Retire Early $872 Month Da Nang Vietnam

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this is my retire early on 872 per month in Danang Vietnam information this is Dan of Vagabond awake the YouTube channel for Vagabond buddha. we're presently touring southeast Asia investigating the best places to retire although there will be a few challenges retiring in Danang Vietnam which I will cover Danang is now one of my top two places to retire in Vietnam let me explain how I know know this I've been traveling the world for 17 years now 67 countries so far I returned to the United States for a week or two each year to see family and friends but the rest of the year I keep moving forward showing you the best places to retire in Paradise for pennies I've spent seven months living and touring all over Vietnam from north to south without hesitation I can tell you that Vietnam is a place where you can get a really big bang for your buck Vietnam is in the center of Southeast Asia facing the South China Sea denong has an international airport so it's easy to get there from overseas we'll be reporting on our other favorite city to retire in Vietnam next week so subscribe if you want to learn more about that also the local Vietnamese food is some of the most delicious and health healthiest food in the world we've been eating in the neighborhood restaurants for $1 to $2 per meal per person plus my apartment in my favorite part of dang is only $260 per month only a few blocks from the beach one of the biggest mistakes you can make in Vietnam is to eat a steady diet of western style food in the xat Restaurants western style food costs four or five times as much as Vietnamese food and in my opinion it's not as healthy as Vietnamese food which contains a more healthy balance of fresh greens during our present month-long stay in Danang Vietnam the local restaurant food was so reasonably priced and so delicious we ate almost every single meal out at our favorite local restaurants in Danang we only cooked one meal at home this month which is highly unusual for us because we both enjoy cooking but the Vietnamese restaurant food was so cheap and so delicious we couldn't justify the extra time it would take us to shop cook and clean up but if you do decide to buy groceries and cook at home you'll find the best prices at the public market everything seems more fresh in the public market and the prices are often much cheaper you can also walk to smaller open a markets in your neighborhood to pick up the Fresh Foods each day but avoid the xack grocery stores whenever possible what cost you $1 at a supermarket in your home country could easily cost you $3 here remember standard brands from home are imported foreign fancy foods once they're shipped internationally so only go to the xack grocery stores and Mall s for things you can't find in the public market like hair and skin products or once a month or so to get a few expensive imported Foods you miss from home if you don't know how to find the best Vietnamese food in town just eat at our favorites then you'll know what we're talking about all of our favorite restaurants markets and malls are listed at the first link in the notes below this video it is just normal human behavior to want to eat the same food you grew up with when you first move over seases especially if you don't know what to order when you first open a Vietnamese menu so you'll be continually tempted to eat at the expensive xat style restaurants but if you start with our local food favorites you'll quickly identify a variety of foods that locals eat that you also enjoy this will help you easily stay within your food budget just imagine if your daily food budget for three meals per day dropped to less than $5 per person per day and most of these local restaurants include tea with their meals it is mind-blowing and rents are no different locals can easily find apartments for less than 200 per month in one day of walking around we found a furnished apartment in our favorite area with kitchen balcony and a washing machine for clothing for just $260 per month but don't book 30-day stays on anymore Internet connected landlords are overcharging all over the world now just book a few days online and then find a local place once your feet are on the ground this port this report explains how if you want more space such as a townhouse you'll spend around 500 to 7 us per monile depending on square footage and amenities but stay away from the retire but stay away from the retire overseas gurus who try to get you to buy real estate when you first move overseas you should just rent for the first year or two you won't believe how many expats have told me they wished they had waited much longer before making such permanent decisions if someone is being pushy about real estate it might mean they're getting a big kick back if they can get you to buy okay cost of living in Danang Vietnam here's our estimated cost of living converted into US dollars if the two of us move to Danang year round on a lower budget but other people we meet more typically spend around 5 or 600 per month for a townhouse with two or three bedrooms here is the process we use to find great Apartments all over the world but you can also just Conta this agent if you want to rent the same one we did so we will show you a table of all expenses in a moment uh we will use 260 per month for our lower rent estimate and 600 per month for the higher cost of living estimate our combin utilities for the month were $33.12 but that was in the winter for both water and electricity we estimate around $80 per month uh for utilities at as a yearr round average number because AC will be more in the summer the utilities would be about 120 us per month for the larger place for a higher cost of living expats okay groceries as mentioned earlier we went out to eat almost every meal while in and on but if we lived here we may spend a little more on groceries and cook at home but still eat out at least five or six times a week it's so cheap and delicious we would shop most mostly in the public market where the vegetables fruits and rice are much cheaper than in the xack grocery stores we estimate about 250 per month for groceries if we were to cook at home other expats are likely to buy more expensive imported fruits from home and more and more Meats so they would likely spend 350 per month in the grocery stores and in the xack grocery stores okay restaurants if we went out to eat five or six times per week mostly at local Vietnamese restaurants and only once or twice per week in xat style restaurants we would spend around $60 per week or $240 per month in restaurants for the two of us other xats are likely to eat more Western Foods in expensive xat style restaurants and less in Vietnamese restaurants so they would likely spend 350 per month for two people okay cell phone data the cost to recharge our prepaid service is about $6 per month which includes 6 gabes of data per day my Android phone will act as a hotspot so we can both be on the internet at the same time when we are out of the house together other ax Pats are likely to buy two prepaid SIM cards so they would send spend $12 per month for two people okay laundry our apartment included a clothes wash wash ing machine and people hang dry their clothes in Southeast Asia since the laundry detergent is included on our grocery bill there's no expense for laundry okay drinking water we used a water filter we carry with us and the replacement cost filters are about $3 per month all right internet 30 megabits per second up and download is about $10 per month for inhome Wi-Fi it is advertised at 100 megabits per second but the realized speed is about 30 megabits per second up and down okay transportation we walked almost everywhere in our favorite area of denong Mayan Beach it's called it was about 3 USD to get a grab taxi to downtown for shopping in the mall so that would be $6 round trip if we went on round trips once per week it would cost $24 per month stay away from renting scooters unless you are highly experienced riding scooters in Southeast Asia it can be very dangerous okay alcohol which of course is optional local beer is around 25,000 dong in local bars and restaurants which is $1 us and about $18,000 dong in stores which is about 72 so we would spend around $90 per month on alcohol for the two of us other expats would spend more a higher amount for imported foreign or craft beers in xat bars for about $2 to $3 each so about10 per month for two people assuming they are not into imported whiskey or wine okay entertainment which is optional we would budget about 200 per month for entertainment for the two of us we generally enjoy doing more do-it-yourself kinds of entertainment which saves some money but most X Pats would spend a little more maybe 300 per month for two of them okay let's add all that up for our lower expense it's 260 for rent 80 for utilities 250 for groceries 240 for restaurants $6 for sell data laundry is zero drinking water is $3 internet is $9 and transportation is $24 per month if you add all that up it's $8 $72 for the lower expenses if you have optional alcohol for $90 more it gets up to 962 and for 200 optional entertainment brings you up to $1,162 now how about the higher expenses with rent at 600 utilities at 120 groceries at 350 restaurants at 350 sell data at 12 laundry still zero uh drinking water water is $3 internet is $9 per month and transportation would be $24 per month that would bring you up to $1,468 per month for a higher expat spending and then if they drank $180 per month in alcohol that brings them to $1,648 and if they um had $300 per month in entertainment that would bring them up to $1,948 per month the above lower estimated cost of living would be if the two of us move to denong on a tight budget the higher above estimate is just an example of what other expats might spend if they moved here and were easy come easy go with their money to fully understand what it would cost you to live here you must do an exploratory visit and put your feet on the ground before you really know what your expenses are never move anywhere until you have visited first personally to verify the living costs for your lifestyle and needs I'm not guaranteeing these prices for anyone these are just my notes and estimates from the time of my visit and this post your costs will likely be drastically different depending on your lifestyle and how long ago this post was okay next up is the non livability factors here are the factors I think about when I consider a place for early retirement potential after I discuss each Factor I'll sign an overall retirement desirability score to denan I'm writing these observations based on my personal experience over the last month here and my last visit four years ago okay walkability I would say hi Chong and I both fell in love with a little Community about 15 minutes south of central dang on the beach the walkable streets we love here are in the red circle that is shown on Google Map the area is also called Mayan Beach I would love to live here everything you need like restaurants expensive and cheap foreign and domestic Foods wet markets and a gorgeous Beach would all be extremely walkable internet okay hi the internet Wi-Fi has not been an issue in Vietnam it's 30 megabits per second up and down in our apartment in denam unlock your phone before exiting the US pick a SIM card that includes 6 GB per day for just 6 us per month typical of Southeast Asia you're allowed to use your Android phone as a hotspot for your computer if you get a dud Wi-Fi connection anywhere including your house okay food hi I love Vietnamese food if you eat all three meals per day in restaurants like we have you can easily stay under $5 per day per person if you eat the local food but other expats budgeting $10 to $15 per day per person because they eat three meals per day in western style restaurants okay weather I would say high we love the weather here average daily highs range seasonably from 77 fahit which is 25 cels in December to 94 Fahrenheit which is 34 celsus in July average nightly lows range seasonably from 66 f or 19 cels in January to 78 fhe to 26 cels in June the rainy season is September through November when at least some rain falls 15 plus days of the month 20 days in October and November if the heat is up is ever too much just take a trip up to delot Vietnam to cool down at 4,500 ft above sea level and rooms starting at around $10 to $15 per night view our D lot report to know where to eat and play in cooler weather up there in delot okay things to do here medium beaches boats fishing hiking biking markets learning to cook Vietnamese join xat groups uh meditation yoga exploring restaurants archaeological exploration trips around Vietnam and Southeast Asia snorkeling scuba coffee shops dance classes martial martial arts museums monkey mountain marble Mountain bus to hoan rent a scooter and explore the back roads check out the night life and drink coffee or tea and a sidewalk cafe and people watch make sure to try the Frozen coconut coffee okay xack communities I would say hi there are about 10,000 people that have joined the four main dang Vietnam Facebook expat Pages links provided there are often local people that also join these xat pages but there should be enough people here to live an entirely expat social life if that's your thing if you are less expat oriented like me these Facebook resources are still great resources to find odds and ends in dang that you miss from a home they're also a great place to buy and sell things find a place to live and find out things that only a foreigner that has lived in denan for a few years would likely know about hey real estate I would say hi a 700t apartment which is 65 Square met would sell in the range of about 67,000 to 124,000 according to numo link provided you'll have to pay the higher end of that range as you approach the most expensive areas don't even consider buying until you have lived in a place for at least a year or two and are totally in love with it even then make sure you get very good legal advice from someone not associated with your brok broker or your new local lover land ownership is very limited for foreigners instead consider keeping your house in the US or your home country and rent that out that will give you some inflation protection because rents tend to go up every year in the west faster than they go up in Southeast Asia than just rent in Vietnam okay medical I would say high historically wealthier Vietnamese would often travel to Bangkok koala lumur or Singapore for significant health challenges but over the last decade Vietnam has slowly been raising their game medically we met two American expats while visiting in Danang one who has lived in dang for a year and moved here from Saigon where she lived for one and a half years while in sagon she had surgery on her leg at the French Vietnam or FV Hospital which cost about 1,200 for everything she paid for it herself since she has no insurance she said felt more like a five-star Resort than a hospital I have had a checkup at that hospital in Saigon in its first class we also met an expat whose wife had a baby at the hospital in denong called International vinmec he said the services were amazing and only cost him $500 for everything even though it was a C-section birth okay Visa medium there's no retirement Visa in Vietnam the expats we've met mostly just do a Visa Run once a month to renew their visa but I just read a comment on one of the above dang Facebook pages today that an xat was excited that you can now get a three-month EV visa for $25 every time she does a Visa Run we also have ran into a few expats on the street that said hello to us because they recognized us from our YouTube channel they both mentioned that their agents take care of their Visa Run for them for $100 per month none of the expats we've chatted with have said they had any trouble doing Visa runs one after another over the last few years according to them it's an accepted practice here in Vietnam like it was in Thailand a decade or so ago but I know a few people that left Vietnam over the last three years because they were tired of doing Visa runs every month but we may have more good news for you we just did the new 3month EV visa and it works great now we're just waiting to hear from other expats if Vietnam immigration is letting people use the 3-month EV visa for backto back Visa runs once we have more data that Vietnam is routinely accepting the 3-month EV Visa uh without objection for Visa runs it'll mean people can stay in Vietnam indefinitely by doing only four Visa runs per year for $25 each for 3 months each that would be amazing okay pollution I would say medium uh the air in dong Central is way better than Hanoi and the air at the xat Beach Community in dong is even cleaner than denong Central you can check the air quality here today even dong Central is rated okay Transportation everything we need is in the Mayan neighborhood where we stayed it's all within walking distance the only time we took a gr taxi was to go downtown Danang and visit the malls there plus there is a bus 30k dong about $120 into Central dong that is 15 to 20 minutes plus one of my other favorite places in Vietnam called hoan I'll tell you about that next week is only 30 minutes away by bus for the same price about a120 okay dong cheap retirement desirability score I would say hi Vietnam is now clearly near the top of my countries to retire cheap in Paradise for pennies dang in particular and specifically the the uh Beach neighborhood ranks very high in Vietnam I'll give you a link to that on the first link below subscribe now so when we do our worldwide ranking you'll be the first to know we head to hoan next hey if you liked our video please like comment or subscribe any of that would help our business thanks so much thank you so much click the link in the notes below this video to get a copy of this content plus grab a free copy of my ebook how I fired my boss and traveled the world for 13 years while you're there check out our catalog of retired cheap reports all over the world and our hobby income course that we just released thanks so much
Channel: Vagabond Awake
Views: 882,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vagabond Buddha, Vagabond Awake, How to retire early overseas, How to retire cheap overseas, financial independence retire early, FIRE, Qiang Hui, Qiang Hui of Hobo Ventures, How to make money traveling, how to fire your boss and travel the world, retirement information for Da Nang Vietnam, Da Nang Vietnam, Da Nang Vietnam News, Retire in Vietnam, Retire in SE Asia, Things to do in Da Nang Vietnam, Nightlife in Da Nang Vietnam
Id: ervnUz5P0To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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