Reverb Algorithms & Physical Modelling w/ Melda

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hey i have a lot of videos on the calendar for this channel planned there's a lot of things in the mail that are taking a while longer than usual you know because 2020 is awesome let me tell you something i did get like six hours of good healthy sleep last night i'm using a different camera and lighting this video a little bit differently and that means that i do not have giant bags under my eyes this should come as good news for those viewers of mine who graciously participate in the public service of telling me that i look like and that they're worried about me i was really looking forward to telling you that you could take the day off but then a bunch of mosquitoes had an orgy on my face now initially i thought that this one was west nile virus but then i scratched it and it looks more like chicken gunya now this is definitely malaria over here we got what looks like st louis encephalitis so this is the final countdown my time on this planet is now very limited with these diseases and luckily i wrote down my list of things i wanted to do before i died on the back of this sweet sweetwater promo card thing and uh number one is feed a cheddar bay biscuit to a duck okay that's easy enough number two cover melda's plugins on your youtube channel oh that one's gonna be rough okay so seriously guys this video is not gonna be all that cinematic great looking hyper edited anything like that because there's no way that it possibly can be because melda's plugins are the ultimate rabbit hole if you are a musician who uses computers or digital audio workstations and you've never heard of melda productions then you no just kidding then that's actually not that huge of a surprise because for some reason they're just kind of underrated and under the radar however most of the people that i would consider like super producers or people who are highly skilled on the technical side of production they're all using melda so i feel like melda not having the same amount of attention as something like ableton or rolly blocks or even serum a lot of producers actually see it as their secret weapon so on the upside for somebody like me a producer and the downside for somebody like melville a company that's trying to make money off software they have so many products that it's actually quite dizzying for a consumer and most of those products go so deep and they get so technical which is amazing but it also creates a pretty high learning curve and that naturally creates a bit of a marketing puzzle or a marketing challenge however when you compare something like the m complete bundle which is everything they make up to something like the waves bundle it's not only a lot cheaper it's a million times more powerful if you are equipped with the daw of your choice and melda's m complete bundle and that was all you had you would pretty much be able to make any type of music that you wanted to i would say the only thing you'd really be lacking in is something like really high-end realistic sounding orchestral sample libraries however on the percussion side they have m drummer which sounds really good like i mentioned before melda has a lot of plugins their library is extremely vast and out of that fast library i'm only going to be covering two products the first is m turbo reverb and the reason i'm covering that is because it easily gets my endorsement as the best reverb vst if you're really into or like playing with reverb and if you've never heard of m turbo reverb then your whole life is about to change because you have a that has an insane amount of algorithms and within those algorithms it has an insane amount of presets and then mind-bogglingly you can press edit and then you can edit or create your own reverb algorithm in a vast gui and then the next thing i'll be covering is m sound factory which is sort of the same idea but for physical modeling and synthesis and yeah that is mind-bogglingly powerful as well i already recorded the pc sessions going over these two products yesterday and they run pretty long and the crazy part is that i just barely scratched the surface i didn't cover much at all the reality is is that if i were to learn and cover every facet of every single one of melda's products i could just create my own youtube channel for only that and i would probably go for 10 years without ever running out of content this is just my really polite and long-winded way of saying we're going deep into the weeds here shit's about to get real we're going to get technical welcome to the jungle all right ben show them what's up mel the m turbo reverb there's a multi-band version and then there's a normal version i'm going to load the normal version and you'll see why i'm keeping things simple all right so a little bit on how the structure of this works you have your presets and so let's just choose room and then this little electric piano sound through that and then we have different variations inside that preset of room so we have a medium room large deep wide punchy sparse muffled complex dense so those are different variations of that particular algorithm and then we could just move over to a booth algorithm and then that will sound so this is a wine cellar algorithm that's syrah hmm merlot should be like brighter than syrah shouldn't it and then cabernet should be a little bit warmer and darker than merlot i feel like they got pinot correctly riesling should be super sharp hmm this is character room and this is one that i actually use subtly quite often like just very subtly not bad all right so now we move on to all right so let's move on to large spaces and keep in mind that this is still algorithmic reverb this is an impulses [Music] let's just go into a warm hall [Music] intimate [Music] deep bright and tight [Music] i really really like the character hall [Music] all right let's go into the huge category and we'll start with earth and yeah these just sound amazing [Music] jupiter is going to be larger than earth of course aren't big enough for you all right let's go to galaxies and choose oh i don't know andromeda sounds pretty incredible and i think that my argument for why i like these so much is very similar to the argument that you would hear when i review a reverb pedal and it's that i can't really tell what's going on in the algorithm i can't hear the comb filters and the delays and things like that but if i choose the pinwheel variation of that algorithm they actually change that up and it starts to get more interesting and i guess more transparent as well yeah like in that one you can actually hear the delays and comb filters damn it i forgot that these are vst3 and therefore resizable that would have made things look a little nicer anyway so this reverb plugin sounds very very good among the best but there is a giant rabbit that i'm going to be pulling out of the hat in a few minutes but related to that giant rabbit i'm going to be pulling out of the hat is algorithms like this this is outdoor and i actually have different choices in my variation of the algorithm so i can have a different early reflection type go to 100 wetness and then a different late reflection type so [Music] so you can really really customize this to your liking a funny little neg that i have of m turbo reverb is that their plates sound very very accurate to what a real plate sounds like but i don't really like what a real plate sounds like so i actually don't use the plates in this plug-in very often i i actually like the valhalla plates i don't do vocals very often and that's probably why i don't see as much value in plate reverb but if you want real emulations of plates and don't feel like dealing with convolution reverb or impulses i have not heard anything better than this particular plugin all right so now we're in the creative genre that's ethereal they do have some modal sounding things like this is a metallic pluck we could actually change the algorithm like everything else i like that spacious one [Music] that just sounds so bizarre [Music] this one's called glass resonator oddly enough this sounds a lot like the poorly designed microphone stand that i hope to replace this week um let's just bang on my table here got little springs up here it's just such a great engineering idea for a mic stand compared to this one's called undead factory and the reason i like it so much is because it's probably the closest that i've come to getting that anti-shimmer from the specular tempest back there going octave up here yeah that just sounds absolutely beautiful to me even though it's uh supposed to be a zombie related algorithm and then i guess if creative wasn't creative enough for you we even have special which is like an extension of creative we have spectral reverb [Music] we have shimmer a lot of different versions of it [Music] sounds great and then we have 2d positioning algorithms which i don't even want to open that can of worms here because in something like sound design it's very convenient to work with and something like music you can get really really deep and it's just the way yeah let's not even go there today but it's okay that we're not going to go deep into that today because we're going to go somewhere even better as i pull this giant rabbit out of the hat ready here comes i got its ears i'm going to load up this general hall algorithm that sounds just fine and i'm going to click edit up here this little button and poof check this out we now can edit the algorithm so we can enable and disable and invert and modify by hand we can hand sculpt all of these early reflections and we could have up to four and then we could do the exact same thing with late reflections and we could go up to six and then we have dynamics eq and then a mid-side eq at the end and then we have general tools like generating an impulse okay and then after generating an impulse we can then look at the analysis of that impulse and we can look at the left or right mid or side i don't remember what video it was but i remember saying in some video that mel the plugins just keep going they just never end in the amount that you can edit something and on one hand it is just incredible and it's the most powerful thing that you could possibly imagine getting your hands on and on the other hand it's just like overwhelming you're just like oh my god it's only reverb man m-turbo reverb does not fall short on those expectations we can open up these perimeters we could open up these meters and utilities and they do make it a little bit easier for example we could have like the long reflections and they have presets that we could use within those like creative delay build up old school short fx so this video probably is going to have a really ridiculously long run time as it is and you can imagine how long this video would be if i were to actually start from the ground up and making a reverb algorithm that takes days in some cases and so let's just enable only one early reflection and this is actually something that can help you learn how to make a reverb algorithm so let's just put it to canyon hear that or let's just click the impulse that's way better and it's funny because even with only one of these enabled it sounds comparable to a lot of like reverbs that you would hear on hardware and even on some plugins um you could hit randomize though [Music] and even if you know what you're doing hitting randomize a lot and just seeing how things sound and then modifying from there is actually a great way to make an algorithm because you can't really grasp everything that's going on in your brain at least i can't so we could have a long length and that'll sound very delay-like or we could have a very short length like that and then a longer and let's move the complexity way up all right so we've created sort of a model sound by turning the length all the way down to 1.4 milliseconds it almost sounds chimey and so we could actually modulate the pitch of the signal that is being reverberated and i'm actually showing this to you with this turned all the way down so you know what is being modulated and so if we mix it it actually sounds pretty [Music] gorgeous [Music] and then in each one of these reflections we have high pass and low pass filters and i'm not going to completely go down this rabbit hole right now to make things even easier for you to understand how to emulate a reverberated sound with an algorithm you can analyze an impulse response which is incredibly helpful and you have a lot of options on how you can analyze that and that basically means that you could bring in impulses that you could download off the internet of different churches and stuff and look at them and say okay i want to change this part to not be as reflective or i want to change this part to be a little bit warmer or not and not have that delay when it hits the back wall all right you want to get stupid let's make a reverb algorithm only using one late reflection and here's our sound as of right now we don't have any reverb because none of these are enabled and there's nothing down here in the designer all right so this is coding some audio developers may be familiar with the syntax but it is kind of its own little language but it's not that complicated uh p stands for parallel a stands for all paths d stands for delay um we could do things like swap channels i'm obviously not using any semicolons or anything like that because i'm just showing you this there is a weird bug that kind of drives me nuts um i can only backspace when i open up this little keyboard so the people of melba should should maybe know that all right so pad swap i'm gonna try and hash one out real fast here all right so parallel all pass delay all pass and we have this uh generate an impulse we could actually look at the analysis of that but that does sound like how do i put it so let's swap the channel so it sounds a little bit more stereo let's put it through a high pass filter um [Music] all right so we swapped the channels we have a few high pass filters a few more all pass filters and it actually sounds a little bit better now still very rugged though let's listen to that impulse this is still pretty basic i'm going to try and make things a little bit more creative [Music] all right okay let's hear it now i kind of want to smooth out that delay but it definitely sounds like a better reverb now [Music] let's keep going all right we're getting a little bit closer now let me just turn the dryness up here now we can actually make it more or less complex depending on how many resources we want to use that's pretty basic and then that's pretty much more complex obviously uh the length just sort of stretches things out and size will actually mess with the pitch a little bit too but only in real time so the size can uh for example if i just play something [Music] but i do like my size pretty high and i don't want really any pre-delay uh i think we're good to like listen to the whole thing now give it a try oh i do want a little bit of modulation in there i'm putting a little modulation in here i might not use modulation on something like a guitar or a violin or vocal something that actually has pitch modulation in it but an electric piano doesn't unless i actually move the thing so let's just add a little bit in there to add a little bit more character to the final because when you modulate something behind reverb that that really just brings out the beauty in the whole thing all right let's just do one and hear it all right now while i think that melda's products biggest downside is their massive learning curve and maybe their gui is just not the prettiest but they are aware that the learning curve is insane on something like a reverb algorithm and they've actually done something that is i've never heard anybody mention it and it's just here and it's incredible and it's called a smart seed generator and so we can listen to this and actually uses a sort of basic version of ai to help your algorithm out so like let's hear this so what's the problem we have too much fluttering right that's one of our biggest issues we have too much fluttering uh and this is basically just asking me what do you want to get rid of man like all right i have too much fluttering too much echo density fluttering and now what it's going and i'm just gonna like move all the thresholds just so we could see a bigger difference and now i'm just gonna do this boop and it's just going to test algorithms so what this is essentially doing is that it's taking your recommendations for what you want to minimize and then it's creating random seeds and then it's testing them and looking at the impulse and i haven't found anything yet and that's because i said something very specific but if i just search for something very simple like i just want a reverb that's doesn't have quite as much length and maybe doesn't have as much resonance you would have a lot more results by now but this is going to take probably a really long time to actually find a suitable candidate but what's amazing is that when it does find that suitable candidate it actually works which is just and so another fascinating thing is that if we bring all those thresholds to 100 and then if we just start bringing down the ones that are the most important to us we could see in real time that it'll balance out our pickiness essentially and it'll give us things that might not be perfect but might not be that bad either and so like let's move that fluttering threshold really low and let's move that echo density fluttering threshold really low and let's just make a point that these are two things that are really important to us and then we just select an algorithm and we have like that's on the right track but i still think we could do a lot better and we could bring this down to less than 100 which would be nice uh yeah i would like less echo density ooh that one's that's the big one right [Music] okay okay so we sound a bit better uh let me turn my delay focus down maybe negative 60 and then my output order should probably be up four sets rather than just random and that's not a bad sounding reverb at all for an algorithm that's literally i'm like i want to point to my screen but that wouldn't actually work with it for an algorithm that's literally this short and only using 1 out of ten of these so that's not using any resources barely at all and so just for something that goes on top of a you know a snare drum or a tom or something like that in the background that you could do a lot worse so for anybody who's not like a professional reverb algorithm designer and even for somebody who is the smart c generator is such an invaluable tool and it's such a creative tool and you could tell that they put so much work into it but how do you market that if we just want to destroy all of our work we could randomize the algorithm and randomize all the perimeters [Music] you can get some really chaotic sounds from doing this [Music] yeah if you're a sound designer and even if you don't care about reverb this plug-in will probably do you a lot of favors because even just randomizing reverb algorithms and keep in mind this is one out of ten different things that i could randomize just randomizing one of these can create crazy sounds that you're not going to find anywhere else except for maybe except for maybe m sound factory which i guess we'll get into now okay so let's take a shallow dive into m sound factory m sound factory from my understanding is melda's ultimate do everything instrument and usually when a company is announcing a do everything instrument i'm like yeah about time make things more powerful wrap everything up into one but with melda you know it's just going to be completely insane when i was first introduced to this when it was in beta or alpha something like that i really was drawn to it because it had really good physical modeling capabilities now of course m sound factory can make pretty much every type of synthesis under the sun but physical modeling is more like if you want to make a bell sound or a string sound or a tire screeching sound and this is something that i usually would go into pure data for and so to have that inside a gui inside a daw is really exciting and so let's open this up on its own i i just want to start new because it is a little crazy and the initial interface that you run into here let's blow this up is actually quite underwhelming and it's because let's say i just want to click keyboards here oh look i have the choice of six presets okay i'll just click electric piano and here's my electric piano wow isn't that the most powerful thing you've ever heard well if you click the presets here now this same thing turns into [Music] we can keep going i could click this over here this is an fm electric piano and now we have all these presets now if you've watched the first 12 hours of this video and saw how the reverb worked you realized that it had a bunch of different algorithms and then within those algorithms it had presets so it almost felt like you had a hundred different reverb plugins and then a bunch of presets for those plug-ins and all kind of nicely packed into one box it's the exact same idea here where on this side you have instruments and on this side you have presets for those instruments and it gets really really deep as you would expect so let's dive into one of these all right so here's an instrument called lost in space it's a pad [Music] see how different it is in these presets within this one instrument it pretty much operates as if it's its own instrument and i'll show you why minimal template okay so this has barely anything it says no generators so this is our generators for every instrument this is our globals this is like our poly and our adsr and our glide things like that and then this is our effects however within generator we can insert effects modules i believe um unless this has changed since the last time i played with it and i'm just going to let's have a look at the oscillator or sound generator sources that i could use so we right off the bat we have an additive a drum sampler drum scratcher drum synthesizer fm oscillator that that's just like an analog oscillator string which is like car plus strong modeling the wave tables 256 wave tables or you could do 40 or eight these are all our filters everything from modell to your normal low pass to resonator building blocks these are random things some of these things you may actually recognize from the reverb algorithms um like you know left right to mid side things like that uh modular i believe that's where we can add in effects if we want to organize things a bit better uh it's not exactly like the kind of modular that you see back there then we have some more effects here like charm verb is melda's freeware reverb which is definitely if you don't feel like paying for anything and want a really good reverb that's a excellent place to start so let's just start with i don't know uh additive all right so now we just have an additive synth if you're super familiar with additive synthesis there's probably nothing here that's going to be like really surprising to you this is our structure this is our harmonics we can have different shapes in our harmonics so we could have sine sine 12 sine 1 2 3 sine square triangle rectangle saw i've never used anything but a sine wave personally in additive synthesis and the idea of using a saw wave mixed in with sine waves in a like 128 harmonic additive patch is just i i'm not there yet that's like 40 flash bulb albums in the future i'm not i'm not quite there yet let's uh instead make 32 sine waves and my guess is that it's going to sound a little bit like a saw wow look at that okay so if we bring the volume down a little bit just incrementally it ideally you would want to do this with exact numbers but you know who has time for that and in fact i think i'm gonna chicken out around 16 because i don't feel like doing this all day and i do believe like two years ago i made a video where i actually painstakingly made additive stuff out of sine waves so let's just you've already learned that for me if you've watched this channel and didn't know about additive already so this should sound even more like a saw all right so now if we mute every other one we should have a square sounding thing so that's proof that we have a good additive synthesizer okay but as awesome as additive is and as much in handy as it will come when you're making a patch uh let's keep moving on and looking at other things here so uh let's look at the wave table the wave table is absolutely crazy uh right now we only have two we can actually customize these however we like and so just for basic wave tableism and we could add waves as well can keep going and adding more and more uh let's go nuts and let's just make like 168 waves or something um you know what we could actually analyze an audio file i don't know i just have like random files that people have sent me so let's go with this russian word whatever that is uh let's analyze it into sure well let's start here we want it to start kind of loud we want to end kind of loud 64 waves analyze all right great so here's our wave table oh that sounds so gross i absolutely love it okay so let's modulate this down here at the bottom we have all these envelopes attacks randoms key scales and lfos let's choose an lfo and over here right next to wave i'm going to click this little box and this is sort of our little automation or i guess modulation box and here i can just say hey i want it to be lfo1 i got my depth set we should be good to go yup now that sounds absolutely nuts so let's uh let's slow down the lfo here and i suppose if we want we could just keep playing with this until we found something that we liked we could also synchronize the speed of the lfo and like let's just choose a uh saw down or something or square a slot down would be fine now if we want to we could put that through a resonator if we just want to go completely insane [Music] all right so right next to it we can just load up another synthesizer let's just say a fm i'm going to disable this really fast and now let's just look at the fm what do you know more sine waves this has eight possible operators so it's really easy to get completely bonkers with it so let's set this one let's set the pwm that sounds gross let's set the ratio to like two on the second operator third operator let's set the ratio to three my camera died dead camera bro fourth let's set the ratio to like 17.592 we could also deal with width and cents and things like that so uh what's even weirder is if we wanted to just go to like 1.1 is our ratio actually let's go 1.01 as our ratio and let's level these out a bit more we could invert this and that's just going to have a really really crazy effect on the initial base sine wave all right let's hear this whole ensemble so we can also add effects down here [Music] and we can tell the reverb where our head is [Music] and i mean i don't mean to do this too i know that this has already gotten crazy enough but let's just disable this reverb and let's go over here to the effects tab and let's just uh click one and oh look now we have literally the entire library of melda's things so that m turbo reverb that we were just playing with yep here it is in all of its glory and uh let's choose one of these insane creative patches like a glass resonator and run this right through that and why the hell not let's throw a wave folder in there and while we're at it let's throw some granular effects in [Music] and now i just want to hear a comb filter over the top of that um let me turn off the granular really fast make a big attack on that a slightly lower attack on that one this one doesn't need to have as much gain this one can have tons of gain and to give you an idea of what this entire patch is doing i'm going to set the attack to be really high and i'm going to set the release to be really high and the decay can stay there smoothness i guess i don't know that doesn't really matter does it in this case at least uh it's going to be monophonic um just you know to avoid any confusion our generator has a 256 wave wave table that's using like half of those that's going through resonator that's going through a reverb that is doing 2d modeling that is accompanied by an fm using eight different operators all of that is being piped into the effects which is a wave folder a sort of granular synth i guess more of like a granular reverb type thing that's going into a comb filter it's technically going into two different comb filters which harmonize with what everything else is doing set these attacks a little bit higher and last but not least we have our earth preset on m turbo verb and let's hear it [Music] i don't know what that sounds like on youtube but that was pretty epic to me but i think one of my favorite parts of this whole experience is just deleting the whole thing and starting over i don't know why i'm so addicted to that i love just deleting presets and starting over one day i need to start a patreon because that will actually make me save my presets or save my sounds maybe i will start a patreon just for that one reason just because that way i'll stop deleting everything i do not that this was like my magnum opus or anything but you know i i do have a problem here's some asmr for you m sound factory is really interesting because i really just want to be like it's the most powerful plug-in that i know of full stop the end what more needs to be said well a lot more needs to be set because i am going to give a little bit of criticism and it's not criticism that's anything that's melda's fault i would never ever open up a session like have a feeling in my heart and open up a session and then open m sound factory that just wouldn't happen because i would end up spending the entire day crafting an amazing sound when me as a musician i just want to hammer something out but i can't say that for everybody because if i am in a certain music writing mood i kind of don't even want to go to the computer i go to the piano or i go to the guitar and then i bring it to the computer later and i start dealing with that i'll even go to the modular because at least that way things are more hands-on i would go to m sound factory to get lost in a sonic world of experimentation which is kind of what i already did when i was just trying to show you oh this is what this plugin does and i was already like wow listen to this it's so great that's what this does great but like i said earlier this isn't the fault of melda instruments what do you want them to do make it look like serum well you can't because this is an instrument maker inside a box that has a bunch of instruments and then a bunch of presets for those instruments so i want to do one more preset an m sound factory and i want to just like open it up and be like all right what does m sound factory do best well what do you want to do that's what it'll do best it's up to you it's up to your the amount of time that you want to put into a patch i guess i'll just look at a string synthesizer that doesn't sound very good but we'll make it sound better um let's add let's try and make it sound kind of like rings i love the rings module so much so for those of you who are into modular you probably know that rings has either it's either monophonic [Music] or it is polyphonic up to four notes i don't really see a reason to limit it to four notes or maybe actually i wanna see if i can let's try that yeah okay maximum four voices per note of course we can do that let's remove the glide entirely and this should be a little bit closer what we want yeah okay that's not so bad and here is our generator we have widening just like we do in rings [Music] we can put some all pass filters on here if we want it to sound more membraney like a drum membrane [Music] another thing that rings does it has odd and even one is in the left channel one's in the right channel i guess i'll have to do that with a sample and hold course i can just search the sample and hold value triggered by a gate i can then map wait a minute you know what i'm doing right now i'm gonna spend another five hours just trying to emulate a module that i have literally two feet from me over there so let's not do that let's just make something pretty i'm sorry that i'm wasting your time here but i mean this is this is the double-edged sword that is this particular instrument or pretty much anything of melda's one thing i'm a little bit curious about is can we just have lfo1 drift in slowly can we have some attack on it uh looks like we cannot however what i can do is i could map this to uh envelope let's just go with envelope five wherever that is there we go all right and then envelope five will tell me the amount that this can drift to and this i'm kind of doing exactly what i just said i wasn't going to do like i'm just getting a little bit too hardcore here but here we go [Music] this way we add a little bit of like play inside the vibrato sounds a little bit more natural i guess and the real reason i'm doing this because i'm getting it all set up for when we run it all through of course reverb this should definitely have some interesting delay and just i guess i'll put it before the reverb and you know i haven't really used melda's delays all that much but turbo delay i'm sure is just as insane yeah it looks like it's just as insane as turbo reverb uh all right what do we got do we got any tape i like some tape there we go tape turn the low down the mid up the high up the wow and flutter down a little bit [Music] and sounds pretty glorious to me i'm not even closing in on the insane amount of stuff that melda has um i'm just sort of going through 10 of it so i've sort of shaped the envelope into a bit more of a pad sound and by the way i should note that this has you could sort of like modify these envelopes to be a little more west coast feeling which is nice um for those who are in a module where you know what i mean you could sort of adjust the curves rather than just only the levels all right let's listen sounds really creepy dig it by the way i have like six different channels of synthesis here and i'm going to just load a uh so let's bring it back to like a triangle [Music] maybe even a sign and bring it down maybe 24 semitones there we go i could put it in this lane with this string as well and then everything will run through that same series of channels here and of course you could like split these channels up in a more complicated way but for now i'm just keeping it easy [Music] and so now it sounds obviously way different i'm only pressing one key by the way all right let's just go back to the presets really fast here's a noise stepper here's some of the presets within that so much for downloading a sound library ever again yeah this is more physical modeling oh that's nice that's really cool uh gui sound maker [Music] i'm just going through some of the sound design presets here [Music] i do wonder why it's so easy to make creepy sounds with this it's just [Applause] [Music] this is just a bunch of shepherd tones [Music] [Applause] it's pretty rad they're actually really good cinematic breams nice obviously there's tons of like normal scent things well when i say normal i mean really advanced and awesome i feel like i need to just do like a 10 hour stream of just playing with this but um let's i sounded worried there was a but um i want to hear this monastery grand it just sounds uh intriguing to me and it's a huge piano library that works with this and i don't know how this load samples or anything i'm just let's uh i guess let's go with all mics and stuff and see what that sounds like my mind's not blown by the sound of it i feel like my mind's gonna be blown when i figure out how it works but there's gonna be some sort of insane editing thing here but let's hear it i know there's more to this and i know it's all going to happen when i click this edit button right here so let's no let's not do that let's not click the edit button okay so just so you know if you have meldos plugins you don't feel like going that far into the rabbit hole there's like empower synth which of course is a insane rabbit hole and it's a very very featured soft synth but it's not quite as insane of a rabbit hole as and sound factory a lot of these have multi-band versions and non-multi-band versions and i've just added the multi-band versions but um yeah there's there's a whole lot of plugins honestly if my viewers are really into this and want to see me play around with melda things more then let me know and maybe i'll do a stream or something or i i do want to cover their looper in a separate video as well because they do have a new looper let me open that up really fast it's m super looper i believe it's called yeah there it is yeah they have this crazy multi-channel looper and guess what of course within the settings of each track you can add any effect that melda has just playing my guitar into it i was able to pretty much immediately make one of the most insane drones i've ever heard so again this is the world of melda um back to you ben so yeah that's just sort of the tip of a pinky toe into the rabbit hole that is melda productions all right so how much does all this cost well first of all i do believe that every single one of melda's products has a free fully functional trial right now they have an eternal madness discount sale going on and you could get the m-comb filter for 29. you could get the m convolution multi-band for 29 dollars that's dirt cheap for what you're getting we opened up that m super looper plug-in which is what i said is probably the most powerful computer looping plug-in i've ever seen due to the effect sends on it and that costs 46 bucks on the introductory discount that's actually really cheap did i just say introductory the retail prices are obviously a bit higher m sound factory's on sale right now for 235 dollars for what you're getting that's a steal m turbo reverb costs a bit more again for what you're getting it's an absolute steal if you compare it to something like the waves bundle it's a fraction of the price and it's in a completely different ballpark in terms of being way more powerful than the waves bundle or waves plug-ins sorry waves their general pricing is for software licenses with free upgrades however while i'm not a huge fan of subscription model software pricing they do offer that as well so where you could get pretty much everything that they have for a monthly fee if i were hired as a marketing consultant one thing that i would tell a lot of music software companies is that they should have a subscription model but it's just payments and then you own the software after you've paid retail for it but mel this stuff is priced quite reasonably and if the runout break got you laid off from the pencil factory and you want to save a couple bucks then they do have sales all the time just keep your eyes open you can get something for a pretty good discount and by the way if you downloaded the software demos or bought the software and you want to learn more melda has really really good vast documentation and there's also a channel called chandler guitar and this guy covers a whole lot of stuff in really good detail so check out that channel as well for more information on these resources in the meantime as always if you learned anything or you like this video subscribe to the channel if there's anything you want me to cover in the future let me know in the comments if you want to support this channel i have some links below to my band camp and socials i have like 25 hours of music that you could download and listen to if you're interested in that type of thing i don't know why you would watch this channel and then be interested in music those two things are like alright i'm starting to lose my voice bye
Channel: Benn Jordan
Views: 14,141
Rating: 4.944675 out of 5
Id: DwHAbakxbBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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