available for bonanta users for those who are interested into the baron okay now let's have a look at what the baron offers though there are two different versions included one of them is the turbocharged version and the other one is the normally aspirated version right now we're sitting in the normally aspirated and I want to show you the differences in the cockpit between the two because there are quite some of them now contrary to the Bonanza the baron is actually equipped for flight into known icing conditions as you can see on the leading edges over here where you can see the de-icing boots all over the leading edges also we have a heated windshield and so on okay so looking into the differences in the cockpit you will find that on the normally aspirated version the manifold pressure can go to a maximum of around 29.6 inches compared to that you will see that the total charged version can actually go all the way up to 40. other differences are mainly visible down here in the equipment that's fitted to the airplane the turbocharged version is also equipped with a cap and pressurization system so you have all the extra gauges for that and at the same moment the normally aspirated version is equipped with a pilot oxygen system to enable it to climb higher than flight level 100. the normally aspirated version is really fun to fly because since it is not a pressurized airplane you really need to keep your rate of climb and rate of descent under control while at the same moment it has very powerful engines so if you just set those engines to Crime power and climb at the best rate of climb speed of around 115 knots then you are going to get immense rate of climbs like 2 000 or even 3 000 feet a minute however since the plane is not pressurized that would really hurt in your ears so flying this is quite a bit of fun since you need to keep an eye on a lot of different things also every single one of the included versions have the hot swappable radio Stacks that we are used to from black Square simulation so using the two switches located on the right of the panel over here we can switch between the gtn750 which is suppose both the TDS and the pms50 and the gns-530 which is the standard asobo Dash working title simulations gns and of course we have an option where we have a simple radio com installed as well resembling the 1980s era that this airplane was primarily well having a golden age it's still a very good airplane today don't get around on that on top of that we have another option to change the com 2 where we can install a gns-430 as well and of course all those options are compatible with one another so you can switch them around while they're hot personally this is kind of like my favorite setup with the TDS GTM 750xi installed and with a normal radio on the number two stack but I'm going to talk you over that later on apart from that we also have the kns-81 on of computer on which I've done a separate tutorial already so do check that out if you haven't yet and then we have the EDM 760 engine monitor which is a very interesting device which I'm going to show you later on in the cruise so apart from that the cockpit will look fairly familiar for those of you who own the baron or sorry the Bonanza already but those who don't I'm going to give you a full tour of it in a few moments but for now let's switch over to the trouble charged and pressurized Baron to see the differences alright we are sitting in the pressurized Baron now and you can immediately see a couple of differences in that we have turbocharged engines here bringing it up to a maximum manifold pressure of 39.8 uh five inches which is um quite a bit of power as you'll see and then going down to the instrumentation we now have a pressure cabin installed in this aircraft which is why we have a couple of additional gauges available in this plane as well as well as a couple of associated switches the interesting thing here however is that the pressurized Baron has a huge limit on the maximum number of cycles that the airframe can take before it has to be phased out if you pressurize it regularly so flying it pressurized is quite a bit of drawback compared to Flying it unpressurized which is the reason why most flights are actually done without help of the cabin pressurization system however for the purpose of today's video I will of course demonstrate it to you apart from that all of the models feature a very extensive failure system and I'm going to demonstrate you one of those later on in this video and apart from that let's head right into the plane and take it flying for now and then I'm going to show you a little bit of how to fly the baron the first things first though we do not have any custom refueling dialogues so we need to use the default simulator dialog here so let's just go ahead just give us a full fuel tank including the tip tanks and we are just going to be pilot and co-pilots pretty much us being the one interested in getting it and of course we have a sales guy to the right of us who is going to show us around the airplane all right so in terms of the setup of our avionics this would be my default avionics back with the gtn750 and the kx155 radio as some radio number two and also here we can swap it around as we like it and for the purpose of today's video I think I'm just going to use two normal radios and then we'll use the um on off computer to navigate around in order to show you that arm of computing action a little bit more okay so since that is our setup done we have some extensive checklists coming with a product in order to help starting it up and these are going to guide you all around but since I've flown the plane for a little bit in the last couple of days since I've had it for about a week at the point where I'm doing this video you can see I've flown it around seven and a half hours on the pressurized version another two and a half in the non-pressurized so I have about 10 hours in the airplane right now okay let's go ahead and start it up speaking on we check that other than the beacon pretty much all the switches are off and all the levers are fully forward except for the parking brake the flaps are up and the cabin pressures in the dump and the door seals are non-pressurized properly will fall forwards mixture full forward and the thrust levers remain in idle Cal flaps open and the trims are set neutral fuel tank selectors on apart from that the circuit breakers are um all in and every single one of them does work so as you can see over here if we pull that circuit breaker then it's um going to show this little rat part below it and um of course all those circuit breakers are tied to the correct um buses and over here the right set of circuit breakers is running fine as well okay so let's go ahead and start it up batteries on and now we are quickly going to check the function of the fuel pumps you heard them illuminate in the back over there the same by the way goes for example for the combustion heater that is installed on this airplane so have a listen to this [Music] basically the baron was fitted with a combustion heater that is located inside the um notes of the plane so you can imagine this like a little often that you have in there that is I'm able to produce heat for you in order to heat up the cabin that's the case on a lot of multi-engine aircraft by the way so um that's let's call it nothing special but it is the first time I actually see something like this simulated in a flight simulator aircraft but please correct me if I'm wrong there which I might very well be okay so let's go ahead and actually start the airplane up we've got three different sets of engine start checklists and we've got to carefully pick the one that we want to use we've got engines dot code engines not hot and engine's not flooded now cold and hot does not refer to the different um temperature environments but rather it refers to the state of the engine basically you want to use the cold checklist if the cylinder temperature here is reading below 50 and um the hot start checklist is basically used when you have already flown the plane and have just headed out for a bit and the flooded checklist is in case you mishandle your um engine startup and you flop the cylinders this is how you can get the plane back to uh working correctly apart from that you can see there's a lot of non-normal checklists as well but we are going to deal with those later on in this video so for now let's go ahead with the engine start cold so beaconess on Masters are on then probably will fall forward um mixture for forward and throttled full forward the Boost pumps check that we have fuel flow with the Boost pumps in high more than three gallons and we're gonna do this for a couple seconds the checklist says two to three seconds personally I found the startup to work quite a bit better if we run it for a bit longer but we've got to be careful not to um float the engines there okay so with that done the throttles can be returned to the um cracked position quickly on the right clear on the left starting engine number two okay that's a good start on the number two engine note that you do need to hold the um switch into the start position yourself you can't just stroll it into it so 1000 rpms we've got oil pressure all temperatures rising and that's a good start on number two starting number one okay that's the number one running oil pressure is there all temperature is rising okay that's a good start on engine number one also running it at a thousand RPMs perfect okay then afterthought procedures avionics Master on the temperature is above 10 so we can leave our eyes our anti-icing devices off there Quick Check of the annunciators and be aware that all the announceators in this airplane can actually fail so not only the systems can fail but also the annunciators of those systems can fail which is uh quite cool actually we've got all the um failure simulations covered in the weather radar display so let's have a quick look at that first of all you can see how I'm treating my engines and you can see that I'm not treating them too well so over the time your engines are going to wear out and um you can see I've got my left 178 the right internet 65 and you will actually see this in the um performance of the engines fly down on the ground so once you get them too low you might want to repair your engines also we can replenish our oxygen over here reset all failures and then up here in the failure page we can actually activate like random failures scheduled failures we can set the global failure rate which is at One X at the moment so realistic then we've got a view of our active failures we can reset the mass required and then of course we can go to detailed settings where we can basically arm any failure manually and on the right here you can see the mean time between failures and hours so you're going to experience an engine failure every 10 000 hours roundabout of course that's not every 10 000 hours exactly but with the probability of one in ten thousand you are going to have an engine failure okay for now return the weather radar to the standpipe function start up the transponder and down here we have the cabin temperature indication which is something really interesting to control so right now on the ground I'm just keeping the cabin heater turned off but if it's especially hot or especially cold outside you will actually have to manually control the heat of your cabin and you've got two little lights installed up here as well that are going to give you indication if it's especially hot or especially cold in the cabin okay so on the ground lean those engines otherwise they are very prone to spark plug fouling which is simulated correctly and with that we are pretty much ready to go so I will apologize in advance to this gentleman over here with his pushback Chuck but I am about to run you over because well you just shouldn't park in front of an airplane with running engines okay okay then taxi light on Park break off when the plane is heavy it will not really start targeting on its own you can see it right now that it's creeping forward very slowly but then keep in mind we still have room for another four passengers and some cargo on the ground throttle sightings of the region between a thousand and 1200 RPMs are pretty much the norm so as you can see the plane tax is really nicely with those and then we'll depart to the South climb a little bit to a higher altitude to see what kind of performance this airplane can achieve and then finally we are going to um get it back maybe do a couple touch and goes at Manheim first to see how the airplane handles and then we're going to fly it back towards Eagles Park eventually also including a demonstration of an engine failure there since this is a multi-engine aircraft so single engine behavior is definitely going to be of interest for us as well seeing that this is aimed to be a study level simulation the weather at the moment as you can see is not all that good but I decided to keep it at that because this is an IFI equipped and certified aircraft so we are probably going to go IFR with it go about the clouds and then we'll see about the procedures we are going to fly okay so we are reaching the holding Point here you gotta tax it slowly if you slam those brakes while you're going fast then you will see the airplane reacting properly to it as you have just seen on the nose just vibrate it up and down a little bit which is exactly what you would experience in a real airplane as well so really well done there from a black Square okay such checking the engine gauges we have cylinder temperature we have oil temperature above the uh amber so we can start our engine run up throttle full forwards will start at 1700 RPMs and the run-up initially is quite similar to the run-up in the analog Bonanza but there are some additional steps to check the cabin pressurization system and of course a couple minor variations since this is a multi-in engine airplane so we'll start at about 1700 RPMs like this okay and we'll start by cycling the pro Palace now when we do so we want to observe three things the RPM is dropping to about 1400 then I'm going to increase RPMs again and that's going to go really fast at the same time we're going to get an increase in manifold pressure and then we want to also observe an increase in oil pressure this is different to the Bonanza where you are looking for a decrease in the baron you're looking for an entries okay so let's start with that now so the props are dropping normally now we're gonna do that again this time we watch the manifold pressure and that is increasing slightly even though really slightly but that is all we're looking for and now we're going to do it a third time and we're looking for the oil pressure to rise and as you can see that is exactly happening okay so that's looking good so let's go ahead then and check our magninos I'm just quickly waiting for the engines to stabilize at 1700 RPMs once again so Magneto's right lagunitos left nope that was too far but as you can see you put it on on time again and the thing still works so the engine isn't going to shut down immediately here we go on the left Magneto we're looking for a drop of a maximum of 150 RPMs and a difference between the two of maximum of 50. so if you look at that we can see that there is actually slight difference between the two engines because they are in a different condition from one another but um that is still within limit so that is acceptable okay so that's our check of the magnetos then we can now go ahead and check the electrical equipment we're going to start by turning off the left alternator and you will notice the alternator load dropping on the left side and increasing on the right side which is what we have now we turn on the right and they both go to zero turn on the left and you can see the load over there now we turn on the right once again and they pretty much even out once again so let's check our electrical and de-icing equipment now and every time we flick on a switch over here we're looking for an increase in the alternator load so let's check that out increase increase [Music] and when we turn on the property we're also looking for the prop amps to rise over here which stay tuned perfect [Music] so now we are going to check the um de-icing boots so we'll start with the switch in the manual position and we observe the de-icing pressure Rising away we're looking for something between 15 and 20 psi and backing them off it drops again now the surface device goes to Auto and it rises once again and still between the two and you can see how the boots are working in their standard Cycles right now okay perfect so the anti-ising system is working okay now let's increase towards 2000 RPMs and now we're going to check the cabin pressurization system so that is 2000 RPMs and first things first we are verifying that the system is indeed Switched Off with the switches off so the cabin rate of client is zero and the cabin um stays wet kernel yes next up we select the target altitudes down to a thousand feet below our level turn on the cabin pressurization and the door seals and now we're going to hit the prep the test button and you will observe the cavity assembly like it right now okay perfect now the seals can go off again and that is pretty much our cabin pressurization system checked so we are going to return the switch into the um first cabin altitude that we aim for now for the initial part of the flight we are actually going to do a little bit of checking on the airplane so we will pressurize it so let's select it up something in the region of around um let's say 16 000 feet all right and with that we can now return the engines to um start not idle conditions we are going to do another check of the autopilot system up here thereafter will set up the instruments and then we're ready to go okay so between a thousand and a thousand two hundred RPMs now let's go ahead and check the autopilot system first things first we're going to check that the um autopilot actually responds the way it should so heading select mode is active autopilot engaged yoke turns left fly direct pickles left now we select the heading 30 degrees to the right of our track flight director goes right control column goes right let's just quickly check that it actually moves across the middle position which does okay autopilot disengage Works second press removes the flight tracker now we're going to do that once more and now I'm moving my Hardware yoke all the way to the left and after a little while you can see the autopilot is overwritten and we now have um manual control again so both methods of disengaging the autopilot are working okay then let's quickly go ahead set up our flight instruments so we're looking for a q h of 1007 over here the Romper heading is going to be 260. and we're going to take a cell phone cause of around 190 as we are heading towards Mannheim initially for the radios we can use read 12.2 active number one and active number two will also pre-select that on the on of computer since we will be using that for navigation later on okay then weather radar on transponder altitudes and with that we are ready to go so propead always on stops on navs on Landing lights on and then we are good to go okay Park and break off quick last track of iron engine instruments everything is in the greens cylinder temperature is rather hot but that's expected the cow flaps are open keep in mind we did a rather lengthy run up since I did a lot of explanations there so that's actually quite expected okay so we've got to advance those uh throttles slowly so that we don't over boost the engines so let's be careful when we do that and then flaps remain up flight controls are working okay off we go take off [Music] okay Jacob Frost threat indications normal we're going to rotate at 80 and climb at 115. you want roll to Eights [Music] author of Freddy decline Europe and just feel that raw power of the airplane climbing up here so more than 400 above the grounds throttles down to 2500 RPMs then we start the left hand turn in oronotel we shoot the highway that we're going to see over here we just want to go slightly to the right of that highway but we don't want to over climb it also maintain below 15 uh 100 feet so that we don't accidentally climb into the controlled airspace of Frankfurt airport which is right nearby [Music] oh [Music] okay so we're pretty much following that Highway southbound right now which is going to um keep us clear of the controls on our Frankfurt airport as long as we stay below 1 500 feet once we're passing a beam via VOR that we've set active over here we can climb to 3500 and that is going to keep us below the controlled airspace now for the purpose of a video however we are going to um pick up our IFR in a moment and then demonstrate how the airplane flies I just want to get clear Frankfurt airport here and the one thing that you are immediately going to notice is just how fast the baron really is so I've reduced my um manifold pressure quite a bit over here down to 30 and the RPMs are 20. 500 and you can see we're doing 200 knots indicated up here and as we climb up to higher altitude we're actually going to get even better rates of climb so sorry even better air speeds I meant of course so we are expecting something at maximum power and the valve flat level 200 to the region of 250 knots through our speed at a decent Cruise power setting providing for a very nice Cruise right I would say we are about clear off Frank Hood so let's increase our thrust and we will assume that we have picked up our IFR right now on the present heading climbing to flight level one six zero okay is that 160 retract let's turn on the carbon pressurization system [Music] so we're stabilizing The Climb we can close our um Cal flaps just got to keep an eye on the temperatures down here that they stay within the green band [Music] so let's explore some of the functionality of the autopilot there we can see that with the present fight conditions we're doing around about at 2 000 feet a minute to climb so let's pre-select that on the um Fly director 2000 heading select climate flight level 160. okay and with that pre-selected and the airplane pretty much in Prim autopilot engage and here we go one thing to keep an eye on is due to the huge rate of climb that this airplane can do we really got to monitor our cabin pressurization system in order not to exceed the maximum differential pressure I'm actually going to increase the cabin rate of climb a little bit here because we want to get up to altitude quickly otherwise we might have to reduce our um rated climb here a little bit but as you can see the plane is now climbing nicely we're about to enter the clouds temperatures below 10 so let's turn all the anti-ice on and I'm also going to turn the defrosters on here and it's getting quite cold in the cabinet 10 degrees so that also puts the um heater on pull those out a little bit so that we can actually start heating up the cutting Andrew Prime speed is in the reach of around 140 knots so as you can see we could even climb a little bit faster here bring it up to let's say 2500 RPMs and here we go so weather radar is good a quick chat about the weather radar as we um are about looking at it right now anyway and the weather radar we happen here is the standard asobo radar at the time I'm recording this this is still the uh 2D top-down view so what you see over here basically ignores the Tilt angle of the weather that we've set up there but it is a 2d view so if we go into the vertical profile view then we can get something vertical but what we cannot get at the moment is what I would be looking for the most that is the ability to actually view the weather properly by changing the antenna to the diagonal but it is something to start with so I am quite happy that we have it rather than not having it [Music] okay let's do two thousand feet a minute once again and we're about approaching flat level ninth already let's go ahead and set the other meters to standard here we go stand outside once and standard sets twice cabin temperature is looking good now at 21 degrees Centigrade so we can remove a little bit off the cabin heat there Lots can go off and passing flutter 100 looking down at the um cabin altitude that is looking good but you can see how the differential pressure is slowly but steadily going towards the maximum so we've got to keep it we've got to keep an eye on that maybe just make the cabin climb a little bit higher here basically I found that if you set the um Target altitude exactly to the cruise level you will end up very slightly in the rap bands of the cabin differential pressure indicator so if you set it a little bit higher then that is absolutely fine if you want to fly the plane up to the maximum altitude however then you will find that the plane is 35 for flight level 250 however you are only going to achieve that when you take the cabin altitude up to 12 000 feet so for European operation that is not permitted and with the cabin altitude limited to 10 000 feet if you're looking at this then 10 000 basically gives you flight level 220 as a maximum achievable level here however we don't want to go that high today let's take it somewhere in the region um 20 000 feet and that should be all we need in order to demonstrate the performance capabilities of this airplane so 20 000 set so let's have a quick look at the engine instruments as we are on it and looking at this you will probably have noticed that little turning thing in the in the middle down there now this actually tells us which engine is producing more power so as this is turning towards the right the right hand engine is apparently producing a little bit more power so in order to equalize that here's what we can do we can either reduce the throttle on the left side or we could reduce the um RPMs now we want to stay at Full Throttle so let's just about equalize the RPMs and we I'm slowly going to pull those back until the thing is no longer rotating of course we could simply use the propeller synchronizer as well which is going to do the same job but I want to show you how this is actually working okay so reducing the um propeller slightly and it's almost impossible to see here because it's just very very small inputs that we're making but you can see how I can easily influence this thing so now it's pretty much partly rotating at all so if I now turn on the propellancing button that we see down here like this you will see that the airplane will very slowly eliminate the difference between the two sides and here we go now it's not turning anymore now both engines are producing pretty much the same Tower okay another look at the cavern pressurization we are now at the maximum differential so let's actually get the cabin climb a bit faster but we don't want to do more than a thousand RPMs that is just going to hurt our ears okay and I'll reduce the rate of climb a little bit and with that the airplane is already nicely accelerating to a very nice and climb speed now also we've left the icing conditions so let's go ahead and switch the um the eyes off I'm going to leave the property done however and I'll leave the window defrost on as well because I'm likely to forget it in the cabin temperature is looking good to 23 degrees right now which is a very nice temperature do note that the cabin temperature changes with the external influences so if we are flying through a cold environments like we are right now at -15 degrees outside then we are going to need a lot more cabin heating than if we are flying through a warm environment and of course the other way around as well okay plane is climbing nicely our differential pressure is under control there so that's something you need to actively manage keeping the um cabin pressure and the differential pressure under control this is not as easy as for example your Boeing 737 or Airbus A320 is where you basically just sit and forget the numbers and here you actually need to keep an eye on it because the airplanes got such a great climb performance okay passing 18 000 that means we have another two thousand to go so let's explore a couple of the functionality of the on off computer as we're climbing our flight is taking us down to Mannheim airport and looking at the charts we can see that manam airport is basically defined by a radial anti-distance from some vors so if we look at the approach chart we can find that reporting Point Sierra is defined as um radial 351 from killeromia hotel VOR at 25 miles and Waypoint kilo is defined as one radial 175 14 mile from Romeo India Delta VR now that is the one that we have been using previously so let's go ahead and preset our on off computer to guide us towards the reporting Point kilo and we can do that by tuning the frequency 12.2 then we are going to tune the radio so click data go to radial and then we have one seven five like this you can change the first two numbers to the last button last one with a small one and then data once again and we are looking for a distance of 14 miles like this okay if we now select the HSI source to Anna the computer is basically working uh still like a normal viewer as long as it is selected to unoff mode up here however that viewer is basically placed at the reporting Point um kilo that we have just defined by the distance of the radial so very nice little thing there approaching flat Cloud 200 very good and looking at the cabin differential that is just about maximum the cabin has roughly stopped climbing as it reached its or as it is approaching its Target of 9000 feet very nice so the autopilot is now going to level us off over here you will have noticed that for pretty much the entire climb our engines remained at maximum manifold pressure that I've selected with the throttles and I also did not do any leaning yet now this is something that is actually a first in Microsoft flight simulator because black square simulations is actually simulating black square simulations is actually simulating the turbochargers of the plane properly that means that up to the critical altitude which in our case is somewhere just above 20 000 feet the turbochargers are going to be able to maintain the engines at the maximum manifold pressure that we can see up here so for that reason we've been able to fly the airplane up like this with pretty much a constant rate of climb there without losing any rate of climb this will of course be different if you were to fly the normally aspirated version of the plane that I showed you initially at the beginning of the video so if you were to fly the normally aspirated version then of course you would be losing manifold pressure as your altitude increases and you have to lean the airplane during climb so both of the two aircraft that come with this package provide quite a different experience and that is something that I do really appreciate okay so since we've reached extruding altitude let's reduce power a little bit to some settings that we would typically find in Cruise so if you want to go really fast 35 inches if you want to go at a decent speed use something in the region of around 30 inches manifold here and I'll give this a little moment to stabilize and then let's see how fast we actually are in terms of true air speed so let's also select on off on the HSI sorry on the DME over here now we're basically seeing the um distance towards the um reporting point that we've generated and you can already see we're doing 260 knots round speed over here but let's give the speed a little bit of time to stabilize and in the meantime I'm going to show you some of the features of the EDM 760 engine monitor so the engine monitor is basically there in order to help us stabilize our engine RPMs and optimize the um usage of fuel in order to provide us the greatest possible range so it's basically a leaning computer so let's go ahead and actually lean a little bit with it we have just about set our truth power and as I told you the turbocharger did a great job of just keeping the manifold pressure stable but now let's actually start leaning in order to save a little bit of fuel there so first of all we're going to pre-lead and this basically means we're going to reduce the mixture until we see the um EGT or the cylinder head temperature over here first go back oh sorry First Rise and then we'll go back again so let's start doing that so these linear temperature is rising and now it reached its peak so now we basically return the thrust levers again to the position that is roughly halfway forward of what we just cleaned off now let's click the lean find button and now we're going to lean rich or Peak for those of you who have the analog Bonanza this is going to be quite familiar to you already so now we basically do the same again until we got the leanest indication note that I'm doing it on both engines simultaneously here but here we go pegt on the left engine and on the right engine so now looking at the computer we are going to increase our power again until we see the number up here which basically is our cylinderer temperature until we see that go down to about -50 so let's go ahead and do that was a bit fast Maybe okay so with the number in the region of around -50 we now have leaned the airplane to the optimum power so if we press the step button then we can actually get it to show us the horsepowers that our engines are currently producing which is around about 214 at the power setting that we have just set so now that it's maximum power however in Practical terms we are usually more interested in sacrificing a bit of a power in order to get our um that economy so let's do that so we press lean find again and now we would hold both buttons at the same time there is a hidden click spot in the middle if you hold that for a bit you you can simulate hole in both buttons so now we are going to lean lean up Peak so now we are reducing our mixture once again until we pretty much get the um last Peak indication that we just about had here on our Loft engine and we should have it on the right engine now as well okay so as you can see I'm barely changing the mixture there in order to achieve those indications but now we have a fuel flow of around 18 gallons per hour on both engines as you can see here are the main gauges as well so that is our most economic leaning position that we have for those engines at this power saving so let's see how fast we actually are now and we can do that without the help of any fancy GPS so first of all look at the outside temperature which is currently minus 23 degrees Centigrade down here and now look at the airspeed indicator so up here if we now take the um inner scale which represents the altitude and the outer scale which is the temperature in degrees centigrade and now we rotate the M20 position onto the minus 23 position which is somewhere like this we can see that we're actually doing 240 knots of the true air speed at the moment so that is quite amazing for a small airplane like this one all right so that is pretty much everything I can show you up here at higher altitude so let's go ahead and start our descent towards Manheim in order to do some traffic patterns and thereafter we are going to go back to Eagles Park where we are going to do an engine failure but we're gonna do that VFR so we are now 10 miles away from our Target Waypoint and let's see currently where the reporting point is pretty much straight behind okay so let's go ahead and start our descent we'll initially go down a flight level 100 and then we'll do a further Center there are two ways you can do this this is the easy one you pull the little knob it gets you the um Target vertical speed put it down 2000 feet a minute and the plainted sensor a thousand feet a minute you can however also take it out of the um vertical speed mode and I can basically use the um up and down knock on the autopilot there in order to set the target pitch of the plane so both modes are doing quite a good job first let's actually put it in a vertical speed Give Me 2 000 feet a minute and then we can get a cabin descending as well so once we start our descent we've got a get the cabin down to the destination field altitude which in our case is going to be in the region of uh somewhere around 300 feet from an eye so something like that a little bit of easy mathematics here in order to manage our cabin 2000 feet a minute from 20 000 feet means we are going to need 10 minutes for The Descent the cabin is at uh 9000 feet so it's gonna descend by around eight and a half thousand so Kevin rated descent in the region of around 1000 feet a minute here should do well note that with this I'm basically showing you the maximum descent performance that this airplane can achieve you could of course simply reduce thrust and make the plane design faster but if you did that and you would then make the cabin descent at an according rate it would really start to hurt on your ears so this is about the maximum that we can do here and we just have to use a little bit of throttle control in order to keep our airplane going where we indeed wanted to go okay let's start a right turn heading towards that reporting point that we have previously set up Indiana computer you're supposed to descend the plane around 185 knots now personally I like to go a bit faster but seeing that we are definitely going to experience a little bit of turbulence in the weather that we're about to fly through we might indeed want to get the speed below the Amber bands so note as well how the cabin temperature has reduced a bit again because we never touched it all rather because we never touched the um air increase in the flight here so cabin temperatures are sad are dependent on the outside temperatures in this plane as well okay the speed is nice and low one more thing that I can demonstrate to you here is the external tanks of the airplane we can see that we've used up around about 1 8 of the total fuel from the main tank but we didn't use any fuel from the tip tanks so if we go ahead now and switch the fuel boost pumps on and then switch the tip tank transfer pumps on we can see the green lights Illuminating here and that's basically indicating us that fuel is now being transferred from the tip tanks towards the main tanks on the plane also another quick word here on the aircraft's on-off computer now in the real plane if you selected your HSI Source towards armor you could use the nav mode in order to track the um HSI now in the simulator that does unfortunately not work so Microsoft got some issues there which do prevent black Square to simulate this at the moment so we've just got to use heading select mode in order to follow our arm of computer data okay let's go down to 5000 feet actually let's go down all the way to 3000 feet and that should hopefully put us below the cloud so that we can fly so that we can fly our visual approach another idea may of course be just to fly an on off approach or sorry not an RF approach um with a kns-81 back in the day in the 80s where these computers have been used they actually flew on off approaches often but nowadays that is not allowed anymore but we could of course go to fly a localizer only approach over at on time which might provide for some interesting maneuvering so for the purpose of today's video however I am going to fly the Via far maneuver so I'm sure that at one point there will be live stream where I'm going to demonstrate the entire IFR capabilities of this airplane but since I figure that most of you are not going to actually fly the plane IFR using the RF computer I will do that in a separate video where I'm going to use the gtn750 but I'm sure most of you are actually going to use so we've got some minutes to run to the um reporting point and we've got to reach 2000 feet at that point which means we need to lose 8 000 feet divided by six minutes gives me something in the region of around a thousand uh 700 in a minute let's check the cabin let's build a center nicely passing 5000 right now doing a thousand feet a minute perfect a little bit more power and going through the clouds let's put the anti-ice on temperature is just around zero so we are about entering that area where we could actually encounter a little bit of icing but looking at the wings they do seem clear at the moment yep do note that even though you are flying through possible lighting conditions there is not always actually icing inside the clouds so what we're seeing right now actually is quite realistic that um we must not necessarily get icing just because we're flying through possible icing conditions okay then um six thousand feet around five minutes so let's do something around 1200 feet a minute increase the power in order to maintain our speed that's that 185 is the recommended descent speed in the baron and the recommended approach speed that we'll need later on is going to vary a little bit depending on the drill's weight of the airplane so looking at the different numbers something in the region of around 90 knots usually goes quite well but if you are heavy like we are today seeing that we have almost a full complement of fuel still on board then we might want to use a little bit more like 95 knots small explanation there as well as we are flying along those of you who've previously flown the Bonanza will have noticed that there are two more indications now on the airspeed indicator one of the blue line one is the red line now those are actually something you would typically find inside multi-engine aircraft and the blue line basically is the best single engine rate of climb speed while the red line indicates the minimum control speed in the air so what does that mean basically if you have an engine failure you want to fly the blue line for any climbs as you're going to get the best performance and don't go below the red line because at that point you will not be able to maintain directional control of the airplane with the operative engine set to maximum thrust hey we are vmc so at this point we can basically cancel our IFR let's return to squawk VFR over there 7000. and also note the cabin temperature is uh increasing quite a bit right now so what I'm actually going to do on the ground is rather warm so I've just turned the heaters off and you could hear the heaters going off as well and since we're flying with efr let's put the landing lights and the taxi light on so that we are easier visible for other aircrafts oh you can slowly see Mannheim coming up over there so let's start preparing for the approach that we are about to fly and for that we can have a look into the AIP and thankfully the German air traffic control services have made the um AIP available online for free now so we can actually get the current real life approach charts for our flight so that's why descending down keep a quick eye on our cabin altitude which is not 2 000 feet so you don't want to descend below the actual cabinet altitude otherwise just go ahead and flick the cabin pressurization switch to dump and then your cabin is going to equalize with the current actual um conditions so defroster off cabin heat is off okay um also the fuel transfer is going nicely we can see the tip tank fuel slowly reducing while the main tank is increasing again okay two more minutes to the reporting point so let's have a quick look into the um approach chart for Manheim so this is what we've got checking out the AIP we want the AIP VFR aerodromes mic and then we're looking for Mannheim City Airport here it is so that's the approach chart and this is the point that we have tuned in our on off computer so we are currently heading here towards kilo which is along the highway and then we'll enter the control Zone on the right side of the highway all the way into the final Pro for me 27. there is no maximum altitude defined but seeing that the control zone is 2000 feet high we are going to stay below 2000 on that approach and finally we are going to um fly a left-hand traffic patterns all right so that's the um preparation for the approach pretty much completed so let's descend the plane down to 2800 feet 2.6 miles prior to the reporting point so if we check this we can actually see the highway over there we can see the crossing highway over there so that's basically our definition of the kilo point okay enough autopilot flying let's actually get that autopilot out and see how the plane handles manually the runway over in Manheim is a 2-7 so I'm going to pre-select that at the course HSI sauce back to math one and here we go the intersection of the two highways we can see in front of us is reporting Point kilo we're going down to 2 000 feet so we can enter the controls on in a little bit it is a little bit rainy I'm wondering what the visibilities are going to be inside there but um just hope that we will be able to see something entering the control Zone let's start reducing our airspeed I found that at 15 inches the plane usually flies quite nicely at the typical pattern speed so speed is going down we can see that little white marker up here that is our approach flap um speed limit and then we got the landing flop speed limit over here so that's the two things that we want to take care of preparing for the approach the mixture is going to go full Rich again the cabin altitude is pretty much down so let's dump this down now and um the maintenance are pretty much full again so I'm going to turn off the chip tanks and the fuel pumps okay nice [Music] airport should start coming into view anymore now and I believe that is actually it over there let's just keep following that Highway and hope that the visibility is not going to be too bad inside those rain showers you can see speed is reduced nicely and as we are going to enter the final directory list extend the approach flaps so I believe that's our airport over there um call flaps open yeah we can see the approach lights over there nice [Music] okay you done [Music] Landing flaps are out and then let's turn file I'm not such a good approach speed I'm going to turn the um prop levers up to a Max just before we overfly the runway threshold so that we don't do too much noise 25 knots nice I like that we can add final [Music] okay quickly going to pre-select the pattern altitude of 1300 and that looks all good okay going below the puppies intentionally here and we're done not the prettiest Landing I have to say that was just a little bit turbulent there okay pass that props full forward rotate father rates Gear Up [Music] normally it's easier to learn first that was just a little bit crosswind there okay 400 AGL Reed use power and then let's turn up wins also taking off a little bit of manifold pressure as we're about to reach our pattern altitude visibility isn't great but is still within the VFR limit so that is quite fine for me I thought we shouldn't exceed 30 degrees in my care okay we can see our airport down there certainly not perfect visibility over here but that makes flying a bit more interesting doesn't it and here we go okay beam The Landing Runway threshold so let's start reducing our speed once again we are within the region where we can use approach flaps so let's use them in order to help decelerating the airplane you're down and we can start a slow base turn here basically we want to stay just on the other side of the highway over here and not overfly the residential areas so this looks quite good okay alarming flaps so we are going to do this touch and go and then we'll fly the airplane back towards Eagle's bar and on the way we are going to demonstrate an engine failure okay so here we are final turn [Music] so nicely on puppies speed 95 looks good so let's do it better this time bad throttle title down we go flower bits okay that much about let's do it better this time it's not my day today normally this plane lands pretty well okay pass that rotate and Gear Up okay we're going to leave the controls on northbound via the river Rhine [Music] stability in that direction looks generally okay [Music] so climb thrust we can go up to 1800 feet provided the clouds actually allow us to do so I thought that seems about fine okay let's stay here alright so once again I'm going to use the high speed to get out of the um control Zone over here thereafter we'll reduce to a little bit of lower speed once again in order to demonstrate the engine failure so we can just give a little bit of temporary leaning over here like this and we actually don't need most of those ampurizing stuff here next up we'll turn 3200 feet that's going to keep us below the controlled airspace of Frankfurt which extends to 3500 here until we pretty much reach the um lead VOR that we've tuned to active what's up here okay here we go so let's continue our climb looking for 3200 provided the clouds allow this but I want a little bit of altitude when I'm demonstrating the engine failure to you and Golf Clubs closed as you can see cylinder temperatures are looking very good [Music] okay this looks quite good so let's reduce power a bit we'll go 20 and 20 here so there we go Cruise power is set so let's now have a look into the non-normal checklists that we can find and we can see we've got the a lot of a lot of them like engine fire ground engine failure ground roll engine fail to take off and so on but the one we want to have a look at right now is the engine failure in-flight checklist so here's what to do it has been 115 knots that is going to be the um speed for the best Glide inoperative engine identify inoperative engine throttle closed inoperative engine propeller feather fuel selector in-app engine cross feed and that's basically securing the engine after that we start to after that we start to try to restart it now before I'm actually going to attempt the real engine failure here let's very quickly go ahead and check out some of the engine simulations and the way I'm going to do this is I'm just going to close the um mixture for the number two engine I'll have to do it for the number one engine actually we'll do number two later so as I'm about to do that the engine is basically going to shut down as it does right now that also means we need a bit more thrust on the two now we can see we've got that little red light blinking up there this is the low thrust indicator for the left engine and the reason we've got this indicator is because it might not be so easy to determine which engine has failed when we're looking at the engine indications so we still have some manifold pressure we still have some RPMs all the fuel flow has reduced greatly so as you can see it might not be that easy to identify which engine has failed and therefore via low thrust alert line is blinking but here's something I want to show you due to the engine still windmilling at the moment if I'm just going to increase the mixture once again you can see the engine immediately restarting okay nice so with that slots um but it's just about to stay at the present position because now I want to do a real engine failure so that's about props reduced again so let's go to the menu now and I want to go to uh scheduled failure detailed left engine failure um oh I'm going to Omit at a moment a little between one minute and two minutes and actually you know what I said earlier I want to fail the right engine so let's do that so right engine between one and two minutes um yes okay so I've got to wait a minute or two but we are going to use that time in order to uh have a look at what we're going to do with the checklist then because this is how the checklist continues basically we are going to secure the engine and thereafter we'll try to restart it so inner magnetos strike both in a boost pump high in a mixture Rich then lean that is basically priming the engine again and then in-up engine starter engage enough engine if no restart boost pump off mixture rich so this is the first restart attempt here where we are basically trying the uh called Dart procedure the reason we're using the cold start procedure is because the air might quickly cool the engine down so if the cold start procedure doesn't work then um here's what we're gonna do next next up fuel boost pump off extra full Rich magnetos both starter engage so if we're doing that we are basically trying the um flooded engine start procedure and if that doesn't work we're going to shut the engine down secure it and then we are going to return to the nearest airport which in our case by the way is going to be a good spark we will be returning there all right so that is pretty much how we are going to handle the engine failure when it then eventually happens so let's recap the situation that we're currently in I'm just about holding south of lead VOR at a place where we can still use um sufficient altitude because the bmwr we have a controlled aspects of Frankfurt so we've got a descent there but I want to keep a little bit of altitude here before we are going to fail an engine apart from that we are pretty much in a normal cruising configuration so our um engines are set down to a low power setting like you would use it when you just want to you know enjoy flight and we're doing a nice AirSpeed 140 knots and um our airplane is pretty much in a cruising configuration Okay so engine failure okay then memory items thrust lever a confirm the failed engine okay we've got a low thrust line on the number two engine and looking at this we have reduced manifold pressure we do have some RPMs but less than commanded and zero fuel flow so it is a failure of engine number two okay memory items engine number two thrust lever idle enter number two confirm confirmed drop lever feather and engine number two mixture cut off okay so let's quickly increase thrust on the number one so that we don't um start losing it okay that's the prop of a number two engine Fathead over there you can see it's still moving a little bit in the Windstream but apart from that prop is favorite okay so engine failure in-flight non-normal checklist AirSpeed 115 knots where we don't need to do that we have sufficient altitude and performance at the moment inoperative engine identify so we've got the low thrusts lights blinking up there we do have manifold pressure we have zero RPMs we have zero fuel flow and zero oil pressure the engine number two is an operative okay enough engine throttle close number two closed enough engine propeller feather feathered confirmed valid fuel selector in-app engine and craft feed that's the right side so that the fuel selector there to cross feed then in-app engine magnetos check both that's number two sorry both enough engine boost pump High then enough engine mixture Rich then lean okay rich then lean in-app engine starter engage yeah we tried it but it's not working okay let's continue that checklist in our engine if no restart enough engine boost pump off in-app engine mixture full reach full rich in-app engine magnetos check both [Music] okay enough engine starter engage let's try to view that okay if no restarts no there is no restart here okay enough engine if no restart nearest airport select we said earlier already that we are going to return towards Eagle's bar Airport and we can easily find that we have outbound read we are already down there is the highway let's return to that okay so in a Vengeance fuel selector off but the in-app engine fuel selector off enough engine boost pump off off enough engine magnetos off right side confirmed off enough engine alternator off right side confirmed off Cal flaps closed closed alternator load 80 amps Max or at 75 at the moment so we are good okay so we've got to do 7 300 feet right now so that we don't fly through the um controlled airspace of Frankfurt there okay and that is basically the um engine failure case completed there so let's return to Eagles buff airports oh don't climb keep descending [Music] so if we look at the approach chart then um Eagles bottles basically getting a little bit to the left of us [Music] we can get rid of that chart and then over to the left and is that he goes back no that doesn't look like it but just to be on the safe side where are we from read VR that does definitely not look like Eagles Bar up there I don't think that's it no egosma should still be on the right of us but let's try and find it eventually we can help ourselves with a little cheap air and um but just search for a function mine VOR which is 14.2 this is by the way easily how these things might go when you are not using any um GPS system all the likes this is just you know how people have flown earlier on what I'm currently confused about is this little airport over there that doesn't really seem to fit the scene but we are still about using the read VOR here six miles off so we've got to turn to the right hand side here and then um we're basically looking on to the radial of zero to one from lead VOR which is going to lead us straight towards some Eagle staff Point Delta and not into the ground so I'll have creasa like that zero two one so we need to go a bit more to the right hand side and we can actually see Runway one eight of Frankfort mine airport up there I believe so that will make it easy to navigate and find our way around not my best piece of navigation right now but then again you're flying with an engine failed and um trying to do the job of more than one pilot at the same time here normally what I would have done in real life in this situation I would have simply asked them a traffic control for radar vectors towards Eagle's Park while maintaining vmc at the same time so that's the reason why navigating and doing everything at the same time can be a little bit but we should be almost there yep I'm basically following this heading until I can find the highway that we are that we flew out on which should basically more or less be on the radio from that VOR something I always find a little bit um let's call it sub-optimal is when you are flying a multi-engine general aviation aircraft the um visibility Outsiders rather restricted compared to the single engine equivalents so as you can see we've got the engine in front of us over here we've got the um nose in front of us over there so that makes it a little bit difficult but we've made it over there as the airport so we can start our approach now okay joining the downwind let's start reducing our speed a little bit and we can get the approach flaps out lights are on already landing gear down pattern altitude 1300 feet over there is the airport so at 1300 on speed nice let's start the base term here we go looking good okay props and can definitely go off we don't need that then starting out is sent Landing flaps down reducing thrust slightly we're looking for 100 knots approach speed don't be surprised if we see two Rats on the power piece um this is designed for a four degree approach path but we are not going to follow that we will fly in approximately three degree path here okay here we go nicely established 100 knots looking good this is pretty much what we are looking for here tiny bit more thrust maybe even so that we clear those trees in front of the runway okay that was the trees trust idle flare and here we are welcome to Eagle's bar Let It Roll to the taxiway and then we'll take that and taxi back to the apron single engine tactics in this point is not much of a problem you can do that I actually find it quite a bit nicer than the um two engine taxi because the plane just got so much power so that's the runway vacated let's just stop it here for a second in order to secure everything after landing there we go so flaps up Landing lights off strobe lights off nav lights off and pedo heat off cabinets depressurized as well and transponder into mode alpha weather radar can go standby and with that we can start our taxi in on a single engine number two that is still off we will of course need a little bit more power than normal but once it's rolling it should be rolling nicely here we go as you can see directional control no problem at all even at these um stronger power settings this is by the way pretty close to what I'm used to from flying multi-engine piston aircraft in real life as well so we can really get the um plane rolling and once it's rolling you just leave the other engine idle first and you just don't have any directional control problem with these there is a common misconception among flight Summers that it would be you know hard to control an airplane like that but it is absolutely not at all okay let's take that parking spot up here and here we are okay that's the parking brake set avionic master can go off pretty much all the switches except the beacon are off okay shut down Bill thanks GSX we don't need you okay the engine has come to stand still alternator off battery switch off and with that welcome to the analog Baron so what is my feedback after this flight then well it is an absolute joy to fly you guys know that I love these small aircraft as long as they are simulated decently and there are not a lot of well-simulated aircraft available that are simulated decently so what's my feedback then well I absolutely love it I am not going to make a statement like this got to be the best multi-engine aircraft because there is always email this um blackbirds c310 out which is a very good airplane as well and I don't want to make a direct comparison between the two so let's have a look into the features of the um black Square analog Baron systems there is nothing to complain about in terms of the system the thing flies or the thing um handles exactly like it should the systems all work the circuit breakers all work and I couldn't find anything that was not simulated here so flight model the airplane flies very nicely and it's got all the challenges that we talked about earlier in this review while flying the plane so there is not a lot more to add there to think flies very nicely I do apologize for my two Landings over at Mannheim I don't know why those have been worse than um pretty much any other Landing I've done with this plane so far but normally there's flies and lands very nicely you've just got to make sure that you're on speed when you're Crossing threshold and then you can put it right down where you want it to be apart from that it's got some superb performance and it's flung exactly what we would expect it to fly and that is really all that counts in terms of performance as in frames per second the plane is working really well on my system so I didn't suffer any performance um decrease I do need to say at this point that if there have been any greater stutters inside the video then my recording software is sometimes doing that without those things being there in my actual simulator so if you've seen any major status inside this video then that's been due to the recording software not due to the airplane itself in my simulator everything ran 100 smooth okay so the final Point here is the value for money and that is where the analog Baron really shines the guy that black Square took some great approach to take default Microsoft flight simulator aircraft and bring them to study level by enhancing the panels and rebuilding all the systems this basically means they could save the money that it would normally take for rebuilding the outside model and it means they can save some money on the sounds however they did add quite some Custom Sounds like for example from the cabin heater as well which is something I really appreciate so overall great value for money here the plane is going to release at about 30 Euros and honors of the black Square Bonanza will be able to get 25 of the baron since they are rather similar aircraft and the baron is basically the multi-engine version of the Bonanza however with all its particular systems models with that I would like to thank you very much for flying with me and hope that you have enjoyed this review of the baron I can very much recommend it it will be available from just flight from the 23rd of March onwards so by the time you're watching this it's probably going to be released already so thank you very much for your attention and as always like comment and subscribe as it does really help help out the channel and if you really like what I'm doing I would appreciate a small donation through the buy me coffee Link in the video description below or by becoming a channel member which is going to give you exclusive Early Access to new videos before they are released to anyone else and In First Class membership even the ability to request your own videos for now thank you very much for watching and I'm looking forward to welcoming you all again on the next one
Channel: A330 Driver
Views: 10,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AnalogBaron, Baron, Engine Failure, Tutorial, Black Square, Black Square Analog Baron, Analog Baron
Id: cRXxhZswvd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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