RETOPOLOGY 3DS Max | A Beginner's Guide

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[Music] hello it's Kevin here and in this video I'm gonna show you how to retopo this fabulous looking pumpkin that I have created it's very rough that's very quick it's just something to use to demonstrate the reach apology in 3d studio max it's something my students have been asking for so I thought I would just demonstrate it very quickly in max using this pumpkin here okay so the first thing to do this is obviously way too high to use as any game model you can see a 650,000 triangles and if we turn on edge officials you can see it's just way too dense for anything useful other than baking our normal map form so we're gonna read to pologize it at least we're going to start we top going it and you can use the techniques that I'll show you in this video okay so the first thing we're going to do is you're going to make sure you in modify mode over here like that to just click the modify tab and over here you want to come in to freeform like so the main tools are going to be easy from here are these three here you can use some of these other ones as we progress and go through but these are the main tools for you for reeds apologizing your geometry so the first thing we need to do is change this grid here so it says draw on surface pink like that and you'll notice that pick appears below that button you need to click on that and pick the high poly model and we've only got one here obviously so we're going to select that and you can see it appears in here punking high models which is the only one we have which is very cool okay so let's just start we've got three options here I could take you through each one and show you what each one does cuz they're all quite useful in their own way although optimized should be used very very carefully and I'll show you why that is the case once we progress through this okay so I generally start off by Cramer's if we come back over here I create and we create a little plane down here something like that we make sure the length in which segments is one you don't want any more than that one one like so and gets modified tab right click convert to editable poly like that and we have a little quad here just change the size of its a little bit so there's a squarish like so we're gonna take that we're gonna move it into position so we want to get it fairly close to our model like so in a spot that you can start wheat apologizing on so I'll get it said something like that that's cool right now you have to tell max how far away from the high detailed model you want to draw to do that you use this offset number here and now it depends on the scale of your model to how bigger number you put in here so the best thing to do is just try it out first the best way to do that is just do this but the number say not point nor as a starting point click on extend like this and hold down shift ctrl alt and you can see that's just way too much there so we need to undo that so let's go back to the number go not point not one I think we have it up and that's currently where this is right now which feels about right in fact it's probably a little far but that's pretty good you'll get the did you get what I mean so nowadays drawing on the surface so if I move it up you'll see this stays naught point naught one away from the surface and you see that by this this polygon is cutting through the high detailed Glock geometry and that's because it's sticking to that number so we need to pull up it down so I think we can work with that for now we can make it less quite possibly but you get the idea okay so let's move along let's just move this over to the screen you want to follow the contours of your model and I was using this on a character recently and I'm lucky enough to have an animator sat next to me and I was asking him lots advice on where he wants polygons placed and the number of Polish to use on arms and joints and things like that if you get access to that then that's really useful and you should do that as you progress speak to an animator speak to the guy who's going to animate your object and get some advice from him because that's really useful okay so step build let's go up here you can see here that the points are highlighted if we were carrying on building just using points we don't again if we hold down shift ctrl and alt we can move these around and we can do that any time no matter what no matter which one of these is highlighted so so with step build selected we just need to solve click down where we want points to be Sorey click click and you can see just on just left clicking on top of the surface of this pumpkin and then you can click click click like this and then just keep doing that as much as you want any roughly the same size and when you're happy just hold down shift drag and it'll fill in the polygons drag drag drag and drag them there and you can see it following the contours of the pumpkin underneath which is awesome and this has if you hover over step build you can see all the instructions on the head you use it just hold down control you can delete a whole polygon if you don't like it and then press shift to fill it in control group site control to delete delete delete shift to fill feel like that if you delete a key press control to delete the polygon and you don't these verts just don't alt and it will delete you don't have to be too precious about that either you can it be the closest one so few fairly close and you press alt you'll still do it which is pretty awesome hold down shift ctrl and alt to move and just position your reverse like this so that's pretty cool and there's various other controls there but that's them that's the main ones that you'll probably use most I would have mentioned the some ones I use most this mode and it's really awesome okay let's go down to extend extend it's pretty powerful if you just go to an edge so you want to extend this this just this one polygon upwards hold down shift click near the edge and pull it up pull it up keep pulling it up like so and you get edges and pulled up undo if you hold down control and shift and pull up you'll pull up a whole low like so you can go this way too and as your girl just hold down shift ctrl and alt to adjust your Polly's here to keep them nice and straight and in line like so have a look yeah that's looking pretty cool that's working really well and you can see so far got 64 tries not many at all then shift in control and I can continue that up through be careful not to cut through it too much over there you can see it happening just pull these in like so awesome again in extend world if you hold down control you can delete individual quads as you go through which is cool now if you little held down shift and do a court over here if you simply just click on a corner and drag out you will build a quadrant like this and again that's really that's really powerful really cool stuff if you have a whole let's delete one like that if you have a whole and you hold down control and ulting you on a fill that just drag from one side to another and it will fill that hole like this ctrl alt drag drag use ctrl shift and alt to adjust the positions like so now again you can see that working with you and this could be an arm for example it could be an arm it could be a human it could be a monster any creature whatever this technique works really well for anything so you know I think max is a really powerful Rita pala G tool that you can use for any of your objects including pumpkins clearly there we go so optimize now adopter mine's going to be very very careful because if you use this mode do not leave it switched on when you're clicking around your scene let me just turn on edge faces here I'll show you what if you just click in your window see what it does it starts to optimize your geometry based on the position of the cursor so the closest John tree to your cursor just a click and it will start optimizing like crazy so you need to be really careful when you're using that not to leave it in now I always use it and come out and put it straight back in to extend mode or step build depending on which one of those two I'm using at the time so but optimize has some really cool features so for example if you wanted to let's just control let's go back into extend see what I did there I clicked on the outside luckily it did not affect my John tree in any way but I almost made that mistake I told you not to do so you Gus gotta be careful and optimize it is selected so let's just ctrl delete that and let's just say I want to make I want to join these 2 verts here I click on optimize hold down shift drag from one to the other it will join you down on and that's not a very good thing to do but sometimes you want to join verts and that's the way to do it let's just let's just come out of optimized going to extend just because I get power on when I'm using it this is crude okay this is not what you would normally do I'm just demonstrating dysfunction so optimize hold shift drag to one to the other and it'll weld those verts together and shift drag weld really really useful and quite powerful yes this whole system here is very powerful reach apologizing tools so what else can we do here we can move we move entire loops when in optimized mode just by holding think it's shift and control click on the loop gone it's quite dramatic but sometimes you think now put too many now I think I'll just delete that and that's fine you can do that pervades the optimize is really useful so that's just you know I can delete that it's just cool until 8 this whole world for going to extend just 3 all these so I can start there we go get rid of those get rid of these sit don't shift and control carry on again as we were easy so basically that's how you apologize your geometry inside 3d studio max very very useful very powerful and I think probably as good as any now I've used ZBrush said we measure using the poly groups and various other techniques inside the brush and it's very you know it's very difficult it's not doesn't do a particularly good job in Sciences you know inside that bush it's not what it was designed for that brush is an awesome package and there it is inside said Bush so I sculpted it in there very very quickly 20 took me like 10 minutes if that and just exported as an FBX and then put inside max to show you this this technique so you know it's personally is as good as Meyer for wheat apologizing your geometry it's always good harvest to have your wheat apologize mash a really vibrant color just so you can see it really easy you don't have to keep it you know just change the color of it something hideous just so it stands out we're out over the high detail really useful just pull all them a knife down to here just like that it's gonna be on tidiness because I'm rushing for you to just to show you these techniques can a bit messy that's okay it's just for you just a scene and we can start going up from here we have to tie the scene around here I think we need to make sure the loop in there here's a good example I can just use optimized hold down shift and weld that so they're right back to extend don't want to keep it in that mode keep your polygons roughly the same size I know I haven't here but you know you just want to make sure you keep remaining tidy nice and neat then you can just carry out just control Zed is your friend code just to close that gap there we go just tidy them up I'm rushing no it's not that clean but you get them you get the idea and now I can go upwards and this could be an arm or leg whatever whatever you want it to be it's probably fairly dense that you can optimize that a lot more hard emotion a lot lot more it doesn't need to be that dense I can probably take out every other yes ctrl alt and optimized just takes an edge like that you know if you want to just draw an edge define where an edge girls triangle just hold down control and join draw from point to point and it'll define that edge if you want to turn that edge you can do it the other way so you've turned you flip the edge there I just undo and do that yeah you can optimize it if you want to if it's too much for you take out every other loop like so and this way there we go every other loop gone I think so lots a lot tighter just give it a few more on that curve up there there we go we don't think that many there either get rid of saris just holding down shift in control and it's removing those loops when I click on them so that's it that's how you do they say wheat apologize in in 3d studio max if we go back to modeling here just bring on my scene Explorer turn off High Point and there you go you can see it there there we go we can smooth that out oops me with that see that's what happens when when you leave it on yeah it's not good just Auto smooth that turnoff edges there we go so we've got our pumpkin slowly coming together and once we've finished this we can then use two high poly to bake of details back on as a normal map obviously so that's it for now I hope you enjoyed that and I will see you next time bye for now [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: KevlarOxy [] The ART of Video Games
Views: 9,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video games, Zbrush, 3DS Max, Blender, game art, 3d art, Unity, painter, retopo, retopologize, retopology, mesh optimisation, optimize, reduce mesh, Max, 3DS, max retopo
Id: J5xgg59mEj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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