hi Saddleback Church hi Saddleback Church there you are glad you're with us today if you want to take out your message notes we are continuing in a series that Pastor Rick started a couple of weeks ago on rethinking your life so take out your message notes and we will continue with that I want to tell you a story you might have heard about this guy he it was on a Friday Friday evening he just gotten paid his pockets are full of money but he had nowhere to go he had nothing to do he had nobody to do anything with anyway so he decided he'd probably just head on home and while he was walking home he saw a little flyer that was nailed to a telephone pole and the flyer said midnight harbor cruise music dancing all you can eat all you can drink 50 bucks departs from doxy midnight sharp and he thought man that just sounds too good to pass up too good to be true so at midnight he headed down to dock sea for the midnight cruise and when he got there there was no boat there was no body and he thought well maybe I'm maybe I misread that thing and so as he turned to walk home bunk somebody smacked him on the back of the head well the next thing he knew it's the next morning he's waking up and he's floating alone in a dinghy about a hundred yards offshore his pockets are empty money's all gone he had a big lump on the back of his head and he sat up and he looked around and about another 20 yards away there was another guy in another dinghy with the bump on the back of his head so he called out to the other guy said hey do they serve breakfast on this cruise and the other guy said I don't think so at least they didn't last time just sound familiar to you you ever wonder why we do the same stupid thing over and over again why do we fall for the same lie why do we give in to the same temptation why do we just keep doing the same thing over and over again and never seem to learn our lessons why do we keep making those mistakes well as Rick said last week change doesn't begin with your behavior change begins with your thinking so if you want to change the way you live well you have to change the way you think and by the way if you have not heard his message from last week you really need to check it out online because it sets the stage for where we're headed for the next several weeks but this sermon series on rethinking your life is about learning to think in a whole new way learning to think with the mind of Christ and Rick's first point in his message last week was that when you think like Jesus you know exactly who you are now that's a big claim but it's true that when you think like Jesus you will know who you are so how can you learn to think like Jesus well your brains like a computer what you put into it is what you're going to get out or to look at it maybe another way is if you fill your your body with junk food well you're not going to perform the way you want to and if you fill your mind with junk food you're not gonna think the way you want to thank either so if you want to get physically healthy well yeah you need to clean out the fridge you need to get the junk food out of the pantry but what about the junk food in your head the old lies the old ways of thinking the old misperceptions the empty values the lies that you've been telling yourself how do you get those things out of your head the things that the lies that say you know I'm never going to be able to control my anger I'm never going to be able to control lust I'm never gonna find freedom from this addiction I'm never gonna find the freedom to truly love again or my life is just is really meaningless and therefore I'm gonna live however I want to I'm gonna do what I want go where I want sleep with whoever I want to believe the things that I want to believe because none of it really matters anyway and I'm just gonna live my life however I feel like living it because it really doesn't matter as I was praying before preaching I really felt this this sense from God that he wants to call us to a higher standard of living that we no longer have the time to live the way we just feel like we want to but there's something that change something of revivals something of awakening spiritual awakening that God wants to bring to our hearts and it has to start with us and he wants us to wake up and to pay attention to what we're doing and how we are living because these are life and death choices that we're making and my mind was drawn to a passage of Scripture I want us to look at it's not in your notes because I didn't know I was going to use it in the message but I want us to look at it from Romans chapter 13 here's what it says it says and do this understanding the present time the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed the night is nearly over the day is almost here so let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light let us behave decently as in the daytime not in carousing and drunkenness not in sexual immorality and debauchery not in dissension and jealousy but rather clothed yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh because don't even think about it so if you're going to rethink your view of yourself well then you have to get rid of the junk food in your head here's what the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 it says be made new in the attitude of your minds in other words if you want a new life if you want freedom if you want joy if you want a new perspective with vision and with hope well it doesn't start by changing your behavior it starts by changing the way you think look at this verse from Romans 12 verse 2 it says basically the same thing it says do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will so if you want to know the will of God well then you have to be thinking in a different way in other words when you stop conforming to the pattern of the world God starts transforming you into the pattern of his will but it begins with how you think so I want to define some terms here today because it's important for us to really clearly understand some of the words that were we're gonna be talking about the difference between conforming and transforming for example so why don't you write this down in your notes your first fill-in conformed to conform means to fit into a mold to make or become the same to behave in a conventional way by accepting without question you might want to underline those three words accepting without question the customs traditions and prevailing opinions of others I mean how often do we do that we just want to fit in we want to conform fit into the mold of the world around us without even thinking about it just doing what everybody does he says look don't conform to the pattern of the world he's saying stop trying to fit into the world around you why because you don't belong in that world you live in a different Kingdom you have pledged your allegiance to a higher authority and God has a different set of values a different economy a different way of treating people a different way of life he says don't just try to fit in stop trying to be like everybody else just because something has now become socially acceptable or that doesn't make it right and yet so often we think well hey everybody else is doing it they all said it's okay I guess it's the new normal when there's nothing normal about it in the light of the Word of God and God says I'm calling you if you want to make a difference in the world then you have to think in a different way because I want to do something through your life I want to make a difference through your life don't conform to the ways of the world I've called you to something so much higher so much greater with so much more purpose and promise in it every decision we have to say how does it line up with the truth of the word of God so Paul goes on to say says look don't conform instead he says be transformed by the renewing of your mind now conform and transform are very different so write this down here's what transform means transform means to change the nature the character or the personality of something to change the nature the character of the personality conforming is trying to fit something in from the outside in transforming is changing from the inside out conforming is about changing appearance transforming is about changing an internal nature conforming has to do with behavior fitting into a mold but trance forming has to do with character changing from inside and he says you do it not by trying to act like the rest of the world but by changing the way you think by making a 180 degree turn and heading in a different direction and becoming a new you who is being transformed from your old self into the likeness of Christ and if you want to be like Christ well then you have to know how Christ thinks so how does this transformation happen well this weekend pastor Jeremiah goli and I are gonna pick up where Pastor Rick left off and we're going to look at two more words that are important for us to understand if we want to become new people who are transformed in our minds if we want to be people who know exactly who we are and who know the will of God for our lives but there are two words that a lot of people don't like to talk about they make him feel uneasy the words sound a little religious maybe judgmental and so we'd rather not even talk about him but I'm going to talk about him anyway because I have the microphone but the first word is a word that Pastor Rick talked about last week and he actually unpacked it in in quite a lot of detail but he said it was the word he wanted to recover because it is so misunderstood but when you understand it it brings tremendous freedom and it's a word repentance and I put this in your notes so you don't have to write it down but I put it there that repent the Bible word the Greek word is the word Metanoia and it means to change your mind it means to change the way you think repent does not mean change your behavior repent does not mean stop doing that repent means change the way you think but there's another word that I want us to look at that is also one of the most misunderstood words in the English language and it's a word confess so I put this in your notes to that confess the Bible or Greek word for confess is a word homolog a o and it means to say the same thing that's what confession is say the same thing so in its biblical sense to confess is to say the same thing that God says about something and it's not just about confessing your sins confession is bigger than that but it's saying what what God says about things it's saying less Lord you're right I was wrong it's agreeing with God it's not arguing with him but it's saying what God says but I want you to understand this that that confession I said this a moment ago it's not just about confessing sin that's just a little tiny piece of it biblical confession is so much greater so much more freeing than that no confessing my sins is important because it's necessary for forgiveness but if I stop there if I stop confession with just yes God what I did was wrong I'm sorry I promise I'll never do it again well nothing's gonna change in my life it's not gonna make any difference in how I live I mean think about this how many times have you confessed the same thing over and over and over to the Lord Lord I did it again Lord I did it again Lord I did it again I'm back in the dinghy with another lump on my head I did it all over again have you ever noticed that you're not really very creative when it comes to sins you know it's usually we usually have like the same four or five things we do over and over again you know it's not like we thought up something new we just keep tripping we keep lining up with another lump on our heads out in the dinging out in the harbor someplace so confessing your sins brings forgiveness but it doesn't change anything about your life but there is another kind of confession that I want to just Park on for a while and this kind of confession does change your life it changes how you live it's not confessing your sins it's confessing your faith confessing your faith and there is a huge difference confessing your sins is saying what God says about what you did but confessing your faith is saying what God says about who you are and it's a completely different experience so if you want to have a renewed mind if you want to rethink your view of yourself well then I want you to write this down when I say what God says I begin to think like God thinks when I say what God says I begin to think like God thinks when I say what God says about life well then I begin to think like God thinks about life when I say what God says about love and relationships then I begin to think like God thinks about love and relationships when I when I say what God says about money then I begin to think like God thinks about money when I say what God says about me then I begin to think like God thinks about me and that is the key to the change life that I'm not just saying what God says about what I did but I'm saying what God says about Who I am if I am in Christ and that's why we have to be people of the word we have to know what God says so that we can say what God says to fill our mouth with the word of God we must know what God says about us so that we can say the same things about ourselves that I am a new creation in Christ because I have his word on it my sins are forgiven I have his word on it God is not ashamed of me I have his word on it he is proud to be my father I have his word on it he has a plan and a purpose for my life and God will never leave me or forsake me I have his word on it and don't you think that truth like that would change everything else about your life if it became part of your confession of faith see I believe if we spent more time confessing our faith we need a lot less time to confess our sins why because your thoughts control your life how you think controls what you do and when you say what God says you begin to think the way God thinks this is the secret to being made new in the attitude of your mind it's the secret to rethinking your view of yourself is to say what God says what his truth says about who you are you're not focusing on what you don't want to do but instead focusing on who God wants you to become according to his word now I want you to welcome pastor Jeremiah he's going to take us in the next step all right hi everybody thanks buddy well as we continue this conversation about really rethinking how you think about yourself I want to go back to Ephesians 4:23 it's right at the top of your notes it's the first verse we started with and I know it's a short verse very short sentence but it really is the starting point for starting to see ourselves the way that God sees us so let's look at that for fusions 4:23 says be made new in the attitude of your minds be made new in the attitude of your minds I want to give you just a little bit of context around this right before Paul said this he just went through a pretty exhaustive list of things that the people in this culture needed to be mindful of things they need to be aware of and guard themselves against things they just need to stop doing it mentions things like anger and intolerance bitterness slander lying stealing hatred and then he ends that list by saying this be made new in the attitude of your minds I want you to circle the first three words of that sentence of that verse be made new those three words they come from a greek word and an a oh you don't need to know that or remember that okay you don't even need to write it down but you do need to know the definition of that word you do need to know what be made new actually means it means renovate that's what be made new means renovate so Paul is saying that if you want to experience any kind of real change in your life any kind of real renewal in your life there's got to be a renovation of your mind now if you've ever had to renovate anything in your home you know that renovation is not this one time one moment instantaneous event is it it's a process my wife Jenna and I we just renovated our kitchen last year and all the flooring in our house and Wow it was messy it was inconvenient it was disruptive to our life it took hard work a lot of unexpected things came up it was costly and the resulted in the end well it was good but the process well it took work the renovation of your mind really is no different now when you're renovating your house what do you start with you start with demolition right you got to rip out all the things all the old stuff that you don't want to be able to see anything that's new the renovation of your mind is exactly the same I want you to write this down renovation begins with demolition renovation begins with demolition every day you process get this you process sixty to eighty thousand thoughts in your mind every single day 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts now for you guys us men it's more like 500 all right but the the amazing women are life bringing the average up to like 60,000 I'm kidding is 60,000 for all of us that means that you process every single hour you process about 3,000 thoughts and overtime the way you process these thoughts well it builds patterns and pathways in your mind in these pathways they're built out of conclusions that you've come to conclusions that you've come to about yourself about God about how God sees you they formed out of beliefs and values that shape how you feel how you act what you say what you do and so looking back at what Paul says here he says before you can experience any renewal and these things some of these patterns some of these pathways well they need to be broken down they need to be torn apart and they need to be discarded they need to be demolished to help us understand this a little bit more I want to tell you this story that I heard just this past week is pretty fascinating story and it's actually a little bit sad too it's a story about elephants and how baby elephants are trained when they're going to be held in captivity so if you've heard this story okay don't - now if it's not true don't email me or find me on the patio I read it online so it's got to be true all right so here's the gist of the story so when elephants are being trained and they're going to be held in captivity this is what a trainer does he attaches a chain to the ankle of a baby elephant and then attaches the other end of a chain to like a hook in the and so the baby elephant quickly learns that it can't go anywhere it learns that it's got a pretty tight perimeter that it can live with them and as the baby elephant gets a little bit older the trainer unhooks the chain from the ground and then can leave that elephant wherever he wants to lead it and then he can actually leave the elephant in that spot and walk away and the elephant stays there as long as the elephant feels the ankle that the chain attached to its ankle it actually won't move I told you of sad so if the elephant knew that the chain wasn't attached to anything any longer it could actually walk to wherever it wants to go but it doesn't it doesn't realize that it's actually already free it's not aware of its condition so this this majestic and powerful animal that's powerful enough to rip a tree out of the ground could smash a car spends the rest of its life going nowhere yet yet chained to absolutely nothing living in a lie about the condition of itself you know where I'm going don't you you might be just like that elephant right now you've grown so used to the chains that bind you and the things that hold you back that you don't even realize that you can be free like the chains on the elephant the only power those chains have is the power that you just keep giving them to tie you down so there's a question that I think all of us need to ask ourselves no matter where you are in your faith journey whether you believe in Jesus or don't here's a good healthy question for us all to ask what are my chains what are my chains that I've just been dragging around but that are actually based on something that isn't true what are my chains is it maybe guilt for things that you've done for something that you didn't you just haven't let it go and you think that it's unforgivable and you've come to the conclusion that because you did that you're not acceptable to God you are unacceptable maybe it's a regret for things that you fail to do and things that you just keep failing to do and so you feel like a failure and you've concluded I am a failure you've hung that label around your neck are you carrying around fear fear of what could happen tomorrow or the next day or next year maybe it's hopelessness because there's some things in your life and you've really been wanting those things to change and you've been praying and asking God for those things to change for years and they just never have changed and so again you've come to the conclusion that God just doesn't care about that part of my life maybe you've even concluded God just doesn't care about me maybe there are some recordings that you've been playing over and over in your mind out of those 60 to 80 thousand thoughts a lot of those are recordings and you just keep saying these things to yourself about yourself maybe you keep telling yourself and nobody really likes me nobody really loves me I don't know that anybody even wants me I'm worthless I really don't have a purpose I'm a failure I'm afraid not even sure why I'm breathing I've carried my chains in my life I know you have I'm still carrying some I'm sure for a long time here was my chains I said to myself I'm not smart enough I'm not wise enough and I'm not spiritual enough I'm just not so it left me in this place of feeling really really insecure it left me really in a shell of myself do you have any of those not enough statements that you've been telling yourself I'm not good enough I'm not perfect enough or strong enough not pretty enough or cool enough or fit enough successful enough I'm not manly enough I'm not a good enough mom I'm not a good enough dad I'm just not enough and if that's what you've been telling yourself I want to tell you something that God wants you to hear enough enough enough of that because anytime you tell yourself I'm not enough there's a word for that it's called shame and Jesus is not the author of shame Satan is the author of shame Jesus is the author of grace and freedom freedom from these chains that can rob you of your joy and your hope and your purpose in your life so that script that you've been playing over and over in your head that you're not enough God has written a whole new story for you he has and he's desperate for you to live it how well it's based on truth it's about knowing the truth that's what this message is all about knowing the truth of who you really are jesus said that if you know the truth it will make you free but you have to you have to know the truth in order to be freed by the truth we look at Psalm 107 with me there in your notes some sat and darkness and deepest gloom imprisoned in iron chains of misery I know that's that describes a season that many of you are in right now listen to what they say lord help they cried in their trouble and he saved them from their distress he led them from the darkness and deepest gloom he snapped their chains let them praise the Lord for His great love and for the wonderful things he's done for them for he broke down their prison gates of bronze he cut apart their bars of iron he snapped their chains he broke down their gates of bronze he cut apart their bars of iron look up here the prison bars have been broken for you so you can come on out you can come on out of yourself this is why Jesus came you don't have to live with this guilt and this condemnation and under these lies about yourself you don't have to when you look at Romans 8:1 with me and we're gonna read this together across all of our campuses right now Romans 8:1 read this with me there is therefore now no condemnation for those okay timeout timeout timeout I don't know how you did it your campus but here that was weak you guys that was weak this is the best news that you will read this week but this is the best news you're gonna read in your life so let's read it like we're excited about it alright let's read it with some energy with some enthusiasm read this with me again there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus yes Circle no condemnation yeah Circle those two words did you know that this is the only time in scriptures that those two words are mentioned no condemnation and to me it's two of the most beautiful words in the whole Bible because to me it says that this renovation that God wants to do in my mind and that he wants to do in your mind it is a safe space for you to step into you don't have to fear God you don't have to wonder if he's going to accept you or love you you don't have to wonder if he's gonna hand down some verdict on your life some sentencing of shame he says there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus our Lord look at 2nd Corinthians 50:17 with me anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person the old life is gone and the new life has begun this truth is so significant in life that Jesus actually asked us to do something to put it on display do you know what that is baptism baptism is a picture of being set free jesus said to all of us he asked all of us he said you can trust me put your faith in me follow me come on I'm gonna set you free and then I want you to tell everybody that I have set you free by getting baptized and what a beautiful picture it is of the old is gone and the new has come if you've never been baptized will you take that step today I think that's your step today as the marker of seeing yourself the way that God sees you some of you maybe you were dedicated as a child and your your parents did that and committed themselves to raising you the way that God wants them to raise you and it's awesome that they did that that is different than the baptism that Jesus talks about he says I want you to stand on your own two feet I want you to say that you trust me and I want you to get baptized and we are ready across all of our campuses today so we've spoken to all the campus and they're ready to baptize you right after the service just head out there there's a team there they got a shirt for you that you get to take home by the way who doesn't love a free t-shirt you get you can assured they have shorts they have got towels they get the one everything is ready for you and whatever campus you're sitting at you're sitting in the middle of some people right now they care about you they love you they don't care what you've done but they are ready to celebrate the fact that you've been set free you take that step today I'm gonna invite pastor Buddy out as we continue thanks Jeremiah so renovation begins with demolition and in the renovation of your mind God begins by demolishing old ways of thinking and the tool that he uses is his word is the truth of scripture because truth is the only thing that can kill a lie and so God uses the scripture to do that let's look at this next verse from Hebrews chapter 4 the Bible says that the Word of God is living and active you ever have a passage of Scripture you may have read a hundred times and for some reason one day it just comes alive in a way you've never seen it before it's because the Word of God is living and active it says it's sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart he says the Word of God is like a two-edged sword and that sword has a deadly edge and it has a life-giving edge the deadly edge of the Word of God is the edge that puts to death the lies that you've been listening to and the old ways of thinking and the life-giving edge of the Word of God is the edge that performs that open-heart surgery on you it cleans out it cuts away the infection the residue of sin and sets us free the Word of God can smash any chain it can break open any cell it can open up any stronghold if you will let it do its work in you it will change how you see yourself so you need to be made new in the attitude of your mind and here's how you do it you confess your faith you say the same thing that God says about you you let that change the way you think and that will change the way you live because when you know the truth then the truth will make you free now I am NOT talking about the power of positive thinking I'm talking about the power of biblical thinking of letting the Word of God be the standard of truth for your life I'm talking about taking God at His Word believing what he says is true about who he is believing what he says about who you are and then living like you believed those things are true building your life on those truths this is the process of true repentance you change the way you think by changing the way you speak and if you try to start with your behavior you're gonna fail every time you're gonna wind up in the dinghy again with another lump on your head this is not about good intentions it's not about making promises to God God I promise I'll never do it again I promise I'll never do it again God I promise I'll never do it again how's that been working out for you don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about we've all said that let me tell you God is not interested in your promises change doesn't begin with us change begins with God that's where it starts and it begins when we say yes Lord I'm saying what you say this is what your word says and I'm taking you at your word so write this down here's the process God isn't asking me to make a promise that I cannot keep he's asking me to read Seve a promise that only he can keep when you confess your faith when you say what God says you are receiving God's promises into your life and God always keeps his promises he's not asking you to make a promise you can't keep he's asking you to receive a promise that only he can keep on the back of your notes I put together a collection of 10 things that God says about you and I want us to read these things together out loud these are things that the Bible says are true of you so they need to be things that you say about you so that you can change the way you think about you so I want us to read these things together and let's read them the way Jeremiah just had you read we're gonna read them out loud we're gonna read them with faith read them with conviction and with joy when you do that with me let's begin I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again from the dead on the third day I am a new creation in Christ the old life is gone a new life has begun the Sun has set me free I am free indeed there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus God is faithful he will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear nothing can ever separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus he is able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within me I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world God is for me who can be against me this is the Word of God this is how God sees you this is what God says about you so let it be what you say about you confession leads to repentance when you say what God says then you begin to think like God thinks and that becomes the foundation for rebuilding the new life that God wants you to live start every day take this page put it on your fridge take a picture of it stick it in your phone but start every day with these confessions and read them as often as you need to to remind yourself of who you are to remind yourself of who God is but read them over and over again if you need to read them to yourself read them to God read them to the devil but over and over again whenever you're afraid read them again whenever you're in doubt read them again whenever you're under pressure read them again when you are tempted read them again let these words renew your mind there are thousands of truths like this in Scripture I just chose these ten to get us started but as you build your life on the Word of God that will truly make you a new person and you will begin to see your life changing when you think differently you'll begin to see your behavior the way you act and live will begin to change I can tell you this because it happened to me long before I was a pastor I taught myself what I'm talking about today to fill my mouth with the Word of God so that my mind would be filled with the Word of God that my mind would be washed clean through the water of the word all those thoughts that it didn't want anymore the things that I wrestled and fought against that they would dissipate and disappear and I saw change began to happen in my life because I began to think differently and I found as I did that I struggled far far less with a dirty mind and lustful thoughts and temptations I didn't want in my life I began to think differently about my family about my work about my money about my friends about the world around me I began to think differently about how I interacted in culture and society what difference would my life make all of that change happened because I began to hold to the truth of the word of God and allow the Word of God to do its work in me now am i perfect no just ask my kids ask my wife of course I'm not but I know that God isn't finished yet but I want us to look at this last verse I put it here on the screen it says I am convinced why am i convinced because I've got his word on it I am convinced that God who began this good work in you will carry it through to completion what God has started he will finish now let me just warn you you can expect to be challenged because your enemy the devil does not want to see you free he doesn't want to see you thinking in a new way and so he will rattle those cages he'll rattle those chains he'll whisper lies to you when you're weak he will haunt you and harass you with memories of your past but as my friend Greg Laurie says whenever the devil reminds you of your past you just remind him of his future and start declaring the truth of the word of God act on that truth build your life on that truth take God at His Word because you can take him at his word say the same thing God says about you and then learn to live and freedom in Christ and that will truly make you rethink your life now we're gonna pray in just a moment but after we pray I've asked the worship team to lead us in a song it also is a song prayer but it's a song that that encapsulate everything that Jeremiah have been talking about today so I want to invite you as we give our offerings in a minute after I pray that you will add your voice to this song and sing it as truth sing it to yourself sing it to the Lord alright but let's pray did you pray with me would you bow your heads and with your heads bowed let me ask you a question what chains need to be broken in your life is there a sin that you need to confess something that maybe God has been speaking to you about and you just need to say yes Lord you're right the Bible says that when we confess our sins God forgives us instantly and completely and permanently so there's nothing to fear here but if there's something you need to confess to the Lord then in the quietness of your heart right now just talk to the Lord about it admit it and ask him to forgive you it's not like he doesn't already know but tell him and now in your heart in your mind repeat these words to the Lord this will be a prayer of confession for some of you this will be the first time you've ever said these words to God but just say father I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again from the dead and I receive your gift of forgiveness father I believe that I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me and therefore I am a new creation in Christ the old life is gone a new life has begun your son has set me free and I am free indeed father I believe that you began this good work in me and you will be faithful to complete it and I make this confession now in the name of Jesus Christ amen