Revealing the Life of Betta Fish in Their Natural Habitat

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foreign [Music] 's fighting fish but where did it come from to better understand this story we must start in Thailand here amidst the chaos of Bangkok sits one of the largest ornamental fish markets in the world [Music] here the real star is the Siamese fighting fish more commonly known as the better it is perhaps the most popular fish in Thailand every week a mesmerizing dance unfolds as thousands of betters are traded each one a living work of art celebrated for its incredible beauty today many varieties of betta fish exist with various fin shapes and patterns however these fish weren't always as colorful and elegant their real story starts in a very different place with a much different fish Siamese fighting fish originates from the floodplains of Southeast Asia rice farming in the region provided the ideal habitat for bettas so naturally humans were exposed to them betters are amongst the earliest domesticated fish with records dating back at least a millennium yet what is the true origin of these fish thanks to recent advances in genetic testing we now know that pet bettas are actually a mix of several wild species from Southeast Asia some of which are going extinct [Music] fancy bettas found in Pet Shops mainly derived from three species the better splendens the better embellish and the better mahachiensis to better understand the history of the Siamese fighting fish we will take you on a journey through Thailand where you will get to know these three wild batters firstly the better splendons with the widest range out of the three species they can be found throughout Central Thailand and neighboring countries the habitat is extremely diverse they are able to adapt to a variety of environments the better splendens inhabits shallow slow-moving Waters and can be found anywhere from rice paddies and flooded fields to streams and ponds but what makes these fish so special the better splendens much like its domesticated cousin exhibits unique behaviors one of its Most Fascinating features is the presence of a lung-like labyrinth organ which enables it to breathe air directly from the surface the better prefers areas with dense aquatic vegetation where they hide in forage within this habitat the better displays intriguing social and territorial behaviors the establishment of territories involves intense aggressive displays and physical confrontations among the mains as the competition appears the male better undergoes a mesmerizing transformation his scales ignite into vibrant Hues of red and blue serving as a striking warning to deter any potential Rivals if necessary male betters will fight to protect their territory and nests this highly desirable habitat attracts numerous species some significantly larger the croaking gourami has extremely similar habits to the better much like the better the gourami is a labyrinth fish and a bubble Nester so naturally they often compete for territory [Music] also sharing these waters are snakeheads predatory Labyrinth fish that are capable of catching bettas however life in this habitat isn't solely about rivalry the better splendons shares their habitat with a diverse range of species from the tiny rasboras to the larger Mekong flying bird poorly oxygenated Waters have resulted in yet another fascinating Behavior bubble nests to keep the eggs oxygenated the male better builds a nest entirely made from bubbles [Music] Scouts for a suitable location fun favoring shaded areas once the male identifies a suitable territory you will start the intricate process using floating leaves and vegetation to his Advantage he meticulously places each bubble bubble after bubble The Nest becomes larger and stronger hoping to attract a female he artfully flaunts his vibrant fins hidden in the vegetation a female notices his nest her contrasting vertical stripes indicate she is ready to spawn she approaches the nest and a spectacular display unfolds the male flares his Gill covers and spreads his fins in a beautiful dance [Music] impressed by his moves and nests she joins the pair Embraces in a ritual wrapping their bodies around each other [Music] In This Moment the female releases the eggs while he fertilizes them [Music] catching the eggs as they sink he carefully retrieves them to the nest under the male's watchful care the eggs will hatch in just two days foreign just hatched the fry is still unable to swim meanwhile the male protects them from predators and retrieves them when they fall just three days after hatching the fry are ready to leave the nest as the dry season approaches the once vast flooded areas gradually recede and oxygen levels plummet during this time betta fish slowly navigate their way to other water sources at times they may become temporarily trapped in small puddles or ponds until the much awaited rain provides them an escape it's their ability to breathe air directly from the surface that allows them to endure these precarious conditions making the Siamese fighting fish a remarkably Hardy pet yet this adaptability doesn't imply bettas will thrive in small spaces foreign [Music] although today the fancy domesticated better is the most popular the wild types locally known as placat are steadily gaining popularity among breeders and enthusiasts among the traded wild varieties the better embellish is perhaps the most common this wild fish is one of the three precursors to the domesticated breeds native from Southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula it is closely related to the better splendens naturally it features almost identical colors and behaviors however it boasts a distinguishing feature elegant blue iridescent bars on its gills setting it apart from the better splendens that has red bars in the enchanting Landscapes of Southern Thailand nature unfolds a picturesque scene of towering Limestone Cliffs and Lush jungles amidst this captivating backdrop The Aquatic habitats range from Crystal Clear streams enriched with Limestone content to tan and stained Waters nestled within the heart of the jungle the better in Bellis is highly adaptable and is present in a wide range of habitats all across the region this male embellished from Southern Thailand eagerly anticipates the rainy season like the splendons he carefully places bubble after bubble skillfully constructing a nest with the nest completed the air becomes charged with anticipation the time has come to seek a partner he circles his territory flashing his iridescent Blue Fins showcasing his potential at last a female Graces the scene will the nest be up to standard seduced by this colorful male she inspects the meticulously crafted nest the male intensifies his enchanting dance becoming increasingly more colorful yet as the delicate dance unfolds the female remains unimpressed and flees from his territory now faced with a pivotal decision the male must choose whether to patiently wait for another chance or create an even more alluring Nest elsewhere however not all World betters are as widespread as the embellish or the splendons the third precursor to today's betas has a much more limited range exclusively found in a handful of localities in Bangkok this species is facing extinction [Music] Vietnam foreign [Music] is exclusive to a forever shrinking environment in the surrounding areas of Thailand's capital calling the unique Palm mangroves home their future is now uncertain during the dry season their survival relies on the remnants of water found at the base of palm trees they skillfully utilize the base of the Nipper Palm from nesting seeking protection and shelter for their offspring distinguished by their dark body with iridescent green to bluish pigmentation is easily recognizable by the Striking iridescent green bars that cover its operculum it preys on insects and other small invertebrates and displays less territoriality than other better species when water becomes scarce multiple specimens can be observed sharing the same limited pocket of water [Music] foreign another way the rapid Urban Development swing Bangkok and surrounding areas the once abundant habitat is now rare and fragmented this species isn't just losing crucial nesting habitat it's also facing the alarming reality of increasingly more extreme droughts home foreign [Music]
Channel: Rodrigo Silva
Views: 1,741,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bettas, Betta Fish, Wild Betta, Betta splendens, Betta mahachaiensis, Betta imbellis, Betta in the wild, Betta natural habitat, Aqaurium fish, Aquarium fish in the wild, Thailand, The origin of the betta, Chatuchak fish market
Id: vo99l-U3bGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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