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morning guys June 7 2024 this a regular car for a guy uh used to be a contractor and he had some guy put an air conditioning system in for him years ago and turn guy's no longer in business or something he wants me to go buy there and give it a charge sounds like an old R22 system so depends if we're going to do the Lombard on this thing and see how how low it is how low will it go we'll see can't be too low it's too low I need a new system see M hopefully it's not hopefully it's something stupid capacitor or wire burnt wire or something Miss Molly's high maintenance high maintenance Miss Molly you a high maintenance you high maintenance Miss Molly you high mantenance you are high mantenance oh high maintenance you retired now I'm retired huh yeah you call it uh my apartment passed away she with cancer so I uh took a couple of years to take care of oh that's not good huh was a slow process well we went to the oldak country came back she was a hedg we own a beauty salon for years so she was a good woman huh you to to see it go oh hell yeah that's too bad it was too good for me actually that was a piece of anyways yeah we uh she used to complain about her back go to the doctor oh you're on your feet all day it's sciatic it's got a hard start kit on let's see if it starts she's stting yeah so we came back and I got pissed off at her we went to the ASOS A couple of weeks I told her I said you got insurance see a do just rip that off just just just cut it with your hands don't worry about that you're in your way oh the plants I'll be all right yeah just just knock it down anyways uh see a smoker four never smoked then I never smoked but uh the aerosols and uh this but doctors I I like to we need them but I like to put my hands around their neck and just squeeze them cuz it's it's all it's all about money yeah unfortunately huh what do you call it she had radiation had chemos and uh she had she had gone uh I think it on a Tuesday or something have a scan on her head and they uh they he calls her up on a Friday uh like he was going to do something calls oh I'm sorry I made a mistake you didn't have two small ones in your head you have six but he called on the weekend so I told him I said listen you why would you even bother calling why didn't you just wait until Monday and call what are you going to do made a weekend like I'm sorry so she went she went and see him and he says oh I think he's just a little low on freearm most likely yeah yeah let's hopefully it's not too low so anyways uh she went I I wouldn't go with her to the doctor CU she knew I didn't have the temperament for the to tolerate them you probably smack them around oh yeah anyways she she comes back and she says oh he says to have 10 radiations in the row I says you really want to do this I says where you are I said you're eating really you're still eating well your sisters are here with you every day you you you're communicating you go to the bathroom by yourself oh but I you know he says it might work hey 10 variations in a row was on a Thursday she came home midnight she had a seizure never woke up from the seizure yeah radi that's how much that 10 those 10 radiations was 137 $7,000 oh yeah that's all about the money he calls up oh I'm sorry I says I says listen the only reason why I don't go there and and throw you out the Windows because I got to take care of her son cuz she had a DA syndrome I says that's the only reason so I don't go to jail but if it was I'd go there and I take you and thr you out that window you knew those radiation were going to do nothing what did the radiation did killed her it literally killed them you know what the problem is this this radiation and um it's all about the money they make they make money the doctors make make a kickback on it of course every Everything a doctor does even if we go for our regular checkups they get kickbacks from pharmaceu companies the more they pump into you they get all all right go turn it on go turn it on it's going to be a little low we'll just douch it up for you I'm thinking we'll find out right now R22 so this can't draw this shouldn't keep going any below like 60 64 something like that this is dropping have you changed the filter air filter inside was it dirty uh actually I had taken that out in a wi time I had I had a mo one there and I stuck ain't looking crazy bad might be a little bit low on fan but nothing crazy yeah it might not have helped by the uh this the past year when she was I didn't turn it on that much because she couldn't stand the bolt so I was using more more fans than anything else in uh and I was sleeping upstairs so I had a uh window unit you know what I mean you can feel the heat coming out it's not not crazy bad could maybe use a little bit but nothing nothing major we're at 31 on a super heat which is a little bit high but sort of runs for a bit what was the complaint it wasn't working at all the cooling or you didn't you didn't find it was cooling enough I put it on and know came back and I'm like w this be uh and I put my hand up [Music] here's when I put my hand up there I I can feel the I mean it ain't it ain't looking bad right where it is guy I mean I'm 25 on a super heat um and all we could do is I I could put some thermometers in there and see this don't look bad 27 on a superheat 66 on a suction I mean there's nothing wrong with that we getting nice and sweaty there don't want to sell them he don't need nothing wrong with this charge that's fine getting a little sweaty there that's what we want to see this charg is fine nothing wrong with the charge nothing wrong with the charge yeah I'm not going to throw you a line of that's that's fine oh shitu maybe you just rush a judgment could be could be maybe you didn't get up high enough cuz you have to really get up high I can put the MERS in a duck work and see what a split is you feel better with that what have my truck but you can see that one's already 72 and dropping mhm yeah it's dropping the reason I was telling you because over here I have the thermost piece here and I was looking I say this thing is still at 73 but no I can feel already the coolness she dropping unless you didn't unless you didn't have it on set right you did yeah it's on um 60 yeah it's way too low now but let's just give it to see what our split is what's the temperature in here according to that 72 72 yeah right don't forget that this has been in my my hot truck too so yeah yeah so it should be like 12 12 to 14 on a split [Music] if it was to me was all to I got a 22y old and I take care of the Don syndrome which was her son yeah so that's like a full-time job right no he's actually pretty good he goes to a program at 8:30 morning bad yeah he Mondays Wednesday Fridays he's up until 8:00 you told her you told her you take care of the kid oh hell yeah oh hell yeah so this is 75 and at 60 62 or 61 so that's that's 13 on the split right so yeah yeah so that's cooling yeah it's cool when I should be 12 12 to 15 you know it's an older system and I'm good with that so I put your hand up there you could feel that I could feel it when I when I came in I I could feel it yeah you could see the the difference it could have been a fluke could have been a fluke you know the day that I came in something
Channel: steven lavimoniere
Views: 14,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #stevenlavimoniere, #plumbing, #heating, #airconditioning, #hvacrepairs, #howto, #diy, oilburners, boilers, furnaces, hvac, ac unit check charge, r22 refrigerant check, r22 refrigerant
Id: E6xvt4xaI4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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