Revealing FNAF RUIN’s Secret Endings You Aren't Supposed to See!

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the FNAF ruin DLC actually has five total secret endings you aren't able to unlock normally that correspond with secret in-game files we know there's a secret fourth ending file string that doesn't match any of the three normally unlocked endings and I think we can finally put a label on what that truly is one of these less known endings is What's called the normal Escape ending in which you're able to Simply glitch out of the pizza Plex by jumping out the way you came you see a sort of opening that we had to climb through at the start and from what I hear you're able to use hacks to go further out and actually see what's on the other side here you can check out risotto's channel for an entire depiction of how this sequence plays out and how we're led to a sort of metal walkway from where we came in despite the fact we can physically see assets tied with this glitch it doesn't have any files associated with this fourth string ending making me skeptical of its involvement as one of Steel wool's initial intentions so which one would this X left off string have been originally meant for while in the files we have an earlier rendition of what the early in-game mimic layer was originally meant to look like correlating with what an originally planned ending could have also been linked to Cassie was originally meant to crawl up a sort of event as a sort of escape from the mimic while cutting away from the elevator scene we see in which Gregory gets involved on the elevator speaker there weren't any actual voice lines associated with this Escape segment meaning it's likely Gregory simply wasn't meant to be involved on the walkie-talkie at this point in the mimichase like he is in the elevator ending YouTuber tetrabit gaming covers an additional aspect of this with the use of an in-game Gregory model which begs the question was Gregory actually meant to be involved physically in this ending he never makes a physical appearance throughout the course of Ruin yet we see hints of his presence wherever we look his backpack found deep within the underground layer of the place symbolizing he was at least here at some point in the very detail that the mimic would have had to hear Gregory's voice to be able to copy it when he calls out to Cassie for help it's likely early on in development this was included as a possibility but we actually get the potential of this possibility revealed to us in another secret version of one of the original three endings the one in which we listened to Gregory's instructions during the mimic Chase in order to end up at the elevator yet this time things play out differently originally we're meant to hear out Gregory's speech as he tells us it's too risky to let us up with him but this wasn't always what was actually intended diving into this specific endings files reveals to us that the part of Gregory's speech in which he talks about betraying us was supposed to be cut replaced with an alternate way for us to achieve one of our DLC endings the quote but we can't risk being followed I'm sorry followed by the elevator drop noise is replaced by but make sure it doesn't follow you referring to the mimic accompanied by no such elevator dropping noise meaning steel wool had originally intended for us to fully make it out of the mimics layer and possibly reunite with our missing Frank but there additionally isn't necessarily a tie between these lines and the vent Escape layout we see in the previous secret ending meaning I don't think they're meant to be connected in any way the methods of getting out of their mimics layer gear differ with one leading through an alternate route through the physical vent while this one takes you through the elevator normally yet this time we actually do make it to the top another hidden away secret regarding a new way to beat the game is found to be associated with what's known as the scooper ending this is the ending in which we use our hidden cameras to unlock the doors to an alternate zone of the mimics layer when this is triggered the mimic appears to us in a torn up and re-stitched together lion costume and were chased all the way to the actual scooper but the in-game files depict an alternate version titled stuffing ending instead for starters the stuffing and scooping elements serve as a clear reference to Sister locations ending with this scooper in which the player Michael Afton essentially gets scooped with the implication of the stuffing aspect accompanied by the same in-game button asset be physically used to scoop the mimic puzzles is likely what we see here wasn't originally meant to happen this way at all these mascot costumes were potentially meant to serve a different role entirely and it connects to the very hidden aspects we're able to see by digging into the files I'm referring to the extra off to the side mascot costumes of course specifically in the form of an elephant and a bird in the fact they just kind of sit there attributing the other lion costume to another leftover asset that the mimic was originally meant to be stuffed into could be the explanation for the file name change perhaps this ending was secretly meant to happen in an entirely different way another new new detail we have is actually regarding the most crucial ending based off of our in-game file details it's what's known as the fix the animatronics ending in which we're meant to go around and repair them as another way of beating the game and we're actually given a crazy update in terms of its originally intended plan that might even be implemented in a future update of this game that's right future update because the fact they leave in physical game elements from this ending reveals it's something they've at least began to implement obviously this takes the form of being able to find chica's voice box by beating the Chico's Feeding Frenzy minigame and additionally being able to find Monty's legs one of the crucial Parts he happens to be missing as you can locate them for yourself by walking off to the side of the catwalks to this hidden portal room but it all starts with Roxy's eyes as in terms of a fixie animatronics ending this is one of the most important elements of all Roxy is one of the best game Glam rocks and her eyes specifically are taken from her in the original game of security breach to use for our Glam Rock ready upgrades She Goes Bananas throughout ruin trying to get them back basically jumping at anything that reminds her of Gregory because he is the one who originally took them from him where are her eyes if they're so important for unblocking this secret ending yes we know we're unable to use the same pair of eyes that we're actually taken as considering they're still in Gregory's possession that would mean they would perhaps still be integrated into the stolen Freddy head from the base game's princess quest ending or just missing someone either way my original thought process led me to the solution of Bonnie as she could always borrow a new pair of eyes that she'd so desperately needed if we would be unable to collect her original ones with Bonnie essentially out of the picture after his death we see the specific detail of his eyes glowing as if to tell us something important about them in their potential use to us in a hidden ending but I don't think this is the only possibility we have out there in terms of Replacements because our biggest breakthrough of all was actually the discovery of Freddy's eyes that's right specifically his eyes from the files as if they're meant to be isolated from the rest of his head which has also been missing throughout the course of Ruin it's one of the biggest mysteries in fact and the possibility of it tying into a secret ending would be quite the story this is the exact shot we have of Freddy's original eye material the Prototype Freddy to be exact the Freddy many speculate to actually be the same exact Freddy from our base game but as the eyes are shown without the presence of other additional Freddy related files we can assume These Eyes could have been a sort of collectible that corresponds with the other glam rock band member that needs exactly that some new looking balls in her face but in terms of this ending we know even more hinting towards its future involvement that changed everything if you're curious for my entire reveal on it make sure to watch this next video [Music]
Channel: Internet Inferno
Views: 100,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vCZ1KE0Rsi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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