Reverse Engineering | Dr Paul LaViolette

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coming up on one minute mark t-minus 60 seconds and counting we are go for Apollo seven at this time very happy to be here I grew up in a family of scientists my father was a nuclear engineer my uncle aerospace engineer and at a very young age I was interested in space travel read avidly science fiction books began working at one point on a physics theory a new approach to physics which I've come to call sub quantum kinetics and that's what got me into the whole area of electrogravitics and space propulsion it was through through that path and so today I'll be talking about a reverse engineering of past technologies have been kept secret which my purpose regret I guess the motivation has been to get these out in the open to try to reverse-engineer them so they're no longer secret because we desperately need these to improve Society I believe the world would have been a completely different place if we had these technologies today would be much more idyllic paradisiacal society ibly technologies can by making world more prosperous bring more peace to the world and but first before going to these past technologies I'd like to talk about a technology that is newly emerging now it's not classified and related to our mission to Cerys recently which is in the news it's still going on Ceres is a small body in the asteroid belt it's 945 kilometers in diameter and there are these strange bright spots that they found on the surface in this crater and here's a close-up this is taken at altitude of fourteen hundred seventy kilometers the crater itself is 92 kilometers in diameter and this is puzzling that is scientists don't really understand what it could be some have suggested ice others salt I have wondered could it possibly light reflecting off of enclosures some camp or outpost that's been established there because if let's say that they were domes they're going to reflect light more than the surrounding surface and so you would see illumination like this and here I compare on the left Cerys bright spots to Grand Rapids Michigan on the right this shot of Grand Rapids taken from an altitude of 400 kilometers Grand Rapids has a population 190,000 approximately its size 23 kilometers on the left if you scale it 9 kilometers just the left bright spot is 9 meters in diameter so you could say perhaps if it was like Grand Rapids you could even have as many as 50,000 people living there and we'll know more about these by the end of December they're supposed to be a lot lower in their orbit this is the dawn spacecraft and they'll they'll be I guess even early December down to 375 kilometers about the height of the space station that was taking the Grand Rapids picture and this is the dawn spacecraft that nASA has sent out there it's taken seven and a half years to get out there uses an ion thruster technology xenon ion thruster the reason they use this technology because it's more efficient than chemical rocket technology because you with this they use solar cells to get the energy from the Sun and they use that to electrify xenon split off its electrons and accelerate it in an accelerator and create this ion exhaust that you see here it's an artist's conception this way they don't have to take their energy supply with them they take the energy from the Sun so ends up being more efficient in that sense but they still need fuel approximately half of the spacecraft weight is xenon it's spacecraft weighs 1.2 tons and the xenon is about half a ton they have to take with them so I'd like to suggest how about instead of taking 7 a half years to get there going there in two weeks or even journey and beyond suppose we send a probe to Alpha Centauri or epsilon era I Rodney I'd like to introduce the NASA COS superconducting thruster that was invented by Professor Athanasius NASA COS of the technical educational institute of La Russa and Greece and he received a patent this year I met him few years ago at a scientific conference and have been helping him on testing this and patent applications and making contacts with NASA and other organizations it weighs about 118 grams fit can fit in the palm of your hand it consists of a superconducting nozzle this is a cross-section view here this is the superconductor it's a high temperature Eco superconductor so it's superconducting at liquid nitrogen temperatures and it has a permanent magnet in its throat and this requires no energy and it's able to develop a force on the superconductor develops about a little over two grams of force that's about the weight of a half of a sheet of paper but this is enough that if you put this in space it would accelerate with about 2% of the Earth's gravitational acceleration the magnet is about 1 Tesla the strongest permanent magnets we can make or around 1.4 slightly over 1.4 Tesla there are more other stronger magnets but only for military use and you wouldn't be able to buy them now in space the temperature is around can get down to 40 Kelvin that's 40 degrees above absolute zero if you have a Sun shield to shield the Sun now so you wouldn't need any cooling for this in space and it's possible now we've tested this in liquid nitrogen but in space going down even to lower temperatures because liquid nitrogen is it's 77 degrees above absolute zero going to 40 we believed that it would develop even more thrust and who knows maybe it could even develop as much as twice the Earth's gravitational acceleration we don't know maybe that's it's way too much but this is something we'd like to see how this thrust can be improved and this is an experiment I'll show you next it was performed it's an excerpt from a video we took at Athens University last year and it shows the thruster moving it's a pendulum test and you see how it moves to the left and we have a reference plumb line behind it so you can see that it's always to one side the reason why it's oscillating is it tends to overshoot its equilibrium okay so that's a very short section the reason I showed this is because it's hanging in air so you can't make any claims that the liquid nitrogen and bubbles or something are affecting it we also have videos of it in the liquid nitrogen bath doing the same thing also hanging the bath itself in the whole box moving to the side and once it warms up and get be calm it's no longer superconducting it stops moving just hangs plumb so this is an example of reaction less propulsion and there's a whole array of inventions that deal with reaction was propulsion even though that they violate major law of physics which is called Newton's third law and now sub quantum kinetics which is the physics that I used to interpret these various devices it holds that the magnetic field is seeded in the surrounding ether so when you have a magnet that's attached to the superconductor it's producing a magnetic field but the magnetic field is not attached to the magnet as in standard physics physicists might think well the magnetic field has to somehow be attached to the magnet when you begin with the idea of ether or you can call it a quantum vacuum or material vacuum that there's something there and ether that the fields are in that then the field can exert forces on the superconductor without owing anything to the magnet that it created it and in this case the field produces unbalanced forces on the nozzle I'll show you in this picture the magnetic field in the magnet is going to be stronger inside the throat then outside because the field has to go all the way around here so it spreads out so it's exerting a force on the superconductor which is called the Meissner effect now when a material becomes superconducting it it expels all the magnetic field lines from inside itself and then at that point the magnetic field outside ends up exerting pressure on a superconductor a force it's called the Meissner effect it's the same phenomenon that's involved in maglev for moving trains so it turns out there is unbalanced force where inside it's greater than outside and if you analyze because of the slope here you can analyze it into two components the component radial to the axis perpendicular to the axis is going to cancel out but this component will end up in a net thrust which pushes it in the direction of the convergence of the nozzle and you can think of it this way this is a one of Townsend Browns thrusters electrostatic thruster it's a symmetrical capacitor and in his thruster you notice that the you have the same amount of charge on both poles but here it spread out more so the force is pushing you see this is positively charged so the positive field that is created here is going to repel downward but because the field is so spread out it's going to be a weak repulsion downward here the charges around it that are hanging around here that field is going to create a very strong force on this it's the same amount of charge but it's more concentrated in the fields more concentrated so you're going to generate very strong force upward now in standard physics they would say okay all this will do is generate a stress on the structure because they think of the field is somehow attached to the to the capacitor plates in sub quantum kinetics when you admit that his existence of the ether you realize that these forces are anchored in the ether and therefore when you have an imbalance it will end up and create in a net propulsion and this is what Brown demonstrated and the same thing is going on with the no caecus thruster now here I compare it to the spacecraft thruster the Dawn spacecraft on the Left it's about 30 centimeters in diameter whereas nice ekeus thruster is only 5 centimeters diameter and about 5 knots ekeus thrusters are equal to the dawn spacecraft thruster in terms of the amount of thrust it produces and here I compare them and what's important is the thrust to mass ratio how much thrust it produces compared to how much it weighs so with the dawn spacecraft thruster you have to not only include the weight of the thruster itself which is around 15 kilos but also the fuel the Zenon you take along with you which is almost half a ton and the weight of the solar cells another 10 kilos or 15 kilos and when you do the the ratio to get the thrust to weight ratio or thrust to mass ratio it's right here down here you see that the this is the N star thruster on the Dawn spacecraft in terms of Newton's per kilogram it's a thousand times less than an s ekeus Ruster so if the seco structure puts out thousand times more thrust for the same amount of weight another thing is the dawn thruster takes about 2.3 kilowatts to make it operate the Niseko thruster requires no power input so the it has in Nausicaa Strasser has an infinite efficiency or infinite thrust to power ratio and it's not limited how far it can go where's the dawn thruster it only can go as far as its fuel will take it when the xenon runs out then that's it so they refer to that specific impulse 3200 seconds what they rate it at so now let's say we reduce drastically the weight of the dawn probe instead of one point two tonnes now we can make it 35 kilograms with all the miniaturized apparatus with cameras and telemetry everything gyroscope whatever is needed with the Niseko thrusters which add hardly any weight 600 grams to deliver the same thrust this dawn huge dawn thruster deliver we can now accelerate 35 times faster than we could before and if the Nessie kiss rusty develops higher accelerations in lower temperature like we're suggesting maybe it could even go up 3500 times more acceleration so instead of going to series in seven and a half years we can make the trip cruising at a speed of 140 kilometers a second in less than one week and at least to get up to speed in one week excuse me and make the entire journey in just two to four weeks because we have to when we get halfway there then we have to decelerate it to turn this thing around decelerate so we have zero fuel weight and zero power consumption now this it violates also the first law of thermodynamics the idea of energy conservation it physicists hold to and they use this to claim the perpetual motion is fraudulent and they use it to throw people in jail and suppress a lot of free energy technologies so this blatantly violates that and that nice thing is you can take this into any physics classroom put it on the table demonstrate it you violated a major underpinning of physics theory of standard physics so I don't think that we haven't gotten many invitations yet so it is how we're explained in sub quantum kinetics which holds that the universe operates as an open system so that in other words that there's more than the physical that there's a unseen reality that we we've been told about from mystical traditions religion which is actually more real than what's here if you think we're like the watermark on the paper and it's the paper is the real substance but we can't see it it's the etheric it's space now the question is where does the energy come from well it's the magnetic field its generating this pressure but what causes the magnetic field they say well it's produced by solectron spin the spins of electrons in the magnet all aligned that leads the question where does spin come from that that electrons have they consider the physicists consider it as an innate property of the electron just like charge and mass but they never really explain how how it's they don't explain how is charge produced how is mass produced of particles how it's been produced these are just Givens but these are the important questions to answer these you're in the dark and sub quantum kinetics answers these and the the to get into sub quantum kinetics very involved and it requires a big shift I mean you'd have to throw out most of physics concepts and cut both in cosmology quantum mechanics and so on which it would take time for people to do that to go through that whole process so you could say to summarize so you don't say well geez this is his theory should I believe it or not say that it comes from space this energy coming from space the space is active and that this bin is active because of space and in sub quantum kinetics we should not take for granted the fact that objects remain in existence in sub quantum kinetics there's a prime mover that underlies all existence which if it were to stop everything would just dissipate and that's the energy source that's the ultimate energy source that we tap into for most of this and it flows through our universe continually so our universe like an open system and with open systems visit physicists will acknowledge open systems can increase order you can have the generation of energy because that's just a small ripple in terms of this huge torrent of energy that's underlying everything and I believe even Tesla was referring to this concept it's an ancient concept Erik lightest was talking about it universe we're like in a river flux everything is in flux under us this is a depiction in sub quantum kinetics so the g x and y are these are ether States and imagine it all physical phenomena electric and magnetic electric gravitational fields they're made out of these three states and there there's other ether States upstream that you have transmutation of one ether state into another progression just like an evolution of states you have also interactions reactions so you're taking concepts from chemistry or bring it into physics in sub quantum kinetics so you see from this that then there's an outside to the universe realms which are made of different ether states that are not here you know and this is what a subatomic particle would look like in sub quantum kinetics you have X&Y or two ether States and this is depicting concentration the core of this particle in this particular case is be a positively charged particle where the core has high Y and its outer shell from there low it has high X so these alternate like we're why is high x is low and then X is high Y is low and this is sort of like yin and yang concept in fact the yin-yang metaphysics is brilliantly dis pick ting the essence of the sub-continent --ax physics this is very ancient by the way you see it in a lot of the ancient myths encoded and here this is the idea of spin that if you had this where you have differences from the core to the she'll you're going to have these exons or Y ons flowing from the high to the low area this is simple idea of diffusion and these radial diffusion x' will the ideas they can create a vortex and I believe this is what spin is so spin can be traced to this radial pattern and this is not just theory they after sub quantum kinetics predicted this they did experiments colliding particles in Virginia southern Virginia and found that the proton the neutron their electric charge was had a wave character just like this with the wavelength the same as what we were predicting sub quantum kinetics now here this is to just demonstrate that the idea of violation of energy should have been known for years in the Meissner effect the Maglev idea that operates has been shown here's a video with this permanent magnet is I'm going to place it on top of the superconductor okay from you to on top of the superconductor it's not levitating it's not doing anything it's not moving okay now what I have here is liquid nitrogen just be it will boil off pretty rapidly at first until it cools down the superconductor soap will spit and so on so just sort of keep your eyes back please the it'll take as it boils off it will cool down now just watch what happens can everyone see so it's cooling it down so it's levitating if it reduce were just them yes if it was pushed up there's no I didn't there's no magic involved I didn't touch it so as you can see whoops oh that oh ok so yeah ok so this is an experiment physicists have done repeatedly and spontaneously work is produced the magnet is lifted that's work where did the energy come from to do that you know the thing is cooling off which means heat flows out of it is not Energy's not flowing in it's flowing out why does this lift and once it's lifted why does it stay up there what continual energy source is keeping it up there so these are things we take for granted but we shouldn't because these are important phenomena that would change our concepts of that we're being taught and here's the maglev train in Shanghai so thousands of people ride this every day and they're violating the first law of thermodynamics routinely so what I'm saying is it's not that unusual what's happening in that caecus Ruster the only difference is it's same maglev except instead of having the magnets separate from the thruster annecy kisses figured out to put it on the thruster he came to this idea through a theory he was developing approach to physics he calls minimum contradictions theory in this theory led him to to postulate that this was possible also he as an analogic thinker takes ideas from one field brings him into another and he noticed that the laws of fluid mechanics are similar to mimic magnetics and so he could think of this in terms of fluid mechanics like a garden hose with a nozzle the water pressure if the nozzle is not attached is going to go flying off it's the same idea so now suppose we uses for interstellar trips what is the best that nASA has proposed they have the idea of the solar sail that they were talking about but they eventually abandoned it now with a solar sail idea they would start near the Sun and deploy the sail and it would take 16 months for the Sun to push the sail and the probe out to reach Jupiter by that time it would be going 70 kilometers a second and at that point they would discharge this sail and keep coasting because now they have no more propulsion they're going just coasting at that speed and it would take them 15 years to reach a distance of 200 au au would be astronomical units the distance between the Sun and the earth so 200 au you're outside the solar sheath the Elio Paz sheath you're in then it in interstellar space so this would be for a mission to go see what's out there in interstellar space near the Sun near the solar system now if that was to continue at that speed it would take 18,000 years to get to Alpha to Proxima Centauri the closest star which is about a little over four light-years away going at 70 kilometres a second so it's not very practical I mean if they launched this nobody would ever know it 18,000 years from now with Anicetus thruster you put it there and this is that pitiful little thing you saw demonstrated this is not you know let's just say that it develops five times that thrust in it lower temperatures in 21 days you've reached Jupiter instead of 16 months your velocity is 10 times greater than what the solar sail had developed but it continues to accelerate by the time you reach 200 au less than five months later you're out of 200 au not 15 years you're at 1.6 percent the speed of light and then by the time of after about 10 years you're at 42% the speed of light at that point you turn it around you decelerate so in 20 years you've reached your destination and you can relay your information back using the energy from the Sun there take take about four years for that for those radio signals to reach us so that's so within a person's lifetime so suddenly we have a possibility to send a probe to the closest star we could suppose the probe weighed 150 kilograms which is reasonable and the new caecus trusters to do this would take a thousand thrusters and they would increase the weight to 270 kilograms which is about the same weight as the NASA interstellar probe so this would transform if this was put in that's something we have today that would completely transform NASA space program and we're trying to interest now so I'm going to tell you it's not an easy task that you have to they were there people we've shown this video to many people and they have trouble believing that this is not due to air currents or bubbles or something like that nASA has tested or at least a small group in NASA tested a reaction list propulsion device called the emdrive and this was in the news about a year ago so which uses microwaves in a conical again conical enclosure and it develops a symmetrical forces unbalanced forces which end up propelling it in the direction of its large sucked end this is the opposite from the NASA cos NASA cos thruster would tend to go towards the convergence direction but even here on the Seacoast rustier does better its thrust to mass ratio is 10 times let's see 10 times better at ten times more thrust for the same mass it doesn't require any power so this would never make it to Alpha Centauri because you don't have any solar source along the way nuclear wouldn't last so we see this better technology now there's also another version of the NASA cos thruster call it the Seacoast Ruster - which has not been tested yet but predicted that this should be possible and that uses a superconducting coil and that here you see on the left a cross-section view that if you take a coil like this superconducting coil that's been developed at the national high magnetic field laboratory in Florida and wind it so that it's slightly conical you you get now this will produce forces around two and a half Tesla and to be huge currents in the in the windings because when you the way you energize a coil you dump a lot of electric power into the coil it creates this current and you can seal it off and that current will go forever generating that field zero resistance but that current is going to interact with a magnetic field it's producing according to Lorentz equations it produces what's called the Lorentz force and if you look at the direction that force is outward but because it's sloped here if it's perpendicular here there's one component that goes this way which balances on each side but this component is unopposed and it will cause a lift and we did a calculation on this and these were we were low balling it we weren't trying to be real exotic we could get a hundred thirty kilogram thrust out of a coil only this big which would weigh four kilos along with the liquid helium to cool it that's a thrust to weight ratio of 30:2 which is twenty times what the space shuttle main engine does space shell main engine just has a thrust to weight ratio of 1.5 and just enough to get it off the ground actually initially with the Space Shuttle the rocket fuel to get the space shuttle up there weighs 20 times what the Space Shuttle weighs now with the Nausicaa thruster the thrusters required to lift the space shuttle would weigh only 5% of the weight of the space shuttle so on the left is the way we we were doing it and most of the weight is in that and the rock is to get up there with the no caecus thrusters you can just put these in the under wing here and it would take off this way and just a slight increase of the way 5% of the total and you wouldn't have to worry about tiles or friction of entry all this you could come down just slowly through the atmosphere you wouldn't have any Columbia disasters or anything so we have to build this and test it it takes about 20 thousand dollars to build one of these and now caecus is quite certain that it will work as he believes so this would completely revolutionize also air travel on earth so not just space but earth the hoverboards in back to the future could be possible who knows so to go to the earlier technologies in my book secrets of anti-gravity propulsion many of you have probably seen Ben Rich's quote he was head of Lockheed skunkworks and in January of 1995 I guess at that time he had cancer and so he was a little open in his comments said we already have the means to travel among the stars but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to get them out to benefit humanity well fortunately Townsend Brown was doing his work well before a lot of the secrecy clamped down on all this and he was born in 1905 in Ohio and as a boy he wanted to go to Mars and the early age of 10 he was working in laboratory his parents were quite well-off and they saw his interest in science and encouraged it and allowed him to have his own well-equipped laboratory and he found that putting high-voltage 50,000 volts on a Coolidge tube an x-ray tube would cause it to move and he thought that this could be a way to get him to and so he developed what he called the gravity grab our gravity it's a capacitor and this is from one of his patents it consists of layers of plates capacitor metal plates with with insulators between them but loaded with lead to make them heavy and he found that when he charged this it would move towards the positive electrode side we'd develop a gravitational force electrically and the on the right we see a set up where he mounted this from the ceiling and this Mary ground would rotate when he'd energized it and he was doing this in high school and here he also hung this as a pendulum from the ceiling to do linear displacement and here he was testing in oil the oil would prevent a lot of ions from being emitted because this is one of the criticisms some people were making say oh this just the repulsion of the ions around your device here he eliminated that and still he saw motion in fact this was supposed to work underwater too so in 1922 we entered Caltech now he was then only 17 years old he took his equipment with him and he set it up one day wanted his open to professors there to get them interested in what he was doing and he was hoping Milliken would show up Nobel laureate there and you can imagine Milliken Oh 17 year old he thinks he's kind of outsmart Einstein you know so he never showed up and this crushed of Brown and he thereby decided Caltech was not for him and he he transferred to Kenyon College in Ohio not a big name but at least they were more open-minded then he transferred to Denison in Ohio where he befriended physics professor Paul buy felt who's supported his work and from 1926 to 1930 who worked in his own private laboratory in 1928 submitted to Physical Review very well-known physics journal they rejected his paper because it challenged Einstein's theory shortly afterward he received a patent on his technology on this electrogravitics technology he I guess he wanted it to be public so just in case patent would be classified he published in a non technical journal called Science and invention magazines equivalent of like Popular Mechanics or popular science and this is the cover of that 1929 August 1929 issue and here's what his article looked like that's a picture with him on the left and here I quote one part of the article in there where he says any system of two bodies possesses a mutual unidirectional force in line with the bodies which is directly proportional to product of the masses directly proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them it's almost he's a quantifying this it's electrogravitics phenomenon and so this is not rocket science this is it's more a little more complicated to understand but rocket is simple to understand for at least in the physics framework maybe it's simpler when you get out of the physics framework and you explore new alternatives so as like the Nessie kiss Ruster about brown is violating the Newton's third law produces action without reaction general relativity is unable to explain this because general relativity assumes that you can only have gravity wells masses only masses can produce gravity wells and they attract it predicts no connection between charge and gravity and Einstein was scratching his head till the day he died to try to come up with a way to bring a connection between the two to make a unified field theory he never was successful I believe he was aware of Browns work because during World War two Brown was entrusted with fifty million dollars for a project had something like fifty phd's under him the cover is it was for mind searching during World War two in my book I talk about the belief that that was actually the Philadelphia project and Brown was a key player and that he's been asked directly by William Moore if he was involved because of the rumors and Brown did not deny it he just said that much of what's written about the Philadelphia project or Philadelphia Experiment is not true that's all he would say so maybe he was referring to time travel and that sort of thing so sub quantum kinetics does predict this connection between charge and gravity I published the the first journal publication on it 1983 and the general Systems International Journal general systems they broke it up into three papers it was a very long paper so they made three papers and then they decided well we'll make a special issue so the whole volume was on sub quantum kinetics they put a somebody write a preface and 1994 came out with the first book which was basically a banning on the original publication and it's gone through four editions the latest is a fourth edition which is an e-book which if you buy the third edition which is out there you get the fourth free and if those are sold out you can order through etheric comm all of these books that I have out there so in sub quantum kinetics it predicts the particle would look like this that electric field of the particle in this case so we have positive and negative matter and antimatter right so here this would be depicting a proton where Y is high in the middle here we're plotting just the Y ether concentration or Y potential because you can you can express this in terms of potentials etheric potentials I developed some terms in this physics and for a positively charged particle like the proton it would produce a G well but the negatively charged particle if this was a antiproton would produce a G Hill or in the case of electron electron would proof G Hill and so then if you look at brown's experiment with the dielectric the capacitor which consists of a two metal plates with an insulator between them what it does is it separates the charges the plus on one side and minus on the other and that would then create a G Hill on the left and G well on the right and this gradient would act like gravitational gradient just like the earth is create a gravitational gradient which pulls it down so here this is artificially engineered it it's as if you took a mountain shrunk it to the size of a cannonball and placed it just outside the positive plate so that force is going to tug this so it's a huge gravitational force your Purdue scene you know Brown was able to get about 1% of the force compared to the weight of the capacitor to that to show the pendulum swing this is just some points about sub quantum kinetics been in existence for 30 years it's based on concepts come out of non-equilibrium thermodynamics systems concepts chemistry chemical kinetics it's made over the years 12 predictions which were subsequently verified so at this point I really believe it you know in the beginning I was to be and being tentative about it even afraid one of its predictions was this charge electrogravitics effect and when I learned about Browns work in 1985 I was thrilled because here was confirmation of what the theory was saying and has been other confirmations since that time which checked out it's a unified theory unified field theory that acknowledges the reality of the ether it's uh conforms to Tesla's ideas really and I wasn't reading up on Tesla when I created it later I discovered the parallels it also fits with ancient concepts Eastern concepts of either it unifies physics with the life sciences and with esoteric thought so if you wonder why physics has gone astray it's the most far removed from our direct perceptions because it's at such a small level what's going on and and there's a what they call Heisenberg uncertainty principle which you can never really know the position moment energy of a particle at the same time so they operate in sort of observational fog so it's very theory oriented and checked with observation but there's a lot of observations that contradict the theories and they are conveniently swept under the rug you don't find this in the biology there you know it's more the level where we can pretty much see what's going on hmm also the theory has ancient roots now one thing important Brown was doing and he didn't talk too much about it he didn't talk at all actually but you kind of kind of figure out what he did say he that it was important to have capacitors that could be charged and discharged rapidly he didn't say why the reason is because if you charge up the capacitor its dielectric is going to become polarized so it will develop electric field actually opposed to what you're applying and we'll end up cancelling out in this region you see so any initial force it creates will eventually subside because of the polarization of the dielectric that's why his pendulums would first swing out and then gradually come down and have no more force so he realized that to sustain that he has to rapidly charge and discharge his gravitates now somebody sent me an email we're in something he read in a book that Browns work became classified after he began rotating his gravitate errs I don't know this is only a reference in one book so I thought about this I thought well what happens when you're creating a huge gravity gradient and you suddenly start rotating it or you're going to create sort of a gravitational for tex and what does that do well in sub quantum kinetics the gravity it's due to jion's be being consumed in the earth and they create a GE gradient and that's what's pulling us down our gradient interacting with the matter in our bodies and if you have a way to spin those jion's outward then they won't affect your your mass and if you're going to be creating a vortex in a way that jion's are coming down to the Earth's gravity field will now get spun out words that are coming down the way they normally do and this could be a creative gravity shielding effect so maybe they already knew about this and even want Braun to be talking more about it it's interesting now this is a spacecraft mark McCandlish drew based on eyewitness report who saw this hovering at a airshow in a hangar where only certain people were admitted and are you all familiar with the McCandlish UFO hmm it struck me just from his drawing that it looks very World War 2 ish or 1890 ish I wonder you know is it really an alien vehicle that they captured or could it be something that maybe it ties into some of these 19th century airships or even world war ii airships it's something to think about I mean look I noticed the rivets I haven't talked with mark about this but it's just interesting to see why would they use with it's it seems like an old technology and look at the design of the couches at in the upper area these air bottles anyway the propulsion involves these capacitor plates you'll see at the bottom these are capacitors they're radial and they divided them into like spokes so they also have wires copper wires going around is recall so what this seems to operate like one of Browns capacitor systems where he wants to you want to charge and discharge very rapidly so you do that with what's called tank circuit we have a capacitor connected to a coil the energy electric power goes oscillating between the coil and the capacitor and if you do it the right way you can get so these are phased as they oscillate so it creates a rotary motion of the charge so you're not only you're getting lift from the capacitors because the in this case the positive charge would be up but you get a rotary motion to create could create a gravitational screening effect this is just a suggestion anyway hmm now this is a Browns electro kinetic apparatus this works a little different from electrogravitics he was flying these disks around a maypole in the 50s he's doing this in Los Angeles this is from around 1952 here shows a slightly bigger disc two foot diameter charging the leading edge one charge in the trailing edge the opposite charge and he got article in Los Angeles Times in April 52 this was around the time he was being investigated by Office of Naval Research he probably did this publicity stunt to protect them from being classified because then it would already have been out in the open exactly how he was doing this and one way to look at this is electrogravitic lee if you've put in positive charge on one side negative the other is creating a gravitational gradient but it turns out that you can reverse the charge and it'll still go forward that's why it's better to think of this in terms of electro kinetics that what he's really doing is creating unbalanced forces similar to the idea I was suggesting earlier we'll show this later with the b2 anyway in 1953 around 1953 he came out with project Winterhaven proposal to the Navy now he was involved with a navy was with the Office of Naval Research before so he had very strong connections they were highly respected his work after all he was in charge of this group of PhDs earlier during World War two and he around this time also made a demonstration of his disks to Pearl Harbor admirals which the results were classified at that point and in project Winterhaven proposal to the Navy he was proposing to build a saucer interceptor with Mach 3 capability and he was just it he said just extrapolating the performance of laboratory disk prototypes that he was display showing them that he predicted you could create larger flying disks operating electric potential of five megavolts five million volts that could attain speeds of mach 1 point 5 and this 1953 so they just had broken the sound barrier just in late 40s so he was low-balling it to levels just a little more than what they were used to thinking about and he said even Mach 2.4 would be possible with higher voltages and equipment then available if larger disks were built and this would be in the upper atmosphere he was saying to get this fine actually these can go Mach 13 easily my opinion so in the proposal very important interesting on the thing on page 3 if you read at the bottom it says here in recent years as additional data of confirming nature became available the research has been associated with research projects of a highly classified nature or status and publication has been precluded so Browns only publication was the that science invention magazine article he never was allowed to publish in refereed science journals that's why I never heard of him till in the 80s so unlike Einstein Einstein did publish they allowed in publish even Scientific American Browns papers were unpublished even though his discoveries were far surpassed Einsteins and far on more on track here Brown is holding a three-foot diameter disc similar to what he flew at Pearl Harbor and this is from a letter I received from Thomas Tom Thurman who's was in contact with Brown in the early days and they correspondent and brown wrote to him this showed this diagram through this diagram of the Pearl Harbor demonstration and based on the angle he's showing you configure at least 11 mile per hour for the disc speed here if you figure the radius here's around 24 of 25 feet from Browns measurements now if they were going as inter a via magazine claimed at that time that rumor said they were going at hundreds hundreds of miles per hour around the gymnasium it would have looked like this at hundreds of miles per hour these have been really out like this we never know the truth because it's classified now I decided to look at the air drag on this and got the equation and 'red equation for we know how much power he was putting in from his voltage and current and you figure what power is required to overcome the air drag at a given velocity goes according to the cube of velocity this equation here so plugging all these in you figure suppose the velocity was 290 miles per hour so that's in the hundreds like the enter a VA was saying then bra Braun would have been supplying six kilowatts to power disks but he was getting propulsion power 50 kilowatts so eight over eight times over unity now even if these were going at a hundred miles per hour that would be he would be getting at least hundred percent efficiency now the jet engine is thirty percent efficient so you can understand why these people were interested in this also this doesn't take into account of the reduction of air drag so if you take down to account these figures wouldn't be so dramatic because a lot of that would be due to reduction of the resistance just to the fact of the buffer the field buffers the air so it flows around it very easily now in 1956 I discovered his report by going to the Library of Congress and looking through their card catalog for anything on electrogravitics because I at that time I just discovered about Browns work and I want to learn more they only had one card was for this report and it was missing so I did let him do interlibrary loan search and they were surprised that there was only one copy in all of the US and that was at wright-patterson Air Force Base so I thought what the heck so I did an interlibrary loan request from a local library and they sent me the copy of a red nice red of outer folders actually a red cover so this hard paper and it had been marked confidential but somebody had marked it out with flow pen so perhaps from my request they decided well we if this is old enough that we can allow it to be seen by the public and I got hold of it made 20 copies and for a long time sat on it and then I was handled handing to my friends copies and then when time got together with Tom belong and he said you can't just keep this quiet we've got to publish this and so he had this he put this in his book electrogravitics systems along with my paper on the b-2 bomber reverse engineering and then it's also in my book secrets of anti-gravity propulsion in the appendix also you can find it on the internet so this was a think-tank proposal put our think-tank report put out by the group in UK 1956 they also were putting out reports to industry this was going out to all the aerospace industry and they were basically catalyzing the whole industry here shows the wright-patterson Signia there and these were company names that they were mentioning in the report that we're working on electrogravitics and they were blue sky ninis that this is the next evolution of aerospace or predicting incredible future for everyone if this continued you know this was going to revolutionize air travel and apparently it worked all these companies were had their own programs developing this around that time Brown did further work in Paris and as we learned about this through disclosure just recently a couple years ago it's on my website and starburst foundation site starburst bound org has some forums one is on electrogravitics and you find it there here's disks that he was flying there in that project they supposedly attain speeds of 35 kilometers per hour about 20 miles per hour he also did vacuum chamber experiments where he proved that this was not a and thrust and these were very significant experiments and basically these are proof as I mentioned propelled by unbalanced forces that the force because it's creating a bow front you'll see this with a b2 in a minute now one thing that came out of this disclosure project Montgolfier the fellow who was involved in it before he died he mentioned about a letter of correspondence with other associates at that time and they had found out that Braun at that time after he'd left a project immediately afterwards was test-flying a 10-foot diameter disc this was a real eye-opening so here it shows that he was proceeding on his planned course that he had suggested in the Winterhaven project and then sometime down the road we find well Northrop testing putting ions on the wing and this is in one of the available periodicals you can find this published and then comes the b2 now all this went black in 1959 at least or shortly before because here in this Canadian aviation Journal bike Kara a story by karo he mentions how he can't get any information out of Glenn Martin whether they discontinued their anti-gravity program or made some significant discovery which is elevated to super top secret category since no information of the project has recently been available so after that you didn't hear anything about it in the media so now I believe that this was used on the b2 there was a leak by some project some whistleblowers who are black projects people that the B two charges one pole the leading edge of its wing and the opposite charges it dumps in the exhaust and this and here in fact you can see evidence of this in one Northrop video which was later pulled after I had to put it in my book and they ended up pulling the video from the internet because it probably showed too much you notice the sort of glow on the wing and then it went through a fog bank and sort of illuminated the fog this is just in two or three frames at the very end of the video so they pulled the whole video now here's from Browns patent you see he was proposing the exact same thing in 1965 in his patent and here's his flame jet generator he was using to generate the power to power his disk and it works like a Van de Graaff generator he uses the jet exhaust to carry the ions and thereby increase their voltage and collect them and cycle it back and you can actually shut off the fuel and worked as just on scooped air and the the b2 does have huge air scoops they said they dilute ten to one the exhaust with the scoop there so one way to look at is through electrogravitics that he's creating a gravity field that acts between uh negative and positive charges that pushed the plane forward another is the idea of unbalanced forces that we saw in an earlier shot that because of the a symmetrical shape of this that and this is a conventional field concept would just produce stress but in when you realize that these charges are anchored or in the air around or in the field around the craft its propelling the crap forward and here it shows analysis of the forces that would occur on the craft just due to the electric charge repulsion and it ends up that the forces are greater pushing it forward and backward and the faster it goes the more the bow shock front of the positive ions sloped back and the more they're going to repel it forward acting on the front here is the idea of the flux capacitor as I call it where you can oscillate the charges on his vertical thrusters these were the vertical thrusters that Townsend Brown developed he didn't put the coil that's an addition I made as a way of oscillating their charge and by controlling the oscillation you can control the amount of thrust and I believe there's something like this in the wing of the b2 the b2 is loaded with thrusters in its wing so it's not just what you saw there pushing it forward it's also able to hover motionless and there's been sightings of the b2 going either a very low speed about 25 miles an hour or even in some cases stationary and and people have seen the globe around it at night so this studies what's called thrust to power ratio the jet engine which is the best we have has thrust power ratio of 15 Newton's per kilowatt the townsend brown's barium titanate electrokinetic thrusters based this based on his data that leaked out it was 70,000 newtons per kilowatt Oh 10,000 times more than ten thousand times greater than jet engine and in terms of efficiency was would be this barium titanate thruster would be one hundred forty thousand percent compared to thirty percent for the jet engine so if we wanted to go to Mars we could make a spacecraft powered with Browns thrusters can imagine thrusters forty centimeters diameter 20 centimeter deep and put in about 6,000 of these into an array about nested array 30 meters diameter by 5 meters deep and you could get enough thrust to accelerate this 21 metric tons would accelerate a 100 ton spacecraft at about 20 percent the Earth's gravity acceleration and would require a propulsion power of only 3,000 watts at 3 kilowatts and so it would with this you can accelerate fast enough that you could get up to speed and the total flight time would be five days to get to Mars not nine months if you figure the kilowatt hours involved and you could do this with solar cells comes works out to twenty-five dollars the Space Shuttle main engine and four hundred million to get off the earth now for this thruster system you'd have to start in space so this wouldn't get you off the planet NOW caecus would no caecus trusters this type ii so here's the flight path you would get up to 200 kilometers a second within the first day you coast and then you decelerate so here's a comparison to the Space Shuttle in terms of cost 25 versus 450 million and also the this idea of buffering the leading edge of the of the wing in air travel now this they started to use this on trucks inventors put this on trucks and he can reduce the air drag and he's offering this for sale now to be put on trucks this came out in town balloons tegrity research newsletter I found it very interesting I think there's one person the audience was planning to put this on his car now this was a I approached NASA with these ideas back in 1992 and they had a space exploration outreach program and they didn't include the idea in their report never saw the light of day they suppressed it basically a Rand that was doing the project for them suppressed it but I went ahead and I contacted the person working on next generation space shuttle the space plane and told sent him copy of my report along with the b-2 bomber paper I'd written and a constant a lot of information about Townsend Browns work and he looked at it and sent it back then he forgot about it I can't tell him again I said I said in a letter you know this way to reduce friction Air drag because you charge the leading edge of the wing at least look at it from that standpoint because out they acknowledge that as a problem they were having and this was back in 1993 and then you have the Columbia disaster and so I wrote 2003 to the Columbia accident investigation board said look I told NASA about this 10 years earlier and they didn't weren't interested I got just a thank you letter back that was it no so now if project sky ball we don't have much time here I just quickly say that I learned about this from somebody I met at a conference whose boss worked on his project and he learned informally from his boss about it some details and then he also communicated by a letter with a person that was then working on it and learned a little more and from those scraps of information I was able to reverse-engineer the technique that technology and is described also in my book it was carried out at Rocketdyne corporation based in LA was able to loft craft on microwave energy beams uses maser x' and phase conjugate resonator technique to create the beams he uses sawtooth shaped microwave waveforms so instead of being sine wave a it's important to make them sawtooth shape it also uses meta materials these are materials with negative refractive indexes which microwaves will exert a thrust on a meta material so that was also incorporated I believe and this came out in the Smith Smith and Smith thriller on CBS TV 1996 they had an episode on something listening eerily similar although fiction this actually would it's it was so realistic that I'm using this to illustrate the concept here how they lofted it originally had the beam generators on the ground lofting the craft eventually they were able to put the beams on the craft and now we have sightings like this these triangular craft I believe these are beam generators the corners and so basically they're generating microwave beams it's like these are like poles supporting the craft and this is the phase conjugate concept on the right it's able to basically bottle up the microwaves into the beam so they don't disperse you power them up and energy stays there and produce what's called a solar time the two ordinary and phase conjugate waves produce solar time and this is what the beam generator looks like it's described in greater detail in my book so somebody could take these ideas and recreate this technology I believe the beam also we have these in space beam was used to bring down the twin towers in 2001 also how you shape the wave is important you can create attractive forces or repulsive forces if you change the wavelength you can cause something to fragment like cement could vaporize in midair this is a Boeing has a meta material for microwaves why would Boeing be working on a meta Matan a meta material they called the Boeing Cube they don't say and here's a sports model I believe we use this technique I don't think that Lazar says everything correctly on that so basically we have unconventional ether physics used this is last slide finishing up used to develop a secret off planet civilization funded by deficit creating black projects with no direct benefit to earth civilization seemingly at least if it is nobody has told me from the black projects whereas the sanctioned conventional physics that we're all fed through the media which is incorrect my opinion I mean you must throw out most of what is taught in the universities and the students pay fifty thousand a year to learn as a result of this physics they developed conventional engineer ringg devices technologies which are like earthbound put petrol guzzling polluting technologies Rockets jets automobiles and trains and so this is the pokénav thruster which can theoretically develop light superluminal thrusts Tesla had also observed similar effects in his work I've worked with Gaia Blonsky and we measured superluminal wave trans transmission with pulses charged pulses which is similar to the Parana thruster here was the results we got up to six and a half times C close to the dome electrode so with this you could go to Alpha Centauri in two and a half months but it would take huge amount of energy this is the trip you'd accelerate to 200 times C and coast decelerate halfway through and it's I guess this is really the last slide so it would take 200 times the average power consumption of the u.s. to do it for billion terajoules of power but who knows maybe it can be perfected get that down yeah but I think the nuts ekeus truster is the way to go for these sorts of things hey we got y'all I can see eyes we talking their God turn your head to the right there you go
Channel: secretspaceprogram
Views: 129,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ufo, ssp, secret space program, black budget, Dr Paul LaViolette, san mateo, conference, moon, jfk, et, interstellar travel, area 51, groom lake, Roswell, alien, anti gravity, Nazi, Conspiracy, shadow government, NASA, Truth, Technocracy, Corporatocracy, Corporations, Money, Finance, Anti gravity, Free energy, Zero point energy, Tesla, Space, grey alien, Predictive programming, Remote viewing, reverse engineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 47sec (5147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2016
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