Responsive Banner Slider

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responsive bana slider is a SharePoint adding that adds slideshow functionality to your SharePoint site this app wipes out the limitation of SharePoint slideshow work part by adding exciting new features with advanced animations this slide that has turned SharePoint slideshow into a powerful responsive SharePoint add-in that is fully customizable to fit your needs now let's jump on the site and show you how you can configure it the process is pretty easy you can have your slider up and running in your intranet extranet or internet public face inside in less than five minutes alright let's see how you can actually do that so - to configure the slider just click on the gear icon click site content I've already downloaded the slider I've already installed it on my site bird if you haven't installed it the best way to do that is pretty much click add an app and you can go to the SharePoint Store you can download it from the SharePoint store by just searching for responsive banner slider or another way you can install it is from your organization if you contact us we can give you a an up fight that you can just upload into the App Catalog and it will appear right here as you can see I've already installed it on my M in my site so let's just go ahead and see how you can actually configure it so go back to site content click on banner slider and it's going to open up the administration page for the app alright with the administration page let's just have a quick overview you-you-you-you have a tab to create new slides you have another one that you can view your current slides and as well as settings the settings you can actually choose animation effect you can choose different designs you can select if you want to show or hide the Slyder title you can hide or show the description as well as the the caption as well as also you can disable enable animation you can also select color palette for the team how you want quite let's say for example the theme of your site is a gray it is pretty much grey if you know the CSS code for that you can just pretty much enter the the CSS code right here for example grade that will be f5f5f5 and and as you can see it automatically just defaults to the f5 f5 defaults to gray and whenever you are done make sure you always click publish slider changes but let's start from scratch media's after you download it you come to the ministration page first thing you want to do you want to chris lights right alright let's jump into that let's create a couple of slides okay let me grab some text from our corporate site there you go so our first slide is pretty much is gonna be lets say discussing just discussing about what our companies so i'm going to go to the bottles page and grab some text the title we had a sharepoint expert the description sorry the earth the URL for that particular page when users click on the button this is why it takes them to visit cooperate now does the bottom text and you're gonna see whenever when we'll add a slider into the on on the page you're gonna see all these changes on the page all right so let's grab some description I'm just gonna grab a little bit of description from right here again this is just for demo purpose okay all right and obviously this is the first slide you can actually change your order right here the slide order if you want this particular slide to be like the third one or the fourth one but since this is only this is actually our first slide we're just gonna leave it at one let's upload a couple of slides our first one and create a Mac click create new slide and there you have it one of our new slide let's upload a couple more slides so let's go to next chef on comm extra point no mystery sharepoint hosting solution if you're looking for something to replace office 365 problems facing a site because you know in I think that was March 2015 Microsoft announced that they are actually taking away office 365 public face inside so they won't be supporting that anymore so if you are interested in getting a new SharePoint site appalling migrate in your current office 365 probably fits inside to SharePoint just next SharePoint calm is really they are really good with migration from office 365 and they can actually help you my good at for free all right so let's just grab some text from their site ok this is gonna be our title and description sorry the URL and we just want to be getting started and have some text for description I mean this is gonna be our second slide all right and you can image select something and click create new looks like alright we have a second slide so I'm just going to do the rest of the slides real quick let's grab some text from offer comments over comments I think this is actually the best hi this is the only and the best e-commerce solution running on SharePoint alright if you're interested in the app you can always download it up from office 365 or for comments or you can go to offers commerce calm if you're interested in the WS the VSP solution if your if your environment is not configured for Apps you can always go to the site and download the wsv version all right so let's just grab some text for offer comments again this is a SharePoint ecommerce solution and you are upload the image this is gonna be our third slide again do the same for I just do the same for like two more slides and and I'll show you how to actually add it on your page all right then we'll have five slides let's just add one one last slide go to the key features and just grab some text over here stipe welcome to SharePoint ecommerce you know go some decks all right oh okay we I think I forgot to silicon image all right so we have six lights let's before I as a matter of fact you need to first of all publish this so let's add this particular the slider to our page first and see how it looks without publishing it so this edit our page so pretty much this is how you add a slider to youtube to your site all right so egg and again this is an app part click insert click a part and you have it right there responsive banner slider insert apart responsive - slider add ok let me remove the chrome I don't want the title to be shown on the page all right say from publish all right so by default this is actually how when you add the slide the slider to your page if when if you haven't uploaded anything any images in the slides you're just gonna have these colors just displaying and just some default tags so bird with offload we've uploaded our slides so the next thing we need to do and this is very important every time every time you upload a slide you want to publish it all right so always click publish slight changes all right changes publish successfully so now let's go to our site and refresh the page and we should be able to see our slides there you go everything coming in with the text the description exactly how we created everything all right and of course you can click on it you click on the button it's gonna take you to the site all right so let's look at and again let's this particular slider is available to anonymous user anonymous users will never have access so they the when you publish it just compiled HTML file and and all they are saying is just an HTML file they don't have access to your site they have access to to zip nothing in your site all right so if i refresh the page everything is gonna load there you go enik and as you can see I'm not signing the sign-in button is right there and this is ie if I switch back to Chrome you can tell you can tell from Chrome I'm actually sign-in but in IE I'm not so it's available to anonymous users so let's do a little a little bit more modifications let's go to this slider settings as I said you can actually change animation effect I'm gonna switch to flip in X and see how that actually looks let's publish that okay if I go back over here and refresh my page as you can see before i refresh the page the image is actually popping in from behind okay it's actually sliding from left to right okay let's refresh the page and now you see it flips in from behind the scene all right let's look at it one more time all right it's like another effect drop in from the top the image is gonna drop him from the top when it's coming in there you go you have it image drops in from the top one more time alright then another thing you can actually select is a color palette so let's anyway I'm just gonna leave this default to-to-to-to but you can always select a different color actually select something else you have this wonderful color palette - right here alright I like this color alright let me select this guy so and I want to change the design to the thumbnail and publish that line alright let's see how it looks on our site and there you have it now you have a thumbnail at the bottom you have this thumbnail navigation that very beautiful navigation at the bottom of the page and the slides it just slides from left to right and again you can adjust the animation a lot of settings available for you to actually go ahead and and set for your slide it odd for your slider or depend on your again you can get this from office 365 if you have any question please always visit w-w-w Tech in comm www Tech in calm and we'll be more than happy to actually answer any questions you have you can send us an email at info at Kota King comm thank you for watching bye
Channel: Cotek Systems, Inc.
Views: 989
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sharepoint, slider, banner slider, sharepoint slider, sharepoint banner slider, responsive, responsive slider, responsive banner slider, news slider, office 365, sharepoint apps, sharepoint add-ins, cotek, cotek systems, cotek systems inc
Id: is5XW_mzQow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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