Making My Studio Self-Generate Its Own Music

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[Music] so if you follow me then you probably know that i'm really really into making generative music or music that i suppose writes itself or a sort of algorithm that writes music that you could listen to and you could travel a couple years back on this channel and see over three hours of me talking about how to make generative music using everything from simple boolean algebra to melody assistant software all the way to deep learning and artificial neural networks my mixing room here is just really really crowded at the moment and i just have a lot of stuff set up and i've also had my disklavier or midi robot piano tuned and serviced recently for a session with machine drum so i thought it would be the perfect time to dedicate an entire weekend to making the ultimate generative patch utilizing a whole bunch of synthesizers generative sequencers modules effects racks and so on so yeah i am aware that this is gear porn but i do not see you leaving i think that you kind of like gear porn don't worry i'm not going to tell anybody so enjoy this massive generative patch and i will briefly explain a bit about how it was set up afterwards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so starting from the beginning this is going to get really dorky really fast i'm sorry i'm just going to jump in the initial clock or the heartbeat of the whole thing is coming from the neuter which is a multi-channel generative sequencer so that clock is multiplied and branched into two parts and the first one is going into the hardcore module that runs a basic arduino program that i wrote and see that adds a specific amount of latency depending on the clock rate to compensate for well physics you see when using a disk javier or a midi controlled piano the piano hammers aren't instant like a synthesizer playing a soft note takes up to 200 milliseconds for the hammer mechanism to actually hit the string so it is impossible to perfectly sync a midi piano in real time however my way of getting around this is to just add latency so everything triggers on time a bar ahead minus the latency created by the hammer mechanism i hope that makes sense i can't really think of a way to draw an example of this so the other branch of the noodler clock goes to pamela's new workout which drives various gates adsrs lfos and things like the west coast random source which is like a sample and hold amusement park so our main instrument that you hear from the modular is actually mutable rings which is a car plus strong string and bell synthesizer every single variable of rings is being slightly changed over time by a random source or an unclocked lfo rings then goes into an input on an ad or analog to adat rack unit and then into a channel on the eventide h9000 where it goes through a delay and diffusion algorithm now back to the noodler one midi channel the drone which is basically a root note is going into the poly brute i never really used a polybrute for analog bass sounds before and oh boy did it exceed my expectations the pad channel from the noodler goes into the hydrosynth and on the hydroscent there's a fair amount of lfos affecting lfos affecting lfos and so on so the pad it is playing is a bit of a life of its own right so if you remember that arduino thing i wrote the latency modified clock of the noodler is going through a midi splitter to a poly and seek and poly phase on the ipad which is an extremely deep generative app the polyanc is generating velocity cc messages and poly phase is generating notes on the disklavier the piano itself is being recorded with a rode ambisonic microphone which is going into a zoom f6 which is encoding it and that's being recorded on both sd and also being routed back into an rme interface and then subsequently the h9000 all right so pamela's new workout is creating generative rhythms on two gate outputs so that on the long cables all the way down on the bottom of the piano there are two polyenter perks that are triggering to bang on the bottom of the piano or an empty tub of tide pods that i had for dinner that was being miked by the lawton audio ls208 running into a zoom h8 and bleeding into the ambisonic microphone on the piano the lawton headed back into the rme interface and subsequently the h9000 the noodler wasn't doing all the work though the midi clock was coming out of it and going into the generative workhorse sequencer known as the square pyramid and that was controlling the yamaha montage which had a channel with a pad where there were some warm chords that were being played and then a chimey bell emulator that uses machine learning to generate touch points and can be modulated a bit like a wave table with eight operators physical modeling and up to 64 algorithms finally the main heart of the melody came out of this little guy my barely working diy ornament and crime module the ornament and crime created four quantized melodies driven by a fractal that loop themselves only by changing a very small portion of the loop each time thus sounding a bit more familiar harmonically to us humans since we loop things constantly when we write music [Music] alright so what do you think give it to me straight no double talk did you like it how'd i do was it worth the time if you had all this gear would you trade it for a tesla would you trade it for a bitcoin would you trade it for a new house would you trade it for a good honest man that doesn't even exist i don't know at some point when i was making it it gave me the chills which i suppose is a pretty good milestone that us humans try to reach when we make music my alternative plan was to either play cyberpunk replay some of fallout new vegas or plan and pack for the trip i'm about to leave on by the way if this video just came out and it's super fresh if you're watching this zero day thank you for being such a good customer and also i am in the desert right now shooting my next video which is gonna be epic all right i'm gonna try and say this really fast like the micro machine guy and as always if you like this video subscribe to my channel if there's anything you want me to cover in the future and as always if you like this video subscribe to my channel if there's anything you want me to cover in the future let me know in the comments if you want to join a really kick-ass community with everything from unreleased music to behind the scenes footage to game servers to a discord community to songwriting challenges my patreon is for you and you could sign up for as little as one dollar thank you for watching i love you i feel like the micromachine guy probably had a script to read from but i'm kind of just freestyling here and i think i'm not really doing that of a job so okay bye you
Channel: Benn Jordan
Views: 13,760
Rating: 4.9433331 out of 5
Id: gR_R2206oiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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