Reunited with my son, after 8 months.

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Hey TechLead here. Today, after 8 long months I have finally visited Japan to see my son. The last time I saw him was on his birthday before my wife kidnapped him and left This is a personal video But I wanted to share it with everyone who supported me over the past few months In some of the darkest moments of my life when I was at the complete loss I know this sounds like a total failure, especially to the younger audience out there who may even be making fun of me But I shared this story in the hope that it will bring you strength in your dark times too. Should they ever come For me, this would not be a typical problem Not one that I could write code to solve, not one that any amount of money could solve either Nor logic nor hard work nor putting in more hours nor sweat nor tears It's about taking a step back Showing understanding and kindness in the face of resentment to a person I once loved who would betray me so deeply They say it is darkest before the dawn that the stars shine brightest in the darkest of night I boarded a flight from San Francisco to Tokyo where my wife had taken my son to 10 hours later 10 hours later I've finally retraced the same steps that she had taken so many months ago with her suitcase packed full Probably in a panic, tears on her face, on the last-minute flight and I can only imagine the sense of awakening From a bad dream that she must have experienced when she returned home away from the arguments that had plagued the last weeks of our time together Just uhh.. checked into my hotel room. I'm exhausted. It's been quite a long flight And I'm looking forward to seeing my kid tomorrow. It's going to be exciting interesting and uhh... It's been a long time coming No one chooses to be unhappy We all want that perfect life, and I know that we both tried but life doesn't always work out that way and in fact, it rarely does... Personalities clash, value systems collide, but maybe it's simpler than that We just weren't ready for marriage as the days became weeks, became months that I could not see my child It's been a personal struggle in learning to set aside an inner frustration that became anger that became despair and to instead show an Understanding in order to negotiate a peaceful path to reunite with my son what she did wasn't right and I don't think I can ever be convinced otherwise and I doubt she will ever admit to me or even to herself the gravity of her actions But sometimes you have to lose to win. You have to let go to gain getting ready for the big day ahead Getting ready for the big day ahead : ) I didn't sleep well last night really. I mean it would be great if he recognizes me and comes giving me a hug But he he could be entirely passive and apathetic. I boarded the train this morning to Saitama. Will he remember me? - I wonder it's a suburban area on the outskirts of Tokyo There's not much here and looking around It feels like the middle of nowhere and it kind of is it's just like a random suburban neighborhood. Really far from Tokyo Maybe over an hour away Nothing' like what I had in mind and this was never a part of anybody's plan and looking around that plain city I felt that anger seeping back up again thinking about how much brighter our future could have been and what the hell had happened Wasn't life supposed to be better than this but life is a crash in slow motion No one wins in the end. We all aged and die so fast, we only salvage what we can in our short time here She rose up in that oath blue car. I've brought a stuffed animal for my son I don't even know what he likes anymore, but I chose something that would provide some emotional warmth Hey *car door open* Hey, buddy He's so happy to see me :> Me too. I've thought he had forgotten about me, but maybe it's not too late and over the past few days I don't think he's ever let me go the past eight months I had dreamt of this moment so many times and each time I'd woken up to just an empty apartment with a high-end computer luxury TVs stainless steel appliances Organic foods and despite my attempts at minimalism. I'd realized it would never be enough All I would need was a suitcase and a plane ticket I've spent all my life seeking the spectacular to make more money to get more promotions to travel to exotic places To work more to achieve more yet. Despite my ambitions I had to take a step back to find the gem here in a place. No one dreams about As for the future. I don't know what lies in store for me time once lost can never be recovered It's not like money which you can lose and make again and I know I've already missed so much he sing songs I don't know the words to. Teaches me things that I can only wonder about And takes me to his favourite places where I find myself lost It's not the way I expected but success is never a straight line Sometimes you have to take one step back to take two steps forward. In a week, I returned home to California There are no right answers in life except to seek the truths we can live by but in that moment, when I saw my wife and son again and for just a moment forgot about all the troubles between us. And.. even though I know nothing was settled and there was still so much to argue and fight about. I tried to save her just that moment for a little bit longer Wondering if my truths were really such a worthwhile thing if life was so short anyways *happiness noises*
Channel: TechLead
Views: 959,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marriagestory, marriage story, divorce, parental kidnapping, hague convention, child custody
Id: EHtFnNIIasc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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