Lawn Turned TROPICAL PARADISE Backyard — Ep. 349

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well down in Florida to speak at the International aoid Conference I visited Laura Robin's backyard lawn turned Tropical Paradise and tropical it was now full disclosure the humidity was constantly fogging up my lens for over an hour so you'll need to bear with the Ethereal blur now and again welcome to my garden grow [Music] Paradise [Music] so the garden was basically just grass and Three Oaks and I'm lucky that my husband shares my passion and I bring the plants and I ask him to dig them and that's a lot of hole digging a lot of whole digging [Music] the ponds are his idea and he keeps up the fish and the ponds so so this was all grass this was all grass yes how long did it take to kind ofate Masterpiece okay but it's been done in stages we were gone for one winter and I was worried about my C saki's Renda and we decided to make this Pond just to house it oh there we go the spirit of sancy right there and then my husband loves spiny Palms so we have a lot of uh horrific spiny Palms that uh I have to take the leaves and I end up with thorns everywhere that's bous in the back and aenis in the front you have your variegated Christmas Palm some of your croin and this is a metallic Palam yeah metallic these are great I really wish that these were a little better at growing indoors that one seats all the time this was a coconut that we found on the street and I just placed it there I didn't even plant it wow and in 9 years it's grown this big and you know sometimes I wonder if I'm going to get brain damaged when those things fall so absolutely wow yeah you have to be definitely careful when you're walking under this and then um this Billy we had a cold spell last December and all the variegated leaves fell out and now I'm getting some yellow mint ones so uh maybe I have a new hybrid who knows maybe who know I mean sometimes you know sometimes the variegation could go away completely depending on the condition so it's not green cuz I have a green one it's actually more yellow I think that the platic serums are very trendy right now too and uh we've had this one for a long time it's a hot uh my husband had the structure made for it but he might have uh made it a little too short we didn't realize it was going to get that big and then I have my Vanda uh flowering right now Pago dogs are h Rihanna right here that's growing well that's the first one that for me and this is OS moox and linaris it's quite mature so it's giant it's great look at the flowers starting too that's great it's beautiful yeah I first saw these at Marie knox's place right she spoke about them I also have an orange form in the front but it's still immature and um I know you had a whole episode about these yes so and that's a fidy palm Grand picarta picarta Pacific I believe and another one of my platic serums cor coronarium it's a cute little one yeah it's just starting out yeah and I love the fern very goods yeah and the globa with with the yellow flowers medilas I have two of these these have a special place in my heart because they were given to me by Steve Knox Marie's husband yeah so citos Sperma these St redder but I have some much some that are very mature in the Bog and they get really big and how does your husband like these cuz these are also spiny spiny Palms but yes it goes with the spiny yeah that's a Hydra steel that's beautiful too the old man I have a large form albow that is starting to grow there Monera I think what's wonderful is that some of the plants the the emotions that come because of who the they gave who they came from like Steve or Kookie who recently died also you know it's it's just it's wonderful there's a saying from a architect in Mexico that uh Garden should be a combination of poetry and mystery but bring you Joy and serenity and that's baragan and from Mexico and I think that's what this Garden does it just through Co it it was just my my sanity how do you keep up the Landscaping what's the most things that you need to do here is it cleaning off Dead Leaves actually I we wake up super early I come in and I oversee that the plants are in the correct place I pick up any leaves that have fallen and we just walk around and and that's just that's better than yoga sometimes my husband feeds the fish and then we go to do the rest of our day so you do have to do it early in the morning here in Florida because otherwise you you fry it gets really hot really quickly that's why we're out here in the morning and it's very humid out here as you can tell it's so humid yeah I think this is the one of the worst years this is beautiful too arenga hukana I believe cig grasses that came from our other house we when we moveed we try we tried to bring as many plants as we could so how do you how do you get something that big over it wasn't that big cuz we remember we've been here N9 years so you know and things grow like weeds here yeah so that's a circus peanuts a true circus peanuts yes everybody that's Millennial tells me to cut it and sell it I like to enjoy the big size of it and sure and this is a koala peltata these are beautiful I love Li koalas yeah and a a variegated jungle I believe fever I'm not sure jungle I've not kept up on all the Hybrids and cultivars and this is another Hydra steel it's beautiful and when it's not a th000 degrees we will have people over for dinner here it's just absolutely [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] morning you guys hungry they're such a powerful fish aren't they they seem so so muscular and Adept so hungry believe when they start jumping out and roing in the well my husband hands feeds them so so cute so much joy with the koi so my husband is really the fish and I'm the plant person so and this is my family of antheriums here I have magnificum rali I have uh crystallinum that's um Bill's silver he calls it pink lemonade cuz it comes out pink just the smogus board of all different antheriums there Tim Anderson block and I don't know if you saw the enum bird nest it's a little it's small give a time give it time I'm being sarcastic if it gets any bigger I think I'm going to have to cut it look at that's one that uh Steve gave us and there's um Steve Knox the other sort of Sperma back there yeah so the this one is more mature and it gets the black influence and then the last Espinosa was given to me by Steve also we used to go plant shopping with them when 35 years ago because my son is 30 and it I wasn't even pregnant and I remember Steve just hanging out and explaining all these scientific names to me and I would be like I don't know what you're saying but we we bought a lot of plants from them and it just I just have a special place in my heart for steveen Marie yeah so well they have definitely spread the joy of many plants and have grown many plants and and I'm lucky that they were in Miami so I have Bill from Silver Chrome and and Steve and all these wonderful people so the robalin were here before and the Oaks these guys yes okay uh we left them because they were uh you know hanging over and we thought that they would be cool and then the Oaks are the ones that the plat serums growing yeah the The Oaks are about 100 years old uh we had three one got struck with lightning over there and it's dead that's another PL serum and this was one of the first plants that I bought through Co I actually got it from Justin Schuman so who probably got it from enith I have the [Music] um this is a hybrid with gloriosum it's called glorious I believe glorious now do you prevent things from seeding in here and you try to keep the you know pathway clean or I'd imagine some things try to seed um well as you can see the macaranga which are ridiculous they seed and I have macaranga everywhere um I've been pulling them out for you but it it's a little crazy so here's another spiny Palm the verell pelia splendida as you can see my husband is in heaven with all of these mhm trying to keep them away somewhat away from the rock path we can cross here and um I my passion even goes inside so this is our shower oh that's [Music] fantastic [Music] my husband said I have way too many plants in here and I said well he is Tarson isn't he well this is fantastic that's a wonderful way to take a shower so um so like I said we've been doing it in certain stages so my last stage was clearing this uh you couldn't walk here before and clearing it and putting gravel steps and please watch out cuz the steps are super slippery this is uh Clair variegated exora and this is a hybrid CTO stakis it's nice it's like a peachier color yeah and it it doesn't need to be in the water because um it's not as Co C sensitive as the other one so here uh you can appreciate more oh yeah look at that oh there's actually an influence look oh yeah look it those are fabulous there's bigger ones up here they lose their red when they're that big and the lass Spinosa gets a curly influence that's just magnificent um I have my baby Nono banana which I hope will grow and not rot in this weather yeah you deal with a lot of humidity for sure and my Arya here's my white variegated banana but actually you're really lucky right now because I'm one of the few people that can grow uh sexy pink and it's starting to open right now and what is so uh specific about this plant I don't know of anybody that's been able to grow it in South Florida so is it because it's just not enough humidity or what what do you think I they just don't have success I'm not sure sure what it is but they they're not able to grow it oh I love these ferns these are actually great to grow indoors now I can't remember the name of them look draria draria Riga that's the name of the fern I couldn't think of it the orchid's starting to flower and this is a this is a green monstera but you know as variegation goes there's two Vari V variegated leaves and there's two green leaves so you never know um every every body oh loves this piece is this more like a xanadoo or what is I got it from Michael DeAndre and I asked him yesterday because I couldn't remember and we couldn't come out with what exactly it was so and then white princess and then you can usually go down there but it's so slippery right now that I wouldn't recommend it to see the antheriums this is beautiful is this like a it's an orange marmalade wow it these just remind me of ginormous Painted Ladies yeah yeah yeah yeah I think they're uh pointier I believe yes and just the leaves are much larger mhm but everything grows large in my garden because we water with the the the pond is an open system with the aquifer yeah and we water with the pond water so it's got the fish poop in it oh it's got great fish poop so everything gets the water from the fish poop natural fertilizer [Music] yeah [Music] I want to show you something I you know all the people that love their FAS uh La is that how you say it yeah Lada please don't plant it because that's what happens oh boy and uh when it's really happy it has figs and they come down like tennis balls so you could be standing here and be get you know just be blind by by one of those but uh there you go boys and girls that's what it grows up to if you live in Florida if you plant it in the soil in New York you're not going to see it next year and and that's where I put the the people that try to uh take my plants right in the coffin we found that found it in the street I I love to walk around in the neighborhood and uh sometimes we we find fabulous stuff this is a Jade Vine the trell is oh the strong aodin Vine mhm it's absolutely stunning when it flowers so and the heliconias are beautiful too and um we have this because we have a generator in Florida you have hurricanes so we made a wall to cover the generator I tried to make this a living wall with um aoid but the water situation here in Florida makes everything rust and rot so it I have I stopped putting water and just I put the Brads and I water them once in a while yeah bads the rip salce I mean I think that it makes sense you try something if doesn't really quite work then you don't necessarily try it again you you work with something else that's happier there yeah that's great it's a great way to screen like you said your generator that could be you know an eyes sore and then you turn it into a living wall I love this pathway though yeah definitely has some Whimsy was this all grass as well behind here it was just dirt oh wow well thank you this is such a Lely little tour well thank you for coming yeah this so I can share my passion and my garden and I hope everybody enjoys it hope you enjoyed the latest plant went on me tour now if you like what we produce consider liking subscribing tipping and hitting the notifications button so you know when the next episodes release and be sure to check out our online house plant courses and other offerings over at Homestead and be sure to check out our sister Channel over at flock fingerlakes we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 210,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, houseplant home tour, florida houseplant home tour, tropical plant tour, tropical plants, landscape design florida, tropical houseplants, houseplant overhaul, landscaping with tropical plants, Philodendron, Monstera, Aroids, Aroid addicts, rare plant tour, rare houseplant home tour, tropical paradise tour, Florida landscape, houseplant home tour FL
Id: _4HgCZ3tgwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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