Retirement Club - Review / İnceleme

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[Music] hello guys welcome to the cape topic channel this video will explain retirement club nft as you can see in the webpage you can see the symbol of the project in here and then you can see some project details under of the website guys and in this video we're gonna introduce their social media accounts like twitter in this video guys let's go with that between the three to leave the twenty thousand members in their twitter and they're posting news about the project in here for example like they're just announcing their giveaway in here secrets on the giveaway exclusive present to our discord members you know we love you like here's a like to enter section like how to enter and you can see there's some great way sections in here guys let's go with the details in the website guys season two is coming you can see that we have season one and open c like you can see some uh big uh higher sellers like so far that happens in open sea like for example it has gone for five ethereum as you can see in here we are like to use a huge number that uh it just falls for five at a time like here's a one example of it two guys like it's sold for five atom two like you can see the uh the things in here like the nft art in here guys let's go with the website in here welcome to the retirement group the degenerate granny is the season 2 of the retirement club and exclusive collection of 6000 grand mass they are stored as erc 721 tokens on the italian blockchain and hosted on ipfs with the more than 180 hand design traits each grandma is unique and comes with a membership to the retirement club grandma wants all the holders to enjoy life with them so fight grandma who's with you and get a chance to win twenty five thousand dollars like it makes uh four winners to go on retirement together get retirement as uh 2077 after the grand pass took over the ape invasion the last six thousand grandmas have decided to join them to share memories of a world and once celebrated life all the members grandmas and grandmas will have release benefits like multi-interest and access to exclusive events get retired with us he's like some uh nft that you can see in here like the queen one like a bad guy or sexy spy muggle the queen one as you can see in here here's the road map that you can see that uh it goes with that uh it's not such a road map but it goes with the like the london screen like one person which goes welcome to five percent reference parties 50 percent because many information 75 percent season 3 preview and 100 percentage goals with meant is like real the ground map that's as you can see in here five one percent goes with torque and 25 percent goes with big very charity 50 percent which goes with the online store 75 percentage goes with shareholders 19 nice percentage goes with the like the more details about it and how the percentage goes with the celebrate law here's a nice uh fair cut ask questions about the uh project in here guys like you can search us search and answer about your question in here guys is that you can see their team in here like they can see what they have done so far and what's their experience about these projects in here guys i will show their uh opportunity i can't tell like they just uh volume three is four hundred you turn like it's a huge phenomena like they are selling some items as you can see in here guys and i want to mention about the uh something about project your nfts will come to life and integrate an amazing virtual open world retirement club has taken part in the development of a virtual world to purchase of land in the metaverse at the creation of games dedicated to nft methods with renowned main actors every holder will have access to this exclusive living world with their nfts and it's a small detail about the project guys thanks for watching the video guys you can reach aside from the description section
Channel: Crypto Peak
Views: 52,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Retirement Club
Id: Tc09pMnnPK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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