Revelation 13:1-10 - The Antichrist Steps Forward

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welcome to morningstar christian chapel if you're watching on youtube please remember to hit that subscribe button like button and the notification bell so you can find out when we go live or we post a new video and be sure to leave a comment about what god has shown you in this message thanks and enjoy the study all right let's open our bibles tonight revelation chapter 13. at the end of the sixth trumpet judgment which we find in chapters eight and nine and before the the seventh trumpet which will bring us forward to the final seven judgments the bold judgment of the lord upon the earth we've told you more than once that from chapter 10 forward or actually chapter 9 forward it is weeks and not months until the lord returns but there's a lot that he wants to teach us but from a chronological standpoint we're very close to the lord's return when he returns to the earth with you and i as the his people um in chapters 10 11 12 13 and 14 however the these are not progressive in terms of chronology they are parenthetical they just kind of stop and give us lots of information in chapter 10 john is encouraged with all that he has seen and i think it's just freaking him out as it might you as well there are some words sent to him from the throne of the lord some of which he was not allowed to record but there was an angel that stood upon the earth declared that in the day of that seventh trumpet the the plan of god will be revealed the prophet's words will be find their fulfillment and in indeed you know this will all be over and the lord will come to rule and to reign john was encouraged um by the fact that the angel had only a little scroll left in his hand the word that was still unfulfilled the chapters that we still have to go through he was told to eat them sweet to the taste bitter to the stomach the lord's coming is going to be exciting and glorious but preceding that will come this last set of judgments if you will upon unbelieving man so hang in there john you still got to preach you still got to share but we're getting close to the end in chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 the lord gives us interestingly enough the tribulation temple its size and is significant as it relates to israel's attempt to build it up on the temple mount today it will be the one that the antichrist will will come and and defile um and then in chapter 11 down from verse 3 to about verse 13 i think we are given the ministry for three and a half years of these two very fiery prophets witnesses we told you that once the church is taken out god will again through israel his people fulfill not only his promises to them but will through them reach the world and so these two jewish witnesses will have tremendous power much like some of the prophets of old and then some we we talked a lot about who they were we all agree i think like elijah is one and there's lots of opinions as who do the second one might be but needless to say they they can call fire down and stop the rain and tremendously powerful protected by the lord as they preach the gospel they are killed when their work is finished by the antichrist by satan you know who empowers him their dead bodies are laid in the streets for three and a half days the world rejoices has parties oh good that you know those irritants are finally gone but the lord isn't finished with them yet and they will be raised up for all to see in fact the lord's words to them are what the lord's words to us were in chapter four verse one come up here and god will resurrect them there'll be an earthquake seven thousand people will die we read ten percent of the city is destroyed and because of the what happens in jerusalem there are some folks there that are going to turn to the lord it's one of the few places that you read that the judgment actually turned the hearts of the people back to the lord in chapter 11 beginning in verse 14 it's a lot of words to remember you have to pray for me um beginning in verse 14 of chapter 11 there is the sound of the seventh trumpet in heaven has no immediate effect upon the earth the lord will take us there in a minute in a minute meaning chapter 16 but he still has much more us to tell us but but we are told of the reaction in heaven as the as the church the 24 elders fall on their faces begin to worship the lord the temple of god in heaven is opened if you will the ark of his covenant is seen his voice thunders and we are told there is a third woe coming upon the earth and so chapter 11 began with a rebellious temple in verse 1 but ends with a the the true temple in heaven so there's great rejoicing in heaven this is almost over and don't forget that as you go through in chapter 12 where we were last week john is given this great sign of the nation of israel how she brought forth the messiah how satan throughout history has sought to oppose god's work through and against his people we we see in verse two of chapter 12 the nation in for travail as they prepare to bring forth the child jesus how satan resisted battled against the nation and we went through a lot of the the work of the enemy from the deception in the garden through the promises of god's seed coming to all of the opposition in verses 3 4 5 6 chapter 12 john is given a second sign of a great fiery red dragon that has seven heads and ten hoins and seven diadem upon his heads we learned obviously this is the devil and then the his empowering of the last gentile world government led by the antichrist i think from my standpoint and if you're new to the book of revelation much of revelation is very straightforward very easy the concept of this last world government of the antichrist is very difficult i i think what we talked about last week and what we're going to talk about tonight if you haven't been studying you might just go that's too much for me to think about so you have the notes so i don't feel like i've let you down you can go look them all up it is one of those concepts that until you spend some time with i don't think if you sit here for 45 minutes you're gonna get it but at the same time um i'll go as slow as i can and i want to drive home the fact that that god goes out of his way to give us throughout the old testament prophets as well as here in the book of revelation other places a clear description that this man of sin the antichrist filled by the the devil you know satan incarnate if you will we'll seek to make and will succeed in making a world government ruled by man that will oppose god it'll be the last world government that has ever tried to exist without god's help if you go through the scriptures there are six world governments historically there are only six as well it started with egypt then assyria then the babylonians then the medo-persians then the greeks and then the romans and the romans whether you're in the easter or in the west their power in the west lasted far longer than the east but but in any regard it's the only six times in history where where was there was a one world government that ruled the world but there's another one coming and this antichrist and that's always been satan's goal let me just run the world right let let me be god this seventh world government which will arrive arise out of the ashes of the old sixth one the roman empire will not last long it'll last three and a half years and then it'll be brought to a very quick and abrupt end and jesus will bring in the eighth and the final world empire of you it'll be his he'll be the lord of lords and king of kings and we'll finally see that it's been made right so as you read through chapter 5 12 especially last week there was already comments there in verse 3 about the the fiery red dragon and the heads and the horns and the and the things upon his head and all wow that was a big one those kids um verses 7 through 12 of chapter 12 last week gives us the the reason behind satan's intense attack if you will upon israel exactly during this time and the reason is we learned that there was a war in heaven and michael the archangel along with the the good angels if you will god's command blocked satan from having any accents anymore to the throne of god he is forced to the earth at the at the halfway mark of the great tribulation as a result he and his demonic followers as heaven rejoices satan is pushed out and there's this great suffering that takes place for the believer there's a tremendous attack upon israel as a nation we we've we've seen in chapter 6 and chapter 13 in other places um this victory of the believer during the great tribulation not you and i as the church but those who get saved during that time and we were told in verse 11 and 12 they overcame the antichrist by the blood of the lamb which nullified the lies of the enemy by the word of faith which opposed again the deceitful invitation of the enemy to take his mark and then they were willing to die right they loved not their life or they didn't love their life enough to not die if you will so satan now comes to the earth in a unique way his wrath in full measure he knows his time is short according to verse 13 and 7 to 17 last week israel is his target god protects her will take israel to a place called petra it is called selah in the new in the old testament if you will spoken of often by the prophets and so when he can't get to israel he turns to the believers and goes after his her seed if you will so before the lord returns in power with the saints to establish his kingdom upon the earth this work of satan who is now barred from heaven these last three and a half years and this revival of the seventh world government which arises out of the old roman empire will produce a false messiah a man of sin will produce the antichrist the beast if you will who will for the last time try to gather men in opposition against god daniel tells us this is the days of jacob's trouble that it is this difficult time the great tribulation the first three and a half years relatively peaceful the antichrist is well liked he he makes a name for himself he's a deceiver he fights wars without he has a bow without arrows he talks his way in he's he's provides solution for international crisis he he addresses man's financial woes he builds a temple and he's a friend to israel until the halfway mark where heaven is blocked the the end is near the enemy goes crazy and and the the the war begins upon the planet if you will and god's judgment poured out this antichrist will arise out of a ten nation confederacy it is representative like like i said of the old roman empire out of europe but that will happen at the three and a half year mark so he knows his time is short the antichrist will now be possessed by satan himself he'll be aided by the false prophet and he'll seek to have men worship this antichrist so it is over quickly but it is happening towards these last days and and part of these parenthetical chapters is the lord wants you to get more information about this last government you can set it apart from everything else in revelation start and have to work on that a little bit yourself i'll try to share some verses with you i'll try to read some to you if you just kind of let it sink in but but here in chapter 13 before we get to the seventh trumpet at least the effect upon the earth the lord causes our attention to shift to the to the beast the antichrist who closely associates with the dragon chapter 12 3 who empowers the beast verse 1 and we're only going to go to verse 10 so don't worry we're good or maybe we'll be here till noon then i stood on the sands of the sea john says and i saw a beast arising out of the sea and again are these familiar words he had seven horns sorry seven heads ten horns on his uh horns there were ten crowns and on those heads there was a blasphemous name some manuscripts depending on which bible you're using doesn't have the word i but the word he if that is so then it is a reference from verse 17 last week to the dragon himself arising rather than jon standing and seeing it it really doesn't make any difference there are lots of people that argue one way or the other i just don't see why it matters one sees the dragon tossed from heaven ready to invade the other sees john recording it if you will has the same application so in chapter 12 verse 3 we saw this same kind of symbolic language that were was used to describe satan here he is the power behind the antichrist this is a description of the antichrist and the final world government that he represents satan is the beast jesus says if you've seen me you've seen the father well you can probably say of this guy if you've seen the beast you've seen me that's what satan would say because they're one and the same notice that this antichrist arises this beast out of the waters in chapter 17 verse 1 and again in verse 15 the waters repre or the sea represents the sea of humanity or people or nations here the beast arises out of a ten nation confederate confederacy which will constitute the seventh world empire the ashes of the old roman government these these names are constantly used in this way seven heads represent seven world governments through which this uh the dragon or satan has sought to divide god and this is the seventh or the last one um we see uh governments and we see men jockeying for position from god's standpoint from his view from what he reports to us this is the work of the devil and of the spirit of the antichrist so he he takes us back to see the spirit behind what has happened upon the earth notice in verse 1 on the heads of these world powers is blasphemy or or slander against god world dominating demonically inspired empires throughout history have not had a place for god in their thinking and neither will this one the ten horns and the ten crowns are identified if you read ahead to chapter 17 of the book of revelation i would read the whole thing out loud to you but you can do that yourself but you will see there the the the distinctions made and and the and every one of those things are defined in one chapter so read chapter 17 we'll cover it when we get there but but let's just say that prophetically the angel will talk about these seven heads and these ten horns and the beast and and who they are and where they've come from and and how these kings are going to be raised up without a kingdom and they're going to be of one mind with the beast and all and we're going to make more war with the lamb and with his people to overcome them so read chapter 17 um in chapter 7 of daniel and again you have to go back to the prophets to get some of the information here uh the sea is they're also seen as coming out of the sea in daniel we have god's description of these kingdoms and he sees them as wild animals describes them as such the lion which represented babylon had an appetite for conquest and and was the current world empire when daniel was writing his prophecy the bear it was the medo-persian empire who came to overthrow babylon they did so with great tenacity they they were smaller and they should have lost but they didn't they were tougher and as a result they were able to to dominate the the leper that daniel will share in chapter seven speaks about the greek empire the swiftness of the conquest in fact alexander the great was 32 years old and they found him in his room in tears because he had nowhere else to go to conquer all of man's rule without god all demon driven from god's point of view then there is this fifth world kingdom from daniel the roman one the last one the revived one daniel will say in chapter seven these words and i saw in the night vision a fourth beast dreadful terrible strong exceedingly with great iron teeth to devour and break in pieces to stamp the residue of his feet it was diverse from all of the other beasts before it it had ten horns i considered the horns and therefore behold there was a little one that came up among them whom there the first three were plucked out by the roots and in this horn where eyes like a man in his mouth spoke great things and so daniel prophesies of this last world empire and we see it here in chapter 13 as the antichrist arises out of the revived roman empire all you have to do is go back and see what did rome control in europe and you can certainly begin to look there for where the antichrist may very well come from um if you go back to daniel chapter two that those same world kingdoms are described as uh medals with desal descending values rather than fierce animals they're they're described as as metal and and strong and daniel in chapter two describes world kingdoms from man's point of view he had he saw valiant in them god did not so here we we begin to talk about the antichrist verse 2 we read in verse 2 now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like a bear his mouth was like a lion and the dragon we know him to be the devil from the last chapter gave him his power and his throne and gave him great authority so as we told you by the time of daniel's prophecies two of the world governments had come and gone five would remain including this one but notice that john here in verse two in his description again uses the similes and uses the exact words for these kingdoms that daniel uses in chapter 7 of his book that was written hundreds of years bc but he presents them in a reverse order daniel was looking forward to the things that were coming he was prophesying john is able to look back and so he lists them in reverse but in daniel like i said again these these rulers came out of the sea or out of humanity if you will verse 3 tells us i saw on his heads as if it had been mortally wounded as if it had been make sure you read that well and his deadly wound was healed and all of the world marveled and they followed this antichrist this beast notice that the dragon wore his crowns on his head back to chapter 12 whereas the the beast here wears them on his horns the last world government from all that we can tell from the bible is a conglomeration a mixture of nations and kings and people who will by choice submit themselves to one man it is a composite of all the others it is a joined effort to stand against god looking for world dominance and satan has what satan has always wanted which was power but it won't last in chapter 2 of daniel verse 35 in describing these kingdoms he wrote this there was iron and clay and brass and silver and gold broken together in pieces like the chaff of a summer threshing floor and the wind came to carry them away there was no place found for them and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and it filled the earth and so daniel goes on and he says in chapter 2 for as much as you saw the stone cut out of a mountain without hands breaking in pieces the iron and brass and clay and silver and gold the great god has made known to the king what shall happen hereafter the dream is certain the interpretation thereof is sure and so the description of these world kingdoms to come now this final world kingdom and satan his desire to equip a man to you know be the one that will lead people to him and this like i said three and a half years and it'll be over for sure it'll be over one further thing about verses one and two here before we move on the beast is portrayed here and everywhere in prophecy as either an empire or an emperor so it's either a movement of people or it is defined as an individual both nationally and individually they are represented as satan's last ditch effort for example in verses one and two here the the beast is surely a nation right it is described as that with ten horns and and and ten seven heads and all um if you continue to read down in verse four it could be both by the time you get to verses 12 or 13 or 15 or 18 down a little bit next week we'll just get to an individual the man behind the movement if you will both are beasts in the sense that satan is in them behind them and guiding them godless and and operated by his authority but needless to say it is a movement as well as the person who is leading them notice in verse 2 there that the dragon gave him the antichrist his power and his throne and he gave him great authority possessed by devil all of hell will stand behind this god-man kind of parody if you will there's that scripture in thessalonians chapter 2 which says even him who will come after the workings of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders so this very powerful person will seek to defy the lord and do what satan has always wanted to do rule the world he will defy the lord for quite some time today if we look at the the world around us there are certainly a lot of preparations going on in the world so that man really wants to just live his life apart from any rules or anything that god would want if you have done any political history classes back in 15 i think 1513 machiavelli was so enamored by the thought of the government and its power that he wrote a book called the prince and okay 500 600 years ago and he said you know in in in in theory and he wrote it in support of uh caesar borgia but but he wrote and he said you know in theory one world leader even if he's wicked is far better than a democracy where everyone has a vote and nothing gets done and everybody or many people agreed with him you know how our democracy works how are we getting exactly later mussolini wrote that the state was god machiavelli was the prophet hitler kept a copy of the prince with him at all times hegel the philosopher wrote that the totality state the totalitarian state should meet all the needs of the people physically emotionally and spiritually so it's been in the concept of man politically for a long time that just put one person in charge and you make the rules let's go this we don't get stuck here the last world ruler before jesus comes will operate with that same kind of persuasion and he'll have the power of hell at his fingertips he'll be defeated but don't think for a minute that most people won't sign on with him they will it's just the way it goes but it will be horrible because it will last it will bring eternal judgment so we read in verse three that one of these heads of the antichrist has been mortally wounded and then healed the world watching marvels and they begin to follow this beast and worship the dragon satan who gave authority to the beast and then they worshiped the antichrist saying who's like the beast and who's able to make war with him worship and and wonder is something satan has always wanted go to isaiah 14 and you'll find that it is the reason he was thrown out of heaven read ezekiel chapter 28 and you'll find that that satan's one place as lucifer was to be the chief cherub that covered he if there was a worship leader greater than he the bible doesn't record it he was the best he was the top of the list he was the closest to god's throne he was the one in charge and yet it was his pride and his desire to be worshiped that caused him to be to be taken out the ascension of the antichrist to a place of greater prominence even than his political endeavors is described in verse three it looks like he was shot or or hit with a sword something happened to him that it looked like he should have died and he didn't die and so as a result the people began to worship the power behind his life and they began to worship him as a god who could be worshiped and the people were deceived into thinking he was dead but now he came alive again notice in verse 14 just jump ahead for a minute and we read these words we won't be there tonight he deceives those who dwell upon the earth by these signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell upon the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived didn't get killed it was wounded but everyone who was mortal and he shouldn't have survived it's a miracle it's an absolute miracle don't think for a minute that satan can raise the dead even as he mocks jesus and tries to copy him but the people are going to hang on to that man oh it's a miracle because once you set jesus aside you'll believe just about anything so his recovery becomes in those times a rallying point and a point of control for the false prophet there's a very obscure prophecy i'll read it to you out of zechariah chapter 11. that applies to this this is what it says the lord says to me take unto thee with the instruments of a foolish shepherd lo i will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not visit those that are cut off they will not seek out the young ones they will not heal that is broken will not feed that is standing still he'll eat the flesh of the fat he'll tear their claws and pieces woe to the idol shepherd that leaves the flock the sword shall be upon him and upon his right eye and his up upon his arm which will be dried up and his left eye will be all right i will be completely darkened so it does seem like there was some kind of an incident where this guy loses an eye loses the ability to use his arm and everyone goes ah it's a miracle he should have been dead the bullet went right through him or whatever it might have been enough to to convince folks that uh this was the one right this is the one this is the fella that that came uh again notice in verse 14 wounded by the sword and live whatever attack that must have been deceptively the communication is it was mortal it was it was deadly verse 3 and and somehow he survived so the result in verse 4 is worship of the beast and of the dragon how often people without knowing it i think worship spiritually the things that had they known what they were doing would never have done it if you go to lenin's tomb in atheistic russia lenin's tomb is nothing more than a religious shrine of worship if you go to china to mao seitung's you know his little red book which by the way is still the bible for nearly one quarter of the world's population it's nothing more than idolatry the stage is set it won't take much for people to join into this next deal you know and we're all going to worship again even today most people don't see the real power behind the worship of of sports figures or or actors or politicians jesus had warned in in john chapter five he said you know i came in my own name and you won't receive me but another is coming in their name and him you'll receive and so the lord warned to the world you know it's coming if you set jesus aside you're kind of being set up for this man of sin that is coming and that will one day appear upon the scene so who can oppose him who can oppose him who is like the beast who's able to make war with him well i know one that will make war with him and it won't last long but we know that from our side don't we in fact god will give you over to those other ways if you resist him there's there's that scripture in ii thessalonians i think it's chapter 2 that says that god will send a strong delusion to those left in the world that they'll believe a lie you might say well common sense we shouldn't do that yeah but it's a spiritual battle romans chapter one says the same thing right in their their imaginations became vain their foolish hearts were darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and they they left you know god who they should have known and god gave them over to their uncleanness in other words just have it your way then and this is exactly what is going to take place during those final three and a half years and what the world is gonna kind of line up for to worship this this dictator if you will um this this dragon this beast and his kingdom as the judgment of god is about to fall everyone rallies to him oh he'll be our savior but he won't be verse 5 says and he was given the antichrist a mouth to speak great things and blasphemes he was given authority to do this for 42 months three and a half years 260 days however you'd like to read it and he opened his mouth to blaspheme god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven wonder worship and now the words of the beast a big mouth to blaspheme god for three and a half years this is going to be his speech we aren't given the specifics but it is no doubt rooted in lies and and the worship of the dragon dictators rarely rule nations by force oh it happens but i think if you look historically at how nations have been dominated it is more often through lies and rhetoric than it is power you know the history books would bear that out look to go to remember doc devalier in in haiti in the in the 50s 60s what to early i think he died in 71. i mean he ruled a country not by power as much as as by wording marcos did it in the philippines through the 18 what was 1989 maybe or so castro for 40 years in cuba hitler wrote in 1932 this is what he wrote our streets are in turmoil our universities are filled with rebellious students communism is seeking to destroy our country the republic is in great danger from within and without we need law and order and then he provided or so he said well the the antichrist will come with great superiority read daniel chapter 7 verse 8 where we read these words i consider the horns and behold there came up this little horn before whom the three first horns were plucked out and this horn with eyes like the eyes of a man spoke with a mouth that spoke great things four verses later i beheld then because of the mouth the voice of the great words which the horn spoke ten verses later a mouth that spoke very great things who looked more stout than his fellows five verses later and he shall speak great words against the most high he'll wear out the saints of the most high he'll change the times and the laws that will be given into his hands for one time two more times and a half a time or three and a half times all out of daniel chapter seven about the same guy so putting the scriptures together is very helpful and very important yet we are told in was it second thessalonians chapter 2 that when the lord comes he will consume him with the spirit of his mouth this guy's a big mouth just wait you have yet to meet jesus your time is short well then we are told this of him in verse 7 through verse 10 it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority was given to him over every tribe and tongue and nation all who dwell upon the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the lambs in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if anyone has an ear let him hear for he who go leads into captivity shall also go into captivity and he who kills with the sword must also be killed with the sword here then is the faith and the patience and the faith of the saints so not only is this world leader filled with the devil rising out of the ashes of the old montgomery the seventh world government to ever exist upon the planet not only is he coming to power he's only come to power for three and a half years he is driven by a devil who's thrown out of heaven he comes to a temple that is finished and says worship me as god starting today you don't buy unless you take my mark so you're getting a kind of a feel for who this guy is and then we find him you know faking a head injury or at least faking a death drawing people to worship him demanding worship as god wouldn't allow it to be any other way speaking blasphemies verse 6 against god and his dwelling place and those who are with the lord in heaven but then we read in verse 7 god gives to him the power over the saints to overcome them for three and a half years in other words his rule is going to last daniel chapter 7 verse 21 and i saw this horn make war with the saints and he prevailed against them so we get to chapter 16 of matthew and the lord says upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail this is not the church the church is in heaven but these are saints that have come to lo to know the lord and to trust the lord these are tribulation saints they've got saved through the ministry of the hundred and forty four thousand they've got saved through the to the ministry of the two fiery witnesses they've got saved through the ministry of the angels that we have yet to read about that's coming in chapter 14 who fly through the the air declaring the gospel and and giving people one last chance uh it is granted notice verse in verse seven look at the word granted because i think i've told you before satan can only do what god allows he isn't as strong he isn't as powerful he doesn't get a right to choose when he gets to do something god allows him to do so so you'll read this word a lot god aloud and god allowed with job i want to take out i want to take him out lord so you can touch him but don't touch his family or you can touch his stuff but don't touch his life and so god controls and the enemy thinks he's getting away with murder but he really works for the lord doesn't he he's on a little string he's a little puppet and he's gonna he's gonna do what god says until he's done and then he's gonna be put away but needless to say for now he is given the authority to have authority over all martyrdom is is preferred over the alternative the alternative is you take the mark of the beast we will read next week that if you take the mark of the beast you cannot be saved it is a it is a life-altering final choice at this point you have no third door to go through it's either jesus and your life might be taken or you'll join this guy and his pawn who will seek to destroy you and you'll be done in 42 months so um daniel writes of him the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth fourth because there had already been two this was be the sixth one from him forward which shall be diverse from all the other kingdoms it'll be the rising out of that last one it shall devour the whole earth it'll tread it down and it'll break it to pieces so the the dreams of counselling countless i should say would rulers is recognized at least for a little while by this antichrist empowered by the dragon verse 8 all who dwell upon the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the lion's book of life or the book of the life of the lamb and then it says of the lamb he was slain from the foundations of the earth in other words god's sending of his son was not an afterthought he had this plan before the world was created which is a good thing to know jesus promised the church at sardis that if they would walk with him and be worthy he'd clothe them in white clothing and he would not block their name out of the book of life so there's a couple of theories about this book of life that you know are worth thinking about not blot out might suggest that at some point everybody's name was written there and god takes out those who refuse to come because god's will is biblically everybody gets saved they are not written these are not written in the lamb's book of life that doesn't mean that they weren't there at one point but you know if your name's not in it revelation chapter 20 verse 15 you end up in the lake of fire with the devil you go read verse two i think it's verse 15 of gen uh revelation 20 that says whoever's name was not found in the book of life cast in the lake of fire so you definitely want you have your name in the book um and if not then judgment awaits but if your name is in the book of life if you go to the end of the book revelation 21 verse 27 i think it is it says no one can enter into the new jerusalem except those whose names are written in the lamb's book of life so you have a future if you have jesus if you don't know future but notice here's kind of the because this is almost at the end right the judgment is about to come the lord is about to return just these qu seven quick judgments are falling this is the this is the turning point right by the time we get to chapter 15 the choice for man is over the judgment of god is sure there's no more second chances the chapter 15 the chances are over god actually locks heaven up and says to everybody get out until i get done with this judgment it's it's it's a you get the picture of the lord just hating what he has to do because he loves his creation but judgment has to fall so here is one of those linchpins right if your name is not written in the book if you don't have the lord in your life if you haven't turned to him who is slain from before the foundation of the earth then you have no life and so you read in verse nine you know pay attention if you have ears to hear hear in revelation we are told that no true believer will worship the antichrist jesus and speaking to the disciples in chapter 10 as they came and were so excited as they were sent out two by two they said lord oh even the demons are subject to your name we've had a great time in your power going out to minister and jesus said look you shouldn't rejoice in this that the spirits are subjected to you rejoice in this your name is written in the book of life make that your great joy find find your satisfaction in that paul in writing to the philippians in chapter 4 says i want to say hello to all the ladies there who are ministering with me in the gospel and clement is also and all my fellow workers all of you who are written in the book of life so something to be you know i think excited about but but here in in revelation no true saint will worship the antichrist he won't be able to fake it or pretend to do so to spare his own neck um it'll be very religious in the last days there's a lot of religion here powerful religion but no relationship with jesus and and and satan will use the religion the religious nature of man to come to power in fact if you get to chapter 17 he will turn it to just be solely defile worship and and the the mainland churches will will join in out of fear so if anyone has an ear let him hear by the way it's a phrase that jesus used a lot in the gospels it looks familiar doesn't it he also used it in chapter two and three of revelation as he delivered all of the messages to the churches he said to us pay attention no doubt here's the warning to those reading who might be contemplating taking the mark of the beast note the words here though because if you'll read in all of the other places you will read these words um if anyone hears let him hear comma what the spirit is saying to the church but the church is gone so that is left off for the first time in the bible we should read the word and pay attention to it be moved by it because without application god's word is of little value if your head's filled with information and your life's on the rocks not good right so god warns these folks look don't take the mark this is a a time of tremendous stress and strain upon the earth but notice here's the supporting truth in verse 10 because god will bring divine retribution in his time the just the judgment the justice of god will prevail he'll have the last word everyone will get what they deserve the truth ought to keep us going because today i don't know you see a lot of injustice you know um if you're against any kind of average lifestyle you're just accused of not being loving but sometimes loving people just means telling them the truth lying to them doesn't do you any good so just hang in there here's the the patience of the saints here's the faith of the this will keep you god will make things right just hang in there don't give up now i think it was paul who said to the first corinthians chapter four to the people don't judge anything before it's time when the lord comes he will bring to light the hidden things of darkness he'll make the the council of many uh hearts clear and every man will have their own praise from the lord he'll he'll make things right so lots to think about this beast from the sea we will meet the beast from the earth next week and then i think things will get far easier to follow i know this whole concept of of a world government is hard there are a thousand scriptures in the well i'm exaggerating there are hundreds of scriptures in the old testament that just apply to that one thing and so i hope that you will look those up that i gave them to you god wants us to know and i think we're supposed to know so that we can look around the world and see how this is all formulating there is a move for a one world government today there are lots of mechanical movement parts uh politically that are striving to do that you know they really do want to a one currency in the world if we're going to have it at all there's something to be said for having your own number on your forehead so that no one can can steal or pretend as you it's hard to show up at a bank with a guy's head and going this is me you know it's on your head so there's a lot of movement towards that the computers certainly have been able to help get all of these things ready if you like politics and are into international politics there's a lot of stuff going on in europe that i think would scare you a little bit or at least just go man maybe this is it but in any event israel's in the land and and we're waiting for jesus to come if you're ready to meet the lord you'll be just fine he's coming to take this church out before everything from chapter four verse one forward you're not here right you're not here until we get to chapter 19 and then you're coming back i can i'll read you about your you are a horse i hope you're good at riding horses you're going to be riding the horses whatever pretty exciting come on to me jesus said all of you that are laboring and heavy laden i'll give you rest take my yoke upon you a yoke is is put on oxen right so that they can pull together to go straight jesus said yoke yourself to me right hang on go with me learn of me if you don't know him you should god doesn't want you to have to face any of this stuff i know there's a lot to be studied and i don't think it's so difficult honestly i find there's a lot of books in the bible that are harder than this one but you do have to work out a little bit you guys i'm proud of all of you for sticking with it every week i go home everything i should have been clear i hope they get it i'm excited i see these faces like i'm praying for you and for myself no better time and no better place than right here right now to get right with him father we thank you tonight for your love for us i know that lord you have given us so much to run with especially in the prophecies about this new kingdom that is coming especially as daniel speaks to us uh in prophecy hundreds of years before we we even get to the new testament let alone to these times of revelation and everything matches everything lines up everything is is just so as we we put ourselves lord before you and say teach us and even as we we saw these bulls and we'll see these bulls poured out and the judgment will come against this final world kingdom it'll it'll destroy its leader and it's it's it's instigator satan it'll destroy the men of sin it'll destroy the false prophet it'll it'll take from man as we read in verse 17 chapter 17 is religious life apart from god it'll destroy in verse 18 or chapter 18 his commercial way of life we're buying and selling and gain are the are the things that that make this world so important and then you'll come to rule again and and in many ways i guess the old the old riders like machiavelli was right it would be great just to have one person in charge but it doesn't work while the person is corrupt absolute power will destroy absolutely but it'll be great when jesus comes to rule things will be right we'll be thrilled we can't wait if tonight you don't know the lord know this his invitation to you is to come and and to allow him to be the lord of your life remember we read tonight that he came to die before the world was ever created he made the decision that he was going to redeem you not just make you but knowing where you would end up in sin and rebellion he wasn't going to let that slow down the creation he was going to make you and then come and and buy you and he was going to pay the price that a righteous god would demand of sin death wasn't going to change the rules he was going to pay the price he's holy he's right and so he is committed to you long before the world in which you live was ever created and his invitation is still the same come to me and you'll have life i'll be the way and the truth and the life for you i'll i'll die in your place i'll pay for your sins i'll take the rep i'll do the time so that you can have life that's how much god loves each one of us so much can't even imagine that he would go this far but he did [Music] but at some point man gets to meet the god that he thinks he would rather serve and he'll die in his sins and his name won't be found in the book of life and that'll be tragic it's eternal but tonight i hope that you've been adequately warned the bible is so true it it balanced from one generation to the next millennium god has said it god will make it good everything just fits together like a glove the truth can set you free his word will bring you life if you want jesus in your life tonight some of the pastors will be up front after the service we like to pray with you ask jesus to come and and to save your life tonight fill you with the spirit wash you if you're over in the overflow room pastor will be over there as well if you're online tonight just click the bottom of in the description box and follow the link there and it'll be taking it'll take you to a place that i think has the heading did you pray with pastor jack tonight to get saved and all of the scriptures will be there you can just kind of follow them it's worth knowing god says so you can count on it you don't want to be here when these things happen you want to be in chapter 4 verse 1 being invited by the lord into the clouds to be so ever with him come up here the voice of victory the voice and the shout of of the archangel inviting us to just come with the lord it could happen anytime the world certainly is preparing itself for the final ruler who'll be overthrown by the ultimate one jesus christ so come don't wait another minute let jesus have your life tonight he'll bring you peace and joy and hope and there'll be a satisfaction for life that you've probably never known but to know him you'll find his peace
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 700
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8Uj3dBmhtTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 52sec (3292 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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