Reversing and Cracking first simple Program - bin 0x05

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Great videos, good editing, clear instruction and good detailed explanation.

You're doing what I want to do, but I feel kind of awkward speaking on camera.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/hellor00t šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 30 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies
I have written a small C program. Itā€™s supposed to be a simple license check. So you can execute it and you can supply a key as argument and it will be checked. Our goal is to crack this program so we donā€™t have to use a valid license key. I have made this program available through a github repository. You can download it from or you can install ā€˜gitā€™ with ā€˜sudo apt-get install gitā€™ and get the whole repository with ā€˜git cloneā€™ and the address you can see on github. We will probably talk more about what git is later. For now itā€™s enough to know, that this is a way how developers can program together on a project. And I use it to share some stuff. To have a look at the binary assembler code, we can use a program called gdb. The GNU Debugger. So type ā€˜gdbā€™ and the path to the binary. So every C program has a main function, remember? So letā€™s type in ā€˜disassemble mainā€™ which will display all assembler instructions from the main function. But urgh, do you see how ugly that looks? Thatā€™s the horrible at&t syntax. So type in ā€˜set disassembly-flavor intelā€™. Remember that you can use tab completion here as well. Now ā€˜disassemble mainā€™ again, and now itā€™s much more readable. Ok. So. It looks complicated. But you can ignore most of it. First of all get a high-level view of it. It doesnā€™t make sense to start going through this instruction by instruction. This main function obviously calls other functions. So just draw a mental picture of the rough control flow. I will actually print out this assembler code and use a pen. Thatā€™s how I did it in the beginning and still do it when I encounter more complex code. And remember to just ignore most of the stuff, concentrate on the actual flow. So at the start it arrives at a compare with the number 2. And afterwards a ā€˜jump not equalā€™. So something is checked if it is 2. If that is the case, we proceed to a ā€˜printfā€™. Which we know is a function to display text. Then comes a ā€˜strcmpā€™, if you donā€™t know that function, read the man page of it. ā€˜man 3 strcmpā€™ - so this compares two strings and returns 0 if both strings were the same. After that call we see another ā€˜jump not equalā€™ so if the zero flag is not set, there will be a ā€˜putsā€™ call. Use the man page to figure out what it does, but it just prints text like printf. So if the original compare with the number 2 was not true, then it would jump to this address 0x400623, which is at offset main+102. So in that case it prints some other text with ā€˜putsā€™ and exits. I always add the addresses, or at least part of the address, from important locations, so I know where I am. This will help you later when we step through the program. Now we have one branch missing. If this compare was incorrect, this branch would jump to offset main+90. Which also just prints text. Some jumps are still missing, but you can add them to get a nice control-flow graph. Now letā€™s actually execute this and step through it. You can then draw which path through the graph you have taken on your paper. To do do this we first set a breakpoint at the start of main with ā€˜break *mainā€™. Breakpoint is set, now use ā€˜runā€™ to start the program. Starting program and we hit the breakpoint 1 at this address. A breakpoint is a point where execution stops. Now look at the registers with ā€˜info registersā€™. Here you can see that RIP, the instruction pointer, points to the first address in main. Now use ā€˜siā€™ to step one instruction. Now we are at a new address in main. ā€˜info registersā€™ and you see the changed instruction pointer. So now just step through it all and follow the addresses in your control graph. But use ā€˜niā€™ instead of ā€˜siā€™, because ā€˜siā€™ would step into function calls. But we only want to step through this main function and not follow stuff like ā€˜putsā€™. Ok did you notice when we jumped? The jump was at 5d0, and then the next instruction was at 623. So we followed the jump, which means whatever was compared to 2, was not 2. And then the program printed the Usage information after 628, which was the last ā€˜putsā€™ call. So we can write down, that this ā€˜putsā€™ prints the ā€˜Usageā€™ information. Now itā€™s pretty clear, that we didnā€™t pass a key to this program. Which means the check was looking at the arguments if we supplied a license key. So letā€™s run the program again, but this time with a random license key. Yes we want to start the program again. Now do the same. ā€˜niā€™, ā€˜niā€™. Now we are at 5d0 again, will we jump this time? No! cool! So the next branch we expect is at 609. Letā€™s ā€˜niā€™ and see what happens. AH! Another print text. So that ā€˜printfā€™ is the info that a license key will be checked. ā€˜niā€™. Now comes the branch. Ok we arrived at 609, letā€™s see where we are afterwards. At 617. So we did jump, which means that the strcmp failed. And when we continue with ā€˜niā€™ we see that itā€™s wrong. Ok. Letā€™s set a breakpoint just before the last compare and run the program again. Remember that you can easily copy&paste values in the terminal by simply marking something and pressing your mousewheel. Now ā€˜runā€™ again. Breakpoint 1. Now ā€˜continueā€™. This will run the program normally again, until we hit the next breakpoint. Now stopped before we execute the ā€˜test eax, eaxā€™. EAX just refers to the first 32bit of the 64bit RAX register. So itā€™s value is hex 0xE. Letā€™s set this to 0, which would indicate that the ā€˜strcmpā€™ was correct and returned a 0. ā€˜set $eax=0ā€™. ā€˜info registersā€™ and you can see that itā€™s now 0. Now use ā€˜niā€™ again to step and follow your control path. ā€˜Access Granted!ā€™ YAY! We circumvented the license check! It think thatā€™s pretty cool! And you can always write your own little C program trying to make it more secure, and then crack it yourself again. You will notice that itā€™s impossible to make a program uncrackable. Those kind of challenges are called ā€˜crackmeā€™. People create small programs that have to be cracked. Or more often you have to create a valid keygen. If you think something like this is fun, checkout Creating control graphs like we just did is pretty useful. Thatā€™s why there are some programs that do that for us. Here are three different examples of this specific control graph. First is HopperApp, second is IDAPro and the last one is from radare2. See you hopefully next time when we use some different tools to explore this licence check binary a bit more. Letā€™s figure out together the basic concepts of a CPU. Computers have different memory to store stuff - so first we need something to store the machine code in. Letā€™s take a spreadsheet and imagine that this is memory. You can store values in it and each memory cell has an address, which is the number on the left. And I will use the 2nd column to write some comments in there. As you can see there are some hexadecimal numbers stored in this memory. And at first it looks very random, but that is our machine code and soon you will understand this. So the first thing the CPU needs to have is something to keep track where in memory the CPU currently is. Which means we shoud add a little storage for our CPU and call it the ā€œInstruction Pointerā€. This little storage area will contain the address of memory the CPU is looking at the moment. So obviously our program starts from the top, so the address will be 1. Now letā€™s start the CPU, it looks at address 1 and reads 48, AA, 14. But what do those numbers mean? The CPU knows that 48 means it has to MOVE data around. The AA means the destination of that move. and the 14 is the source. So in address 14 we can see the number 42. And the destination is another small storage unit inside the CPU. So the CPU will move the 42 into itā€™s small storage area called AA. So this instruction is done, and the CPU increases the Instruction pointer by one. And we start over. The CPU reads the current value at the address of itā€™s instruction pointer. So it reads 48 again which means move, and this time itā€™s moving the content of address 15 into the small storage BB. Notice how I use brackets around the 15. This indicates that 15 is an address, and we actually reference the content of 15, which is 66. And not the number 15 itself. Instruction done, increase the Instruction pointer. The next address contains 83, AA and BB. The CPU knows that 83 means COMPARE. And it compares the values in AA and BB. Now it has to somehow remember the result of this compare. So letā€™s add another small storage that stores this result. We call it Zero Flag. You know what an intelligent way is to compare two numbers? If you subtract them from each other and their result is 0, they were the same. If the result is not zero, they were different. So this is what the CPU does. 66-42 is 24, so thatā€™s not 0. So we set the zero flag to false. Instruction done, next one is at address 4. The CPU reads a 75 and 07. 75 Stands for JUMP If not equal. And 07 is the address where to jump to. So the CPU checks the state of the Zero Flag. And The Zero flag is set to FALSE, so the previous compare was not equal. Which means it jumps to the destination 07. A jump is easy. The CPU just sets its Instruction Pointer to 07. Ok so the next instruction is at address 7. And it reads E8 and 17. E8 In this case stands for print a text. And the text can be found at address 17. But 17 doesnā€™t contain text? Well, for a computer everything is numbers. Like those instructions the CPU executes, they are just numbers. So text is made out of numbers too. Remember how I brushed over ASCII values in a previous video? Now itā€™s the time to pull up the ascii man page again. So type ā€˜man asciiā€™ In the terminal. Now try to find hex 4E and 4F. Haa.. ok. So they stand for ā€˜Nā€™ and ā€˜Oā€™. Which means the computer will print ā€˜NOā€™. So looks like this code simply compares two numbers. I will not go over the case when those two numbers are the same, but you should try it yourself. Thatā€™s crazy, huh? CPU simply reads the memory sequentially and does whatever it reads. And programmers can build crazy complex stuff with that. Now let me change the text a little bit so it reflects more the reality of how we write assembler. Basically just abbreviation of it. Also donā€™t get confused with the order of parameters. simply think of it like a variable assignment in programming. This was a very simple example, but the real world is not much different. People just came up with a lot more instructions that might be interesting and wrote complex code to solve hard problems. But at their core they are simple like that.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 350,357
Rating: 4.9620538 out of 5
Keywords: live hacking, live ctf, buffer overflow, hacking, let's hack, exploitation, exploit, xss, shellcode, hacker, tutorial, ctf, Reverse Engineering (Software Genre), reversing, cracking, crackme, keygenme, gdb, GNU Debugger (Software), license, crack, patch, jump, breakpoint, control graph, graph, execution flow, hopper, ida, idapro, radare, radare2, r2, Hacker (Interest), C (Programming Language), Software Cracking
Id: VroEiMOJPm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
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