Resistance Y-Wing Design (fan-made)

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so where are the y-wings in the resistance fleet we have x-wings and we have a wings but no y wings so just as I took it on myself to design a first order Thai bomber I decided I would make a next-generation Y wing for the resistance and this is what I came up with you'll see that the color scheme is inspired by the colours of the New Republic Navy as seen on the t85 X wings in Star Wars resistance overall I wanted a ship that wasn't just a sleeker or cooler version of the classic Y wing I wanted a ship with its own feel and possibly even filling a new role than its predecessor the first thing I did was go back to the original assembly-line Y wing design in the context of the timeline which means that we're looking at the Y wing as it appeared in the Clone Wars with all its hull plating intact the familiar white wings of the rebellion are the result of aftermarket modifications but I figured that a next-gen y-wing would follow in the footsteps of the original production version rather than the stripped-down version but I didn't want to completely robbed the Y wing of its iconic exposed equipment so i justified exposing just a little bit of machinery simply because the in-universe designers might have caved to pressure from mechanics and engineers who were used to performing maintenance on the retrofitted versions so I kept open some strategic bits of machinery ultimately it's a lot more than the original Clone Wars Y wing but a lot less than the rebellion era Y wing the next question was what sort of role that this Y wing would fill well that's obvious right the Y wing is a fighter bomber it's used to soften up bigger heavier targets that fighters are otherwise poorly equipped for however while the Y wing might have initially filled a critical role in combat it's clear that as early as the battle of yavin multi-role fighters like the x-wing were already beginning to upstage the Y wing which tactically contributed virtually nothing during the Battle of Yavin after all the target was initially to be hit with Y wings but it was X wings that took the shots and ultimately X wings that destroyed the target so to me it's completely conceivable that by the time the t70 x-wing was produced and indeed by the time the t 85 was produced there might be little role left for the Y wing to fill and since it appears to be a fact that the resistance has no y way I'm inclined to believe that the y-wing as we understand it is simply strategically obsolete by this point so my idea was to take the Y Wang concept in a slightly different direction to fill a different role and for inspiration I turned to the PBY Catalina which is an amphibious multi-purpose aircraft that saw widespread service in world war ii it was used notably in search and rescue roles as well as long-distance reconnaissance and carrying light cargo and small numbers of personnel the PBY was crewed by upwards of 10 men and had about turret to waist guns and even a tail gun I wasn't about to scale up the Y wing quite that much but I did make it a bit larger than its previous model and I introduced a full cabin in the cockpit module I imagine that the interior is pretty modular so it can be equipped for different missions but this particular configuration involves a two-seat cockpit jumper seats to bed modules and a galley an airlock separates the cabin from the upper Mandan turret and side hatches in a worst case scenario this cabin can hold 10 individuals the facilities afforded by this increased interior volume allow this y-wing to perform long distance multi-day missions away from the fleet it can give vital support to rescue pilots and it can carry sensitive cargo or personnel that need more protection in terms of armor and firepower than your average shuttle can provide oh I also introduced a belly turret which I imagine is remotely controlled by the astromech or other crew members I also considered a tail gun but I decided to put some extra thrusters in the rear of course that doesn't mean that some other variants of the ship wouldn't have such a feature this could easily be a hard point for a remote gun turret but overall this new y-wings role as a long-range search-and-rescue patrol bomber sort of ship rather than as a dedicated combat fighter could easily retcon its apparent absence from the resistance fleet the resistance might have one or two of these but ultimately wouldn't regularly employ them in combat alongside increasingly more multi-role fighters the way that past organizations had that's why I wings weren't employed against a Starkiller base or against the dread-nots since these y-wings simply filled a different role than their predecessors which had more than likely become all but obsolete by this point in history but what do you think do you have a different idea for the future of the y-wing design or does this sort of evolution seem sensible to you let me know as always as a thank you to those of you who support me on patreon this model is available to my patrons to view and to download on sketchfab you'll find a link to an exclusive post on my patreon page honestly you guys play an absolutely essential role in keeping this channel going and I can't thank you enough to the rest of you if you like my content and find it valuable in some way consider supporting the channel there's no better way to help ensure that I keep making the sort of content that you want to see and with that thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: EC Henry
Views: 256,792
Rating: 4.973166 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, resistance y-wing, y-wing
Id: 2g9YfO55n1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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