Retro fitting a Non-Dogged Vise | Paul Sellers

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sometimes you know you've got a vice-like this guy you know because I generally don't use dogs or dogging systems on the banks top with holes in their devices I've got on this particular bench don't have the ability to do that but you can retrofit yours by resetting the wood the vise jaw and putting in a brass or even a wooden piece that slides into a groove on the back of device so I'm going to show you how I would do that I've done this on several of devices because some people do really like we just clamp this up just for a second because what I'm going to do on here I'm going to find the center over my vise here first of all so I'm going to make a centralizers six inches from the edge of my bench is the center of here so I take this and I make a center line along the edge of my bench as far as I want these to go I may not want to go very far I want these dog holes I can either put dog holes centered on the vise here I could just put a row of single row of dogs on there and that will hold the workpiece generally but it's better sometimes if you have a triangle where you have a point here point here and a fixed point here then you have the strength of the trail which is universally accepted as the the strongest geometric pattern so I'm coming down here I'm going to go two and a half inches off Center either side and make a mark here here and wherever however distant I want to go and then two and a half inches off this line again using my finger on this edge as a guide where a cross over here and here and I'm going to make a line ten inches from the edge of my vise now you can change this and then five inches from this or 15 from the edge of my vise you can change these these sizes to suit you so bring this one across here and this one across here and I could go on the centerline too if I wanted to I don't want to have too many holes in my band start just my preference it's up to you so I've got the position for my holes here eyeball holes through here and I've got this part of it done but next I take my vise jaw out and I've already marked this so here is the center and I'm going just over half an inch on either side of there and that will take this piece of metal here or I could use just a piece of sapele which is very strong and certainly strong enough to hold any piece that I want to dog on the bench top I'm going to go course of an inch deep here which is just over the thickness of my piece of metal I'm going to go a little bit less and then I'm going to square this line across the surface of this plywood I've got plywood jaws on here hang on I'm going on the wrong side that would be bad wouldn't it so here across here and across here so this takes the full width of that then you can leave an eighth gap it doesn't matter you can put your gut wherever you to whatever depth you want there so I'm going to reposition my depth I want this piece of metal so you could just draw around this if you wanted to or you could set a gauge be a better way you could just set a marking gauge to that that would give you a definitive depth just over the thickness of your piece of metal like that you do want it to be loose going in there so I'm just over that thickness of the piece of metal run that in between your gauge lines on the side here you nobody's going to see under there so you're going the inter device just take out some of the bulk of that material careful not to go too deep and I'm going all the way through because the Vice I use a lot and I don't want to have that clog up on the material to go all the way through so here because it's plywood I'm going directly in here and I'm going to split out got midsection just like that and I'm using the striations on the plywood to guide me for my deck so I'm above my overall depth then I'm going to set this gradually to take out some of that waste material I've reposition my bank so it's not rock-solid so there's my groove check it for they say I'm still proud here so now I just turn this a quarter of a turn slack and turn and then go in here go a little bit deeper just keep going across until you get the right depth like that check it again make sure that it's free and clear this one is free and clear and now I can relocate that in its position here on the end of the bench so flush either side like this relocate your screws that was so fast so now you have a dogging system on your bench or half a dogging system there now this should drop inside here like this and you've got your dog so this I've got this three quarters of an inch above because most of my material will work for that I also used a piece of wood at one time before I found the piece of brass and that worked too so I could use a piece of wood if I was using wood I might go a little bit deeper to five sixteenths or something like that but that's that part of my dogging system so now all I have to do is drill a few holes in my bench top to facilitate one of these this is a dog you can see I hope that this is slightly angled in I'll show you how to make one of these in a few minutes we're going to bore some holes in here and I'm going to rely on my brace I'm also going to rely on a simple guide we used to use this when we did the nosing zhan staircases because we had a set place that we would set this and I used to make staircases so we would set this to do the nosing in the stair stringers and we would set this and run the brace and bit into there and that would get this exact location for every stair tread so I'm going here I'm going to go in here what I do is I just put the point of my brace on here like this start the base like this get yourself into position and then you can move this in and you can anchor this with a with a clamp to keep you right on where you need to be hopefully this will keep your square really so you can move this so you can get your clump in just get it tight and then just crunch this right up so it's getting either side of this bit cinch it tight and then just simply pull your brace to that corner and it will help guide you as you take the first half a dozen turns in here they'll keep your square as you're going down once you've gone in an inch or so you don't have to worry about the the alignment jig and I don't know if you want to go all the way through the advantage of that is your shavings will always fall all the way through but if you want to just go so far you can do that too so I'm down the full depth of my snail what I did on this is I put this spring wire in the back so when I slide this in he pinches on that last bit take this out like this so this slides down here till I'm flush wherever I want it to be a slide this in here and now I just have to drill the remaining holes I need to make another one of these dogs and I wanted to show you how to make one they just slot into the hole here has a spring wire in the back so when you push this in it Springs on the back I've got a couple of pieces of wire here this is just two millimeter wire has a little bit of spring in it but anyway we'll do piano wire just about any type of wire will work a coat hanger works well I've made them from coat hangers and I'm using a broom handle here this is 7/8 so whatever you get your hands on you could make your own handle I want these too much so I'm going here and here now watch this this is very quick so I'm going to first of all saw a cross here for my shoulder so this is just under three quarters of an inch and I'm sewing down just less than a little bit less than halfway then I'm going to saw down the top here so you could put a line on which I think will help here so you can see I'm just off-center by about an eighth of an inch so you work it out for yourself now this is important this let me see how I can do this so you can see I'm going to do this towards this camera so I'm going to go in here on the top here and I'm going to angle my saw over this way so when I'm sawing down here instead of sewing perpendicular to the end I'm going to soar slightly as an angle so it undercuts a little bit there like that so I'm slightly undercut if you if you messed up that's perfect that's great if you didn't cut it you could always go in like this and chisel it down cut it to length if you're going all the way through the bench it won't matter how long you make this but make it long enough I made mine so it goes almost through the bench so now I'm going to make a groove across the bottom so I'm using this stock here and I'm going to go across here just off center like that and then I'm going to come on the other side of that and I'm making a recess in here so I'm taking out that little bit this like this and that will receive my piece of wire freely then I'm going to drill a hole with a three millimeter bit right in the middle of here or even off towards the back edge here but in the middle works fine drill a recess in there that's going to take your wire from here and you're going to bend this wire here like this so now you've got your ninety degree Bend for that first then and we're going to bend it again in a minute so we're going to make a groove along the length here as well with a saw with the tenon saw just like we just did we're going to follow just parallel to the edge and you can go all the way through off the top like that and the same again on the adjacent to it very adjacent as close as you can get to it and now you've got a recess that will take your piece of wire a nice neat groove but you don't want this tight so you can see this now fits into the groove and moves freely so this is going in here like this and I'm going to clamp this in my vise and use this piece of wood as a bender for my piece of Steel so I bend this into here now you can see I've got a little bit of spring in here and I want to keep that bit of spring so that when I put this into the hole further up here I'm going to make another hole in here in this piece here like this and I'm going to drill all the way through now I've got a two mil piece of wire two three mil drill because I want this to move freely so any distance up here below the recess that you made at the top drill a hole in here and drill it all the way through need a little bit more land here like that so in here into the top like this and I'm going to cut this wire off just with a pair of pliers here but it's easier to make my bend at now so I'm going to put my pliers next to where the hole is here I'm going to bend it up here I'm going to make a bend here that will probably line up with the hole and I'm going to cut this off about 5/8 of an inch should be long enough there cut that off and then Bend that into my hole here as close as I can get it just to get a start into the hole like that now I've got a spring on there so you can see now this spring in here so I'm going to squeeze this into the hole till it seats properly like that and I may have to like in this case it's gone pretty tight so I'm just going to tap the end of this here like that and that will free this up now this is springing back and forth in here and that gives me enough for me to have my dogs in place here and in place here so you can see I hope that sound less to the camera can you see this it's protruding slightly back here so I press that and it closes in so that gives me a very nice dog and I've got a table top here that I may want to scrape so I got this three point of contact very solid very rigid and a scraper up here or a plane and I'm ready to do my tabletop in my dogging system really cost me the end of a broom and a piece of wire so that's a very effective way of dogging your work if you've got a bigger piece and just move your dogs along here and you can go all the way along your bench top as you need to - scraping play great thank you you
Channel: Paul Sellers
Views: 294,180
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Id: UQPcHLcyRe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 11 2014
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