Retire In CAMBODIA Not in THAILAND - The reasons

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so you're getting close to retirement age and maybe you have a house maybe you have some kind of pension and you don't need to work anymore but you really want to live in your home country like Sweden or England or France Spain America whatever be the ideal place to retire to well some people would think of Southeast Asia they may think of the Philippines they may think of Thailand they may think of Vietnam or they may think of here Cambodia what I want to do today is to tell you the cost of living here in Cambodia what it would be your monthly expenses Etc then compare it to let's say Thailand and then how much easier it is first of all if you come here you can get a visa on arrival but you have to get something called an ordinary Visa stroke a business Visa which entitles you to expand that to a retirement visa and that would be called an ER visa and each year you go to a travel agent you have to be over 55 years 55 years old in general there will be exceptions and then for about 300 and something dollars it can be up to four hundred dollars you can get a retirement Visa per year and that's it you're not allowed to work on that kind of Visa but you'll be looking for an apartment now I wouldn't recommend peon pen the capital but I would recommend somewhere here like Sienna where you do have everything they have an international airport and they do have the high-speed Coach Services and buses and mini buses to basically Thailand and to other places so rent you can get a nice one bedroom apartment with a balcony maybe two air conditioning units a swimming pool or a generator a backup generator is usually either or outside the city center but very close to everything for round about 300 American dollars per month the internet would be included sometimes it's relatively okay and you may be able to watch a Netflix movie or a and then the water is maybe included in that price or possibly a minimum of like five or ten dollars the cleaning they may offer a cleaning service and your garbage will be collected all for that price you don't need to spend on the internet you'll get a TV and you'll get cable TV where you'll get National Geographic CNN and fox movies for example Transportation would be the next one now if you do live in the city center the prices are going to go up and the apartments are going to get smaller so you do need to do a bit of searching you can go to some kind of like housing or real estate agent or you can just go on Facebook or some groups here and there's lots of listings every day for that so you've got a lot of choice and especially at the moment just you could say after covid things are related to properties not very expensive Transportation you can rent a motorbike here for possibly a seventy dollars per month but you don't need a driving license if the motorbike is under one two five CC most people here would drive some kind of scooter they're easy to ride you just have to drive slowly and you'll be fine but you do have to wear a helmet and you do have to have mirrors on the bike you can buy one um a second-hand one not difficult to do that but but and there's loads of mechanics around if it does break down just change the oil possibly every oh depends what kind of oil for a little scooter my girlfriend every thousand kilometers it would cost nine dollars but it is an Italian motorbike with that so there's your transportation food well you can go to a supermarket and my average Budget on the supermarket this is including myself and my girlfriend Sophie is around about 80 to 90 dollars per week we do have some cats and they cost forty dollars if you do want the animals there are some pet shops here Etc um illness there are some hospitals here make sure you do have some kind of health insurance there's many to choose from quite complicated but make sure it covers um the big hospital here let's say called royal anchor Hospital which is provided by Thai hospitals which are some still with food there's lots of Street Hawkers near enough all around the city and you can pick up some quite nice food and these are really cheap indeed it can cost two dollars you can go to a small Cafe for example and you can have a really nice meal for let's see from let's say 2.50 up to like ten dollars so do you really need to cook for example water you can buy the five gallon bottle of water that costs like one dollar and that should last one person at least one week and this is just your normal drinking water and if you want to the cooking water water for cooking is usually fine if you do a taster tap I've had no problem I've been here for about seven seven and a half years in Cambodia in Asia for about 29 years getting very close to 30 years now maybe a big anniversary staying at home eating in Street restaurants or small restaurants is fine there's so much Choice there even Western food is not very cheap you can get a really nice delicious hamburger in a restaurant called Joe Cafe for about five or six dollars there is a Burger King there is a Starbucks there is a Kentucky Fried Chicken that don't go to it and there is a Domino's Pizza there's so much choice of food here which is fantastic entertainment well if you're just going out for a beer well it can cost you for a glass is about 50 cents if you go to some of the downtown areas where all the entertainment is for a half a pint of or just under that of local beer then that's going to be 75 cents you can go to the big stores I just bought 30 bottles of Budweiser for twenty dollars that may be even cheaper than the US actually buying a big big box of that but then the rest of the city can be about 50 cents for all this and the beer's night is always cold it's always fresh there now I could go on and on with all the prices but you can see it's relatively cheap so if we add up the costs we haven't done electricity so let's say your Visa cost you one dollar per day yeah you could work it out near enough like that you can the if you want to rent an apartment well let's say 300 and a choice you can go higher if you want to but 300 it includes like a bathroom it may have a washing machine has all the cooking facilities to air conditioning a balcony a swimming pool maybe a generator if it's a little bit more again closer to the city center it's going to be uh closer to the city center is going to be more expensive say 300 electricity well you can be generous with yourself and near enough say a hundred dollars per kilowatts or per unit is 25 cents so let's add up everything without food for about 400. you want to vent the motorbike um possibly and the gasoline for the motorbike I think gasoline is like 1.21.30 you could possibly say let's be generous and save 500 food and food for yourself maybe again I said eighty dollars per week maybe so you can be generous with that so that's four weeks let's say 400 so we're up to 870. health insurance I don't know about for you there's so many different prices not going to go into my health insurance there and going out if you go out once or twice a week well you can say let's say a hundred bit more than that so the total cost of living I would say here a comfortable cost of living is about one thousand dollars per month now if your pension is two thousand dollars then fine because then you have the option of a bit more travel there's a fantastic airport here in Siam rip they're building a new one but it takes like 40 minutes to an hour to fly to Thailand for example you could catch a flight too Thailand and nine o'clock in the morning and you could be on the beach by 12 o'clock maybe 12 30 possibly one o'clock Thailand very very expensive compared to that so if you go to Thailand and you're in a resort place again if you're closer to the Sea it's going to be more expensive if you're going to be further out of town but you can get maybe the same kind of apartment for about 350 dollars with two air conditioning units washing machine the kitchen is going to be tiny but all the utilities are there what's not included in most cases would be the cable TV and Wi-Fi that you would have to pay for extra which is about 500 Baht let's say that is 15 let's say 15 for now on top your electricity is near enough the same kind of unit so you're still talking about 450 per year food the supermarket downtown are going to be really expensive but you can go into the big supermarkets like Big C for example and they can be around about a hundred dollars if you go out at night time it's going to vary for your beer price it's not going to be 50 cents to think the cheapest beer is possibly going to be around about 1.50 if you get to the more exciting areas like walking streets in Pattaya it's going to be close to say two to two and a half dollars to three and a half dollars so just the expense there cigarettes here yes I do smoke combat a carton of 200 sticks is about 8.50 for Winston you need to say in Thailand it's about 90 Baht so it's like three dollars for one box of cigarettes and visas if you're on a retirement Visa you can retire in Thailand at 50 years old what you need to have is 800 000 baht in the bank which is round about 25 000 American dollars or you can show you have an income coming in of two thousand dollars minimum per month you would need to go to a you could say a travel agent to do this and that may be expensive but then each year you would have to renew the kind of Visa the same as in Cambodia but that will cost you about 400 including the travel three that's an expense yeah com which makes Thailand more expensive going out in Thailand is more expensive there are more choices there are more foreigners there are more bars and if you're into the kind of like um Go-Go scene well Pattaya would be your cup of tea but you'll be paying double for what you would be paying here so if you want the quiet life you go to Cambodia if you want the quiet life in Thailand land you can go to places like jontian which is very convenient it has everything you need the beer prices are cheaper the apartment rents and electricity is similar in both countries so you can say total of that is like 400 450 American dollars per month so it's still I would say here in Cambodia you can live quite comfortably for one thousand dollars per month to rent and in Thailand I would say to live comfortably you would need possibly one thousand five hundred dollars yeah now if you don't drink and if you don't smoke and if you don't go out maybe that's obviously that's going to be less but it's going to be a little bit boring unless you're just happy to go to the beach every day lie down get some sunbathing down do some exercise go to Street Markets eat some delicious Thai food and the Foreigner food the foreign food in Thailand is always more expensive let's say if I go out for a meal here I can spend five dollars easily in Thailand just eating let's say in a Pub for example it would be maybe like eight or nine dollars That's not including the beer that's just the meal and maybe a bottle of soda or glass of water so there we go ladies and gentlemen I hope that was useful it is for retirees here mainly you could say male dominated especially in Thailand it is incredibly male dominated for people who are over 50 they've got enough money they don't they sell their house or whatever they got enough money to live on for the rest of their lives they know they're going to get two thousand dollars that's it you can live very comfortably here is exactly the same but it's a lot less hassle at first getting the visas a little bit of pop no I wouldn't say any problem is just a bit inconvenient and then you can every year just for you the Visa doesn't take long to do and then as long as everything's fine then everything is fine and I will wish you a happy day I hope you found it useful this video basically is me waffling on about waffles bye bye for now thank you
Channel: The Asia Show
Views: 62,119
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Keywords: buzz buzz buzz, Retire In CAMBODIa Not in THAILAND - The reasons, cambodia, cost of living in cambodia, cost of living in phnom penh, how much does it cost to live in cambodia, cambodia monthly, cambodia expenses, cambodia overview, cambodia expat, cambodia expat living, living in cambodia as a foreigner, living in cambodia 2022, cost of living cambodia, cambodia cost of living, phnom penh cost of living, living in cambodia, live in cambodia, cambodia travel cost
Id: mN91hjqj2Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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