Residential Building Code Violations (Part 1)

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[Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel my name is ronaldo moore with ppg and if you're new to the channel please subscribe and hit that little notification bell so you will know when i drop these today's topic is all about the cold violations these are violations that i find day in day out going from job to job um yeah there are a lot so i decided to put together a co-violation series of our of videos that we'll talk about framing building final type code violations mechanical electrical plumbing all residential so if you're new to the channel please subscribe so you will know when i drop these so for all my building inspectors my home inspectors my contractors this one is for you watch listen and learn so let's get this thing started did i talk about today's topic today's topic today the one that you're about to watch i don't know if i if i said that said this or not but today the one that you're about to watch is about framing and building final type of violations that i see day in and day out so watch listen and learn hope you guys enjoy it hope you guys get something from it you guys got comments please hit me up down below we can we can chop it up go back and forth i don't i don't claim into everything um i know a little bit about a lot of stuff but i don't claim to know everything so we can chop it up go back and forth hope you guys enjoy this hope you guys stay safe have a great day this one is for my building inspectors and my framing contractors that deal with with engineered trust um these these are made in the factory and are delivered to the job site there are times when i come across broken trust a sign for me is when i see a 2x4 nailed right next to a trust or a cord um that's that's a red flag for me and sure enough this one is broken let me try to get up there and kind of zoom in on it and let you see where it's broken at but that's where it's broken right there and they tried to nail uh 2x4 next to it to to repair it um now for my building inspectors when you run across when you're doing a framing inspection always take a look up if you're if you're dealing with engineers trust because they tend to break them and they won't let you know and they'll like right here they'll try to just just repair it without letting anybody know from my building inspectors you need an engineered letter with an engineered drawing showing the correct way to to repair that trust and you need it repaired per that that drawing for my framing contractors always let let the gc know if there's a broken trust a lot of times they're they're delivered already broken you know i've i've witnessed trucks literally just slam them down on the street and you know just so they they could be already already broken when you you start to to install these these trust so always let this let gc know what's going on um and for building inspectors please always when you're you're doing a framing inspection take a look up at the at the trust make sure they're not broken um these trusts should come with a drawing a set of drawings showing where they are to be braced a lot of these these trusts need to be braced in certain areas those drawings should show what it should be braced and also [Music] check the gusset plates as well let me try to get you that's a that's a gusset plate right there let me zoom in on it that's a gusset plate right there check those as well if those are missing are bent those need a engineer's letter as well and they need to be repaired correctly so without another quick one that i catch a lot or i find a lot i feel a lot of framing inspections because of this when dealing with four ply lvls they cannot be nailed together they have to be bolted together half an inch bolts net and washer are a long screw and they have to be staggered these are nailed together so um and this is a four-ply lvl setup here um they have to either bolt it or screwed and they have to be staggered and the weight has to be transferred down to the slab so we got four ply lvl we got four studs and that weight is being transferred down to the slab all right we're back again back in with another quick video this one is for my contractors i'm here doing a framing inspection residential um got a quick quick tip for my contractors let me get this camera down um this particular house they framed up using the engineer trust you can see these one of the things that you never want to do is and let me get up here is nail these these truss to the to the interior wall interior top plate of a wall and this one is nailed um they're all nailed to the interior top plate wall of a house you never want to do that because these trusts they have to expand and contract during temperature changes you know throughout the year so you never want to do that simpson makes a nice little nice little slide i guess kind of a piece of equipment that that you can nail to the side of the trust and it's like an angle slide brace bracket type of piece of equipment that it allows it to slide back and forth expand contract you nail it to the side i'm sorry to the top plate and you attach it to the trust and it allows it to slide back and forth allows it to to expand and contract we are back uh we got a couple of framing framing violations a couple issues uh the first one is a we have a triple i think that's a two by maybe two by eight triple here um and it's catching that load at that at that hit point you got a brace coming down and it's catching that low point with that that triple two by eight i'm sure um i think two by eight but as a triple it's going to cross a top plate um so we have one joyce coming across we then we got three coming back the other way and those are both low points so we we're coming down to a double double stud double two by four stud that probably should be three to four maybe four instead of two i'll see a lot of that also uh and we're on the top level of a house new construction that wall adjacent to that attic area if you can see there that's the attic area of the garage then we have a wall that's adjacent to that that wall should be two by six stud wall instead of a two by four to accommodate a r18 r19 insulation back with some more framing code violations uh this is this is one i see a whole lot let's talk seal plate or bottom plate and anchor bolts where anchor bolts or straps are required anchor bolts are required 12 inches within 12 inches of the end of a seal plate our bottom plate like this particular situation here we we have strap the strap there but within 12 inches of the end of that seal plate our bottom plate we need we need a bolt in every six feet thereafter um he didn't do it there uh this is a door uh i don't know if you can see that but we don't have that's the beginning of the the bottom plate we need one right in that area definitely one within 12 inches of the start of that one and this is it's like that throughout this this framing inspection here that i'm doing um definitely right there we have a strap on one side but the beginning of a seal plate we need within 12 inches we need anchor bolt all right we're back again with with more code violations uh we're talking about framing i'm talking about framing today um and what you're what you are looking at is a low bearing wall this is a three-story uh house brand new and that is a low bearing wall all low-bearing walls must be bolted to the slabs bolted on low-bearing walls i see this every day day in day out now the exterior walls which are load bearing they are bolted um you know 12 inches within 12 inches of the end of a sill plate in every six feet but a lot of times they forget about the interior low bearing walls those must be secured as well back i'm back in with some more violations i know i stated earlier at the beginning of this this video that that i would try to keep most of my violations residential but i had to make a stop at a commercial spot and i kind of ran across this one um has to do with framing uh it looks like the plumber ran his drainage ran his drainage line through the studs and maybe had a change maybe the owner changed it and looked like he removed them left these huge huge holes in the in the stud you know kind of hit me up down in the comments and let me know how you you guys handle handling this type situation where you are uh down here in georgia we basically double up on on studs like that uh especially if it's a low bearing wall um if the drainage line was was still there we'd probably i would suggest they add a stud shoe around that around that stud if you guys aren't familiar with stud shoes just just go online and google but um let's see and there is and this is a commercial little plaza little strip plaza that they're renovating it's another another framing issue i see a lot of on commercial and residential when you're framing out a chase that they did as well when they framed around that that post you have to you have to seal the top of that that chase i hope you can see that i know the the lighting is probably not that good but there's a they framed around that post they create a chase you have to seal the seal on top of that that chase and here's a another one as well all right we're back back again with some more quote violations i am doing a building final residential and today's violation let's let's talk about handrails handrail height must be between 34 or 38 from the from the nose of that that tread up to the handrail between 34 and 38 the non-circular perimeter of a handrail can only be well should be between four and six and a quarter so that means this distance this distance this distance the perimeter around this non-circular handrail the max is six and one quarter and it's it's well over that and also the handrail must terminate back in to the wall um and we also need inch and a half uh clearance here we're we're fine here with the inch and a half but it should terminate back into the wall and the perimeter of this non-circular handrail can't go over 6 and one-quarter inches i i see this one a lot more than i should um the stair risers max height on the sterilizer is seven and three quarter that's it that top one is clearly higher than seven and three quarter and you can't be over three-eighths of an inch difference between heights of risers between the riser height for that whole stairway so max height seven three-quarter can't have more than three-eighths difference for that whole stair stairway there for each riser a lot all the time actually code says anything over four risers four more risers require a graspable handrail and that is clearly more than four risers back again with with more violations the one that we are dealing with today is the and this is the bedroom and you see those those french doors leading into a a bathroom and i'll go open one up for you to take that's your bathroom there shower water closet dual vanities the issue that i'm having today is the the glass that that's in those those french doors and any glass on the door must be tempered and the way that you find out is it should be etched in the corner cold so it should be etched in a corner that it that it is tempered um and that glass this glass is kind of frosted so and i didn't see any etching um but i'll contact the manufacturer i'll i'll attempt to but cole says it should be etched in the corners one for you today this is one that i don't see too often i'm down in a crawl space new residence house just built crawl space there's a fuel fired appliance if you can see it i'll move up on it it's a high efficiency unit gas and the issue is 2018 code and i'm not sure that the section but a few fired appliances down the crawl space that the ceiling area of the crawl space must be drywalled because of the fuel-fired appliance down the crawl space i think it's a it's a fire protection issue and this is the and there are a few a few exceptions along with that but i haven't come across this is my first time coming across this one [Music] you
Channel: PPG
Views: 77,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: code violations, code violations list, residential code violations, building codes 101, building codes explained, 2018 irc chapter 3, 2018 irc deck railing code, building code analysis, building code inspector, building codes and standards, building codes real estate, residential construction, residential construction 101, residential code, international residential code, international residential code 2018, residential building codes
Id: dVj9hSAoQQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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