Revealing the Future of Money - Robert Kiyosaki, @1MarkMoss

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uh Kissinger said control the food control the people control the energy control The Continent Control the money control the world hello hello Robert Kiyosaki the Rich Dad radio show the good news about money and today of a very very special friend long time friend Mark Moss we kind of meet each other on the circuit the speaking circuits of the world speaking about our favorite subject money and um Mark just returned from a trip through Europe and he has some very interesting points of view on the history of money how it got started and so it's going to be a little special show because the more you know about history the more you can see the future so welcome to the rich says show Mark thanks Robert it's such a pleasure being here with you any chance I get I'm out here oh thank you give us a little bit of your background first what well how did you get into this business you know uh right out of height I grew up just thinking about how to make money my dad you know didn't give me everything so I had to go I had I had to think when I was 12 I wanted a bike and so what skill did I have right I knew out of Milan's so how could I take that skill and apply it to the market well I knocked on doors and I mowed people's Lawns and so I've always thought of that way so I have to increase my skills so I could take more to the market good yeah um which is how it should be right out of high school um I came out of this crash 89-92 real estate in California had crashed the banks owned all these repos and they were literally give them away right if you just take them over yeah zero down and uh I didn't have any money I had to come up with three thousand dollars for closing costs I didn't even have that but I got a buddy we partnered up we bought some real estate and then the rest has been history so that's kind of how I got into it but then in 2008 I got blindsided and I got wiped out because I knew how to make money but I didn't understand the financial system right and I didn't realize how much power that had over my life and I'm like wow so I'm really good at making money but I need to understand what this is that has this control over my life and so last 12 14 years I've just spent my whole life just trying to uncover that and try to figure that out selfishly at first and now trying to help other people not make the same mistakes right right right that's how Kim and I started when people the crash was so bad and nobody nobody had any money everything was closing we had no money we didn't have a job but we went around and figured the system out the finance system yeah and pretty soon we're buying real estate with nothing down and all this and it was just on a soft skill called negotiations right we go and talked to the seller and we had to basically sell them in the idea that would make sure that their monthly nut was covered right and that's how he got there some people said I don't have any money I said not having money could be your best Advantage yeah if you're being resourceful and you're moving forward but anyway you just got back from Europe man it's eye-opening as usual I'm sure yeah so what did you find out about you know we're talking about The Ledger system Medici how it applies today the first gold coin that yeah so um as you said kind of in the beginning if you don't understand history you're sort of bound to repeat it and so I love to go back and learn history so I could figure out where we're going to going and I know we're going to talk about like Central Bank digital currencies in a little bit but really it's important to go back to history to understand it because what they're promising is this unified Ledger and if we go back to 1392 in Florence Italy the Medici banking family really invented the modern monetary or financial system that we have today and it was through the creation of a ledger system and modern accounting and that modern accounting allowed us to track liabilities and assets at the same time it had never been done before double double entry bookkeeping Double Entry bookkeeping exactly also the thing we're talking about is blockchain is ledger right right and so it's just going electronic that's right so you saw you saw the start of it back in Italy yeah so we saw the start of it and again so it's important to understand the history and so what's interesting is not going super deep but after the fall of the Roman Empire we went to this period called the Dark Ages where all records were lost and then we had the birth of the Renaissance system where we had this explosion of Art and Science and and so forth and it was really in Florence they created a coin called the Florin which was a gold coin and it was the longest lasting gold coin in history it was about 400 years without being debased and by having sound money for 400 years and globally recognized money it had this explosion of trade and specialization and so that's what really exploded this uh Renaissance age a period of great abundance and I went to the U.S March Marine Academy in New York because it was about ocean going you know the sea Lanes of the world and they always talk about you know like badass and all that the great Sailors right how they traded through the Aegean and the Greece and traveled the world that was um you know the gamma went to Portugal and God it was all the explosion of well Columbus went to America supposedly yep and Pizarro went to South America and that was a history buff I loved all that stuff yeah and pizarre was a guy that the incoston especially like him but he he went up there and he killed a lot of people took their gold and that's what caused Spain to boom boom yeah because they took all the um Inca Gold yeah and dropped it off in Spain yep and when they brought all that gold and silver back um it created a lot of abundance but it also created a lot of inflation right because they increased the money supply correct yeah but people had confidence and goal of the Florence as you call it right next to this it's a very important subject here because we're entering I think the Dark Ages right now I'm listening to a gym records and a whole bunch of other people who who are behind the scenes more than you and I are yeah and Records is calling for tens of thousands of people to lose their jobs yeah and the reason is because global trade is slowing right and that everybody thought that you know after covid China would pull us out but China's in worst shape than we are they are it's bad so that's why this which radio shows a very important show is how you get ahead I want to reiterate what Mark is saying about about the 90s is when when Kim and I had nothing didn't have jobs or anything we still invested but we just didn't we just didn't say these words I can't do it yeah I can't afford it we just figured out how to do it and to this day I think about some of the provost's in Portland Oregon I think of some of the properties we we Acquired and all that just talking to the seller yeah saying look I understand show us your numbers and we had to figure out could we rent the place for more than we were going to pay for it but the seller just wanted to get out of there yeah because I mean there were a call in this in the scientific world of real real estate it's called I'm a don't want her I just don't want this thing anymore and that period is coming up because a lot of people would don't want their assets pretty soon yeah and I love what you do Robert because it's a lot of mindset and a lot of the way different ways to think about things and so while it the world is scary like we're going into this dark time and and to your point of what Jim Richard is saying like it could be really bad but that's when the most amount of wealth is made yes amen and so you have to go from this victim mindset like oh my gosh The Whole World's gonna kill me to go in like oh how can I navigate this properly right and if you can shake the victim mentality and you can learn to see there's opportunity everywhere we can come on ahead just um I'm a big Surfer I'm from California and in Fiji right now there's what they call a code red swell where the the waves are like 30 40 foot right and most people are running for their lives they're gonna die and most people should never go in the water when waves are even five foot much less 40 50 foot I I had two classmates never come out right a lot of Hawaii but these train Surfers went out there with the right equipment jet skis and stuff and they're riding these monsters and they're doing and they're having the time of their life right and so it's if you have the training and the skill and the preparation then you can go take advantage of these These Times absolutely absolutely so anyway we're going to talk today about what you see going on for the in the monetary of the money markets what um what's your opinion right now because there's Gold Silver and this Bitcoin I noticed that people are getting more they're more favorable towards Bitcoin and uh gold and silver what do you see happening well we have a big problem and the big problem is that my dad always told me as I was a kid growing up that it takes a lifetime to build trust and one time to ruin it right and what we're really witnessing isn't just the death of a fiat currency or the dollar we're witnessing the death of the Fiat money system the international monetary system which requires trust to work right and so as we're losing trust each nation is now starting to go we can't trust the U.S dollar system look what happened to Russia they're very count seized so now we need to use our own currency so now we're seeing the rise of the bricks right and each of these brics nations wants to start using their own currency now um but of course that's not going to work because they don't trust each other they certainly don't trust China they don't really trust the United States either however next month starting in October August 22nd they're going to announce this new currency a brics currency um but I think they're what they're trying to do is they're trying to somehow restore some trust back to this Fiat money system but I don't know if they can and and I think that is the real question uh that we're kind of facing today and what they're really wanting to do is find a way to reintroduce trust and so they're thinking about doing uh bringing gold back and using some sort of a gold Peg to this new brics currency that would give it value which would be pretty interesting right just for people to understand here it was back in 1944 after the end of World War II because most times like this leads to war and I'm afraid we're we're looking at war with you know China Taiwan Ukraine Russia yeah it's not a good time but but anyway when that happens is then you know 1944 a whole new currency came out was called the US dollar backed by gold it was called the Breton was agreement and slowly but surely they kept changing the rules and so in 1971 Nixon took the dollar off the goals down he broke the Bretton Woods agreement now it's set up this huge boom because I remember in 72 I was flying for the for I was flying in Vietnam for the Marine Corps and I went to buy gold because I didn't I didn't know what gold was and I had to smuggle gold into America because in 1972 when I bought my first goals the Kruger band from South Africa it was illegal for Americans to own gold imagine that illegal and then what happened is in 74 Nixon sent Kissinger to Saudi Arabia and said we're going to back the dollar with oil so the dollar became the petrol dollar and then this guy Biden he did some kind of goofy thing which pissed off the Saudis everybody's pissed off at us now yep and then they took us off the Swift system The Exchange system Russia got pissed off at us and they call Russia the gas station of the oil of the world you know and oil keeps going up in price and we now have a national debt that's going through the roof and they keep printing more money and uh you know for everybody listens with the show for all these years I'm always saying you know don't say dollars save gold and silver and Bitcoin right so what what are your thoughts on all those historical facts coming to a head today yeah and we're coming to the head and uh you know we don't know how many more magic tricks they have but we can see it's certainly starting to close in where we're in a situation now where the Federal Reserve is raising rates at the fastest rate in history to try to bring down inflation but the problem is they're making the government broke and so now the U.S treasury is bankrupt and so they're spending their deficit spending is going through the roof the problem is as they spend more into the deficit it's causing inflation to go up even more so we're sort of in this damned if you do damned if you don't situation and so the only way to really remedy this is then to impose Capital controls to try to Tamp down the inflation but when you put the capital controls in place then nobody else wants to hold the currency or invest into the markets and it's it's just death debt spiral that we're into so we're witnessing the end of this and so so enter though I'll add to the Dark Ages we are for a number of reasons I I say that with tongue-in-cheek because when I study history I said oh my god when the dark ages are coming it's the end of an Empire there is an American Empire is coming into an end yeah so if you look at what what sent us into the Dark Ages was was after the Roman Empire fell they went in and destroyed all the libraries all the information and it was almost like human civilization had to start over like they didn't know anything and what are we doing today we're destroying all our history right we're changing math we're changing facts and in 1619 project right and it's almost like we're losing what we know to be true and now we're going to be lost in this Dark Ages uh information will be censored and then the money will be lost as well and so it could be it could be scary but I think there's hope there's hope out there but also during that period it was the thing was corruption was huge yes and then what you look at what happened Trump just tweeted a thing on the FBI and how they're coming after him and that Hunter Biden and you know they found this baggie of uh cocaine in the white house but somehow nobody dusted it yeah they didn't dust a little baggie full of cocaine they don't have any cameras there either I know I'm going what is going on so when corruption is that rampant plus back in those days they Praise You know the Catholic priests you know they were taking bribes and their I read this one account of you go into confession with the priest I'm not Catholic so I'm going to get away with this thing but I said you sit there like the Catholic priest would say oh you screwed two pigs on this wife and you cheated then you did this okay that'll be 50 bucks yeah it was that's how they got confessed I don't know it's true or not I don't get my you know Sarah's gonna kill me for this one but I listen to all this stuff I said well it sounds like today you know what I mean everybody's on the take yeah everybody's on the take they're so desperate for money yeah it's certainly the end of an Empire when that happens and so the only way to control the people from up up you know um upturning that whole system is then to continue to clamp down even harder so continue to Gaslight the public continue to censor the public uh continue to try to control that narrative any way they can what what does gaslighting mean I've looked it up but I couldn't figure it out so it came from a play um I forget how long ago but basically there was a wife who kept seeing like the street lights the gas lights coming on and the husband was like no no they're not coming on you're imagining that and she's like no I can see them no you're not it's not really your mind's playing tricks on you so it's like a form of like uh mental psychological warfare when you're telling people what they see is not true even though they know it to be true and it makes them go crazy because they're being told it's not because I don't know if you know I just recently Richard has been going through a big big fight at Arizona State University because I did an event there with Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk and all this and the professors came after us yeah now the strange thing is the kids loved what we did and I put on a program for about 80 Barrett honors college kids they love the program the professors hated it yeah and then when we did this one event had damaged our professors went criminal they're lying cheating stealing it was so bad Mark that the Arizona state legislature called an investigation into the professors wow and the and the one this I think his name is earn Curran or Hearn he says we will do an investigation and some of you will lose your jobs and that's how bad has gotten where are the people we trust the most professors have gone woke so we cut back ladies and gentlemen this is a very interesting time in history are we entering into the dark cages because that's what happened when the Greek Empire fell the Roman Empire fell the Chinese empire fell and is the American Empire about to fall because our dollar is Criminal right now so we will be right back what you can do to prepare for the future [Music] Today's Show is sponsored by gold Alliance if you're concerned about high inflation looming recession a troubled banking system or out of control spending in Washington this is an important message to hear because the fact is during every major crisis in U.S history many of those who failed to prepare watch their savings Investments or retirement funds go down while many with the foresight to own gold helped preserve their purchasing power gold even made some folks richer now we're facing several major crises at once and 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financial storm is brewing and nobody is safe but if you think brilliant investors like Robert are letting their money waste away in a 60 40 portfolio think again for years Robert and other experts have been investing Millions into low correlation assets that can still climb when the stock market flat lines and according to a recent Citibank report of the major asset classes the lowest correlation belongs to Art in fact experts say just a five percent portfolio allocation to Art can both increase returns and lower volatility now you can easily get that allocation in your own portfolio without needing Millions thanks to Masterworks our longtime partner their platform lets you invest in shares of paintings by icons like Picasso and Banksy every single one of Masterworks exits to date have delivered positive returns to their investors with three recent exits delivering 10 13 and 35 percent now returns no wonder over 700 000 users have invested more than half a billion dollars on Masterworks offerings have sold out in minutes but Rich Dad listeners can skip the waitlist by going to Rich Dad that's Masterworks dot art slash Rich Dad see important disclosures at CD welcome back Robert kiyosuke the Rich Dad radio show the good news and bad news about money today with special guest Mark Moss all-time longtime friend and uh he is an expert of a lot of things money he's a California Surfer boy and um been great friends what I need to know the detail and something Mark has a detail so Sarah you had a question yeah in the last segment you had touched on basically the government there's there's no other solution other than Capital controls can you just explain to our audience what that means yeah certainly so Capital controls is where they control the capital they don't want money they don't want money leaving the country and so what happens is when you're in a country that has super high inflation you're in Venezuela you're in Argentina you're in Turkey so in Turkey the currency is inflating so fast 80 90 inflation that people will take their the Turkish lira and exchange it for anything and they most likely want to get it out of the country but they don't want the currency to leave the country because it just continues to um to crush the economy even faster and so they'll limit uh money leaving the country a couple examples are so I was just recently a week ago in Spain at this uh entrepreneur conference and there was uh some entrepreneurs there from the Netherlands and Netherlands are doing these Capital controls now so they're trying to buy product from other countries in the EU right it's sort of like the United States over there the size but they're not even able to buy the things they need because the government doesn't want the money to leave or the group that put this event on were from Argentina and so in Argentina they've had 100 percent inflation and so the government says the the exchange rate the quoted exchange rate is roughly 250 Argentine pesos to one US dollar but you can only exchange I think 300 for that so the black market the exchange rate is 550. so people will go on the black market because they don't want the currency right so then what the government does and more Capital controls is they say on your credit card you can only spend 300 a month if you go so these guys are traveling they're in Spain well what do they do they have to use their credit card if they spend more than 300 leaving the country they exchange it at Double the black market rate okay so that sparked something in my head fed now just launched and we know that we a lot of people feel like that's the future right is that a capital control Capital control and is that a real potential do you see happening in the United States yeah so you know just going back to the same Mark Twain line you know history doesn't repeat it Rhymes but it does repeat and so every there's a 250 year cycle for an Empire or a democracy and so they always follow the same path and the last path is always Capital controls and so yes I do see that is this fed now the Gateway most likely part of what fed now does is it allows money to move between Banks 24 7 now because banks are only open Bankers hours right so Monday through Friday eight to five but now fed now allow money to move non-stop however they've put gateways on that so for example any transaction over a hundred thousand dollars goes to the side has to be manly reviewed and so it allows them to stop a transaction whenever they want so I don't think fed now is a scary uh today as most people want to make it seem but it's the slippery start yeah it's like a gateway drug it's the Gateway right but that's that's like so that can lead to cbdc yeah you know the 22nd of August is the uh the bit I mean the brex b-r-i-c-c-s yeah the bricks the British connections and they want to go to a gold back cryptocurrency so the US dollars under assault and one last question from the old from the old history Capital controls and price controls because Nixon tried to slide in price controls what a price controls so they're the same thing so what happens is and they work together right so what happens is inflation because the money is dying right the prices are going up which is what makes people want to flee and go so they need Capital controls to keep people in but prices are still going up so fast so then they try to cap the prices to try to come back to the inflation that's price control so they kind of work hand in hand but the problem is that if they don't do that then it leads to what we call a speculative attack against the currency so what happens is like in Turkey for example the inflation is running so high or let's just use the United States as an example at the end of 2021 and 22 you could get a 30-year loan for two and a half three percent right but inflation was eight or nine percent so what would you do well you would go borrow the currency to get a three percent that's what I was doing yeah right of course and anyone would do that and that's called a speculative attack so now I'm borrowing cheap and I'm investing it but that only continues to unravel even faster so then to say well we can't do that so now we're not going to give loans for these certain things we're not going to give loans for these certain sectors and they'd start trying to like whack-a-mole right start trying to clamp down on different parts of the economy but of course us as investors we're Nimble so we're like okay well then we'll go over here shut that down and so those two work together control the flow of capital in and out of the country in and out of assets debt specifically and also cap the prices so they can try to pretend like inflation is staying down at the same time so I'm curious about this uh entrepreneur conference what what kind of conference was it it was it was amazing Robert I was very encouraged so this it's a group called The Capital Club and it's like all 30-something entrepreneurs mostly in the digital economy so e-commerce and and things like that they're all seven eight figure entrepreneurs there was 125 of them so it's like a little Mastermind group and they had a handful of speakers Mark Joyner came in um Gary brecka the biohacker came in um but it was very encouraging to see about 125 young entrepreneurs that are making a lot of money about 75 of the crowd was International and they asked me to come in and and kind of talk about the the bis the the org chart of the of the world and how we navigate around that but uh did made me hopeful for the future that's good that's good that's good yeah so anyway um once again it's the Rich Dad radio show we don't recommend we don't you know say to do anything the reason we have this program also is go to Rich Dad Radio and we archive all of our programs for you who have friends family and the idiot brother-in-law who can't hear a thing you know please go go to Rich Dad Radio play this back and we we don't recommend what you buy or sell or do with your money but we do want to open your minds up as to what is happening and so I've been a history buff for years I mean the way I got into gold and silver was in 1964 I knew nothing yeah and um I was just starting High School and I pulled up a dime and a quarter and had copper on it yeah and I looked I went like this you know so why is this copper and I didn't know I was bumping into gresham's law and gresham's law has been around since the dinosaurs walked the Earth right and gresham's law says anytime the government or anybody tries to pass fake money off onto you real money goes into hiding good money drives out bad yep so we're at gresham's law right now in a massive global scale so what do you say to people we're in the middle of gresham's law I don't save dollars and I said I was laughing the last program we had lyric capital on I was holding this up and the guys in the internet he was started International banking I said you know the Japanese they're hereditary what do you want to call genetics Japanese are Savers which is why they're stupid but they say of Yen right I'm going I don't even want to save this piece of toilet paper the dollar but the Japanese say vien so I want you to be disrespectful to my race I'm fourth generation Japanese American would you save Yen today no uh you wouldn't uh I wouldn't want to save dollars either I wouldn't say dollars either and while it's easy to see the dollar uh is going up against all the other currencies over the last couple years it's crashing against assets yeah so it's down on real estate it's down on stocks but um if you want let's let's let me tell you what's actually being planned by the big Bank organization that they're trying to put in place right now and so if we look at the world in like this org chart above us we have like these policy makers and so that would be well the policy enforcers would be like the governments above that are the policy makers and so these are like the world economic Forum we have the club of Rome these types of things you mentioned Kissinger so Kissinger is really the one that kind of put all this together above that we have the central banks and then above the central banks we have the bank of international settlements the gis right and um and they just made um gold and silver terawatt assets right it's cold I mean gold so they um you know mayor Rothschild famously said give me control over nation's money I care not who makes this laws right so they love that I love that right again uh give me control over a nation's money I care not who makes its life amen uh Kissinger said control the food control the people control the energy control The Continent Control the money control the world and so when you look at this org chart you see that the the bis the bank of national animals and the central banks are above the governments and they control the governments by controlling the money right oh no money for you sort of like the soup nazia and Seinfeld you know like is that what they're afraid of with crypto I'm in the cbdc Central Bank digital currency right so so this is what's coming out now so the bank of the national the bis has now had two papers come out in the last couple of months and they are rolling out the Central Bank digital currencies the cbdc is very hard so there's two projects that they've rolled out one is called project imbridge and the other one now is called this unified Ledger and so basically what they want and this is of course headed up by China Malaysia let's see Switzerland Hong Kong Singapore UAE United Emirates Arab Emirates right so the oil um The Reserve Bank of Australia Bank of France um and the bank of Thailand and so they're all in on this they're ganging up on the US dollar we're ganging up so Switzerland Hong Kong so Hong Kong is the you know Financial capital of the world specifically for Asia right Singapore all those and so they all have their own Central Bank digital currencies but then project Enbridge is the Hub so bis now will run the Hub and all Central Bank currencies will go into the Hub and they'll be exchanged and so that's the unified budget but that's what they call the basket A lot of times they're talking about sdrs and all this for years and years and years they've been trying to figure out how to get a Global Currency right so they have what's called sdrs specialization and so that means the IMF so IMF is a little bit lower down on the totem pole in the org chart but each currency has a uh their currencies in a basket right and so the US Dollars the biggest part of that basket I want everybody hear this they're doing so much just to get figure out what is money yeah what is money and I've been a real simple dude like I said you know I hold up a little silver dollar and it's got copper on it I says this is not money right that was 1964. yeah so today all I'll do is save real silver and my gold yeah but the issue today I want all the listeners of this Rich Dad Radio to show is what is money right what are you working for what are you saving and how do you plan to survive into the future if what you think is money what your mommy and daddy taught you or what the school system taught you is money isn't money what I like to say Robert is something a little shocking just to get people's attention but I say none of us want money we don't want money what we want is the things that money buys us the goods and services right and so then I think about this like adversarial because if we're going into the central well not if we are going into this Central Bank digital currency world where they'll have total control just like when the government seized gold in 1933 but if we were in 1933 and They seized all your money all the gold in the bank how would you have protected yourself well if I didn't have gold in the bank instead I had a ranch with 200 head of cattle I wasn't affected if I had a general store and I was selling supplies in town I wasn't really affected and so I didn't have all my money in their financial system I had real wealth I had goods and services and so you know to the point of having gold or assets outside of the financial system so as they continue to Usher the system in if we're outside of that system then we can protect ourselves I understand you know what's happening for me Mark is that uh CNN and CNBC stopped inviting me on their program you were telling the truth well because I speak against their advertising right but this Friday CNBC called and I'm going to be on CNBC so I'm kind of choosing my words carefully because I'm going back on to the program and but I'll say here on Rich Dad Radio I simply don't invest anything I can print right I want nothing that can be printed that's right so like you have the you have the this dollar bill you can print that you can print you can print an ETF Exchange Credit fund yep and people think oh that's as good as gold you know the SLV is a silver ETF right but you can sell that see ETF as many times as you like so I call hypothecation yeah so the whole banking system is ABS mayor and Michelle Rothschild said I cannot who makes the rules let me control the money yeah and ladies and gentlemen the Richter radio shows creative so you take control of your money this is not money this is toilet paper yeah and I like to think of Assets in kind of like three main buckets where you have really scarce assets right so those would be like waterfront property around a lake or on a beach um obviously like Bitcoin 21 million so to speak and then you have like very energy intensive assets so gold would be super energy intensive cattle would be energy oil right so like if you look at you know real estate in the United States average went up in the last two years about 40 percent um in Austin it's the fastest growing city in the United States for 20 years about 50 percent um increase in the in the average property there but on Lake Travis homes went up 150 percent because they're very scarce So Fine Art Collectibles things like that that are scarce so most assets will keep only up with inflation right they'll keep up with inflation but the good scarce assets will beat inflation so that's kind of how I think about it in terms of that but people need to understand this because the Central Bank digital currencies they're not some like pipe dream it's coming they're already rolled out in multiple countries and they're coming they're coming to a country near you pretty quickly the other piece that I think you know you mentioned earlier like the corruption and so as corruption continues to get worse and worse people continue to see this they can't hide it anymore because we have the internet and so now that people are mad about this and so they have to kind of continue to control the information so now it's all misinformation that we hear Mal information it's a threat to our democracy so the next piece with the Central Bank digital currencies is also online identification so in China for example to get internet access you have to do facial recognition right right and India also because they want to know who it is saying this mean thing about against the government right and so the cbdcs and the digital ID are kind of that last piece that they can put you know put us in the pin that's surveillance isn't it it's surveillance right I like to say without the freedom to transact there is no Freedom right so it goes back to the metal Chief family when they came in with a flower and and they had gold and people trusted gold trade flourished right it exploded all over the world people traveled all the world looking for gold and silver right right and now it's coming to an end and when there was a when there was a universal form of money that everyone could recognize and accept and use right because before that you had all these different coins with different weights and different measures it was very difficult and so when we have one coin but to the point now we've had the dollar has been the global you know Reserve currency of the world but as we start breaking into all these different currencies competing what will that do to the World Trade well the bricks nationalist was talking about five and the estimated they'll jump up to 41 right over 60 of the world's population and the money [Music] final final questions here but ladies and gentlemen the question is what is money and ask yourself that question because when I asked um Uh Kevin De meritov of Larry Capital said if you're a Japanese would you save the Yen he goes no so the Japanese are though and you think about that why are the Japanese with one of the worst currencies in the world the highest debt the JDP ratios in the world why are they saving Yen because that's what they're told to do we'll be right back [Music] welcome back Robert Kiyosaki the Rich Dad Radio Show I'm I'm sitting here my energy is low I'm just absorbing all the information being pumped up by a friend Mark Moss because we're in in my opinion one of the most critical times in world history not just U.S history or modern history in world history it's like the fall of the Chinese Empire happened when they printed they were the first to print paper money then came the Greeks then came the Romans and now comes America and we've been printing money so this is one of the most exciting times in world history except that most people are still doing what they're told go to school get a job work hard save money pay your taxes get out of debt and invest in the stock market that's suicide today that's a kamikaze pilot route so again Rich Dad Radio we don't recommend we don't say do anything we just hear you listen to it do your own due diligence check it out and also one more thing all of our programs are archived at this program is worth sitting down with friends and family and the goofy brother-in-law of yours listen to it and discuss it and watch the tempers rise because a lot of people are going to find out what they believe is real might not be real so Sarah any comments any questions first comment is just thank you again for coming always a pleasure to have you in person um we covered gold we covered cbdc's today but my big question is how does you're a Bitcoin guy if you can say that yeah um it seems so generic but how does Bitcoin fit into this big picture of cbdc's um the bis everything that's happening yeah so um Bitcoin is a ledger system right it tracks um who has the asset at a certain time so in the in in the for those who don't know Ledger is when you when you play the cash flow game yeah it's called the income statement balance sheet yeah that's a ledger system see when I had gold in my hand it's a physical object and everyone in the world knows I have the gold because I'm holding the gold and if I hand the gold to you now you have the gold everybody knows it because you have the gold but in a world where we move into an Information Age then a ledger tracks who's holding the gold but now I have to trust whoever's holding The Ledger but it did that in order to speed things up because to move gold across the country across the the world was very slow the settlement the final settlement so now the bank holds the gold and they just mark on The Ledger from Mark's account to Sarah's accounts now it happens very quickly well the bis the the cbdcs they want to create a new Ledger that they can control and they just keep track of who has it sort of like we do now but instead of each country having their own Financial system and their own ledgers they just want to keep a ledger for the whole world because of course Rothschild said give me control of the money and so they want to create a unified Ledger for the whole world but the problem is is that requires trust and over and over and over and again we find out that we can't trust them because of course human nature is always going to want to manipulate and steal so Bitcoin is also a ledger but it's a decentralized ledger that nobody can control so no one has the power to control it or change it it's completely decentralized and so it's what we call trustless so instead of needing to trust in Bitcoin we say don't trust verify because it's an open Ledger everyone can see it it's open source so we can always see hey there's this this address has this many this address has this many when the transaction happens everyone can see that at the same time so this is a very key piece because as the world is losing trust I talked about that earlier we need a trustless ledger that nobody can control and that's that's where Bitcoin fits in another key piece with Bitcoin is again going back to the information age is it allows us to transact peer-to-peer without needing to go through those trusted intermediaries and Robert asked the question what is money and you talked about the Japanese holding their money or their Savings in the yen in cash but the problem is like what is money it's a big question but one thing that money is is like a it stores my energy I worked today I don't need that money so I stored in money to be used later it's like a battery right gold gold and silver are very intense uh they hold uh energy tight right they don't have leakage yeah they don't have very very tight persuasive energy and it costs about 10 times or 20 times more for a goal to produce than for silver that's the price difference gold takes more energy right so um I think it's a very simple question most people would know the answer to if you would you rather your money by you more goods and service in the future or less and of course more so that means you would want to store it in a battery that would keep that charge and not lose it over time well the goal for the Fiat money system is to lose two percent of its charge per year right now it's losing about seven or eight um depending on how you want to measure it and so Bitcoin is a fixed Supply never more than 21 million so there's no leakage there's no inflation to that number and so for the first time in human history the The Godfather the father of the Austrian School of Economics Ludwig Van mises says that there's no such thing as a constant in economics because oils changing Gold's changing wheat's changing but now we have it Bitcoin is a constant 21 million so it's a it's a change but ultimately I think it's like I said it's a decentralized ledger trustless system and in the world as the world continues to break apart and Trust continues to get lost it's the only solution thank you thank you all the best best explanations I've ever heard Mark and I heard trustless so once again we only we don't recommend you buy or do we're peer educational please listen to this and most importantly get together our friends family that goofy brother-in-law of yours discuss this and figure out what they know thank you for listening to the Rich Dad radio show thank you Mark Moss thank you [Music] this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 129,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert kiyosaki, financial education, financial literacy, Mark Moss, Fiat Currency, Brics, Medici, quantitative easing, mark moss
Id: AUxjoMk8LsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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