Responding to My Negative Comments

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hi everyone this is Alexis the EXP Realty and I wanted to make a video that I haven't done in quite some time I think the last time I did this type of video was I think one of my first videos where I just kind of talked about certain things that are going on and one of the most important things I kind of want to go over today and I think it's so important that when you get negative feedback to really take it in make your business or your life better from it or if this is just just negative comments to just laugh about it I believe laughter is definitely the best medicine so I I like to kind of go over some of the I don't want to say I guess hate comments but some of the the criticism I've gotten on my videos I think it's very important to always go through that you know and if it's negative delete it go on to the next one right but some things are good to look at to kind of improve yourself on um but first a little bit about me if this is your first video that you've ever watching about me um this this channel is I I'm a real estate agent here in Southern California I work with my whole family here but I also love to upload videos about my Greyhound Lily I we love her to pieces I love to share my love for Greyhounds and my passion for rescuing them and especially the whole Greyhound Community here in Southern California um so you probably either found me either from Real Estate or from Greyhound videos and now I'm hoping to do some more videos about 1950s fashion which is my favorite thing to wear my whole wardrobe is 1950s but anyway but yes so I I really want to just go through a couple of the comments that I've gotten on this channel which you know I'm the very small YouTube channel I mainly started doing this just to kind of get my people to get to people get people to know me a little more personally or get to know a little bit more about real estate in general and then I shared one video about Lily and it just it got really really popular and I started showing more videos about Lillian and I just love looking at all the comments from all the Greyhound owners from around the world it's just a wonderful community so um hey I thought let's let's look at some comments today and laugh at them together or maybe I can maybe maybe they are true we'll see so um one of the first comments that I got that I was that was like huh that's kind of that's kind of interesting um was uh you sound like a child actually some of you might know this from one of my first videos that I ever made before I was in real estate I've been doing it for about uh five years now I was actually a kindergarten teacher for about 10 years so that kind of high inflection going up and down is from my real my my teacher days I can't help it it just comes out naturally and I think I'm a naturally a very bubbly enthusiastic positive person um not all the time but most of the time um so I think it that was on one of the the salmon video where I was showing where I was showing you guys how lily did really good at the vet and I fed her um some salmon and I got that comment I'm like oh interesting do I well thank you I love to I I love to have the mind set up a child and you know it it makes it makes the world a better place so that was the first that was actually the first kind of a negative weird comment that I got and I said okay well you know what I'll take it next thing um uh what I got this comment on um the snow video that I did with Lily when she first had um we first had snow here in Southern California it's been like 30 years since they had snow here so the California as heavy as they did so I made this cool video where where it was it was her touching snow for the first time you know she's originally from Tijuana in Mexico and so she she's no she's never experienced snow before and I said oh my gosh I really want to get this on the camera like I want to see her expression I luckily I just bought a snow jacket for her um because we were going to up to Northern California where there was snow so I want to be prepared and I bought her these little snow buddy booties as well um so I was like oh this is perfect I already have it let's try them out so the comment was poor dog you're abusing her with all those clothes um the people in the ground Community are probably laughing but this comment was was interesting because Greyhounds have extremely thin thin skin almost no no fat at all and very very light light coat very very thin coat so the rule of thumb is when you have a greyhound is that if you are cold then your Greyhound is cold so in the Greyhound Community if you follow any other Greyhound accounts on YouTube or Instagram or wherever it is you'll see that they they have an abundance of coats different kind of coats color coats thick coats shoes booties um Greyhounds also have very extremely sensitive Paws when you first adopt them from the racetrack because all they've ever known to run on or to touch was the soft dirt so they they they tell you know to really break them in ease like very slowly on rock or anything else just very very be very gentle with it because when they first come they're going to have very sensitive Paws when they go from the racetrack to a home or to any other environment so when I saw that I said hey educate yourself so don't worry it's not abuse I promise uh Lily loves her coats whenever I take them out she's just so so excited I decided it starts jumping up and down she's so excited to try her clothes because she knows she's gonna be going somewhere and um she actually will sleep with them during the winter time too um when it gets really really cold we put a jacket on her or her little PJs on her because she does not keep a blanket on her and she gets very very cold during the winter so don't worry I promise you it's not abuse they love it and if you're looking for a good Greyhound um or long Dogo uh sweater I definitely definitely recommend haunties Hound tease is amazing they're based off out of Australia you can look them up town Hound teas online and we've got every I get emails from them and every time they come with a new with the new jacket I want it I'm like oh my gosh Lily she looks so cute in this especially since Lily is um has black fur she looks good in anything so those are the two first uh negative comments I ever got and the last one that I've gotten actually most recently and this this pertains to real estate and I think this is a really good note to leave off of because the real estate industry is changing especially in Southern California how a lot of is going online and I was talking about this with my husband um the other day um thinking about real estate and I believe and it's kind of it is a shame but at the same time I kind of feel like it's going this way I believe that in maybe 20 30 years time real estate agents will most likely be obsolete uh because so many things are moving online where they have these online systems you can buy homes sell homes all that I don't think that they should I think it will probably go that way and so this all leads into this comment that I got on one of my videos So and I've actually heard this in first of the person and amongst groups social groups too so tell me what you think about this question so or this comment um real estate agents are a scam why would I ever use a real estate agent when I can do it on my own and save the money so very extremely good question because before I was in real estate I didn't know anything about commission paying agents why are they here I mean I knew a little bit my dad had been has been in the real estate agent agency real estate industry for over 30 years so I know a little bit about and how they got paid but as I started going more and more in depth to it I started to see the the perspective of a seller and the perspective of a buyer like if I could save thousands of dollars on paying an agent why would I ever do it why why don't I just do it by myself why would I waste blew it out I will tell you honestly usually we make around between two to three percent commission off every deal so you do two to three percent of the whole total purchase price that could be a really good chunk of money right why would I ever waste my money on that well I'm gonna explain to you right now so let's first look at the selling perspective um if you're selling a home for example there's a lot of people who who decide you know I don't wanna I don't want to consult the real estate agent for selling my home I'm just going to list it on let's just say Zillow or Redfin or somewhere else some kind of online website where else it'll be a for sale by owner and what will happen is that I'll try and find the buyer on the other side and then we'll have escrow which is third party deal with any any contracts back and forth during the During the period um one thing that I would say that's really essential for a real estate agent is that even though you're going to be you're thinking you're saving a lot of money on the commission there is so much that a real estate agent will be able to negotiate for you and to be able to get you more than you could ever think of here's an example of a for sale by owner that we had contacted and we actually listed their home um before I go into that real estate agents I've heard this so many times again are scams they're scams I will tell you I have met real estate agents who all they focus on is the money all the primary focus on is getting the check getting the check getting a check their focus is not on helping the seller or helping the buyer they'll do what they can just to close the deal and that's it they're not trying their best to get the most for the seller or get the most for the buyer and those are the agents you want to stay away from you're going to have those type of people in any type of work industry you're going to be and you're gonna have people who are lazy who don't want to work who wanted the least amount possible get paid and go home that is not me well there's a lot of Agents out there who are not like that and I really was able to see that from my father and how much passion he puts into his work into his buyers and into his sellers that's not just about the check we realize how much a difference an agent can make in a buyer in a seller's life when they put their all into helping them and especially educating themselves having the right experience and the right negotiating skills so let me give you an example go back to the fsbo we call them fist bows for sale by owners those are the people who sell a home without an agent I hadn't we had we had spoken with them over the phone because I had a buyer who was interested in buying their house and um they had listed it for a certain price um I won't tell you the exact price let's just say it was six hundred thousand and they wanted six hundred thousand dollars for their home and my my buyer they were interested in it after they saw it they didn't really like the home so they wanted to move on to the next one but I had a pretty good good conversation with the seller and I said honestly you want to get 700 there's 600 000 for your home yes well did you know that that you could do this this and this and you can get even more money for your home did you know that once we start negotiating and going through the process you can probably get this amount for the home and so my worth on with the commission I'm able to get more than six hundred thousand dollars with my paying the commission and also get more on top of that so even though they're going to be paying let's just say two and a half percent to me for selling their house I'm able to get them even more on top of that so it is really worth it when you have an agent who knows how to Market who knows how to talk to buyers who knows how to really get the most amount of money out of the house and basically they be paying for themselves with the commission with the commission you'll be getting more than what you would pay by yourself would you be doing by yourself so hope that kind of makes sense um I can go into more of the specifics what I love about working with my family is we've really developed three amazing ways where you can sell your home you really want to have an agent who's be able to give you options in selling your home um that way you can make the best financial decision for you so in the long run whatever the money that you want to make from the sale of your home the commission that you pay to the agent will be worth it because you're going to be able to get more than what you thought you could than just by selling it by yourself and marketing online is so extremely important we're all like people now right we're all on our phones all the time we don't we go shopping on our phones for everything you need to be everywhere and have someone who has that skill and also to deal with the stress of it selling a home buying a home there's so much stress that goes behind go on behind it why would you want to be bogged down by all that stress let someone else handle it let someone else do it someone that you can trust to do that for you and your family so that's what I would say for sellers now in terms of buyers uh the comment was real stages are scam why would I ever use a real estate agent when I when I can do this on my own and save the money so I will answer that with this um story that I have for you from when I was sitting in the salon getting my hair done so I was sitting in my I was sitting getting my hair done my my salonist who is absolutely amazing she started cutting my hair and I was hearing behind me this was about a couple months ago um the the person who was cutting who was cutting another person's hair behind me she was telling me she was I was overhearing it and she said you know I just bought a home it wasn't a it's a it's an HOA which stands for Homeowner Association you know so I I bought it was a new build you know they never told me that um that I I couldn't I couldn't change the color of my door if I wanted to had to get permission um I didn't know that there was something called melloroos tax I didn't know that I had to pay up to two percent tax every year and she just kept going on and on about all these things that she felt like she wasn't really disclosed to and I just felt it was the more and more she went on and on and on she said and the the person sitting down said well did you have anyone to help you and she said no I just I walked into the sales office they told me sign here so I said here here all the documents and um this is the time your home was going to be ready you to to buy or to to move into um and they were closed like that in 30 days and so a real estate agent who knows her stuff who has the experience in negotiating skills would be able to point these things out to you before you even move into the home or even before you get into way too deep into escrow so after that I I walked up to her I said oh my gosh I I couldn't help but hearing but I'm so sorry I went through that if you have any any questions or anything that I can do to help or you know for your next home or I would love to really show you these things before you get into it here's my business card blah blah so that's what happened with that that's the only thing I could do in that situation which is already in the home but what happened with that situation is that um there's these there's these homes you can get they're called new builds so basically there's big communities that are all being built by a development and um you can walk in sign a contract buy a home they have the the sales reps who are actually real sages themselves and they they sell the home and they're fantastic agents they're amazing but um oftentimes it's it they they'll they'll they'll give you the contract and you'll have to read it and they won't point out some of the obvious things that are there and what I love to do especially if a really good buyer's agent is that they're going to look out for your best interest especially if you're a first time home buyer that person who I heard she was a first time home buyer she didn't know anything about taxes HOA melloroos nothing about that and so an agent who knows your situation they really get to know who you are they're going to lay the foundation tell you everything up front you know this is what you're gonna expect this is how it's going to be you know and you know what's great about it is that if you're buying a home you're not paying the commission the seller is paying for for the commission so whenever you're going out to buy a home you don't have to worry about that it comes out of the sellers the seller will pay me as a buyer's agent for helping you get into that home so the thing the the three things that I would say whenever you're looking for a buyer's agent is definitely have someone who's going to be able to have the experience and negotiating skills to be able to negotiate on your behalf because when you're going to buy the home there's repairs there's there's other for unforeseen costs there's uh inspection contingencies appraisal loan all these things you really need to have a buyer's agent who is going to look out for your best interests and get you a credit if needed or give you get things repaired before you go into before you move into the house you want to make sure the house is safe for you before you move in one other thing is you need to have someone who's going to have your best interest at heart look it out for you looking out for all of your needs really gonna be a hunter for you and that's the third thing Hunter for you to read to relieve the stress and the pressure of trying to find the perfect home for you and your family so um I still believe that real estate agents have such value value to today's industry because when you're able to find an agent who really cares about you really cares about your best interest you're going to get way more when you sell your house and you're gonna walk into a home with peace of mind knowing that you did everything you could to make sure everything is safe in that home before you move in especially taxes payment all of that so um yeah I still think those are my three those are the three um what do you think uh let me know if you disagree with anything that I said um I I love to have healthy debates and just talk about you know maybe maybe say Alexis that doesn't convince me you know um I still don't think that you're that that I need a real estate agent to buy or to sell um tell me why tell me I'd love to hear from your side um and yeah thank you so much for listening that's all I really that's all I really want to talk about I always like to have this kind of General discussion kind of see what you guys thoughts are if you have any other questions please let me know down below I'd love I'd love to hear any feedback I'll probably be uploading some more videos about Lily you guys seem to really really love those she's such a sweetheart have a wonderful day stay safe and we'll see in the next one bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Your Agent Alexis
Views: 147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BZdvWbHhqxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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