[008] Prototype Enclosures with FreeCAD & OpenSCAD

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[Music] hi and welcome to the open tech lab in today's video I want to share with you a couple of little projects I've been working on on the 3d printer and I've been using it to produce various enclosures for prototype electronics and the thing about set producing enclosures is that it's usually quite a lot of effort to produce things by hands and it's very difficult to produce things to a level of quality that's sufficient when you're only producing short runs but with a 3d printer there are some opportunities to fabricate things that are really quite high quality with very little effort so in this video we're going to have a look at a couple of different approaches I've been taking but also I want to demonstrate some of the options for open source 3d modeling tools and we'll have a look at those and do a little tutorial and review of both those options so let's get started so anyone who's been following this channel closely will know that I've got an ongoing project involving this little synthesizer board here and this synthesizer features the ADF for 35:1 which is a little phase lock loop chip which can produce any frequency pretty much all the way up to 4.4 gigahertz and so this thing's pretty cheap and so it's quite a low cost solution for generating various RF tones now this thing can be controlled over SPI and therefore I've got this little microcontroller the stm32 f1 and in this case it's being used as a bridge between the PC and the synthesizer soakin commands can be sent in over USB and then they're received by the microcontroller and in turn and microcontroller uses those commands to control the the synthesizer chip so it worked out very nicely but up until this point it's all been a bit of an unstable prototype I've just been carrying these two boards around loose just attaching them together with jumper wires but I'd like to take this thing to the next level I'd like to make it into a more robust type of object and for that purpose I want to get it mounted up inside a metal box and that metal box will shield it from spurious radiations and it will also protect the synthesizer from various radiations that it might pick up itself and on the whole I also want to just make the thing a whole lot more robust so let's have a look at how the 3d printer can help make that happen so for an enclosure I chose this item on Aliexpress this is pretty much the smallest cheapest metal box that's large enough to contain the boards that I need to put inside of it and it's on sale for $5 88 when you include shipping now this box if you look at it is a metal extrusion so it consists of a body that is extruded out of aluminium and then it has two aluminium end plates that screw on to the end now typically with these extruded aluminium enclosures you have a pair of runners which are present so that you can insert PCB between the two which is all well and good if you plan to design a custom PCB for this box you can just design it to have the correct dimensions to fit within it but unfortunately if you're not planning to design a custom PCB if you just want to install the standard one most of the time it becomes a lot harder to fit something inside and therefore we need some way of mounting something inside this box we need some kind of inserts and this is how the 3d printer can help us so I did the design work for this in free CAD and what I have here is a two-part solution so there is a bottom part here that holds the boards and the wiring and then there's a top part that slots into the bottom to hold the boards in place and then together the two parts slide inside the enclosure now one of the nice things about doing this is that we don't have to worry very much about the quality of the print because of course none of this will be visible to the outside world and therefore we can set the print feed rate pretty fast and we can set the layers quite thick and so we can get the printing job done quickly which is helpful because actually it took me a couple of attempts to get the mentions on this thing just right so here we have the 3d printed parts top and bottom now let's have a look at how the circuit boards fit inside so to begin with I've got the synth board here which has four mounts around the outside and because of this it's quite easy to my own so I can just slot it into four little posts which laid out correctly and this holds it nicely in place now the controller board is a bit more of a challenge because it doesn't have any mounting holes but we can still encircle it on three sides in a slot but we need a way to stop it sliding out at the end which is why the top part has this little tongue here and when I clip the top of the top in place just slide it on its slots on to this little jumper header here which stops the thing from falling out and then there's a couple of a couple of dowel rods here that just keep it in place a couple of posts that just hold the top on and stop it from sliding off and then on the ends here there's a little channel under here and you might be able to see the pins to the debugger way down in there so I can actually get the debug header down that Schloss if I really need to which is useful for reprogramming the board then we have a pair of slots here and here and these are meant to contain a pair of indicator LEDs which are wired back to the controller board now if we take a closer look at the LED slot here you can see that the base of the spot slot is square with a rounded cutout on the end and then a tongue from the top part comes down to form a clamp so that on the other side here I've got the led slotted in and you can see that the tongue prevents the LED from sliding back away from the end plate which will cover I cover this over so the LED is going to be completely trapped in place between the 3d printed part and the end plate which is going to fit over the top okay so now all the wiring is in place and I would say this is probably just about the worst aspect of this design it is a bit of a rat's nest and the design doesn't have anything in the way of cable management to keep these wires tidy but all the same it won't be too much of a problem when the whole thing slotted together so I can just slop the synthesizer board onto the mounting posts here press that down and then I can put the top piece on top here slot it in okay and that's all held together as a nice solid unit and now we can slide this inside inside the box fits in very snugly nice very nice looking good okay and now I can just apply the end plates here one there and one here and here we have the final assembled article and to me at least I would say this is a pretty convincing prototype and I'd be pretty happy to show this to anyone and I'm hopeful that this will have enough to your ability to give me quite a few years of good use so good outcome so now I wanted a little introduction on how to do solid modeling inside free CAD and free card is open source 3d modeling software it's got a bunch of different modes of operation different work benches you see here but I want to focus on the part design workbench which for me is the most useful one now I'm going to be doing this demonstration on free cats version 0.16 which was released about a year ago hopefully we'll get a new version coming out soon there's been a bunch of work going on I've been experimenting with the free CAD nightly builds and there's lots of interesting stuff being produced so hopefully we'll get that release very soon but for this demo I'm going to be demonstrating with freaked-out 0.16 so let's get started so to begin with I'm on the start page here of free CAD and we have a little link here to jump into the part design workbench so if we jump in here now what we have here is a 3d workspace and you might be able to see just down here in the corner there's a 3d axis showing the direction where point is okay so to begin with I'm going to create a sketch now a sketch is hoody geometry that we're going to be drawing inside this 3d space so for this first sketch we have to decide which way we want the sketch to be pointing and I want to draw this sketch on the XY plane okay so let's begin by drawing some geometry and I want to draw a five-pointed polygon so I'm going to be using this polygon tool and I'll start drawing five points pretty much random within this 2d space okay so now I have this polygon I can drag it around and manipulate it now on the left here it says under constrain sketch with ten degrees of freedom and that's of course the case because I have five different points here and each of these can be moved up down or left right so we've got a total of ten degrees of freedom so we need to try and cut those degrees of freedom down until we have none left and that at that point the sketch will be completely defined so first of all I'm going to select these two bottom points and this construction line running down the center and I'm going to apply a mirror constraint okay so now these two points are locked together with mirror symmetry about this axis because these two points are constrained in one direction we've now lost two degrees of freedom from the sketch now let me just stand drag this toolbar down okay okay so let's say apply some more constraints to this sketch so I'm going to do another mirror here okay so now we've got a vertical line and a horizontal line and then I'm going to select this line here and I'm going to apply a horizontal constraint which keeps this line in the horizontal direction and similarly I'm going to apply a vertical constraint to this line here there we are okay so now you can see we've got a rectangle with a chunk cut out the corner now I'm going to consider put take this point here and make it coincident with this construction line running down the middle using this concer here we go and now we have a mirror mirror symmetry between the top at the bottom and at this point is halfway between the two next I'd like to specify the size of this thing now with that we do the same thing we set the we select two points and I'm going to select the horizontal dimension tool now I want this object to be a hundred and twenty millimeters wide now this dimension here is again a constraint and it locks these two points into position saying that they must always be horizontally 120 millimeter separated and I can edit this constraint and change the value so I can make them 160 and it goes and recalculates the geometry so let's change that back now if I do the same set the height of the figure now if I select a vertical constraint and set the length to be 60 millimeters here now we have a rectangle which is twice as wide as it is high now there's one last thing to do to get the it's thing completely constrained we've got one degree of freedom left and that's to set the angle of this thing and I would like it to be at 45 degrees so I'm going to select these two lines here and apply an angle constraint and if I do that we have an opportunity to type the angle in so I'm going to put 135 degrees there we go and that angle is now locked and now the sketch has gone green to show that it's completely defined and of course we can change the angle we could check it set it to 170 make it really oblique but for this demo I would like 135 degrees okay now just to add a little bit more to this example I want to cut a couple of holes in this so I'll draw a couple of circles on the left and the right and now we have a few more canned undefined degrees of freedom specify so I'm going to select this circle in this circle and I'm going to apply an equal constraint and this means that the radius of these two circles is now Lock together so I can now apply a radius constraint to this circle and I think I would like it to be 12 millimeters in diameter now I want to take this center point and this center point and this construction line and apply another mirror constraint so that they're symmetrical about the middle I'm going to make this point coincident with the horizontal construction line and then I want to specify the horizontal separation between these two and I'm going to set it to 60 millimeters and now we're back to having a completely constrained sketch okay so let's close out of the sketch now and you can see that we have this geometry and it's floating in 3d space so now we can do something with it now there are a bunch of different things we can do with the sketch but the simplest thing is just to extrude it out a certain distance or Pat it to use the terminology of freecad now as you can see it's taken our sketch and turned it into a 3d object and we can specify any width that we want to see here this is really cool so let's set that to be why not why don't we have 40 millimeters with okay and now we have a solid object in 3d space now if we flip over to the model tab we can see a structural diagram of what we've got we've got a pad object in our unnamed workspace and inside that pad is the sketch which is still there but it's hidden but I can make it visible and now you can see the sketch is visible merged in with the object that derives from it now one of the cool things about solid modeling in general is that so everything is non-destructive so we can always go back and make changes to our original sketch so for example I can take this radius here from 12 millimeters and make it I don't know 16 millimeters and then if we close the sketch out everything's updated so we've been able to go back and make changes as we see how the 3d objects working out so this is really powerful but so far we've only got a single step this single in extrusions so let's say add another sketch now this time I'm gonna go a bit fancy and I'm gonna draw the sketch on this face so I'm going to select the face here and click the new sketch button and now we are orientated so we're faced face onto that that face on the 3d object that I just selected now what I want to do is I want to draw a circle in the middle of this face here so to do that we need to reference some of the external geometry of the objects that we are basing this off of and to do that I can click on this tool here and this creates an edge link to external geometry so that means that I can click on edges that are so behind the sketch and it will create construction lines from this geometry and there we are we now have a couple of construction lines in our sketch now I'd like to add a few more construction lines of my own so I'm going to draw a line now at the moment I what I'm drawing is just normal geometry but if I click on the line our Frye droids and click on this button here this toggles this line into being a construction line which means that it's not geometry that's going to come out of the sketch it's just purely going to be used for constructing the geometry we want and I want to set this line to have the vertical constraint and I want to set it so that it's a mirror between these two points so rather mirroring the two points about the line we're making the line sit halfway between the two points and now if we do the same drawer another line here now if you actually draw something that looks horizontal it will automatically apply a horizontal constraint but I've just been avoiding doing that up until now to just make it a bit clearer and by manually adding those constraints so again let me put that line halfway between the two points here in here oh yes and I need to make it a construction line which turns it blue now let's draw my circle here we go so now I want to put the center point on vertical line and I want to put the center point on the horizontal line and now it's sitting right slap-bang in the middle of the face and now let's put a radius constraint on this thing and let's set it to 15 millimeters like the other holes there we go so now let's close this sketch out and again we've got that geometry that 2d geometry sitting in 3d space so now we can do something with that so we could do another pad and extrude a little bit of geometry off the side here but in this case I want to do a cut so we'll cut down through and burrow a hole through the 3d object so to do that I've got my sketch and I will create a pocket which is how you do that cutting and you can see it started off giving me a pocket five millimeters deep and it's given me this this little little hole in the side here but for this demonstration I want to go through all so it just goes all the way through through the bottom now when I first started using 3d modeling tools this really blew my mind because this 3d shape of this face in here it's a really non-trivial piece of 3d geometry and this solid modeler has just come in and calculated this completely seamlessly and this edge here is a complicated shape and it's just gone in and worked it all out and the idea of this 3d modeler is as I say everything is non-destructive so again we can go back to the start and we can go back and change the radiuses of these circles and change those to something else close out of the sketch and the whole thing updates itself and everything is recalculated and so we can just mess around with this and change dimensions until we've gotten 3d object that looks and of course with the 3d modeling we can just keep adding pockets and pads on the sides and add things on and cut things away until we have an object that exactly meets our specification so now if we reopen the enclosure in free CAD we can see how the different stages go together to build up the final model so here I've got the first pads it's a blank to fit inside the metal box and then we've got a couple of cutouts for the pc b--'s a little bit of space underneath the arm board I've got a cutout for the SMA some mounting posts for the synthesizer board some standoffs to lift it up a bit some cutouts for wiring and various things that need a bit of space then we've got the channels for the LED wiring then we've got one of the slots that the LED fits into and then a mirror of that slot so we've got two one on both sides then I decided to make it a bit easier to fit in the box by adding these little flares at the ends that make it a bit easier to slide in and then cut away to make space for the top frame that's going to slot on top and then finally a little locator pin to keep the top part where it should be so you can see that if we keep adding pads and pockets we can build up a solid object that has a really complicated structure like this one does now I wouldn't be fair in my rear view of freecad if I didn't point out that there are quite a few things in the UI that aren't as elegant as they could be and a fair few bugs and glitches and pitfalls that you may well run into if you start doing any serious work with it and this is unfortunate really and if you've been spoiled by using any of the proprietary tools like fusion 360 or solid words you'll probably find free cat really really uncomfortable to use by comparison now just to add a bit of nuance to this I want to say that the project that freek and team are undertaking is an absolutely enormous undertaking this is no small thing to make a general-purpose 3d CAD modeling like this and the fact that they've got it as far as they have just shows the dedication that they've into it and in many ways it's easy to poke holes in free cat and just point out what it doesn't have so for example it doesn't have any assembly tools for assembling parts together and as I say the part design workbench still could do with quite a few improvements but weighing against that I want to show you this so this is the open hub run by black duck software and this allows you to get a little view point into the status of an open-source project so you can see how well it's growing and developing and it's interesting that right on the top line you can see that this website has automatically figured out that the free CAD project has very very high activity and as we scroll down we can get all kinds of interesting metrics about this project and as we go down to these graphs we can see some really interesting figures so they have you know over 2.5 million lines of code in this thing and last month there were 207 commits into the source code repository and those came in from 25 contributors so this is certainly a very very healthy project and in general this open hub website I use it all the time just to try and figure out whether an open source project is growing and developing whether it's healthy or whether it's petering out a little bit but as you can see with this project it is thriving in terms of the amount of contributions going into it now in the world of proprietary software if a piece of software isn't all there and perfect right at the get-go usually you could write it off as not being very good quality whereas open source software is usually there for the long haul so open source software will tend to last a decade two decades or more and so in this way even though progress towards this this goal of making a high quality 3d modeler is slow and it's a complex project no one should ever count this project out or any other open source project but because over time I fully expect that all of the problems that I've run into with free CAD will be solved and certainly as it becomes a more and more usable tool over time it also snowballs because more and more people see it as something viable that they had added a little bit of co2 and so I'd say that looking at the free CAD project today they are right on the cusp of having something that is ready for general purpose use every day and I think there are not that many problems that will need to be solved before that becomes possible and there's one other thing I'd say about the open source software situation is that if you can get the job done with an open source piece of software rather than a proprietary tool it's well worth trying to do so because even though the proprietary software might be nicer to use in some ways with the open source software it's always growing and developing and if you can get the job done with it it's something that you can use in your workflow forever and it will never be taken away from you no matter what whereas with proprietary tools you'll need to care about getting licenses and making sure that you have access to it down the years into the future and so for this reason I always prioritize free and open source software whenever I can and indeed that's what this channel is all about so that just about wraps things up for my first example which leads me onto my second example which is this 3d printed frame you see here now the context that this is that when you're doing some embedded development typically you'll have a development board of some kind and you might have some peripheral boards and you might have a bit of fragile wiring and you might have some probes and test leads attached to it and so the whole thing can easily become a really tangled up mess and it's very easy for it to become broken up over time so might get knocked or yanked in various ways and so you're going to run into problems with the mechanical integrity of your test setup so to combat this sometimes I've worked in situations where the development board has been taped to a piece of wood or or screw to a piece of wood or something like that which is okay but it is a bit limited in some ways so one nice thing about this frame is that I've got these four legs here so with those legs it means that I can flip it over easily and see the other side so I can easily access either side really quickly which is something you never can do with a wooden ball so I really like this and I really like the way it's turned out now if you look at this what you actually see here is an intel-based single board computer here and then I've got this USB peripheral board on the side and also I added four mounting holes on top for for a hard disk so you can put this screw this in place on top so you can have that on there although that means that it doesn't work quite as well when it comes to flipping it over to the other side so typically I've been just having the hard disk loose off to the side misting but still the integrity that I've got from this frame has been really really good now I designed this thing with open s CAD which is another open-source 3d CAD modeling application but the philosophy behind open s CAD is very different from free CAD it's not graphical in fact it's a programming language which is an interesting concept compared to the likes of free cats so let's have a look at how it works and we'll find out how it is to use so here I am sitting inside the user interface of open s CAD and this is what you'll be presented with when you start it up for the first time so you have a code editor on the left hand side here you have a little error and warning console in the bottom and then you have a 3d view that allows you to visualize the parts that you're designing now I'm not a huge fan of the text editor that's built into open s CAD I prefer to use vim so here on the left you can see I'm running neo vim with the open s CAD syntax highlighting plug-in installed and then I have open s CAD running on the right with just the preview pane up and the way it works is that if you want to use an external text editor you open up the file you're editing in open s CAD and then open up the same file in your text editor and then open s CAD will watch the file every time it changes and when it detects a change it will update the visualization here and so all you have to do is type code into your text editor and every time you save the file the visualization will get updated inside open s cat so it works out very nicely now the language of open s CAD is really really simple to learn so to begin with let me just do some quick examples just to show off the syntax of open s cat so to begin with I want to put in ace ace via and I'm going to set it to have a radius of 75 units okay let's save that and there you can see a sphere has appeared in the workspace here there we go and the way this is working is that these this sort of function it returns some geometry and all the geometry that goes back to the file level gets collected by open s CAD and is what appears in the workspace so we can add a second object we can add a cube and set its size to a hundred here and that too gets collected in the workspace now you can see that the sphere has been centered at its midpoint in the middle and that's been put at the origin whereas the cube has been put off to the side and that's just the default behavior of these two different objects but we can also set Center equals true on the cube and then it too will be centered in the middle of the the origin here now to make modifications we need to wrap these these things in things that we want to modify it with so for example I can put a rotate modifier around this and I can rotate it 45 degrees around the x-axis now all angles in open s CAD are specified in units of a degree which makes things a bit easier in my opinion you don't have to worry about messing around calculating radians and dividing everything by two pi or anything like that so it makes it very simple so here I've wrapped the cube in a rotate so let's do that and there you can see it's spun round 45 degrees in the visualization now in this case given that the rotate modifier only has a single child we can actually forego those curly brackets all together and just turn this into a one-liner so we can put it like this if we want to or break it on to two lines like that which makes it a bit more concise now let's do a more complex model for K so if we take these two objects that we have here we can put the difference modifier around them and that will take 1 and calculate the difference between them and we'll do a 3d boolean operation there you go and say here we've cut the cubase at the middle of the sphere and of course if we go and change the order we can cut the sphere out of the cube like that so you can see this is a really really simple language to use and there really isn't that much more to it than that so the programming language is simple enough so that all you really need is this cheat sheet and this just has a couple of dozen things on it and so the language is really simple to pick up and I don't think you'll have too much problem using it so by way of comparison let's take the widget that we created in freecad earlier and see about recreating it in open s code and see how difficult that turns out to be so here I have an empty document so first of all let's set up some variables so I'm going to set up the width heights equals 60 millimeters thickness equals 40 hole diameter equals 24 okay we'll use those because it's never good to fill your code with magic numbers so having variables makes it all a lot tidier so to begin with we're going to create a two-dimensional polygon object the outline of the widgets so I'm going to create a polygon here and now we just have to go and fill in the points so I'm going to put in width minus half width over 2 minus half height over 2 and need a few of those like that and let's get the points as we go around the outline of this object like this whit's over to okay and then last points there we go let's save that and there we have the outline of our widgets now this is a 2d object a 2d polygon when you have a 2d object in 3d space open s CAD just renders it as an object that has a one one unit one millimeter thickness here so the that's our 2d object so of course we need to turn it into a 3d object oh actually first of all and I want to cut the holes inside of it so let's do that so we're gonna wrap this in a difference like this and right back and then go in and say our in detect indentation here and let's cut out a circle so we can put in a circle and we can set the diameter to equal the hole diameter here like that and now we have a hole in the middle but we need to modify that circle to translate it to the right position so let's just set that to - widths over-40 like that there we go and now the holes in the correct position now that's one hole of course we need the other hole so we can repeat this line and reverse the translation there so now we've got the two holes so now we've got that 2d profile I'm at of course is equivalent to that sketch we did when we started out in free cat so now let's do an extrusion so we can give this a little bit of thickness so let's do linear extrude thickness like that's there we go and now we have the first step in our 3d object so already we're halfway there so that's really really good okay so now the only thing we've got to do is cut out that hole that we have on this face so what we can do for that is first set up a cylinder which will cut away from the object with so I want a cylinder and I want its height to be a really really large number of Li infinity and then I'm going to set diameter equals the hole diameter there we go and now we have a really really big cylinder coming out and also if I set Center equals true on this that means that it is centered on the axis so it's not off to one side it's sticking out both sides okay and now if I rotate that 90 degrees that should get its on to its side there we go and now let's rotate it minus 45 degrees in the z axis so it's pointing and so now it's perpendicular to the face and now we just need to translate it into the right position so it will need to go up half the thickness like this let's break down the line there we go and that puts it so it's intersecting halfway through the object here and now we need to just move it along so it's a line to the center phase center of this face here so let's just give it the offset so it gets to the right place okay oops wrong direction like that there we go now that's centered on that face now of course all we have to do here is calculate the difference put curly brackets around the whole thing and do a bit of indentation just to keep it all tidy there we are now this is a phenomenon that I've noticed that's a bit weird it seems to go a little bit funny sometimes as you can see in preview mode now we can solve this by doing the full render mode which goes ahead and does full calculation of the objects for exporting it so I don't know why the preview mode gets a bit confused sometimes but there you have it when you do the full render you get the correct outcome and you can see we've got something that exactly matches the design we had in free CAD now one useful thing about the language that I really like is that if we need to have a look at any part of this we can just put a hash in front of it and then it will highlight the object that we put our hash in front of so for example it can be very useful when you've got a negative object that's being cut out of another so now we can highlight that poll that we cut through the middle even though it's invisible and so that could be really useful when you're positioning something that's in the negative that doesn't appear in real space or if you've got something that's made up of lots of pieces so when you put the hash there it helps you see the object even when it's invisible or hard to see for whatever reason okay so now let's go back to the PCB frame and I've got it loaded up in open s CAD now the file itself is 173 lines long and it's structured just the same as our example I've set up a few variables at the top of the file and then we have the meat of this thing it's divided into modules which is really useful for reusable code and there really isn't much to this thing it's very simple now my review of the open s CAD experience is that it's obviously going to be less intuitive for not having a graphical user interface you have to think in terms of geometry and try and work out how things fit together in code which is going to be less easy to use than a graphical user interface also at the moment unlike some CAD tools it doesn't have much support for organic curves and splines and that sort of thing well there does support revolve things like that but some of its geometry is slightly limited but so far it hasn't snot been doing anything I want to do also in my opinion the 3d engine isn't as good as the one inside free CAD so if you look here you can see a certain limits of the resolution this model here and you can specify the resolution of curves what they're calculated to but it's not thinking in terms of perfect mathematical surfaces the way free cat does and the free cat does this with open cascade which is its geometry kernel whereas this has its own computational solid geometry kernel inside which seems to think in terms of meshes so we really cool if a version of open s can could be produced which used open cascade to do the maths in the middle because I think that would be nicer but it doesn't really matter you just set the resolution high enough so that you get a high enough resolution model out at the end now the other thing in support of open s CAD is that once you get familiar with it it's pretty quick I find that I am actually about as quick in free CAD as I am in open s CAD sometimes a little bit faster an open s CAD which I really wouldn't have thought at all it's a bit counterintuitive but there you go I'm actually pretty quick using this thing and now I have got a bit of programming background of course and I've done a bit of graphics programming before but I think if you have some high school level familiarity with geometry and trigonometry and things like that you should be able to get on with the language just fine and also if you're looking to improve your maths for these things it's a probably a great way to practice getting better and also the code that you see here one thing that it has over free CAD and always will is that this code that you see here it really lends itself to source control so you can store this in git which really makes it convenient for doing experiments and you can just put experiments on branches and try things out and go back to earlier stages of the design and that kind of thing and also share your work with others and it's easier for other people to remix the design when they need to so I think that's quite a pro that open s code has and also because some open s code is a bit more finished it's a little bit more stable when you use it and also like freak out it also has a very active community developing it as well so believe it or not thinking I'm actually going to be doing most of my design work in open s CAD for the time being which is certainly quite a surprise but it seems to be suiting me really really well well that just about wraps it up for my review of the open source CAD tools I hope you found it interesting it certainly makes me very happy to see the amount of development effort going into this space there's a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of exciting developments going on so I really want to salute everyone who's involved with making this happen it's just wonderful to see now as usual if you check out the show notes you'll find links to the code and various links to other things that are on the internet so that you might find interesting so check that out it's linked down below but anyway thank you very much for watching and I hope you found the video interesting and I'll see you next time on the open tech lab you
Channel: OpenTechLab
Views: 112,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d printing, 3d printer, openscad, freecad, cad, 3d modelling, software, open source, free software
Id: 38Z7E8OcVd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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