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at the tip of Borneo Saba is the beautiful coaster City kotakinabalu today we head out to Sutra Harbor a luxurious Community hosting hotel resorts and an exclusive Golf and Country Club built around a magnificent Marina looking out to the South China Sea there is a residential area sandwich between the Sea and the Lush Greenery and here we find a shy family man who had collected a delightful selection of tropical plants and put them together beautifully so in this episode we'll pick out great ideas on what plants to use when building our own tropical garden and Concepts in plant displays that is both pleasing to the eye and loved by the plants he is also a closet plant lover with the most amazing collection of anthuriums and bromeliads this is familiar chili con kind and it looks like it's been involved in a violent bloody murder scene in this video we will learn how he successfully propagated lots of anthuriums and a secret to preventing burn crispy leaves on our variegated plants and fun fact I was very taken by the appearance of this Leaf what's it called and then discovered that this plant is said to increase the female Health see for a libido or something yeah it's for lipido and libido now let's go living around [Music] so we're starting with the side yard and here we have your manicure tree so it looks like a smallish tree where then he could grow all these shade living plants underneath we are seeing here some bird nest Fern some Silla Janella and then there is a Plumb money I hear that sitting and it's a very good idea to ground up Plum on the eye because it is a creeping terrestrial type of philodendron there are some nice trees that has been planted first and it's also nicely managed for size so it doesn't get too large then there's all these other things are added on under the trees so you could see this I think it's a monstera Adon Sonia large form or something else that's climbing up then we've got the stack horn hanging down it's also well balanced and then this alocasia is right at the bottom I am guessing maybe they would enjoy a bit more light than what they have right now because they're looking a little Drew Pete I have the same problem at home I don't give my alakazia enough light and as a result they are not growing at their best I think these are Mommy and also a very good idea to have them on the ground because this is a territorial philodendrons okay oh yeah if you take a good look here you can see how well these are hugging the trees so if you do have trees at home remember that they they are your natural Moss pole and you should take advantage of them there is so many other roots and stuff that's climbing on it I wonder what other plants they are okay here we see again the skin dapses if you come over here there's a very good view of it I think this is something that's local belonging uh from Borneo and before we leave this section I just want to show you what's hidden down here we have the surface I think a really unique shape it's kind of like the Mercedes logo and then here we have the alocasia hetero Villa also known as the alocasia Corazon it seems to be leaving it on the ground underneath quite a bit of shade and then the other striking alocasia here is alakazia Saturn I also have this and this is really great contrast the leaf is practically black in color a really spectacular plant now let's Feast our eye on the anthurium Buffet here we have an extensive variation of anthurium Clary vernium and crystallineum this one catches my eye it's the dark form crystallineum and has the most spectacular contrast and down here we have this little one called the king clarifenum this chubby one here is the queen Clary vernum so now we have them right next to each other life is the King right is the Queen can you tell the difference the king is slightly elongated the sleeve here is most unusual round with overlapping ears and has these dark properties and very complicated veins this beauty here is the result of a cross between the crystallineum and the water quinum or the antherium queen so if you are ever curious what that looks like well I think yes it is quite predictable you get this great veins and also the lovely long shape from the queen are also curious about what happens when you cross a forget year and a crystal in them this is the hybrid that will result and and I think you could really see traits of the forget TI that round looked leaf and also the lovely veins that the crystallineum gives here he demonstrates how to pollinate by hand so first you find and inflow that is in the mail stage this is typically it's quite dry and then you could see this little fluffy white pollen on it and then you go find another inflow that has entered the female stage so how do you know when an inflorescence has entered the female stage well it has this sticky wet substance so you just yeah coat that with the same hand that you have collected the pollen from so in this pot here are the antherium seedlings and this is the size after six months so then what he does is he puts the seeds in a mix of second party as burnt rice husk and also perlite and then it is left under it is under some trees plus also The netting and here you could see a whole lot of other seedling things I'm surprised he didn't label that actually how can he remember which is which okay so this is an interesting size um you're starting to see its veins and this is after about one year so just to set your expectations here if you're growing from seeds it's not going to be a fast process you can get a lot of plants but it's gonna take a lot of patience before it grows into something that we have seen before and so our lead you now down to the pathway as you can see he's got plants growing on both sides so creating like a nice food path that's enveloping it keeping that cozy feeling in a large space so this is one idea that you can make a garden or cozy that you would have things growing to divide up the spaces so you don't see everything at once kind of give a sense of wonder as you walk along oh this nearly escaped me this is the variegated uh the Musa Florida banana and I'm actually very impressed because I don't see any burn bits usually there are bits that are burnt on the leaves so I have to ask what's the secret later let's say the droplets are so pretty so the secret I just found out is for not getting burnt leaves is that he planted them on the ground so he noticed that when they were they were in a pot it was much more susceptible to burn for some reason we're not sure why but then he planted it underground and now it's no longer burnt so you could try this too for your own variegated banana tree and now I find it very exciting what's down here this is a labicia and locally they even call it a patina what's it called Fatima so the local natives here they they would eat this for some health properties but I'm not very sure of but I will find out and let you know see foreign but you know I wouldn't want to eat my my beautiful plant if I had one okay let's explore what else is here this is a very healthy alakazia dragon scale doing very well under quite a lot of shape so yeah so it doesn't mind to have a good amount of shade and then as we walked further along there is the success mirabilis always a spectacular plant it is an aeroid that originates from the African continent so it is not native to Malaysia but yeah we can increasingly find them more and more available [Music] so that was on this side we just saw now we turn over here and I like how underneath each tree and he has maybe about five or six trees there is like its own little Wonderland and here what we have here is some gigantic breakfast fun for me I feel like this is a really good plant to also maybe fill up some huge spaces that you want to cover because it instantly just just fills out everything if you don't want to be buying a lot of plants and then here we have stuff hanging down fence and then more creeping um terrestrial kind of philodendrons at the bottom the one that really catch my eye here is this one because I actually have not seen this with my own eye I believe that this is the philodendron pelotatum I am not sure however if this is a species or a hybrid with some kind of Mame or plomani or parentage because it does have that kind of um texture and veining if you do know please drop a comment and let me know oh here something that's very exciting also is the dracenia cantalia I have not seen this very much in the nurseries for sale at all it is mostly not found and collector's home so this is a huge one and very exciting a new Leaf that's popping up here and there we come to this charming little spot here I just love it I have taken quite a number of pictures sitting here and I think it's the perfect Instagram spot and right here um this plant is the Algeria [Music] and this is coming from a place that's located in North sulawesi and actually it's just really really eye-catching the vase is incredible and I have to say of all the antherium that's here this one is the one that caught my eye the most okay now let's proceed to the back and see what other wow okay we should have some warning sign here okay this is huge very magnificent size this is the anthurium motor atum close enough or drop the right name here and let's see what else I think these are a lot of crystal in them this one I am told is a hybrid could you guess what it is give you a moment there so this is the hybrid of the puppy the puppy what's the full name I can't remember and then the other parent is the the dark Mama did I say that right oh God so I have my tutor right in front he corrected me this is the papillomunum ex birthday and what does the birthday look like the birthday looks like this so this is one of the parent so that was one pathway and this is another pathway right next to you and this is a great design because that it gives you the feeling of you're like you have to really walk around to explore the place so the large plants that's here when we plant we always think about the larger plants here and this year we have the the Bunga kantan and then here we have some maybe heliconia or or yeah I think these are heliconia and some calatia luthia this gives a very nice huge foliage and also there are some trees around and then you could then think about all these kind of middle level and ground cover this is where the interesting ones are so first up here we have a palm believe it is native to Sabah and it's got this nice molting look ah the ever famous monstera Thai constellation I have personally killed quite a lot so I'm really curious how he is planting them here let me take a peek inside okay so this is actually in the ground so really impressive I have only seen people kept it in pots not seen them on the ground before looking very happy too so you could consider planting yours in the ground if yours don't seem to be very happy enough pot what else do we have here okay so that's the alocasia what soniana at one stage late last year I think it was kind of over rage on Instagram so it was uh very pricey at the time I see that the pricing has come down a little so this is a good time to explore getting one if you have always wanted okay what else is around oh I want to show you uh this little cute little plant this is actually an orchid believe it or not it's called nervila and the leaves are are like yeah quite superb I'll see if I could find a bigger one I think I can see a bigger one that's here so beautiful so they kind of go into dormancy sometimes I find so mine has has disappeared and then come back up [Music] guard this is like bromelia Heaven this is such a happy space guys everything is just so bright and colorful so I actually have to confess I don't know very much about bromelits so that I had a really quick tutorial with the man of the garden and he has shared with me some names so I can share with you that and they have really strange names this one is called a private dancer quite an exotic piece and this one here is the sugar daddy the Sugar Daddy it's pink in color and then this one which looks like it's got splattering of blood this is the chili konkan I feel like it it's just survived has gone through some kind of a murder scene and I'm very close to it and I do want to bring this up to you okay is this other one and believe it or not these are not the same Vermilion this is called the Lorena could you tell what's the difference it's much much more red towards the edge compared to the chili con carne but otherwise they look kind of almost almost the same to me anyway a lot more familiar to get through and look at this guys isn't this so gorgeous what we have here is a lot of kind of like a tiger stripe kind of familiar and there are various types but the one that truly truly Stand Out is actually the little one that's here on the ground this one is called the tiger Rama I feel like this is the most beautiful one the colors are dark and intense I hate to say the other plants don't look as good but yeah this one looks very good told that this is this is pretty rare and only a few collectors in Malaysia has it so of course now I won't make it an aim in life to have one too we've come to a section where we have more of the ninja type of familiars and these are the ones that are looking more Compact and have like a rosette pattern I think this would be a great alternative to flowers in the garden because they look exactly like a flower it's a cute smallish one that's right here so as you can see I feel like they even look better than the rose and they certainly could last a lot longer for me this is like the perfect Vermillion it's green primarily but with red lining and then little red edges that's right at the tip is such a beautiful form it's I think I want to try and lift it up and show you it's practically oh it's very heavy so I can't lift it it's kind of a half half round so very cute and round type [Music] and here we've come through another section and what catch my eye here are are these ones they are not terribly colorful but I feel like the pattern is really intricate and gorgeous these I understand are the the freesia type and then there's actually three there's one here also known as the red chestnut for that particular color and then that's the Green version that's over there I think yeah it's kind of stands out in its own way in its own muted subtle way there is another bromellite here that catch my eye it's a tiny one a little strange I feel but it's really really kind of eye-catching because of its form and also the pattern is just I wonder what's the name and thankfully there's a label here it's a bill and it's another dimension I was right I said like this look kind of like like alien like and before we leave this lovely bromelia pergola I just share with you a few bromelia care tips from the owner so he has planted them all in 100 cocoa chip but as we know in our very kind of high humidity environment here in Malaysia that means you have to be careful on the watering side so he Waters it only about once every week and if he if it rains you know then he doesn't bother to water it at all and another care tip which I found very interesting is he said to never fertilize because what happens when he attempt to fertilize was the leaves became elongated so it lose that kind of the fullness it became like a scrawny Brazilian and so I find that as a very useful tip too to give them the conditions that they like which is ample sunlight so as you can see here this is a which is about 50 shade netting so filtered light for at least six to eight hours a day I think that is it for the bromeli care let me know how you care for your vermilions Oh but before we go practice self-care when working with families vermilions have thorns and so it could get really painful look at the scratches on his hands and these are the scratches on my hands when I was working with Romulus a few weeks ago so do use glass and wear a long sleeve Now we move on to another section there's another pergola to look at let's see what's in there this for Carla has a totally different vibe to it I feel like this is more dreamy and Whimsical maybe it's the stuff that's hanging around the Spanish moss and then oh okay this really catch my eye this this group of three pillows here there are incredibly incredibly healthy and first of all I like that he has three in a group I always advocate for when you think about designing your garden to have things that are an odd number so I'm very happy that it's like a trio of talanta here and here I think they're getting a healthy amount of light also under a shaded cloth so maybe like a 50 light all throughout the day and for airplanes it is essential that you give it very good ventilation and healthy amount of light for it to be in this condition now let's see what other goodies we have this is I think a veggie eye this one is interesting this is nearly like the Delta Forest um not quite but I think this is another that's attempting to be a Delta Force this one here is a hybrid this is a cross between Pepe laminum and Acer space can't wait to see what it grows up to be like and then we have the queen here that we all know so well Now we move on to some interesting hybrids that that really caught my eye could you guess now what is the hybrid of this I think its parrots are pretty pretty obvious so this has Vichy eye as well as forgetti eye and actually yeah I quite like this it's very very unique hope he could make some babies soon that I could get one of them we've seen largely words at our eye level and what's up there I like to draw attention to also what's on the ground because it looks so nice and healthy so he's got nice creepy philodendron sitting amidst the cellarginella I think that is the aquarism or pastas on them I'm not sure this is the SP Colombia and if you're wondering what are these beautiful Burns these are actually not ferns but these are celeginella and they grow very easily if you give them the right condition I have them and they're practically like weeds in my garden a very good ground cover to use he has also the philodendron luxurian and I'm checking out it is indeed grounded I think I would start to do the same for my garden so that they're not confined to their pots um what else oops okay I keep bumping into pots I'm just gonna sit down here now and then here we have the Silver Dragon oh looking very good also underground I feel like um although they're on the ground they are not like in store they're in chunky mix of Paris reporting from you pumice and pearlite and cocoa cocoa husk did I guess right okay great still very nice you know what I'm feeling really comfortable where I am now if you have enjoyed this episode do remember to Click Share And subscribe and then like the video because that's when YouTube knows that I've made a video thank you very much for watching and to my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Leafing Around
Views: 160,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2IX-q36ubBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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